Chapter 44- undercover feelings
The sound of the door opening isn't enough usually to wake me. The sound of the door opening accompanied with soft murmurs and the heavenly sweet mix of soft citrus and anise has me blinking my eyes open, face lifting from Hobi hyung's fur, hands still cradling him close as I lift my head up from the pillow.
(Y/N)'s figure so carefully cradled and scooped up against Yoongi hyung, his black tail curling and swaying as it cuts through air, slowly walking over to the bed, eyes flickering with surprise before he smiles.
"Did we wake you kit?" he murmurs softly. I see her head rise from his shoulder, blinking down at me apologetically.
And my eyes are torn between two things all at once.
Wincing when I see the bandage, see the small scrapes on her face, knowing that the curled arms around her, holding her are for her sake, to ease her discomfort. But then my eyes drift searchingly over her face, trying to gauge if she's hurt anywhere else, sleepiness receding as the alarm spikes, makes my body lurch as my stomach twists, realising that (Y/N) had been badly hurt today. But that nervousness abates with confusion and intrigue at the sight of her dilated pupils; blown out with scent and heady want, see her lips mussed and swollen and still slick.
My head tilts.
This took a turn.
"No, no it's fine. You two smelt too yummy to not wake up to." I say with a grin, hands unconsciously tightening around Hobi hyung's shifted form, paws shifting and tail swishing as his head turns, curling away from me to blink up at the sight of the two of them too. There's a small pawing at my hands and they loosen, allow hyung to scrabble out and pad across the mattress, face scrunched with a small kitty yawn as he peers, ears twirling with excitement. And a soft mewled yowl as he stretches his paws upwards to knead at hyung's leg, tail swishing as his nose brushes against (Y/N)'s ankle, a content happy purr rumbling out when it makes her startle before a small breathless giggle escapes.
"Hob-ah let me set her down first before you swarm her...sleepy kit." Yoongi hyung says, voice a soft low tease and I watch as Hobi hyung rushes back, paws slipping on the sheets in his haste and sleepy incoordination so hyung can slowly lower (Y/N) down onto the bed, hands careful and steady, silently fussing and making sure she doesn't shift or wince in pain before he lets go, painstakingly slow as he clambers in behind her.
The moment (Y/N)'s hand reaches out, palm extended towards Hobi hyung he rushes forward, paws padding across the sheets to get to her, nosing at her skin and small kitten licks he gives to her palm, carefully tending to her bandaged hand. The sight of it makes something cold curl around me, makes a shiver dance across my spine even if the sheets are worm and with our bodies pressing close my knees brush against hers.
"When the others said you were hurt... I didn't know it was this bad." I whisper, nose picking out the underlying scent of hurt and pain under the fog of sweet contentment.
"I gave Joon and Hobi a scare when I ran out onto the road to get to Min-Junie." She says softly.
My eyes flash to Yoongi hyung, searching for stiffness and discomfort at the mention of her car accident, drawing the dots together quickly. There had been a reason Yoongi hyung hadn't shifted and Hobi hyung had. Because Yoongi hyung had been too on-edge too it means, especially if (Y/N) had been in a car accident, and needed to stay unshifted to make sure he could tend to her, to look after her. Hobi hyung on the other hand had shifted because he'd witnessed it and every instinct had been frazzled and distraught at the thought of seeing her being injured. And shifting was the only way to dull the edge of those guilty hurting instincts.
Now as he kneads and paws at her arm and nuzzles at her neck and jaw, small kitten licks as he simultaneously grooms and tends to her, I can see the lightness in the stretch of his shifted form, can see that hurt slowly slipping away as he leans into her sleepy pets, tail curling and swishing when she rubs his ears, fingers ghosting along the twirling black tips. Soft mewls and purrs as he sinks down, body curling and cuddling close to her to continue receiving her soothing affectionate ministrations.
"You're giving me a scare and I'm just hearing about it." I whisper, worming closer to sandwich Hobi hyung between me and her, hand reaching out to brush my fingers over her bandage, frowning at the way she smiles at me, head tilting into the touch.
"You're cute when you're fussy." She remarks softly a few moments later when my hands are carefully trailing over her face, tilting it carefully to check for hidden scrapes tucked up against the pillow, fingers ghosting along her side, pausing on Yoongi hyung's careful arm slung over her.
"I think I'm more offended you only find me cute then." I retort.
She smiles, hands stilling from where they were rubbing a line up and down Hobi hyung's caramel fur, coaxing out a constant stream of purrs. His ears twirl, head rising slightly from the pillow he's reclined on. Butting his head against her forearm to encourage her to continue.
"Why? You want to be called cute like Hobi is? Or cute like the sweet panther behind me?" she asks teasingly.
I frown when I see the smug gummy smile curving across Yoongi hyung's lips from where he peers over her shoulder, propped up by a hand. Frown when I see a fangy smile from the caracal that curls close, head twisting to purr triumphantly.
"What? I need to kiss you to be called cute? Cos I don't mind paying such a sweet price. And as for Hobi hyung... say the word pretty fawn and I'll be a shifted kit too." I say.
A chuff builds in my throat, a deep satisfied rumble making my chest vibrate at the soft pink I can see build in her cheeks as she blinks, lips parted in surprise.
"Tae-ah don't start games." Yoongi hyung warns, voice a low soft whisper. Dangerous and thrilling all at once, my eyes slide to his, lips curving up.
"Oh hyung you know I love games. And I love winning. But I'm not joking, say the word pretty girl and you'll be living in a berry haze." I whisper, lips quirked at the way the pink steadily deepens, flush growing and scent spiking; anise turning thicker a smidgen.
I'd smelt that scent before. I'd smelt it in her room, sticky sweet anise and I'd thought it was her pheromones clinging to every inch of her bedroom.
But right now in our bedroom, the tiniest curl of it around our mingled scents, it's new and heady and entrancing, it has me tilting my face forward.
"Or I can die happy drenched in that scent. I could eat you up." I rasp out, voice dropping lower at the way her scent pulses out. Dilated eyes fluttering open and shut.
Hyung's eyes narrow, nose twitching as her pheromones roll out, tail curling around her thigh, mouth opening with warning. Curled protectively around her.
"I'm too sleepy for that." She mumbles.
Herr eyes continue to flutter open and shut, body sinking lower as she relaxes, sleepily petting Hobi hyung who scents her jaw with small rubbing nudges of his head.
"Go to sleep sweet girl." Yoongi hyung murmurs.
Pressing a soft kiss to the back of her head and shifting closer a bit.
"You sleep too kit, turn on the tiger charm when she's not half asleep." Yoongi hyung says with a smile twitching at his lips.
I huff, stripey tail curling and swishing, draping over me to poke at Hobi hyung's back, giggling at the squirm and muffled yowl I get and his smaller tail trying to bat mine away.
"Stop that. You'll end up getting nipped. And when he shifts back you'll get pinned." He warns.
I lean forward to quickly peck hyung's lips, pressing a kiss to her forehead and one to between Hobi hyung's ears before flopping down onto my pillow.
"You forget I like being pinned to the ground. Especially when I'm made to." I quip, reaching for the sheets that have rucked down to tug them back over us.
"And you Yoongi've got your work cut out. Fawn fairy's not going down without a fight."
Smiling into the sheets at the small sharp intake of breath and burst of citrus, the hissed call of my name across the bed.
"Go to sleep kitty hyung, you've got three tired cubs wanting to rest." I whisper.
Sinking into the haze of sleepy anise, caramel and berry, smile still etched across my face at the citrus that threatens to overpower it.
