Chapter 57- ailing woes and crumpling hearts
Maybe letting Tae go alone was a bad idea. Maybe letting him go after murmuring promises was worse.
But he had no regrets. And I couldn't bring myself to feel any either when I stepped back through the living room to be jolted in my tracks, body jerking forward, slammed by a heavy weighted fog of pheromones; sweet, saccharine berry seeping and filling every crevice of the room and capturing every particle of air in its sweet stickiness.
My lungs shudder and drown in that enticing sticky sweet quality, sugared berries, ripe and juicy and bursting, the wave of pheromones so thick I can taste the pleasure and pride and preening satisfaction rolling off Tae in heavy rivulets.
See the twirly curls of Hobi's ears; perked up and curling with an equally satisfied countenance, soft small tail swishing contentedly, arms wrapped around... oh.
As i pad forward, yanked towards the threads of caramel that have managed to pierce the sweet berries, it's to see that Tae and Hobi are sandwiching (Y/N) between them; rather pinned.
The realization makes a rumbled growl slip past my lips, eyes roving over the way Tae's body pins her, loose and pliant and slumped against Hobi, nosing and scenting her puffy scent gland with a fervor that makes my own ears flicker and wince, imagining how overstimulated and sensitive the tissue must be fresh out of heat.
I would've balked and thrashed at the touch but the more Tae scents, mouthing and nuzzling her scent gland, fangs scraping over the reddened tissue, undoubtedly by teeth and pressure, the more the weight of anise seems to grow, the more her body seems to turn impossibly further into putty; eyes flickering slowly, and ears folded, legs gripped and curved around Tae's hips as he continues to duck his head against her throat. Rumbling with happiness and deep instinctual pride at rendering her to such a state.
There's something about the sight of our courted fawn; eyes glassy and hazy with pheromones, body sandwiched by my two mates... something about the praises our youngest kit growls and rumbles against her skin, the low thrum of his voice pushing her further into that pheromonal high that just... makes my biology growl with approval.
There's no tearstains, no cramps, no aches.
There's nothing but blissed out relief on her face, watch her loose hold around his nape slip away, mouthing desperately and messily at Hobi's throat that he tilts to her with a proud, tender and fiercely protective look, hands curled around her stomach and unconsciously kneading at the soft skin, kneading and drawing shapes whilst Tae's hands rub up and down her thighs, palms splaying wide across her glands and branding his touch and scent onto her, a shaky keening whimper that sends a jolt through my body.
I hear approaching footsteps, light and quiet enough to let me know its Jiminie.
Joon walks with heavier treads no matter how silent he tries to be; the audible thumping and swishing of his tail giving him away before he can try sneak up.
Jin hyung always walks quietly unless he's purposely racketing up noise; apartment bursting with sound and presenting himself with a flourish... rather Jin hyung only walks quietly when he's plotting to sneak up behind one of us and coax a hiss or yelp when his arms snake around and tug. Wings curling around to shut away the world only for a few instances and a peck that's at times more teeth; grinning against skin before he slips away. Wings preening with satisfaction at being successful.
Kookie walks too energetically to be quiet; bounding around the apartment, always brimming with this rush to move, move, move.
And I'd last seen him giggling and pinned by Joon, had seen the challenge and thrill burning in the sharp wolf eyes and the unabashed tease in Kookie's own wide disarming eyes, nose scrunched and wriggling around, head cocked as he stared down the predatory stare with a taunt in his own.
As if he was saying he was pinned by choice and not because he couldn't readily manhandle Joon against the door instead and true enough... mere moments later, Kookie had ducked away, laughing and ears perked as he twisted them around, eyeing Joon with this curiosity.
Head tilted and subsequently presenting the line of his throat.
As if to offer himself up.
Want a bite? Earn it.
His reaction to Joon's words... to (Y/N)'s slurred mumble whether it was Namjoon causing such a flush and visceral reaction made me realize that something had been shared between them.
That (Y/N) was confidante to our bun's crush and perhaps aware more than the rest of us.
It was likely. Given how deep their trust and mutual dependence on the other ran, how Kookie was the perfect choice for her; not only because they'd help each other through their biological cycle's but even if Kookie held (Y/N) in the regard of a mate, which his silent unconscious courting was suggesting, he wouldn't be at risk of mating her. They were each other's safe spaces. And it was a puzzle piece slipping into place when they shared and bared themselves at their most vulnerable to each other.
The footsteps stop behind me, peering over my shoulder as flickery orange ears pop and perk upright, breath a shuddered groan at the sight as he realizes that Tae's pushed (Y/N) into a pheromone high; that she's drunk on his scent, fluttering eyes that open with more and more haziness, pupils dilated, and body splayed between the two.
Tae peers up, tongue sweeping over his lip to taste the scent of her, head cocking when he spots the two of us.
As if the heavy cloud of his scent and the pliant softness of (Y/N)'s anise has made him so utterly unaware of our presences... as if his instincts have shut down or narrowed around the bubble of space that's the shaky breaths as (Y/N) sinks against Hobi, around her and her responses and her sweetly hazy pliancy when he continues to add his scent to sink in beside the cotton.
"Look how sweet she is... could taste her scent forever. My sweet pliant berry cub." he coos, eyes holding Jimin's as he cups her cheek; lips curving wide, fond and endeared, fangs peeking when she blindly tilts into it, nosing at his palm, lips brushing gently.
His tail curls, swishing happily, cutting through the air as he immediately ducks his head to press a kiss to her cheek, drawing her mouth to his; the kiss slow and unhurried and gentle, chasing out the comfort of touch, fingers brushing against his jaw.
Chuffing happily when she tries to draw him closer, scent impossibly soft and vulnerably gentle.
"My sweet, sweet berry cub. My forever cub." Tae murmurs, nose brushing against hers, eyes full of elation and joy.
Leaning to press against her so she's tucked under him, head cocking as he peers at Minnie.
"My sweet berry fawn... such a pliant, hazy kit." he croons, delighted, and thrilled at the burst of mint and the brush against my body as Minnie moves forward, eyes unable to tear away from the sight of her, tail poofy and swishing behind him.
Keening as he moves to draw Tae back so he can slip closer to her, eyes roving over the curve of her shoulder, over her thighs that Tae continues to knead at, pushing her into that constant cycle of being hazy and relaxed.
Maybe the best way to help ease (Y/N) in post-heat is to massage her legs and have them scented... or enthusiastically pinned by a predator.
There's no discomfort when she moves, there's no furrow or pinch to her brows and her cheek presses against Hobi's shoulder.
"Tae I want to hold her too." petulant and endearing. How Tae could resist is beyond me and my mouth opens to tell him to not tease, not when Minnie's instincts have spent the better part of a week frazzled and tense; a bundle of coiled up instincts waiting to spring in post-heat.
But he simply moves to let go of one of her legs, setting it down with a soft squeeze to her calf, curling and draping over one half and tail curling in invitation.
Still curled around her but leaving space for him to hurry forward and crowd closer to her, to burrow close, arm winding around her even as Minnie sprawls and settles on her other side, burrowing against her stomach, peppering kisses across her skin, fangs nipping playfully at Hobi's fingers before nosing at the skin, ears flickering happily.
Watch as both orange predators settle to blanket her between them, sprawled with contentment; chuffs and chirps intertwining and mingling as they cradle her. Hands so gentle and careful; treasuring her and protecting her and indulging in her pheromone haze, her body torn between turning towards one or the other; fingers loosely clutching at Minnie's shirt and tugging imploringly with hazy eyes that linger; seem to reach in and tug, curled around that instinct and drew it out heavy and strong.
And that's how the others find them, Kookie appearing with bright eyes and a twitching tail, ears perking at the sight before wriggling his way close to be sandwiched too, the curl of earthy musk lingering on his clothes and skin, lips slightly swollen, and hair tousled.
Joon appears, much more instinctually settled, ears flickering happily and clutching a file to him, smile dimming when he spots Minnie; looking as if he doesn't have the heart to try draw him away for help, fiddling with the edge of the file, fingers running across it and eyeing him guiltily.
