Chapter 66- chasing highs
I watch as Jangmi leaves and by turn how something worried and relieved simultaneously flickers in Amina's eyes. Watching her panda leave from her blanket swaddle with KitKat tucked close, ears drooping miserably when the source of honey vanishes from sight, the door closing behind her.
Hear the quiet, discontent chirp that slips past her lips and the droop of her body hunching in on itself.
"Something's wrong with Jangmi isn't it? Something you're not telling me." Voice exhausted and fretting, eyes sharp and flickering from me to Eunwoo. Binnie had stepped out a while ago to get Amina some things, to run to get things so her room here wouldn't be bereft of comfort. A squirrel on a mission, bushy-tailed and fretting, folding her into his arms for a hug and thorough scents before he'd slowly withdrawn, eyes losing some of their worry because he knew the rest of us were still here.
The mixture of fatigue, worry and pain keeps me quiet, absently brushing my hand over the blankets to smoothen it out. The weight of a night and two days without sleep presses down on me, tries to coax me to let my eyes flutter. But her question coaxes a fresh wave of anxiousness, eyes drifting to the door Jangmi had walked through mere minutes before. Had left to go get Amina clothes, to get her some things from home. And yet something in me restlessly itched and ached to go with her and had it not been for her quiet murmured plea to stay with Amina... either one of us would've gone with her.
"I know... I know for you it's not been months. That you can't consciously remember the past half of a year... but. But Jangmi she... she can't forget. She's lived every day for six months waiting for you to come back and despairing when you didn't. She can't erase that. So it's... it's going to stay for a while." Eunwoo says gently, face softening further when her ears fold further, pressed flat to her curls as she stares at him. Misery etched deep in her face.
"I don't... I don't want to be forgetting six months..." her voice tinges with alarm and distress, makes the content kit in her cradled hold yowl, pawing anxiously at her and peering up with wide eyes.
"And they'll come back... give yourself time to heal Amina... the memories will come back. And time will let both of you overcome this." I murmur quietly, hand drifting over her ears and loosely rubbing at the base of flopped blonde fur.
She sucks in a shaky breath, tries to will herself to immediately calm but her scent is strong and powerful in its intensity, stings to breathe in air clouded with the sharp tang of sea-salt; large crashing waves slamming mercilessly against the shore.
She's never been one for shielding her scent... never been for one for disguising words or opinion and it's always been something I've admired, respected her for. So to see her trying to dampen the intensity of her scent hurts because she's trying to rein it in. Trying to control it. But this time... this time this thoughtfulness is for KitKat whose fussing stills... at least that's what I'd thought until her eyes flash with panic.
And that translates into a sharp spike of her scent, pheromones pulsing off her strongly. Torrent sea waves imbuing the air with its heavy tang.
"I... I'm not... that's not how strongly I'm feeling I swear..." the raw urgency and alarm tinging her voice has me leaning close, the combined scents of peach and pine wood pulsing out strong to try soothe her... instinctively responding to the distress in Amina's.
Comprehension dawns when just as suddenly as her scent had spiked it dips. Softens. And the loud yowls drag her attention to an anxiously pawing kit trying to clamber out of the blanket.
"Your scent production must've been thrown off by the drugs. If it's causing seizures, it can just as well cause your scent glands to overproduce pheromones as well as... blank." Voice trailing off when her scent seems to do just that.
Seeps out in the barest, thinnest trail.
"I wasn't... I remember being injected. Remember it was to keep me sedated. From running. And I'd always wake to questions or another injection... but my glands never..."
Disorientation makes her tone uncertain and it trembles, green eyes piercing and imploring for answers that none of us have to give.
"What else? Do you remember anything else? A scent? Location? Voices?" I ask.
See the faint flicker of a smile on her face as her eyes trail to me.
"Interrogating me? When you never went through with becoming an officer?" Teasing even if her eyes show she's racking her brain, trying to find an answer for any.
Trying to filter through the jumbled jigsaw of her mind, obscured because of the drugs.
And as I look at her... I realise that even if the drugs were to sedate her, to trap her... it was also a failsafe. That in the rarity that she escapes, that she finds her way to safety... she won't remember. She won't be able to recognise her kidnappers. Even if they were to walk by her.
"A man. The voice who used to command and ask the most... taunt the most. Was a man. A man. I'm sure of it... he... human. Human. He wasn't a hybrid... didn't have any animal traits. Human. He was human."
And though there's no uncertainty in her words as she filters through them, slowly turning words over her tongue. Slow, unhurried, voice rough and scratchy with disuse. Her eyes... her eyes on the other hand are trying to filter through a fog. Looks to the two of us to tell her she's not going mad. That she makes sense.
Startles then smiles when both of her hands are taken, encased in between two bucks as we hold her. Hands sandwiching hers and clinging on just as tightly, just as fiercely, just as wanting for the truth to come out. For her to be okay and promising... reassuring... no. No you're not mad. Forgetting doesn't make you mad. Torture doesn't make you mad. You're a damn strong survivor, Amina.
"Human. That's new... Mina, that means it's not just hybrid traffickers... There's someone higher up that's human and behind this too. Has just as big of a hand in this."
It makes my throat tighten.
It made the suspects endless. It made the possibility of traffickers threaten to seep out to human officers, human employees at the centre.
She curls smaller between the two of us, sandwiched by us as Eunwoo moves to settle on the other side of her; peers at KitKat who curiously shuffles out of the blanket, nudges her gently with his antlers in soft scents.
"Jimin and Namjoon... they're heading this investigation, this case... they know that details can't be so easily shared... they're extremely cautious Amina... they won't be overlooking anyone."
Her eyes flicker to me, green holding my brown as her ears flicker under the slow rubs, perk in the slightest.
"Jimin I know... Namjoon...?"
I smile at her, squeeze her hand with my other one.
"He's the lead officer for this case. They've been working on it for the better half of a year. And... they're both (Y/N)'s mates and part of her courting pack."
Watch as surprise and fondness and happiness fill her eyes; ears perking with curiosity and the barest peek of fangs. See her mind drift to that. Focus on it.
"Barely been days. But the pining and the courting forever it seems." Eunwoo shares, voice light and fond; scent pulsing out sweet at the mention of his packmate.
"I've missed... so much. Jangmi's not the same... (Y/N)'s mated... what else?"
I lean over; nudging her cheek with my own, a slow scent of skin against skin, antler nudging against her perking ear, feel the small tilt as she nudges back, peers at me.
"I think... It's our turn to ask. You came back with a kit- who if I'm not mistaken, has taken to you as mama foxy." I say softly, hand reaching for KitKat, letting my fingers trail across the blanket, see paws fumble and try to paw as she scrabbles closer, yowling softly as her nose brushes against the tip of my fingers.
Smile at the tiniest fangs scraping against skin, trying to get a hold with fumbling paws that cling onto my hand as she snuffles and scents; trying to chase the peach scent that blooms richer and sweeter at her curious exploration. At how endearing she is, the brush of fur against skin and wide eyes peering up at me.
Amina's hands wind around her, cradle her and holds her out; smiles at the pawing wriggles as she tries to clamber off, clumsy fumbles of her paws, ears flickering; the corner of one bears an old tear, long since healed and scarred. A small tear at the tip.
And my hands carefully cradle KitKat, draw her close, nosing along fur, smile turning wider and giddy at the yowl and bonk of fur against my jaw and chin, snuffles as she paws to get closer. A curious explorer.
I don't know how she is unshifted... don't know how her response to trauma is or how long she'd been in the barn before Amina found her
... didn't know whether her openness to strangers was because she was too young to retain the memories or because despite it all she saw goodness in strangers and let her instincts guide her.
But I hoped she'd always stay like this. Curious and sweet and snuffly... chasing scents and taking affection.
"She... I... when I found her at the barn... they were talking about putting unshifted children down. Because they had no value if they couldn't be trained or used. That they were worthless if they couldn't be sold. And I couldn't help more...couldn't help them all but KitKat... she... she was weak and hurt and hiding but so, so close to being discovered. I had to save this tiny kit."
"And so she became yours. Your kit to love, protect and nurture. Yours."
She nods.
And her words remind me of (Y/N)'s. Remember her devastation, her pain, her anguish as she sobbed that even though it was for the best... even if Min Junie getting a home was good news... for her. For that time she spent with him. Even temporarily. He was hers. Her cub. And letting go was for him. But it didn't make her hurt any less.
I hoped... that the anguish she'd gone through wouldn't be something Amina would have to endure. Already I knew that the way she cared and looked after KitKat was the same as a mother nurturing her baby. Knew that their bond was different, was born from dependency, survival and pure instincts.
I knew Amina would do anything and everything for KitKat.
Knew that for her... the kit was hers.
And a temporary silence falls, a lull where the focus quietly comes to settle on KitKat, watch as she tries scrambling up my shirt; paws slipping and fumbling for purchase before I lift her up, draw her against my chest and she yowls; pawing to be lifted higher.
And her face rubs against my cheek; fur against skin, soft meowls as she nuzzles, endearingly soft with affection; eyes peering curiously and wriggling and squirming happily when my lips brush against her fur, nose against her ears. Mouth opened in a small fangy circle before she paws again. Settling against my shoulder, tucked under my jaw and nose burrowing against the crook of my neck; victorious quiet purrs rumbling against skin when she finds my gland and kneads at it with tiny paws; trying to coax the scent out, happily yowling when peach seeps out in response.
This. This is what Amina fought tooth and nail to protect. This is what (Y/N) worked to protect and cherish every single day and this is why I'd chosen the centre after leaving the police academy. But this... this is what every employee at the centre strove to accomplish, to restore.
The happy health of every child that came through the front door. The recovery and safety of adult and children hybrids alike; displaced from their normal lives and trying to overcome trauma and pain.
And this centre... it'd help Amina too.
Help Amina come back from the half year of her life she lost.
"You're anxious." Eunwoo notes quietly, fingers continuing their slow brush over Amina's bent ears, gently carding through her curls. Peering over at me from where she's drooped against my side; tucked against me where her head rests on my arm. Light touches that satiate that need to give comfort, be comforted and soothe the lightly dozing figure between us.
"It's been hours. And Jangmi isn't back... it's evening and she's not here yet. She just went to grab some clothes what if..." my voice cracks, breaking off as I stare at him imploringly, pleadingly... unable to complete the sentence. To say the words. What if something's happened to her? What if she's not okay and she needs us and can't say?
His scent trickles out stronger, sharper, despite the quiet lull of warmth and instinctual needs to bracket Amina, to scent her to sleep deeper and allow ourselves the same rest isn't there.
The exhaustion that's steadily been boring down on me and chipping at being awake vanishes in the face of the crippling fear that Jangmi isn't back. And she should've been hours ago. And there's been no news of her, no calls, no responses to the messages and phone calls made. She's just... gone.
The sleeping kit in my arms stirs slightly, roused to awaking because of the fluctuating pulses of scent seeping out, ears flickering in her sleep. My hand immediately smoothens over fur, fingers brushing over bent ears and gently petting until she droops and falls back asleep again.
"Don't... don't think like that. I'm sure she got caught up in something or maybe she stopped by to visit the baby bear she seems fond of... but don't get anxious SJ... Binnie's still out, I'll tell him to drop by and check too." And for all that his voice tries to soothe, for all that he's trying to stay calm I can see the silent worry and concern pooled heavily in his own eyes.
"I should go look for her. I..."
I can't bear to lose Jangmi. And whilst a painful twist of life brought us back to each other... I won't lose her again.
I can't lose one friend, to find her and lose another.
And the accumulated panic and fear and worry that's been thrumming through my body since I'd found Jangmi... since I found out Amina was gone... it all slams in tenfold. Slams in with an intensity of crippling, nauseating fear I can't rationalise.
I know the fear of losing Amina, of seeing Jangmi fall apart and desperately hold herself at the seams... I know seeing (Y/N) be torn from her pack, from me, Binnie and Eunwoo; seeing the pain, feeling the pain of a broken pack... everything spirals.
"She's a tough panda... and Binnie's going to her apartment. Besides... I don't think either Amina or KitKat are letting you leave any time soon."
Eyes trailing to the curled fox and settled kit tucked in the crook of one arm and Amina sleeping tilted against me.
My smile trembles as it quirks at the corners of my mouth.
Trying to instil hope to diffuse and pierce through the nervousness, the restless need to go and make sure Jangmi's okay. That nothing's happened.
And yet the wait... the wait to hear back; Binnie's voice breathless and relieved pouring out from the speaker, phone pressed to my ear, as he says he's found Jangmi sparks relief that has me sagging against the bed's headboard; breath shuddering out my lungs only to be seized in a vice grip once again when his voice comes out quieter, trembles with sorrow and fear and worry.
