Chapter 42- cuddles and comforts
(Y/N) POV:
"Kookie? What are you doing still up?" I whisper, startled at the sight of the curled up figure leaning against my door. His ears perk slightly as he registers my voice but when he raises his face to look at me there's pain and hurt flickering in his eyes and vulnerability in the way his arms are curled around himself, sweater paws fiddling nervously as he looks at me.
"I just...I needed someone to talk to. But I can go if you're tired or..." he begins, getting hastily to his feet, stumbling slightly as he moves to step away and head back.
My hand darts out to grab at his sweater, tugging him back.
"Not tired. Come inside Kookie. You don't need to ever ask and of course I'll listen." I say as I twist the door open, drawing him in behind me and nudging him to the bed.
He sits on the edge of it, hands worrying silently and teeth dragging his bottom lip as he watches me step forward.
I hold my arms out for him and smile sadly when he immediately reaches for me, arms winding around my face as he burrows his face into my stomach, curling himself small as he hugs me, holds me to him.
My hands brush through his hair, winding through dark brown waves and reaching the base of his ears, rubbing circles, thumbing at his nape and watching as he droops, head dropping forward in contentment, shuddery exhales muffled against my top.
I hold him until his grip eventually loosens, petting his ears and trailing my fingers across his nape, until his face moves away and he blinks up at me, eyes soft and imploring.
"Thank you." he murmurs softly.
I shake my head, brushing his hair away from his face, fingers trailing across his cheek.
"Not a problem. Now why don't you scoot back and lie down. And tell me exactly what's wrong?" I say. Stepping aside to clamber onto the bed, leaning against the headboard, smiling when Kookie decides to settle his head on my lap, peering up at me.
"I got called a slutty bun in a maid costume today." he deadpans. But despite how blasé he tries to come across as the tears brimming and spilling over his waterline are an indication of just how much the slur hurts.
He sniffles as his hand comes to scrub at the tears quickly, nose twitching as he twists his head to the side to hide himself from me.
"Oh Koo..." I whisper, hand reaching out to tilt his head back towards me, leaning over to wipe the tears, fingers damp with how they don't stop as he sniffles, my heart breaking with every small sob and tremor to his frame.
"I know I'm not. I know that they're prejudiced and have filthy mindsets. That they're trying to reduce my worth....I know I'm more than just a bunny. But it hurts that that's all the world sees." He says, breath trembling, his legs draw themselves up, curling into a ball as he twists into my touch, tears trickling to seep into my jeans.
"Koo there's more to you than your hybrid side, there's more to you than your bunny side, there's a whole lot more that we see, that I see and the world hasn't been lucky enough to." I murmur, thumbing under his eyes to catch the next tears.
The sound that slips out his throat and broken and pained and his hand goes to tug at his ear, fingers curling into brown fur and tugging, harsh and hurting.
My fingers rush to free his, soothing and rubbing at the hurt, intertwining my hand with his so he can't reach back for the beautiful brown that flops in misery right now.
"Like what? They see the ears and tail. That's it. They thought I would be in heat. Needing to be mindlessly bred." He spits the words out, vile and corrosive and angry.
His words stir up similar feelings.
Brings up memories I don't dare let resurface.
And yet now, with the sight of a hurting Kookie they come bubbling to the surface; a mixture of anger and hurt and resentment for the people I'd once known.
"But you're not. And as long as you know that. And as long as the people around you, the people who matter value you and see you for you...none of that matters." I insist, leaning down to press a kiss to the tip of his nose, lips curving up when he gives a teary giggle, nose scrunching.
"You say it as if you've felt the same way." He remarks, eyes red as he peers up at me.
I give a small shrug.
"That's because I have. I was too skinny at one point and the other hybrids found it abnormal. I went through a chubby stage and the human children thought I was too large. I went through a bigger puberty curve than the others and suddenly curves apparently meant I was free meat." I say bitterly, smile falling off my face at the countless streams of overlapping memories it brings.
And this time it's his hand that squeezes mine back, thumb rubbing across my knuckles, anger glinting in his eyes.
"It's your body why did other people share their unnecessary and unwanted commentary?" he bites out, rage sparking his voice.
"Because unfortunately I seem to meet a handful of those. Too skinny. Too chubby. Too curvy for my age. Guess we can't win at times." I say miserably, even if those memories have long since become just that; memories, no longer swamping me with waves of self-doubt and insecurity.
Not when I'd given myself time to come to terms with myself. Not when I'd processed and come to realise that it was my body trying to settle, that it was trying to grow and settle into the body I now had. That the spurts had come sporadically and seemingly random but all the soft weight I'd had had settled to form curves that both my forms had.
"You're perfect! All soft and curvy and pretty." Kookie insists.
I smile at him.
Heart aching and soft all at once.
"As are you Kookie. And don't let some bigoted, self-entitled nobody ever tell you otherwise. You're perfect and you're the sweetest bunny I know." I say.
He nods, ears cutely flopping around his face.
"And the next time someone insults you, I won't hesitate to hurt them." I say fiercely.
His face scrunches as he gives me a smile, a few tears escaping and he wipes them quickly.
"You'll fight them off for me like Joon hyung?" he asks.
I nod unhesitant.
"I don't have a badge or the legal right to. But that's not stopping me." I insist.
He gives a shaky laugh.