Torn between whether to put duty first or mate first; to let his mate curl close to (Y/N), chirping and cooing as he nuzzles lovingly against her cheek, nipping gently at the soft pink.
Wondering whether to let it be and shoulder through it alone; but had that been a possibility he wouldn't have entertained the idea of trying to draw Jimin away in the first place.
He ends up shrinking back, silently worrying and dithering from outside the large sprawl of the nest; shaking his head, mumbling he doesn't want his scent to ruin the nest, to ruin the safety with it with his overthinking.
Until Jin hyung enters; eyes lighting up with pure unadulterated joy and pride at seeing most of the pack clustered in the scented throws and pillows, curled together, and scenting gently. Eyes flitting to us with curiosity as I sink down beside Joon, shifting and maneuvering the two of us so he's reclined against me, hands sinking into soft dark strands of hair.
It's a testament to how deeply focused he already is that he doesn't verbally respond, sinking against me, the softest brush of his lips against my cheek in thanks before his attention drifts back to the files he holds.
When I peer over his shoulder, curious, it's to see they're officer reports. Written by undercover officers who'd been... eyes narrowing.
Why were there officers undercover in the red district areas in Seoul?
Trafficking, drug running, prostitution, kidnapping, murders... all of Seoul's filthy fearful secrets gathered and clustered like an infection that spread its roots further outwards, sank its grip into the commonplace buildings and nondescript streets.
But why was Namjoon looking into accounts from them? And I feel a shudder of revulsion and nausea inch up my throat at some of the sentences I pick up, some of the reported actions they've had to take... startle when Joon suddenly turns, face flickering with a myriad of expressions before it turns to guilt and alarm and empathy, hand entangling with mine to squeeze fiercely.
"Hyung don't..." he says softly, angling the files away, looking guilty. But my hand tugs on his, a nervousness pulsing through my body.
"Is that the sort of stuff (Y/N)'s been caught up in?" voice hushed and quiet, painfully aware of the others... but I had to know.
He gives a small tight nod.
"Not the red-light districts but... traffickers—well, she's targeted because of her role as Min-Jun and now Ji Ah's caregiver... she's cost them in their eyes." He admits, voice containing the rage and growl he wants to let shudder over every crevice of the room, containing and forcefully reigning in his growl.
It takes immense control to stop his scent from broadcasting his anger and distress, his hand almost bruising and crushing me to him as he speaks quietly.
My eyes drift over (Y/N).
Watch her face tilted up to Hobi, fingers curling around his nape; noses brushing, his warm laugh sweet as he cups her face and pecks her, watch Minnie and Tae curling impossibly closer, Kookie dragged in to settle between the two too, scenting our prey mates to-be, stripey tail curled around Kookie and occasionally unravelling to brush across her bare calf. Watch Minnie's tail sprawl across her calf, a soft poofy softness that swishes slowly, content as he mouths kisses from her neck to her shoulder, the strappy sleeve tugged down and out of the way, fangs a playful scrape that elicits the smallest squirm, a hazy giggle as she tries to wriggle from the touch, easily anchored by his head dropping against her shoulder.
People were out there, actively trying to hurt her. Hurt our blissfully hazy fawn, covered with marks from her heat, scent content and settled... she gave so readily, cared so intensely, and protected so fiercely.
They wanted to hurt her.
They wanted to hurt her for helping children, for trying to help them heal and recover from conditioned roles of being sold into the sex market.
It made anger and nausea stir in my body and I don't do a good enough job of suppressing it, I can't do what Namjoon does because my scent bursts out.
Sharp sour citrus, acidic and corrosive that prickles my own throat.
And it makes everyone pause.
It makes Joon's face shatter with pain and anger, it makes Jin hyung's wings turn stiff and still from where he was leaning over to coax the others up to eat something before they flare.
A protective response to shield, feathers rustling.
If hyung could smell my scent, it was strong.
And I wince guiltily, trying to forcefully dampen it and reign it in, head ducking when it makes the cozy huddle around (Y/N) stiffen, hands fretting and trying to calm her because her eyes have shot wide open from their slow flutter, pupils constricting and shuddering as she draws in a lungful of sour citrus, keening as her eyes search before fixing on me.
Lips parting in silent askance, keening as she tries to drag sluggish limbs upright from the entangled pile of nesting packmates, tries to draw herself out from it, tries to draw herself upright, arms trembling as she pushes herself upright.
Ignoring the startled suck of breath and the way Hobi tries to soothe her, hand curling tighter around her waist before loosening when she keens, blinking wetly at me.
"Yoongi..." voice pleading and achingly soft and raw. Tae rumbles sadly at her distress, nosing her neck gently, hand curling tighter around her leg, soothing her even as she seems to still shift restlessly, peering at me with eyes that lose a bit of that blissed haze, conscious awareness slipping in. Threatening to tug her out of that blissful semi-aware state Tae had worked so hard to ease her into; so eager as a mate to calm her, ground her, to scent her and curl protectively over her.
It yanks at me, and I don't hesitate, regardless of my soured scent, when it's clear (Y/N) wants me closer and all I can think of is bracketing her body and hiding her away, instincts frazzled and hands curling tight; knowing if I was shifted, my claws would've slipped out.
Hurry forward and feel a tightness evaporate when the equally clingy orange mates don't fight to stay draped over her, easing away, Kookie tucked against Minnie, who murmurs with a thorough nuzzle at his throat; that he carries Joon's earthy scent well, cheeks pinking at the praise and observation, Tae curling around Hobi and latching on. Wrapping his limbs around him to spoon, burrowing eagerly against him and eyes focused and alert; sharp as they watch, still in that protective, possessive headspace of making sure (Y/N) was okay, making sure that he'd barely eased away before I was slotting myself over her instead, body tilting downwards as (Y/N) reaches for me.
"Yoongi..." a whimpered call, body trembling and seeming jittery until my arms curl around her, tugged down by fingers curling into my shirt, until my body presses hers to the comforters and settles in a wide sprawl that tucks her entirely under me. Leg slotting between her legs and keeping them parted around me, hands brushing and skimming gently across the outside of her thighs, palm splaying over her gland as I lean to bracket her securely.
And yet—despite my soured scent, pheromones loudly broadcasting the tartness, the anger and fear she noses directly against my gland, shaky snuffles as she thoroughly scents, desperate to ease it away I realize when my biology soothed by her own, slowly begins to soften the sharp acidic tang.
My body slumps down, ducking closer to her, throat tilted for her to let her scent, hands slipping under to press against her back, knuckles rubbing at skin, kneading gently. Hear and sense the shakiness seep out of her at the way my weight pins her, the way my scent blooms and softens at her touch, that antsy restlessness to protect soothed by the way her body ducks under mine, keeps herself tucked away securely.
It makes my biology keen and whimper, because even in a pheromone high, scent-drunk on Tae and Jiminie's mint and berry, hazy and unfocused... her body, her mind still responded, drew out slightly of that blissed state to reach for me. And settles once my citrus has sweetened out, head tilting for me to nose along her jaw, rumbles exhaled against her soft skin, small kitten licks and fangs scraping gently, cupping her cheek, rubbing it against my own, ears brushing over the soft flushed skin, ears twitching and flickering at the soft quiet mumble of my name, fingers curling into my shirt to tug me close insistently.
Her scent blooms.
Sweet floral turning heavy and loose once more as I scent, nosing lightly at her gland; already so puffy and stimulated, pheromones pouring off her and trapped between our bodies, sinking into the soft fibers of the nest.
"My sweet girl... my floral love.. I'll protect you. I'll keep you safe, I'll always cherish and guard." I murmur against her skin, feel her blindly tilt towards my voice, feel her body go lax under me as she arches her neck, head falling back against the cushions, legs going loose and pliant, breathing evening and the weighted daze returning in her eyes, ears flickering and folding, tilting her head to nuzzle back slowly.
My instincts and biology just soften, scent turning gentler and lighter as it curls around her, brushing soft kisses against her cheeks, fangs nipping softly, purr rumbling against her skin, the heat of her body pressing to my lips.
