Chapter 63- entangled and knotted
(Y/N) POV:
"You look cosy." A voice remarks from behind me as I move towards the living room, ears flickering as I turn to face the feline that's silently snuck up behind me on noiseless treads. Peering at the tiger similarly swaddled in a large sweater and loose pants, a mismatched combo that just... works. Tail curling and swaying as he pads forward, hands slipping out his pockets to wind around me, back-hugging as he leans against me, snuffling at my ears, fangs playfully nipping.
"Hobi helped groom my ears and dry my hair... I feel so drowsy." I admit, relishing in the warmth and comfort of a rare early end to the workday, of already being warm and cosy and back in the nest. Eyes fluttering with content, squirming from the curled embrace when his fangs nip playfully at my cheek, skimming down my jaw and throat in playful scrapes.
"You smell... sleepy. All hazy and nap ready." He concludes from his slow, deliberate scents, cheek rubbing against mine, curls tickling skin. The scent of berries sweet and soft and brushing against skin and teasingly trailing down my throat.
"I don't think I've had half a day off for a long time... I even managed to catch Woo on his day off." I hum, wriggling from the playful nip under my ear, fangs scraping skin, slowly beginning to waddle towards the living room, his weight entirely resting and flopped over me. Clinging on happily. His feet dragging behind him as we walk into the living room, unofficially long since have become the collective pack space.
"How's your pack?" he asks, voice softening.
I shrug, drawing the sleeves of the jumper over me.
"A buck who never got to nest properly during his rut and a squirrel baby beating himself up with guilt. My herd's together but falling apart Tae... and I can't be there for them." Morose at the thought.
The call with Woo, eyes scanning over tired shadows that the makeup he hadn't washed off yet couldn't hide... the droop to his face as he curled up in one of Binnie's thick blankets. Slouched on the couch and face tired, narrower than I remembered it.
"I'm sorry. Sometimes it feels selfish... that we have you, we have our whole pack, we have our eight and you're torn from your own." He mumbles contritely against my shoulder, ears flickering and folding slightly.
My hand rises to cup his cheek, head tilting to nudge my nose against the soft squish of his cheek.
"Don't be sorry. I didn't think an entire season would change. Binnie loves celebrating Spring together." I murmur, a fierce pang of homesickness even as we continue to slowly shuffle towards a couch, flopping down on it together, breath suddenly rushing out of me at his body pinning mine to the couch with his full sprawl, a bubble of surprised laughter that has his lips curving against my jaw.
"What do you usually do for spring?" he asks, voice muffled against me, shifting slightly so his body isn't entirely bracketing mine to the upholstery, twisting and manoeuvring so his back rests against the couch, leg sprawled over my hip and tail settled over my waist.
An entangled mess of limbs as he peers at me, curls wayward and falling in front of his eyes.
My fingers move to brush them out of his line of sight, shivering slightly at the scrape of fangs at the inside of my wrist.
"Well... Binnie's a squirrel. He loves hoarding in the winter, blankets... drinks... us. He does it all. And then come spring he loves having a picnic on the first official day that marks winter ending. It doesn't matter if we still need coats, we're going to be snacking on a blanket in the middle of a park." I murmur, fingers slowly drifting across the curve of his cheek, trailing down to the corner of his lips that part, poking a fang and smiling when he nips.
"Is it herd tradition? Or pack?" he asks, curious, eyes blinking at me.
I hum, fingers pausing against his cheek.
"Herd. SJ, Jangmi... Amina they were all there last year. I... I want them all there this year too." His cheek tilting against my palm, eyes earnest and warm.
"They will be. You're whole herd will be there. And maybe... maybe pack too?" voice hopeful and fangs peeking out in a wry smile, turning to brush his lips against my palm.
I tilt forward, lips brushing against his cheek, smiling when he turns so they press against his, warm and soft and unhurried. Slowly tracing the outline of his lips and the feel of them against my own, the gentle scrape of fangs and teeth against my bottom lip, tongue flicking against the seam before delving in, brushing past the parted invite of my own. His hand moves to curl around my cheek, tilting my face upwards, nose brushing against mine, a soft content low groan as his tail curls tighter, body tilting and gravitating to mine. My hand moves from his cheek, brushing against curls and letting the silky black wind and entangle around my fingers, tongue brushing against his, flicking and curling playfully against mine as he teases, his smile felt even as his tongue flicks against where his teeth playfully nip my lip, softer, lighter pecks where our lips chase each other's.
"You'd want to freeze at a picnic with us?" I ask, lips curving up, pecking the tip of his nose.
"I would... I don't think a single one of us wouldn't want to. We've never met your pack... not properly. Not as your courting mates." He murmurs.
"I know they'd love you. I know it'll all work perfectly. I know you'll love our apartment too." I laugh, lips brushing against mine, slow and languid and indulgent, heads tilting close.
Murmuring against my lips as he peers at me.
"Oh I have no doubt... the first time I'm going to visit, I'm staying over for a sleepover." He says in all seriousness, a delighted chuff against my skin, a deep rumbled warm sound exhaled against my jaw as he smiles when I nod, fingers gently brushing through curls, nails lightly scratching at his scalp, his eyes fluttering happily. Tilting to the touch.
"Going to nest?" I ask, voice soft, leg slotted between his, bodies entangled in an embrace as I peer at him.
His cheek bonks against my jaw, rubbing slowly, a drag of skin against skin as he leisurely scents.
"Of course... SJ gets to but I don't? I won't stand for the injustice." He exclaims, warm, deep giggles against me when I poke his stomach, wriggling back at my own smile.
"Don't worry Tae... we don't discriminate against stripes. You're welcome to stay. When. When I go back." I whisper, head resting against his shoulder, tucked close to the crook of his neck, breathing in the berry sweet pheromones.
My arm curls around him, a kiss ghosting along his gland.
"But now... nap time remember." I whisper, smiling when his chest rumbles with affirmation, curling over to flop on top of me, body sprawled and settled over mine, head burrowed against my gland. His limbs become a weighted blanket of heat cocooning me, body slotting against mine as he drags cushions closer, carefully drawing one under my head.
"Nap time." he echoes.
I slowly wake to a disoriented sense of space, the weight on my body's gone. Moved. And when my eyes blink open, rubbing drowsiness from them, it's to peer at an empty couch but the berry scent still present and steadily strong and sweet.
"Tae..." I mumble, twisting on the couch to peer for him, eyes drifting across the living room, see stripey ears perk and his head turn as he grins at me, looking far more awake and alert than me, tail curling and swishing behind him, hand curled around a controller. The floppy brown ears that perked up alongside his are accompanied with a toothy scrunch, a wide grin as he waves at me.
"Hi pretty fawn."
"Koo... is it evening already? When'd you get home?" I mumble, slowly straightening up, moving off the couch to slowly shuffle towards them. Kook's head tilts back to rest against my legs, peering up at me as my fingers brush across the soft silky brush of his fur.
"Early... early evening. We sold out quick today and figured why not come home earlier. You missed Hobi hyung... he came back just a little while ago. I think the others are somewhere around except officer hyungies..." he muses. Eyes fluttering happily at the brush of fingers rubbing at the base of his ears, they flop and droop, curving at the rubs.
"Nearly a whole nest." I muse, laughing softly when a head bonks against my calf, Tae grinning as he tilts his head to me, ears brushing against my palm, waiting for the same ministrations to his awaiting curls and flickering ears. His grin boxy and fangy.
Chuffing when my hands are occupied with both of them, rubbing and scratching gently.
"I think I'm going to make tea and grab a book... want anything?" I ask as I draw away after a while, smiling at the whine Tae gives when I move back, at odds to the grin and gentle nuzzle against my wrist gland that Kookie gives in silent thanks.
"Banana milk if there's any."
Voices trailing after me as I walk towards the kitchen, slowly moving about rinsing berries, drawing banana milk from the fridge and plucking a big berry from the bowl as the kettle boils. Lips closing around the fruit, crisp, cold sweetness bursting across my tongue, turning to find feline eyes trained on me.
Grinning around it as I take another bite, his eyes dropping to my lips, almost pouting as he stares at the berry. My tongue flicks against my lips, chasing the errant stray droplets, watching Kook whack Tae lightly.
"Going to go feral everytime you see one of us eat berries?" he laughs, nose scrunching playfully over his shoulder, arm half-draped, ready to restrain a pouncing predator if needs be.
I stick my tongue out playfully at him, rinsing my hand off juice, grinning at him.
Dabbing them dry before reaching for a mug.
"He's got a point Tae~ I can switch to other fruits if it's a... problem." I call teasingly, letting the tea steep in my mug as I grab a small tray, setting the berries and milk onto it. Carefully walking back out with the mug placed onto it too.
"No! I just... fine fine. I won't say..." he grumbles, happily reaching for the bowl I hand him, grabbing my hand before it can slip away to press a kiss to my palm. A loud mwah before he snuffles lightly at skin, drawing away to hold a berry out to Koo, banana milk clutched in his hand.
Drifting back to the couch with my own mug, plucking a book off the shelf, I'd seen Joon engrossed and curled over it a few weeks back, ears flickering and eyes intently trained on the pages. Soft and snug as he'd read.
And curl back on the same spot I'd vacated, settling down to read.
The sound of chuffs and voices and soft giggles and murmurs fading to the background, ears flickering and picking up on snippets of conversation, body curling and settling against the cushions, fingers curled around the mug, settled by the warmth of the apartment and the content scents entangled together. My body tilts automatically to when Hobi steps in, perching on the couch after brushing a kiss to my ears, eyes slowly tearing away from the book to him. See the amused smile stretched across his lips, at the stretch of my neck, ready to turn back to the story.
"You can go back to your book after a kiss." He laughs, head ducking down to quickly brush against my lips, tilting closer to linger for a few moments longer, nipping playfully before he withdraws, curiously peering over my shoulder.
"Good day at work?" I ask, head resting against his sternum, feel him shuffle closer, slipping to settle beside me. Head tilting to rest against mine too.
"Mhm... we finally got the serpent hybrid to consider seeing the on-site head psychologist first. And he'll hopefully help with him opening up to Dr. Lee's sessions." He murmurs, fingers gently brushing against my gland.
"That's good! How was Ji Ah?" I ask, feel his body press closer, nosing at my cheek.
"She's okay... she's been writing something but didn't show it." he shares.
My fingers brush against the page, turning it over as I mull his words around.
"Diary? Maybe that's something we can look into..." I muse, feeling him draw away after a while, lips pressing to my temple.
"As much as I'd love to sit here, I promised to help Jin hyung with his wings." Drawing back after a while.
I nod, head tilting back to watch him walk away, turning to blow me a kiss, sensing my gaze following him.
My eyes move to drift over to the clock, silently wandering when Joon and Jimin are due back, the apartment full of quiet noise and bustling, drifting to see at some point Tae's sprawled across Kook, scenting happily and getting rubs and scratches to his scalp and ears, his cheeks flushed pink and ears flopped as he wriggles futilely under the pinned weight.
When had Tae lost the shirt? Eyes lingering on the broad set of shoulders and muscled arms curled around to keep Kook from escaping, the planes of his back stretched as he remains sprawled half on the rug, half on Kook's legs.
My body curls to face them, sprawling over the couch once more, book lying forgotten and loosely clutched in my hands as I watch Tae try to wriggle closer, settled between the splay of Kook's legs, his hands drifting lower to skim and brush over the muscled definition; knuckles kneading and skimming across them before he grips them. Tugs them open wider, legs locking at the low of his back, something gleaming and playful in their eyes as they stare at each other, hands stilling in curls.
Something charged and electric suspended between them; the heady mix of cotton and strawberries, pheromones spiking when all it takes are legs locking tighter around Kook before he spins them, propelling his body on top, straddling Tae's hips and peering down, grinning wide.
That heaviness dispelled almost immediately by the giggle muffled against a fangy grin when their lips brush together, smiling against each other, cotton tail twitching as he leans forward, hips caged between the press of thighs on either side of him. Giggling as he cups Tae's cheeks, squishing them gently before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Then another. Murmuring something that has Tae wriggling, hands gripping his hips to try draw him closer, head tilting back to chase the brush of Kookie's mouth against his own.
Lazy and soft kisses shared with giggled indulgence, noses brushing.
My body sinks against the couch, half-curled as I watch, eyes fluttering with content, a smile curved across my lips as I see their faces tilt to each other, affectionate nuzzles shared between pecks.
See the trust and warmth and affection, the relaxed curve of their bodies pressed close to each other when the door slams open. Loud and sudden.
I can already see the giggle scrunching Kook's face as he bets with a serious face.
"Joonie hyung."
And Tae tries, trying to seriously school his features and defend his fellow orange... to some extent.
"It could be Minnie! Just.... Really excited to get home than a clumsy push with far too much strength." He argues even though his own face is bunched with laughter, their heads turned expectantly towards the living room door. Waiting to see who it is, waiting to ask.
But the slam of scent that collides against their own hazy entangled pheromones is sharp and bitter and cloying and demanding. Every particle of air suffocated by the rich, overpowering scent of forest musk and dew, Jin's voice loud and harried as it drifts down the hallway.
Their faces shutter, confusion and alarm colouring their features, my own head drifting to see Namjoon storm in, face thunderous and raging, eyes tight and jaw clenched. There's something carnal in the gleam of his eyes, predatory gait as he stalks forward, eyes pinning mine when they settle on me. Rushing forward, a blur of movement, body tilting over mine, hand curling around my jaw to settle around my name, tilting my face back to crush his lips to mine.
"Namjoon stop!" the yell goes unheard, body pressing closer into the space near mine, air thrumming with the weight of his scent, threatening to cave and collapse under it.
Bruising and scorching and every ounce of rage and pent up emotion expelled against my mouth. A deep, fierce press of lips branding mine, compelling to take the imprint of his, body caging mine to the couch, my hands scrabbling to try tilt up, to try push myself upright, his limbs hovering and curled over mine. His lips take, bruising and relentless against mine, breath ragged when they tear away all of a sudden, delving to brush against the column of my throat, fangs raking against skin, a rough scrape that my neck arches to, unconsciously present to. The dominant cloud of pheromones demanding the presentation of my gland, breathing shuddery as my eyes rake over him, trying to make sense of the fierce, sheer intensity of his scent that overwhelms my lungs.
His fangs scrape lower, back arching and skin pebbling with the fierce precise intensity, abruptly sinking into flesh, breaking through skin. The sudden flare of pain burning through my throat even as my head falls back in immediate submission, body going pliant as his mouth closes around my gland, body pinning mine to the couch, hands futilely pushing at him, shuddering as I cry out. The sound torn out my throat, guttural and raw, pained and agonised and every inch of my limbs settling and surrendering to the weight of the earthy musk that claims me, melds and fuses with blood, brands every inch with his mating bite.
My ears flicker, folding and ringing with the growl that reverberates and sinks bone deep, every other sound falling away, head kept tilted even though it remains presented without effort, without awareness, easily surrendering.
Keening at the way my blood pulses, the crook of my neck throbbing and burning, lungs shuddering... pleading for a reprieve, eyes stinging sharply. Wet and blurring, hands pushing and body twisting, writhing once the initial flared pain quietens in the slightest. Fangs slipping out, tongue lapping and brushing against the bite, body torn back, the sudden striking loss of heat and weight and the cage of his body over mine vanishing. My breaths are ragged, arms buckling as I try to push myself upright, head swimming and shrieking and torn with panic and alarm. Trying to will and force my body into cooperation, trying to blink past the wetness that blurs my vision, hearing and feeling noise slam into my body abrasively.
".....Namjoon what the fuck?"
"Let her go!"
"......joon... hurt...her..."
The grip around my arms loosen, dilated blown-out pupils staring at me, haggard breaths as if his lungs cave and fall apart with every exhale, veins prominent and thrashing in the fierce grip two pair of arms have wound around him. Fangs and lips bloody, smeared with the metallic tang intertwined with anise, sharp pants as he tries to buck free.
Hear the dark, sharp growl that shudders through the air, biology immediately submitting, going pliant at it even whilst my mind screams, pleading with my limbs to cooperate as I stagger off the couch, hand trembling as it curls around my neck, feel the damp sticky wetness against my fingers, feel the pulse of my gland secreting endless pheromones out. Pumping them out into the air for the same mate whose marked me, begging for the safety and protection my instincts need. Submitting to the sharp predatory pin of his eyes fixated onto me, his chest heaving and body straining, thrashing as I stumble, legs trembling violently, jittery with the overwhelming urge to run. Mind and biology at war with each other, disoriented as I fight the urge to move close or get away, lungs constricting and tightening painfully, stomach churning.
My throat closes up, run, run, run, consciously fighting the urge to tilt to him, to bare my throat at the sheer cloud of pheromones demanding me to. One leg in front of the other, body stilted and uncoordinated as I move.
Feel my body struggling to remain upright, moving away, spine locked tight, stumbling feet on the carpet, body swaying, feel an arm steady me, feel the steady scent of citrus trying to curl and pierce through the scent of water-clogged earth.
Flinch against the press of a body near mine, shaking my head, lips parted to say something but I can't force out the words, can't find how to move my tongue, how to make sound, throat tight and every word strangled.
Need space.
Every step seems uncoordinated as I try to get past the swarm of scents, all entangling with the prominent scent of the thrashing wolf.
Legs shaking with every step, energy drained and body trembling, buckling with a silent cry, steadied before it crashes against the ground, drawn up and scooped up. The scent of cotton almost weak and lost under the pulse of earthy musk searing the air. Fingers trembling and struggling to cling onto the banded arms around me, keeping me tucked against him, broad figure blocking out the scents as he hurries down the hallway, shakiness in the soft breaths, painstakingly careful in the gentle curl of his arms keeping me drawn against him as he sinks onto the bed, door nudged shut.
My lungs beg to escape the overwhelming slam of scent melding with mine, with the throb at my neck, feeling sluggish and syrupy, that itching need to feel safe, to have a good nest, to be covered... the vulnerability of being marked and mated and alone striking deep as Kook drags a blanket closer. Winds it around me, body trying to curl under it, back pressed to the headboard, fingers smeared red when I draw them back.
Something broken and pained and wounded slips past my throat, something that feels like it sounds like Namjoon's name, every limb wracked with shivers.
The sound of the door is quiet, ears perking and flinching from the sound, eyes widening and head ducking to hide the bite, flinching at the sensitivity of my fingers pressing too tight to it. Stiffen when it quietly opens, blurry vision focusing on fluttery wings as the door's nudged open a bit more.
My name quiet and soft on his lips, stepping through and rushing forward.
My breath catches in my throat, trapped around the lump that steadily grows, eyes glassy, the sob rough and tormented, something guttural and weak and wanting spilling past tightly pressed lips.
The door closes, a soft click that my ears flicker at far after the sound reaches out, and the hurried quiet steps towards me bring a shaky sense of relief and comfort, safe, safe, safe. They're safe, they won't hurt me, they won't bite or mate. His eyes widening, hands careful and gentle as the bed sinks slightly, the tentative careful brush of wings curling around me, the blanket carefully eased down so it's not clenched tightly between curled fists. Sandwiched between him and the fierce firm breadth of Kook's body around mine. Shrunk small on his lap.