"You're the best (Y/N). I'll be here to fight off anyone who insults my curvy friend." He replies just as fierce.
But with tearstained cheeks, red wide eyes and floppy ears the effect is endearingly tender instead.
And then a few moments later he sprawls, spread out across my bed, legs stretched wide. Pinning me under his head as he settles more comfortably.
"Can I stay the night?" is the soft murmur.
And I know despite having talked it over, having helped him vent it out, that a part of him still frets. And I realise he'd chosen to come to me as another prey hybrid, as someone just as much influenced by that biological instinct to flee rather than confront.
He knew I'd have understood.
He knew that my own biology would've worked against me in a similar case.
"Of course. As if I'm settling for any other pillow for your cute floppy ears than my lap." I say.
His smile is beaming and soft.
And it lets me lag for just a few more minutes before I wriggle away to change into pyjamas, promising to be back when he shoots a forlorn look at me.
But when I step back into the room, there's no sight of Kookie. Gone.
And I wonder where to given that he was already in his pyjamas when I'd found him. I close the door behind me, a small frown on my lips when a small nudge at my ankle has my body stilling as my gaze drops downwards, eyes blinking down at the sight. Melting and immediately bending downwards to peer at the soft brown bunny that noses at my ankle, twitchy nose and ears flopped as Kookie peers at me. Still and unmoving and watching me. I watch as he noses at my skin, nuzzling before making a small hop forward, moving to stand in the space between feet.
"Oh Kookie...aren't you just the most beautiful bun I've ever seen?" I breathe, fingers ghosting along long floppy ears and rubbing, marvelling at the silky softness of his glossy fur, warm to the touch.
A twitchy nose against my fingers that drift down to touch, nosing at my palm as he snuffles.
"Koo're just the sweetest." I whisper, scanning the room and finding his clothes draped over the back of a chair.
He'd rushed to shift when I'd gone to change then. And the thought of him scrabbling around to quickly to do so was sweet, he'd even put his clothes aside carefully.
It seemed as if he was still restless, had chosen to shift to ease away the edge of that restlessness, to ease that biological instinct to be small and taken care of.
"Do you want to stay? Or do you want me to take you to Jinnie?" I whisper, hands hovering around him, holding it out flat in front of him.
I watch as he just makes a small hop, moving closer to me instead.
Answer clear.
He's staying.
"Well...I'm sure you'll be comfier in bed." I say softly as I carefully scoop him up, feeling the soft fur of his ears brush against my wrist as he wriggles a bit.
I'm consciously aware that a small part of Kookie's shifting is a way of coping and destressing, that he'd done it because of the threat he'd felt today. And because of that I know just how jumpy and on-edge his instincts must be, that the slightest sound might be too jarring and harsh, that he's extremely sensitive and vulnerable at the moment. But at the same time, a much larger part of him had just wanted to shift, to relish in the feeling of being looked after and of snuggling close.
I carefully clamber into bed with him scooped in my arms, a hand drawing the folded blankets around me, reaching for a separate one to make a little nest for him, setting him down in it and curving around to watch him. I smile when he hops out of it though after a while, turning around and snuffling at the corners, nose twitching as he explores. But ultimately, he decides to leave it, hopping and clambering out before he's sniffing and hopping to get to my legs. Paws slipping slightly as he hops and peeks up at me, hopping closer until he's passing my thighs and stomach and nosing at my arm, rubbing his chin on my skin, nuzzling as he chins. Scenting.
My fingers rub across his ears, fingers brushing through glossy fur and making circles at the base of his floppy ears with the pad of my thumb. His dark eyes flutter open and shut, tilting his head into the touch as he continues to scent. My head lowers onto the pillows and he hops closer, the sight of the small brown bunny growing closer until he's filling my vision.
Peeking at me when I turn my head to the sight, greeted by a small twitching nose that snuffles at my cheek when I move forward, fingers rubbing up and down the soft fur from between his eyes to his small nose. And I watch with giddiness as he melts under the touch, tilting into the touch. My eyes meet his and after a few moments he makes small hops as he clambers onto me, settling on my chest, head ducking as his ears rub against the under of my chin, head rubbing back and forth across the crook of my shoulder and neck as he nuzzles and scents. My own hand reaches to rub back and forth across his back, soft light touches and when he peeks out, something soft and happy in his body language and eyes, my fingers go back to rub that spot on his face that has him flopping, falling with contentment to the side as he sprawls across my chest. Lazy drags of his face against my skin as he rubs his scent onto me.
"How can someone see this beautiful bun and not want to do everything to protect you? How can anyone see elsewise?" I whisper, pressing a kiss to his nose and rubbing his flopped ears, craning my face to press kisses wherever I can reach.
And the soft warm weight on me wriggles closer, ears rubbing as he snuggles against me.
"You're perfect Koo honey. And don't ever listen to someone who says else wise." I whisper, lips brushing across his fur.
And with the scent of soft fresh cotton and the feel of glossy brown fur settled against me, I fall asleep, the small nest forgotten beside me, arms carefully cradling Kookie to me.
"Hold on for me bun." I say with a laugh, watching as Kookie hops along my bed, following my track across my room, marking the perimeter of the mattress with his paws, hindlegs bunching before another small hop. Following me with curious eyes, a twitchy nose and perked up ears as I rummage for something.