"Yes sweetheart~" I croon, peppering kisses to her jaw, nipping lightly at her ear lobe, hand curling into her hair to tilt her head back further, mouthing and nuzzling at the presented arch of her throat, at the marks scattered across her neck and shoulder.
"...Yoonie closer." She mumbles.
"I'm here sweet girl... 'm not leaving. Never leaving. Always going to be here with you." I promise, tail curling and swaying, moving to wrap loosely around her calf, winding across skin and brushing. Pressing closer until her body was flush against mine entirely, body caging hers, hands gripping her close, rubbing hands over her thigh glands gently, watching with a sense of pride and fierce protectiveness as her eyes glazed, pupils blown wide and sinking into the pheromone haze that grew thicker around her, tugged her in with a heavier hold on her, limbs moulding to mine, putty to the touch and so, so responsive; every touch sparking a rivulet of her scent to brush against my skin and settle.
"Always going to look after you... my sweet girl." I vow.
This was my mate.
My floral Bambi.
My sweet girl.
Protect. Protect.
Protect the same person who'd helped me through so much before I'd even known her.
I'd protect her, protect every vulnerability, every fear and sorrow and guard it fiercely.
She was mine.
I'd protect her with all my worth.
The heat slowly dwindles and seeps out of her, body coming to settle into post-heat without the fever still simmering under her skin.
But it doesn't mean the pack frets any less, at least one pair of eyes always tracking her silently when she walks about the apartment, slow and measured steps, hand reaching to grip something to steady her when her legs violently jitter. But the sheer stubbornness on her eyes doesn't deter as effectively as she hopes, legs trembling as she takes in deep breaths, frowning even as a hand slides around her waist to steady her, bracketing her body with theirs and holding her to support her as she takes another stumbling step forward. Gritting her teeth as she steels herself, forces her breathing to remain calm even if slight fatigue tugs at her, exertion beading at her temples as she moves about the apartment; trying to get to her feet, trying to reach her normalcy once more.
"I'm fine Joon..." she insists, cheeks flushed as she walks slowly into the living room, moving towards the kitchen, a slight stiffness to her posture.
My body rises off the couch, tugged upright from the distressed keening whine, tail thumping anxiously as he trots behind her, hands hovering nervously behind her and ears folding at her insistence that she's okay when her scent carries the slight sharpness of discomfort and pain.
"You're wobbling. And you keep making that face when you're always trying to hide something." He accuses, voice rumbling with a growl, hand darting to curl around her stomach when her legs jitter, her hands splaying over the counter to steady herself and tilting forward.
"I just need—I don't have a face!" she focuses on, distracted as she peers at him, eyes wide and startled, scrunched with confusion.
I tilt my head, pausing.
She might not have a noticeable tell but I wasn't surprised it hadn't slipped past Joon's notice; his eyes were constantly alert, his mind always perceptive and sharp. A slumbering officer but an ever-aware wolf.
"You really do. It's the— I'm not telling!" he begins, cutting himself off with a frown, head drooping to rest on her shoulder, nuzzling with a weighted hurt lingering in his eyes.
She was too stubborn for her own good, stubborn to a fault if she wanted to be.
Worried that she was insisting she was fine when it was clear the stiffness lingered in her legs, that she was still experiencing some sort of pain if she had to steady herself or pause, knuckles rubbing at the side of her legs as if to ease it away, face smoothening out from it's pinch when one of caught her.
"But I'm fine... I'm heading to work once my scent's settled enough remember? I can't be having Tae or Hobi support me as I work." She insists, voice soft and plaintive, scent turning softer as he noses at her jaw, hand reaching back to cradle his cheek, head tilting to his; cheeks brushing.
"But until then... until you go back, we can help. We're pack." He insists, tail curling and swishing, cutting through air audibly as he clings. Nuzzles sweetly.
It makes that worry ease out as I sink back onto the sofa, fingers tapping at the new content I was drafting up.
There's the sounds of rustling and cupboard doors opening; eyes flickering with curiosity and the beginning threads of concern seeping back in when I see her duck away to rifle through the medicine cabinets, bent over as she rummages.
What was wrong? What was hurting?
"I'm fine Namjoon... just need a heat patch." Voice muffled but when she straightens, holding it victoriously, the groan as her back stiffens is pained and trembles, breath slightly ragged as she winces, hand curling to splay across her back as she rubs ruefully.
But Joon's already begun rubbing his knuckles against the sore spot, a fretty cageyness in how his body brackets hers against the counter.
He growls; a rumbled predatory sound as he supports her, leaning forward and unrepentant as he nips her nape; scent bursting rich.
"Accepting you need help doesn't make you weak pup. And I like it when my mates are honest with me." He snaps.
Something undeniably sharp and fiercely protective in his tone and rather than make her jerk from it; still so sensitive to even the barest of scent changes... and this—this smells like rich dew and earthy forest in full bloom during a rainstorm.
Her ears flicker slowly, hands almost fumbling as she turns in the circle of his arms.
"Did you just say mates—as in I'm.... as if you see me as a—" she splutters, cheeks flushing a deep pink, doe eyes wide, cut off by his groan, embarrassed and amused.
"I didn't plan on saying it with a health negligent fawn yanking at my instincts—wanted to do it right... but yes. Yes sweet little fawn... I want to be your mate one day. And if that means all my coat turns grey with stress before its time because you don't listen... so be it pup. But I want you anyways... I want you in every way." Voice breathless as if he's run a marathon, ran endless flights of stairs, ran until his lungs burned only to find that a floral air curled against them instead. Had always lingered.
About time pup.
And rather than linger, I see the way her lips part silently, closing and shutting with shock as her ears flicker, hands curling tight on the counters and his body leaning forward... I let them be, eyes drifting away with a smile.
But not before I see their lips brush together, a shaky breath exhaled.
A finality as it comes to settle.
That their pining was mutual. Was reciprocated.
Sweet babies.
(Y/N)'s... frustrating.
Frustrating and tugging at my instincts to soothe and protect with the very obvious way she peels herself away from the couch; her packmates left on hold as she staggers upright, a frown tugging at her lips when she has to steady herself.
Insistent that she's fine when my eyes flash, focusing on her. Coming to rest on her leaning against the couch, drawing herself upright slowly. Insistent and all smiles as she moves, my gaze tracking her... following her painstakingly slow path to the doorway.
But the moment her legs jitter, my body shoots off the couch, propelled upwards and hurrying forward, her hand resting against the doorway as she draws in a sharp breath. Fingers splaying across her back, aching to draw her down and do whatever it is she needs to do for her, usher her back to take the final days off easy and not like this— not yanking at my instincts and making them thrash when she shakes it off, lips wryly curved as she steps away.
I'm fine Namjoon.
Pup stop saying that if it's not true.
And despite her feigned insistence that she's okay— I can't help but follow her down the hallway, hands darting out every time she wobbles and shrinking away silently when she retains her composure.
Stubborn pup.
Shooting a reassuring smile that does absolutely nothing to quieten the keening whimpers to just get whatever it is she steadfastly moves for, to scoop her up because if I saw one more jitter, I was sure I would either whine or growl at her; plead her to let one of us do it for her.
"You didn't have to leave Minnie as he was napping—he'll be fussy if he wakes up and you're not there." She points out, teasing and lilting but there's a furrow in her brow, a flicker of guilt that not only had she slipped away from the snoozing circle curled up on top of sheets but he was there because she'd carefully lowered him from her lap, slipping away with a mumble to be pack, fingers brushing gently over his soft fur before quietly walking towards the doorway; telltale stiffness tugging at her brows, undoubtedly caused by the curved drawn-up position she'd been settled into for the past few hours.
"He'll be fussier that you're not there." I murmur, heart clenching with pain when I see her tail flicker with the silent small tremors that wrack her legs, hurrying forward to draw her against me, her body sinking back unconsciously into the hold, allowing herself that temporary reprieve, nosing at my jaw in both apology and thanks.
"I better hurry before he wakes then." Before vanishing past the doorway.
My instincts keen and whine, restlessly moving after her; mind frazzled and burning with the need to usher her back into relaxing.