And when I wake Hobi hyung's managed to curl himself impossibly closer, tucked under the crook of her neck and the smell of her anise is drowned out by sweet content warm, rich caramel. My legs have intertwined with (Y/N)'s, head tipped close towards the scent; unconsciously having curved close to the sweet enticing mix. And my arm rests on her hip, Yoongi hyung's hand still protectively cradling her torso where her shirt has ridden up to reveal bruised skin.
I wake up to this feeling of rightness, content and heavy and warm like the soft tugging call of sleep, something so perfect about her being there, tucked up and safe between us all.
And though it seems like only recently she's accepted hyung's courting offer, there's already a seamlessness with how she's slotted into our lives, how easily she brings a smile to both hyungs' faces and how perfectly at ease her scent is, intertwining with ours. It doesn't hurt that day by day there's this growing want to share what she has with Yoongi hyung, to want to experience it for myself. There's that growing budding need to be the reason she smiles, to cause her scent to spike and to coax out all sorts of reactions from her.
I wake up to a sharp clarity even as my eyes blink slowly at the sight of them.
I want (Y/N) to share what the three of us have. I want her to be part of what we are. I want three to become four.
Actually maybe five when I think of Jiminie's longing, wistful glances shot in her direction and his playful fire directed to me whether that's under me or on top.
There's a knock on the door, swinging open quietly as a pair of floppy brown ears move into view, wide eyes drifting before they settle. Ears perked.
"Ahh (Y/N)'s there then...oh morning Taehyungie hyung." He whispers, nose scrunching as he beams at me. His eyes widen and cheeks pinken when someone speaks softly behind him, a low rumbly growl that's definitely Joon hyung's morning voice; rough and laced with sleep, steeped with a natural authority that made my tail curl, body tingling with delight.
My heart gives a weak lurch.
Maybe six. Or seven. Who was I kidding... it was eight.
I groan, sinking back down.
I didn't know anymore. I just knew I wanted us all to be a happy pack. And I was greedy and selfish enough to want them all, no regrets.
"No work for you today darling dear. A concussion means 48 hours observation. So I've got Yugyeom and that...head-in-charge... the jaguar looking after Ji Ah. And Min-Junie's caregivers are sorted too." Hobi hyung announces when he walks into the kitchen, waving his phone triumphantly and slipping into a seat opposite (Y/N), lips curved into a wide beam as he fixes his hastily tugged on shirt, fixing his ruffled ears as he reaches for toast.
"Wow... lucky me." (Y/N) mumbles with a sigh, staring down morosely at her bowl of cereal, spoon clinking against the bowl as she sets it down.
"Don't be like that (Y/N), you get the day to relax! There's a jar full of fresh cookies and I've recorded some movies for you; I won't be upset if you start them without me but the show we'll watch together tonight." Kookie says, bustling around the kitchen, a whirlwind and force of motion as he rushes about, weaving in and out of the others.
Jin hyung laughs as he curls an arm around Kookie's waist to tug him to him, bracketing him against a broad chest.
"Stop rushing about bun, she's at home with three kits. I'm sure she won't starve." He says even as his eyes focus on the sight of her staring at her bowl rather than making a move on eating; a frown tugging at plump lips.
"I know! I just want her to know where the cookies are! And oh—I think there's chocolate in the cupboard on the left above the stove." He says, eyes lighting up as he points, ears perked up and proud, a glossy brown that shines as he wriggles futilely against Jin hyung's arm.
His smile stills when he spots her.
"Why aren't you eating?" and she raises her head from the bowl, a weak smile as she reaches for her spoon and the milk.
"Nothing...I'd just rather be in at work. I know Jisoo is great, he'll be amazing with Ji Ah, total sweetheart and softy under all that muscle...but I just feel nervous. Ji Ah doesn't respond well to strangers." Her hand drags the spoon through the bowl.
"Muscular and a sweetheart. Sounds like a certain bun." I trill, swapping out her bowl in front of her when I see her still to take a bite and move toast onto a plate for her.
My eyes catch onto a flustered face and a squirmy bun in hyung's arms, his wings flapping and curling around him and the sight of a soft peck as he curls close to his mate, heart twisting at the sight, endeared and enamoured by it.
"My top recommendation is butter and strawberry jam on each slice. Revolutionary." I say.
"He does sound like Kookie." She absently agrees, the flutter of wings and a laugh filtering through the air before she straightens, wide-eyed as she tilts her face to him.
But he's sporting a wide grin, beaming at her. Looking both touched and flushed by it.
"Shame I don't know any curvy loves other than you." he answers easily.
I blink. Am I missing something here?
"You're the dear Kookie." (Y/N) coos softly, buttering her toast deftly.
Looking appeased and cheered up by his words.
"And I will definitely try the cookies, they look yummy." She adds, reaching for a clean knife for the jam, spreading a layer of strawberry as I'd said and taking a bite.
She gives me the thumbs up from beside me, lips sticky and greasy with jam and butter, humming as her tongue swipes out to clean her lips.
"Where's Joon hyung and Jiminie? They're always out by now." I muse, eyes searching for the very absent wolf and fox duo. There was no swishy poofy tail moving slowly and no teasing glances shot at me. There was no happy rumbled growls as Joon hyung made his way around the table with a scenting nuzzle for everyone.
"They're at the doorway." Yoongi hyung calls from where he's fishing around the fridge, head peeking out to confirm.
I beam at Joon hyung, eyeing the fitted tailored shirt appreciatively. This never got old.
And never did I tire of the sight of bulky arms so tightly encased by fabric and a broad chest pushing at the buttons, eyes never drifting off him as I take a sip of my berry smoothie.
Spluttering and gasping the next, inhaling a mouthful and rubbing my chest as my eyes water when Minnie steps through behind him, eyes bulging slightly.
"Holy fuck. Since when did your uniform change?" I gasp out, spluttering as I blindly fumble for a napkin, eyes trapped on the sight of him.
Belying the hard, rough look he adorns his eyes crinkle as he smiles, ruffling the strands of orange hair as he pushes it away from his face, eyes dark and outlined and flickering with heat when they focus on me, lips quirked in a teasing smirk. A sudden flip that has my body jolting, hand curling into a fist around the tissue, dabbing at my shirt distractedly.
I can't stop taking in the sight of all the exposed skin, taking in the fit of the sleeveless maroon top he wears, the delicate chain that dangles around his neck; drawing eyes to his scent glands, slightly raised and prominent. My fangs ache when I see the silver glinting in his ears, dangling piercings that shake with every slight movement, brushing against his sharp jaw, wondering how it'd feel to flick my tongue against them, to scrape my teeth across his lobe and tug.
"Since when the job requires to be the furthest thing away from an officer." He quips.
His eyes flick to (Y/N), eyes narrowed in a focused careful scrutiny, face softening and mint seeping out; happy and satisfied at whatever he finds.
The sight, when I eventually manage to tear my eyes away from the way his muscles ripple when he moves his arm down, is the sight of puffed cheeks and eyes wide and struck still.
"Swallow (Y/N)." Minnie's voice is silken, smooth and low as he ambles over to the table, my eyes flicker back when I see her throat bob, seeing the smirk widen.
"Good girl." He murmurs as he passes by her, stopping to look at me, hand tugging the napkin away to dab at my face before he quickly leans in to steal a peck, warm full lips pressed against mine and tongue flicking against my mouth before he moves away.
"Drink your berry smoothie more neatly cub." Is murmured quietly into my ear before he breezes round the table, plonking down onto an empty seat with a lethal, fluid ease that makes his body ripple attractively.
"Where on earth is your patrol today?" Hobi hyung forces out, voice slightly strangled.
