Chapter 7- the distance closes
My grandmother had always told me one thing about time.
That it was one of the most complex things in existence, slipping through fingers like sand some moments and clinging onto you like tar- heavy and viscous at others.
And right now, I could tell she was right. Time slipped through my fingers like sand. Not knowing that one day, one eagerly and excitedly put together plan to introduce my friends to my hyungs would snowball like this.
That it would lead to this. Boxes packed up and waiting, the clean smell of air fresheners taking over the mingled scent of our clutter that had marked this as our home, as our territory- tickling my nose and making it scrunch, dipping my head low to take deep grounding sniffs of the scarf Yoongi hyung had wound around my neck, as he'd helped both me and Hobi hyung get ready, tail swaying with a slow intense manner, almost hypnotic in its movement, ears perked up and body buzzing with alertness, unlike his usually sweet sleepy manner that he trudged around our house in.
Time could change everything in an instant. And it had that fateful, blessed day when three different groups of hybrids had banded over filled stomachs and relaxed, comforting pheromones seeping into the air, the ice melting easily between us and conversation and understanding flowing as if it had always existed, as if such a tether, a link had already connected us, was only waiting to snap into place, to flare up and alert us to its presence.
And it had.
I could see it in the small interactions that held so much meaning in them.
Saw it from the first instance when Hobi hyung had jolted to his feet, tail swaying quickly and ears perked up, twisting in excitement as he separated himself from the tables, stepped out free from them to eagerly make a beeline for the majestically beautiful black swan hybrid that Seokjin hyung was, his black wings lightly fluttering and shaking with excitement as he allowed Hobi hyung to gently nuzzle into his embrace, a brief light scenting amongst friends.
I'd never known Hobi hyung had known him, that they'd gone to the same university, the relationship of senior and junior but also of friends made because of some shared modules. And it wasn't hard to spot the ease that settled with their friendliness, with the way Seokjin hyung seemed to take immediate likings to the hyungs, all of which who were younger than him. Even Yoongi hyung had accepted the proffered food that Seokjin hyung gave from his own plate to others- and I knew just how wary he was around new groups, and just how much affection I'd smothered him in to get him to agree.
I had seen new connections form and strengthen, saw how Yoongi hyung had perked up when Jimin had walked in, gaze fixed on the tall imposing wolf hybrid who'd entered, and there had been a soft smile playing at his lips- the wolf hybrid who Jimin had introduced as Namjoon hyung had greeted us with the sweetest dimpled grin, that had turned bashfully shy and endearing when he'd spotted Yoongi hyung and shyly plopped down next to him. There was a story there, I knew it.
And it seemed like maybe there was some sort of force, invisible and unknown, that pushed us together which had allowed us to grow comfortable, grow closer.
And time had melted away, a cascade of moments, of memories, of bonds being formed, as we'd grown closer- found ourselves connecting on a level beyond anything any of us had dared to dream, dared to envision.
Before we'd met each other, we'd found solace and comfort in others similar to us, figures who soothed and satiated our animal biology as well, and yet it didn't matter that we were all different, that we all had different instinctual needs- because we shared one thing in common.
We shared the desire to form a pack.
So endless spontaneous visits, planned days out and the occasional introduction of visiting each other had led to this.
Had led to the seven of us to sit down and voice our deepest desires.
Our desire to form a pack. A desire to belong. To call each other our own.
I still remembered the awfully sweet shy way Namjoon hyung had proposed that we didn't need to extend our dynamic into something more than familial if we didn't want to, that if there were bonds we shared with others it wasn't necessary to feel inclined to extend that to the others.
But his words had come tinged with an underlying, barely present scent of longing.
Of wanting to share everything together, of forming a new dynamic that all of us fit into.
And yet no one dared push that boundary first. Respected it, tiptoed around it. That whilst the urge to scent when we hugged grew stronger, faces didn't lower to nuzzle into the skin of throats or collars. Whilst tails swayed with happiness as we got closer, they didn't dare brush against one another's.
And that though there were lingering glances of wistfulness, of figures pausing to take in natural displays of affection, that mouths didn't voice the longing that was deeply-rooted, instinctively pulled out once a new dynamic began to form.
But we'd get there. I knew it.
And when that time came, I would be able to enjoy casual tactile touches and scenting with all my packmates in the same likeliness and freedom that I could drape myself over Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung with. That the instincts to rush around chasing one of them, or finding myself tackled and pinned in a play fight could come accompanied with light pecks would all be fulfilled, that one day I'd find that every instinct of mine had been thoroughly satiated by my pack.