Hear her insistences as she tracks my scent follow her; it'd be remarkable how easily she tracks noiseless footsteps, how she can sense the small spike in my scent had it not been for the way my tail cuts air anxiously; whipping back and forth. Keening when she moves away; her scent broadcasting her growing discomfort that had started off as a staleness when she'd left the bedroom to a fierce pulse of wilted anise.
Feel that antsy restless need bubble as a growl that simmers under skin, growing strength and frustration, whines quietened by the rumble that threatened to slip past my lips and crackle through the air.
I feel my ears fold, body and biology thrashing with impatience, if she made one more grimace or flinch—if her eyes did that thing where they fluttered before narrowing to brace against the pain, she was getting pinned if it meant that was the only way to keep her from overexerting herself.
The pink on her cheeks wasn't from a happy flush, wasn't from pleasure, wasn't from a satiated glow or a pheromone high—it was spots of color that indicated that being up and about on her feet was taking a toll.
Curling around her when she leans against the counter, body bracketing hers; a rightness that made my blood sing at how easily my frame curled around hers. Caged hers.
"But until then... until you go back, we can help. We're pack." I insist, trying to keep my voice level, trying to swallow down the angry pained growl because she was pushing herself. Nosing lightly at skin to try soothe her as much as it is to try ground myself.
"I'm fine Namjoon... just need a heat patch." She soothes, unsuccessfully trying to put me at ease, because she barely straightens and a groan tears past her lips, ragged and shaky, hand trying to apply pressure on the low of her back, my own already moving to knead at the ache, body unconsciously pushing forward to bracket her.
Cover her when she was clearly so vulnerable, her soft scent turning tinged with pain.
I can't stifle the growl anymore, pushing past my lips; heavy and weighted, fangs nipping at the soft skin of her nape.
"Accepting you need help doesn't make you weak pup. And I like it when my mates are honest with me." I snap.
The act is more instinctual, more a physical act of expelling that antsy cageyness but it makes my body slump with the slightest bit of relief when it softens her scent. Ears flickering as she turns, stumbling in the circle of my arms to peer at me.
"Did you just say mates—as in I'm.... as if you see me as a—" words a splutter, cheeks pinking for an entirely different reason, her words sinking in.
A groan that's mortified slipping out as the frustration immediately ebbs away. Banished by the simmering feelings of mortification.
Not like this.
Not like this.
I wasn't meant to say it like this.
I wasn't meant to confess like this.
All those ornate plans and grand thoughts and sweeping gestures crumble, shatter to the ground the moment the words slip past my lips and her eyes widen with realization, pink cheeks and startled doe eyes that hold mine; snare them.
Not like this.
But the words rush out of me, reeled out as if a hook sinks deep into my chest and yanks them out, draws them out without care. Without regards.
Spilling out and seeing the flush on her cheeks deepen, her startled doe eyes warming into something shy and endearingly sweet.
"I didn't plan on saying it with a health negligent fawn yanking at my instincts—wanted to do it right... but yes. Yes sweet little fawn... I want to be your mate one day. And if that means all my coat turns grey with stress before its time because you don't listen... so be it pup. But I want you anyways... I want you in every way." Voice breathless as if he's run a marathon, ran endless flights of stairs, ran until his lungs burned only to find that a floral air curled against them instead. Had always lingered.
Body gravitating towards hers, feel her hand, still clutching the heat patch, curling against my chest, knuckles brushing over the fabric, head tilting back with a mix of surprise and tease merging and entangling in a painfully sweet mix.
"You want me." She breathes, a statement and question all in one.
"I do."
"You want me as a mate." She clarifies, scent impossibly soft; delicate floral notes that curl around me, almost get lost and drowned under the rich earthiness I can feel seeping off me in waves.
"Ever since... ever since that accident; I've known—that if anything ever happens to you, I won't endure it. I won't be able to live without you." I murmur.
Her scent seems to cling to mine then.
Fresh dew clinging to anise.
Breath shaky and lips curling up sweetly, fingers brushing against my jaw as she draws me close, nose brushing against my own.
"Took you long enough alpha." A low murmured croon, the title dripping off her lips with ease, voice coy but also warm, relieved.
A shakiness that comes from relief as she peers at me, pupils dilating slightly when my scent grows thicker.
"I wanted both officers... wanted you to be my alpha, my wolf. But I didn't want to be selfish. Didn't want to say in case you didn't want the same." She whispers, my fingers going to curl around her wrist, tilting into the touch. Nosing at the inside of her wrist, fangs scraping and heart soaring at the squirm and giggle she gives, even as her scent flutters and spurts out.
"You have me. I wish you'd been selfish earlier... I wish you'd said earlier. So I could've allowed myself to do the same." I admit.
Heads tilting to rest against each other, shared space, shared breath as my body cages her to the counter.
Mouth aching to brush against hers when the crinkle of the heat patch distracts me.
"Now... how about we take this conversation back to bed?" I murmur, barely giving her time to respond or nod, hands skimming down her hips before bending to hoist her into my arms, hands banding across her thighs and back, cradling her towards me.
It's startling how I'd been so consciously fussing and fretting about (Y/N)'s jitteriness that I hadn't even realised Yoongi hyung was on the couch; see his tail curl and swish silently, eyes focused on the laptop as he types away, headphones drawn over his ears; black fluffy ones flickering contentedly, citrus sweet and soft.
Had it not been for the gummy fangy smile that curls and remains stretched across his lips, widening, as I move past, I wouldn't have realised he knew... wonder with heat building in my cheeks, just how much he had heard and seen.
Move away with the scent of his teasing curl of citrus following, as if chasing me out of the living room and back to my room once more.
It's a relief, that Minnie's still asleep, curled up in the middle of folded blankets all folded and arranged around him, snuffling unconsciously at the scents that have soaked into the fabric, tail flickering and swishing slightly before he burrows deeper, head ducking almost out of view entirely.
It's endearingly sweet and my eyes tear away from the sight when lips press gently to my jaw, soft and warm, marking a trail up.
"Our sweet mate." She whispers.
And a finality clicks in place.
A rightness.
A world that finally has righted on its axis; bond thrumming deep as it continues to grow and expand.
Our mate.
I set her down carefully, a smile stretching wide across my lips, cheeks aching with the force of it when she doesn't let go, trying to coax me closer, hands tightening around me nape until I lean down with her, crowding against her.
Relishing the startled intake of breath, a small yelp quickly quietened and muffled against the sheets when my hands that had been curved to cradle her from behind now snake around her front and grip. Twisting her around and easily manoeuvring her body to lie on its front.
Body twisted before my weight settles over her, pinning her legs and feel the shaky breath of relief as I slot myself over her, stopping the shifting of her legs, hand smoothening over the back of her legs, thumbs sweeping over her glands in featherlight touches.
"Did pup just want to be pinned?" I murmur, leaning over to draw the heat patch from her hand, fangs grazing the shell of her ear, feeling her relax further into the bed, scent blooming and telling with how it softens.
"Because there are ways to go about that... or just ask. Don't overexert yourself." I chide, hand curling around her waist, squeezing gently before nudging the hem of the loose top up, eyeing the still purple marks colouring the soft curves, the dip of her back.
She nods, ears flickering and her tail jolting before it rests when my hand brushes over the low of her back, palm splayed across skin.
"How bad?"
"Just—beginning to twinge and stiffen." She admits.
My hand carefully smoothens the heat patch over her back, at the base of her spine, body curving and lowering to curl around her, hands snaking to wind around her, relishing in the startled breath when I turn so I'm on the bed, her body turned to lie on me.
Feel her smile against my cheek when she curves closer.
"What a strong alpha."
My breath hitches, hands slotting over the dip of her waist.
"Your alpha."
Lips chasing to reach hers, ghosting along the soft warmth before her face tilts into the touch, sweetly gentle and unhurried as our lips slot together. Learning each other, learning to turn the unfamiliar familiar, learning the new feeling of the feel of her lips brushing against mine, soft and light.
My pup.
My pup. My fawn.