I don't realise how violent the trembles to my body are until Kookie's hand settles over folded drawn up knees, voice quiet, a soft murmur that only barely makes it past the roaring in my ears.
Startling when he mentions Namjoon, ears flickering, head ducking at his name. Hand pressing tighter to the raw mating bite, wincing at the spark of pain that blooms at it. Nose turning away from the metallic tang of blood entangled with heavy anise; pulsing through it, the underlying stamp and layer of Namjoon's scent melding with mine, branding onto my pheromones, seeping into skin and tissue to fuse with blood. Biology keening at the glaring absence of the same mate that my body had ran from and my biology was begging for, aching for his closeness, for him to be close, the barely fledged bond restless and empty and striking a deep ache.
Their voices wash over my ears, mind unable to focus on them, to get my mouth to comply and move and say something... to respond, heart feeling as if it's being squeezed in a vice, merciless as it constricts painfully, curling smaller under the carefully settled drape of a wing, voices trying to coax my fingers away from my gland.
Trying to soothe me when I balk, body shuddering at the idea of baring my throat, freshly mated and marked, unhealed and vulnerable even as my mind whispers mates.
They're safe. Safe.
Won't harm, won't hurt.
Trying to convince my biology that my other mates won't hurt me, even if that instinctual urge to bare my throat and hide it wars fiercely with each other.
"Sweetheart you're safe... no-one's going to hurt you..." the words accompanied by the curl of feathers grazing against skin, careful and gentle, lips pressing softly to my temple, a ghost of a touch as if it fears to linger. Fears to trigger the restless want, the hypersensitivity that bubbles, stemming from the gland that continues to pulse out scent.
"... Nam--..." I try to get his name out, throat raw. Cheeks wet with tears, shaking violently, trying to press myself smaller.
Where's Namjoon?
Where did he go?
Why didn't he come?
Am I already failing as a mate?
"Nam... Namjoon..." I shudder out, fingers curling tighter into my arms, a sparking dull throb of pain where they dig in, trying to stave off the foggy weight of pheromones threatening to overwhelm me.
"Namjoon's just taking a breather. Needs to calm his scent... needs to be more in control when he sees you." voice coaxing and gentle.
Fingers trembling as they reach for the ones settled across my knee, a grounding weight, uncoordinated as they try grip at a wrist.
" I bad? He... he... mated. Why isn't he here?" shaky and fragile, voice trembling and hovering uncertainly in the air.
The tiny thread of logic, of rational thinking trying to make sense of the blur, the phantom press of fangs pinning me, raking down my throat and sinking into flesh. That moment when his scent had slammed in heavier and thicker and so intense that it'd wiped my scent away, cleared the slate and encompassed me with rich dewy forest. Claimed every single inch of skin, body a cage that bracketed mine.
The pained coo is despondent and urgent, fretting concern soothed away by the gentle brush of lips against my cheek, head tilted to mine, the sad flop of ears grazing skin.
"Just wanted to give you some time... oh baby don't cry." Kook's voice a pained murmur, fingers brushing against my cheeks, pain and want spilling over, instincts thrashing for him even as I grip at my legs to draw myself smaller under the blanket, fingers limp as they fall away, stained with blood, entangled with another hand, sobbing because I don't know what I want.
Don't know how to dissociate and separate biology from rationality, how to switch off my hindbrain and try to quieten the pleas for Namjoon, for my mate, even as I try process why. Why so suddenly?
The slam of the door still ringing in my ears, the rough growl laced with command and authority, pheromones demanding and dominant. The rich heaviness of his scent pressing down. Body trembling as I shift around, sheets rustling slightly. The brush of fingers warm, heavier, the blanket confining.
"Want to be a good mate. Want... want my mate." I shudder, even as I'm sandwiched between the careful, gentle embrace of two others.
Their voices coax and soothe, balms over the sting of what feels like rejection, even though I'd been the one to run, heart aching. Why hadn't he followed?
The dampness of tears against my cheeks feel warm, heated... fingers curling tighter around larger hands, trying to chase comfort in any shred and scrap and form I can get it, staving off the keening cry I can feel tighten my throat.
Skin feeling warm, body encased in heat.
Feel the twitch of a nose against my cheek, gently brushing against my jaw, clearing free of my scent glands, scent thickening to sticky syrupy sweetness.
"You're warm... warmer. Scent's sweeter and gone soft." He murmurs, voice tinged with realisation as he draws back slightly, eyes dark and drifting over me.
"Her cycles are over though..."
Their scents crowd closer. Coax out my own in response and the sharp pang of need that rears its head is visceral and raw, trying to shift closer, chasing after it.
Syrupy slow thoughts, coherent and cognisant, lucid but my limbs move slowly.
"...need to get..." I whimper out. Need to get to mate. Need mate.
My body shifts about, growing uncomfortable as time trickles, slow and languid, scent softening, gland throbbing, reminding me with every flare of pain of the lack of the same wolf who'd sunk his claim fangs deep into me.
"...Mimi...want Mimi." I say restlessly, craving and yearning that scent, the mint, the promise and safety of the first person I'd wanted, the first person my biology had accepted as mate.
"Want Mimi... Mimi." I repeat, voice keening with distress when saying his name doesn't visualise him in front of me, twisting and tugging at the blanket, simmering heat pulsing low in my veins, searing a blazing path of embers across every inch of skin. Clothes pressing uncomfortably to skin, body moving; antsy and uneasy, the flutter of feathers a gentle caress that still sends spark of blazing heat to liquify in blood.
"Mimi." His name's a whimper, a plea, a prayer incessantly spilling past my lips over and over, in the same way tears splash against my cheeks, sobbing and fingers clutching tighter at Jin's as Kook's slowly withdraws, stilling at my pained keen at him moving away.
"I'm just getting Jiminie hyung, I'm getting your mate." He soothes, body tilting in regardless, nosing at my temple, gentle, featherlight. His breaths shaky against me.
"...bun, go get Min..."
Wings wrapping me closer, hand banding around my front, soft touches trying to ground me, trying to calm the restlessness that simmers even as I turn imploring eyes to him.
"You're going into heat sweetheart... your cycles ended but thrown off somehow they are." His eyes dark and assessing, drifting over my face, a small relief easing the deep burrow when I tilt to him, fingers curling around his waist, brushing against skin, his own blessedly cooler.
I nod, body shakier as I process the words.
Pseudo-heat. The term slips into mind, murmured in a soft quiet voice, curious and accompanied by the memory of a head curling over my shoulder.
Body trying to speed up to the biological cycle so that the mating could be done properly, could be done entirely, thoroughly, repeatedly.
Trying to push for my mate to take care of me, to tend to me, mark still raw and fresh, to entirely entrust myself to Namjoon.
"The last thing we want is for you to submit or have a heat with someone if you don't want to." Jin coaxes, his eyes flitting to the doorway, both of us knowing full-well that Kook had eased away to stop himself from spiralling into a full rut immediately.
A clear mind.
That steadily grew foggy.
I nod shakily.
But it couldn't be Namjoon... not yet. Head still struggling to process, to wrap itself around the aching sting that bloomed fresh tears as I shook, tilted desperately to Jin.
We needed to talk, needed to sort things out, even as my body pleads for a mate, my mind knows, that the forced, sudden mating was already too much, too abrupt... but the clawing need beginning to sear through my body is restless and fretting. Aching to bare my throat, aching to give that vulnerability and entrust it to a mate.
"Mimi... m sorry... didn't... didn't think I'd go into heat." I shudder out to Jin, hand clasping at his waist, head ducking to nose at his collarbones, his throat, mouthing shakily at his skin, though his glands are infinitely smaller and less receptive to scent, he tilts easily, hand steadying my body when it lurches forward, unsteady but chasing the subtle scent of vanilla that right now is amplified; strong and rich and sweet.
"Not your fault whatsoever." He says firmly, hand gentle as it rests between my shoulder blades, lower than my nape, finger accidentally grazing skin and my body jolts in a knee-jerk reaction, curling to hide my marked gland.
"Sorry... sorry sweetheart. I'll be careful." He coaxes, hand rubbing over the defensive curve of my spine, locked and rigid, ears flickering at the quiet gentleness.
"...Nam...Joon... Namjoon." I whisper shakily, his name stuck in my throat, heart clenching painfully. He didn't... shouldn't be alone either.
"He's safe, he's fine, he's got the others." Jin soothes, hands carefully drawing me closer, the steady rise and fall of his chest trying to soothe the erratic, shaky breaths of my body shuddering for air, for something to ground me, fingers curling tighter around his waist, slipping up to settle against the steady thud of his heartbeat. Soothing and strong and warm under my touch.
His wing curls around me, drawing me into his protective embrace, fleeting touches that oppose the fervent shakiness to my body, restlessly moving closer, half-straddled on his thigh, his words coaxing and calm.
"Minnie will be here soon... but use me. Use me if you need me. Take sweetheart." He coaxes, hand slipping to the low of my back to encourage the shaky rock of my hips back and forth, unconsciously bucking for some sort of relief, for anything to ease the tight coil that snares not only the low of my gut but encases my body in a bubbling feverish need that slowly mounts.
An apology slips out, whimpered and shaky, shame curling alongside pulsing heat, skin feeling flushed where his hand comes to rest against my skin, kneading at my back.
"You're going to be okay chickie... but don't suppress your instincts, your urges... you know you shouldn't." he murmurs, the shaky press of my thighs closing as he nudges me forward, caging his waist between them as my hips brush his, a rough shaking brush, hands curling into his shoulders.
The pressure of this heat sinking in is different.
Washing over my limbs with a sticky sweet syrupiness, a steadily inching sear that makes my skin heat, not as scorching as a heat, but the uncomfortable prickle of heat brushing over skin, making me feel caged and confined within the loose drape of clothes.
The soft murmurs and encouragement brushed against skin is coaxing, encouraging and guiding, a restlessness as I twist, hips stopping their unsteady rocking, clutching tighter at his shirt, not able to know... to decide what it is I want.
Whether it's to chase the simmering heat slowly pooling across skin or the instinct to be held and tucked close, smaller... safer.
The antsy anxiousness and uncertainty has my head twisting, turning towards the door when it softly opens, turning from where my lips were slowly mouthing at Jin's jaw, grip tightening on my mate before loosening.
Eyes meeting the fierce burning gaze of a fox. Ears perked and tail swishing behind him, body taut and clutching at the door handle.
There's no bun in sight but the scent of cotton clings to the air too, spiked with desire and rut, my body trembling in Jin's hold, breathing shallow, so wary of pushing my heat deeper, so fearful of losing coherency before I was ready to.
The air crackles, charged and drowning under the commanding weight of his pheromones, immediately crowding the space of the room, nest branded by his presence even as he hovers on the edge of it.
My nose detected it before my head even turned, sluggish as it peered towards it, unconsciously registering it far quicker than my mind does, body tilting to it, a keening, wanting sound low in my throat. Pleading and aching, eyes meeting dilated brown eyes that zero onto me, body almost a blur of movement, bed sinking as he kneels beside me, hand gentle as it curls around my cheek, cradling my face, turning it to him as he presses a soft kiss to my lips. Gentle with reassurance, gentle even as he tilts close to brush another kiss to my tilted mouth, clutching tightly at his shirt with the dizzying, nauseating fear that if I don't hold on he'll go, he'll vanish or be taken away.
Not again.
Not again.
"(Y/N)..." he breathes out, voice quiet but carrying.
Lips turning hungrier, fiercer, achingly similar in his want, fangs scraping against my bottom lip, mouth mapping the shape of mine against his, unrelenting in the way his teeth sink in, fangs sparking pinpricks of a sting that coaxes a needy whimper out. Heat pulsing sluggishly, slowly through my veins. Sticky and heavy and cloyingly sweet, scent submitting with how quickly it thickens, overwhelming to my own nose, light exhales swallowed by the bruising pin of scorching, full lips melding with my own.
And still he's too far. Impossibly far even as he curves close.
My breathing is ragged when he tears his lips away, body pushing impossibly closer, head tilted to mine, sharing shaky exhales as he cradles my face between his hands.
"Mimi... Mimi want you... want you to help me with my heat." I murmur, fingers looping around his wrists, anchoring myself to him, mind lucid and coherent... knowing full well he wasn't going to up and leave mid-conversation but still my biology is soothed by the curl of my fingers against his skin, keeping him from moving, his body crowding mine further at the admission.
Nose brushing against mine, pupils dilating slightly as he looks at me.
"Say... say that again." He asks, breathless and wide-eyed.
"Mimi want you... my mate. My mate... want my foxy." I plead, lips tilting to his in silent coaxing invite, melting against him when his are unhesitant to slot to mine, groaning deep and rough against lips that tremble and feel every spark of how his lips fuse to mine, full plushness bruising and melding when I whimper, tug at his wrists. Closer. Tears trickling down my cheeks, fervent need as I tilt to him, whimpering against the bruising brand of his mouth.
"My mate. Mine." He growls, fierce possessiveness searing across me, my body crowded against, pinned and sandwiched between the hard planes of their bodies, shifting restlessly at the fierce scrape of fangs across my lips, nipping and sucking, soothing the sting barely before his mouth is on mine. Blazing and burning across swollen flesh that melts and goes pliant, mouth going lax at the tongue demanding entry, whimpering in relief at the branding claim his touch scalds my body with, coaxing the heat simmering in my veins to burn hotter and fiercer, to sear every inch of skin as his.
And when his nose nudges against my cheek, drifting down to mouth at my jaw, trailing lower, the stiffness that my spine locks up with is slowly eased away, a hand rubbing at the low of my back, touches everywhere; fleeting gentle featherlight skims of knuckles against skin, slowly coaxing as he murmurs low and soothing.
"Trust me little doe, no-one's going to hurt you... I just want to make it better." he soothes, coaxing my head to tilt than hunch defensively, careful light touches easing me to relax as he tilts closer. Nose nudging against my throat, drifting down before I can feel the warmth of his breath fan across my gland; the light caress making my body jolt with sensitivity, hand curling and gripping at Jin's leg, tilting back.
His wing flutters, brushing against my side gently, lips pressing to the back of my head, coaxing with softness of sweet vanilla and warm, protective promise.
Lips pressing featherlight kisses to the ache that flares with a pained misery at the absence of Namjoon; showing in my scent because the keening whine against skin is apologetic and unsettled, nuzzling lightly, tongue brushing and lathing over my gland, small licks as he laps the blood clean. Soft puffs of breath and his hand tilting my jaw, keeping it presented as he layers it with his scent too; adding mint to the rich earth and dew. Soft kisses pressed between nuzzles and careful scents, slowly coaxing my body to relax, sinking against Jin even as I continue to remain somewhat tilted and arched towards Jimin; mind turning hazy with the strong powerful wave of sweet mint entangling with my scent, coaxing my body to relax, fingers curled looser in his shirt. Ears flickering at the low natural growl that steeps into his praise, his careful quiet murmurs as he keeps me from balking, gland now pulsing with a familiar but deeper throb of contentment. At the instinctual satisfaction of being scented, pinned by the leaning weight and bulk of Jimin's body; taut with muscle and arms bracketing me in.
My head swims with the spiking pulses of scent, dizzying to breathe in mint in such closeness, brushing against my lips with the tang of salt, bruising as he mumbles reassurance over and over, delving closer and tilting to kiss deeper.
Feel the brush of a gentler hand skimming across skin, squeezing gently and coaxing me to tilt towards Mimi, coaxing, body tilting pliantly even as my head turns, fingers tightening in his shirt when Jin slowly eases himself up and away. Wing unfurling. Trembling lips parting in disagreement and unrest.
"Jiminie will take care of you sweetheart... be good for her pup." He croons, murmurs, a softer tinge to the vanilla, gentler and warmer. Brushing a gentle kiss to lips that burn and ache for more. Whimpering with hope he'll stay; soothed by the promise to come back.
"I'll be back sweet fawn."
The growl brushed against my jaw is rough, refusing the label pup in this instant, tugging me closer impatiently; the touch both rough and needy. Crowding against me to give a comfort of being pressed close and tucked, of filling the momentary disquiet by letting his presence loom.
Briefly tilting his head back, fangs nipping across Jin's jaw. Murmuring in assent.
I'll take care of her.
His hands scorching where they tug me closer, a rough groan against the seam of my lips, brushing against my jaw, slowly scraping his fangs across skin, trailing up to the lobe of my ear, drawing my hair away, carefully avoiding the column of my throat.
"Joon will say this himself, talk about it himself... but that mating mark, it might have been hurried... but you are wanted sweet fawn so, so much. And we just want to love and cherish you how you deserve to be." He murmurs, voice soft and gentle, trembling with a lower, rougher octave as he curls closer.
Body tilting towards mine, eyes searching mine as he holds himself over me, the sight of his arms caging me in flaring a wilder heat to bubble through my veins. Body tilting back, allowing his to crowd me, to hover over me.
"Will... will you..." voice hitching as his nose brushes against mine, a gentle nudge before his mouth chases mine once more, brushing closer with a sweet sharp burn of mint that I feel with every slow, searing graze of his lips coaxing mine.
"Will I... tell me what you want. And I'll give it to you. I'll give you everything." He vows, murmurs it against my lips, fingers drawing my hair, entangling in strands and tilting them away, his hands cradling my jaw but so carefully, so reverently as if he wants to worship my body, so careful of the way his fingers curl around skin.
"I want..." I murmur, breath hitching at the scrape of fangs at my jaw, a jolt of something both raw and vulnerable and trusting at the way his breath fans across my unmarked gland.
I know with certainty that he's mine, I want that certainty in every way.
"You. Want you to mate me. Want to be yours. My mate... my mate. Make me yours." I whimper, voice breathy at the way his hands curl tight, bruising and fierce and branding possessively across my arms and where they curl around to wind around my back.
Mine. Mine.
I feel it in the scorch, the gentleness, the groan guttural and raw as he rests his head against mine, foreheads touching and nose gently brushing mine, the way he murmurs it back so reverently. Quietly. But voice strong and steady.
Calming and grounding and possessive.
"Are you sure? This isn't driven by heat... or something else. Because we have a lifetime to wait, we have—" shaky whimpered relief when I shake my head, clutching at his shirt.
"I want you. No lifetime... no more waiting. Now. Want you now."
And the tether snaps.
Snaps so quickly it's a wonder how he held out so long, eyes boring into mine, deeply penetrating, baring the depths of his soul and want to me and in turn leaves me left bare and exposed under the weight of his stare.
The low rumbled growl that slips out as his hands worm under the shirt, press against the low of my back and inch upwards, dragging fabric upwards, something unhurried even in the fervent and slow brush of his palms splayed across skin.
Something unhinged and snapped in the constant rumbles of his chest, in the steadily growing burn of mint drowning my lungs with its sweetness. Demanding but also protecting.
Painstakingly careful and slow as he draws the shirt off my head, hand steadying my throat as he tugs the fabric away, mouth slotting to the curve of my shoulder, feverish as his fangs scrape against skin, a low guttural groan reverberating against my collarbone.