And knowing that from this day forth I'd be living somewhere else, somewhere new was daunting- was about establishing territory, and safe space and a home all over again.
But it was exciting and thrilling because it meant that the family of three that we had been would grow and expand to make seven. And that together we'd mark that space as ours, that soon it would be filled with our scents combined- to create a distinctive scent that screamed family.
Because in these two months I'd found companionship and friendship and a place to belong other than home. I'd found myself tugged towards the others, found that my instincts nudged me closer- whispered for me to cuddle and scent, to be near them and found myself delighted with more hyungs and finally a younger one of my own to dote on, to shower those protective instincts on.
I'd found a puzzle piece slotting into place, found that with the new pack I found my instincts being thoroughly satiated in a way I hadn't known I'd needed. Didn't know how thoroughly satisfying it was to have a person to look out for, to care for and how much those deep rumbling sounds bubbled past my lips when I thought of the hyungs fussing.
It made me crave the idea, relish it and want to roll around happily in the scent that would one day become our shared one. One that would identify all of us as pack.
"Baby don't worry. Your fussing means that your poor nose and tail won't stop twitching." Jin hyung murmurs as he stills me from packing away the blankets and pillows and sheets that smelt so irrevocably comfortingly of home, of us. I had already packed and unpacked them several times, frustrated with the way they fit, or at time at the way they didn't remain nicely folded- determined to make them perfectly arranged- easy to have access to when we moved.
I reluctantly part from the blanket I'd been squeezing to my chest, breathing deep lungfuls of our scent and allowing hyung to gently extract it from my grip to put it down, turning me towards him- eyes dark and soft as they examine me, as they peer past my defences.
He sighs, drawing me into his chest, winding his arms around me and holding me close.
I nestle into his chest, feeling myself settle slightly as his hand lightly scratches at the base of my ears, drooping with contentment and the fuzzy haze of warmth that always came with being close to him, with being petted by hyung.
"It's a new beginning but we're doing it together, our lives are still the same, just our family has expanded." He says, setting his head down to rest on my shoulder, sighing.
"I'm scared too. I'm scared how I'll fit into a dynamic where I'm the only bird hybrid, where I don't fit in the biological hierarchy rank either. It's scary." He confesses, murmuring into the privacy of each other's arms, moving close towards me.
My heart beats rapidly, accelerating and squeezing and clenching in sympathy.
"You'll fit in because you're you hyung. And you always said our hybrid species don't define us. You're my bold, happy-go-lucky hyung and I know the others love your personality, love how you put the predator hybrid hyungs at ease too. Even if they don't say it out aloud." I tell him.
Because he shouldn't have to feel uncertain and insecure when I could see just the very opposite- could see how he'd slot into the dynamics with far more ease. Because he didn't feel the others posed a threat because of other factors, because even as a black swan hybrid- he was strong and powerful and majestic in his own right. In a way that meant he didn't stiffen or tense up at all when he was around them. I wish I had that sort of strength.
And even if he didn't notice it, even if he didn't realise it. I did. I saw the way Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyung had been eager for his approval from their first interaction with him, even as he'd moved away to make the food to package up- both of their eyes had flickered constantly to him, their tails swaying happily and ears perked up when he addressed them with kindness, when he immediately accepted them. I'd seen it in the way Hoseok hyung had rushed to greet his university sunbae and had been unable to hold back in his eager greeting, the beginning of a deep purr at being around Jin hyung, eyes bright and ears twisting as he leaned back, excitement apparent on his face, tail swaying happily behind him.
And Namjoon hyung, a tall intimidating wolf hybrid- something that both was incredibly fascinating and yet scary, had unable to hold back the cute dimpled smile when Jin hyung had praised him for being such an inspiring figure, a figure of authority who took his role well- there was no disguising the quick flurrying motion of his tail wagging, almost knocking off Jin hyung's vase off the table, rescued by Yoongi hyung's quick instincts- hands darting out to steady it.
It felt foreign and weird and new to see the others visiting, to see them so comfortable, so relaxed in our home after a few visits, an increasingly common sight to find one of them popping over to join us for breakfast, or coming by the bakery and seeing their warm smiles directed towards me, voice soft and low with fondness and treating me just as Jin hyung did.
It was with the new pack dynamic forming that I realised that I had become the official youngest, the doted-on figure that my new predator hyungs liked both indulging and protecting- and it made my bunny instincts feel comforted when their strong scents didn't spike on registering me as a prey, but as one of their own to protect and look after. It would take time to get used to not jolting and startling everytime their scents curled into the air and filled my nose, and to not flinch when they approached a tad bit closer than usual. It hurt seeing them pause and retreat with a soft smile, moving back a bit to let me settle, because I wanted to know what their hugs felt like, but hadn't become brave enough to ask for one.