"Jangmi was asleep in Amina's room. And she didn't know how many hours passed."
"Where is she now?"
"Packing Amina's clothes... we'll be there soon. But Junie hyung I don't think she should come back alone." Voice soft.
Because even now... even now she was trying to compensate the ache of the loss, of the absence of Amina with sleep. And even now, even though she'd seen her... for her it was just as much a figment of a dream as the other countless times she'd woken up; tears pressed to my skin where she was tucked or burrowed close, scent sharp with distress and brown eyes glassy and unseeing. Unable to dissociate or truly wake from the nightmare she was still stuck in.
Too many times over the past few weeks, since I'd found her again, had I seen glassy eyes flickering on a teetering point of being drowned in numbness or unbearable agony. Too many times I'd seen dark brown eyes beg for a different answer, a different possibility when she woke-eyes always searching but never finding. I'd seen her be suffocated by her own grief and I'd seen the cage her own home and nest had become for her.
I knew she needed something... anything to combat the emptiness and I'd seen that gap slowly fill.
But it was unfair and impossible to assume that just because Jangmi had found Amina, that emptiness would be immediately filled, the pain and hurt would be soothed over and time's wounds would vanish.
I knew she needed time to heal. And she needed people she trusted, loved and was comfortable with to help her.
"I'll stay with her." Always.
Jangmi was important to me. She mattered to me just as much as my pack did, as Amina did. She mattered just the same but differently. And her hurt, her pain wasn't something any of us could stand by and see but it was also something that tore at me from the inside.
And as I let my eyes drift to Amina, drifting over drooped folded ears settled over her curls, the too-large hoodie over some clothes the doctor had gotten her... I know that I'll also do whatever I can to make sure my friend, my fox never felt alone during her recovery process. Knew that (Y/N) would be just as much of an active presence in her recovery as Jimin was for how regularly he dropped by to check on them.
And with Amina back... with her safe and recovering and alive we held a card the traffickers didn't know we possessed. An upper hand because we had our Amina... the very person they had gone to every length to erase.
And she'd have an arsenal of people protecting her.
"Come on fawn fairy~ today you're mine..." I growl playfully, arms wrapping around her waist as I draw her back and away from Hobi hyung, away from the boring side of the centre... knowing full well the habitual path the two took after the mid-morning break nine out of ten times led back to her office. Led to the day blurring mindlessly together and lunch forgotten until I came to tug them away. Or that even then it was likely lunch in her office and an afternoon of paperwork together, all snuggled in a nest and curled together and boring silence. With no scents.
The mural was definitely the better option, the more fun option and already I can see the calculating glint in hyung's eyes as he stares at me, thrown off slightly by the sudden veer to the left to make a U-turn right back into the bustling fray rather than right and onwards to the private officers for the higher levelled caregivers.
"But we were going to..."
"Do some paperwork... boring. I know you've never been courted or one for wiles and charms fawn mine but... this is my first time charming and wooing and trying to swipe a fawn away for myself... and forgive me twirly hyung if I don't decide to charm her with countless pages that needed to be signed." I laugh, fangs snapping at the air when his eyes narrow; feline slits as his fangs poke at his bottom lip distractingly.
Her lips curve up with the mischief brewing in my eyes, hands possessive as they wind tighter around her waist, nosing at her cheek before letting my head rest on her shoulder, batting my eyes at hyung.
Head tilting back so she can turn her face to graze her lips across my jaw.
"I didn't realise wooing and charming and courting happened in the workplace." She muses with delight in her doe eyes, fingers clasping my wrist loosely.
Hobi hyung's eyes flash, fangs peeking out as he grins.
"Neither was I... I also wasn't aware competition existed between not just pack but kits too huh..."
Taking a step forward, then another until he's closing the small distance between us, so he's sandwiched (Y/N) between us.
And though I feel his hand curl around to rest on the low of her back, low enough that it's just shy of workplace indecency, fingers sprawled over the curve of her behind, enunciated in the tight jeans, his eyes pin mine.
"Competing for her, are you kit? When I thought we had plans for a feline triad mating whenever the time was right... when we have all the time in the world."
Lips quirking triumphantly at the tightening grip around my wrist as her fingers curl tighter reflexively, the small shaky exhale before she lets her hand slide up to rest against his chest before she gives a small push.
Doe eyes flashing with a dangerous and enthralling mix of fire and warning and competitiveness.
"You forget... felines need their ruts to be triggered... and that leaves it in my hands to see what makes the three of you... unravel and lose control." She murmurs, voice deceptively light for the fuel she's pouring into an already burning flame.
Eyes scrutinising silently before she gives my hand a squeeze before drawing herself out.
"If you can behave... if you two keep your hands and tongues in check when we paint... maybe I'll show you a nook I never got to with SJ." Taunting and laughing as she walks away, leading the way to the large play centre.
My eyes track the sway of her hips, rake over the curves of her thighs and follow the lilting laugh, beckoned and unresisting to the siren call of our mate. Her every step makes my instincts rumble, hurrying to catch up with her, feel Hobi hyung's pace hasten to do to the same.
See the inviting warmth of her eyes as she peers back once my hand's snagged around her waist, my own searing as I hold her gaze.
Knowing full well she's purposely riling us up and challenging, her scent disguised and hidden under the scent blocker; a discontent quietened by the marked, mated scent glands she broadcasts proudly, the swollen bump of tissue secreting extra scent, soft pheromones that just yanked at us to press closer whether or not our noses picked it up.
"You're an imp fawn fairy... they got the name wrong." I grumble even as my lips quirk as she nudges her hip against mine and entangles her hand with Hobi hyung, looking pleased at the notion before she reaches the glass doors.
Draws them open and peers at me.
"Remember pretty kits... best behaviour"
And though we can't tell... I know her scent has softened considerably when she steps through and sees the cluster of kids, the paints, the cute aprons and wide eyed eager expressions they sport.
Turns fond and endeared when they clamour for her, cluster close for her attention, for scoops and scents and kisses pressed to soft cheeks and head tilting forward with flickering ears for pets and rubs.
"Noona up, up"
"Fawn fairy! And stripey prince and twirly prince!" eyes bright as they spot the two of us behind her, following through.
Feel the tugs and the gentle bonks and see the eagerness make their excitement swell into something bright and uncontained but bright and infectious.
"Who gave them such cute aprons? And where's mine?"
And the sight of her being helped by the hybrid children; eyes enamoured and bashful as they hold out a clean large apron to thread her arms through, to tie around her, their fingers fumble to tie it securely has my heart aching, yearning fiercely for this.
Watch as wide eyes peer up at me instead.
"Tiger prince, can you help? It's a bit... messy."
Smiling delightedly when I slip behind her, hands skimming from her hips, squeezing briefly, to draw the ties back and secure them in a knot at the low of her back, peering over her shoulder at the others.
Cheek nudging against hers in a casual quick scent.
"Can you paint a tail-wrap on fawn fairy's picture too? Like how you're always trying to hold her?"
"And caramel hyung giving a bonk! Like I saw him do before coming in last time." the voice is hushed and giddy. Unrepressed glee and pride in having been the witness, coaxing laughter and giggles from the others, their eyes curious and piqued with intrigue as they look to the three of us.
And it takes the three of us splitting up to wrangle one giggly kid after the other to choose paints, their dithering hesitation on choosing the right colour for clothes, the right colour to paint accessories on in the form of big bows and headbands and colourful mismatched socks.
As the mural on the wall slowly begins to take form and shape, the outlines turn more solid and bright and alive.
The outlines that took hours to get them to stand still and draw all of them out, silhouettes that were now beginning to take the shape of exactly the way the children wanted themselves to be seen both to the world and how they saw and recognised their reflection.
There were bright colours of hair; giggles as fumbling, endearingly clumsy hands painted wild curls and long, long Rapunzel-esque tresses and elaborate hairdos. Hushed conspiration as I saw two bent heads trying to match their clothes; smatters of smiley-faces and hearts and squiggles on a bright coloured sundress and shorts.
"Hobi hyung, (Y/N) we should have something special too! To show the three of us as mates!" I enthuse, bounding over to them when I go to restock on "bright fresh tangerine orange" paint at the request of a sweet, chubby-cheeked little pony hybrid. His voice soft and sweet and eyes enamouring in their earnestness, a paint smear across his forehead he hadn't even realised he'd had until I'd bent down to add another.
To make it match.
"Like berries?" Hobi hyung asks knowingly, smiling wide when it automatically makes my ears perk.
"Or some stripes? Have a tiger claim forever kept in paint for the world and all its pretty hybrid children to see should they ever visit the centre?" (Y/N) muses, carefully tying back long hair, fingers deft as she acquiesces to the little girl's request of a braid, eyes flickering over the paintings before giving a small kiss to the back of her head.
Coaxing her forward once more, the back of her hand pushing away her own loose strands, frowning at the slightly unravelled state of her hastily pinned hair.
"You know how to win me over... but something special! Like... like..." I muse.
"Like fairy wings for unnie and crowns for you two next to her! So everyone can see fawn fairy noona is guarded and loved by her two kitty princes!" the sweet chickie exclaims, looking so certain and assured.
Confident as she peers up at me and holds out a tin of shiny gold paint, some sparkly sticker gems that she offers.
"You need to stay pretty for unnie.. You never know~ someone else could court her and whisk her away." she muses seriously.
I frown.
Grumbling as I move towards her.
Bend down towards the chickie and take the proffered items.
"And why's that sweet chickie?"
She leans in, gently tugging at my sleeve until I'm leaning forward, curls tickling her cheek and making her squirm, my hand curling around her to draw her close as I peer at her.
Her words are hushed.
And from the corner of my eyes I see Hobi hyung's ears twirl with curiosity, see his focus settle on the two of us, lips curving warmly at her.
"Because you're courting her right?"
I nod.
She sighs, patting my cheek gently as her small wings rustle.
"But unnie's got two mating bites. So it means you have competition tiger prince."
I laugh, cheek nuzzling against hers, bonking gently as I smoothen her feathers, fingers brushing over them.
Lean closer to cup her cheek, nipping gently at the soft squish.
Feel her squirm as she giggles.
"Oh my sweet chickie... that's not competition, that's our other mates being impatient cos fawn fairy is just a pretty and sweet flower. So they just..." letting my fangs nip again at her cheek, delighted at her giggles, at the fluttering flap of her wings as my tail swishes in response to her giddiness.
"Fawn fairy has more courting partners? Secret princes?" she asks.
I nod, winking at her before making a shushing gesture.
"And... you've seen one of her other mates but don't tell anyone..."
She nods eagerly.
Leans forward to nudge her cheek against mine before pressing a small kiss there.
"Top secret."
And her eyes shine brighter when after helping finish her painting; soft yellow wings splayed in a happy flutter behind her and a rainbow of colours colouring the jumper she's painted herself in.
Volunteering to hold the gold paint tin as I dip my brush in it; leaning to press a heart sticker gem to her cheek and watching her shiny eyes focus on my two mates behind me.
I don't blame her for being so enamoured, so thrilled at the sight of the two of them wriggling and laughing, leaning against each other and trying to swipe paints from the other's palette.
See them trying to sabotage each other's paints, heads bent close, her tail still and hyung's soft small tail swishing, hers flickering as he leans in to peck her cheek, nosing gently.
The gravitational tug of their bodies towards each other speaks volumes for what words don't, for what the children are too young to understand in its vastness, in its entirety and yet know of regardless.
Something beautiful and precious and an endless source of happiness and contentment.
For them mates were entangled tails and hidden kisses and scents. It was painting a fairytale come to life, it was shiny eyes and pink cheeks.
For me.
It was all of that and it was forever, it was beyond the walls of the mural, open and broadcasted to the world with a fierce pride. That they were my mates. They were my life.
And so rather than paint my own silhouette and the other two theirs, we share.
Hobi hyung and (Y/N) laugh as they crowd against my outline with their paint brushes poised, dabbling with every colour and countless shades and murmuring quietly. One at a time.
And the first of the three of us filled out is a soft yellow jumper.
Reminiscent of the one I'd snagged from Koo. And one that has carried the sweet scent of vanilla bean entangled in the cotton. It had been indirectly two scents on me and even now... indirectly two more mates are added to the mural in the pastel yellow shade.
And staining my lips are berries, a half-eaten berry still clutched between fingers, painted meticulously in comparison to the splatter of juice on sticky cheeks and grinning fangy lips, captured right to its boxy shape.
"Look at the headband!" (Y/N) encourages, eyes bright and eager, hand tugging mine to coax my gaze to flit to where painted over wild black curls and tucked between stripey ears is a bright band of red, tied around curls and green ribbons peeking out. Berry colours my eyes note with giddiness and preening satisfaction.