The curl of his hand snaking around my back, tugging me forward, head dipping to brush against the swells of my breasts, fangs scraping and tongue flicking, leaving a heated trail as he noses at skin. His mint sharpening, turning stronger and more potent, fingers undoing the clasp, drawing away cotton and lace, head dipping to mouth at achingly hard and stiff nubs, teeth tugging a nipple between them. Relishing in the small keen as my chest arches, his mouth enveloping the tip, the fierce entangled mix of pleasure-pain as his teeth sink in deeper, harder, tongue brushing against pulsing heat where the indent of teeth ache, breast feeling heavy and sore, gripped fiercely by the rough splay of his palm, gripping tightly and sinking into soft flesh.
Mouthing wetly at the nub that's hardened and stiffened, swollen under the ministrations of his teeth tugging and taking, body tilting back, hands curling against the pillows as his body cages mine, coaxes a thigh between mine, nudging them open, a snarl of approval at the pulse of my scent, softening and thickening simultaneously. Submitting to the brand of his own.
My fingers curl into the hem of his shirt, tugging, throat bobbing at the tight pressure of his mouth sucking, trailing away when I keen with impatience, aching to feel the press of skin against my own, watch as he discards the shirt easily, readily. Immediately.
The stretch of sinew and muscle and toned definition as his hands settle over mine, body a cage, his scent spiking with sharp bursts of pheromones; turning headier and stronger and richer on my tongue, body arching at the drag of his hand across my leg, tugging it open wider, curling around the back of my knee and tugging me forward.
Body tilting back, sinking against the mattress, his body slotting between mine, the sprawl of fingers against my hip.
His head dips to repeat the same aching ministrations to the other breast, fingers hooking into the waistband on either side, dragging fabric off, palms splayed possessively across skin, slow feverishness as his scent continues to fluctuate, burning stronger in my lungs, hotter and headier as it responds to my own.
His scent is spiking and beginning to burn with rut, inching quicker and quicker to a roaring heat, tugging mine to follow. His pheromones thicken, clogging the room and air with his breeding instincts, with his body responding to the incomplete mating my body was thrashing from.
An ache that itches restlessly, skin buzzing and stretched taut over flesh and bones, shifting and fidgeting, hands curling around my calves to tug me down, a sharp yank that has the sheets brushing against my back, arching at the pure dominance and pinning weight of his gaze, eyes dark and hungering.
"You're going to ache with fullness when I'm done." He promises, words laced with a growl, turning heavier and fiercer, a deep rumble emanating from the depths of his chest, mouth bruising and unrelenting against my own; a fiery entangle of teeth, tongue and lips, controlling the kiss, the messy clash of his mouth taking and mine giving, parting pliantly at the rough thrusts and curl of his tongue against mine and into the cavern of my mouth.
I whimper at the promise, twisting and tugging, hands clutching to the firm planes of his shoulder, dragging him closer, feel the weight of his body sink onto mine, gripping my waist tightly; sharp and hard enough to leave the bruises of his fingers curled and digging into skin.
And my biology whines at that, at the claim it'll leave, of the shape of his touch moulding my body for him, malleable and pliant and giving, the growl rumbling against my mouth, swallowed with a shaky breath, eyes fluttering at the scrape of fangs sinking into the swollen flesh of my lip, sparks searing and fanned into glowing embers which make arousal pulse and pool low in my gut.
Feel the drag of his stiff length against the inside of my thigh, a slow rut uncoordinated and shaky, groaning impatiently at the confines of his trousers, hand slipping away to undo the belt buckle, the slip and sound of leather against fabric, discarded onto the bed, dragging the zipper down, drawing back to strip himself bare, the heated press of his throbbing length against my thigh, skimming across it and leaving a smear of arousal to burn across soft skin.
Rutting messily against me, the entangled mess of our scents growing thicker, his barrelling towards full rut as my heat settles heavier, weighs down on my limbs, syrupy stickiness where my scent turns honeyed and richer, thicker on his tongue as he lathes it over my jaw, skimming down across to my shoulder and mouthing at my breasts.
There's something dizzying and heady and disorienting in having awareness even as I can feel my body begin to ache with the beginning of a vicious heat cycle, aware of the pinpricks of pain in my spine, discomfort settling in the low of my back. Knowing consciously that the ache to both arch and tilt closer was just as stronger as the need to present myself to him, whether it was by curling in the cage of his arms or for his arms to manhandle me into place, to make me hold myself up on all fours and take everything he has to give. Know that the heat flaring into suffocatingly cloying thickness will make me beg to be bred, but the dizzying contrast of knowing he'll be mindless from need and I'll be drowning in the same feverish ache but aware. Aware as I beg and aware as I'm bred has my back arching when his teeth sink into flesh, sucking a dark mark into skin.
New and exhilaration and body thrumming with nerves and want at the same time.
"Please... Mimi..." I whisper shakily, hands winding around his nape, entangling in slightly longer strands of his hair, tugging.
The rough guttural sound makes my pulse quicken and thud louder against my sternum, biology thrashing to bare myself, knowing full well that the weight and press of the body against mine, rutting against my thigh is of a predator ready to sink himself claws deep and take.
"Mine. Going to breed you full of pups, going to mate you over and over. Going to have you swollen and writhing on my knot." He groans, words steadily inching closer and closer to turning into growls, rough rasps against skin.
Promises fervent and intense, dilating pupils focusing on me, raking over me with the weight of hands moulding my body to his, gripping limbs and leaving them splayed, delving to learn secrets and spill desire from my lips.
"Mate me. Mimi mate... mate me. My mate." I sob, tugging at him, hating the distance no matter how slight between us, begging for the closeness of his weight settled across mine.
Feel his fangs sink in, a sharp sting that ebbs out with waves of bubbling pleasure, scent sweetening for him, because of him, mind teetering on a dangerous brink of consumed and thrashing and lost under the weight of his scent, feel his weight settle. Pinning me to the bed even as he continues to lathe and suck dark red and purpling marks into my breasts, mouthing at skin, growling at the laxness my body sinks back with.
"Going to mate you... take you. Want you sobbing and delirious with pleasure, want to fill you up, want to take and take and give until I know you're pupped." He groans, sound delirious with want, my nose catching the moment his scent tilts and drowns into the thick pheromones of rut. The moment when arousal flares and ignites an inferno under every inch of skin and he in turn drowns me in its flames.
Mouth pressed against my stomach, fangs scraping down to my bellybutton, the softness under it, sinking in to leave the mark of his teeth behind.
"Won't stop till you're round. My mate. Going to breed over and over. My mate." Grip turning possessive and demanding, tongue sweeping down across my arousal slick centre with the wicked punishing pace of a man starved and a fox denied. Hand pushing my hips down and pinning me as he feasts, devours, the scrape of fangs and tongue curling and chasing to stain his mouth with desire. Groans reverberating against me and the wild carnal snarl of approval as my legs splay wider for his merciless touch, nose brushing against my nub, tongue coaxing arousal to spill onto it, hand dragging my leg open wider. Pinned for his pleasure, the promised threat of turning me delirious suspended over us.
And with every curl of tongue and the pressure of his lips sucking he drags the vestiges of heat to flare in full intensity, keening as my body surrenders to him.
Take it all, thrashing on the sheets as he demands the reel of pleasure to curl tighter, body strung up with arousal far too quick, too soon, panting as his head ducks between the apex of my thighs and drags me closer to the flick of his tongue thrusting in and out, stretching me open on the relentless curl and plunge of the wet muscle tasting slick desire. Stained with it.
"Going to drain you dry." He promises, teeth sinking into the soft skin of my thighs, body jolting and twisting at the flare of the sting, tongue lapping the spilled excess of arousal smearing across skin, honeyed scent for him.
Tongue curling across my centre, delving to chase every pulse of pleasure that has my stomach tightening, hands curling into the sheets, fisting into his hair, breathless for more, hips bucking up as he groans against me.
Ruin me.
Mate me.
My mate.
And the heat flares to entangle with his rut.
Until we're both ruined and lost in it.
Drowning together.
The guttural snap shatters the focus of the small team I'm working with, head whirling round at the growl that demands obedience and authority, human and hybrid officers' heads alike parting in unconscious submission whether it's a tilt of the head or the drop of ducking their eyes away. And the storm brewing in his posture, in the tall broad stride of Joon rushing out the office, more wolf than human, has me slamming the file shut. Hurrying after him immediately, nose immediately assaulted with the rich heavy tempest of his scent crowding the space, marking a clear trail from his office outwards.
And he's gone.
Gone by the time I rush out after him bare moments later, hurrying past civilians and officers, the air crackling and fraught with a tension teetering towards collapse.
"Namjoon!" I yell out, eyes searching for our car, growling with frustration when I don't immediately find it, breaking into a sprint when I see him curve round the corner, heading towards the exist, mint sharp and curled with cold winter air; an icy prickling sensation in my throat as I hurry forward.
Brakes slammed harshly, his body jolting forward and eyes feral and frantic seeming to glow with feverish need as he stares at me. The engine still rumbling as I move to the driver side, staring hard and leaning over.
"Whatever this is... whatever's got you like this, you are not fit to drive Namjoon." I growl, impatient as I move my hand towards the key, the action spurring him into a snarl and antsy, hurried movement, clambering over the console, a mess of limbs and jittery body slumping down onto the passenger seat, my body slipping into the seat instead. Hand drawing the belt over my body as I pull out of the parking lot.
"Where to?"
Blunt and sharp and thrumming with authority.
I don't question the sharp prickle of his scent piercing my skin, don't question the angry flush high on his cheeks or the clenched set to his jaw, the caged clutch of his arm banded across the belt and the jittery jolt of his legs, feet tapping restlessly, his silent presence a brand that sears against me.
"Namjoon what's wrong...?" I ask, voice quiet, softer to not rouse the thrashing wolf I could see flare to the surface. But even so he goes tauter, body coiled up, ready to be unleashed, to attack. A caginess that didn't bode well for how the drive seemed to stretch on, longer, as if the world was conspiring to make his anger worse, stuck at every red light and the loud glaring sight of cars stretched out in traffic.
His hands itch, unfurling and furling, impatience stretching the taut string tighter, on the edge of snapping when I turn into the road to our complex, pulling into the parking lot when he's already scrabbling out, car jerking to a still but he's already staggered out, impatience burning his pheromones stronger, hurrying away.
The caginess in turn makes my own body flare with this unconscious need to reel him back, rushing after him, hearing the loud thundering of footsteps climbing the staircases, doors being yanked open and anger making him growl sharply, the sound rippling through the air, the frozen neighbour a floor down from ours shocked into stillness, my apology harried, brushing past impatiently.
"Joon wait! Whatever it is, do not go storming the pack nest!" I growl, voice slipping with its restlessness, instincts thrashing and screaming that this wasn't a storm, this was a merciless revolt, his instincts turning on him, drowning out his calm, his control. This was a wolf wild and let loose and the door is ajar when I hurry forward, the slam loud to my own ears; flickering as I chase the blazing scent of earthy musk down the hallway.
The cry taut and startled and shredding my sanity as I stumble forward, ears ringing with it, body stiff and staggering to the sight, far, far too late already.
Horror clawing at my insides, fierce and visceral in the same way my eyes come to the sight of Namjoon's fangs sunk gland deep, blood tinging the air, caging (Y/N) under his arms as he mates her. Pins her and stakes a claim so deep, so permanent and so sudden, her body thrashing once his fangs slip free, my arms curling around him and dragging him back, throat tight and breaths sharp pants, feel the growl tremble and reverberate against my body, head spinning and eyes glazed, unseeing and carnal in that desperation to get to his mate. To go back to her, teeth and lips stained with her blood, a shiny crimson that works my stomach into knots.
Namjoon what've you done?
The hands that join in reeling back and restraining the caged, threatened wolf is accompanied with an acrid burning scent of caramel, sharp and bitter and cloying, eyes thunderous and face stony, lips pressed thin as he growls at Namjoon, tugs him back and away from the shaking figure of a newly mated fawn trembling on the couch, book crumpled on the floor and every vestige of calm gone. Replaced with a blind unseeing terror, her pupils dilating as her throat arches on demand to the growl that Namjoon slips out, writhing in our hold to get back to her. To crush her towards him and cage her with the pinning weight of his larger frame.
Namjoon no. Why? Do you realise what you just did?
My eyes fixate onto (Y/N), heart aching and shredding and weeping even as my arms curl tighter and unrelenting around Namjoon, see the dangerous sway to her body, the whimpered cry as she curls a hand over her gland; hiding the mating mark that weeps blood, with her fingers, stumbling as she tries to stand, tries to straighten up. Her scent spiking but branded with the heavy layer of Namjoon's own. Trying to meld with hers, entangling on a permanent, deeper level.
It's all gone wrong.
It was never meant to be like this.
No mating should ever be like this.
And yet hers happened this way.
Her first mating mark.
And it was forced.
She staggers backwards, flinching violently when she bumps into Yoongi hyung, jerking away with a wounded sound, breaths ragged as she tries to put distance between herself and the searing brand trying to drag her deep, gaze uncoordinated as her body sways, tilting dangerously, tail upright and ears flickering at every breath, at the sharp sting of pheromones pulsing stronger with fear and horror.
My body aches. Trembling and torn. Wanting nothing more than to hold her, knowing full well the moment my arms loosened, Namjoon would barrel forward, still thrashing and twisting in our restraint, growls threatened and caged and attacked. Feel the sharp sting of his teeth scraping skin, nails digging into skin, trying to physically tear himself away by whatever means necessary.
A gnawing painful ache because I hadn't been quick enough, I hadn't stopped Namjoon somehow, I hadn't been able to stop him in time from mating (Y/N).
Her name tears past my lips when she buckles, trembling legs giving up on her, her body crumpling to the ground, the quick surge of a body tilting to hers, steadying her.
Heart in my throat, a violent erratic pulse that lurches at how broken her posture is, how frail her body looks encased in Jungkook's arms.
The protective flare of wings as Tae tries to take a step forward, his scent soured with distress, trying to move past to get to (Y/N), to the overwhelmed fawn. Hyung's wings stretch out, unmoving as his arms curl around Tae, steady him and draw him back, eyes drifting silently to Yoongi hyung to draw the whimpering figure away.
Soft quiet murmurs that can't soothe, not when they crack and tremble under disbelief and horror themselves.
"Tae, (Y/N) needs to breathe. She doesn't... she needs to get away."
She feels unsafe remains unspoken but hovering over all of us regardless.
The figure contained within mine and Hobi hyung's arms thrashes, curls and slumps as the scent of anise slips away, blocked out, growls turning into agonised, painful keens that tug and yank at my heartstrings and instincts, try to batter at the same urge to keep him from surging after her, knocking past Jin hyung to be with his newly-mated fawn.
Instead he slumps, crumpling onto the same couch (Y/N) had staggered off of, twisting and trying to lurch forward to duck past, my body weight comes to settle over him, thigh pressed to his stomach, arms banding him in an aggressive growl slips past my throat.
"Kim Namjoon what the fuck were you thinking?" I growl at, fangs sharp and pooling over my lips, body taut and coiled up, caging his in.
See the stiffness to his posture, the hardness, the caginess as he draws in ragged harsh breaths, the sound grating, his ears stiffly upright.
"Do you know what you've just done? You mated her without consent." I grit out, the others' scents spiked with distress, the flutter and rustle of wings, Jin hyung slipping away to (Y/N), to make sure she's okay. The sound distant, the worry soothed in the barest, rolling waves of concern working knots into my stomach and drowning me with a sense of helplessness.
Namjoon why?
"That's (Y/N), she's a prey hybrid, unclaimed and just joined our pack entirely! You know why we've been so careful!" I yell, throat aching and raw, a growing lump at the silence. At the way my voice rings out and he just stares, stares past me, jaw clenched tightly, fangs sinking into his lips, smeared with her blood, the metallic tang to her scent still on his lips making my body tremble.
You know prey hybrids are different, you know that she was always more receptible and vulnerable to predator scents... you know how hard it was for her to trust us biologically. You know how much she was used to shutting away her instincts.
Namjoon you knew.
The unrest makes my skin crawl, itching with the need to go to her, to comfort her, but to stay and to make sure he's okay, to make sense of what happened.
Voice trembling as I lean forward, face hovering close to his, anger and hurt making my voice thicken.
"You don't think I've wanted to knot and claim her for months? Make her ours?"
Then why.
If you knew that we'd all pined, all wanted, why rush now. Why? Our pack bond as a whole group was just beginning to settle into a courting dynamic with the eight of us.
But he stays silent, jaw clenched and a blanched pallor to his skin save for the angry red tinging his cheeks and his eyes, the feral wolf fallen silent, quiet and still. Eerily still.
Painfully so.
My hands drift to cup his cheeks, thumbs brushing against the angry flush, warm honeyed complexion turned ashy.
"Baby answer me, what happened, you're never this reckless and brash?"
What triggered this? Why won't you say? Let your mate in. Please Joon.
"Joon, my love, I'm going insane, look at me. I need to know you're both okay. I need to know that my mates are okay." I plead, eyes glassy, head tilting to his, murmuring his name, cradling his face, his body still and frozen under me.
But he doesn't respond, the carnal possessiveness quietened by a dull blankness, empty and unresponsive. Quietened.
I curl closer, cradle my still wolf in my arms, heart aching and torn open wide, pleading for anything, for the barest scrap of an answer, feel his body tighten when he smells the anise permeated into the couch.
The warm mellow sweetness of it.
Light and gentle.
The stark opposite of it on his lips and tongue and fangs, throat bobbing and recoiling from it.
He needs to get away from the couch.
And slowly I coax him up, drawing his stilted frame against me, his limbs lead and lethargic, hands limp by his side as he lets me drag him upright, steadying him against me, the slip of another body curling close, Tae's eyes worried and dark and presence comforting as we steady Namjoon between us.
Drawing him away, coaxing him upwards and away from the couch, slow staggered movements painfully reminiscent of (Y/N) stumbling away, whimpering with pain and shock, her eyes glassy with the urge to present even as her mind told her to get out, to get away from the threat of being closed in with predators.
The emptiness in Joon's eyes is haunting, is a sight that burns itself into memory, his scent pulsing strong, carrying the softer layer of (Y/N)'s scent tart with distress. There's no way his biology doesn't know, how much he doesn't know the weight of his actions, the way his body sinks lifelessly onto the bed when I slowly lower him down.
Silent and unseeing, unmoving as he stares. A husk of the man and wolf he is.
Tae sinks down beside him, body folding closer, silently holding him.
Not begging for answers, not sobbing or yelling or demanding why.
He just holds him, and my hands tremble as they take Joon's between mine, his hands dwarfing mine but in that moment more fragile and shaky than I've ever seen them. Limp as I tightly grip his, palm pressed to his, body curved close.
Joon please.
And we remain curled, curled together as he remains unmoving.
Holding him between us, painfully fearful that if we let go, he'll fall apart.
Knowing instinctively... deeply that whatever it is, whatever made him snap and mate her, whatever it is... he's been pushed to the end of a tether, pushed to the end of his control.
Whatever it is, is greater and worse than any of us would have thought or known.
I just know... knew from the instant he stormed out the station, rushed to her and her cry shattered the air that something... something broke that barrier between human and wolf.
Time is painful. Brittle. Drives shards of his powerful scent deep into our lungs, sends us into a numbing stillness that wars with the restlessness of not knowing how (Y/N) is, not knowing whether she even let Jin and Jungkook stay with her. The image of her shut away and sobbing making my eyes sting, head tilting to the tight clasp I have on his hands.