"Will I have to suppress my instincts? Suppress the way I've always behaved at home?" I ask once my nose twitches with happiness, scrunching as I take in the softened subtle scent of Jin hyung once more, fingers gently brushing across the edge of his wings in a light caress.
His wings instinctively shake, he huffs as he wriggles away from the touch that seems to tease him, arms tightening with warning.
"Stop that bun. Both the teasing and those worried thoughts. You will not have to change who you are. You will not need to hide any part of you. I wouldn't ever agree to join a pack that ever asks not only you but of anyone to deny their instinctual needs." He says firmly and there's resolve and strength in his eyes as he conveys those words, makes sure they sink in.
I nod.
And almost instantaneously once the heaviness of the room dissolves, its because he decides to tackle me to the ground, hands breaking my fall and pinning me onto the carpet.
His eyes glitter as he peers down at me, wings flapping lightly as he leans in.
"Now bun, does my baby need a little settling before we leave?" he coos, voice low and laced with sensual teasing promise.
He laughs when I nod eagerly, ears flopping and moving with the force of my movements.
His thighs pin me further and at the moment the urge to buck my hips into his, to tease back and rile him up is tempting. But when he grazes the curve of my jaw with his lips, trailing down to scrape his teeth against my throat I shudder, body becoming pliant and loose under his touch.
"Hyung please..." I breathe, reaching out to tug him further onto me, into me, relaxing into the carpet when I feel his weight effectively pin me there.
His wings flutter and settle as a dark cocooning embrace around the two of us, shutting out the world so only the two of us exist in this moment.
"Please what baby?" he asks, hands gentle as they skim across my face and begin to lower down.
"Please I need you." I say, gasping when he begins to suck a mark into my neck.
"With pleasure baby, what other way to settle my energetic love?" he murmurs, and then his hands and mouth become occupied, driving me to the brink of blinding pleasure, pushing every concern, every worry from mind. Filling it only with him.
"Ready to go Kookie?" Jin hyung asks, having finally finished taking all the packed boxes and suitcases to the rental we'd had to hire- too much stuff needing to be transported to fit into our car.
I take a final sweeping look to the now barren and stripped apartment, the small individual touches that had made it home peeled away to leave behind a clean apartment, cleansed of our touch, of us, of our scent.
It's bittersweet.
To leave something that was so safe, so intrinsically familiar to start something new, something that had seeded as new hope and friendliness and sprouted into a tiny sapling of something more, of pack.
Two months back I hadn't any idea that accepting Jimin hyung and Taehyung hyung's offer for lunch would've led to this. That in these two months I'd have found out more, that for all that hybrids were considered equal to humans, there was still discrimination that run under the surface, that evaded public eye whether that be in terms of living conditions or the way people glanced at us when we'd gone out as a group.
It had been in these two months that I found myself enlightened on the divide between the two, that sometimes became not so invisible and was glaringly apparent in the way that people shied away from Jimin hyung and Namjoon hyung- despite them being respectable figures of authority, that people still gave mistrusting glances when they ever stepped to intervene in a social disturbance.
Had learnt about the way that despite the clutter trio- they had faced harshness from their neighbours, having struggled at the beginning to settle down and find a flat that would be perfect. Learnt how they'd struggled with feeling unwelcome and on edge even in their own home because when they'd leave- they'd be treated to mistrusting glares and harshly hissed comments; the hostility of the majorly human-occupied neighbourhood boring down on their shoulders.
It was almost as if life was simultaneously teaching us about its difficulties whilst opening up doors for us. That difficulties could lead to such a positive solution- of uniting as a pack and moving in together, of becoming each other's support system. And though Jin hyung and I had lived in a fairly quiet neighbourhood, the offer to live with them- to be close to them had become that silent offer of being together as pack.
An offer that I couldn't deny. Even with the slight twinge of panic when we'd arrived at the apartment complex, looming overhead.
I could do this.
I took a deep breath.
We could do this.
(Y/N) POV:
Two months and Min-Jun was improving day by day. Was learning to reconnect with his once suppressed instincts and was learning to become more confident and assured of himself and who he was. And as I watched him even now, clutching a reading book and proudly pointing to the items he identified I couldn't help but see the ghost of his past, the same baby bear who'd sobbed with tears running down his cheeks when he could recognise items but couldn't differentiate them beyond good or bad- something that the traffickers had engrained into him, to distinguish between reward and punishment. I couldn't help but see how far he'd come but also at the same time how much he'd also gone through.