Maybe I'd invest in headbands and bandanas.
"I think they'd really suit you... your curls are really pretty, imagine the tiny little braids and flowers and styles... like Koo with the scrunchies!" voice giddy and full of enamoured affection, eyes coaxing and persuasive.
I nod along.
"Will you pretty me up?"
"You're already pretty my chuffy kit."
"But when we can... it's a date. You can doll us up... me and Kookie."
And she nods, doe eyes shiny with excitement and giddiness, hand drifting up to brush against my cheek, watching as I tilt my face to her palm immediately, nuzzling against her hand and turning to brush my lips against skin, careful of the paint that my nose immediately scrunches at. It coaxes a laugh from her lips, the sound bubbling out and infectious; ears perking and flickering at the giggle. I'll never get enough of it.
"You forget she has other mates who'd love to be prettied up too." Hobi hyung interjects, though he's grinning and his eyes are warm and pooling with fondness, the tips of his ears twirling.
"Well..." I muse, turning thoughts over in my head.
"We could always go to the park for our lunch break! And go for a walk when the day's done." Tail curling and swishing with the prospect of being outside, with getting that time away entirely devoted and dedicated for my mates, for the three of us.
"Cagey tiger mine?" Voice soft and lilting, fingers drifting from my cheek to boop my nose.
"Maybe I want some mate time without one of the babies peeking. Maybe I want to kiss my mate without interruptions."
Preen at the pretty pink flush it coaxes to her cheeks, eyes widening before her face softens, ears flickering and lips curved.
"How could I deny you my stripes?"
I chuff, feel the happiness rumble in my chest, tail swishing quicker.
"You can't." Hobi hyung answers, voice warm and all too-knowing.
Can't turn down kisses, that's sacrilege. And my lips quirk, fangs poking my bottom lip as I watch their eyes content and happy and bright turn to the painting once again and meticulously work to fill out the outline of my body. Paint me with their love and affection, fill me with the colours my mates imbue my life with.
And if I wasn't charmed and smitten before, or utterly lost and drowning in the sensation of a pack courtship, seeing the gravitational tug of the two of them, feel it coax me closer... then I fall and drown in it over and over. And move to bracket my mates.
My tail swishes and curls as I trail after (Y/N), eyes tracking her every movement; drifting from her flickering ears, watching as they detect the quiet noiseless treads of me hurrying along behind her; dragging the lapels of my coat shut. I let my eyes drag across the length of her body; chest rumbling with appreciation at the curvy outline of her calves and thighs, frown as her tugging on her coat hides the wide curve of her hips from sight.
See the laughter and amusement flickering in her wide doe eyes as she tilts her head back; brushing her hair away from her face, tugging strands free from the bundled scarf Kook had wrapped around her earlier; hiding away the sensitive mated glands from sight and the harsh winds.
"Why sad?" she laughs, drawing her coat shut and shivering as she looks outside, anticipating the cold already though the walk is going to warm us up; know that animal biology adapts quicker to the temperature shift. It doesn't make it any less endearing to see Kookie wind the scarf around her neck earlier, or the fact that it was Joon hyung's. It doesn't make it any less enthralling and luring to see the pink flush on her cheeks when the cold bites, urging and coaxing for my fangs to nip and chase the pretty pink hue colouring the soft curve of her skin.
"I was admiring." I admit, watch her eyes flash and gleam with a mixture of surprise and affection and flickering embers of heat.
Her head tilts as she turns, letting her own eyes rake over me indulgently, stepping forward to tug me forward by the lapels of my coat; finger slipping to button me up.
"And what's stopping you?"
I grumble, leaning close to nuzzle her cheek. Let my fangs scrape across her jaw, nose brushing against skin as I breathe in her pulsing scent; worming past the layer of scent-blockers, still overproducing the addicting sweet floral scent. She'd have to reapply.
Which meant there was no wrong in indulging in scenting her as my arms wind around her; curl around her back as I enjoy the slow nuzzles, the shaky pulse of scent seeping past the blockers to tease at my nose. Breathing in fluttery trails of anise, mouth tracing the path my nose's taken, wanting the soft floral scent to remain on my lips even if the scent from her will vanish; it'll remain against my tongue. Feel the shudder of her exhales as she tilts close; relishing the light scents and more affected by them too, lashes fluttering as she tilts her head.
Feel her own hands curl around me; loosely entangled with curls and brushing against the base of my ears.
And in the staffroom, there's only her, her scent that matters-her weak and sweetly blooming one that matters, all my nose chases; burrowing close.
Relishing in the standstill life has come to within the staffroom; lips softly brushing skin, trailing closer to her gland, featherlight nuzzles against the swollen bump.
"Nothing... just your really sensibly warm coat. Hides your thighs." I mumble against her skin, morose at the thought.
She huffs a breath of laughter, fingers tugging teasingly.
"My thighs?"
"Mhm... can't wait to bury myself between them and mark them all prettily."
Her scent seeps out sweeter, sputters against my tongue flicking against skin cursorily; chasing the pheromones, reeling them out to stain the tip of my tongue.
Groan softly against her."
"Stop trying to rile her up in the staffroom... I smelt her when I walked in and you're no better menace." A voice calls, accompanied with the sound of the door clicking shut gently and Hobi hyung returns, tips twirling and done with his quick errand of dropping off psychiatric files.
His clothes are rumpled and slightly askew and as he walks over, he's also smoothening out his jumper, eyes flicking to my curious ones and (Y/N)'s that peek past the encircled embrace of our arms wrapped around each other.
"The serpent hybrid is... stubborn. He's sedated and yet his instincts don't let him go fully down. So he's hissing and thrashing everytime it's time for his medication. I don't think Joon and Minnie have much to go on still. His trauma is deeper than what we thought." Voice soft and yet despite being composed and reaching past to tug his coat and scarf out; my nose still turns, alongside hers, to check for anything more, beyond his rumpled state; still trying to sniff out any change even if his scentblockers hold strong.
"I'm fine... but he needed to be sedated again. I think they're considering a stronger medication; he almost got out and you know how volatile a caged hybrid can be." Voice light but eyes sharp, attuned. Alert.
And those same sharp predatory feline eyes trail over us, softening and darkening simultaneously; losing some of that fretting alertness and narrowing onto the close tilt of our bodies.
"Getting started without me tiger? Guess you forget one important courting ritual we did with you."
I tilt my head; ears flickering curiously.
What? What did I miss? How could I miss?
Trying to wrack my brains for what ritual I'd overlooked... forgotten, what intrinsically significant mating and courting tradition I'd left out.
Frowning as I feel my ears droop, eyes flicking to hyung's when he immediately steps close; nose nudging against my cheek and smile pressed to skin.
"You forgot... that catching a mate is oh-so-much sweeter when you've earned her and the right to sink your teeth in after a chase."
My tail curls, swishing quicker and incidentally flicking against his side; watch as he laughs and lets his fingers ghost along the stripey curl. Brush against it gently; smile widening and eyes brightening when my tail curls around his fingers and wrist, brush against his palm.
And my eyes drift to the fawn still encased in my arms.
See her doe eyes shine, lips curving up when I lean close; body bracketing hers, hands tugging her closer. Nose brushing against hers.
"Reckon you know the centre well enough to make a chase worth it?" I ask, voice breathy, skin buzzing with the thought; of tracking her using only the weakest pulses of her scent crowded against by the others, lost in the crisp winter air.
"Oh pretty kits~ I could have you running in circles trying to figure out where I've gone... reckon you can keep up?" she teases, eyes alight as Hobi hyung moves closer; his fingers trailing from her nape down the curve of her spine, squeezing her hip.
"We're hunters by nature sweetheart... try your best." A soft crooned whisper against her temple, the low playful lilt contrasted by the sweet, affectionate nuzzle.
As if trying to throw her off, throw her into a loop; torn and swayed by him.
Her fingers disentangle from my hair. Withdraw.
"Game on kits. You have the rest of lunch break to try keep up."
"And if we don't find you...?" I ask, curious.
"Then I guess I'll have to see if my panther is the only kit who can~"
Laughing as she draws away, ears flickering and when she turns to move towards the door, to lead the way out of the centre, I see her tail flicking and her scent already diffuse through the air; featherlight curls of anise almost lost in the neutral scents of the space.
There's something naturally enticing and luring about her; something that tugs at my instincts and heart; reels and ensnares both human and tiger biology, utterly enamoured with her.
That makes me hasten as I rush after her; feel Hobi hyung's body brush past my side before his hand entangles with mine; side nudging playfully against mine, tilting to me as the cold air makes his ears twirl and droop to try shield from it.
My chest rumbles with the beginning of a chuff when I move for her and she easily ducks away from the touch, darting quickly aside, laughter making her face radiant as she peers at us; carefully scrutinising and examining. Strategizing. Smart fawn. Carefully assessing.
"...anything goes. No rules." She murmurs, voice soft and lilting.
I tilt my head.
"Ten seconds. Head-start." Hobi hyung murmurs, voice dropping lower, laced with a rarely expressed growl that makes the timbre of his words drip with predatory intent, eyes flashing as they remain frozen on her. Pinning her with his gaze, lips curled to reveal a peek of fangs, poking his bottom lip.
And she stares back, meets the weight of our stares head-on, eyes flashing with a mixture of satisfaction and preening confidence. Knowing full well she's goading slumbering instincts to rouse, to flare and rise to the surface.
"Ten seconds... awfully long. You forget that one thing... one thing does know how to do is run." Voice soft, curling with the wind to reach us.
And that's all the warning, all the indication we get before she spins and rushes off; scent bursting with satisfaction, strong and intoxicating before she rounds the corner, not before I see the giddy smile curling her lips.
And the ten seconds is something hyung allows her the courtesy of, his laughter follows me as I rush forward in a quick dash after her a few seconds since she vanishes, a growl slipping past my lips. Wind cuts and curls against skin; diffuses her scent quicker than I expected and when I round the corner, the anise has already turned weak, nose twitching as I try trace the scent.
The predatory nature flares to the surface as I try chase her based on the weak flutters of anise tauntingly curled through the air; more intimately entangled than I was at the moment with my mate.
Eyes narrowing and ears fully perked as I track her by the weak pulse of pheromones disguised and concealed by wind and scentblockers.
"Run baby fawn~ when I catch you... I'm going to sink my teeth into your neck." I call, knowing full well she can hear me, instincts bubbling giddily with the thought, gums aching for that relief of sinking into her gland, her skin, to mark her, to pin her... to catch her and win.
Aching for the taste of her scent to bloom and burst headily across my tongue, already intoxicated by the thought, driven by it as I rush after the winding corners of the outside of the centre; weaving down secluded paths and tucked away nooks.
Get the burst of scent stronger; sharp with surprise before blooming enticingly, catch the sight of her turning right, tail flicking and coat flapping as she rushes away, a bright sound of exuberance slipping past her lips.
Startle when veering from the left right after her is hyung; instincts rumbling to be the first, to overtake, to win as I chase the sweet curl of anise.
See his hand dart out to swipe for her, purposely slow and intentionally done to trigger a burst of laughter and a breathless yelp as she twists away, her face flushed with giddiness.
Chase and rush after my two mates, eyes narrowing onto her; fixating onto my mate because she's mine and a feral, primal want bubbles out as I see her head twist back; eyes widening as she spots both of us in our sight of vision, laughing when I weave past hyung to get to her.
Watch her slip away down a narrow path, chase the scent of anise entangled with the weakest links of berry; eyes brightening when I realise that my scent had stuck to hers.
See her ears flicker at the loud rush of footsteps behind her, her own hurrying and twisting.
And I may not know the centre as well as the two of them, might not know the shortcuts as well as the other two do.
But I know how to hunt.
Know how to lead my prey right into my trap, right into my hold when I follow the sharper pants of breath, the wavering exhales as she rounds the corner only to find herself approaching a dead-end.
Facing brick wall and nothing else, nothing else as I slow my rushing pace to a slow prowl, padding forward; lungs burning with the entangled mix of heaving breath and cold air, hot and cold and heart thudding wildly as I approach.
See her ears and tail flicker as she turns, eyes bright and smile wry, knowing full well she's caught.
Hear the second pair of footsteps slow as Hobi hyung's quiet breaths entangle with the sound of our own uneven breathing.
Tail curling and swaying with satisfaction, preening at my mate's approval.
"Good hunt tiger."
Not cub... tiger.
Breath rushing out my lungs as I slowly approach, eyes shining victoriously, every step slow and measured, watch her eyes track the movement.
Presses back against the wall instinctively as I approach. Hidden away from the centre, by everyone but the two of us as we move to her.
"Caught you mate mine."
Voice low and rumbling with a mixture of a growl and chuff, tail curling as I step close.