The quiet sinks down, weighing down limbs, make them ache with a weariness that makes my heart hurt for Joon, holding him between us.
Silence stretching outwards, but the sounds of the apartment don't slip away, ears flickering at the quiet in the living room.
Was everything really turning this way?
What new lurch was life giving us now?
Why couldn't happiness remain and exist within the four walls of the home and nest we'd made for ourselves?
The broken sob that shatters the fragile air is guttural, rough and pained and agonised. Tormented by what he's done as I lean closer, the whine pleading, thrashing restlessly as his red-rimmed eyes meet mine.
Drag slowly upwards to hold mine. Finally meeting mine with a flicker of something beyond the numbness that threatens to reel him back in.
My hands tighten on his, refusing to let him go, to fall back into the torment of his mind.
Grief and resentment and rage in dark brown eyes.
Voice hoarse as if he's contained the screamed pleas, the whines, the pain inside too long.
"They kept saying she was theirs, that they were going to take her away, that..." throat bobbing. Words slowly formed, words heavy.
My body stiffens, Tae's head rises from where it'd tilted to Joon.
Eyes flashing.
They. Who? Had he been threatened?
"They kept sending them over and over. But she's not theirs, she's mine. I promised... I promised to protect her.... and I harmed her. I violated her trust. I broke every oath." He sobs, face crumpled with anguish, with self-resentment and hatred, trying to tug his hands free.
I hold on tighter.
Whose they?
How long has he been receiving threats?
"Joon what—"I begin, helpless and lost and defeated. I failed my mate.
How did I not notice?
"They said she was their fawn. But she's our mate. Mine." he growls out, sobbing out the word, pained and aching.
Lost in the fog of his mind, body trembling as he shudders, heat flaring from his body, a sudden spike in his body that makes his scent pulse and thicken.
"Alpha... alpha she's safe. No-one's got her, no-one's going to hurt her." Tae soothes, voice quieter and submitting to the sharp dominance easily, naturally. Head ducking with submission as he presents his throat, groaning at the pulse of scent. But even as his body unconsciously sways towards Tae, he whines, sobbing as he tears himself back, scrabbling away from the column of his throat, hand tearing out my grip to scrub at blood-stained lips, clawing at skin as if wanting to tear the reminder of bloodied anise from mind. Throat bobbing as if he'll be sick, repulsed by himself, shaking as he backs away, even though his eyes gleam, scent growing thicker at the docile submissiveness to the thrashing alpha.
It pains to see the authoritative, assured wolf whimper at the closeness, at the fluctuating spikes of his scent burning strong, clutching at the sheets as he shakes, untrusting of himself closer to Tae, even though as a predator, he gives as good as he takes, that he'll be fine.
"I've hurt enough. I've ruined everything." He sobs out, voice guttural and angry and loud. A growl laced into his words.
"No Joon... sweetheart don't say that." I murmur, voice cracking as I straighten up, moving up from kneeling to trying to calm him, feel the jitters wrack his body as he shakes his head.
"I mated her without consent Jimin. She's never going to want to see me again." He shakes, voice raw, the anguish tearing through my soul even more visceral and fiercer and painful than the silent husk he'd been for who knew how long.
"Hyung... we'll get through this. I know it." Tae murmurs, his low voice trembling, eyes gleaming as he looks imploringly towards him, my head ducking at the waves of scent pouring off him, the gleam to his skin and the shakiness as he fights the urge to surge forward.
The scent slams in full potency.
If he was going into rut after a mating bite then (Y/N)... her body could be doing the same.
Fighting for that biological wholeness of being with her mate.
And Joon realises it too.
Body stiff and taut, eyes pulsing with feral need, shaking as a needy whine slips past his lips, shifting across rucked sheets, the flare in glowing eyes triggering a similar shakiness in Tae, my own body pulsing and trying to push into a rut to match my mate.
Gods no.
The helplessness I feel is disorienting... who do I go to first? Who do I help? Who do I try soothe? How do we stop the pack from falling into a triggered rut from Joon's scent undoubtedly radiating out.
"Tae... cub, come here." I coax, hands tugging him until his nose is pressed against my gland, greedy sharp gulps as he inhales my scent, gripping me tightly as he forces himself to remain anchored to me. Tucking close to breathe in mint.
The last thing we needed was the whole pack being thrown off with biological cycles, hand cradling the back of his head, resting against his nape.
"Hyung... Yoongi hyung." I call louder, voice trembling, hand cradling Tae to me, coaxing him to keep breathing in my scent even if I can feel his tugging urge to turn towards Namjoon's keening growls; plaintive and needy, rough with the searing urge making his temperature and scent spike, his eyes glassy with need, visibly struggling and holding onto lucidity, to coherency, inching away even if his growls suggest otherwise.
"Hyung please!" I call, voice cracking, urgency making my caginess amplify, fretting and torn between two mates.
One in rut.
One in doubt being pushed into a heat, or some semblance of it.
The sound of padding footsteps hurry, door clicking open and Yoongi hyung's eyes are sharp and examining, sweeping across the room, ears perked with alertness, tail swishing as he slips in, Hobi hyung not far behind him.
Nostrils flaring slightly, hand coaxing Hobi back immediately.
"Hob-ah suppressants." Voice tight and soft.
Slipping into the room regardless as he hurries forward, gestures fluid and quick as he coaxes Tae to him, the loss of the berry coaxing a small noise of disquiet from me, even as he too whimpers, keening sadly, trying to twist back to Joon and me.
"But alpha..." voice plaintive.
The title tugging a sharper growl, paired with glassy eyes and tearstained cheeks, hyung's face twists with pain, tilting forward unconsciously before I move instead. Hurrying forward towards Joon, hearing receding footsteps.
"Hyung will be back soon Jimin-ah." Yoongi hyung murmurs in promise, the scent of citrus and caramel though brief and still tart with worry, brings a small scrap of relief.
Not alone.
Not alone in this.
Never alone.
The growl that demands for pack, demands for mates, demands for them to stay makes his tail stiffen, stilling where it curls, ears flickering at the sound.
"Namjoon... Joon it's okay, I'm here." I soothe, crowding closer, letting him drag his nose across my jaw, ducking to my throat, feverish in the curl of his hand dragging me closer, whimpering against my skin, apologies and guilt swimming in his eyes, in the final flecks of awareness, breath hot and fervent as he mouths at skin.
"Min I'm sorry... don't want to hurt anyone else. Didn't want to hurt (Y/N)." he shakes out.
My fingers skim across his shoulder, down his arm, avoiding his neck entirely, the dominant alpha wolf growling at skin, stiff ears brushing against my jaw.
"You won't hurt me. And you wanted to protect (Y/N)." I murmur, heart twisting painfully.
Tilting my throat in submission to him, the grip of his fangs punishing and fierce, sinking into skin, lathing and sucking dark marks into the crook of my neck and shoulder, scenting in sweeping brushes of his tongue, nosing at my skin.
His body cages mine in, towering over, a large posturing alpha hovering over me, eyes glazed with rut, almost mindless from it, the thick pulse of his scent triggering my own body to try match the rough feverishness of his cycle quickly accelerating and burning hotly through every inch of skin. Muscles taut as he fights the urge to sink fangs in, to leave blooming marks that ache across every line and curve of my body that sinks under his.
So when the door opens, his body immediately hunkers protectively over mine, trying to hide me from sight, body taut before it sags, a deeper growl rumbling from his chest, and my head tilts back, following his line of sight fixated on Kookie.
Ears folding and his own eyes slightly glazed and the scent of cotton thick. The flush on his skin making his skin glow, a trembled wrack to his limbs as he leans against the door, nose scrunching, lips parting to draw in shallower breaths. Though by the bob of his throat it worsens, making the scent cling to his tongue so he can taste the rut, taste the intensity of it mounting into something hotter and heavier.
Eyes tearing away from the pinned stare of Joon to look at me, hand covering his nose belatedly.
"(Y/N)... hyung (Y/N) wants you. She's..." slightly tentative as his eyes flicker to Namjoon.
Teeth worrying his bottom lip, leaving it slick when his tongue flicks over the sting.
Not realising that every slight movement is tracked by a wolf.
"She's going into a heat somehow. She wants you hyung."
My body balks, jerking upright, forgetting momentarily about the arms caging me under him until his scent slams into me, heavier, voice guttural and dropped octaves lower. Its natural rich, deep husk, low timbre brushing over me.
"(Y/N)..." a prayer, a plea, an apology, a want.
But he shakes his head, forcing himself away, drawing himself back.
"Go... go to her. Make sure she's okay."
He shakes his head, ears folding with misery.
"Go please."
"Hyung—" Kook breathes, voice softer, gentler.
Immediately surrendering.
His eyes flash up to his.
"Jiminie hyung go to (Y/N)... I'll... if hyung's fine, I'll stay." He offers.
The natural softness to his prey scent soothes, settling the jitters to my body even as I slip upright, the fierce ache at my neck reminding me that the wolf who tracks Kook's every step forward is drowning with predatory urges right now.
Dithering slightly.
"Hyung... alpha hyung won't hurt me. He just wants to take care of us, wants to protect. Alpha won't ever hurt me." soft but confident. Assured.
Namjoon growls, softer. Quieter. Appeased and eyes shinier.
Rut brought out the most intense experience of emotions, body fluctuating with need and blind want, barrelled single-mindedly towards breeding instincts.
And here was Koo.
Trusting and soft and slipping closer, coaxing me away and slotting in place before Joon could begin to thrash and fret. Nose brushing against my cheek to murmur quietly.
"Hyung (Y/N)'s in a bad state... she needs her fox."
And for that. For her, I can't deny anything. Slipping away and entrusting Kook and Joon to each other.
The scent of syrupy anise greets my nose when I draw the door open, the sight of (Y/N) curled against Jin's chest, his wing wrapped around her. But she turns immediately, her form small and fragile and shrunken under the protective embrace of Jin hyung. A trembling shakiness to her limbs, scent pulsing out the teetering brink of scent before it drowns and plunges into full heat. There's coherency though in her eyes. She's cognizant as she looks me, a rough keening sound that's neither word nor a cry and yet a sound that yanks me forward. Rushing to close the distance between us, something unravelling with desperation as I hurry to her.
"(Y/N)..." I murmur, lips softly brushing hers, curling closer gently to press a kiss to her feverish lips, chasing the softness of them. Tilting forward as my mouth slots to hers, a fragile pulse of her scent radiating off her.
And yet need implores me to take more, lips hungering for hers, the snap of a tether long since dissolved and control long since vanished. Fangs scraping against the soft flesh, hands cupping her face, coaxing her closer, breathing in her sweetening scent, the soft pulses of it as it thickens, submitting to the brand of my own scent. And under it all, entangled through it rather is the rich earthy dew.
She still tugs me closer, tilting forward, implore in her shakiness, murmuring tremblingly against me. Hands curling around my wrists.
"Mimi... Mimi want you... want you to help me with my heat." Plaintive and wanting.
My body stills against her.
Ears fully perked and alert and yet not daring myself to think I've heard right.
A wild growl loosening in the caverns of my chest.
Body crowding against her, desperate to hear that confirmation. That my deepest, most aching yearning hasn't conjured the words to mind right now.
Nose brushing against hers as I look at her.
"Say... say that again." Voice slightly breathless.
"Mimi want you... my mate. My mate... want my foxy." She pleads, curling closer, lips brushing against mine gentler until I surge closer, growling against her mouth, chasing the soft plushness and warmth, desperate to feel them against mine long after they move away, swallowing the whimper against my mouth hungrily.
"My mate. Mine." I growl, possessiveness as I grip her closer, feel the desperation in the shaky brush of her mouth surrendering to mine, unable to bear any distance, the fuse of our bodies seared together.
Losing myself to the heady scent, to the pliancy of her lips parting, tongue flicking against hers, swiftly roving the depths of her mouth, tugging out a groan, her scent steadily turning syrupier, headier.
Feel the moment Jin hyung leaves, the sweet vanilla curling away, hand gently brushing by and the soft murmur of reassurance to her that I'll look after her, growling out my assent that yes.
Yes I'll take care of you. Yes I'll look after my mate. Look after you through your heat. Will give you everything, will protect you. My mate. Mine.
"Joon will say this himself, talk about it himself... but that mating mark, it might have been hurried... but you are wanted sweet fawn so, so much. And we just want to love and cherish you how you deserve to be." I whisper, voice aching and soft, knowing full well when the rut's spiky edge dulled slightly, when the sharp edge was taken off it, that he'll want to be here, that when I'd left him he was already keening for her, even as coherency slipped away.
My arms shift to cage her in, see her eyes widen slightly, lips parting in silent plea and askance, body crowding over hers.
"Will... will you..." her voice wavers, hitched breath as my nose brushes against hers, mouth curling to hers, coaxing hers open, tongue briefly flicking against hers, tasting the honeyed pulse of her heat on her lips.
"Will I... tell me what you want. And I'll give it to you. I'll give you everything." I vow fervently, fingers brushing her hair away from her throat, away from the burning scent of Joon's claim on her throat; the bite mark still raw and aggravated. Blood stained gland, the sight stirring a restlessness.
"I want..." her breath shakes as my fangs scrape against her jaw, breathing in her scent.
I'll give you everything you want. Just ask. Just say.
"You. Want you to mate me. Want to be yours. My mate... my mate. Make me yours." Whimpers the plea, the want, the wish to be mine just as much as I've drowned for months in the ache to be hers.
My hands curl tight across her arms, slipping round to band across her back.
I murmur it across her lips, the tilt of our heads close, bodies gravitated close.
But it's the last thing I'll do if her heat burns away her true consent, if it's not coming from her and is stemming from the biological need to be mated and taken.
Only if she truly wants it.
Truly wants me.
Eyes searching hers, see the startling intensity of her eyes unclouded by the fog of haze, lucid and seeing me as she clutches at me.
We have a lifetime... but I'll spend every day yearning till that moment.
Relief and sheer ecstasy searing my veins when she drags me closer.
"I want you. No lifetime... no more waiting. Now. Want you now."
No more lifetime, no more years, no more wait. Now.
This instant.
The world dissolving save for her, until she's all I know, all I breathe, all I see and feel. Until she becomes the centre of my orbit, my body tilting towards her; reeled in by a force greater the gravitational tug that yanks me forward.
Hands inching up her shirt, dragging fabric upwards as my palms skim across skin, across the clasp of her bra, dragging the thin top upwards, heat radiating against my skin, feel my own skin prickle with rut accelerating and spiking; triggered by Joon, yanked hotter and tighter around my limbs, heat melding to skin. Stilling and carefully cradling her hair, hand a shield hovering in the space over her marked gland. Her body shudders and stills, stiffens the slightest before I draw the shirt off, so careful to avoid any contact to her marked gland.
My eyes rake over her, hungering over the sight of her bared torso, eyes settling on the swells of her breasts spilling over generously, mouth roving over skin, drifting and mapping a trail from her collarbones down, fangs scraping and sinking into the soft flesh, feel her whimper above, body caging hers.
The drag of fabric being drawn away from skin finally... finally brings that satisfaction of feeling her without the hindrance of fabric barring her, the scorch of her body tugging mine hotter and headier, scent pulsing at the sight of her chest heaving, head dipping to mouth at the soft curves, teeth drawing her nipple between them, tugging and relishing in the groan, hand gripping and squeezing, mouth closing around her bud. Feel the thrash of her body as she arches into the touch, scent sweetening in submission to my own.
Chasing the ache that sears my body and makes her restlessly shift under me, throat arched as my mouth trails to her other breast, fingers gripping tightly, moulding around the soft curves, gripping her closer, yearning for every drop of her pleasure, every cry and every moment to be seared into memory.
Her hands grip the hem of my shirt, tugging at it impatiently, breaths shaky and whimpering with impatience until I'm tugging at the fabric, fingers hurriedly undoing buttons to shuck off the fabric, feel the groan as she lets her hands map across my torso, trailing from my abdomen and dragging upwards, nails digging into my shoulder as I let my head dip to continue sucking dark marks into the enticing curves that heave with shuddered inhales of air; stained with our scents entangled so fiercely as if they won't ever part again.
My hand drags her thigh open, settling in the widened splay of her legs, rocking against her hips, a slow drag of fabric against fabric, yet not enough to hide the way her legs tremble at the stimulation, the way I feel myself throb with a deeper ache searing hotter, burning arousal low in my gut and seeping into every crevice of my body.
Feel the ache of too much still between us, fierce arousal making a growl bubble in the back of my throat, her body sinking pliantly even as she archs upwards, twisting for more, trying to drag me closer as my fingers hook into the waistband of the matching band of black laced across her hips, drag down fabric. And groan at the sight of her bare, the sound trembling with unadulterated, raw need so visceral I feel my rut barrel through me thicker and stronger, almost lost entirely to the mindlessness to it.
Mouth watering with the need to taste.
My hips buck up, rutting against the soft inside of her thigh, aching with the straining want to feel the heat of her skin against me, hand moving away to undo the belt, tugging down the zipper, throbbing length skimming across her bare thigh, leaving a smear of arousal to spill and stain skin, impatient as I shuck off clothes to leave myself bare. The drag of skin against skin, mouthing at her sternum, the growl raw and carnal at the whimper as her legs tremble, rutting messily against her, aching to brand every gland with my scent, to have her drenched and drowned in it.
Until all she smells like is me.
"Mine. Going to breed you full of pups, going to mate you over and over. Going to have you swollen and writhing on my knot." I groan out, burrowed closer to her, growls muffled against her skin, eyes raking over her.
Her eyes glassy with a settling haze, slowly sinking over her body, slowly reeling her into full heat, slower than the burn of rut clinging to me.
"Mate me. Mimi mate... mate me. My mate." She thrashes, arching to press closer, bodies lines and curves slotting together, hands curled around me to tug.
Feel her go lax as I continue to sink my teeth into soft, giving flesh, desperate with the intent to mark every inch of her, to have her feeling the claims long after my mouth drifts away, trailing lower and lower.
"Going to mate you... take you. Want you sobbing and delirious with pleasure, want to fill you up, want to take and take and give until I know you're pupped." I promise, head spinning with the dizzying waves of pleasure and arousal, at the thought of her round and milky. Drenched in both my brand of mint embedded skin deep and sweet and milky.
The unforgiving burn of heat mercilessly tugging at skin scorches me, body slammed with full rut, that instant when a needy frenzy takes over instead, mouthing at the soft skin of her stomach, head full of thoughts of filling her, breeding her, cupping the swollen curve of her stomach when she's knotted, pupped.
"Won't stop till you're round. My mate. Going to breed over and over. My mate." Mouth drifting lower, clutching the flare of her hips, gripping tightly as I lower myself down, tugging her thighs open wider as I settle in the space between them.
Mouth descending to her centre, slick with arousal, the pulse of syrupy sweetness, pheromones curling with desire around my lungs, tasting it before my mouth chases it hungrily. Lips closing around her, slowly trailing down, tongue flicking and tasting the nectar of her desire against me, swallowing heavily before I growl. Tugging her down the sheets, hands keeping her splayed open, tongue curling and thrusting deeper, coaxing her arousal to spill and stain my mouth, swallowing hungrily as she thrashes, growling against her. Pleasure making my scent spike stronger, tongue flicking against her swollen nub, feel the flutter of her centre trembling and pulsing with arousal, dragging her thigh open wider as my mouth chases her sweetness.