Hands curving to brush against skin, draw her closer even as my face tilts upwards, tracing the dip and curve of her lips, feel the featherlight touch turn warmer and heavier, leaning against me, hands sliding up my abdomen to rest on my chest, chasing the warmth of her touch, thumbs sweeping in circles that brush against skin, tongue brushing against the seam of her lips, tracing the dip of her bow, the fullness of the giving flesh that moulded so readily, so easily to my own, achingly wanting to feel her own brush against my own. Our mouths meet with a simmering ache that finally finds relief, an impatient silent yearning that finally comes to fruition, feel her body tilt forward, fingers curling around my nape as her tongue brushes against my lips, incessant and pleading, soft and wanting, before my mouth parts to grant her entry. Groan at the first brush of her tongue against my own, shy and new, but sweetly willing, dipping and roving through my mouth, a shaky exhale when my own chases hers, curling around hers, brushing past her parted lips to lay claim to her mouth.
Slow and unhurried and indulgently swallowing the small whimper as her fingers tighten, body going lax as she chases the touch, mouth parting in sweet pliancy, scent soft and threading through the fibres of my clothes the same way her fingers brush against my hair, a small submission in the way her tongue doesn't fight for control or dominance, willing and letting my own run over the dip and hollows, run over the heated swollen flesh of her lips. Legs jolting as she tries to steady herself, thighs brushing against my own, caging me in the softness of them when my teeth scrape over her bottom lip, fangs gently nipping, already smoothening the sting with the brush of my tongue, feel her fingers tremble, feel them tighten as she draws herself closer.
As if we're impossibly far, impossibly distanced from each other, lungs aching to burn with her scent, to let the floral anise sink in and mould to bones and limbs.
Lips parting and my eyes relishing in the deep pink hue to her lips, swollen from pressure, see her eyes sparkling and shining with warmth and tenderness, see her ears flicker and cheeks flushed with happiness and see the approaching paw too late.
Laughing breathlessly when the paw presses against my chest, beady sharp eyes blinking down at me, nosing at my cheek with a soft snuffle before letting out a chirp.
Rumbled and pleased.
An I told you so.
Tail swishing behind him in contentment and the haze of sleep vanished, eyes brimming with an eagerness, an impatience as Minnie's nose dips again to scent across my jaw, thoroughly adding his own mint, other paw pressing against my cheek and startling when he hops up onto my chest, (Y/N)'s body tilting back to watch him approach.
See his tail swish, almost obnoxiously purposeful in the way it flicks against my face, spluttering as I watch him pad over, pawing at her stomach and chirping low and pleased when she immediately scoops him.
Swollen lips now peppering light sweet kisses across his fur, across his face, to his ears that droop for her so she can scratch gently, humming happily when his chirps become keening and imploring.
Tugging at her every instinct, her every want to smother him with affection, hand rubbing up and down his back, scratching gently and the quick swishes of his tail is toying and taunting; mine now.
And I can't bring myself to steal her away, watching with a brimming heart as he settles his head on her shoulder, fangs grazing her jaw, nosing at her skin with eyes that brim with love and satisfaction, ears rubbing at her cheek.
I can't bring myself to even scoop him away to fuss over him, finally getting to see... to experience what my mate had pined for.
And though I have her, though her warm gaze and flushed pink is mirrored on my own face, her lips curving in a smile just for me—it already feels like the distance between us is too far.
So when my body surges over the distance to trap (Y/N) under me, Minnie just settles across her torso, rolling over to bare his stomach, all chirps and paws as he stretches them out for me.
Indulging him with the rub of my fingers against the white fur of his stomach, alternating between pressing kisses to his fur and flickery ears and to the curves of (Y/N)'s cheeks, fangs nipping playfully at the soft pink, ears perking tall and proud at the mix of chirps and giggles.
Happy mates.
I wanted to preserve the sight forever, wanted to capture this moment in a bubble of space and time but I also wanted this as our forever, wanted this all the time.
"There's nothing? No leads... no reports... no follow up queries or investigations? She just vanished." I say, staring down at the extremely thin file Jimin had been able to pull, rifling through the papers and frowning at how... phantom her presence seemed to be.
It wasn't out of the blue a lieutenant vanished and it was entirely a case in itself why her vanishing hadn't raised as many queries and questioning as it should've... why her going missing during a case; that too had seemingly melted into thin air with her, had never gone further than a paper filed missing report. She wasn't even in the official database for missing people, she was gone and no-one had a clue... no one cared to go further and figure out why.
"The report's unsigned so we don't even know who filed this report for her, we have no clue where Lieutenant Fang vanished to and had it hadn't been all that paperwork and digging—I might've not even found out she had some sort of connection to the barn locations we've had under surveillance." He replies, a tiredness tugging to his eyes, hair tousled and ears perked to attention.
Fully alert.
My fingers tap restlessly at the desk.
"Lieutenant Fang... she didn't have anyone reporting her missing, following up on her disappearance? No family? Pack? Mate?"
It didn't add up.
Fang had no-one? No-one at all to chase up her sudden absence, no one to follow up or demand answers?
"Her family live out at the countryside, she'd been living with her packmate at their shared apartment. No transactions or payments made by her name, it's all being handled by a Seong Jangmi." He continues, eyes flicking over file he clutches himself.
In the back of my mind, I filed away the name; trying to draw up any idea if I'd heard it before, if there was any mention of her in Fang's other cases, any injuries that had been reported—anything that was an indication of what exactly she'd been working on before.
Paper trails were harder to follow... harder to trace if there was no digital back up.
Is that why Fang's missing report had been handwritten and shoved into the back of a file? Filled out only for the consolation and temporary relief for her packmate, for her family's sake?
If that was the case—it was likely the mole, the insiders working against us were the ones who'd filed the report.
My eyes flicker over the date.
Head cocking.
"It's dated before we ever even got the trafficking case to begin with. Before we even found Min-Junie." I note.
See his lips quirk and soften the slightest, eyes warming at the endearment.
(Y/N) was rubbing off on us.
Chatting happily and giddily about Min-Junie and Ji-Ah after her first day back, scent still carrying that post-heat softness; that vulnerability that gave away that she'd just gone through her cycles, jarring and disorienting when she applied her scent-blockers before stepping out.
The pack scent had come to cling so heavily to her since her post-heat, to feel it utterly and completely gone when she stepped into the kitchen to give quick hugs, so stark of scent, even her own had made more than a few of the pack restless.
Itching with the need to drag her close and layer her up with their scents, a layer of protection that'd ward off anyone blindly foolish enough to try anything with her scent broadcasting her vulnerability, her instinctual plea to be looked after and protected.
She'd returned scentless.
Had returned and had been immediately tugged into a swan embrace with Kookie nosing eagerly at her skin, laughter and giggles merging where he tugged her closer to thoroughly scent her, to be the first to add his pheromones onto the canvas, her body tugged and curved around by unsettled predators to add their own scents until she was smelling like pack once more. And the world was righted on its axis.
Feel that smile slip when I find Jiminie's mint sharpening; drawn out of thought, refocusing on the files and watching as he leans forward, splaying out the intel he'd hunted the large archives for. He'd spent the better part of the past two days trying to retrace her steps, to find any clues and leads on her, had visited the suburbs; where she'd been stationed at.
"Why don't we talk to her packmate? About what Lt. Fang might've been upto in the days before her disappearance." I suggest.
He nods, pushing a page forward of her details.
"I'll go after tomorrow's training session, hopefully we can get something... anything to help." He murmurs.
Another person gone.
Lost in this fight. Vanished.
It was too coincidental; there had to be a reason she vanished, a reason her name came up when we were narrowing down the barns.
It had taken us months.
But Fang had already reached there before us. And whatever she found... whatever she'd been closing in, who she'd been closing in on had made her vanish as payment... as a guarantee that her word wouldn't reach higher authorities.
It was more than just gut instinct pushing this... more than just this silently insistent thought that something big, something important ran with her. She knew something.
Something that tied into this case.
And she was gone.
She was a massive key.
And she'd been removed from the picture.
"Fang Amina is connected to this case... we find her, we get answers. We bring her MIA status to high alert, we flag her case, we dig deeper." I assert.