And within these two months he'd shied away from Hobi far more than he'd accepted his closeness- he couldn't help the full body flinches whenever the caracal hybrid came close- whimpering when he'd peer at Hobi's eyes and be scared by the recognition of a predator.
Though Hobi had proved time and time again in the two months that he wasn't the typical predator hybrid, he was fun, exuberant, full of laughter and possessed a gentle loving touch that he never held back on- so eager to dote on Min-Jun and the other hybrids, helping in whatever way that he could.
I still remembered how he'd paused and given me the most dazzling smile when instead of Hoseok, Hobi had slipped past my lips, the case folders he'd been carrying slipping from his hands, all his meticulously arranged paperwork that I had given the green light to tumbling to the ground.
And for how proud and eager he'd been to show me his hard work, he hadn't spared them a glance as he rushed over, tail swishing happily and ears curling on his head, eyes bright and shining.
"You called me Hobi! That means no takebacks! And does that mean I'm a friend now too?" he had chirped, a deep happy purr emanating from deep in his chest and I hadn't missed the happy sway of his tail once I'd nodded to his eagerly put question whether that meant he was allow to hug me.
It had been an entirely new experience.
To be hugged by a predator who was strong and firm and his embrace had encased me, surrounded me with a feeling of both safety and danger. Safety because my rationality remained triumphant and commented on how safe he felt, on how soothing his scent was in all its strength. And danger because I hadn't been unable to stop the unconscious rising of my tail, legs jittery and restless as I'd hugged back- fighting the conscious urge to bolt.
But maybe that too with time would lessen.
Because with time Hobi had opened up about his clutter, happily chattering away about his tiger dongsaeng and panther hyung, and with these two months I'd noticed that his happy chattering had expanded to include mentions of other names, of people who had become new packmates.
And I was happy for him, to see him look so lit up as he'd mentioned them, a steady stream of conversation as we'd gone around the centre to check up on the other hybrid children, only falling silent once I'd approach the children, falling into a professional observing mode, eyes sharp and focused.
He had no difficulty in keeping friendliness as we worked, commenting on several occasions that the quicker I got used to him, the more I'd find myself having fun and feeling comfortable around him.
And he had been right.
Slowly but steadily we were getting there, moving to that point of comfortability where he didn't remain solely as a co-worker and intern. But also as someone I'd begun to enjoy spending time with and being in his company.
He always brought a fresh pair of eyes to cases. To ways of cheering up the children. And didn't hesitate in being their source of entertainment either.
But these two months had also been an active constant burden on my mind. Constantly feeling the need to be near Min-Jun, to get regular updates on days I wasn't working- feeling antsy and restless at the thought of him rejecting one of the other carers. Feeling worried and panicky at the thought of the ever-present danger and threat that still hovered over him as days melted into weeks and the weeks stretched into months and the case was still unsolved.
Because it meant that the traffickers were ruthlessly intelligent, knew how to cover tracks and though I perked up everytime one of the two officers called or dropped by to check on Min-Jun, I always wilted and felt the burden on my heart and shoulders grow significantly heavier.
It seemed that for all those instincts I kept locked away, kept the impulses pushed down with daily suppressants, they tried to push past the surface, push through that barrier when it came to being Min-Jun's main caregiver.
And Eunwoo and Moonbin had noticed too. Noticed it in the way that on my days off when I couldn't actively care for him, it seemed to dispel itself through fussing around the state of our apartment, at making sure the two of them were eating well and making sure everything was in neat familiar order.
And though they teased and poked fun, they were more than happy to receive all of those outlets of the emotional burden through being thoroughly cuddled and scented, tugging me into their arms to share blankets and snuggle together.
And when Hobi texted to say he was taking the next three days off as officially approved leave to settle with his new pack I couldn't help but smile at the teasing tone- pointing out that he was maintaining professionalism and not abandoning me.
But even so work was work.
And Min Jun would be successfully completing six weeks of counter conditioning therapy, and if all of the results from his recent health examinations and behavioural assessments came back positive, then we could engage with the notion of slowly easing him into an environment where he could interact with the others.
He had been deprived of maternal attachment but also of the chance to be social, of form new bonds.
And so every day mattered, every bit of help mattered.
And I found myself waiting with bated breath as Dr. Kang, a sweet natured old bear gentleman interacted with Min-Jun, internally sighing with relief when he happily moved closer and didn't shy from him, watching as his response to all sorts of stimuli was recorded, the senior figure smiling with pride and satisfaction when Min-Jun could label foods, could say what activities he'd been upto and then the moment of anticipation and of painful revelation approached.