In my haste I almost knock over the package SJ had sent, cheeks warming as I steady the tilting packet and set it back. And smile victoriously when I reach for one of the hoodies Eunwoo had sent for me, tugging it on backwards.
And walk back towards him. My cheeks hurt from how wide my smile stretches when I reach for him at the edge of the bed and he stands on his hind legs, front paws reaching and steadying against my stomach as I scoop him up, peppering kisses across his face for that.
"Now, I've got the perfect solution." I say as I bring him up, hands secure around his stomach, legs curling up as he looks at me.
And carefully place him in the hood, facing the front and watch as he peeks out, nose twitching as his perked up ears hover in my line of vision. I giggle at the sight of him trying to raise his paws, brushing against my throat as he looks at me.
"A bun hood. Perfect no?" I say fingers brushing at his ears as I begin to walk to the door, carefully cupping the hood in case he moves or wriggles.
The sight however of a bunny peeking at me in the bathroom mirror is one that makes me laugh, muffling the sound against a towel as I dry my face, teasingly trailing damp fingers across his fur just to watch him wriggle from the sensation.
"Breakfast time! Guess today I've snagged Jinnie's bun for my sous-chef." I whisper to him, quietly padding across to the other end, the sight of the constantly open door at the partition not stopping to make me smile and soften at how much has changed.
There's no sound of movement as I step through, save for a deep stream of merged purrs and chuffs; barely audible through the door I know to be the kits bedroom.
It makes me unconsciously smile at the thought, especially when my stomach does a somersault when I think of one particular kit that I still had to answer to. That I still needed to say yes to.
And as I rifle through the fridge, with a bun peeking out and exploring with me, my lips ghost along perked up ears with a kiss, whispering conspiratorially.
"So Yoongi kind of told me he wants a chance to court me, but how do I say yes? Is there like a method to follow?" I ask, drawing out punnets of fruit.
Couldn't have a breakfast pass with at least one bowl of strawberries there.
And the sight of the ripe peaches drew me in, tugging them out and taking the bundle of fruits to the counter.
"Hungry Koo?" I ask once I've begun slicing the fruits, watching and carefully monitoring how far forward his head leans out, nose twitching as he watches my hands move.
I get an ear perk when I bring a small chunk of peach to his mouth, cut small for him, and feel the slight nibble as he takes the piece.
And as I continue cutting, I bring the odd piece of fruit to Kookie's mouth, stopping to rub his perked up ears or press a kiss to them as I feed him.
And as I make breakfast, I speak softly to Kookie, wondering aloud whether the courting process of reciprocating making food for Yoongi would work, whether it was better to just answer him, all the whilst having soft brown ears brush almost soothingly and encouragingly as I ramble.
It's to the sound of eggs sizzling and the toast popping out that a new sound joins the mix. Soft and quiet and worried.
"Kookie love...are you here? Bun where'd you go?" Jin's voice filters through from the living room. I pause, hand still holding the pan when my head turns.
There's the sound of rustling and deep weary exhales and then the sight of a fretting black swan peeking around the doorway.
He dredges up a small smile as he looks at me..
"Morning sweetheart. You're up early." He muses.
Stepping through and eyeing the steadily filling counters.
I nod.
"You are too Jinnie. Looking for someone?" I ask, hiding the smile on my lips.
But the nod he gives is pained and his eyes glimmer slightly.
"Kookie's not at home. And he didn't take his phone...and I didn't even feel him leave." He says morosely.
"Jinnie he's fine." I soothe.
He shakes his head, hand pushing back strands of hair.
"You don't know that. He could be anywhere right now." He mumbles, walking over.
"Need a hug?" I offer.
And seconds later black wings come to cocoon me, wrapping around me from behind as his arms slide around my waist, dropping his head onto my shoulder as he shuts us off in an embrace that's solely us, the rest of the apartment shut away.
Us and Kookie who peeks out happily from my hood, nose twitching and ears perked up.
The head off my shoulder straightens.
"Bun." The sound is so relieved and grateful and Jinnie wastes no time in leaning over to press a smattering row of kisses all across soft brown fur, murmuring gently and one hand coming away from around my stomach to pet his mate.
"Found you." he whispers softly, head straightening and then he's pressing kisses across my cheek, ducking around to do the same to the other, head hooked over my shoulder as he mumbles thank you over and over between pecks. My cheeks warm, his hand still banding across my stomach and keeping me tucked close to him.
"Oh sweetheart, thank you so, so much. You kept bun safe." Jinnie murmurs, feathers fluttering as he hugs me tightly.
I tilt my head up to look at him, hand reaching out to catch the grateful tears that slip out, wiping them away.
It seemed like I was making a habit of this. One I didn't mind. But I didn't like seeing them cry.
Both mates one after the other.
"It's okay Jinnie. Koo is okay too. Don't fret." I murmur.
He presses his lips to my forehead, nuzzling there unconsciously.
"Still. Thank you. You took care of my mate when I didn't. You're just... you're.... everything." He says, voice shaky.
I press back against him, heart twisting when I think of how panicked and hurt and terrified he must've been when he'd figured his mate had gone missing.
And how innately relieved he'd been when he found him safe.
A part of me, steadily growing, longs for that connection understands. Understands and so I move to scoop up Kookie only for his legs to shake as he tries to burrow back, Jinnie's hand soothing him as he settles back into my hood.