Kookie is in no better shape as he sinks down beside him, looking partly on-edge and partly thrown off, eyes dilated as the mint strengthens and Minnie presses a quick kiss to the inside of his wrist before rubbing. Scenting him lightly.
"Not a patrol. More of hands on duty today." he replies easily, face softening when Jin hyung brushes past, wings flickering and gently grazing his back, a kiss pressed to the back of his head.
"Damn. I wish I was your duty." I say unabashedly, eyes taking in every inch of bare skin, of curved muscled biceps and of the chain that encase his throat, ears perked up, neck gaping to reveal sharp collarbones and the strong column of his throat. What I'd do to mouth at his gland and colour up the skin of his throat.
He tilts his head at me, eyes silently roving over me as his smile widens.
"Maybe after I finish this one." He says.
But there's a tightness to his shoulders and his hand tightens around his mug, tugging it towards him as he busies himself in making a cup of, my nose wrinkles at the smell, strong black coffee.
"Big duty? You seem tense Jimin-ah." Yoongi hyung observes as he sits down next to Jin hyung.
"You could say that. We could either strike gold or cause a mine to crash depending on how it goes." He admits.
"You'll strike more than gold. You'll find a diamond in the rough Minnie, don't worry." (Y/N) says assuredly from beside me, reaching past me for a napkin.
"How are you sure? How can you tell?" Minnie asks, voice slightly insecure and questioning.
Under that devastating alluring outfit, there's a restlessness, seeping through in his tone and in the way he clutches tightly at the mug.
"You're you. I know your job isn't protection detail. You're a fox, sharp and intelligent and cunning- you can do whatever you want to. That said... come back safe please." She adds, voice soft.
The scent of anise wavers, spiked with silent fretting worry, the heavy softness that had surrounded us when we woke being pushed aside by her fear wordlessly expressed.
His nose twitches at her scent.
"You've got it. I'll be back and rushing to be your protection guard once more, if all goes well I'll be back at the time I would've picked you up from work." He says, reaching out without looking for Kookie's fretting hand, poofy orange tail swishing behind before it droops. And I know if I was to look under the table I'd see it either draped on Kookie's lap or curled around him gently.
"I'll be waiting." (Y/N) promises softly.
"And in the mean time I'll keep her busy and safe." I say, seeing the slight crease between his eyebrows smoothen out. Eyes filled with silent thanks.
"How much safer can an apartment be? What are you protecting me from?" she asks, foot nudging my calf as she stares at me.
I grin and lean in, mouth close to her ear.
"From a panther trying to get you into bed without wooing you properly first of course."
Instincts preening at making her pheromones spike and dip as she tries to dampen them down.
"And to get more of those out of you by the time Minnie comes home." I add.
When I lean back, it's only slightly and to peer at her, drinking in the sight of her the face.
I wouldn't mind seeing the flustered look on her face several times today either.
Looked like I had a busy eventful day awaiting me.
My hands curl around my jacket, shucking it on as I step out the bedroom once more, scent blockers applied carefully and liberally to each gland; so careful so as to not give away a scent indication to any hybrid there should things go awry.
I feel gazes turn to me when I step through the living room, eyes roving over the pack as I call out a goodbye. My eyes settle on Tae's hungry look, stripey tail swishing with intent and smile, promising silently to show him who's on top the next time and gaze softening when it drifts over to (Y/N) her body curled up on the couch, unconsciously shielding her bruised side, as I'd overheard Yoongi hyung murmur to Jin hyung in the kitchen. See her head rise, unconsciously sensing my gaze, and eyed flirting to mine; something vulnerable and soft and imploring in them.
I can't help but cross the distance, hovering over her as I cup her face.
"Don't fret sweet girl." I murmur, Yoongi hyung's preferred endearment slipping off my tongue. It doesn't escape me how her cheeks warm and posture loosens slightly at it, lips quirking in the corners.
"I know you're more than capable... but I still want to see you get home safe. Especially if wherever you're going requires you to look like that." She says pointedly.
I smile down at her teasingly.
"And where do you think I'm going?" I ask quietly.
"Clearly somewhere where looks make a difference. To charm intel out of someone... I don't know!" She says exasperatedly when it makes a bubble of laughter slip out.
"Oh (Y/N)... if I was to charm intel out as you say... I'd be dressed very differently... dressed very little rather don't you think?" I prompt.
Her mouth opens then shuts. Thinning slightly as her eyes flash, huffing as she twists away, putting a distance between us.
"Whatever. Just... come back safe or I'm replacing you with Joon. For everything!" She threatens.
My heart aches with fondness and constantly building and bubbling yearning.
Wanting nothing more than to say promise to her by sealing my lips against hers, by cradling her close and murmuring it into her hair.
"I'll be back. To reclaim any position you're even considering handing over... I'll have you know I'm a possessive fox, and I don't like sharing what's mine." I whisper.
My nose gets a heavy wave of anise, sweet and soft and curling around me.
"I'll hold you to that Officer. I don't take kindly to those who don't keep their word." She murmurs back.
But there's a plaintive clear worry underlying her words and uncertainty flickering in her eyes.
I tap her nose.
"It's a basic duty (Y/N) and I'll be back for dinner and cuddles." I say, leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek, nosing at skin to nuzzle and scent lightly before I lean away.
A trial of mint that stays even as I go. A promise to myself to come back and drench her in mint later, lips quirking wide with the thought.
It makes me motivated to go in, retrieve the data and come out.
I had a promise to myself to mintify a pretty fawn, a promise from my mate to thank me in the sheets and a promise of laying a claim on a certain tiger.
I intended to follow through with every single one of them.
As does Joon hyung who follows me to the doorway, a trail of clogged earthy musk that tells me about the silent fretting my mate is doing. A hand curls around my wrist to abruptly tug me around, fingers encircling my wrist easily, thumb pressing down on the small glad even as his body bullies mine against the wall, crowding against me as he peers at me with sharp assertive eyes,
What I'm seeing is my mate and my commanding officer.
What I'm receiving is an authoritative command from both.
"Recount your agenda." He asks, voice low and gravelly.
"Infiltrate the warehouse by posing as a buyer interested in someone who can harvest large quantities of untraceable trackers; ones that are easily disguised and hard to find. To retrieve proof of large shipments being made and gather potential addresses to search. To not engage in any offensive attack and to get out the moment I have the details I need." I recite, watching as Joon's shoulders slump as he listens to me, eyes still razor sharp and pinning mine.
"And in case of fear of detection?" He asks.
"Get out. But to retrieve as much data as I can. Joon why are you fussing for a simple op?" I suddenly ask.
His ears droop slightly, curving forward. A shaky sigh as he looks at me.
"This op seems simple but can also be a potentially massive breakthrough. But it's also the first op of the trafficking case and we've been running in circles so I'm feeling... antsy." He admits.
I lean forward, pushing my face close to his, silently challenging and nudging and poking those wolf instincts to release some of that tension.
"What was my last undercover mission?" I ask calmly.
"Infiltrating a club and intercepting a data exchange that would've been a matter of national security." He replied quickly, easily. Knowing my role that familiarly.
"What did I do when it nearly occurred?" I ask.
He sighs, head slumping forward.
"Acted as a lost lone fox that needed attention and company and accidentally spilled a drink all over the laptop whilst pocketing the USBs. You know I'm still not happy you let her grope—" he adds angrily, temper flaring up.
I laugh, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"There's my angry jealous mate. Point being hyung... I know how to control a situation even if it almost turns on us. Give me a little more faith than a warehouse infiltration. I don't even get to hit them." I grumble.
Lips pressing against mine softly.