Let my fingers loop around her wrists, press them to the wall as my head tilts; body bracketing hers and looming as I peer at her.
Victory clear on my face and the breathless flush just tugging as she looks at me.
My prey.
Leg slotting between hers, parting her thighs as I tilt my head to scrape my fangs across her cheek, her jaw, feel the shudder as she tilts her head; the sharp intake of breath when not one but two sets of fangs scrape across skin. Brush against either side of her face; nose brushing against the pink flush and cold skin, breath fanning and puffing across her throat and see her shiver.
Eyes fluttering as she's pinned not by one. But both of us.
Feel Hobi hyung's body bracket mine; half-curved around mine to scent her other cheek, my mouth ducks lower to press open-mouthed kisses across the slender curve of her neck, slowly letting my head dip towards my intended target.
"You really should know better than to goad predators sweetheart." Hobi croons against her skin, lips curved in a fangy smirk against skin, her eyes flutter; pupils dilating as her ears stiffen.
Registering the biological pinning weight of two predators crowding against her.
"Some lessons... aren't meant to be learnt Hobi..." voice teasing but she sucks in a breath when my fangs scrape across her gland.
Taste the sputter of anise against teeth and tongue, grazing across my lips as I let them sink in slightly; thigh slotted between hers to keep them splayed open slightly, to keep her pinned as my teeth scrape across her gland and tug, coaxing out scent from the worn off layers of scentblockers.
So receptive to scents, so wonderfully sensitive as she shudders under the combined weight of two bodies and touches coaxing her scent out sweet and driving any other thought beyond this from mind.
"So easily riled up." I tease, working the swollen tissue between my teeth, sucking the fading mark darkly into skin, to leave a newer mark blooming across her skin, fingers hooking into her scarf and coat collar to tug it aside impatiently, burrowing against warm skin, breathing in the pulsing sweetness as her pheromones surrender to the bite of fangs and the weight of my hands pinning her wrists and her head tilted to arch her throat to our ministrations.
"So sweet." Hobi groans against her, lips trailing slower; unhurried as he tastes the scent pulsing from her gland, the thrum of her heartbeat that seems to sync with the pheromones seeping off her, entangled with the tang of the cold air and the countless shrubbery and trees we'd passed, a force of nature as she shudders under our touch, shifting restlessly.
"Should've known predators enjoy the thrill of a chase just as much." She murmurs, lips parted as she exhales; easily tilting her head to Hobi hyung whose lips chase hers, soft indulgent pecks turned longer, nose brushing against hers as he swallows the small gasps of breath eagerly, tongue running across the seam of her lips before easing in. Eyes briefly flickering to the sight of her face tilted to his; wrists twisting under my pinned hold, trying to escape the band of fingers pressing her to the wall, stilling her there, captured mate.
Lips swollen and branded with the teasing scrape of fangs, head tilted close to hers, swallowing the soft groan against his lips when my mouth continues to mark a path from her gland to the crook of her neck, burrowing against skin and letting my teeth sink in to suck a mark there. Tongue slowly laving over the mark, lips brushing over it and eyes admiring the blooming colour; a soft pinkish red that darkens as blood rushes to it.
And once her lips are freed, my head lifts up to steal them next, connecting with her swollen, slick lips that shudder against me, loosening my hold on her wrists and letting my hands settle on her hips instead; body moving to bracket her more solidly. It's needy and urgent from the first brush of my lips against hers, feeling the imprinted shape of her lips tremble against my own, slowly unravelling between the two of us, groaning into her mouth at the curl of tongue flicking against my lips and delving in immediately. At the evading tease of her tongue toying and moving away, delving through my mouth in frantic, urgent exploration, kiss urgent and harried; breathless as she curls her fingers into my coat to tug me closer. Exhilaration crashes into me, lips chasing hers, tongue flicking against hers, brushing against her parted lips and fangs sinking into her bottom lip to drag out a stifled moan from her chest. My mate, my fawn. Growl against her when her teeth sink into my bottom lip and tugs; smile curving against me at the rumbled, muffled sound.
Growling louder when she tears her lips away, shuddering for breath, swollen lips bruised with kisses and nips, flush higher on her cheeks and pupils dilated.
None of the scent-blocker survives; now weak, flimsy layer of protection in front of her overproducing scent glands, sticky sweet anise that settles in my lungs with every inhale and sinks into skin.
"Almost as much as you love getting caught." I whisper, watch her dilated eyes widen in the slightest.
Scent blooming in response.
"Guilty." Voice a trembling murmur as her hands tug me closer; nose nudging against mine, shuddery exhales curling and grazing our skin.
Time suspends.
Suspends from the moment she'd been caged between us against the wall, hidden from the centre, hidden from the world and all its problems and woes away with it, hidden away with us, by us.
And though this is only the now, though this is only this moment of the three of us intertwined with each other... for now, for this moment she's safe. She's with us.
And this is all I've ever wanted.
Breathless pants shared as she peers at me, eyes drifting over the two of us; one hand loosening to entangle with hyung's, her lips swollen with claims and throat marked and drenched in scent.
It might be momentary... it'll have to be wiped away when we head back.
But for now... for now she's ours. And we're hers.
And nothing else remains and nothing else matters.
Two predators and a prey.
Three mates.
And my gums ache with the itch to sink my fangs in and mate her in every way.
Bubbling impatience that'll eventually reach the end of its tether.
But her glassy eyes hazy and dilated... maybe she'll reach the end of her tether first.
And cause our control to snap.
When Binnie arrives at the bakery, it's to help with opening, but already there's more of that anxious, fretting fidgets than the giddy relief of having found his friend. Which only means something else is playing on his mind, distracting him even as he tugs off his coat and reaches for an apron.
Silent as he works dough between his hands, tail upright and stiff and ears contrastingly folded and drooped; a weariness that has his hazelnut scent pulsing sadly.
He's silent even as I slip over beside him, bearing a bowl of more bread dough to work and knead before leaving to set and for a while I let him have that silence as I work beside him, kneading and folding and twisting dough, instincts soothed when his fretty scent calms in the slightest. Calms and his scent curls close to mine, silently reaching out all the same, grateful for the company.
"Binnie what's wrong?" voice quiet as the two of us store the tins away, silently move towards the next task of pre-heating the ovens; my eyes casually flicker over to see where Jin hyung is... mindful of giving our squirrel the time and space he needs if he doesn't want to share.
Eyes raking over the hunch of his shoulders.
"Is... is it about... Amina?" I hedge carefully, having heard the name, heard from the hyungs and (Y/N) both about the pup being the missing officer. About her being found. I'd heard from Eunwoo too, had spoken to him; had heard his voice tired and exhausted but relieved.
He shakes his head.
"Jangmi... I know Amina's back... but Jangmi's hurting. She keeps sleeping and she can't remember what's happening."
Voice agonised and raw, trembling as he shudders out a breath, steels himself as he continues to line and grease the trays, working meticulously, tail stiff with his anxiety.
My own mind trembles at the thought, at the image it illustrates of any one of my mates being so lost, so trapped within the fog of their mind. Of any of my friends being the same.
The crippling horror of the thought alone has me restless, eyes drifting to settle on him.
"Isn't she... a panda hybrid? They don't sleep a lot... not in hibernation terms anyways." Voice soft and quiet.
He nods, fingers curling tighter around the tin.
"That's why... her biology isn't designed for hibernation. It's wearing her down. And... she keeps forgetting. Jangmi doesn't know how much time's passed and doesn't remember going to bed. She's stuck in this loop that's draining her dry." Voice trembling in a quiet waver.
His anxiousness and worry makes my throat tighten, clamping down on my lips to prevent the pained groan leaving; because to have that... to have someone so lost within their own mind... that their own body was shutting down to try save herself from more hurt... she was overwhelming her own biology for it.
"I know... that Amina's staying at the centre, (Y/N)'s mentioned she needs to test clear on her bloodwork and that there's a lot of recovery to go... but to me. Jangmi's pain isn't going to be healed or overcome with treatment. She needs her herd, she needs her packmate and she needs all of you to fill that void."
He stares at me with imploring eyes, peering at me, his ears flickering.
"The best thing you can do for Jangmi... is be with Jangmi. Keep reminding her she's not alone."
He nods; a fierce protective gleam in his eyes where I've only ever seen softness and easy giddiness and affection.
"She writes right? Well then why don't you invite her here? She can spend some time outside her apartment writing in a new atmosphere... and that way you'll get to spend time with her too, and be here for her." I suggest.
There's the quiet rustle of wings that make both our ears perk upright; unaware that Jin hyung had moved closer, his smile both wry and gentle when our heads turn in unison to face him.
Apologetic and contrite as well as encouraging as he smiles.
"She's always welcome here... maybe a change of space and air is what could help her. SJ takes her to the centre every now and then but maybe... maybe this café could be a safe space for her to feel comfortable in writing in."
Binnie slowly nods, tail losing some of its sharp prickly edge as it sags.
"I could even take her with me to the shelter and stuff..."
Jin hyung's wings flap and rustle; feathers shifting as he looks at him and clucks him gently under the chin.
"Chin up chick, don't give up hope. And don't lose strength... your herd will heal. It just takes time is all."
It's around early evening that Joon hyung calls... that he'll be picking up the others from the centre. That Jiminie hyung's running a bit late because of an interrogation.
It's odd only because hyung never misses a chance to be the one driving and picking up (Y/N) from work, he relishes and preens about the upper hand it gives him in spending more time with her, wooing and charming and protecting; satiating every instinct and more.
It's odd because Jiminie hyung from the first moment looked at (Y/N) as if she was already his mate and now that they were mated in every way... I couldn't imagine him willingly giving up the chance to drive her home.
"He's... cagey at the moment. Some of the interrogations haven't been... pleasant." Joon hyung winces, the tone of his voice clear through the phone.
It makes my fingers still on the controller, it makes my ears flicker, head tilting as I press pause.
"Is hyung okay?" I ask, feeling Yoongi hyung's eyes from the sofa still on me.
"He's fine bun... Minnie's okay. I just think it'll put (Y/N) on edge and her biology's still adjusting to the matings."
"That on edge?" I wince.
He hums, the sound weary as I hear the car being unlocked, the electronic beep before he tugs the door open to settle into the driver's seat.
"I think the drive home will cool him off but best be safe."
"Bun?" Yoongi hyung's voice is soft and gentle, confused and worried and when I turn it's to see he's already moved off the sofa; abandoned his nested space of pillows, blankets and his laptop to pad over to me.
And now he looms behind me, fingers gently rubbing at the base of my ears before he crouches down to become a curved band of heat against my back, tail silently wrapping around my front.
"Minnie hyungie's coming home probably earlier than the others."
He nods; body tilting closer; ears flickering as he undoubtedly picks up Joon hyung's voice through the phone until I put it on speaker. Cheek gently nudging against mine.
"Alpha pup's rounding up the rest?" hyung teases lightly with a fond smile tugging at gummy lips, fangs peeking out.
His smile's really pretty.
And he notices the absent stare, gummy smile widening as his eyes narrow into softer feline slits, ears flickering and tail tightening as he wraps an arm around me too.
"Seems like it~... Yoongi hyung, Koo I don't know how Minnie will be when he comes home, but he might need a settling nip. Or... a nudge to talk." Voice soft and quiet; but knowing... knowing his first mate better than himself, knowing that he needs a nudge whether biological or emotional. That he needs that tension to diffuse.
"So... he might bite first talk later?" I trail off.
Hear the rough bubble of laughter and the deep ragged sigh, feel my cheeks warm at the sound and the scrape of fangs playfully skimming across the shell of my ear, nosing at my jaw.
"Exactly. Reckon the three of you can hold the fort?"
I smile, ears perking as I grin, I've got just the thing in mind.
"Got it alpha hyung! You drive safe!"
And the call disconnects with his affirmation.
Yoongi hyung settles more securely behind me, tugs the controller out of my hands and draws me against the open cradle of his lap, tail still curled securely around me.
"What is it you've got bun prince? You seem to have a sure-fire way to get Minnie to calm down..." he muses, nose brushing against my nape before his lips brush gently across skin, tucks me against him and I feel the smile pressed to the back of my head when I nod. Scent blooming softer at the endearment, cheeks pinking.
"Well... surrounded by predator mates you learn one thing at least~" I tease.
His head drops to rest on my shoulder and when I turn to peer at him he tilts forward to nudge his nose against mine, smile soft and tender.
"I'm glad it's at least one thing... what could it be though?"
I smile, eyes fluttering at the gentle nudge of his nose brushing mine before his lips briefly peck mine; soft and teasing and fleeting.
Laughing softly when my lips jut out for a proper peck, a proper kiss.