"Looks like Kookie's perfectly content little fawn. And I am too." He adds, arms going back to hold me, helping me finish off breakfast, wings receding but flapping in and out of my sight of vision; happy and perked up now that Kookie's found.
And that's how the others find us.
A black swan spooning me from behind and a bun tucked up in my hood.
And that was how Tae darted forward to try and make a swipe, blocked off by black wings curling around me and Kookie once more. The sound of his indignant protest and sleepy excited face cut off from me.
"Hey no fair! You can't do cuddle huddles without me!"
I eye (Y/N)'s hood, watch the soft brown bunny peeking out of it, nose twitching as she feeds him pieces of vegetables, bringing it up to his mouth and smiling and petting when he nibbles and eats. I watch, wanting nothing more in this instant than to be scooping up Kookie and being able to pet and dote over his adorable, shifted form and longing that I was hood size too in shifted form; to be in perfect and direct reach for kisses and pets.
I'm not the only one who can't stop staring, eyes drawn time and time again to the endearing sight of Kookie peeking out from a maroon hood.
I spot Joon hyung's endeared look fixated on the sight, see his perked up ears and hear the steady constant thump thump of his tail as he leans over his breakfast to continue peeking at Kookie, unable to tear his eyes away.
"When did he shift?" Hobi hyung asks, ears twirling with curiosity and face alight with excitement, reaching over across the table to carefully run a finger up and down perked up ears. Rubbing gently.
"He's been with me since I went to bed. He was waiting for me when I came back from changing." (Y/N) says, gaze soft and tender as she coos over him, head dropping down to drop another smooch to glossy brown fur.
Jin hyung watches with pride and love, seated beside her and fussing over the two of them, gently nudging (Y/N) to remind her to keep eating her own breakfast and bringing small bits of food to Kookie's mouth for him to nibble on.
Yoongi hyung's gaze softens even as his cheeks colour slightly, tail swishing behind him as he watches.
"He's adorable." Hyung remarks, laughing when my stripey tail pokes him with impatience, looking at me with a crooked smile, fangs peeking out.
"Hyung~" I whine plaintively.
A part of me perking up when it draws four gazes to me immediately.
I reach my hands out imploringly in (Y/N)'s direction.
"I want bun cuddles too!" I insist.
Beside me Minnie's tail flicks against me, soft poofy warmth that trails ticklishly across my bare calf.
"Want want. You wanted me last night." He says with a small smirk, eyes narrowed as he trails his eyes over my shoulders, where under the t-shirt are hidden several bitten, marked claims decorating my torso. There's something smug and satisfied in his mint scent and in the comfortable slouch of his body, foot trailing across my leg teasingly, grinning when I shift slightly.
But I meet his gaze head-on.
"As if you want any less pup." I tease, legs parting in invitation, leaning into the teasing trailing touch of his foot hitching higher, watch as surprise flickers across his face before hunger flits across it.
"I want. And I take. You want and you whine." I tease, eyes narrowing and taking in the sight of his throat bobbing, swallowing. Smell his mint sweetening.
And then a sharp poke with a tail to my side rouses me out of it, draws my attention away.
"Not at the table cub. Keep your bedroom fun behind closed doors." Yoongi hyung says with a pointed stare.
Meaning enough and clear in them.
Don't make (Y/N) flustered. Don't rub it in her face.
I shoot her a guilty stare, expecting to see a wide-eyed doe caught out.
And I don't know whether I feel disappointed or not when she just fussed over Kookie instead, shooting me a small smile when she finds my gaze on her.
Shrugging easily in a way that's nonchalant and disarming.
"Take your fun where you went. I know SJ and I do." She admits easily.
The comment is easily said, casually admitted. But it makes the mint stutter and sharpen. It makes the conversation trail.
And I watch as Hobi hyung leans in with sharp eyes.
Fangs peeking as he grins.
His eyes rove over the table before they settle on her.
"Oh~ is there something that goes on beyond him training you? That's what you call those sessions right? Is that why you came home smelling like peaches yesterday?" he prods, teasing and pushing buttons.
But she's unflappable.
Calm as she rubs a finger up and down Kookie's nose.
"I didn't train yesterday. And I guess you'll never know." She says easily, pushing her chair back as she stands.
A small fond smile as she scoops up Kookie from her hood and carefully hands him over with a final kiss, setting him down into Jin hyung's awaiting arms.
"I've got to go get ready." As she rounds the table.
And as she walks away, bare legs trailing out from under the short hoodie dress I can't help but notice scattered purple marks marking soft skin. Or the way the fabric outlines the swell of her hips, tugging at the fabric as it falls around her curves.
I'm not the only one.
Citrus and mint sharpening, mingling in a way that seems both attracted to the sight and jealous of it.
It's an absent minded comment that slips out of Hobi hyung's mouth that gets him a small whack from Jinnie hyung.
"Purple looks good on her."
"Hob-ah! Stop ogling my sweetheart! Is chivalry dead?" Jin hyung asks with an indignant splutter.
Hobi hyung's gaze slowly tears away from the sight of her walking down the hallway, drawn away from the sway of her hips as she walks.
It takes another tail poke from Yoongi hyung to have me turning away too, warning flashing in his eyes.
Eyes off Tae.
But somehow I don't want to. Somehow the thought of Yoongi hyung courting and wooing a sweet fawn by himself doesn't entirely sit right with me.