"I know. I know. We've just had a rough months." Joon hyung murmurs, forehead pressed against mine, bodies curved to each other.
His fingers curl into my belt loops and tug me to him.
"You won't be able to contact me but the second you're done tell me. And the second you're home... you're mine." He whispers.
My eyes flash as they meet his, pressing another kiss to his lips.
"As if I'd ever have it any other way." I croon.
it's deceptively unmaintained from the outside, weathered appearance and in an abandoned stretch of space that was once greenery, now overlaid with gravel and roads.
Ghost town indeed. There's no sight of people around the warehouse, some shutters completely closed and others with locks broken. Some lay gaping wide and open, inviting and if not for the right person knowing what lies within, it would far too easily slip by without detection.
Stepping through however to see a large factory interior hidden away behind a long stretch of empty warehouses is disconcerting as much as it is enlightening. The low constant hum of machinery operating and people dotted around working. It's mechanical in its efficiency, machine after machine churning out large boxes of trackers; some in chip form, plain and common to the eye. And others in far more forms than I could've imagined.
My eyes drift over small jewellery pieces much like the earring we'd found on the person following me and (Y/N) and yet I see slender bracelets and cuffs being boxed up. See being slipped into the spines of books, so carefully placed and handled by people rather than the claws of a machine; delicate work to disguise exactly what lies hidden within the binding.
It's ruthlessly smart.
"Lee Tae-Hwan?" A voice asks, smooth and professional from behind me.
My body twists, turning on my heels as I lean away from the entrance, slouch straightening as I move to face the owner of the voice, lips curving into a wide smile to the man in front of me.
Taking in the thick strong eyebrows, square jaw and pointed nose; something simultaneously snooty and aloof about his expression, thin lips tilted at the corners. It's a face that looks common and yet not... memorable because of the cold detachedness I see In light eyes.
"Yes. And I'm speaking to Lee Jung-In?" I ask coolly.
"We spoke on the phone. Although I'll say I wasn't expecting to receive a call for such a large shipment order for plain trackers. We usually get shipment orders for the more disguised ones." He adds conversationally.
I shrug.
"We're yet to decide where we're going to be planting them all, they'll be good to keep to the employees in line too." I say easily, head tilting as I survey the man, taking in the slight familiarity his face, trying to place him, to figure out where I had seen him.
Mentally wracking my head for files, for the wanted list. Trying to place the familiar curve of his lip and the hard proud flare when his eyes lit up.
"Oh? Chipping the employees too?" he asks, body slouched with an easy, cocky gait.
"Can't have them trying to cross ties... definitely can't have any loose lips." I add, shrugging my shoulders lightly.
His eyes slowly trail over me, scrutinising and searching, flickering with some sort of admiration and acceptance of the excuse; the fact that it makes his grin widen only proves just how sick his own mentality is.
"Not a bad idea. It's a good investment strategy for the businesses I supply to." He murmurs distractedly, thinking aloud to himself.
My ears perk up at that, catching onto the intrigued, thoughtful tone, forcefully keeping my gait and scent under control, trying to act if already I didn't have that bubbling need to throw a fist into the man's face for easily accepting the idea of chipping people and tracking them; herding them like sheep.
But then he straightens, fingers tugging at the cuffs of his shirt before he gestures to the wide interior.
"Shall we Tae-Hwan ssi? There might be a few more pieces you're interested in, we've had jewellery trackers being super popular at the moment." leading me over to examine a set aside box of samples.
It isn't hard to match the tracker earring to the one I'd retrieved a few weeks back, the make smooth and delicate silver identical to the piece we had bagged at the moment.
It meant that the warehouse was the right one at least.
It meant we had the right place to begin, I had to search for files here; gaze casually drifting across to scan for the office, taking in the shut blinds and keypad door.
The tightest security I'd seen since I'd stepped out of the car, pulling up to the abandoned district in Seocho, a small stretch away from the nearest small cluster of busy roads and shops. Tighter security meant the items of value lay beyond the coded lock.
It's a painstaking process of keeping the façade up, consciously reminding myself to remain under the skin of my cover, to remain with the disguise of a brothel owner. This time, this constant antsy restless feeling because this man frontlines an easy, efficient way to track the hybrids the traffickers harvest, kidnap and sell. Because the man in front of me with his casual grace and that powerful aura exudes this conception that he believes himself to be untouchable, a brittleness that I feel to my smirks and easy comments; playing off the very bartering and marketing of hybrids and humans in a new brothel I was going to set up. it makes me sick to play to a role that Lee Jung-In so effortlessly believes, finds a sense of camaraderie in sharing tips on how to tame the wild ones.
There's the sound of heavy clunking, stuttering and pausing as we talk, rough grating sounds that has me wincing and turning questioningly towards the machines before I'm distracted and drawn back. A sharp order and gritted out command has the supervisor scurrying away when he gets the signature he needed. Left-handed.
"Tae-Hwan ssi I like you. You're young and no-nonsense about what it is you want. It's always a pleasure to see the young take such an active role. I suppose being a predator means you like being on top, the dominant one holding the power. Such ambition... it's very admirable." He says as he leads me to the office.
"Well the world won't hand me everything on a platter. And I've more than learnt how to take Lee Jung-In ssi." I reply, following him through, eyes taking in every small detail, cataloguing the way the files are spread across the table, the way the chair is tilted; silently examining the angle, noting down the smallest of details internally.
"Amen to that. Life is too short to not take whatever it skips in giving you. I assure you when your brothel does open, I'll be a frequent visitor. My tastes are... particular." He says, lips quirked in a greasy smirk, eyes flickering with carnal hunger.
I sink into the chair without waiting for him to walk around his desk. Surveying the cabin in lazy disinterred sweeps.
"You and me both. Must be a Lee thing." I muse, legs splayed and body slouched as I watch him round the table, tugging his lapels straight, sinking down with a posture that both ridicules and embodies professionalism. It's just filthy what his professionalism for.
His laugh is booming and amused. My ears flicker at it.
Why had it felt like I'd heard that sound before?
"Bag and tag the whores I suppose. Round 'em up like cattle and chip them so you know where your property is at all times. Who with too if they're not in the brothel." He says, lips still quirked in that slimy smirk, flicking through papers before turning his screen on.
"Since your order is a large one, it'll just take a while to process through the system, I've already got it being boxed up now as we speak." Lee says.
I nod.
"I can't believe I found this diamond in the rough; quite literally Jung-In ssi. It's a magnificent enterprise and if I wasn't so fixated in gathering my little barnyard of animals, it'd be a job I would gladly entail in.
"With a face like that and your young age, you'll flourish in any business. What I'd do to have a son half as invested as you. My children just squander the wealth, pour it down the same filthy drains I gather them from." He sighs with a lamented sigh; sounds so put out by the thought.
I bite my tongue, fangs pricking against it as I hold the words that want to throw out, fingers splaying tighter, pressing tightly against the flesh of my thigh, heat seeping through the jeans.
Investing in the seediness the city had to offer and pouring it all down into those revenues again.
What a sickening despicable cycle.
And despite how well-groomed and put together the man on the other side of the desk was, how deceptively normal he looked, there was pure filth and inhumanity under that skin.
And what I'd do to draw his body up and slam him face down into the same desk carrying countless papers of shipments.
The sound of a crash and clutter sounds from outside the door, somewhere beyond in the factory floor, muffled curses and grunts from afar.
And even through the thicket of them I know one of them is the men I planted in Seocho, one of the men I had already placed out into the other districts when the trafficking business had started.
Deeper roots made them harder to weed out.
And right now he was doing his job.