"Answer first bun~"
"When you have growly predators trying to make the air foggy with scent... you just need to diffuse it."
"Whether that's by submitting to pheromones or chasing them away."
His lips brush against mine longer, a few lingering instants before he withdraws again, smile felt against my mouth even as I twist my lips in a huffy, disgruntled pout.
Hear his laughter and feel it too, pressed against my back.
Feel his legs properly move to cage me, sprawled and half draped over my thighs, keeping them pinned open. And I tilt my head back to see the playfulness gleam in his eyes, coaxing and tugging my own; reeling out that bubbling pent up energy to flare.
"You're all a growly bunch and like to if you're starving." I laugh, breath hitching when in response Yoongi hyung's hand skims across my top and tugs slightly. Knuckles skimming across skin, marking a heated line where his hand splays possessively across my stomach, chest rumbling against me with growled approval of what he finds. Slender fingers curious and exploring as the pads of his fingers, calloused, press to my stomach, traces the ridges with slow, purposeful intent. Lips slow as they slot over mine, fangs scraping my bottom lip and tongue flicking over the slight graze. A teasing fleeting gesture and when he draws back his dark eyes gleam.
"Starving is right bun." Voice low and gravelly.
I swallow, eyes dropping to his pink lips, tilting close to chase the soft pressure of his mouth against my own, feel the puff of breath as he laughs quietly.
"So what's our appetite have with you dealing with Minnie?" He asks but the narrowed dangerous slant of his eyes as he fixates on my lips, fangs peeking out, gives me the clear knowledge that the hunger pooling in his scent is far, far different to the pangs of my stomach that'd had me stirring from my seat to grab a snack... Yoongi hyung's hunger is more carnal, flickers and pools in the weighted pin of his gaze and promises to devour me whole until the predatory appetite is satiated.
It makes my throat bob heavily and immediately his stare flickers downwards to track the motion, tail curling tighter around me until the tip slithers down to brush directly against skin, a soft band of warmth unlike the trailing touch of his fingertips mapping me out onto the canvas of his hand. Until the broad splay of his palm has memorised, has committed to touch how my body feels under the light but possessive splay of his hand.
"Satiating his dominant instincts helps. So... why not give him that?" Voice breathier when with the approved rumble, hyung's touch inches up higher, burning the imprint of his touch against skin.
Citrus blooming sweet and rich, a fresh balming scent that teases at my nose then proceeds to make its home in my lungs.
"How would that be Kookie?"
"If I've learnt anything from Tae hyung... it's the thrill of the chase." I whisper, fingers reaching to flutter across Yoongi hyung's shoulder, skimming across the teasing, unfairly brief glimpse of his collarbone and settling curled against the crook of his neck.
His fangs pool over his lip at that, tongue absently flicking and swiping across his bottom lip.
"And what has our sweet cub taught you about chases little prince?" he whispers, endearment and growl laced together in an enthralling mix that has my heartbeat accelerating, thudding wildly behind the cage of my chest and from the curled grin, I don't doubt he knows, can feel the betraying tell of where his fingers continue to steadily inch upwards, body tightening with anticipation as his body brackets mine, cages me between the loose lock of his legs sprawled and curled over mine.
And though there's no pressure or force in his legs; loosely sprawled over mine, the weight, the predatory curl of my panther encasing me in his hold as he explores... the gestures speak in multitudes and his instincts rumble with the satisfaction of having a prey captured in his hold.
"That prolonged capture has a different taste. But wasn't going to-" keening at the first trail of fingertips circling my chest, steadily growing closer to the aching bud that hardens from the fleeting touches; sound choked as my back arches away from hyung's chest at the scrape of nail, the cruel, rough brush of his thumb pressing down, dragging across to soothe the sting, but the calloused scrape only further makes my chest arch forward; pushing into the touch and my hand drops to grip at his thigh.
"Sensitive baby... but so are the best of us when instincts come into play. But you... you're just so sweet and responsive and I've barely touched you." he croons, voice a deep rasp against my skin, teeth scraping against my jaw, fangs nipping.
"Playing without me? When I didn't even get to share just what makes baby bun unravel so quick?"
Another voice joins. Amused and teasing and light. And when my head turns, my mouth dries at the sight of my mate. Tracking eagerly every inch of exposed skin, the damp sheen to his bare torso, wet tendrils of hair roughly dried but still pearling droplets that gleamed and took the leisure of trailing down skin, inviting our eyes to follow. See the preening flutter of wings as full lips curve wider and Jin hyung's dark eyes gleam with satisfaction as he takes in the two of us, head cocked as he observes at his leisure.
"Hyung. Don't worry we never got far... bun's telling me all about his master plan to wrangle a feisty fox when he heads back."
I huff out a breath, but it trembles too much, sagging when hyung's fingers retreat; allowing me the reprieve, content to explore without fully riling me up, lips brushing against the crook of my neck, nose burrowing close to chase my scent and fill his lungs with the rich cotton scent seeping off me.
"I was saying... there's different ways to settle instincts." stomach taut at the combined sensations of lips brushing against skin; as if slowly tasting my pheromones across the softness of his mouth, as if letting my scent stain his lips. His tail winds tighter around my waist and the shuddered exhale is a rough, rough groan.
"Such a tiny waist. Bet it just vanishes under Tae's grip." he groans at the thought, hand finally dropping away so his own hands can give a squeeze; pressure light but fangs scraping, tongue flicking to taste my scent as he curves somehow more possessively around me.
"Guess... that's something to check at some point~" Jin hyung murmurs as he walks over, leisurely and slow, his very presence demanding attention, commandeering our gazes, wings rustling and gleaming with water as they ruffle slightly and tuck against his back when he crouches down.
Eyes fond and lips quickly slotting over mine, swallowing the exhaled relief of finally with a grin, hand cupping my jaw, thumb sweeping across skin and tilting my head for him. The movement sandwiches me between the two of them, hyung's body crowding against mine whilst Yoongi hyung continues to nose at skin, scenting lightly, more interested in observing; I can feel the weight of his stare, as his teeth pinch and tug at skin lightly, pressure too light to leave marks but relishing in the small shudders and shivers the actions coax out.
"But I know baby boy meant something else~ been pent up all day haven't you? Going to climb the walls at this rate." he whispers against my mouth, his grin pressing to my awaiting lips when I groan and curl my hand over his shoulder, tugging him closer impatiently, teeth nipping his lip in retaliation for drawing out the kiss, teasing with the slow unhurried movement of his mouth mapping mine out; though he's well-learned, fluent in knowing how to tug a whimper from the depths of my throat. Feel his smile deepen when the nip has his tongue teasing at my seam and quickly flicked against my own, chasing the wet curl of his mouth parting easily and inviting me in.
He was right. And as always hyung just knew. As if he could sense the restless itch buzzing under my veins, could feel how tight my own skin felt stretched over my bones. As if he knew and could tell immediately when energy turned to a cagey antsy feeling that bubbled and swelled with a heaviness that needed to be dispelled, needed to be let out.
As if he knew from the moment he'd stepped through the living room that the restless riling was fuelling the buzz and he needed to quieten it, because not always... not always did it dispel the same way.
And yet the buzz that Yoongi hyung's touch was igniting was a delicious heat that fuelled flames and made me arch, the pressure of teeth sinking in with more purpose that has a fraction of that restless ache dispelling as my body sags, shuddered groan tearing past my lips still crushed frantically against Jin hyung's as the scent of citrus and vanilla makes my instincts swim with contentment.
The restlessness soothed by my swan pinning me against our panther, cocooning me with the wide sprawl of his shoulders, arms curling around me. The sweet, blooming scent tangible with every flick of his tongue, tasting their scents as they curl closer; press into me, heady and lost in it.
All for a phone call. All because Yoongi hyung was a tease.
It was always the silent ones you had to look out for.
Jin hyung had said that to me countless times when we'd started courting, when he looked as if he couldn't resist and was gladly fighting a loose battle of restraint.
And now I knew what he meant by it.
The citrus scent turns pleased... satisfied, is accompanied with a curved smirk that presses against the crook of my neck, nose brushing against my gland to coax more out whilst he sucks and laves attention over the small mark, almost grooming as much as it's a mate claim he sinks fangs deep into me. Lathing over the sting even if it never broke skin.
And the rumbled promise against skin has me both sagging against his chest even as my fingers tighten on his thigh.
"Don't worry bun... I'll be glad to tire you out if needs be. Help burn off all that pent up energy until you're limp from it. But... this time we'll let our fox have the honours instead."
Carnal promise uttered by the softest croon. Enshrouding me in its mixture of heat-laced affection as Yoongi hyung's hands loosely curl around me.
Settle to both ground me and keep me cocooned by him, fingers set loosely on my waist, curled there.
And the lips bruising and demanding against mine only ease up when I keen, scent spiking and panting raggedly against him, dazed as I take in kiss-swollen lips and glittering eyes dilated slightly. Feel his rough shudder of breath graze against my skin before his thumb swipes across my bottom lip, presses down to see the way my mouth parts laxly, the way the soft flesh moulds the way he wants it too.
Pleasure and instincts can be so malleable at times and the way Jin hyung's eyes steadily hold mine, torso and wings wet with trailing, errant trickles of water, dampness pressing to where my hands have settled on him, to where I can feel Yoongi hyung's hips flush against mine, the growing hardness and the unconscious shift of his hips as he eases the pressure away no matter how much he wants to rut forward... I know that I'm moulded by my pack and gladly surrender to their desires to entangle and lose themselves within my own.
The scent of sharp mint has my nose twitching, peering up from where I'd settled in the cradle of Yoongi hyung's crisscrossed legs, ears perking up at the sound of heavy, slow movements; likely dragging off his shoes and shucking off his jacket in the hallway.
But his scent... his scent is sharp.
Fingers brush over my perked ears, rubbing gently and trail down across the bridge of my nose, eyes automatically fluttering at the touch.
"Looks like our mint baby's back." Jin hyung muses, smiling when my paws remain clasped over his fingers, trying to hold their wriggles still as my nose snuffles across his palm; scenting away slowly at the warm skin, rubbing my chin back and forth as I droop.
Half draped over a thigh and nose twitching as I press closer to my mate, paws wriggling when I'm suddenly scooped; a silent gesture made with conspiration as the scent of citrus curls around me in a protective, gentle embrace, lips brushing my ears. Smile felt against fur when he cradles me towards him.
"Let's surprise Minnie." Voice quiet and secretive and I feel my ears flicker with interest and affirmation, flopped over his arm, wriggling slightly.
Quiet, silent treads hidden and disguised further by Jin hyung's rustles and flaps; purposely loud and drawing attention to him as Jiminie hyung peers at him, ears folded and scent sharp.
Their voices quiet low thrums that my ears flicker and register even as Yoongi hyung slips into the nearest room to the living room. Carefully lowers me down in the veritable nest of earthy dew and mint; entangled with a rich heavy vibrance that has my nose scrunching, paws scrabbling on the bedspread to briefly roll around in it; layering the scent over my fur, ears drooping with contentment.
Fingers rubbing circles into my stomach, smoothening over fur and watching as I turn and twist, briefly indulging in scents before hopping out of sight; leaping down off the bed to slot myself into a small corner; hiding from sight and curling into a small ball, tail twitching with anticipation and ears perking at the sound of shuffling footsteps.
Smelling the mint before I hear him, ears flickering.
"Hi pup." The endearment makes something fond bloom inside me, paws twitching with the conscious urge to hold myself back from scampering forward.
Hear the quiet rustles and silent movements; ears perking and twitching at the light movements.
"Take your time... come back minty." Voice whispered with a hushed secrecy that I'm aware of, a part of and hyung isn't. And he doesn't know... doesn't know I'm hiding, body wriggling with excitement as he quietly, tiredly hums in agreement.
The sound is so weary, so frustrated that the sharp sear of mint it comes accompanied with has my ears drooping, paws tugging at them as I burrow smaller, momentarily sinking back even as my eyes remain wide open, peering at the room to track the footsteps that head inwards.
Quiet sighs and dragged out shuffles as hyung moves into the room, the clink of metal and the sound of the belt being tugged free from its looped, discarded onto the floor with a dull thud.
The rustle of fabric being tugged free from the confines of trousers and when I shuffled forward, body curled small as possible as I peek out, it's to see his back to me.
Hurry forward on silent scampering paws; eyes alert and tracking the flicker of his ears, nudging along the back of his leg, paw briefly brushing through the low tail; not nearly enough as swishy as it always is before darting to hide again.
Smell the short pulse of scent, hear him turn and as I peek see confused eyes slowly trawl across the room and on finding nothing continues slowly begins to unbutton his shirt.