Why shouldn't I?
Why shouldn't I get the chance to chase after her?
I smile at the foot that hooks around mine, settle and smile at the wanting look in Minnie's eyes as he leans to nuzzle at my scent gland, fangs scraping as he tries to settle.
"By the way hyung....aren't you going with (Y/N)?" I ask Hobi hyung.
And watch as he hastens to his feet, chair clattering and ears twirling with urgency, soft short tail swishing behind him as he rushes off down the hallway too.
"I'll be Min-Junie bait if I don't hurry!" he calls behind him.
And maybe...just maybe a part of me is disappointed that I don't have to go in today. Stripey tail swishing and flicking behind me, hanging low.
And it's definitely not jealousy when Jiminie perks up and rushes off to drop (Y/N) off, calling out after her and Hobi hyung's rushing, escaping figures with a voice that's demanding but a grin that's too wide and eyes that are sparkling with thrill as he yells out his goodbyes and leaves behind them; chasing them down. Drooping at the peals of laughter and murmured voices that my ears catch onto.
Definitely not jealous at the thought of having no-one to play with myself. Eyeing the empty seats with longing.
"Hey cub?" Jin hyung's voice distracts me from my musings.
I lift my head to look at him.
"I don't think Kookie wants to shift back anytime soon. He'll need someone to play with all day. Reckon you're upto the challenge?" he offers.
My scent bursts out, tail swishing quickly at the idea, eyeing the brown bunny that gives a small nose twitch.
"Yes! I am!" I nod eagerly.
Jin hyung stands up.
"He's a handful. Don't be fooled by the soft bunny appearance. He'll tire you out." He warns.
I nod eagerly, bumping into Yoongi hyung and Joon hyung in my haste to get to Jin hyung, hands reaching out excitedly for him. Fingers brushing across warm fur.
"If I don't tire out sweet bun first." I say with a wide smile, carefully taking him and holding him just as I'd seen (Y/N) and Jin hyung do.
Cradling him towards my chest, hand around his stomach and watching as his paws flop, curling up as he blinks at me.
"You and I are going to have a lot of fun Kookie! We can even nest afterwards!" I crow happily.
My eyes drift to Yoongi hyung, who gives a small shake of his head, face scrunching with a yawn as he steps close to pet Kookie.
"Enjoy playing. I'll join your nesting later." He says with a promise, startling before softening at Kookie wriggling to press his front paws to hyung's shirt and snuffling.
"And then I'll be the one giving bunny cuddles." He whispers.
Kookie's nose twitches as if in promise.
That he'll make sure to collect.
I peek under the large bed, eyes searching for a small brown ball.
"Looking for something Tae love?" Yoongi hyung's amused voice calls from overhead somewhere.
My body jerks, head bashing into the bed frame and a groan of pain slipping out as I slip out, rubbing my head ruefully, back arching as I stand up.
"No..." I mumble, soothing my twitchy ears by rubbing the base of them as my gaze slowly slides to meet Yoongi hyung who peers through the doorway.
His brows rise.
Looking amused and slightly worried, eyes flicking to my hand rubbing.
"Sure about that? Why are you under Joon and Jiminie's bed? You were under ours not too long ago too." He points out.
I nervously run my fingers through my fur.
"I may have....ever so slightly lost Kookie somewhere?" I trail off uncertainly, smiling sheepishly at him.
"You lost Kookie...whilst he's all small soft bunny? In a space that's technically two apartments?" Hyung prompts.
I nod, tail drooping sadly.
I failed at looking after my youngest packmate.
"Yes." I admit.
Hyung laughs, a bright bubble of sound.
"Don't fret Tae-ah. Bun came hopping to me a while ago. Were you playing something?" he asks, bringing into view what was carefully cradled in his hands.
And in his hold is a brown bunny, ears perked up as he gives a small wriggle.
"Hide and Seek. Although I'm beginning to see why Jin hyung told me he's a handful. He hides in the smallest places. I don't even want to know how he got the cupboard door open." I sigh, relief spreading through my body at the sight of him unharmed.
"He's been with you the entire time? But you were on the bed when I was searching under it!" I say with wide eyes.
He gives a small shrug.
"He ducked under the blanket, I couldn't betray him!" hyung defends.
He peers down at Kookie, bringing him up to his face to press a kiss there.
"Teasing aren't we? No wonder Tae's berry scent is all tired. Tiger love couldn't keep up with bunny." He teases.
My tail cuts through the air. Sharp and swishy.
"Am not! And I can keep up!" I insist, scent sharpening with competitiveness.
Kookie gives a small wriggle in Yoongi hyung's arms and I eye hyung bending down to let Kookie go, watch as he hops and reaches me in quick leaps.
His whiskers tickle my ankle as he gives me a small nibble, chin rubbing at skin. His eyes peer up at me as he stands, maintaining eye contact for a few instants before he's hopping away, head turned over his body.
Challenging me.
And I rush after him, laughing as I catch sight of his cotton tail and hind legs as he rounds a corner.
"Someone who might give you a run for when it comes to chases. Keep up cub! Before you lose him again." Hyung calls behind me.
My instincts twist and chuff giddily, thrilled at the prospect of having someone to be just as excited to play chase. Growling with happiness at what would follow a successful chase, the thought of scooping Kookie up and nesting with him, surrounding him with pack scents and getting to give scents was making me restless and even hastier as I rushed after him.