Grip possessive and greedy, instincts howling with the way her sweet sounds trigger sharper arousal almost painful lancing across my spine, eyes drinking in the way her stomach clenches tightly, the heaving swells of her breasts and her fingers scrabbling for purchase on the sheets and in my hair, tugging me closer as her hips buck up.
Tongue curling deeper and lips sucking harshly, dragging out every whimpered plea past feverish lips, the splay of her legs widening with surrender, the tremble of muscles under my palm as I grip her thigh wide jittering with approaching release, barrelling towards it as her hips shift, arching off the bed.
Tongue curling, brushing against her centre before thrusting deeper, stretching her open, her pleasure feeding every instinct to satiate her, to satisfy her, to give her pleasure beyond coherency.
"Going to drain you dry." I promise, mouth drifting away to sink my teeth into the soft skin of her thigh, the jolt visceral as she twists then sags, tongue flicking to lap the smear of arousal staining the inside of her thighs, chasing the intoxicating scent pulsing sweetly.
The sharp tug of her fingers, pain-pleasure morphing as a throb that has my hips rutting messily against the sheets, groaning as I delve back to her centre, desperate to see her writhe.
And when she arches, thrashing on my tongue, arousal spilling across my lips and down my throat, the mess of frantic need and breeding haze steeped fully over us has her twisting, her supple form curled against the sheets bucking makes my mind whisper from the feral depths of rut, a growled grunted word.
Tongue flicking and delving deeper, thrusting and coaxing out every last wave of ecstasy, her scent thickening until it's hard to breathe any particle of air that isn't branded with her pheromones submitting and beckoning and reeling me in towards her. Mouth slipping away but hands tightening on her thigh, nose brushing against skin, leaving the stained smear of her arousal across her skin and other hand winding around her other thigh.
The breathy shudder as I yank her body down, towards my lips has pride making my body cage hers, mouth feasting on the sot flesh, teeth sinking in harder, deeper, fiercer when she sobs more over and over, mouth sucking the soft flesh that just accepts every bruising bite as her legs tremble. The muscles jittering and spasming and clenching tightly unconsciously, closing around me, or trying to, until a growl has them falling open wider.
Inviting, submitting, presenting the swollen slickness of her centre and the indents of teeth blooming darkening marks where my mouth continues to dip to mark, tonguing at the pressure my fangs and teeth have left behind, sucking harshly to see her buck, the hypersensitive glands on her thighs making her shake with pulsing need, scent streaming off in sweet and thick rivulets, mouth aching to drift back to her centre once more.
Ears stiffly perked and alert to every small exhale, every noise of unrestful, thrashing want, teeth and fangs scraping; her legs jolting as she keens, fingers loosened in my hair but anchoring herself in some way, trying to hold on, growing steadily desperate as she keens.
The sound comes from the back of her throat, deep and wanting and imploring.
Yanking at my instincts and biology and begging for me to be a good mate, to fill her, to give her more, giving a final tug with my teeth to a darkening mark that'll deepen into purple, higher up the apex of her thigh, close to her centre. Feel her fingers clench and then unclench, loosely resting against the back of my head as I draw myself away from the source of her arousal.
Drawing away momentarily, letting myself be dragged upright, her lips shaky and feverish as they meld to mine, fangs tugging and nipping until her bottom lip is swollen, until every brush of my mouth mapping hers has her whimpering deep and unsettled against me, hips bucking up and her hand drawing mine to the curve of her breast.
Groaning when my fingers sink into the ample curve, digging in hard enough to bruise, knuckles brushing against the underside, fingers tugging and twisting the stiff bud between the pads of my fingers, her hand snaking around my nape.
Fingers curled against skin, leaving the brand of their touch to seep into skin and ignite the embers hotter and fiercer, fanning the already tormenting inferno winding its snare tighter around my gut, rutting between her thighs, that close, coax me to buck between the softness of them.
I let my other hand trail down from her sternum, down the clenching tightness of her stomach to brush against her slick centre, gathering the arousal, tips of two fingers teasing for all but one instant before plunging hilt deep.
The startled cry is sharp. Wanton.
Yet the whimpered sobs as my fingers thrust deep, a brutal punishing rhythm of in out in out, her centre parting easily for the intrusion, scent sweetening with arousal as I crook my fingers deep, slipping another finger in and easing her, mouth brushing against her collarbone, the first unmuffled moan as her hips buck up to sheathe me deeper, trying to coax me closer, hand clutching my wrist, the frantic begging spilling past swollen lips.
"Mimi... ah, Mimi please more." She shudders, chest heaving for breath.
I lean down, body tilting closer, fangs scraping the curve of her arm.
"Oh sweet fawn... I'll give you everything." I groan, the promise is exhaled against skin, tongue curling across to chase the trail of reddening marks that deepen slowly.
Unable to get enough of her, drowning in the heady intoxication that is her.
My mate.
The possessiveness rears its head, four fingers sheathed deep, as she trembles and arches, pushed to ecstasy once more, her scent steadily losing itself in the drowning waves of her heat- pulsing out anise to tug me closer, reeling me in.
Demanding for her mate, sinking a hook deep in my gut and reeling me closer, aching to sink skin deep into her, to fuse our bodies together until nothing remains between us, until only our scents entangled remain as we lose ourselves to each other. To the fever of needing each other, to breed her until she's delirious from it.
Aching from it.
Be a good mate.
The feral urge is tampered down in the slightest with the overwhelming, all-consuming need to be good for her, to be the mate she deserves and prep her. To not sink knot deep, not without making her mindless with pleasure, not without preparing her for it.
She comes first.
She always come first.
So when her fingers curl shakily around my swollen, aching length, fingers stained with arousal that weeps past the tip, her eyes are wide, pupils dilating at how much potent my scent goes, rut impossibly deepening, shaky strokes of her palm, grip tightening when I grunt, bucking into her touch, sheathing my fingers deeper, drawing them out to plunge them in sharper, rougher.
Not expecting the fierce, unrelenting strokes and tugs as her legs part, fingers reaching deeper at the angle of her thighs parted, watching where my fingers sink into her heat, greedy and hungering for her pleasure, coaxing as my fingers bend, her own tightening around me, tugging and drawing my achingly hard length, bucking and rutting against her thigh.
Groaning at the throbbing pulse of her scent, the way she clenches impossibly tighter around me, wondering the impossibility of fitting a knot in her; the curl of heat carnal of her sobbing and thrashing around it. Begging for it.
And when I spill over her fingers and thigh, the aching stiffness remains, the tightness in my gut only clenched fiercer, searing across my spine, licking at skin, fingers drawing out as she pleas for more, keening at the loss regardless. Legs clenching tighter. Eyes glassy.
The sight of them, though tugs at something pained and guttural; needing to soothe and provide and give everything to her as her mate.
"Jimin please... please... no more... just... mate. Mate me." she pleads, the next sound she makes is pained and denied, sobbed as she tugs at my arms, tugs at me to come closer, scent tinging the barest but it's enough.
Whimpering with distress at her tears, ducking closer to nuzzle at her cheek, hands already coaxing her legs open, drawing them around me, mouth pressing over and over to flushed skin.
"I've got you sweetheart... shhh... okay, okay." I murmur, frantic as my lips fuse to hers, groaning against her at her scent submitting, at the pliant part of her lips falling open at the first brush of my tongue seeking entrance.
Promising her, telling her with every flick of my tongue curling against hers, with every thrust of my tongue delving deeper.
Hands skimming over the inside of her thighs, grunting when they fall open without prompt, her head falling back, lips falling away as she cries out, slowly sheathing myself deep, hips bucking forward until I've driven in to the hilt, teeth skimming across her jaw at the rightness and wholeness, the drag of skin and against skin slow, the first thrust experimental. Doing little to quieten the roaring in my ears, the loud frantic howling urge to bury myself deep until she can't remember how it feels to be otherwise.
The first thrust is rough and dragged out, slowly drawing back and slamming in deep, it coaxes an arch out of her back but the wild scrabble of her fingers against my torso are demanding. Needing.
And I can do nothing but give, to give in to her, to her heat, to my rut.
And drown in it.
A harsher, relentless pace of taking over and over, slamming deeper and deeper, hands digging into her thighs, tugging her closer, a sharp yank that has her drawn down the sheets, fingers gripping into my waist, throat bobbing as the rough game of push and pull spirals, harsh thrusts as I slam deep into her, feverish and frantic with the need to keep her full, drawing back before sheathing inside her once more, feel her tighten around me, a vice grip of her body claiming mine just as deeply as mine does hers.
The feral flare of arousal mounting to an impossible peak as my body drives further into her, watch her hands scrabble futilely at the sheets, twisted and ruched under her grip, the continuous stream of noise; sweet keening cries and shuddered gasps as if her lungs ached and were full, as if breathing only dragged her further into the mindless, uncontrollable need.
"Take me so well..." I praise, lips peppering sharp bites and flicks of tongue against the small marks that I suck into her skin, the bruised raw mark at her left gland, mated.
I'll mate you right. I'll mate you deep and hard.
"Deeper." She whines against my chest, the brush of her mouth against skin scorching, fingers brushing and circling a nipple, stiffening under her touch, the drag of her nail across it sparking a deeper groan, gripping her hips as I continue to bury myself deeper, keeping her splayed wide and her centre swollen and presented as I watch my length sheath in to the hilt, slick where her arousal spills and stains skin, the arch of her throat enticing, as is the curve of her back bowed off the bed, the smallest bit of distress long since eased, glassy with pleasured tears as she bucks her hips up, rocking down to meet each thrust with the downward cant of hers.
Hands slipping to curve around the back of her thighs, drawing her leg over my shoulder, the next thrust deeper in a way that makes her sob, feeling as if I've buried myself entirely into her, watching the clench of her stomach, feverish rut growling with satisfaction at the slurred more, still wanting me deeper even as her eyes flutter, her other leg curved around my waist, heel pressing into the low of my back as she drags me closer, her body supported by mine even as its jostled up the bed, body shaking with every thrust.
The carnal grunt when her thigh jitters, hooked tighter around me, flushed feverish body arching to press to mine.
And though I cage her under my body, hands keeping her hips from twisting and bucking, forcing her to take the deep rut of my length grinding deep circles inside, the drag of my aching, swollen length as I buck harsher, I want to see her unravel. A greater part of me thrashing with the need to take in every shift of her expression, the flutter of lashes against tearstained skin, the shaky tremble of lips swollen and bitten-red, sore and so wonderfully sensitive when I drag her bottom lip between my teeth, fangs sinking in enough to taste the barest tang of salt against me, soft and giving and sweet as she whimpers against my lips.
Relishing in seeing her be ruined, the pleas, the call of my name, the praise and heat-driven cries turning shakier as I continue to rock into her, her body tightening with approaching release, fingers pressing hard enough to leave indents and prints dark enough to bruise and leave the curl of my fingerprints behind. Viciously satisfied at being the one to hear her cries turn incoherent, to see the hazy doe eyes rest on me, cry deep in her throat.
Every touch is impatient, as if all the time in the world isn't enough to dedicate myself to learning her body, learning the way it trembles under me and the way she gives so beautifully, so easily. The way her scent continues to pour off in sticky rivulets that my mint gladly drowns under.
Every sweep of lips and tongue and teeth is messy and uncoordinated, drunk on the haze, the blind fog of moulding her body to mine, of dragging her closer and keeping her body splayed and ready to be taken over and over, thrusts turning sharper, coaxing pleasured cries. The sight of teary eyes and flushed cheeks and the complete haze of pheromones turning her pliant has heat pouring low in my gut. Her, so sweetly giving, curvy fawn stretched taut across the sheets as her body succumbs to the pleasure and returns it tenfold, pinpricks of where the rut stings, soothed by the anchor of her thigh curled around my hip, by the way her calf tenses, leg hitched up to my shoulder and trembling but still taking. Pleasure makes her strung up and taut, a tight coil that's moments away from snapping but even drowning with vulnerability she entrusts her biology and body to me, leaves me solely to the mercy of my touch, to the fierce drag of my body leaning down to cage hers.
Length dragging against her centre, brushing against the bundle of nerves that has her whimpering, spilling desire down her cheeks in overwhelmed tears, a broken repeated mantra of my name.
My name that she cries, as she thrashes, body taut and shaking through her peak, breathless as her lungs heave for breath she doesn't get, none that gives her respite and only fuels the trembles, the jitters as her scent slams into every corner of the room, washes over my body with the syrupy tell of her arousal. I tilt closer, encasing her in my hold, hands skimming up to brush against the side of her breasts, tilting her cheek to me, thumb brushing against hot tears dampening her skin, the dewy flush bringing with it the curl of exertion to her scent, breathing ragged as her mouth tilts to my jaw.
Tender and slow nuzzles to my jaw, slow drags of heated skin against my own, the fiery pulse of more still ringing in my ears, still making my body throb as I remain buried deep, slow, deep grinds, head ducking to mouth at her bitten gland gently and painstakingly carefully, tongue flicking softly and lightly against the pulsing raw bite. Cleared of blood, cleared of the sharp tint of horror and fear. Instead, she sinks more laxly against the sheets, a quiet noise of content soft at the back of her throat. Tilts slightly to let my nose brush against the line of her throat, dragging down, feeling the bob of her throat as she swallows heavily, pliant in the presentation of her gland; no longer closed off and flinching, welcoming and craving the brush of my lips skimming across the swollen gland secreting pheromones; turning me headily towards it. Ducking closer to mouth wetly at the sensitive bump of tissue overproducing sweet, sticky anise.
Mouthing at the bruised, marked gland, fangs scraping over the raw marks of Joon's own teeth, her body shuddering and going tauter at the touch, soft exhales; light and breathy as she tilts her throat in submission and pliancy, limbs relaxing against the sheet.
But still.
Still the heat simmers fiercely under her skin; turning her hazy limbs to shift restlessly, hips bucking and twisting where I'm still sheathed inside, still hard and aching and the spark of feral want blooming from the base of my spine and roaring wildfire that ignites pulsing arousal so intense my own body trembles with it as I draw myself up, growling when I slip out, when she keens and peers up with unfocused eyes, fumbling hand trying to reach for me.
But the pure satisfaction that resonates through my body, a deep, deep satiation of biology, instincts and feral need is on a deeper level when I drag my hand down her stomach, curing to slip around her waist and spin her around, so she's face down on the sheets.
And immediately.
Immediately the arch of her hips tilting up and back pushed low in an arch, the curve of her hips flared and wide as she presents herself to me, legs trembling and dragged open wider with my hands, her breath shuddering as she pushes herself upright.
This screams with a deeper rightness, body tilting and curving over hers, fingers brushing her hair back away from her face, fisting into it and dragging it away from her nape, teeth scraping there, mouthing a line of kisses to the base of her spine, knuckles brushing over the side of her waist before coming to rest against her stomach.
Maybe rut hadn't even settled because the carnal growl that shudders and ripples through the air is richer and stronger and more demanding that her spine curves on demand, responds to the thickening scent streaming off my glands, cloying and potent and merged with hers.
Fingers grip the sheets as she turns her head, tearstained flushed cheeks and glossy eyes peering back at me, ears flickering as she tilts her throat, presenting it as she looks at me.
"Going to breed me? Properly?" voice soft and shaking.
There's no challenge in the words but it makes my fangs pool over my lips, gums itching with the urge to sink in deep into the soft flesh of her neck, to mark and mate her like she wants, like I want.
Snapping my fangs and smell the scent of anise softening, turning lighter, gentler. Responding to the heavier wave of pheromones as her fingers curl into the sheets.
"I'm going to breed you until you're thrashing. Going to fill you until you're swollen. Going to leave you drowning in my scent. Going to make you scream." I grunt in promise, teeth pinching at her nape, nose brushing against her jaw, hand tugging at her hair until her head tilts back, throat arched and glands on proud, swollen display.
Teeth sinking into where Joon's teeth had; pleasure pulsing through her body as her legs open wider.
"Going to make you beg for my knot even when you'll be all pupped. When you're whining that it's too much." I promise, voice dropping lower, hand splaying across the low of her back, something raw and visceral in how heavy the slam of possessiveness is at the sight of her hips arching and pushing back. Fingers trailing from her stomach to part her centre, slick and swollen against my touch, splaying herself in both invitation and biological surrender.
Mate me.
Aching to sink fangs into the swell of her curves, into her hips, body curving over hers to both blanket it and to cover it with mine, weighing down, hands splayed on either side of hers, feel her fingers grip my wrists, nails digging in when my hips rock against hers, slowly sheathing myself in once more.
The drag of skin, feverish and hot, against my own fuelling the deeper thrust until I'm curved entirely over her back, hand resting on the low of her back, the first thrust deep and slow; relishing in the sensation. Drawing back and slamming in harder, a low grunt leaving my lips, her breath shuddering as she's jolted forward.
"Want your knot... want my mate. Mimi... Min please." She gasps out under me, legs angled wide, my eyes drifting over the curved dip of her back and where my length draws out to bury deeper into her, relishing in the broken words and sounds, breathless sharp pants of breath as she clutches my hands, fingers scrabbling for purchase before finding home, curled into fists, on the sheets.
Body slumping and bowed off the bed, pressed flush against my body as I continue to rock my hips in and out, intent on burrowing deeper and leaving my scent engrained into every limb, mouthing wetly at her nape, pressing open-mouthed kisses, teeth scraping down her back, hands curled tightly into her hips.
Pushing them down as she trembles, shaking under me as the snap of hips driving deeper and deeper has her heat-thickened scent pulsing sweeter, tail flicking when my fingers brush over the dimpled grooves at her spine, mouth aching to press there, ghosting along her tail, hand resting over her behind, gripping tighter as her hips rock back to meet each thrust for thrust. To meet each slam of my length driving deep with the compliance of her legs parting, thighs splayed obscenely to draw me deeper, until the feverish cant of my hips grow with the growl rumbling against her skin, teeth sinking into her nape, into the soft giving flesh that triggers the limp, weak shudder as her arms buckle.
Body slumping against the sheets, cry muffled against the pillow as I drag her hips back, feverish in the slew of groans and growls of her name bitten and sucked into dark marks across the slope of her shoulders, fingers tightening in her hair to tug and keep her throat arched and presented, lips trailing across to draw in greedy gulps of her scent, sharper slams into her centre; slick and tight heat drawing me impossibly deeper. The deep curve of her body presented, hips tilted and dragged up, coaxing her body to a dizzying peak of pleasure that washes over her in waves, drawn out as I continue to rock my hips deeper.
"Look so perfect taking me. My mate, my perfect mate. Mine." I groan, one hand curling around to splay across her stomach, dragging her upright when her body shudders and sinks against the sheets, hands gripping tightly at the sheets, thighs trembling as they spread wider, head falling forward and baring the indents my teeth have left behind on her nape.
Eyes roving over the dark red mark blooming across the skin.
"Yours. Yours. Going to leave me full? Keep me aching." She groans, voice breathless and small sounds and whimpers slipping past lips her teeth clamp down on, muffling her pleasure until I growl at her.