Wait for a few moments that stretch out endlessly before shuffling out again, ears flickering and perking and hopping forward quickly and quietly to brush against his ankle, a featherlight touch he most definitely feels because I've barely wriggled into a corner and tucked away that he makes a startled noise, exhale heavier and mint spiking in response.
A frustrated huff of breath as he moves and turns in a circle; my nose scrunching with amusement when he tries to alight his eyes on whatever had touched him and vanished, preening with delight at evading notice immediately.
Slowly... slowly I edge forward, shuffling quietly when his shirt's discarded to the side, carrying the tang of mint, musk and countless other scents from the station; recoiling away from it, pawing it aside and eyes flashing upwards to make sure his gaze isn't on me.
Whatever's bothering him has him distracted, restlessly moving through the room, leaving a trail of discarded clothes; badge and gun clunking heavily into a desk drawer before he shoves it shut, body tilting in a curved slump, leaning against the wood.
For a moment... for a moment I don't rush forward, wondering whether this perhaps isn't the way to calm that simmering caged exhaustion and frustration; scent pouring off him strongly the more he dwells.
But instincts coax me to, and I trust the gut feeling that this... he needed a nudge to snap out of being officer and back to being our fox mate.
Shuffle forward carefully, mindful of not zooming in his line of vision as he slowly begins to draw the zipper down, tugging and vesting himself entirely free of the fitted slacks that cling to his legs.
Frustrated grunts as he tugs at the fabric to give way and to slip off.
And as he teeters, balancing on one leg, steadying himself on the desk as he grunts, a rippling growl resounding through the air as he frees himself from the slacks. Tosses them aside.
The sharp rippled sound makes my fur stand on edge, body ducking smaller unconsciously at the scent even if I hop over quicker, surpassing the discarded trail of clothes before seeing him sink down onto the bed, falling back with a groan.
My paws scamper across his ankles, brushing against his calf, nose snuffling before ducking away to worm under the bed, giddiness because even though the hide and seek was one-sided, there was a thrill in knowing he'd pick up on it quick.
That he'd quickly catch on.
After all, there was nothing dampening down or hiding the satisfied cotton scent and my ears flop, pressed to my side, nose twitching as I peer from underneath their bed, see his startle and the bed shifting as he moves.
"What..." confusion colours his tone and he moves off the bed, tone so sure he's not imagining it.
Come find me foxy~
Paws pressed together as my head droops down to settle over it
Paws pressed together as my head droops down to settle over it, tail twitching with excitement and bated anticipation, eyes wide and adjusting to the dark dimness of the bed's sheltering shadow.
Watch as he slides off the bed and hunches down, heartbeat thrumming loudly under my fur it's a miracle he hasn't heard me yet, hasn't had the traitorous tell of my heart thudding wildly with adrenaline and instinctual anticipation.
Aware that even if hyung doesn't know... this is a hunt, a chase.
The predator's eyes are simply to focus to pinpoint me and there.
I curl smaller, paws and flopped ears hiding my eyes as I burrow into myself, tail twitching.
Mint brushes against my peeking nose; the tip of it scrunching at the sweeter curl of scent. Lowering my paws at the brush of fingers and the fond huff of laughter; breathless and quiet.
"Has it been you teasing and dashing baby bun?" voice crooning and gentle.
A stark, stark cry from the frustrated growls and impatient movements, fingers content to brush against flopped ears and the back of my paws until I slowly peer past them, tilt to see his eyes dark and fixed on me and lips curved warmly.
He coos, voice gentler even if the growl is a bite, an undercurrent to his tone. Sharp officer retreating for my mate.
My ears flop as I tilt towards his touch, nose scrunching at the gentle rubs, pleased that his pheromones seem to be calming down.
But it's when his hand reaches further, probably to draw me closer that I startle him by dashing off, scampering past his half-hunkered form, dashing to hide under the drawers instead and hear a pealing bubble of laughter.
My tail twitches quicker at the giddy sound, at how as I watch, curled near the wall, how he twists in his half sprawl to change focus. Crawling forward and hands moving across carpet akin to how his paws would as he shuffles forward. Bright eyes greet me as hyung ducks his head to peer at me, wriggling his fingers in a half swipe that's not near enough to reach me but makes my body bristle with excitement.
"Come out little bun~ I don't bite... much." He teases, laughter ringing out as he presses his front to the carpet, back arched as he stretches his arm under the dresser and lets his hand wildly scrabble about, scent blooming with giddiness.
I slowly move forward, shuffling towards the wriggling, swiping fingers and towards the low beckoning croons, nose snuffling across the proffered fingertips.
Let my nose drift across to his palm and scent lightly, chinning I rub the soft cotton scent across his warm, warm skin.
But still.
Still when I shuffle closer, wriggling towards him, it isn't to be scooped or draw close by the curl of arm; paws scrabbling over smooth skin as I dash past, grazing bare skin and hopping over the soft swish of his tail and hurrying away.
Hear the quick whirl of movement as he scrabbles quickly after me, still crawling and stumbling behind me, words entangled with peals of laughter and breathless giggles as he chases me, fingers skimming across my back, the barest touches, mint chasing me.
"Come here baby boy~ where are you running to? You're hiding in my room pretty thing... you really think you can escape?" voice lilting and a low, raspy croon, laced together with a playful, predatory tease; a dangerous thrum in it.
My ears perk up at it, half-turning to peer at his advance as I hop across the carpet, startling at how quickly he's approaching; swerving and dashing to scamper up the dangling edge of his comforter.
Paws scrabbling for purchase, limbs coiling ready to spring with victory; paws outstretched when I'm whisked away, plucked mid-air before I get to land onto the bed. Flail helplessly in the hands that carefully cradle me, eyes bright with giddiness peer at me and hyung's lips curve wide in a bright grin, laughing as he shakes his head, ears no longer drooped.
Perked upright with his happiness as he leans close to pepper kisses across my nose, my fur, nuzzling against me, lips brushing over my ears that flop and tilt to his touch. Squirm half-heartedly, head drooping over his wrist because I didn't get to hide enough, or make him chase enough and he seems to read it in the drooping sag of my body securely held.
Teasing giggles as he draws me against his chest.
"My droopy baby, are you huffing?" he coos.
Scent pulsing steadily sweeter and lighter with every breath, and my hind-paws kick and wriggle in air, head drooping and curling small when he peeks, eyes shining and holding none of the dark, simmering frustration he'd entered with.
Lost entirely as he looks at me, eyes crinkled into crescents as he beams, cheeks bunched and curved up, nose nudging against my fur as he tries to coax me to peer up at him.
Laughing gently.
"Not going to look at me baby bun? Not even a peek from my prettiest bun? With the prettiest and softest fur. And the most dazzling eyes... not even a tiny, tiny peek for your foxy?" voice crooning and pouty and persuasive.
And when I peer up from my flopped sprawl, unfurling slightly, his smile dazzles, enamoured and bright as he leans in immediately to brush kisses across my twitchy nose, scrunching as I squirm at his indulgent affection.
Tilt upwards for more, snuffling against his nose, nudging against his lips, paws brushing over the bare skin of his chest, collarbones to try paw at his jaw and chin to get closer, fur rubbing against skin with silent, quiet satisfaction.
Rubbing against his cheek softly, ears drooping and silently telling him it's okay to have a bad day... just let me chase it away.
Peer at him when he draws back to nose along my ears with a quiet tenderness.
"Been chasing my huffiness away haven't you? My pretty bun knows just how to get my instincts soothed." Soft and gentle and affectionate and thankful. Eyes shining with gratitude.
I curl closer, relishing in the brush of skin against fur.
Warmth seeping through my glossy coat.
Startle when fangs playfully nip my ear.
"You also know how to get a fox starving to play chase."
Something predatory and playful simultaneously and eyes gleaming with a similar ache as he slowly lets me down onto the bed, watches me roll about in the combined heady mix of earthy musk and mint with a fond smile curling his lips.
"Run little bun~ this time I might just bite."
That's if you can catch me first.
(Y/N) POV:
The dimpled wolf is a welcome sight, standing up when we reach reception, tail thumping as the three of us move towards him; his eyes both bright and attentive as they rake over the three of us by turn.
"Joonie..." pleasant surprise colours my voice as I step towards him, feel his arm immediately band around me to draw me against him, a brief, fleeting embrace that I know he wants to let linger but for now settles on a brief nuzzle against my cheek. Shepherds the other two close for light scents, looking distractingly rumpled from work, hair tousled and the top few buttons of his shirt undone; revealing slithers of gold, warm skin underneath. Fitted suited form capturing our sights and keeping them captive to him. He seems to tower even more so like this, tucking me against his side as the four of us leave the centre, arm a banded curve of muscle and heat I'm consciously aware of despite the thick barriers of clothes between skin.
"Good day at work? Although... painting." he murmurs, herding the way to the car; posture loose but eyes sharp. There's a strangled, displeased tinge to his tone as he says the word, nose wrinkling and Tae laughs when he realises the scent of turpentine and paint we'd slowly become numb to the scent... or desensitised to an extent, it was clear our wolf's nose was being assaulted by the strong scent that still seemed to cling to skin though the painting overalls had long since been stripped off and hands washed and scrubbed.
"The mural! It's slowly coming together." Tae enthuses delightedly, tail swishing happily behind him as he fronts the way to the car, ears perked and voice rumbling with satisfaction.
The project he was fronting at the centre was coming together and I couldn't be prouder or happier for him.
The children were ecstatic too. Thrilled and giddy at the thought of spending so much time with the tiger prince who'd chuffed, charmed and sweetened the path directly into their hearts.
Since I'd first met him, I couldn't count how many times I'd caught him plying the children with sweet treats he'd stopped by at Jin and Kook's bakery to buy, how many times he'd been given sticky sweet kisses to his cheeks and responded with equal fervour and enthusiasm. And how even the most quiet, shy and withdrawn children were slowly... slowly but surely being drawn out of their shell, just entranced and tugged towards his naturally sweet, friendly disposition.
They were all bees flocking to his honey sweet grin and wild curls.
"We started painting our tiger too~" Hobi adds, the tips of his ears twirling as he intertwines his hand with Tae's own, watch as he tugs him along quicker as he moves towards the car.
"Joon hyung keys?" all wide, luring eyes and gently swishing tail curling coyly around Joon when he approaches, body tilting to his and nosing at his cheek with a whispered persuasion.
There's no resisting the berry cub and reeled in inevitably, Joon fishes them out to hand them over, tugging me instead to the passenger seats at the back as the felines take control up front, fiddling with the radio as the engine starts, laughter as they fight for control over the console for deciding a station to settle on.
Compared to them, the back is quieter.
And Joon's reason for easily relinquishing his keys is made apparent when instead of reaching for his seatbelt, he reaches for me instead. Tugging me closer until I'm pressed against his side properly and his head can tilt to mine, tucking me against him whilst his hand settles over my thigh.
Scent pulsing off him in strong heavy waves.
"Missed me alpha baby?" I tease, even as I lean against him, let my head come to rest against his collar. Hand moving to curl against his waist as I press myself to the heady mix of rich earthy forest dew and strong muscles under my touch.
His scent thickens at the term, seems to curl around me alongside his arm banding across my back; the embrace is physical and pheromonal.
"Mhm... missed my doe." Head ducking to nose against my temple, lips following the gentle, featherlight brushes until my head tilts to peer up at his.
Until his lips ghosting along warm teasing trails across my cheek and jaw finally make their way to my own awaiting lips, the soft laughter and deep hum of voices still makes my ears flicker even as my eyes flutter under the gentle fleeting touches.
There's something more in the simple first brush of lips against my own, something beyond the feeling of rightness, wholeness slotting into place. Lips slow but in no way restrained; there's an outpour of crackling want immediately melding and fusing to me, entangling and pressing wantonly against me. A ragged exhale as his hand tugs me closer; settled on the low of my back and insistently drawing me closer, legs pressed flush and bodies gravitating to each other.
Hand possessive as it moves to cup my cheek, to tilt my face more steadily to his, tongue flicking across my lips and insistently trying to delve past the seam, to curl against my own, rumbling with askance and impatience when I relish in the feeling of his lips pleading and coaxing. Trying to persuade my lips to part with scraping fangs and tugging teeth drawing my bottom lip between them, nipping and coaxing.
"(Y/N)... pup let me in." he growls against my lips, fingers slipping from my jaw to cradle the back of my head, fangs nipping less gently.
Groaning as if starved with the denied entrance to the parting seam of my lips, fingers pressing possessively as he cradles the back of my head. The large pan of his fingers across my head, skimming across my nape and the louder growl reverberating against my mouth is drowning with predatory command, the air ripples with it and the confined space of the car swells with his scent battering in persuasion at me.