But it takes a while to succeed.
Scent going sharp with sweat, pheromones rolling off me because of how actively Kookie makes me work for it, hopping close to me just to dart out of reach just as easily, bounding away and worming under small spaces and corners to make it harder to reach for him.
And as my hand swiped for him, wriggling into the small space and panting, a small fluffy bunny tickled at my ankles and hopped away, having snuck out from another corner.
"Kookie! Bun where are you~" I trail, peeking into (Y/N)'s room. The door's open a margin, wide enough that he could've slipped through, nudging it aside with my shoulder and roving my eyes over it.
The smell of anise is soft and seeps out from every corner, a flowery haze that encompasses me, distracting me from my search slightly as my body relaxes.
Drawn to the scent.
And then sure enough a bunny peeks out from behind a pillow, ears perking when he spots me and I make a mad swipe, dashing forward and hands closing around fur.
And scoop him up, victorious after hours of hunting him through the apartments.
"Finally! I got you Kookie!" I say, gasping and panting as I cradle him towards me. I feel his small body stretch towards me, snuffling and rubbing his ears across the bottom of my chin and rubbing his head across my shoulders.
I nose at his ears, rubbing my cheek lightly across the top of his head.
Scenting back.
Happy at the result.
"Now. Now let's nest." I breathe out.
I stand back, admiring the nest of pillows and blankets and strings of fairy lights I've managed to keep pinned up and above us, secured to the sheets forming a fort.
A nest fort.
And watch as Kookie flops in the middle, sprawled as he scents, rubbing his soft cotton onto the pillows and layers of blankets.
A happy content bunny.
But before I can even clamber in beside him and Yoongi hyung who's spent his time hovering over him, tail poking and teasing and playfully whipping in and out of bunny paw reach, Kookie's hopping out.
Clambering and tripping over the barrier the pillows he makes before hopping away, rushing out of sight.
And long minutes later a hastily dressed unshifted Kookie appears, tugging a shirt over his head, a glimpse of toned abdomen as he tugs the hem down and dives back into the nest, curling into a happy small ball when Yoongi hyung peeks over and contently spoons him from behind, tail flicking lazily against Kookie's leg.
"No more small bun?" I ask as I dive for the spot on his other side.
He shakes his head.
"Too hungry now. There's only so much I can go with surviving on fruits and veg." he says with a groan, head falling down onto a pillow as he rubs his stomach ruefully.
I wince guiltily.
"I was meant to give you more food wasn't I?" I ask.
He shakes his head.
"A bunny needs much less food. But I was hungry. I don't shift for so long. And I'm craving something more filling." He says.
Yoongi hyung's already straightening and uncurling from behind him.
"Ramen okay?" he asks.
"It is but hyung we didn't get to cuddle!" Kookie protests.
Hyung shoots him a smile over his shoulder.
"I'll be back to collect after you've eaten. Can't have Jin hyung snatching and scooping you away because we didn't feed you." he says with an easy grin.
And true enough to his word, Yoongi hyung just curls beside him when he's returned, setting down a large pot carefully in the centre.
"I knew a few packets weren't going to cut it. I had a cub and bun to feed." He says after scooped some up and leans slightly against Kookie.
There's the sound of happy hums filtering through slurping and chewing, Kookie's ears perking as he eats, quickly making his way through the rest when I flop back tummy full.
"Thank you hyungies." He says once he's rushed back after putting the stuff away, flopping back and resting his head on my sprawled arm, wriggling close to tuck himself, giving my scent gland a quick nuzzle.
"Welcome bun. Although I'm the happy cub. I haven't been given a run for my stripes for some time. I think Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung have slowed down with age." I say with a sigh, laughing and rolling away at the swat a black tail gives me on the thigh.
"Don't make me prove it cub. You know how easily I can pin you." Yoongi hyung growls, voice a low rough timbre that has Kookie's head unconsciously dropping, hunching before submitting as his throat arches to present his scent gland.
The growl that ripples through the air is more than one.
Berry and citrus spiking as hyung noses at the invitation, rubbing his scent on Kookie, kitten licks to give a more thorough, intimate scent-mark.
"Hyungie you too." Kookie breathes, pupils dilated as he reaches for me, tugging my shirt to draw me over him.
My body curves over his, caging and protecting simultaneously as I lean over him, nose rubbing a line to the delicate curve of his throat, teeth nipping as I move to hover over his gland, watching with predatory satisfaction at the shudder he gives when I mouth along the skin around the gland, avoiding it.
"Hyungie~ scent me." he groans, fisting his hand and yanking me over him, my arms suddenly buckling as I sprawl over him, lips grazing his scent gland; coaxing out a shaky sigh.
I close my mouth around his gland, tongue flicking against it, coaxing out soft cotton before my teeth drag across it, nipping with my fangs and rewarded by the rich burst of pheromones rolling off him, filling my lungs with it.
His cry is sweet and needy, body pushing up against mine. Other hand curling around my back even as the front fists me closer, hold tightening, his own muscled strength pushing and tensing and melting under my biological instinct to pin and keep him there as I continue to mouth at his skin, coaxing a sweet litany of breathless gasps, a rumbly chuff building and slipping out at how he goes lax under me, my head rising over him.
With a mark blooming across his throat, petals of red and purple beginning to colour skin, he looks perfect.