"Let me hear how wrecked you sound. Want to hear every cry, every moan, every sound is mine." I demand, fingers pressing into the soft flesh of her stomach, dragging her upright, body flush against my own, held against me as my hips rock into hers, feel every tremble as she tries to draw me in deeper, hand curling to grip her breast, sinking into the curve, fingers tugging and twisting mercilessly at the stiff, swollen buds, straying from one to the other; fangs aching to sink into them.
To feel the tremors pressed against skin as her chest arches and pushes into the touch, a shaky sob as she shakes her head.
"Too much... Mimi..." she whimpers.
My lips brush against her nape.
"Haven't even knotted you... you're going to beg so beautiful."
Voice slipping deeper and guttural with the thought.
Desperate to have her body limp with pleasure before knotting her, before working in the base that's steadily beginning to swell and fill up.
Slowly going to work the thickest part of my length deeper and lock our bodies together, hands feverish as they skim across her limbs, dragging downwards, working a path across her clenched stomach down to her centre; working the swollen, slick nub; her pleas turning shakier and her lips parted with breathless ecstasy as her hips sink down onto the sheets, stretched out across them.
But she takes pliantly, takes as I work to her another peak.
Deep shudders that make her body sink against the sheets, gripping weakly at them.
Pleas turning keening and louder.
"Knot me. Mimi..." she sobs.
Feeling the aching tightness in my length swell hotter and fiercer, dragging against her slick centre, her legs widening their stance across the sheets, splaying wider to try coax me to rut deeper, to fill her and lock her body to mine.
But she's never taken a knot.
Never been full to this extent, never felt a knot stretch her open, force her to take it until every inch of her body is submitting to take the overwhelming fullness.
Slowly my fingers begin to sheathe in where I'm already thrusting, stretching her open, her scent spiking with barrelling release; the contracting shudders of her body bringing with it arousal that spills onto my fingers, carefully working in a third, grunting low against her shoulder when she tightens around me, the drag of fingers slowly coaxing her open, knot pushing at her centre; fluttering and pulsing as she keens, shaking her head even as her hips weakly push back, rising up higher to coax me in.
Pleasure twisting tightly in my gut at how sweetly she begs even if those cries are entangled with shaky sobs that it won't fit, desperate as she keens, so sweetly pliant, cries overwhelmed as she tries to raise herself up on shaking arms.
The base of my length swells, a tight pressure that ruts against her centre, stilling against her so she can feel the weight of the knot dragging against her slick entrance, feel the shudders seem to silence as she stills.
Head falling forward from where she holds herself up on splayed hands, watching where I still, hunched over, mewling as she sees, the bite mark on her nape only making the urge and impatience to sink fangs deep into her other gland stronger. Visceral.
Supple curves and the lines of her body, the dip of her back where she keeps herself presented even if it takes everything out of her makes my fox preen and growl on a deeply satiated level, skin covered in a sheen of sweat, exertion making her scent tang in the slightest, makes her body gleam under my eyes.
My fangs ache.
I want to devour her.
Feast on her body.
My hand grips her thigh to drag it open wider, her body shaking as she widens her presenting stance, rocking her hips down and back onto my fingers and length, whimpering when my fingers slip away. Keening when instead I grind forward, slowly pushing forward, her centre clenching at the first push of my knot against her.
"Baby... you have to unclench... fuck. Let me in little doe." I groan, teeth scraping against her shoulder, slowly rutting forward, centre stretched open wider, hand splayed over the inside of her thigh, feel the trembles and spasms of her muscles as I push in, head dropping against her shoulder. Groaning deep when finally... finally my knot begins to slip inside. Opening her wider.
Instincts howling with the relief of finally mating her.
Knot sinking deeper, her legs shaking as she's stretched open for the widest part of the knot, breath hitching with a broken sob and with a final push of my hips, I sink in fully, filling her completely.
Body bending over hers, chest flush to her back, feel the tautness of her spine, the bow of her body as she tightens around me.
Another cresting peak of pleasure that floods my nose with her scent, her body pushing back where the knot's buried deep inside her now.
Feel the tug where her body pulls at the knot, unable to draw away, unable to move, unable to do anything but still she keens, arching back, body pushing against mine, twisting as she sobs, hips pushed back flush to mine.
"Fill me... make me round." She groans, voice weak and strained.
Arms buckling at the tug of her body where we're joined, my hips grinding deeper, aching with how taut the pleasure burns, with how with every tremor to her body, my knot pulses, aching to spill deep, until her scent's drowned under mine.
And the pleasure bubbles hotter and heavier until it's lancing my body with it, until it blisters my body and the tug of my body against her centre has me thrusting deep, a rougher slam of hips, hand entangling in her hair and yanking.
Her cry taut and needy, throat bared and fangs sinking into her right gland; breaking skin, mouth full of syrupy, honeyed anise as they bury deep into her neck, feel the peak of pleasure snap. Feel my knot tighten before I begin to spill inside her, pleasure drawn out in long, endless peaks, consumed with it and body thrumming with the wholeness of the mating bite, mouth closed around her gland, sucking harshly, the metallic tang of blood lost under the weight of her pheromones pouring off her and sticking to my tongue, slipping down my throat in floral rich bursts as I rut into her, erratic rough grinds as I feel that pleasure be drawn out by the clamping vice of her centre.
But I know it'll be long before that urge flares again, instincts quietened... satiated temporarily... body jerking forward with a rough thrust when she mumbles.
"Feel you in my stomach... so full." Her hand shaky as it presses against her stomach, pressing down. Voice slurred slightly, hazy and overwhelmed, body trembling as it sinks against the sheets entirely.
Fingers entangling with hers, feral pleasure when pressing down with pressure makes her body jerk, hand against the bump I can feel under her skin, mind delirious with being buried so deep in her that she can feel me.
"Perfect mate... scent drunk on my knot. Going to breed you over and over." Words punctuated with ragged breath and sharp thrusts that pull where we're joined before grinding deeper.
"Going to make a mess, going to be all round... be pupped when I'm done." Nose dragging against her throat, mouthing at her bitten gland, preening at the stamp of mint engrained with her scent, lapping at the indent marks, cleaning off the beading droplets of blood, nuzzling against the crook of her neck.
A deep rumble of contentment and pride drawn out from the deepest depths of my chest, ears flickering as I nuzzle, knot grinding deeper and holding her.
Pinned to the bed.
Mate. Mine.
And the keening cry as she shakes under me is the strongest affirmation my biology needs.
Mated mate.
My fawn.
Hips thrusting deeper and mouth closing over her gland once more.
Relishing in the futile buck of her body thrashing under mine.
That's the only word that rings out in my head, over and over; battering into my mind over and over, a growl vicious and bestial that shatters the quiet of the office, feeling the weight of claws itching under my skin, pushing and pulsing for a shift.
Growling as my hand knocks against the wood of the table, fury searing and lancing across my spine as I hunch over the letter.
Won't be long until we're claws deep in her.
A fury that makes heat pulse, feeling the prickles of anger making my muscles and limbs feel taut, trapped within the cage of flesh and skin.
But she's mine.
Not the traffickers keeping an eye on her, not the vicious, filthy promises left behind in envelopes marked with my name and position.
That's what the officer who'd handed them all had called it. That they'd been sent in under anonymous hints regarding the trafficker case we'd been working on.
Sealed envelopes that brought with it an acrid burnt mixture of scents and pheromones I hadn't smelt for months.
It had my instincts prickling and recoiling, hurrying to round the door and shut it, lock immediately clicking into place.
Fingers tearing the envelope open and tugging the paper out with impatience, eyes drifting over the paper, roving over it, scanning for the hint.
Met instead with blocked script instead on the back of a photograph.
And the nausea that makes my body pound and eyes sting with a fierce, carnal ferocity is that the photograph when my hand turns it reveals our packmate, our doe on it.
Eyes soft with tenderness as she cradles Min-Jun to her, body curved with protectiveness and love as she sits outside the centre on a park bench just across the road, tucking the baby bear to her, Yoongi hyung's scarf tugged at as he burrows under it too.
And the wide-eyed officer hadn't been able to do anything more than shake his head, that it'd been in the tips box, CCTV scoured and searched but no-one non-descript or suspicious, and identities of the people who had visited since the last time the box had been emptied... no-one that flagged up criminal records or offences that put them under suspicion.
One letter.
It started with one.
It turned to two the next day.
One handed over as I was making my way to my office and the second waiting when I got back from lunch with Jimin.
Two the day after, starting a vicious habit of making my instincts prickle, eyes scanning every flinch, every nervous tic, every tang of pheromones that veered too close to lies, deceit. It made me restless and it was making me jittery.
It was also slowly reeling out angry aggressive pheromones, enclosed in the contained spaces of the interrogation rooms; fangs bared and words dripping with snarls, more growls than words.
Because enough games. Enough toying.
Either I got answers or the people running the barn were my hunt, mine to tear apart.
And I relish the tang of sweat that spills with fear and bated breath, with the unconscious curve of trying to appear defenceless; eyes wide and some lips spilling secrets and names and truths and vicious horrors when impatience made me curl my hands around the table, body towering over and threads of sanity slowly slipping away.
She wasn't theirs.
She was ours.
And the threat towards her was growing.
My nose burns with cotton, branded across my lungs, across the sheets, thickening the air as the figure stretched taut across the sheets shudders, muscles rippling, ducks his head in submission, dark, wavy hair brushing against his jaw, his groan low and needy and wanting.
"Alpha hyung... hyung-ah... ah." He cries out, hands fisting the sheets tight enough to tear, back bowed, broad shoulders taut with strain as he holds himself upright, ears flopped forward and back rippling as I thrust in deeper, hips slamming against his, a brutal, unrelenting pace that despite the natural soft, submissiveness in his scent as he surrenders to the heady rut, but the strength of his body slams and rivals my own, hips rocking back for every feverish slam of my own, throbbing and aching length sheathing deep.
My fangs sink into the curve of his shoulder, teeth clamping down on hard muscle, feel him tremble as his neck is bared to me, the roaring inferno of rut burning deeper, stronger and hotter when even as his scent blooms with countless waves of pleasure, he continues to push his hips back, the narrow, tiny fit of his waist gripped between my hands sparking a carnal pleasure at how my hands encase skin. Grip at the soft dip, at the curve, eyes raking over the thick muscles of his thighs and aching to sink down to bite purpling marks into them once again. To hear and feel him thrash against my mouth as I suck dark marks and bruises onto the soft inside of his thighs, to feel the tremors of straining muscles clenching under my tongue.
"My bun. Look at you leaking... haven't knotted you yet... but gonna take it so well. Going to breed you deep." I groan against his shoulder, tongue flicking against the bruised indents, the redness, sucking harshly at skin, teeth scraping against it. Not satisfied even though a myriad of marks colour his body, trail up his torso to map the path my lips had taken before closing around his gland.
The scent of cotton heavy and cloying on my tongue, his head turning, lips swollen and bitten, his teeth sinking into the already abused flesh, muffling a loud cry when I tug his hips back, weight bearing down on him, the wide splay of his thighs already inviting and open, ready for my knot that's steadily been swelling to its full aching stiffness, rutting against him.
Letting him feel the weight of it drag, to feel it rut against where he clenches and relaxes, voice low and rough with need.
"Knot me alpha hyung... I can take it." he groans, voice raw, and when he tilts his head back, lips tilted imploringly to me, I curl closer, mouth pressing to his.
To the searing heat of his mouth pushing for more, silently begging with the flick of his tongue messily brushing against the seam of my mouth, messy and uncoordinated but right. Teeth slipping against my lip, my fangs tugging at his bottom lip, tongue thrusting in deep and rough, groaning against him as I continue to rut against him, hand dragging him back, watching as I sink back in, knot pushing against the tight rim that clenches tighter; trying to drag me in.
"Doesn't feel like it bun." I groan, fingers slipping to brush against where my length thrusts in, working him open with my fingers and feeling the tight spasms of his body as he tilts his hips back, arched and presented so prettily for me, arms holding him upright, strong muscles twitching and refusing to give up as he rocks his hips backwards.
The sudden thrust of his hips sheathing me back in when I draw out has air shuddering in my lungs, grip reflexively tightening and squeezing his tiny waist. Growling at the shaky pant, teeth sinking into his nape; feel the way he goes lax under me.
Voice breathless.
"Why don't you make me take it?" words challenging and sparking a guttural growl that makes every inch of me tighten, body curled over his, weight boring down to pin and mount and breed in a way that satiates the deepest biological craving.
My prey.
My bun.
My mate.
Grinding deep until his legs tremble, falling open laxer as my knot pushes past his rim, stretched obscenely before it slips in, his body going taut under mine, arms straining before they buckle, hips kept gripped high and presented as my knot pushes deep.
Thrusting deeper, body locked to his and hips pushing his down.
Carnal pleasure entangling with fierce possessiveness as my body brackets his, as his hips push back, arching and twisting until he tightens; pleasure spilling over in heavy waves as I feel the pressure tighten and snap, groaning as I pin him to the bed, teeth sinking into his shoulder and growl muffled around skin, relish the shakiness of his body and scent; thick waves that tremble as I spill into him.
His scent slowly lost under mine, the hazy floaty pulse of cotton and the loose lax of his body; wracked with delicious shudders and trembles, fingers going loose in the sheets and breathing ragged.
Body weight settling and sprawling over his, keeping him splayed open and stretched on my knot, hips bucking forward to thrust, pushing his pliant body into the sheets, mind still thrashing with the need to see him writhe.
Groaning with how well he takes my knot, hips kept tilted up an arch, the impossibly narrow width of his waist panned over by the splay of my hand across the low of his back, pushing him against the sheets as I rut against him, breath hot and ragged, feverish ache for more, more howling in my ears.
Slowly sinking down against him, arms curling around his torso, snaked around his stomach, feel the tight clench of his abdomen as he tries to draw me deeper, as he shudders with sensitivity, jerking when my hand curls around his length; the glide slick and messy; length tight and hard in my palm, shakily twitching and rutting forward.
"Alpha... alpha... hyung." Sobbed as his hand reaches to entangle and grip mine, head turning to turn glassy eyes to me as his hips tremble, back arching up to push against me, fingers curling tighter around his length, coaxing him to a messy release; spilled over my fingers.
"Did so well Kook... perfect... took your breeding so well."
"Did good?" he mumbles.
My lips brush against the nape of his neck, fangs scraping slightly, mouthing at flushed skin, a raging scorch rivalling my own, quietening with every passing minute, trembling as he sinks against the bed for reprieve.
Voice turning softer and ragged, muscles loosening in pliancy and resting against the rucked sheets.
"So good. My bun, more than perfect baby boy." I groan, hands drawing him closer to me, slowly turning over, cradling him closer, his groan stuttered and deep when he shifts to get comfortable, tugging at where my knot spills inside him, the friction and tug only coaxing out more and more, mouthing and nuzzling at skin as I tuck him close.
Hand smoothening over his hip. Kneading at the stiffness his limbs are taut with, hips pushing back as if the distance is too great, too far.
His scent soft and gentle but yet burns trails down my lungs as I breathe it in, burrowing against his gland; the spikes of quietening rut burning feverish still.
"Hyung... you smell like you want me pupped. Feel this... round with your knot."
Voice soft and light and tinged with breathless tease as he rocks his hips back.
I groan, teeth sinking into skin, tongue flicking against his gland.
Hand dragging mine to rest against the low of his stomach, to feel the pressure and tightness as he continues to milk every spurt of release, knot aching and heavy and still grinding forward; wanting more and more, even if my body is curved and flush to his and keeping him splayed across sheets that smell so strongly of rich cotton now.
Sinking into that coaxing calm of having my arms full of my bun, of feeling the small shudders wrack his body and the keening quieter cries as he shifts restlessly, ears drooping as he curls back, head resting against my arm, teeth scraping playfully across it.
"Big bad alpha with his big bad knot." He slurs, laughter and amusement in his voice when I growl, fangs snapping at skin, fingers entangling in his hair and gripping tightly, eyes raking over the bob of his throat as he groans at the tug.
"I will devour you baby bun."
His head tilts to brush his lips against mine, fingers curling into my shoulder.
"Wouldn't dream otherwise. Fill me up alpha."
And his pulsing rut drags me head first into mine.
The soft quiet murmurs has my ears perking, a threatened growl rumbling deep in my chest, hands tightening around a body that tilts back into the touch, hand clasping my arm, whimpering at the bruising grip, the pleasured groan causing my hips to buck forward.
Eyes fluttering against Kook's shoulder and peering over, the foggy haze of rest and contentment immediately clearing at the thread of alarm spiking through my senses.
"Calm down pup... bun's still here... can't really leave with your big knot can he?" Hobi murmurs, amusement curling his lips into something gentler and softer, fingers carding through Kook's hair, brushing it away from his face, rubbing at the base of his ears.
Experimentally reaching for my ears, eyes narrowed in part wariness, part playfulness as he reaches to cup my jaw; the simmering rut quietened far enough that all I can think is pack, pack, pack. Entrusting as his fingers skim to brush against my cheek, watching me tilt hazily into it, hands curled tight around Kookie.
"S gone down... I can pull out." I mumble, tilting to nose at the proffered tilt of jaw, snuffling against his throat and drawing in deep lungfuls of soft, fresh cotton, nuzzling against him, whining with disquiet when the words make him push back insistently, keeping me burrowed deep.
"Come on Koo... need you to sit up and drink water. Big alpha wolf did quite the number huh?" Hobi muses, dark eyes trailing over bare skin, hand slipping to coax him to sit up, the drag of our bodies, uncooperative as he tries to rock back, my hand curling into his waist tightly, groaning wetly against his throat at how it makes a spark of arousal flare low in my gut.
"Several." He murmurs in reply, lips trembling from their grin when shifting up together has him groaning, legs trembling as he clenches. Tightening around me. Threatening to make my knot swell again.
"M gonna slowly pull out." I murmur, hand rubbing circles onto his hips, skin feeling flushed and sticky and slowly coaxing him, his teary eyes threatening and imploring all at once. Feel the twitch of his tail against my torso as I slowly draw out, Hobi's lips pressed to Kook's; swallowing and muffling the complaint against his lips, fingers tilting his jaw to him, scent pulsing sweet and comforting.
The drag of skin against skin is messier. Sparks a keening whine of complaint as I slowly ease back, the mess of countless releases smearing and spilling over the inside of his thighs, onto the sheets; the guttural ache for more, arm snaking around his waist when he whimpers at the loss, at the emptiness, sheets ruined as he slowly lets himself be drawn up. Loose-limbed as he slumps against me, curling his head to rest against my shoulder, nose brushing against my skin, tilting towards Hobi who coaxes a bottle of water against his lips, brushing gentle fingers against his gland, across the dark bites and bruises colouring his shoulders, gland swollen but unmarked.
I wasn't going to make that mistake again.
I wasn't going to hurt another mate.
And when my head ducks to breathe in his scent, resting against the crook of his shoulder, I let my eyes clench shut, desperately trying to stave off the guilt and nausea that comes with a horrifying clarity; the extent and depth of the forced mating bite (Y/N) now bore and for the rest of her life. Hide the sting of tears; shameful and nauseous, breath shaking as I cling to Kook.