Creating a commotion for me.
I straighten up, faux-alarm colouring my face, head whipping around to the source of noise, body stiffening, coiled up and alert for reasons beyond what Jung-In straightens up for; alarm colouring that matured face.
"Is everything okay—did I come at a bad day?" I ask, rising slightly, fingers curling around the arms.
My alarm is waved off, ushered to stay as he hurries round the table, cursing when the table jolts as he slams into it.
"I've got it, you stay seated. I'll be right back." He says hurriedly.
The second his footsteps fade away enough, I'm hurrying up, sidling over to the door and carefully peering out, body rushing around the office, hands careful and precise as I rummage through the sheets, eyes running over details of the products being shipped out, storing away the patterns and trends that I begin to catalogue. My hand's hurried and quick as it rifles through the sheets, tugging them out and taking photos, storing them away. My ears strain to catch onto any approaching set of footsteps, deftly hurrying to the computer and tugging it open, dismantling it quickly like I'd been trained to, placing a small chip into the motherboard. Knowing that by the the time I got back, all the contents of the computer will have safely and stealthily been transmitted across without leaving even the slightest smidgen of electronic energy. And knowing the chip was too mundane and easily hidden and disguised within the computer's bodywork.
It's quick, efficient and years of practice that allows me to go through the data without leaving any evidence of anything being tampered with, gaze settling on an invoice.
Several ones of them billed to him, large extortionate amounts being shipped off, for seemingly no product or service. Something about it feels instinctively wrong, has my fox growling and snapping at the thought, eyes narrowed and focused.
I've got enough intel.
There was enough information retrieved to send out several warrants and to detain and hold all the people the transactions tied into. But that growling, snarling part of me that had steadily mounted with anger and rage feels deprived and restless at the thought of walking away with some sort of altercation, without seeing the look of incredulity darken across his face when he realised just who'd he had let in, had invited into his factory. I wanted to see his face freeze and wanted to smell sharp fear colouring his natural pheromones. I don't waste time in activating the concealed transmitter hidden in the buckle of my belt, knowing that soon enough the place will be swarmed.
My mind flashes with the room's interior and how it'd been when I walked in, careful to leave the papers just like that, seemingly untouched. I hear the kerfuffle quieten slightly, sinking back into my chair with a bored slouch, shifted slightly from how it had been when he'd left. The footsteps that approach are lighter though, different to the one's I'd been mentally observing. It's someone else who approaches the door, pushing it open with a rough carelessness. It slams into the wall and shuts just as loudly.
"Dad we need to change the tabby prey you got me. She's too scratchy... get me one that'll scream and fight to be free. But no claws." A voice calls, dripping with complaint and arrogance.
It's a voice I've heard before, with sharp clarity. It's a voice I won't forget and suddenly I'm able to place Jung-In's familiarity too. That feeling that I'd seen him somewhere before. That his face was oddly familiar.
And when I turn, head tilting back to confirm, that restless anger snaps. Recognition flashing in my eyes when I see him.
Looks like Lee's genre passed on to his son. But his filth and penchance and taste for hybrids to toy and play with did too.
"You... where's dad?" He asks. Eyes flickering with dim slow recognition. He probably didn't recognise me. Perhaps yet another officer who'd dealt with him before.
But his face is clear as day, instantly bringing with it snippets of memories.
"Daddy dearest's gone to fix a problem I made. Now..." I begin as I uncoil, straightening up quickly and moving off the chair.
I see the connection form in his mind, see his mouth open with surprise, pointing a finger at me.
"You! You're that..." he begins angrily.
I quickly move forward, hand pressed tight against his mouth, clamping down as my body twists to push him in front, bending him over the edge of the table, face pressed against the same sheets that documented his filthy desires.
"The Officer from the café. That was my packmate you harassed then. Not once but twice. And I don't take kindly to my own being defiled by the likes of lowlife shit." I hiss, hand sliding away to pin his nape down, a growl of primal satisfaction slipping out at the panic that sears across his face, touch bruising and leaning to pin his body down.
"You're an officer. You can't hurt or lay a hand on me." He says, voice muffled against the wood.
A smile curves my lips as I lean in.
"Two things. One I'm not in uniform. And two. I don't need a badge or gun to make you pay" I whisper, nose glaring at the tart scent of fear and sweat beginning to sweep off him.
"Now come on. I like a good struggle. I like monsters like you to fight and scream to be free." I croon, echoing his words.
And when he struggles and pushes under my grip, I let go of that restraint holding me back.
That prickling, consuming need to get home, to see (Y/N) safe is an incessant urge, it isn't dampening or quietening and the aftermath of the mission still lingers in the back of my head, a constant throb of sounds and yells and viciously spat out words that had had my blood boiling, knuckles singing with memory of slamming it against a jaw, the metallic tang of blood filling my nose, burning alongside the mint; lungs raw as I breathed, rushing up the stairs and forgoing the elevator.
It had turned into a sharp stabbing need to get away from the filthy we'd rounded up and arrested, warehouse seized. The recording devices alone on me were enough to incriminate every worker there and shut down production. I wanted to see each and every tracker burnt and melted down, crushed into an unsalvageable mess.
And their words so full of disgusting ownership and pervasive wants and desires to mould hybrids into broken toys had made me snarl, fangs snapping at his throat, lips curving wide into a bared grin even as it tugged at my split lip.
I hurry up the stairs, legs quickened with the haste to see her. To make sure she was okay and at home. To make sure her injuries hadn't worsened and her concussion had healed properly. The thought of people like the Lees providing the traffickers with ways of chipping hybrids, people who had something against (Y/N), were targeting her and keeping an eye out on her; the thought of a chip being anywhere near her had my throat closing, claws scrabbling for air and instincts frazzled and all over the place.
My hand fumbles for the keys, slotting them in to the lock and twisting it open, shoulder pushing against the wood as I tug off my shoes, hand pushing away the strands falling forward.
In the apartment the soft scents of the pack brush against me, a light tender greeting even if the others aren't physically in front of me right now. It's hard to pick out (Y/N)'s scent from the heavy wave of berries and caramel; sticky sweet with elation and comfort. There scents soothe, liquid sweetness that trickle down my throat with each inhale, the slight tang of citrus that curls through it. It's under the foggy haze of the felines that I pick up faint trails of anise; much, much softer, vulnerable and gentle.
I grunt when my shoe gets stuck, boot not coming off no matter how much I tug at the laces, chain swinging as I bend down. I groan in frustration, swearing at how firmly it seems stuck to me.
"Why won't you come off?" I grit, tugging at the laces that seem to have knotted, suddenly yanking them loose and sighing with relief when I manage to shuck them off, straightening up.
I'm tugging off my jacket, striding through to my bedroom and yanking at the slightly tucked shirt to loosen it; body feeling coiled up and restricted, rushing to get myself out of the clothes, to rush to (Y/N) and curl up beside her, comfortable for the rest of the night. I barely get to my room, body half curved inwards and jacket scrunched in my hand to toss onto the bed when I hear the soft padding of footsteps; light and quick.
"I'm going for a walk Joon, I'll be back in a bit." (Y/N) calls from the other end of the apartment, voice filtering through, the soft click of the door shutting; loud and grating, my ears flickering with alarm at the sound.
A walk?
The jacket unfurls from my hand, falling to the ground, hand tightening around the doorknob before I'm twisting back.
I can't hold back the guttural growl that slips out as I yank the door behind me open and rush after her.
(Y/N) POV:
"Minnie's not back yet." I mumble. The hand around me tightens, a nose nudging at the side of my face, scenting soothingly, a soft growl slipping out.