There's a terse silence, stretching on for a few seconds before Jimin speaks.
"That'll potentially make the mole and insiders aware of our knowledge. Stealth is the best way forward in an attack. Never let them know you're coming until they're exposed; defenceless." He insists.
I debate it over, was it better to go charging full force, put them on alert; make them sloppy in their defences, in their hurry or did we sneak up silently and pounce; a chokehold they couldn't and wouldn't be able to escape?
The answer was clear, the solution forward was carved. Paved for us.
I nod.
Acquiescing easily.
"So how do we go about it?" I ask, waiting for him to reach an answer alone.
"We get the deep undercover officers to keep their ears peeled, we retrace her steps, get her old station reworking it behind the scenes... because the mole is here. The insiders are definitely rooted at this station, at this district." He says firmly.
My brows rise.
"How are you so sure?"
"Because whoever's started this is goading... taunting. The cases fell to our district, to our hands. if they want a game of cat and mouse—they're in for an awful surprise." He says assuredly as he gathers the files, muscles seeming to strain against the sleeves, body seeming to be thrumming with strength and caged energy just waiting to burst out.
"Why's that?"
"Because I'm not toying around... they're mine to hunt. Their throats are mine to tear open." A firm raging ruthlessness.
I hum, growl threading through the sound.
Approval and pride crackling through my scent, eyes drifting to the papers, anger softening to empathy and ache for Lt. Fang's packmate.
"I know we're running on a short leash- minimum patience and a lot of urgency, but remember Jangmi's lost a packmate, she's had to live half a year with no news; with no knowledge or awareness of where Lt. Fang might be. Don't snap." I warn as I watch him gather her details back up, his eyes scanning with a narrowed scrutiny as he moves forward, air hanging heavily with the promise.
Watch his eyes soften, posture loosening slightly, tail swishing behind him.
Despite the tiredness, a physical exhaustion that stemmed from a cycle of training, readying himself and his team, there was an ever present alertness in them. Eyes that never truly allowed themselves to dim or flicker with either doubt or weariness... even now his eyes pooled heavily with awareness. That so much rested on these upcoming days; a ticking time down as the raid dates approached, tensions running high and hopes placed on this. On getting something substantial from this— because I didn't know how much longer we could survive on breadcrumbs.
How much long would we endure before that fine line between human and animal dissolved entirely and we gave in to our basal instincts?
How much longer till we lost that control?
"I don't want another pack hurt. Don't even know how many have been dragged in this. But it's got to end."
The traffickers tore open families and packs without regards.
Human or hybrids... it was time they tasted their own medicine.
And the need for vengeance and justice left a bitter taste in my mouth, instincts howling to sink fangs into them.
(Y/N) POV:
Post-heat slips away, a blanket of haze and pheromones that melts away, the comforting numbness of security and safety loosening as coherency came to fully settle. Nest slowly unravelling, slowly being broken apart bit by bit as the pack scents begin to fade. It slips away with a slow easing away, the heat fading from under skin and the constant itch to be near someone, to be covered, caged or protected slipping away as my biology comes to settle. Comes to rest with an ease, a deeply satiated satisfaction that has my body tilting to Kookie's to press kisses to the curves of his cheeks; giggles brewing between us, a newer familiarity and deeper comfort between us.
Post-heat slips away and the pack rears its protective, fretting instinct, dithering around the breakfast table when I slip in and sink down on a stool beside Hobi; his usually warm caramel sweetness tinged with an underlying almost faint burnt quality he tries to ease away, nosing at my cheek to coax out a giggle, fangs playfully scraping as he drags my stool closer- eyes bright with delight at the obnoxiously loud grating sound that makes every pair of ears flicker and fold and Jin's wings flutter.
"Don't want to be going to uni and not work with you." he laments, lips peppering a line of kisses from my jaw to ear, nipping at my lobe, breath warm and ghosting along skin, throat arching in the slightest at the brush of his voice, at his pheromones, feel his scent lighten with approval at the response even as he shuffles resolutely closer, ankle hooking around mine.
Cheek nudging against mine, gently butting, coaxing and turning my attention to him with another nudge of his nose against my cheek before turning his in open offer to me. Rumbling happily when I lean towards him, trailing kisses from the his of his cheekbone to the soft of his cheek, his own rubbing against mine; hand reaching over to entangle with mine.
"My poor, poor kitten." I coo, squeezing gently, his thumb brushing over my knuckles as he continues to tilt closer, scent softening into something sweeter and richer, his rumbled assent to my words downcast as his ears tickle skin, twirling and brushing against my cheek.
Hear the quiet pad of footsteps that approach, momentarily startled by the looming boxy grin that suddenly fills my line of sight, fangs peeking out and curls all wayward and messy, looming from behind, peeking upside down at me.
It's ridiculously endearing and startling, body jolting before relaxing, leaning to brush my nose against his, see his grin widen before he playfully nips the tip of my nose.
"Here I thought I was your kitten." He drawls, voice low and smooth, a bubble of laughter when Hobi hisses, looking petulant and forlorn, clinging tighter.
"Let me have this Tae. I won't be with (Y/N) today; and they're going to build a large nest. Without me." plaintive and ears drooping, and if I wasn't hopelessly endeared I'd be giving in to the same wistful pang. Heart twisting with how despondent he sounds, wishing he was coming in to work with me, knowing how much he had been looking forward to it—until the moment he realised it overlapped with meetings with professors. He truly had wanted to help Min Jun and Ji Ah to learn how to form a safe nest, had been bustling about all of yesterday picking the softest blankets and items, grinning happily at the items he was hoarding for this moment.
But where he was expecting sympathy or softly crooned apologies, Tae's lips quirk before he straightens, drawing his droopy mate into his arms, arms burrowing under clothes to press to skin and tugging him close, stool screeching slightly.
"I'm sure I can distract our mate for a day... so you can nest tomorrow." He offers languidly.
The twirly tips of Hobi's ears perk up, grazing and ticklishly brushing against Tae's jaw.
"You'd do that cub?" voice eager and thrilled.
"For the right price~ does this nest building have space for one more?" he bargains.
"Of course it does~" I say without processing the words, eyes narrowing when Tae's glint, shining with mischief and predatory thrill, sharp and calculating as he hums; a lower rumbling quality to it.
"What are you planning Tae?" I ask, hand reaching out to tug him close before he can duck away, his tail curling around my wrist and gently tugging it away, soft fur tightening around skin before dragging my hand upwards to his lowering lips.
Brushing a warm kiss to my wrist.
Searing and soft.
"Never you mind pretty fawn fairy. Leave the decoy to work his magic." He croons before successfully slipping away, piling onto a seat far away from my hand to reach and tug him closer.
Eyeing him sceptically even as Minnie's hand skims from my nape to dance across the curve of my spine, nipping the tip of my ear that flickers and curves to avoid the teasing touch.
"Morning baby."
I tear my eyes away from Tae; suspicion pooling at the thrilled gleam to his eyes, fangs peeking out and tail swishing giddily behind him, curling distractingly.
Tilting to peer up at him, blinking with slight bewilderment.
Had his shirts always fit so snug across his arms and torso?
And my fingers curl around the tight swell of his bicep, tugging him closer to tilt my face in chase for the curved plushness of his lips; warm and sweet and threatening to linger, to curl closer when his mint blooms.
Hand tilting my jaw up to him, a branding touch that retreats all too soon.
"Morning Minnie." Lips being drawn away by the almost teasing tug as Joon curves around him, broad arms folding him close and eyes dancing with mischief as he drags him away, spinning him bodily to duck close for a chaste peck, nosing at my jaw as he keeps my face tilted for him.
"And morning Joon." I breathe, throat arching slightly at the press of lips against my gland.
"Morning pup." Mumbled against skin, scenting until he's satisfied with the rich earthy musk that clings to my skin, albeit temporarily until scent blockers wipe it all away, snagging the seat beside me, tail thumping audibly, dimpled grin as he nudges food forward.