He looks like mine.
And with Yoongi hyung's hand rubbing soothing circles into his forearm, tail curled around Kookie's leg, he looks like ours.
"You're awfully peppy today Hobi, must've had a good day at uni yesterday." (Y/N) remarks without turning, somehow sensing my shifting from foot to foot as she gets Min-Junie ready to go to the park, her hands busy in tucking him into a warm winter coat, wrapping a scarf with gentle hands around his neck and booping his nose.
He giggles, hands flailing happily as he tries to distract her.
"You're not even looking at me. How can you be so sure?" I ask sceptically.
She gives a small hum, giggling when Min-Junie boops her nose back in turn, noses brushing as he leans in and sets his hands on her shoulders.
The sound is warm and distracting; a soft smooth sound that makes my own lips quirk, tail swishing automatically in response.
"Your steps are louder today. And not in a massive thundery way but you tend to step light, like to pounce on me in surprise. Today it's as if you can't control the sound and you've had twirly ears since we've started working. You're a happier kit today. So...what happened?" she observes without turning,
I hum.
"Caught me out then sharp eyed dear..." I begin but she's gasping, head turning and a look of eagerness on her face as her soft brown ears flicker.
Beaming at me.
"You got your grades back didn't you? And was the exam okay?" she asks, a mixture of endearing excitement and worry on her face, lips unconsciously jutting out in a pout.
I beam. Smiling happily and a part of me celebrating and dancing with joy that she's remembered, touched by the small gesture.
"I did~" I trail off teasingly.
She hurriedly scoops up Min-Junie, turning to face me with barely veiled excitement and impatience.
"Well then? What happened Hobi?" she presses.
"I got my highest ever score on the essays you helped me with! And~ the exam went really well too! I've learnt so many methods of treatment and therapy here." I say giddily.
Her face creases with elation, hurrying forward to wrap her vacant arm around my back, tucking herself close for a hug and pressing a kiss to my jaw as she nuzzles lightly; a congratulatory scenting.
Min-Junie wriggles to hug too, arms thrown around me with a bright laugh, accidentally bashing his face against mine in his enthusiasm to follow suit and scent, my hand going to steady his teetering frame and the other curving around (Y/N) to draw her closer.
For an instant, for one single moment the feeling of longing and yearning so deep claws at me, curving towards the suppressed layer of anise I know exists under it. Wanting nothing more than to coax it out, to rub the scent blockers clean from her skin and nuzzle at her gland.
For a moment holding the two of them satiates this deep instinctual want for a family, for that future hope of having our pack extend and of having little kits running around.
For a moment it feels like that that particular dream and want is fulfilled with (Y/N) in it. With her as part of that future.
"I'm proud of you Hobi. You deserve those grades, you're my best mentee." She whispers, pressing a final kiss and nuzzle to my jaw and cheek before she's leaning back, a wide smile stretched across her face.
I smile at her.
"Best mentee gets rewarded by being taken to the park too?" I ask with a hopeful look, eyes wide and imploring.
She laughs as she steps away.
"Need you even ask. Get your coat then Hobi." She says, reaching for her own.
And it's a traitorous thought in passing that the coat hides the swell of her hips, eyes lingering on her jeans for an instant too long; remembering the coloured bruises marring them.
I shake the thought free, a pang of guilt because Yoongi hyung was courting her but at the same time a new thought arose; why couldn't I be part of the courting too? Why was it just one feline in pursuit of the sweetest, kindest fawn?
I rush to get my coat, tugging on Tae's scarf that he'd happily wrapped me up in, purposely choosing a long one that took time in winding around my throat, remembered him tugging at the ends to press kisses to my lips that were too giddy and excited and fidgety.
And by the time I've made my way back, (Y/N)'s already all wrapped up and swinging hands with an excited bear who peers at the entrance with an awed smile.
"Can we get ice cream?" he asks giddily.
I watch (Y/N)'s face soften, bending down slightly to give him a rueful shake.
"You could get a sore throat because it's cold. But...I'll get you hot chocolate and marshmallows." She bargains, holding out her pinky with a look of seriousness.
He takes it immediately, wrapping his smaller one with hers and jutting his cheek out for a kiss to seal the deal; a kiss she gives immediately, nosing at skin and giggling with him.
It's not the first time I've thought it.
It won't be the last time.
But (Y/N) will make a wonderful mum one day. And time and time again I see why the kids adore her.
It makes my instincts feel soft and gooey and needily tactile as I rush after her and Min-Junie; excited to get to the park with them.
"Wait up! I want to show Min-Junie how to climb trees!"
Following the peal of excited giggles and a waving beckoning baby bear and the enticing tug of (Y/N), following them out and capturing his other hand, both his hands clutched and swinging happily. Eyes drifting from me to (Y/N) and back, a happy rumble building in his small frame.
"Park, park, park." He chants.
Growing visibly giddy when we cross a few roads and get to the large open stretch of greenery, large trees and bushes and rows of flower gardens; fading buds where they were once blooming seasons ago.
"Park, park! Hurry noona!" Min-Junie pleads, tugging her along, rushing forward.
(Y/N) hastens with him, suddenly plucking him up and running the rest of the way, easily keeping an even quick pace as she holds him, legs ambling with a quick easy grace that's biologically inherited.
"Anything for baby bear." She happily says, eyes dancing with elation when they turn to me, wide captivating doe eyes.