"He'll be home soon. His mission was a success. He had to drop off the evidence to the station before coming back." Joon reassures.
I tilt my head, subtly allowing more access, encouraging the scent-marking, eyes fluttering with contentment when he indulges, a growl reverberating against my skin when he nuzzles, mouth pressing soft kisses to my jaw.
"He missed dinner. He said he'd be back before I usually would've." I add, can't help feeling slightly fidgety and restless, petulant that the scent of mint had vanished under the fog of three very scenty, felines.
Yoongi's scent was curled around me, sinking skin deep with his careful scents and gentle hands encasing me to him, soft murmured kisses pressed to my lips as he fussed, applying a new layer of salve when he caught me wincing. It had been him to nudge me down to check my pupils, studiously examining me for any lingering effects of the concussion, eyes trained on me to spot a wobble or stagger, tail curled around me silently when we'd sat down for lunch, body a warm line of heat against my own.
Tae's was sweet saccharine berry, enthusiastic in his scents and nuzzles, chuffing against my skin when I'd easily folded myself into his arms and felt his ears flicker and rub against my head, rubbing his cheek against my crown; whether that was to steal some of my scent or leave his own I wasn't sure.
And Hobi's was soft warm nutty caramel, much more settled and soothed and guilt banished after a night spent shifted and curled against me. Even as he'd bustled about, energetic and enthusiastic to help, I couldn't help seeing the soft caramel caracal that had butted his head against me for pets, how his purrs had soothed me to sleep, soft low vibrations, scented by endless kitten licks.
I could hear the others moving about the apartment, low murmurs and hushed low intimate giggles and whispers. Could hear them padding about and Tae loudly and very vocally about the movie he wants us all to watch. It's comforting; to be surrounded by the sounds of constant bustle, of life filtering in and out of hearing, doors being opened and closed and the clunking of someone shuffling around the kitchen.
But then cutting through it is the rough jangle of a door being opened, sounds of a small commotion in the hallway on the other end of the apartment, a low growled curse that's distinctively Minnie.
I straighten up, eyes drifting to the doorway.
"I thought you said the mission went well. Why does he sound so..." I trail off uncertainly. Teeth worrying at my bottom lip.
"Strung up? He knew what he was walking into but he also knew he wasn't allowed to act on the offensive. It's hard to force yourself to stay in a role when your instincts are tearing at you to do anything but remain calm. He needs something to remind him that instinct is okay, that he's allowed to let go." Joon murmurs as he straightens with me, the scent of gentle foresty earth rich and fresh turning a tad bit heavy.
"Strung up. So he needs an outlet?" I ask questioningly. Wondering if he needed a push or nudge to give into taking comfort. Maybe I could tug him over to sleep with me tonight, shifted if he needed it. Reaching the silent conclusion that if he was strung up it was likely he needed a forceful push to snap into instinctual actions.
I hear a hum of confirmation before I'm clambering to my feet, lips curling into a smile. I hear a pleased whine when my legs wobble slightly, still feeling slightly like putty after all that experimental kneading and massaging Joon had done; mimicking what he'd seen Yoongi do he claimed as he'd tugged my legs towards him.
I duck down, pressing a quick kiss to the top of his cheek and smile when his tail thumps loudly against the upholstery, a quick thumping against the cushion he'd been leaning against, a dimpled grin popping out.
"I've got this." I whisper before I straighten.
Watch confusion and amusement mingling in his eyes.
"I'm going for a walk Joon, I'll be back in a few hours." I call loudly once I've stepped into the hallway, reaching the front door, I smell the spike of earthy musk and hear the muffled laugh, muted, and quickly pad out, door shutting behind me with a loud enough click that it should alert Minnie.
My ears flicker when I hear the sound of rushing footsteps, the harsh yank and clatter of the door being opened from the adjoined flat, quickening my pace to reach the door, pushing it open to step out through to the stairs when I hear a low growl; a rough sound torn out his throat, sharp mint that makes my eyes water and nose sting, hand stretching out for the railing to take the first step down when hands grab my hips, curling around me and snipping me around, body suddenly pushed against the cold wall. The grip turns tight and possessive, fierce and hard as his body pushes against mine, pinning me against the cold wall; the chill seeping through my top as I stare at burning, furious brown eyes, my hands curled around his arms for support at the sudden whirl, breath wavering and slightly shaky.
There's fire and rage and crackling command in his eyes as he pins me there, hands curled tightly as he glares at me, fangs peeking out. I take in the sight of his split lip and shadowed jaw, worry flickering through me.
"Where the hell are you going little doe? You know you're not meant to leave unescorted... have you been leaving the apartment whenever I—" he begins harshly, voice low and rough, laced with a growl as he looks at me.
The brief surprise melts off my face, a smile stretching wide across my face as I look at him, body loosening as I see Minnie, going lax against the wall. His eyes lose a smidge of that crackling anger, softening slightly as his pinned ears twitch, straightening up and unbending. Eyes slowly drifting over me, taking in my pyjamas and lack of shoes.
"You'" He says questioningly. Sounding doubtful.
I shrug, fingers uncurling slightly from around his arms, trying to ignore the feeling of tightly corded muscle I can see bunch and shift in that damned sleeveless top.
"Can't I go for another walk in the park barefoot? It's quite ticklish and refreshing you know Minnie." I say lightly, voice still slightly breathless, anise seeping out at the feeling of his hands pinning me to the wall, every bit in control as his eyes rake back up.
His eyes narrow, fluffy orange ears flickering as he stares at me, slowly taking me in, gaze heavy and intense, head cocking when I playfully push at his arms, trying to nudge him away now that I'm caught. But when my hands push his grip suddenly loosens from around my hips, hands falling away to catch at my wrists, a tight cuff around them as his fingers encircle them before pushing them up, suddenly pinning them to the wall, stretched taut above my head. Eyes flashing, pupils dilating and the chestnut brown of them engulfed by the black, fangs pushing at his plush pink lips as they stretch in a predatory smile, leaning in and face hovering close to mine.
"You wanted this didn't you sweet fawn? Wanted a game of chase." He murmurs, voice low and gravelly, heavy with the thick accent that drips from it, predatory intent pooling in his eyes, a growl that makes my body tense, shiver dancing across my spine as my scent spikes; sharp all of a sudden and heat flushing my cheeks at how it has my body going taut at the sheer command underlying the growled words.
I bite back the small gasp as I keep my eyes fixed on his, lips curving up as I stare back at him, drawn and tugged to the carnal look and pushing against it. Nudging and poking to get him to act instinctively.
"Maybe I did. You seem a bit strung up Mimi and yet you're slower. Took you longer today, next time maybe I'll reach the next landing Officer~" I croon, biting down on my lip when his hands tighten, wrists suddenly pinned more tightly as one of his hand slides away, sliding lower and the sound of metal clinking as he roughly tugs his belt off. The sound of the belt sliding through the loops and out makes my ears flicker, head tilting down to see the way his hand curls around it and draws it up, predatory gaze and wide smirk; fangs displayed as his plump lips part, dangling it. My cheeks heat at the way the mint turns from eye-stinging to engulfing my lungs and throat in its entirety, mint swamping my body in thick strong waves.
"Oh darling I don't chase. I hunt. And you sweet pretty fawn... you're my prey. And I don't share what I catch." He murmurs, voice softening, eyes sparking and smile deepening.
My abdomen tightens, clenching at his words, body taut against his hold and his hand loosens, moving before the shaky gasp can slip free. His hands are assured and firm, the smooth leather brushing against my wrist as he winds it around me, hand sliding lower to keep my wrists anchored to the wall as he winds the leather around me.