But even as the rest all dig into breakfast, the familiar sounds of dishes clinking and voices merging together, I can't help but let my eyes linger on Namjoon and Jimin; eyes silently taking in the unspoken communication, the tautness thrumming in their postures, a tight anticipation that makes them coiled up and strung. Ready for something... but what it was I didn't know.
Eyes catching onto the slight jog of Joon's leg under the table, dangerously close to hitting his knee on the underside of the surface, fork poking at the food with more force than he consciously intends to.
Reach out to rest my hand across his thigh, the sight of his restless jogging making the first stirrings of worry surface, fingers splaying across the taut muscle and watching as his body jolts, turning to face me and eyes softening immediately. Smoothening out from the sharp thoughtful look in them, leg easing out, muscles relaxing under the touch.
"Is something on your mind Joon?" I murmur, body tilting towards his, unconsciously kneading and rubbing at his leg, trying to ease out the stiffness I'd felt under my touch before it had melted away.
He goes to shake his head before freezing, head dipping in a small nod.
"But nothing that can be avoided or changed... so don't worry pup." Palm coming to settle over my hand, stilling its movements.
And yet though his arms encircle me close before I leave, tugging the scarf gently to lower it, pressing a kiss to my throat, there's still this thrumming pulsing thought that worms away at my mind... silently fretting that maybe... maybe I can't help.
But that doesn't mean it doesn't concern him regardless.
And whatever it is isn't something that's light breakfast discussion.
Bodily drawn away from worrying when the thought lingers at work by a tiger that promptly plucks the files from my hands and makes a dash for them- easily melting into the hallways and ducking and weaving around other people with a deep burst of giggles and flash of a fangy boxy grin.
Tauntingly waving the files, tail curling behind him and lips parting in a tease I can hear from the slight distance away.
"Want them... come get them."
My lungs burn for air, heart racing loudly as I try to tug the therapy paperwork back from Tae, body stretching upwards and hand swiping futilely at air, fist closing around nothing as he moves it out of reach, tail curling around me when my body stumbles, hand sprawling over my waist and righting the small wobble as I continue to reach for it.
"Tae give it back! I need to see what the therapist said for Ji Ah before changing her care plan." I insist, voice tinged with laughter as he continues to wave it teasingly out of reach, hand drawing me closer, body bracketing his as he leans against the wall, dark eyes sparked with mischief and flickering to my lips, his own parting unconsciously.
"No! I won't give it away for free." He insists.
I stare.
"But it was mine first, you took it from me! You cornered me!" I say incredulous, a huff of laughter and shock as he grins unashamedly and unrepentant.
I know with certainty had he not been wearing scentblockers due to center procedure; his scent would be seeping out, glazed berries, saccharine sweet and sticky with preening satisfaction.
"And? It's mine now... and that's all that matters." He drawls.
Finger crooking under my chin and nudging it.
"Something wrong with that?"
"Yes... you cheat." I splutter, body stretching upwards, hand flailing uselessly for the papers, hand resting across his chest and trying to gain the distance, to close it
Yelping at the hand that snakes around to curl against my back, tugging until my body stumbles against his, nose brushing mine and my line of sight filled with the predatory thrill that gleams in his eyes.
"Pay me and I'll give them back."
Voice a low rumbling drawl that coaxes and teases, reels me closer, body bracketing his.
My eyes drift around; head tilting in slight bemusement at the place I'd been led into.
"Going to pin me in the back corridors near the training facilities?" I realize with a laugh, body unconsciously gravitating towards his.
His ears perk, lips quirking in a small smirk that's all fangs.
"Am I your secret lover?" he croons.
I tilt my face towards his, lips ghosting across his.
"That was SJ. You've brought me to our old hookup places." I tease, relishing in the flash of primal jealousy sear his eyes, possessiveness making the curl of his lip a baring of fangs, the tip of my finger brushing the sharp point.
A spark of heat when his fangs nip my finger, tongue brushing against it, hand splaying wider and tugging me between the wide splay of his legs as he leans against a wall.
Papers held out of reach still.
"You came here with him?" voice a low murmured whisper.
Grazing gently across skin. Thrumming with a tension, a dangerous purr to his words.
"When we couldn't stand to wait. When we played and toyed... when I wanted hands on teaching." Spine straightening at the hunger that blooms in his eyes, at the fire and heat that licks at skin with the intensity of his stare; pinning me despite being the one whose body is bracketed against the wall with my own.
His eyes narrow into dangerous slits.
"One day... I'll make sure that's me." He promises, groaning against my lips, the sound full-bodied and trembling with aching want, glaringly void of scent, as my lips slot to his, feeling the shudder of it tremble against my body, hand curling at the hem of my jumper, fingers gently skimming before coming to rest against skin. Mouth scorching and furiously chasing mor, fangs scraping, and a shuddered exhale of my name swallowed by my lips when he draws me impossibly closer.
My hand skims across his side, trailing over his body before winding around his nape to tug him closer, feel his body press to mine as his hand lowers to slowly curl around me, lips sparked with want and need, a fierce press against my own, fangs teasing and tugging, nipping, and trying to coax my lips open, tongue brushing across in plea.
Let my nose brush against his, breathing quickened and shared, fingers cupping his cheek.
"That's the price paid. And you've got to earn the workplace trysts." I tease, reaching to pluck the file free and ducking away with a grin.
Heart bursting and ears full of the growled indignation as I hurry away.
"Sorry Tae~ I really have to get this care plan submitted." I call over my shoulder as I leave, eyes flicking to see the laughter beginning to form in his features, begin to settle on his face as he surrenders, hands raised in defeat and slumping against the wall.
But something tells me this is far from the last time I'll see him in these halls with me.
My grip tightens around the file, lungs constricting and shuddering for breath... for air that doesn't threaten to cloud with the scent of decaying foliage, with wilted anise. Ground rocking and tilting under underfoot as I stare at the in-charge, eyes wide with disbelief and shock, nausea threatening to churn my stomach.
"Since when?" I ask, voice sounding distant and hollow to my own ears.
The sympathy and pity that flashes across Hyun Bin's features makes my heart plummet, anger and hurt bubbling viscerally, clawing at my insides.
"Who authorized Min-Jun's care plan to change? Who made the decision that he's ready for adoption?" I demand, voice trembling before it's forced into a calm, into a levelness that makes it sound cold and empty.
"We've been tracking his progress and development, his counter-conditioning therapy is complete, he can remain prolonged periods without his primary caregiver and he's exploring bases and forming relationships with other people... he doesn't need you (Y/N)." Voice soft and warm but radiating with authority, features twisting with grief and understanding, hand reaching out to squeeze my shoulder.
He doesn't need you.
The words shouldn't feel like the twist of a knife embedded deep in my gut, it shouldn't leave me feeling physically winded or breathless, distant roaring in my ears.
He doesn't need you.
When had that happened?
When had the center decided he was better off leaving? When had he grown?
When had they decided that someone who was in my care, under my protection, someone who was mine to look after, and nurture was suddenly... not?
"You can't just take him. Min-Junie's forming that reconnected bond with Ji Ah— he's helping her heal, they're both dependent on each other." I say, voice tinged with a hysteria I never wanted to let seep through, never wanted to betray me. But the thought of him being taken away, of him being cared for by someone else— more than my instincts, my heart crumbled at the news.
"Centre procedure can. No-one's sending him off, he's still here. Just with another caregiver." Face shuttering with apology when the words make me flinch, body jerking back and recoiling from the words. A tiny part of me thrashing at the thought; of eventually having to let go.
Min Jun, Ji Ah... they'd escaped fates worse than death; they'd escaped from being sold, from becoming another two lost in a vicious cycle of training and conditioning children into sex slaves, into being sold as rare exotic commodities. They'd come here traumatized and taught cruel ways of survival... and yet thinking about Min Jun no longer being such an intrinsic part of my life, no longer being the main force, my work and life had grown to revolve around... it brought an emptiness.
An emptiness that had no right sinking into my bones and turning that giddy exhilaration and elation to morph into something weighted and ugly.
It's good that he's healed enough.
His recovery healthy and strong.