And my lips part at the rumbled growl, feel his shuddered approval as his hand skims from the low of my back to curve around my waist to settle between my thighs; palm and fingers splayed on the inside of my leg and the weighted reminder of my mate's hungered impatience; tugging at me as if the distance frustrates him, as if the barrier of clothes do too.
The car's warm but the scorch of his scent, his touch is hotter, merciless as his teeth sink into my bottom lip to tug, to lay a claim there, that has a whimpered breathless shudder muffled against his lips, his hands tugging, tugging until my legs are sprawled over his, until he's content because my body's straddling his, legs splayed open and settled over his thighs, hands curling around his nape to drag him closer, which he only acquiesces with a deep rumbled content that makes my own limbs curl softer, looser against his. Body tilting to his.
The car jerks forward; the smooth driving turning for a moment jagged; the movement intertwined with the saccharine sweet scent of berry pulsing past the now unblocked glands; seeping into the crevices of the car. Entangles with the steadily heated thickness of scents that seem to burrow past clothes to seep into skin.
The huffed rumble entangled with bright, giddy laughter, my fingers reflexively tighten around Joon to steady myself, feel his breath ragged and heated graze against skin as our lips slip away, noses brushing against each other.
"Impatient pup... can't even wait so you weren't putting on a show we can't join?" a voice teases in a low croon, laced with crackling embers that stoke the usual warmth into something that growls with unfairness at the situation.
"You're breaking my berry's heart, not being able to join." Hobi adds, his dark eyes holding mine when my head turns to face him, the dark brown gleaming with something primal and hungering, caramel richness molten and dripping from every word that falls past curved lips that widen when lips brush against my jaw, when the scrape of tongue and teeth has my eyes fluttering, clutching tighter at the broad shoulders.
But it doesn't deter the rumbling wolf from continuing his hunt towards my scent gland, nose brushing across skin as he nuzzles lightly. A sharp, harsh cry from the flicking embers of heat his lips coax to the surface, leave its searing blaze behind, arms tightening on my waist, fingers teasing at the hem of my jumper, pushing the fabric aside to let his fingertips skim across skin.
The first curl of his hand settling directly against skin combined with the scraping tug of his fangs and teeth at my gland has my scent seeping out in a thick floral rivulet.
It also has the car swerving sharply, uncaring of the honks of other cars, accelerating before it abruptly pulls up. Brakes slammed hard enough that my body jolts.
And the sound of the seatbelt unclicking has my ears flickering, hands pushing at Joon's chest as I turn my head, see dark eyes glowering as he hastily clambers uncoordinated over the console, body twisting to squirm past the small gap between the seats.
And the tiger at the wheel clambers with all the fumbled grace of a ruffled cub as he sprawls over onto the seats, eyes dark and intensely holding mine.
Daring me to look away.
"Hyung you can drive. I don't think I can focus because of the two being unsafe in the back." Voice a low rasp.
And the scent of berries sweetened with desire and arousal has my lips parting, as if to catch the taste of the saccharine pheromones on my tongue, on lips that feel bruised and branded by the unrelenting, hungering grip of Joon's against mine.
And the tug, the fierce grip tugging me to him instead is impatient and unravelling of restraint and control. Hand curling around my wrist with the broad plane of his palm and fingers swallowing my wrist whole, immediately branding the small scent gland and skin with his sticky sweet claim.
Eyes dark and fangs pooling over usually grinning lips, a rumbled groan as his lips featherlight but burning skim across my jaw.
"Can't have alpha hyung eat you all up... not when I have plans to devour you myself."
And his fangs shine with carnal promise, as if he intends to do exactly as he says and sink his teeth into me, body bracketing mine, body half-positioned sprawled and angled away from Namjoon whose scent follows, whose hand skims across where Tae's rests on the low of my back and teases at my nape, the touch makes my head droop, angled to bare the slither of skin for him.
Rewarded by the pinch of teeth and the growl reverberating against skin.
That's what my instincts and biology realise with the rush of endorphins pulsing through my system; fingers scrabbling for purchase, sandwiched between the two predators.
But it's not a bad feeling. And it's safe.
And through the pulsing fog of scents that slowly begin to cluster against me from all sides, pinned by them... a slow sluggish thought pierces through, a slither of conscious coherency.
Something was bothering Joon too. And there must be a reason that Minnie never came.
And then lips are chasing and banishing away coherent streams of thoughts, wiping away the ability to string a sentence together.
"What've you done to her?" a voice slightly stunned and deep with a fretting protective edge curls close, fingers skimming featherlight across my cheek, gentle vanilla scent coaxes my face to tilt to the touch without thought. Immediately feeling the tilt to him, feel featherlight fingers skim across my cheek and steady the loll of my head.
"Nothing!" defensive and largely pleased, hands steadying where my head tilts to the source of the quiet thrum of both concern and tenderness. Feel the hands banded around me, keeping me steady against the warm, firm plane of his chest, tighten to steady me.
The scent of caramel clinging to berries and rich forest dew makes my mind swim, even as I continue to tilt my cheek against the gentle fingertips and palm, lips brushing against my temple.
"And she smells like she's been battered into a scent high why?" voice fussing, warm brown eyes sensing when mine flutter open and drift down to hold my gaze.
Tender and gentle and affectionate.
"Blame Namjoon, he started it all!" A deep rumbling voice says defensively, scent spiking with a rich burst of berries.
The resounding whined growl is nothing short of both approved and yet... chagrined of sorts, the audible sound of feathers rustling and wings flapping.
Swan prince.
Blearily my eyes blink, sluggishly holding his and tilting to get closer to him, burrowing against him and only realising belatedly, when the shift of hands transfer, and the torso my head rests against is... bare.
Bare skin pressing to my cheek and lips and fingers curling around skin to tuck myself closer, head tilting up to mouth at the smaller glands at his neck, fingers shaking as they skim across skin.
"Really did a number on you huh? My sweet chickie." Voice low and light and crooning.
"...Jinnie." Lips mumbling his name as his body keeps me cradled and steady against him, his scent entangling with citrus; a soft sweet mix that has my ears flickering and head drooping more steadily.
Feel my body being lowered, fingers trying to keep him close, clutching lightly at warm skin, rewarded by the fluttering flare of wings when my eyes blink up at him, dimly noting the main light of his bedroom casts a glow over damp hair and his fully spanned wings.
A fallen angel.
My fallen angel.
My pretty, pretty swan.
Don't realise the words are being mumbled until his lips curve into a wide, enamoured grin, brushing countless pecks across my skin and cupping my cheeks to gently brush butterfly kisses across the curved imploring tilt of my mouth. Sighing with relief at the warm, careful pressure of his lips against my own. Body tilting down to me more steadily, a soft low groaned exhale at my fingers mapping the divots and lines and smooth plane of his torso under my slow, unrushed, uncoordinated touch.
"Charming a swan into your bed sweetheart? Careful... I'm already past smitten with you." he teases voice light, skimming across skin with the same careful tenderness his lips do, chasing the soft murmured call of his name and swallowing it with the eager press of his mouth against mine, nose brushing against mine and encasing me so in this moment, in the blurred haze of the world is just him.
Kim Seokjin is that world. He's that blurred world, that hovering space that crowds against my own. He's my world and is made up of onyx gleaming feathers and muscled skin, sinew wrapped in smooth warmth, he's damp hair dying against the glittering love in brown eyes and the whispered intimacies of full lips pressing their confessions against skin, against my pliant lips.
"Pretty, pretty swan." I mumble, fingers entangling in his hair, tugging to coax him closer; a breathlessness stirring at how gentle and slow and unrushed every kiss is, soft and fleeting presses of his lips.
"I've got you my chickie~ going to take care of you." voice registering distantly, his hands skimming and drifting to unbutton my coat, drawing off my outer-layers, coaxing my body up to curl against his as he slowly draws the coat off.
"Yoonie?" I mumble, still smelling the soft citrus pulsing sweetly. Gently.
"Right here sweet girl... just getting you pyjamas."
Voice carrying an underlying rumble akin to a purr.
It coaxes my eyes to flutter.
"Didn't... bun and Mimi?"
Soft lips brush across my jaw.
"Somewhere. Chasing each other."
Feel the smile curve against skin at my own slowly tugged from sluggish depths, eyes blinking open and shut, steadying and focusing on the two that flit in and out of my vision.
Keep me steadied between them, slowly drawing away layers only to replace them, warm skin, feathers and the curl of a tail winding around me.
Cocooning me in the mix of panther and swan.
Feel the hazy fog of pheromones continue to coax my limbs into a pliant sprawl as my head turns.
Meet dark feline eyes holding mine.
See the curve of pink lips shifting into a gummy smile, fangs peeking, lean in slightly so my nose can brush against his, tilt to peck it.
See his eyes soften and brighten simultaneously.
"Hyung's right. Pheromone drunk you is a charmer aren't you sweet girl?" a low coo of words, tail winding around me more securely.
"Have the prettiest mates. Who gang up on me too much." I mumble, feeling his fingers entangle with mine, intertwined in the small space between our bodies.
The hands that pin mine to either side of the car door are ungiving, the weighted pin of a body against mine even more so. Keeping me from buckling as his lips furiously chase to expel all the pent up restless want he couldn't on the drive here. Groaning low against my mouth, a messy entangled clash of tongue and teeth that demand entrance and take it too; too impatient as his hips rock slightly against mine.
"If I wasn't trying to crash the car I'd have dragged the two out to mate you in the backseat."
The words are met with growled approval at the image he burns into my mind and disagreement.
"Best believe my fawn, when the time comes I'm not sharing."
The teeth that sink into my gland threaten to puncture the gland to fuse the berry sweetness directly into my veins; the hold his fangs have at my throat has my head tilting in pliant submission, breath ragged at the loop of his hands anchoring mine frustratingly away from him, keeping them pinned between us even as he tilts his head up, curls brushing against skin as he sinks his teeth in to reel out anise to seep and stain his tongue.
"Such a pretty, pretty cub. Do you know how long I've wanted to be yours? Do you know how hard it is to drive when all I can hear are those damn moans?"
Teeth scraping across the swollen tissue; the pad of his tongue a rough scraping rasp against skin as he chases to swallow my scent as if he wants his lungs drowning in it, tugging me closer and a leg haphazardly banding across the back of mine to keep me anchored.
"Shame this time you can't run."
The gummy smile curls wider.
"I can't blame them. You're irresistible sweet love. I can blame them on scenting you so much... I can tell whose pretty marks you're wearing where." Gently skimming across seemingly scattered marks across skin that has heat and a pleasurable sting flaring where the crooked curve of his fingertips lightly press.
And his eyes track my fingers reaching to skim across the soft of his cheek, trailing down his jaw, drifting across his throat. Eyes blinking at the pale expanse of unmarked skin.
"Going to make pretty marks on my pretty panther and swan....pretty mates." I mumble.
His lips curve into a wider smile, cheeks pillowed near mine, soft and squished and his eyes gleam.
"Prettier doe. So sweet and receptive to pheromones. All loopy from scents." Voice a deep thrum that only seems to coax the scents to sink in deeper, dissolving into my bloodstream, pulsing through my veins.
Feel the flutter of feathers carefully curve around my skin, feel where the wing settles as an extension, an added blanketed warmth and feel Jin move closer as his body brackets mine; lips smiling against my nape.
"We have incoming." A whispered, shared warning.
An indulgent knowing in his tone, quiet and lilting, nose brushing against skin as the quiet scurry of paws approach.
But it's two pairs of scurrying paws scrabbling over the carpet, the quiet padding across the sheets, before a sprawled bun falls from clambering over Yoongi, paws slipping and ears flopped as he tumbles into the space between us. Nose twitching in greeting and dark brown eyes staring at me, shuffling forward with tiny, contained hops until he's nose to nose with me.
Settled in the space between our heads and pawing at skin as he greets me with silent affection, fur brushing against skin.
"Koo...hi baby bun." I murmur, fingers brushing against glossy fur in greeting, trailing against flopped ears and smile when I feel his head turn to chase my fingertips, twitchy nose pressed to my wrist and paws trying to hold on so he can scent, snuffling at me.
A chirp sounds, cutting through the hazy fog and comes pawing from behind and the sweet mint is gentle, the pawing scurries hurried and eager to greet.
Feel the huff of warm laughter against my nape, the exhale makes me shiver, neck arching and rewarded by the brush of lips across marked skin and the swollen, stimulated bump of my scent gland.
"Looks like their chase is over." He murmurs, fingers wound around me in a backhug as the source of mint approaches, carefully navigating the entangled sprawl of limbs to wriggle his way closer, forcing the leg curled over mine to withdraw to let him to paw closer.