But the gasp tears out my throat, head dropping forward when his hands grip the ends of the belt and tug, tightening it around my wrists and yanking. It makes my body stumble forward, brushing against his as his hands tighten the belt threading it shut, buckling it. My eyes flutter with surprise, anise seeping out thicker and my body jolts when suddenly I find my body shifted, a knee nudging my thighs apart before those same hands curl around my thighs and lift me up.
My breath wavers when I suddenly find myself hoisted over his shoulder, hair falling free and peering upside down at his back, seeing his body shift and ripple under his top, effortlessly spinning as he moves back towards the apartment, one hand looped around my waist and the other squeezing warningly at my thigh when I push against him.
"Hey! Let go!" I insist, wriggling and trying to dislodge myself from him, bound wrists curled together as I whack his back, trying to push myself off.
He doesn't listen, striding forward, arms still secure and firm as he moves, ignoring my wriggling.
"Park Jimin let me go! You really need to stop the manhandling." I insist, lips clamping shut at the squeeze around my waist; his hand tightening before the door is pushed open, effortlessly keeping his hold firm as he pushes through and down the hallway.
I smell Joon even if I can't see him; sharp earthy musk that flares with surprise before moving past him, a door shouldered open.
The scent of anise tells me it's my own room he's carried me into.
"Jimin put me down!" I insist.
"As you wish babygirl." Body moved down his, chests brushing and the slightest friction making my breath hitch, bound hands caught behind his head, curled around his nape, forcing me to remain anchored to him, his palms tugging the inside of my thighs open, curling around my calves and cradling me to him. My legs lock around his waist, still airborne and gripped by him, stationary and feeling myself consumed by the fire in his eyes, scent flaring at the pure dominance he exudes.
And then his hands loosen abruptly, tight fingertips uncurling, the branding heat of his hands lost as he lets go, body tossed onto the bed, falling back and sinking against the sheets, mouth parted as I draw in air, registering the sudden fall but before I can move, try to push myself up, arms twisting and wriggling and futilely moving against the belt that binds them together, a knee keeps my legs parted and his body moves forward, hovering over mine as he kneels over me. His palms splay on either side of me, eyes boring into mine as he stares down at me, drinking in the sight of me as his eyes rove over my face.
"Jimin what are you playing at! Untie me!" I insist, bound hands writhing and moving, trying to tug at the buckle but failing. His hand reaches down, fingers soft and gentle as they brush across the slits between the looped belt, grazing against skin, lips quirking when he presses the belt against the inside of my wrists, right against my scent glands, eyes glued to my face and taking in every shift of my expression.
His thumb worms under the loop, tugging and testing before it swipes at my gland in a quick rough scent mark.
The sharp intimidating look he sports, glittering delicate jewellery outlining and grazing the side of his face and curling around his throat, the shadowed lined eyes; the pure sheer power is softened by his lips quirking up, eyes crinkling as his cheeks bunch slightly.
"Oh but this is the fun part~ to keep my hunted prey pinned under me. Isn't this what you were wanting darling doe? To provoke a fox?" he asks, breath warm and ghosting along the shell of my ear and jaw, body tingling at the sensation.
One hand moves away from the side of my head, ghosting along my side, teasing soft light trails of fingers across my bare arm, trailing lower to press gently against my waist where the shirt had rucked up, eyes flitting away to peer at my bruised side; scent softening a fraction before he continues his explorative trail, rubbing soft circles against my hip before moving to my bound hands. Draws them back over my head, pushing them against the pillows and eyes flashing when I try to push back, to move them down.
"These stay up (Y/N)." he growls. Words a growled command.
One that has my body stilling, hands going limp under his touch, a sweeping brush of his thumb against my glands from where he worms them under the belt. Lips crookedly smiling.
"Good girl." He croons.
My body goes molten, anise pulsing out in thicker trails, so affected by the predator pinning me down.
He ducks his head down, nosing at my jaw in a light scent before his head dips lower, nose brushing against the column of my throat, breath warm where he lets out a soft exhale, body stiffening as my throat unconsciously arches, pushes closer to the sensation.
The sensation of his knees slowly drawing over me has a realisation sinking in, permeating through that foggy distracting haze that slowly begins to descend.
This is what he needed.
An officer undercover and stifling that need and instinct to protect and defend, to adorn a mask to be everything he wasn't; it was pushing him to take back control, to feel certain and in charge of a situation he was holding the power in. It was to revert that feeling of helplessness by dominating.
And already his body language was different, looser and not so coiled-up as he had been when he'd rushed out, movements frantic and uncoordinated, body slamming mine into the wall to effectively keep my there. Even now as he noses at my scent gland I can feel the tension seep away with how his mint loses its sharpness, body dropping down further into me as he nudges at my skin. My body unconsciously relaxes, sinking down and legs parting to allow him to settle over me, body weight pinning mine to the mattress, hand curled around my bound wrists as my head tilts, arching my throat for him, to draw my scent gland and pulse point directly to his touch.
A small growl reverberates against my skin, nose pressing to my scent gland to coax my scent out, rubbing and nuzzling as he layers his mint onto me, fingers slowly sliding away from my wrists to carefully trail down, hooking around the back of my knee to draw my leg around him. To anchor myself to him.
I feel my body relax with every nuzzle and scent, mint curling around me as his body sinks into mine, eyes fluttering shut and unable to muffle the whimpered gasp when his hips drop, pressed firmly against mine, flush as his lower weight drops down too.
My head swims with the dizzying rush of pheromones, body torn between whether to go taut and push up against him or to go limp and go boneless under his, hand tightening around the back of my knee, a tormenting drag that has my back arching and pushing at his body, eyes clenching shut with the spark of desire that blooms in my body, a crackling ember that threatens to fan into an inferno.
I feel his lips graze against my neck, mouthing at my gland to tug more, more, more. Insistent and determined to draw out more and more anise, groaning with relief against me as his scent continues to soften and turn sweeter around me, body slumping. I feel his mouth close around my gland sucking and feel the smile that stretches around it when I can't bite back the shaky whimper, hands twisting and twitching to get free, still held taut over my head.
I writhe when I feel his fangs scrape, trailing teasingly and slowly over my scent gland, nipping, a shaky needy imploring sound tearing out my throat; jagged and harsh and wanting. The light flick of his tongue against my gland has my body trembling, set off by the light touches, twisting and trying to tug myself free, shaky breaths escaping when he sighs with relief, turning his head to press against my throat, his own words ragged and blissed out.
"Thank you..." he murmurs, voice a soft hushed whisper that carries through the bedroom.
He lifts his head and my arms loop around his nape, tugging him closer, fighting the growing prickling need that begins to settle. Dredge my lips up into a smile, one that spreads wider when I see how relaxed he looks.
"It's fine." I whisper.
Wanting nothing more than to drag him down and murmur that against his lips, wanting to feel his weight holding me down even as he raises himself over me, pushing himself up.
"The split lip and bruise?" I ask with a wavery voice.
Not expecting the wide grin it brings, eyes flashing.
"A necessity. Can't attack in defence until they land a strike first." He says easily, body giving nothing else away except smug satisfaction.
"But the belt. Was that necessary?" I say as he draws my arms back, fingers rubbing at my skin as he unbuckles it, drawing it away from my skin and pressing a soft kiss to the pink of my skin. The preening satisfied look sears through his gaze. Makes his gaze darken.
A soothing light touch, but his tenderness just makes my body want. Feeling shame curdle in my stomach at responding to the touch like that.
But then he says the words that damn me.
"Don't worry little fawn. Next time I'll cuff you." he croons teasingly.