I know there's logic in Hyun Bin's words. But it doesn't make them sting any less.
It doesn't suddenly right the world under my feet.
"He's still an essential part of the trafficker's case—you can't put him up for adoption with any prospective families or parents that are looking to relocate." I say, a weak resignation making my words tremble.
But my eyes don't waver, stare unflinchingly back.
He nods easily.
Posture loosening when the confrontational stance seems to bleed out within moments out of me, spine curving and threatening to hunch in on itself.
"Laws will prevent that... and I wasn't going to let him vanish without notice, you'll be vetting them and filtering through prospective applicants. You'll be there for meetings and their interactions." He soothes, empathetic and gentle.
He wasn't a hybrid and yet something instinctually him was soothing and calming to my biology; carrying only that natural scent and pheromone signature that was his. He wasn't a predator; he wasn't a prey, but my biology trusted him.
I hated that he was the bearer of the news though and in that instance I can't find the unfailing reassurance and gentleness from him, the faint lines around his eyes creasing, hand falling away as he sighs, taking the paperwork I'd come to hand over.
Tugged out of my grip that suddenly closes, unwilling to let go of another piece of them. Of my hybrids. My charges. My wards.
"He'll be adopted by a good family. I know you won't settle for anything less than the best." He murmurs.
I nod, struggling to drag a smile across lips that tremble and waver betrayingly.
Head ducking to hide the furious stinging prickling the corner of my eyes.
"I won't."
I never would've.
But finally coming to terms with having to let go soon... with that nurturing instinct to becoming gapingly unsatisfied and left bereft... made my heart ache in a way I never thought possible.
And as I duck out of the office, my ears flicker and fold with dejection, eyes fixating onto the ground and watching it blur as I move away.
Shouldn't have gotten attached.
Shouldn't have ended up relying on him relying on you.
And taking the tainted sourness of my sadness, I duck away from the large play area, away from the rooms I knew so many children were centered in, slipping away to hide the ugly wound that threatened to gape and deepen the more my thoughts ran.
Incessant and unstoppable.
Feel that ringing and roaring in my ears grow to a deafening level, feet stumbling in my haste to get away, rubbing furiously at my eyes at the traitorous tears that stream thicker and heavier down my cheeks, scouring heat across skin.
Register the scent of ripe peaches soured with distress and worry only when it folds me in, arms curling around me and a head tucking me against him. Feel it fill the air, the space, come to rest in my lungs with each wavery inhale of breath. Feel my feet stagger as my body falls against his. Feel my breaths shudder, burrowing deeper against the source of the sharp tang to the usual sweetness, clinging and heavy as it sinks against skin.
"(Y/N) ... what is it? What's wrong?"
Nothing's wrong and yet it feels as if the ground from under me tilts and shudders, as if I'm freefalling off a cliff with the wind tearing and ripping and cutting deep gashes into skin, merciless and brutal.
The concern in his voice makes the sob choke in my throat, mind thrashing with how unfair I was being, with how I had no right feeling this way.
It was my fault for getting so attached.
My fault.
I shake my head, embarrassed by the way yearning tugs at my instincts, the way they keen with the words that ring in my ears.
He doesn't need you anymore.
He doesn't need you anymore.
And soon the harried questions melt into a soft murmur of my name, the grounding reassurance that he's got me, body coaxed and guided towards his, stumbling footsteps and uncoordinated limbs that chase and rely on the comfort and strength of his arms all too soon.
It feels like post-heat has barely been staved off, slipping away with languid comfort before my body is jolted harshly into reality, disoriented and rough, body thrown off by the sharp plunge.
Feel myself desperately curving close to the source of sweet peaches, layered with the salty tang of his sweat and my tears as I clutch at him.
"Seo Jun... they're... Min-Jun's going to be adopted." Voice warbled and drowning with insecurity and pain.
What if he didn't find someone?
What if they didn't know how to soothe him after nightmares?
Or that he liked honeyed milk before settling for a nap?
What if they didn't know he liked making nests just as much as he liked burrowing deep under blankets and popping up with surprise... what if... what if...
A hand rubbing up and down my spine compels those thoughts to quieten momentarily.
"That's good... you're a good caregiver sweetheart... come on, talk to me (Y/N)." voice urging and coaxing.
It's a shameful exhaled admission against his scent gland, chasing the comfort of his familiar scent brushing against me.
"But Min Jun was mine first. Even for a while he was mine."
And his arms tighten in response, fierce and protective, head tilted up, lips pressing gently to cheeks wet with guilt and hurt.
"S wrong... and silly—but for six months he was mine."
And that same person would eventually be torn out of my orbit.
It was selfish to want to still be important to him, to want him to remember me even when he found and settled with a family who loved him.
"It's not wrong. It's not silly. It's normal—it shows you care."
Arms banding around me, body drawn closer, curling closer to him, aching to burrow myself away and wrench my mind away from its flood of thoughts.
Feel the steady thud of his heartbeat against fingers that scrabble for something... anything to right the wrongness my body protests with.
Hear a shuddered exhale, lips pressing to skin, stained with my tears.
"Too close to the end of your cycle to hear this." Distantly filtering through.
And somewhere else—the sound of shrieks; guttural and raw shatter through the fog, body crumpling at the sound.
And yet. Already no longer mine.
And even the sweet balm of peaches can't soothe or begin to close the aching chasm splintering through my heart.
I can feel the weight of his stare, narrowed and focused on the tearstains that water couldn't scrub away, the red lining my eyes and the way my body sinks into the car seat, exhausted as I draw the belt across my chest to click in.
I can feel the concern, can smell it; sharp mint that makes my eyes sting for an entirely different reason, can feel it brush against glands scrubbed clean of scentblockers, feel it prickle and brush and gently try to assuage what's wrong. But I can't bring myself to turn and look into deep brown eyes and not crumple again.
I don't want to crumple.
Don't want to break.
Don't want to be weak.
Don't want to add burden to shoulders that already carry the burden of this entire case.
But gratefully clutch at the hand that settles on my leg, grasping tightly to fingers, palm pressed tightly to my own. Chase and hold on to the silent comfort and try not to duck under the weight of the mint that settles, a blanket that intends to protect and guard.
Can feel the pack scent spike and plunge, the edges of it turning sharp and tart before I'm hurrying away, fingers unwillingly letting go of mine. Door barely shutting before I'm tugging clothes off, desperate to get rid of the salty tang that's sunken into them.
I had to be stronger than this.
Duck down to grab shoes, eyes catching onto the framed photo perched neatly on the desk, heart twisting with another pang.
Longing and yearning.
Who next?
Draw myself away from the sight before it threatens to buckle a resolve built over months, built over sleepless nights, and suppressed sobs.
The brush of scents against skin almost seems like too much, too much for my body that thrums with a hypersensitivity as I move back into the hallway.
Feel Minnie's eyes track me before his hand curls around my forearm.
"Let me get you a jacket first... just a minute baby." Soft and plaintive.
I shake my head.
Feel his body brush against mine, keeping stride unflinchingly when I head back out and towards the back of the complex, breath misting in curls of frosty air.
Feel how unhesitant he is as his fingers unravel.
But this time I don't want company as I run.
I just want to clear my head, numb away the weakness and pain, feel the cold biting at skin, pebbling under its touch.
This time my fingers slip away as my body propels itself into movement, into hurrying away and letting the cold curl close.
Blanching away the tautness my body seemed strung up with.
Endless cycles until my lungs plead for relief and the mint reels me back, hands skimming across chilled arms and drawing the mix of sweat and tears-stained skin to him. Drawing me close as the heat of his body chases the cold away from my own, touch gentle and grounding, firm and soft all at once.
"Now can I run with you?"
Holding me as the pacing rush of my heart slowly settles to match the constant soothing pulse of his.
Nodding against him.
And when the ground stumbles and tilts because of the way his hand fiercely grips mine, bodies brushing against each other; mint burning a path to my lungs.
A constant that promises to stay.... Even as everything else continues to change.
Mine is... Midiiplier having late night conversations with you. MY SLEEP DAMNS ME, CONDEMNS ME.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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