Try find comfort in him, in the press of his body curling against mine, in the brush of his fingers against my hip, squeezing, head turning to nudge his nose against my jaw. Scent impossibly softer.
The caramel lightens to a gentle sweetness, encases me in it, voice coaxing my eyes to meet his, thumbing under my eyes, catching the first tear with the pad of his finger, curling closer when my face crumples.
The post-rut cycle satisfaction melting away to give way to bitter resentment and hurt.
How did I let myself become blinded?
How did I not think for one instant and mate her?
Her cry shudders and rings through my ears as Hobi and Kook murmur quietly, drowning out their comfort, body curling smaller; feeling smaller and pathetic and undeserving of the arms wound around me, rut abated and quietened for now.
Misery sweeping in large waves.
A strangled noise leaving my lips.
"Hey pup no... she's fine."
"She's with Jiminie remember? He's taking care of her." Hobi murmurs, lips brushing to where tears trickle down my cheeks, muffled sobs against Kook, staining his skin with my grief and anger for what I've done.
She's never going to want me close.
I violated and broke every trust, every promise. I ruined it.
I ruined it.
Broken whines and words slip past trembling lips, slowly, unwillingly meeting dark brown eyes that hold admonishment and worry and protectiveness directed towards me; something that makes my instincts shift towards him even as the rut silently simmers under skin.
"She's asked for you. Several times Namjoon. Probably dozing now but even when she went to heat, she wanted to make sure you weren't alone in your rut." Hobi soothes and when I tilt closer, chasing comfort from those words, Kook curls against me, hand resting against my arm, lips brushing my jaw.
"He's right... if she was falling into heat, she figured you were going into rut. So I came."
My stomach twists and works itself into tighter knots, body warring between the need to stay tucked close to Kook, to curl close and burrow against the safety of soft cotton that tickles my nose and rest there and to go to (Y/N), to apologise, to explain, to make things right and to be there for a heat that I triggered.
"Is she—Min took care of her didn't he?" already knowing the answer but needing to hear it.
Two nods, lips brushing against mine when Kook's ears brush against my cheek, tilting his mouth to mine. Fingers brushing against my hair.
"He did... but I know she'll want to see you. She kept calling for you when the heat was sinking in."
The whine that slips past my lips is keening and high, muffled against his skin.
"Want to go to her."
There's a smile in Hobi's words, matching the soft, warm one curved across his face as his nose brushes against my temple.
"Then what's holding you back our big sweet alpha pup. Go get your mate."
I try disentangle myself from their embraces, a surge of impatience and harried want to get to her, ears flickering at the soft huffs of laughter.
"But maybe... maybe clean up and hydrate first. Before your rut spikes again."
The heat's already started to spark painfully at the low of my back as I dither outside her door, fingers curled around the handle and itching impatiently to step through. Breath slightly ragged and bringing with it sharper bursts of pheromones; still simmering low enough, quietened enough from flaring rich and strong.
"The door won't open by staring at it hyung." The soft scent of berry curling with amusement and fondness has my head turning.
My fingers drop, as if scalded, from the handle, twisting to peer at Tae.
Watch the stripey swish of his tail curling behind him, curls rumpled as he peers out the doorway at the partition, the bare curve of his shoulder, the glimpse of his collar as he leans out.
His eyes rake over me, slow and curious and examining with the sharp glint the marks I know Kook's left behind; the deep biological instinct to make him submit so thoroughly satiated, because he'd given as good as he got; muscles taut and twisting, holding himself up to the final moment.
"Go get her... wolfie." He says with a grin, laughing as he peers at the door, ears flickering.
"Or I wouldn't mind~" teasing and lilting.
A pair of floppy ears appear behind him, nose scrunching as he tugs Tae back towards him, peering with much giddier enthusiasm and encouragement.
"She's waiting hyung. You're wanted there."
And with that final bolster of encouragement, I let my hand curl around the handle, drawing the door open and slipping in, eyes immediately fixating to the sight of the two entangled figures on the bed.
Door clicking shut quietly but the soft sound still resonates in the largely silent room, the soft rumbles quietening.
Dark assessing eyes holding mine, a flare of something feral and possessive at the presence before quietening... ears flickering and perking. Scent turning softer.
Drawing me in silently.
I watch as fluttering doe eyes sluggishly focus on me, see the moment I register to her, her ears straighten and her body instinctively jerks forward before she shudders and keens, crying out as her eyes dilate. The hand curled around her abdomen pressing tighter to her stomach, dragging her back, the buck of his hips against her.
Eyes fluttering as she pants, body arching back against him, trembling with sensitivity.
And when I move closer, body instinctively responding to hurry forward, the rich entangled scents of the two of them become clearer; still steadily pulsing from the two of them.
If the fog of arousal and desire and warmth hadn't been radiating in the room, slamming into my lungs from the first step I entered, I wouldn't have figured they'd both finished a heat and rut cycle together. But when I move closer, I see the curl of his body spooning hers, see that his hand cradles the low of her stomach, pressing taut and knotted to her.
Head curled close to nuzzle against the side of her cheek, arm wound around her body, a protective and possessive embrace. Eyes narrowed hazy slits as he rakes his fangs across bare skin, relishing in the shudders of her body arching and sinking against his hold. And when he tilts his torso over her shoulder towards me, lips messy and soft and warm and gentle against mine, the drag of their bodies has her shuddering under him, his fingers skimming across her arm.
Coaxing her cry and relishing in the pulse of anise it triggers, rutting and grinding deep, propped up on his arm as he murmurs quietly.
Sweet mate.
Writhing on my knot.
Her pupils dilate, gripping tightly at the sheets as he bucks his hips forward, a slow, dragged out thrust that has her scent fluttering, sweetening as she bares her throat; a heavy pulse of realisation that she's mated. Mated properly like she should've been. And the sight of Jimin's mating bite on her too brings a fierce twist of bubbling elation entangled with a settled feeling.
That Jimin did it right, he mated her the way she should've been... the way she deserved to be.
Her fingers loosen from the sheets, shaky as they scrabble for me, fingers entangling tightly with mine.
Clutching at me as she peers at me, coherency flickering in her eyes. Gentle nuzzle as she tilts to me, nose brushing and bumping against mine in an uncoordinated nuzzle.
Other hand curling around my jaw, slipping to cup my cheek.
Breath shaky as she watches me, peers at me with wide baleful eyes.
"(Y/N)... (Y/N) I'm so sorry....I'm so so sorry, I never should've... I'm so, so sorry."
Throat tightening as she looks at me, eyes widening.
Her ears flicker, tilting close, a whimpered sound of unrest slipping out, eyes blinking wetly as her fingers curl tighter with mine, brush over my cheek.
Not realising the plunge my scent has taken until Min's curling over her, protectiveness seared across his features, the swat to my arm unrepentant as he stares hard at me, shaking his head.
Nosing to scent her cheek, chirp low and rumbling as he settles her.
"Nam... Joonie no. Don't be sad... alpha no."
My breaths shudder and my lungs ache for air as I tilt closer, willingly chasing the anise and mint, ready to drown in it, to have it overwhelm my breaths, shaking my head.
"I did you wrong (Y/N)... I gave you a mating bite without your consent."
My lips tremble as I speak, pressed so close to her, but so terrified she'll tell me to go.
That she never wanted my mating bite, never wanted to be mine.
"I took and I never asked... I never mated you the way you should've been... it wasn't ever meant to be like this." I whisper, fingers curling around her wrist as I tilt to her palm, throat tight and jaw clenched with the aching rage that flares at what exactly had triggered the bite.
Had made that tether snap and the lines between hybrid and pure animal erase entirely.
"...what made you snap Namjoon...?" voice soft, imploring.
Eyes soft and willing to understand.
The half-flutter of her lashes as Jimin presses tighter against her back is incredibly distracting, so is the way his scent pools with liquid satisfaction; eyes prompting and small half-smile promising to make me earn redemption.
"I kept..." I begin, hating that I have to divulge it, that I have to share the frazzled antsy caginess that's been burning paths across my body for over a week.
I don't want to make either of them unsettled... don't want to be the bringer of foreboding, don't want to share that (Y/N)'s being watched much more closely than any of us knew.
That they'd threatened to take her.
That the small messages insinuated a right, a hold on her when she was never meant to be entangled in this in the first place.
A warmer, heavier hand that brushes against the back of my ears, a lower, thicker beckoning murmur that reaches in to reel the truth out past anxiously bitten lips.
"I started getting letters." Hear and feel the small hitch of breath, the soured tinge of settled pheromones curling anxiously.
"And they had photos of me and you, photos of you smiling and happy but they weren't meant to witness your happiness, it's not for them... it's... just how long have they been hovering and none of us knew..." words shuddering out, drawn from a long since burst dam, pheromones flaring with protective anger, body instinctually curling over hers, trying to bracket her, hide her, between our bodies.
Feel the sharp bite of mint staining the air, the rough growl that ripples out his throat and presses against her back, her body curling smaller in biological response to the dominance, even if the hazy fog in her eyes clear slightly.
Lips parting to say something but the words spill out.
"I didn't ever, ever want to force you for anything. I'd never force... the last letter... the last letter was you and Jimin in the car. Kissing. You were in your own world and the message said... the message..."
It won't be long until we're claws deep in her, won't be long until she's ours.
"But mine. My pup... my packmate... my pack. Mine...mine. You're mine."
Her nose nudges against mine, lips shaky as they flit across mine.
"Yours alpha. Yours." She echoes softly.
I just wanted to protect you... I never wanted to snap and give in to biology but in that moment, in that instant all I needed to know and feel was that you're okay, that you're there. Mine. Ours.
I just wanted to give you a protection, a bit of my scent.
Never wanted to hurt you.
Not realising every word is spilled out frantically against her, shaky words low with an ache that permeates my bones.
I just wanted to be good for you, wanted to feel instinctually that you were safe and mine.
That no threat could stand from me protecting my mate.
And I'm so sorry.
Feel the clumsy brush of trembling lips seal my wavering apologies shut against them, soothing murmurs brushed against them it's okay... Namjoon it's okay.
But it's not.
It's not... it's not... and yet her lips bruise, silencing every argument and apology, demanding that I forgive the way she has, readily and with acceptance and understanding.
Bruising against my mouth but whimpering for me to guide and coax her throat back, groaning with pained, shaky relief against her lips, eyes stinging as I chase the scorch of her mouth parting pliantly with the brush of fangs and my tongue curling against her seam.
Feel the breathy shudder, fingers curling around my nape, the light brush stirring an urge to pin her wrist, but tilt to invite the graze of her palm against my gland.
I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'll do everything and anything to protect you. I won't let them hurt you, I won't let them take you. I'll protect you with my life.
And the mixture of restless unease and a growing, gnawing want to protect, to make things better, to keep her encased like this, breathy whimpers swallowed by the curve of my tongue fusing to hers, the tang of salt where my eyes prickle as I take her in, thumbing away sensitive tears as Jimin continues to rut his knot deeper into her, slowly begins to fan quietly simmering embers.
Coaxing out the soft, sweet sounds of whimpered overwrought pleasure as the knot drags against her, continues to fill her, the taut, slightly swollen curve of her abdomen sparking feral pleasure to burn heady and hot.
How long has he been knotting her?
How long has she been writhing and twisting against him?
It's okay, it's okay.
My mate. Mine. Yours.
The instinct of knowing and having my mate close, bracketed by our fox, by the broad length and press of muscles curved and cradling her close.
Rocking his hips slow and deep, trying to spill deeper into her, satiating that carnal want to breed, fill, breed.
Feel the tendrils of rut curl tighter around my gut, feel it pulse under skin and throb as it sears through my veins, feel it in the flare of how hot and feverish my skin feels pressing to her warm body, feel the sticky sweet curl of scent grazing skin and settling in my limbs.
Feel it coax my scent to throb as want and arousal begins to make my body tighten, groaning against her mouth, lips feverish as her hand slips lower, splayed across the low of my back.
Coaxing and inviting.
"It's okay Namjoon... it's okay... why don't you mate me the way you wanted to?"
Eyes dilated as she looks at me.
"Mate me alpha. Give me your bite and your knot."
And coaxes my rut to flare full force.
The mess that ruins the sheets stains them with the overpowering scent of mint, his knot finally going down enough for him to draw out, though he grumbles, a soft discontent whine in the low of his throat, the shaky moan paired with teary glassy eyes has his scent blooming with satisfaction. Soft crooned promises to fill her again, the mess of several releases spilling out. The emptiness after being plugged for so long has her fingers curling frantically against my arm, whimpers brushing against my jaw, even as her hips rock back, chasing the tight press of his body melded with hers.
My eyes stare at the smear on the inside of her thighs, trickling out of her swollen centre, fingers absently brushing against the mess, feel the jolt of her legs as they tremble, a guttural growl escaping past my lips.
"Oh fuck... you've never knotted this much." I breathe, marvelling out the clench of her stomach, legs closing to try and keep herself full, whimpering as she's turned onto her back, fingers loosely clutching the sheet.
"Have you seen her... my sweet flower fawn... of course I knotted this long." Smug and preening and a satisfied curl of lips, fangs peeking out, pooling over his full bottom lip, unconsciously whetting his lip with the flick of his tongue.
Hands curling around her when she shifts restlessly, hips bucking when I slip three fingers in, swollen and aching and beautifully sensitive as she jolts, thumb rubbing hard circles onto her nub, sheathing deep, taking the thickness easily, legs closing around my hand as I watch Jimin's hand settle on the low of her stomach, applying pressure and feel the way she tightens, shuddering as their mixed arousal stains my fingers, dripping down my knuckles.
"Opened her up for my knot?" I ask, voice a low groan, watching the slick slide of my fingers sheathing in and out of her, hand curling on the inside of my thigh to drag it open, seeing the way her swollen centre clenches, trying to drag me deeper, hips rocking for more stimulation.
She physically tightens, trying to drag my fingers deeper, lips parting slightly. Breathless.
"Won't you give it to me now?" petulant and soft, coaxing and pleading as her legs part wider, fingers clinging to Jimin's hand, his eyes dark and amused at the futile buck of her hips, at the complained whine.
"Oh pup... you couldn't fit my knot right now if you tried. Need to work you open... even though you take so prettily after you're spilling after Min's knot. You'll be crying by the time I've bred you." I groan low with promise, body caging over hers.
Her scent trickles sweeter, honeyed and the shakier bucks turn desperate, turn to shaky twists as she whimpers, pheromones broadcasting the thicker plunge of heat that leeches away lucidness, her eyes darkened with the biological urge washing over body, making her restless and at the same time sinking against the sheets, posture softening with every grazing touch, with the possessive grip on her jaw tilting her face back, lips scalding and bruising, swallowing the needy whimper of more.
Fingers curling around her scent gland, splayed across the slender arch of her throat, drifting lower to graze against the swells of her breasts, fingers deft and merciless as they work a stiff bud between the pads of his finger, my fangs scraping as I tug the other bud between my teeth, tilting over her.
Her body sandwiched and pressed under ours, her back arching as my fangs and teeth sink into the soft curve of her breast, tugging the hard nub, tongue flicking against it, fingers continuing to work in and out, her legs clenching tight around the intrusion of another finger slipping in, stained with slick arousal, mouth hungering to sink into the soft curves to bruise and mark her up, to swallow every keen of breath, to feel it against my throat.
See the way she shifts, sinking pliantly at the two growls that reverberate against her body, one against the swell of her heaving breast, gripping her waist and eyes drifting the cant of her hips as she mewls into Jimin's mouth, his lips merciless and swallowing the pleasured sounds, devouring them with a raw hunger that only grows hotter and needier, their lips swollen and hers bitten and red, slick as she pants for breath.
A growl ripples past my lips at the shaky grasp of her fingers curling around my wrist as I continue working my fingers deep into her, feel the tremble in her legs, the pulsing honeyed scent as she arches her throat.
"More... more." She shudders out, pupils dilated as she stares at me, hips shakily rocking down on my fingers, trying to coax them deeper and harder inside.
Drawing my fingers to my mouth, tasting their mixed releases that stain my hand, eyes holding hers, groaning around them, hear the rough growl rumbling from above her, two hands working to coax cries from her lips as she shifts and arches under the bruising pinch of his fingertips at her breasts. See her watch as my hands slip down to drag her thighs open wider, keeping them pinned and splayed, hips angled upwards.
Body shifting lower on the bend to curve over the swollen spread mess of her centre, lips trailing down the soft flesh of her stomach, teeth nipping at the sensitive skin, feeling the way she instinctively clenches, muscles contracting and tightening under my touch as I let my nose skim under her bellybutton, mouth trailing lower. A dull throbbing ache in my gums, mouth watering slightly, hungering for her as I duck my mouth to press a slow trailing path down to her centre.
Tongue flicking against the swollen nub, feel the spasm of her legs where they're pinned and angled open for me, mapping long strokes across the spilled release, tracing random shapes and patterns and feel the way she jolts with sensitivity, even as her words blur together, pleas and whimpers entangling into a heady mix that drags me forward, mouthing and sucking, tongue curling before abruptly thrusting in.
Feel her tighten at the groan reverberating against her, hands branding their touch across the sensitive glands on her thighs, scorched with the weighted press of my scent, chasing the sweet spill of her arousal, coaxing out pleasured cries and relishing in the limited buck of her hips, the restraining weight of our bodies tilted to hers.
Relishing because rut was searing full force and all it wanted was her pleasure, over and over, to wring out every drop, tongue curling and twisting, thrusting in and out, and feeling the pulse of her body, the shaky trembling rivulets of her scent as pleasured torment wracks her body.
Feel the stained smear of her arousal when her body coils up with the onslaught of pleasure, shattering over her in heavy, powerful waves, her scent streaming off her rich and sticky as her limbs stiffen and go taut under my touch, when her body arches off the bed, save for the pinned weight of my hands banded across her thighs, keeping her from twisting away, shaky sobs as she writhes under my tongue, pushing her to another pulsing wave of pleasure. Coaxing her through the intensity of it, tongue crooking and beckoning, thumbs brushing wide strokes across the inside of her thighs, fingers tightening hard enough to bruise.
There's a weighted haze settling in her eyes as she sinks into the sheets, clutching weakly instead at Jimin's wrists, trying to coax him away from the heaving swells of her chest as she struggles for breath, shaky, uneven breaths she gulps down, head tossing on the pillow. Shaking her head as she tries to escape the onslaught of stimulation, of my tongue flicking occasionally against her centre, teeth scraping across soft flesh as I let my mouth trail higher.
"Going to take all we both have to give... do you know how long I've knotted my hand, knotted Joon wishing it was you?" Jimin groans, mouth sucking dark marks into her collarbone, tongue laving over the sting of teeth sinking in harder, ferocious and growling against the dewy arch of limbs.
Her skin flushed with heat, eyes glassy with a complete loss of coherency and lucidity that I feel mirror the depths of bottomless carnal want pooling in my own.
There's nothing but a constant gnawing need lancing my bones, a deep fierce inferno that sparks painful flames that lick and lap at skin, limbs feeling trapped and contained, skin stretched taut over bones.
Hands loosening and watching the broad splay of them across her waist, feverish with the ache to leave the broad press of my limbs to hers, growling low in my throat at how easily her body moulds to my grip, feel the tug of impatience and feral want, body hovering over hers, caging her in.