And the jolt of arousal that floods my pheromones has his nose flaring and eyes darkening, fangs sinking into his bottom lip as he stares down at me, eyes widening.
I feel my cheeks burn at my body and biology betraying me, unconsciously shifting under him. He rears back from where he'd been hovering close, mint taking on a sudden spike that's both sweet and enticing, beckoning to me and alarmed, eyes searching me and slightly worried.
"I was—I'm so sor-" I begin, heart sinking.
I didn't want to ruin anything between us. And if what he saw between us was just friends then I couldn't push for more. Even if every nerve cell, every inch of my biology and every bit of me craved and wanted him. Wanted Jimin. Loved Jimin.
My hands tremble, fingers curling and nails biting at the inside of my palms when I think of his expression shuttering with disgust.
But the look never comes and his hands are gentle as they unfurl my fists, rubbing where my nails had just dug, frowning at me.
His expression is soft and worried when he looks at me, apologetic as he leans away and straightens.
"I... I think you're going into pre-heat. Your scent's really, really soft right now." He admits, body straightening, stomach muscles rippling as he fixes his shirt.
My breath stills.
Slowly understanding why I'd fallen so quickly, why it'd been so easy to give up control, why my body craved his. Why it was pushing at those feelings of love and longing to became wanting and needy.
My cheeks pinken, body feeling slightly flushed.
"I... I should take my suppressants. I want to be able to take care of you and not be thrown into a rut." He admits.
My eyes sting slightly at the tenderness in his words, nodding shakily even if a great part of me sinks with disappointment.
"That's fine." I whisper as he moves towards the door, wanting nothing more than for him to turn back and come to bed. To curl close to him and feel protected under that blanket of mint.
But the door shuts behind him, apology in his eyes and the source of mint disappears.
But that need doesn't.
I stumble to my feet and move towards the door, legs feeling like jelly as I lock it, breathing raggedly as I lean against the wood, need making my body spike, pheromones seeping out to call for a mate that isn't here.
I don't have a mate.
But as I clamber back into bed, reaching for my phone, I know I have a buck that can help make it better. Who can soothe that itch and want.
"Sweet thing are you close?" SJ croons, voice filtering out through the phone screen, eyes dark as he looks at me, my breaths ragged and harsh, lungs burning as I try to keep myself propped up on shaky arms, eyes clenching shut.
I nod shakily, fingers curling into the pillows.
"Eyes open and answer me (Y/N). Can't you look at me?" he asks, voice dripping with faux-disappointment, teasing and full of amusement.
I force my eyes open, head bending down to peer at him, see the way his eyes flash, the heat in them not missed through the call, eyes taking in my shaky body as my head drops forward, legs trembling as my centre throbs, pulsing with pleasure.
He waves a little remote, lips quirked with a teasing lilt as he moves his face closer, body splayed and stretched across his bed, watching me with dark commanding eyes.
"Want me to take it higher?" he asks even as pleasure shoots across my spine, body hypersensitive of the sheets brushing against my skin, of the giving plushness of the pillows as I shake my head.
"Can't..." I whisper, arms shaking as I feel my abdomen tighten, body going taut before my arms buckle, body collapsing against the bed as ecstasy slams into me, plunged into that consuming wave of desire and release, shaky cry muffled against the pillow.
The pleasure turns sharp, spiked with an edge of a pain before the buzzing quietens, softens, SJ slowly easing me off before it quietens, room full of the sound of my breathing.
"Sweetheart how are you feeling now?" SJ murmurs, voice soft and gentle as he speaks, coaxing me down my high, voice a lulling hum.
I turn my face, blinking at him with a shaky small smile.
"Better. Much better." I say, voice still rough and shaky.
His lips twitch at that but he doesn't say anything, sinking back against his pillows as he peers at me.
"I feel bad that I couldn't help you out physically. Well not yet anyways." He says.
I smile, cheek smushed against the pillow.
"Well not until heat hits. Until then I have to manage myself... or have you control." I say.
His smile widens.
"Any time sweet thing. As if I'll miss a chance to ruin you. Whether it's with my hands on you or on the remote that makes you fall apart." He says.
My cheeks warm.
"I nearly knocked the bag over you know. And they nearly saw." I mumble.
He laughs, head tilting back, antlers brushing against the headboard.
"Ahh what a sight a flustered doe is." He says with a grin.
"Not funny! As if I'd let them see what was inside." I say.
He shrugs, camera shaking as he wriggles about, reaching down for a blanket, torso bare. My eyes linger and drift over the sight of unmarked skin. That would soon be remedied.
"Well at least we put part of it to good use. Who knew all it took was a little bit of pinning and manhandling?" he teases.
My cheeks burn even as I wriggle to get comfier, wincing as I reach down, body feeling sensitive, taking the toy away. My legs jitter, trembling as I move myself upright; deciding to clean up first.
"Stop that!" I say, leaning against the table to steady myself, drawing the sheets off. Slowly and shaky.
"Why~ you like it." he teases, voice calling out from where the phone was abandoned on the bed.
I sigh, mind still full of the mint that had seemed to settle in the room, nose still full of the sharp crackling dominance in it, feeling it coat my tongue and lips, curve around my body from where I'd sunk into the mattress, body trembling with pleasure, sheets carrying his scent.
"Still crushing hard?" he asks, my head snaps to the bed, hurriedly folding the sheets into the basket and pausing where I'd been cleaning myself down.
I hurry back, legs hopping and shaking as I tug on clean underwear.
Snatching up the phone and heart aching when I saw his face creased with sympathy and eyes soft, shoulders drooping when I look at him.
"More like completely fallen." I admit, sinking down onto the bed, fiddling with the hem of my shirt.
"Then why won't you say?" he asks.
"He moved away from me when he sensed pre-heat. He rejected me." I say, sniffling when my eyes sting with the rejection, biology curling away with hurt.
He sighs.
"Or he didn't want to let his biology push him to do something he'll live to regret." SJ points out .
I shrug.
"He could've come back after taking suppressants. I kept hoping he'd come back, kept hoping I wouldn't have to call." I point out.
Out of pre heat, I'd probably see the logic and rational excuse, probably would let it soothe the sting. But right now with my body shifting to prepare for a heat, it was feeling abandoned and hurting at the movement of distancing.
It hurt.
Him moving away stung and prickled.
"(Y/N) I don't think you know how irresistible you smell. Even in just pre." SJ remarks.
My lips curve. Taking a deep shaky breath. Meeting his eyes.
His face twists with hurt and yearning.
"I hate I can't be there to hold you. Don't sleep alone sweetheart though, you'll feel worse." He encourages.
I nod.
But I don't know whether the others know. Whether they've taken suppressants. Can't risk throwing any them off into rut. Can't go to Yoongi even if my body chases that deep instinctual comfort, to lull myself to sleep hearing his voice.
But I can get something close to that so as I end the call with SJ, quietly stumbling out to get a damp cloth, tucking myself up on clean sheets and drawing a blanket over me, compensating for that loss of body warmth by curling inwards. Hand stretching out across the sheet to reach for my phone, clicking onto Yoongi's show. A small silence stretches out as I plug my ears with buds, wating for him to start.
It makes me feel slightly hollow that I go to sleep with Yoongi's voice soothing me to rest, wishing I could be there instead, curled up beside him.
For once I long for more than the comfort his voice provides over the radio.
I long for just him.
Long to be just held.
QUESTION... the next thing on your shopping list?
Mine is... now I said this like a loooooong time ago and back but this year... this upcoming week I'm finally gonna buy that Polaroid camera! THIS TIME NO GIVING IN TO MY MUM!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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