Beady eyes and nose hovering in my vision when I turn my head, fluffy ears perked with attention and chirping softly when he meets my eyes, burrowing his nose against my cheek in enthusiastic nuzzles, light and tender but eagerly done, rubbing fur against skin to add his layer of scent on too.
"Mimi too... pretty shifted babies." I coo, voice slurred and heavy as I reach my hand out for him, feel Koo burrow closer to my neck instead as my fingers slip away to coax the orange fluff closer who chirps and immediately noses at the invitation, tail swishing and head ducking to rub indulgently across skin.
"The other three can get dinner for themselves." Yoongi murmurs, eyes bright and fond as they rest on me, his fingers brushing gently across brown fur as he pets the bun-ball burrowing against my neck and chinning, adding the lighter, gentler reprieve of cotton to the weighted fog of predator scents crowding me in.
As if he's chasing to dispel the fog slightly, to make it lighter so the weights dragging my eyelids down lighten somewhat, peering over my shoulder at his mate and the arm around my waist tightens fractionally, fingers ducking to press directly to skin and lips pressing to my nape trail towards my throat; press a soft kiss to the scrunchy nose that pauses in its snuffling scenting to greet Jinnie.
The chirps are quiet and the scramble of paws as he moves back, ducking to rub scent across his chased bun and the other two before he shuffles back, wriggles and the low swish of his tail as he moves. Paws moving to tug at the offending pyjama top before his paws slip onto skin and he dives at the invitation and he shuffles to paw at skin and tuck himself away. Pressing fur to skin and wriggling his way upwards until his nose peeks out from the neckline and slowly he peeks through; chirping and snapping fangs playfully, lightly when I tilt to him.
Eyes fluttering heavier at the added two shifted mates.
Cocooned entirely by the four of them.
"Not gonna go eat?" I ask, eyes bleary, the drag of eyelids heavier, forcing them open as I blink at him.
Breath softer, shakier trembles of air as I tilt to the lips continuing their slow exploration of marked skin, nose brushing against my throat. Teeth scraping in the barest of touches.
"And leave our sweet chickie? Never~" voice soft, words warm.
And his hand that'd been settled over me, arm banded across my waist is tickled by the swishing tip of Minnie's tail as he settles to rumble chirps against my skin brushes against my waist; a teasing ticklish trail that has me squirming and pressing back against him.
Flanked by the broad planes of his chest pressing to me, the heat of his torso seeping through fabric.
The quiet rumbling purr that fills the air emanates from the stretched out feline whose eyes are filled with comfort, the loose smile coaxing me to rest as he leans closer, leg once more lightly drawing over mine. Coaxes my body to sink utterly compliant to the scents, surrounded by the nest of my mates' bodies all pressing close.
"Sleep sweet girl, rest off the pheromones. We're still here." He promises, words steeped with the rumbling purrs that even without being directly pressed to skin have the desired effect, eyes drooping and head sinking more readily against the pillow.
"Not letting go chickie." The whispered promise laced with the sweet scent of vanilla is brushed against my ear.
And the feathers flutter to settle against me.
"My swan prince." I hazily mumble.
His lips curve against my throat.
It's hot. Far too hot.
And I wince as I tilt away from the weighted cocoon of limbs to realise that I'm even more sandwiched between packmates.
But the source of citrus has retreated, lingers in the sheets and on the pillows but Yoongi's not there.
In his place is the bare sprawl of Minnie, shifted back, at some point to find more contentment in cradling Kookie close; a small, burrowed bun-ball tucked against his bare chest and his other hand loosely sprawled over my waist; body angled in a way that shows he'd been more settled to keep himself tucked close and around me.
The two of them are deeply asleep, the lines and shadowed slope of Jimin's body loosened with a deep contentment as he sleeps, ears unmoving and drooped and tail limp behind him. The entangled scent of mint and cotton steady and intertwined.
And when I turn, fingers brushing against too-warm cheeks, the wing curled over me unfurls slowly, feathers rustling and the arm still banded around my waist shifts, eyes blearily blinking as Jin slowly stirs.
Face lined with shadows but the smile is visible as he slowly blinks with more focus and coherency, lips curved as his hand reaches to brush against my cheek.
"Awake chickie?"
I nod, eyes fluttering with relief of his touch, tilting to him, turning in the circle of his arm and though it makes Minnie stir behind me, he quickly settles, breaths deep and even.
His eyes search, drifting over my face with a scrutinising intensity, with a trailing gaze that has me stilling underneath the warmth of sleepy eyes.
"Still hazy?"
My head turns to brush my lips against his palm.
"No... don't even know what set them off." I grumble half-heartedly even though my lips are tugging up and I absently draw the blankets off me, slowly disentangle myself to escape the added layer of heat.
Aided by his hands slipping down to free me, lips a warm grin as his wings flap behind him.
"You. That's all the trigger that's needed sweetheart~ still not figured that out? Our sweetest prey mate."
My cheeks warm as I sit up, feel his body close to mine as he follows suit, hand drawing me close against his side.
"How about dinner?"
I lean against him, hum quietly as my hand intertwines with his.
"By candlelight my prince?"
His head turns to brush his lips against my temple.
"If that's what my chickie wants."
"Nearly everyone missed dinner." I mumble as we draw ourselves out of the bed, feel his arm steady my small stumble, pressing against the warmth of his skin and leaning against him.
"Minnie and Kook tired themselves out-I don't doubt they'll be starving at breakfast, I also know there's no waking them now. And why don't we go find Yoongi?" he offers.
Slowly drawing me away from the quiet of the bedroom, drawing me out onto the landing; still dimly lit.
And the scent of citrus; sweeter, sharper with alertness and coherency, Yoongi's scent acts as a tangible trail that we follow, moving towards the sweet blooming scent curling its way through the apartment.
But the door to his in-home station is still closed, knowledge enough his show's still going on and rather than entering; Jin steers me towards the kitchen.
"Let's see if we can surprise little kit." He murmurs, voice warm and fond.
And the two of us are sluggish; still half drowsy as we navigate the kitchen, sleepy murmurs and bodies gravitating close time and time again; chasing away the cold emptiness of the apartment by curling close.
But as time goes, as food's heated, dishes clinking slightly as I take them out of the cupboard; I feel Jin pass me to get a tablecloth; eyes warm and delighted at my eyes widening with approval at the sight. At him whisking away the vase of flowers by the windowsill to set at the centre and I'm in the process of lighting candles; that the scent of citrus approaches again.
Sweeter and turning slightly tart with surprise.
Quiet footsteps that are barely picked up on as my head turns to see Yoongi approach; clothes slightly less rumpled but posture straightening.
Surprised as he spots the two of us in the dim kitchen; only lit up with the stove light and the candles flickering at the table.
"Late date night?" voice a low smooth drawl.
Hovering at the cross between the living room and kitchen, body comfortably slouched and tilted.
"Yoonie~ hungry?" I ask, voice a quiet lilt.
"Starving." He replies playfully, eyes flashing with tease as he slips forward, absently fixing the loose slope of Tae's t-shirt, the smooth expanse of his collarbone and shoulder briefly hidden out of sight.
My lips twitch at his amused low drawl; different to the deep purrs that'd soothed me to sleep earlier.
"Good show little kit?" Jin asks, wings tucking against his back as he turns, bringing forward a tablemat to set down alongside the bowls.
"Mhm... but you beat me to it. I wasn't expecting you to wake for at least another hour." He murmurs, slipping away with the curl and swish of his tail as he heads to the fridge to draw out a bowl of fruit salad. The jewelled mix of fruits that he sets down onto the table too, that he must've made at some point after I'd fallen asleep.
My cheeks pinken as I stare at him, hand reaching out to tug his wrist, to draw him closer, thumb brushing over his wrist gland in silent affection for his quiet perceptiveness. See in the dim lighting his own skin flush slightly... prettily as his tail curls around me.
"Got the upper hand on our wooing before we got to." Jin muses with laughter in his voice, eyes sparkling as he sets down a steaming pot of ramen, a playful lilt to his words as he tugs out a chair.
He shrugs lightly.
As if he didn't even consider it that way, eyes narrowed at the playful tease as he reaches for utensils.
Yoongi doesn't even see these acts as anything beyond unconscious and natural to do; seamless in the way he's always trying to take care and tend to everyone without explicitly even drawing it to attention.
I let my head turn to face him, to study his side profile, eyes drifting over the pink colouring his skin lightly and the loose sleep-tousled strands of his hair, the softness of his cheek and the sharper cut of his jaw.
Lean in to peck his cheek, nose brushing against his jaw and ducking to briefly nuzzle at his scent gland, lips ghosting along and relishing the small shudder her gives in response.
"Consider me constantly charmed panther mine." I whisper.
Feel his tail curl tighter around my calf in response.
And feel his arm curl around me in response, drawing me against his side and steering me towards a chair. Tail only unravelling briefly as he sits before he tugs his chair closer to mine, sides brushing so that the three of us are huddled on the same side of the table; pressed close as his chopsticks reach to scoop ramen into our bowls by turn.
And he waits until I've safely swallowed the first steaming mouthful before he whispers something coy and lilting.
Something that makes Jin's wings rustle in agreement.
"You look really pretty when you're all marked and scent drunk. Quite the charmer too."
Laughs quietly at the small, choked splutter it triggers.
"He's not lying~ what a sweet talker you can be when you want."
Sandwiched between the two of them, my cheeks steadily pinking but I meet the teasing feline slant of his eyes.
"And what's got you all teasy in the middle of the night?" I retort, scooping up ramen and ignoring the burning weight of his gaze still fixed on me.
There's silence. Disturbed only by the purposeful loud slurp Jin makes to coax laughter out, eyes bright with laughter, cheeks full and lips pouty and slightly swollen from spice and heat.
Silence as he ponders over the reaction, eyes raking over me with a feverish, simmering intensity that speaks volumes.
I see Suga and I see Yoongi. I see someone who connected to my mind first and right now looks at me as if he's starved of everything else.
The mere weight of his gaze has nervous, giddy flutters pooling in my stomach. And Jin's silence only shows his curiosity, eyes holding Yoongi's with a quiet intensity and encouragement.
"Why not?" he contradicts, brows raised slightly at the question, lips quirking even as his face is obscured by curling wisps of steam. Nothing that hides his satisfaction at his answer, words rolling off his tongue.
"It's fun to see you flush~ wonder how deep that pink can go." Jin adds, a bubble of laughter; rich and warm laced into the words, finger poking the side of my cheek fondly.
My ears flicker even as my heart thuds and twists at the teasy flirting, at the light-hearted playfulness.
Without the usual loud vibrancy of the day and the entirety of their pack, their words both hold more silent, unspoken charge, thrumming with sincerity despite the teasing tones. In the quiet, they're more intense, citrus and vanilla entangling with the flickering flames of the candles, bodies shifted close to mine. As if the night, its darkness brings the rich comfort in full force of Jin's fluttering wings that rustle and shift with contentment and the silky brush of Yoongi's tail against my calf, his ears perked and flickering as he looks at me.
The night makes their fur and wings gleam. They are night in their own way. My black swan and my panther. And they're comfort and warmth and teasing lilts and shadowed smiles.
And it's with the sweetness of fruit still tangible on my tongue that Yoongi murmurs something quietly as he draws me up, the three of us slipping back to my room, content to hold me to him in a sleepy embrace; eyes steadily growing drowsy once more.
Body swaying with a quiet thrumming happiness felt in the hard and soft lines and planes of his body, arms encasing me as he tugs me down onto my bed. And cocoons me with a sleepy embrace, nose nudging against my cheek.
"Maybe I wanted you to be able to remember if I said something sweet girl. Courting isn't just physical marking and scenting... maybe, maybe I want the way to earning the right to be yours.... Is by winning you over in every way."
And the butterflies return in full force.
Shuddery flutters beating against my sternum, alongside the accelerated pulse of my heartbeat as my lips part silently, fingers going lax around the chopsticks.
The crush turned courting seems to slam into me in full force with the quiet weight of his words that sink in and my scent blooms out rich and strong and entranced by his sweet citrus blossom.
A wild, unstoppable enamoured love for the panther curled around me, the same affection and tenderness reflected back in the swan settled in front of me.
It was night-times that bought Yoongi to me in the first place, brough the low thrum of a voice that coaxed sleep and understood me... and it's night-time when I fall deeper in love with him and my swan prince.
Night-time has its ways of making lines blur and lives entangle.
And night-time brings me solace as a I sink into their arms and let sleep claim me again.
And let the weighted darkness over my eyes soothe with its balm of citrus-vanilla.
Midiiplier you're my valentine~ am I yours? 🥺👉👈
(Tagged as requested my love🤭🥰 establish it aaaaaall)
Borahae! 💜💜💜
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