My prey.
But when she whimpers, the sound is of disquiet and frustration, low and muffled in her throat and immediately our bodies tilt back, even if the wrongness of not covering her body with mine tries to rear its head.
A bigger part frantic that something she didn't want was happening, hands snatched away from under the curve of her breasts, lungs ragged with the sharp inhaled gulps of sweet anise.
See the frustrated twist of her body, shaky as she pushes herself on trembling arms, legs closing as she inhales the entangled burning mess of mint and earthy musk.
"Little doe..." Jimin murmurs, voice gravelly and rasping with the thick dripping croon of his accent, turned into a deep rumble with his concern.
With the spike of worry that pierces through deep breeding instincts.
She shakes her head, whimpering even as she pants, dropping her head low at the predatory pheromones seeping into the air, cloying and heavy, weighted... demanding and triggering the instinctual submitting laxness to her body.
Trembling as she twists, body slow and uncoordinated, arms almost buckling even as Jimin's hand darts out to steady her, eyes dark but softened with concern, with the instinct to protect.
"Oh sweet mate..." I breathe, lungs shuddering with relief and blood roaring with a deep instinctual satisfaction when she turns, twisting on the bed to present, holding herself upright on shaky arms and spreading her legs in an angled splay, the wide curve of her hips pronounced and her back dipped low.
Arching as she tilts her head to me.
Voice shaky and soft.
Drowning in heat.
"Want your knot alpha... want to be good for you... please please.... I'll be good for you, for you knot." Voice breathless, hips rocking back in silent askance.
My hand skims over the low of her back, curling around her stomach as my hands drag her back, rutting against her so she can feel the aching strain of my length weeping arousal onto clinging fabric.
Let her feel just how much my rut aches for me to slam deep and sheath myself within one breath.
Feel the jerk of her hips rocking back when I tug the fabric off, impatiently drawing the boxers off, a rough exhale of frazzled, anticipated want, impatience as I finally let my length slowly push into her, rocking my hips forward, hands bracketing either side of her, chest pressing to her back and groaning against her nape, hear the sheets rustle; ears alert and eyes drifting from how right (Y/N) looks under me. how much slighter her curved form looks under my weight pinning her, caging her in, feeling the tremble as my lips press to her spine, trailing in open-mouthed kisses, scrapes of fangs and teeth and tongue as I rock my hips deeper, stilling when I'm buried deep to the hilt, her legs tilting wider.
Skin tingling and prickling as the ferocious heat only grows with every rough drag of my length drawing out to slam back in deeper, desperately craving the sound of breath punctured with ragged moans, her hair drawn back by a possessive grip, angling her face up to meet dark eyes and a jaw clenched tightly, sharp, shorter pants as he takes in the ruined expression of her face, eyes glowering with a darker carnal biological need.
His hand slips to slowly encircle his length, rough drags of his palm against hardened, swollen arousal, thumbing at the tip, smearing it across skin, the clench of his abdomen, tight as he drags his lips between his tongue, leans back to recline against the headboard, legs a lazy sprawl, her body rocked forward towards his with every slam of my hips thrusting deeper, relishing in the ease of gliding forward, in the messy pulse of scents entangling until it almost hurts to breathe it in; cloying and overwhelming with rut and heat intertwined.
(Y/N)'s head drops forward, dipping not only in submission but also towards Jimin's thighs, hands shakily shifting off the sheets to curl against his calves, to slip upwards towards the wide inviting sprawl of his thighs, dark eyes tracking the movement, deep rumbled approval coaxing her closer, her fingers drifting from his inner thigh to his length, the contradictory sight of slender fingers trying to get a proper grasp on him obscene.
Weaker, looser hold as I grip her hips tighter, pushing down on the low of her back as I continue to thrust into her, feverish with the need to sink as far in as I can. Growling with feral impatience when Jimin's fingers tilt her jaw, crooning low and wicked, her eyes fixed on him, unable to look away, body unconsciously tilting forward.
The rough snap of my voice making her limbs tremble, keening when the next slam of my length sheathing deep has her scrabbling for purchase, crying out alpha in a voice wrecked with need.
"Focusing on the fox when I'm the one breeding you? I must not be doing it well enough." I grit, every word punctuated with the rolling grind of my hips circling deep, pushing further, hands tightening and feeling the itch of claws pulsing under nails, aching to sink them into soft flesh and leave stinging trails behind, marks that she's mine.
"No... breeding me so well." She shudders, voice hazed, breathless, keening when fingers entangle tighter in her hair, angling her face down towards his hardened length, the silent coaxing invite there, angling her face over him.
Her body arches, twisting futilely under me, breaths shaky as her lips dip to mouth at Jimin's hardened length, mouth sinking deeper as she groans, the reverberations making his eyes flutter, a tight grip as he fists her hair, thrusting his hips to sink deeper, a look of enamoured breathless want as her head drops forward. Eyes burning with searing rut, accelerated and slamming into him quicker so to match the raging infernos of our instincts demanding to breed and be bred, to claim each other as mates until our lungs were drowning in the pulsing waves of each other's scents, sharp and cloying with arousal.
His hand turns guiding and demanding, drawing her mouth deeper around him when she whimpers, unsteady and shaky, drawing off to try gulp down air, words petering into moans, losing the capacity to answer his low rasped croon.
"Surely you can take deeper... you're going to feel Namjoon's knot in your stomach. Your alpha's going to feel you bulge as you take him in."
My lips shaking as I mouth at her shoulder, teeth sinking in mercilessly, groan reverberating against her skin, almost dizzy with the drowning waves of anise, tongue flicking at the indents, hand dragging her back to meet every thrust with the rock of her hips canting to coax me deeper.
Her scent broadcasting her needs, her every shift, the same helplessness to the need clawing from the inside out, making pleasure a taut pressure low in my gut that winds tighter in my abdomen and seeps out into every crevice and inch of my body.
Her fingers scrabble weakly, finding no purchase on the sheets as her hips try to rock back to the punishing, sharp rough thrusts, body jolting forward with every snap of my hips, hands dragging her back before the next thrust has her crying out. Fingers gripping at Minnie's skin, hands gripping onto his thighs, nails raking desperately over the tight clench of his abdomen, shuddery exhales ghosting along where his hardened length pearls with arousal, her lips parting in moaned askance for him. The sound muffled as she cries out around him, sheathing him deep into her mouth, scent blooming with a delirious, delicious pulse of anise, her centre stretched obscenely as I watch my length sheath deep, dragging against trembling flutters as I draw out.
Just take, burns through my body as a constant mantra, a helpless need that the wolf biology preens and howls at having satiated, feel how she succumbs to the pleasure, feel the moment that tether snaps because her lips sink deeper around Jimin before she stills, crying out around him; the sound strangled and muffled, fingers digging tightly into his thighs, back bowing as her legs tremble, scent streaming in sticky sweet arousal.
Feel the softer tinge her scent takes after slowly regaining slight mobility from the violent trembles wracking her body, pushing herself up and off the swollen, aching length that bucks up, chasing the wet heat of her mouth.
Sense the soften curl to her pheromones as they turn gentler, the burning edge taken off her heat slightly, know that minutes at most will past before it flares into syrupy sweetness once more.
Her hands bracing themselves on his thighs, fingers spreading wider across taut muscle, lips closing around the tip, pressure ghosting along his length, shaky breaths making his hips buck restlessly.
Growling impatiently because the sear of arousal pulses thick and heavy and relentless under my veins, a constant itch that just won't be satisfied, body weight pinning her down further, teeth scraping against her nape, fangs sinking in at the bruised mark of Jimin's own mark.
Her body goes lax, arms buckling as she whimpers against Min's thigh, mouthing shakily at him, eyes glassy with an overwhelmed haze, head turned as everything save for the arched curve of her hips, kept in a deep present, body pinned to the mattress, hands pressing to the dip of her spine.
"You know what... you know what I know...?" I groan as her arms tremble, her head tilting as she peers at me, responding to my voice even as her breaths sound punctured, forced out her lungs with every rough thrust. Feel my knot begin to swell at the base, growing tighter with the slick glide of her hips rocking back, a slurred what as she tries to focus. Tries to listen to me even as a hand cruelly slithers down to curve around her breast, abusing the swollen stiff nub to painful tweaks of overwrought pleasure that has her spine jolting and hips slamming back deeper. Rougher. Sheathing me entirely at the stimulation to her breast. Lips panting and parted as Jimin smears his tip across her tongue, watches her mouth sink down, groaning with both impatience and feverish need as he bucks his hips up, a sharp snap that has her filled from both ends simultaneously. Has her moan muffled around him, her body entirely pressed against the bed, against him as I continue to rock my hips to hers, sliding in deeper then deeper, the wide splay of her thighs kept wrenched apart and presented letting me thrust further.
"Kook... our sweet bun took my knot so well... was ready to pin me to take me..." I growl, a feral dark part twisting with disapproval, rut demanding that I give, I take... hand slipping low to circle her slick centre, teasing at her entrance, at the hard nub.
"But are you ready to take my knot? Will you be able to?"
Her scent spikes at my words but she shakes her head, her eyes going to Jimin, the possessive gleam of his eyes preening as he grips tighter, the sharp cry tugged out her throat.
"I was her first knot. You're her first wolf Namjoon. Her only wolf." Voice hoarse and strangled with thrumming pleasure, hips continuing to buck mercilessly into her mouth, her scent taking the plunge into molten heat once more, her voice wrecked when he pulls her off, fingers entangled in her hair, fondness and wicked want etched deep into his features as he brushes a hand across her jaw. Fingers tilting her face up to face him even as she answers me. Visceral pleasure at being the only wolf... her only alpha, her first and forever alpha. Keening as I mouth at the space between her shoulders, lips trailing lower.
"I want to be made to take it." voice breathless and shaky, the small tang of salt to her scent as she sniffles, needy tears trickling down her feverish cheeks, grinding her hips back, our bodies pushing and pushing her to peak after peak.
Words turning into shaky cries, incoherent with pleasure as she continues to thrash, movements turning jerky and uncoordinated. Scent pulsing and begging for my knot, slowly beginning to swell as pleasure drowns me from the inside out, a blazing inferno that doesn't quieten, only climbs hotter and fiercer, leaving searing trails behind.
Her eyes are glassy and unfocused when they turn to face me, cheeks flushed a deep tint of pink as her throat bobs, legs shaking as she spreads them, trying to coax me to snap. To take without mercy, without care, to thrust with wild abandon, to be brutal and let my hands sink tighter into her hips and leave the bruised indents of my touch she'll feel long after the rut's over. Breathless as she keens, pushing her hips back in a deeper presented curve, eyes darkening with feral pleasure at the bite mark on the low of one swell, high up her thigh. Bite marks.
"Pin me, mount me... breed me like a good alpha." Words coaxing and begging, tugging and yanking at that guttural raw animalistic base desire to pin her with my weight and make her take the punishing snap of hips, to knot her deep and have her writhing.
Her pleas silenced when Jimin's hips stutter to a still, sheathed deep inside her mouth, spilling down her throat, the strangled swallows as she stills, arms weakly keeping herself pushed upright.
Knot swelling tight as I continue to rock forward, hands positioned on either side of her body, caging her in as I trap her curved limp figure under me.
A constant stream of growls rumbling against her dewy limbs, fangs pooling over my lips, slowly rutting against her, letting her feel the way my knot swells with stimulation; gut aching and tight, ready to spill inside her.
There's less resistance at her centre but the tight clench of her body instinctively coiling up when my knot drags against her entrance has a hoarse voice crooning sweet and low, eyes dark and fangs resting on the small, wicked lilt to his full mouth.
"You've got to let alpha in sweet fawn... how else will he pup you?" lips curving at the harsher snap, hips a frantic roll against hers, growling low at the thought and image.
Her body twisting, slowly rocking back, the erratic shift of her hips uncoordinated and equally fervent and desperate.
Legs splaying wider in invitation, hips pushing back as she spills endless pleas.
"Going to knot so deep, going to fill you up so much there's no way you won't be swollen and pupped." I promise, voice low and rough, a growled rasp against skin.
Hand resting on her nape and rocking my hips forward, feeling the resistance as her body tries before relaxing, her pinned state coaxing and satiating her biological instincts just as much as they ignite mine to see her pinned to the sheets, knot slowly pushing in, stretching her obscenely where the mess of a knot leaks obscenely, her slick arousal making the drag easier, breaths deep pants as I tilt my body forward. Feel the moment my knot slips in, stretching her around the widest part before it fills her, locks her to place with me.
Feel the tight clench of her body trying to drag me closer, deeper, her heat pulsing and entangling with my rut, with the burning curl of pheromones that just drive the arousal heavier and intoxicating. Drunk on her scent.
Her throat arches, bared as she tries to keep herself upright.
Baring the mating bite I'd left.
The invite and message clear.
Mate me wholly and properly. Bite again.
And as the coil tightens, ready to snap and implode, pleasure making everything but her swim out of focus... my head drops to her shoulder, mouthing messily at the countless marks bruising her skin, trailing to the crook of her shoulder, nosing at her throat. At her gland that continues to pump out her scent, swollen and begging for my mouth to close around it.
Nosing carefully at skin, do it right this time.
Mouth slotting over her gland, small sucks that has trembles wracking her body, spine arching, back pushing flush to mine.
Tongue flicking over the scent gland, over the bite marks embedded into her gland, nose inhaling the sweet curl of mint entangled with my scent.
He'd taken care of her, healed the bite, had tended to her immediately.
And when his hand helps tilt her jaw, his other hand coaxes me closer, brushing against the side of my cheek and drifting to ghost along my ears.
"Mate her fully, mate her properly alpha." Voice a soft coaxing whisper.
All the encouragement that I need, her scent staining my tongue when I sink my teeth into her gland, the immediate spill of her scent across my lips, heady and enthralled by her scent slipping down my throat and resting in my lungs. Knot grinding deeper, hips bucking forward, the beautiful cry raw with want as I feel the pressure coil then snap.
Spilling deep inside her, hips dragging across her to stay as close as I can to her in that instant, overwrought nerves trembling as her limbs give up, unable to support herself upright anymore. Held up and cradled by our bodies and touch, mouth sucking at her gland, tongue flicking across where my fangs slip free, immediately grooming and tending to the small beads of blood. The salty metallic tang bringing with it waves of pleasure as she shudders under me, body lax, held up where my hand cradles her stomach. Keeping her anchored and pinned against me as my knot spills endless pulses of release inside her.
Limbs uncoiling and loosening, arms winding around to cradle her to me as we turn, twisting to lie behind her, body bracketing hers. Finally. Finally the merciless inferno of rut quietens.
Settles. Settles with my arms full of our mated fawn, head hooked over her shoulder, nuzzling her gland, fangs raking occasionally across her gland, the small, tired jolts of her body as she sinks fully against me, my hand skimming up and down the flare of her hip, knuckles rubbing against tight muscles.
Breathless exhales and pants fill the quietened room, Jimin's body moves to face her, lying down beside her, smiling as his nose nudges against her, as he slots his mouth to hers for a kiss, slow and unhurried but intent in devouring her.
"It usually takes a while to go down... but I doubt it'll be quick... I could fill you for hours... breed you full until you're aching with fullness." I murmur, voice a low groan, hand cupped over the low of her stomach, mouthing at the slope of her shoulder, hips rocking forward, feel the slight stiff swollenness to her abdomen. Know that as I continue to spill inside her, the pressure will grow, tighten, feel my knot throb as she tightens, shuddering under the wicked ministrations of the fox grinning against her lips, tongue thrusting into the pliant part of her mouth, fingers pressing to the dark coloured marks sucked harshly into her skin, a mix of both our touches... but I wanted to add more later. I would add more later.
"Nam... alpha..." words slurred and hazy, pupils blown wide with arousal and heat, incoherent as she tilts her head back against my shoulder, inviting my nose to skim across her jaw and down her throat, indulgent as I scent her, skin brushing against skin, growling against her swollen scent gland, bruised and puffy with stimulation, her body writhes and archs, dragging at where my knot locks my body to hers, pushing back as she rocks her hips back, breathless sob as she curls her hand around my hip, gripping tightly, her ears flickering. Limbs sluggish and pliant, keening when I grind my knot deeper, feel the taut pressure in my gut continue to expand and shudder, pulsing as I continue to spill into her. Endless spurts of release tugged out, hand splaying across her stomach, fingers stretched across the swollen taut skin of her abdomen. Feel the guttural growl bubble up and spill out unbidden as she rocks back, feeling the outline of me pressing deep.
"So... deep... al... alpha." Restlessly twisting, body thrashing from overstimulation, a glassy overwhelmed sheen of tears filling her eyes, despite the soft coo as Jimin nudges his nose against hers, murmurs against her lips.
The broken cry makes my scent bloom with satisfaction.
The snarl that leaves my mouth is guttural and demanding, breath hot against her nape before my teeth sink into the soft flesh, feel the tension, the taut arch of her body to slump bonelessly as she lets out a sob, head tilting back, hand curling into the muscles of his shoulders, nails raking as they dig in leaving thin red scratches across supple tight skin. My teeth sink in deeper as they suck a mark into her throat, feeling her body go limp, ears flickering as she stills, feel the tremble of her body ease into a sprawl, fingers tilting her jaw back, eyes dark and heady as they pin her.
"Stay still... you begged for my knot... not going to lie there and take it pup?." I growl against her nape, rough reverberations against the pliant set of her body pinned under mine. So when his thumb drags across her bottom lip, the flash of his eyes before he sinks three fingers into her mouth, the muffled whimpered keen around them fuels the arousal beading and spilling over his length that his hand curls around, hips thrusting deep to hear her strangled cry as my knot drags against her centre, tugging at her entrance before sinking deeper.
She whimpers, shaking her head, lips trembling as they seek out Jimin, soft quieter noises of pleasure swallowed by the greedy, willing curl of his lips, fingers curled around her nape to drag her face closer, head tilted to hers.
"Sweetest mate aren't you? Taking Namjoon's knot so well..." praised croon murmured against her jaw as he scents indulgently.
"Look how much you made us knot... making a mess of you over and over. Looks like you're already carrying pups." He groans, hand entangling with mine where it rests against her taut abdomen, muscles contracting and tightening, trying to milk every last drop of pleasure as my knot tightens, pleasure continuing to bubble in my veins.
"Beautiful fawn... I want to bury my scent into you. Don't think I'll stop knotting... rut or not."
"Definitely won't ever get enough of this." Minnie murmurs, voice low and gravelly.
Quieter but sinking into my limbs as I rumble my assent, lips brushing across the slope of her shoulder.
And silently in the back of my mind, the photos and messages play in an endless loop through my mind, trying to sift through them and sort them.
Hands curl together around her, a protective cocoon as my scent softens even if it remains threaded through with flared instincts that mine... protect my mate.
A restlessness ringing alarm bells in the back of my head.
Not quietened even as I sink into a tighter embrace, feel the warmth of her skin pressed into mine and the closeness of both my mates.
Something... something wasn't quite adding up.
QUESTION... what. What isn't adding up to Namjoon~
ANSWER... all I'm saying is... well. Don't take anything shared for its face value 😉 and I realise I've just destroyed your trust
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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