Dr. Kang shot me a meaningful look with his eyes, a small subtle communication between eyes as his eyes flickered to the young boy, who was reading and pointing happily to the objects in the picture book.
"The boy...smil-ed. He was happy." Min-Jun carefully pronounces, eyes flicking up to seek for approval, immediately turning to face me with a hopeful expression- having formed a solid deep attachment with me in these past months. I watch as his wide eyes look at me, barely restrained hope in his wriggling figure.
"Well done baby! You've been..." I pause finding the phrase stuck in my throat, flashes of the horrifying memory playing in my mind of his initial response to it.
I couldn't bear it, couldn't prepare myself for what would happen if he reacted like that again, if he positioned himself into a submitting position.
Dr. Kang nods behind Min-Jun, a firm encouraging nod to go on.
Because if it came from the same species hybrid doctor, then it was likely he could respond in that likeliness.
It had to be me.
I find the words sticking to my mouth, heavy and cloying and nauseating.
But it had to be done.
And as I opened my mouth, I found my heartbeat speeding up, mind screaming and pleading that it wouldn't happen again.
"You''ve been such a...good boy." I mutter, eyes clenching shut instinctively, not wanting to see the same position, to see him offer himself up for breeding, feeling nausea well up in my throat, biting back the urge to scream and be sick.
"...The best boy Min-Jun!" Dr. Kang's deep reassuring voice echoes, full of pride and warmth- akin to a paternal figure.
And my eyes fly open, seeing the way Min-Jun preens under the compliment, cheeks pinkening with the praise, eyes fixed on me. Waiting for my approval. For my reaction.
I don't care for the hot tears that slide down my cheeks without warning, or the pained whimper that comes out of my mouth, hand clamping down to muffle the distressed and overjoyed sound.
"Oh my sweet boy. I'm so, so proud. You're the best boy Min-Junie." I say, legs folding under me, hands outstretched for him and letting out a hiccupping laugh when he barrels forward, no longer unhesitant in seeking out comfort, in wrapping himself close.
I can't help the small nuzzle against his temple as I place a kiss there, instincts soothed by the way he isn't as dangerously frail and thin too, the supplements had helped bring the lost weight back and the Min Jun who nuzzles his cheek against my neck is one who's cheeks are rounded and soft- the cheeks that flush pink and are a healthy indication of a nurtured child.
He's come so, so far. And whilst there's still a journey to go- the difference made stuns me.
Dr. Kang smiles as he approaches.
"Well done (Y/N) my dear. Another life improved. The centre is blessed to have you as a staff member." He says with a fatherly squeeze to my shoulder as he peers at the two of us over the frame of his glasses.
"Thank you doctor. I'm just happy. So, so happy." I mumble, smiling when my voice wavers, hand swiping at the tears.
He smiles.
And then his face expresses a moment of realisation, as if something he was going to forget.
"I've prescribed Min-Jun with some nutritional supplements- just to make sure he's getting his daily requirement of vitamins in a balanced manner. And that reminds're suppressants are ready to be collected. It's the usual monthly dosage the centre allocates the staff." He informs me.
I nod.
Filing away the information as I stand up, drawing Min-Jun up with me and smiling with fondness when he asks to be let down, happily clutching my hand instead, and peering up at me with trust.
And as we leave the room, walking out of the clinic, we make the journey back to the hybrid centre, stopping the car near the centre's preferred pharmacy.
I take a quick careful examination of the pharmacy from the car window, deciding to head in with Min-Jun when I see its empty.
It's best to not have him overwhelmed and with his hand encased in mine walk in to pick them up.
The assistant behind the counter smiles in greeting.
"Unnie your suppressants have arrived. I'll just grab them...and the sweet cub's vitamins?" she says, eyes drifting from me to the sweet boy who peers at her from behind my leg, clutching at me.
I nod.
Min-Jun's eyes wander around the pharmacy with interest, managing a shy wave once we're leaving and walking back, the delighted squeal of the sweet girl who works part-time cooing at our retreating figure.
"Come on cub let's get you home." I murmur, lifting him up to securely fix the child seat and safely bring the belt across his tummy.
He giggles when I give a poke.
I smile at the endearing sound, hands carding through his soft hair.
"Home." He echoes, clapping his hands with a delighted expression.
Home. Something he proudly and happily claimed the centre to have become and it never failed to soothe and amaze me just how much of an internalised shift it was for him to finally have a place to associate with safeness.
And that by home, he majorly referred to my office. To the nest he liked making with mounds of pillows and blankets bursting through at random moments to surprise me.
Home was something he'd finally recognised as a safe space.
I smile at him across the driver seat.
"Home it is baby bear." I say, lightly pinching his cheek.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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