"Slow kit~" she jibes playfully.
My fangs peek out as I hurry across to them.
"You wish. I'm very quick, especially when it comes to catching up to a dear love." I say, sliding my arms around her and peeking at Min-Junie.
She leans back, peering at me as she twists her head.
"Don't bet on it kit~ I could give you a run for your money." She bites back easily.
My eyes flash as I lean in.
"I'll bet on it one day. And when I win, I'll collect too." I say confidently.
Not expecting her to lean in closer, breath warm and curling around me, eyes flickering with competitiveness and assuredness.
"And when I win and prove you wrong, then I'll collect. With interest because you thought you had a chance." She croons, finger poking the corner of my lips.
"Cute dimples." She quietly murmurs to herself and then she's spinning to let a wriggly Min-Junie down, eyes following his rushed curious figure whiz about his new surroundings, peeking with interest.
Rather than watching Min-Junie, I find my gaze drifting back constantly to (Y/N), watching her eyes be simultaneously soft and tender yet observant and carefully aware of the people he flits close to.
He constantly moves back and forth, eyes searching for her and continuing to explore after he's located her, once she's given an encouraging nod and he scurries off again, peeking at the bushes and bending down to see the small birds that still flit about.
Her body despite it's casual poise is wired and ready, coiled up and prepared to help him at any instant and the jut of her hip as she slouches is deceptively and beguilingly at ease.
And as I watch I realise Min-Junie seeks reassurance from (Y/N), he's made her his secure base, the one he flits to for scents and nuzzles and encouraging words before he drifts further and further to explore. But he gravitates to her.
And she slowly moves in and out, constantly in his line of sight.
Constantly reassuring and grounding him and reminding him.
He's safe.
He's fine.
And when he tugs at our hands imploringly blinking up at us for a chase, neither of us have the heart to say no.
And ruddy-cheeked and panting, I scoop up Min-Junie, ears twirling with triumph and eyeing the rosy glow on (Y/N)'s cheeks.
"Hot chocolate time?" I ask.
She nods, laughing when Min-Junie cheers and wriggles happily in my hold.
"With marshmallows." He reminds.
I nod, pecking his cheek.
With marshmallows.
"I'll be right back." I say, hurrying away to the small café on the other end of the park, smiling at the sight of Min-Junie snuggling into (Y/N), secured within her arms and leaning against her, burrowing into the folds of her coat to tuck himself in.
She nods and gives a small wave, distracted when Min-Junie tugs at her scarf and burrows his head under it too, coating himself with a happy wriggle in what I know to be peach scented fabric.
As a bear hybrid he was understandably attracted to the fruitier sweeter scents. To fresh natural scents that soothed his biology. It's why he settled so easily with me or Tae; drawn to the caramel and berry scent easily, burrowing close and incessantly scenting to try rub through scent blockers to chase after it.
It was why despite all the heavy suppressants (Y/N) had habitually taken, her lotions and body wash soothed him; berries and floral tones that hid her anise but still worked wonderfully even now to coax a fidgety fussy bear to settle and nap.
And as I walk to the café, the feeling of giddiness and excitement that had bubbled when I'd gone to uni yesterday reignites.
It'd been an entirely new overwhelming feeling to get those assignments handed back and to see that my hard work had shone through.
And it had been because of (Y/N).
It had been those days...nights rather she'd given up to help me prep, guiding me through papers and breaking them down with me; silently waiting and encouraging as I answered them and rewarded with a beaming smile as she nodded and praised me.
Nights of being curled around a pyjama clad fawn, constantly holding back the urge to just abandon the sheets for the much more tempting offer of snuggling close and scenting, to falling asleep with her body curled under mine.
Nights of zoning out because I'd been drawn to the way her lips curved when she spoke passionately, drawn to the sparkle her eyes held as she talked about something she enjoyed.
Nights of being quietly poked back into focus with twitching lips and a wry smile as she suggested I head to bed rather than zoning out on her, if she was that boring she said.
Nights of actually being bolstered by her support, often given silently, whether it was a small nudge or her hand silently guiding mine to the right answer as I searched textbooks. Sometimes vocally, soft hushed murmurs of encouragement, or twisting to face me as she explained something- giving me her undivided attention.
When I reach the café, it's with a smile tugging at my lips.
"Three hot chocolates, one with marshmallows and the other with all the shavings." I say, watching them work as they add mounds of cream, scatter pink and white mallows, chocolate shavings added to (Y/N)'s. Carefully tucked away under the cup.
I'm carefully holding the takeout tray when I wonder whether these food gifts, like Yoongi hyung, could be taken as courting offerings- trying to show that I could provide, that I could protect and look after.
Wondering whether I want them to mean such a thing.
Wondered whether (Y/N) had answered Yoongi hyung yet.
I rush back, wanting to know, wanting to ask what she'd said, wanting to tease but also hear whether she thought of Yoongi hyung as a potential mate.
Their crush was adorable and endearing, tiptoeing around each other with pink cheeks and shy gazes and endeared attracted scents that tugged at each other.
It wasn't missed either that hyung seemed to slip into bed later, didn't appear at his usual time in that foggy hazy awareness that I'd wake in, silently fumbling and searching for my second mate to find him absent.
And he'd come later, groggy and sleepy and slipping in behind me, once or twice when dawn had begun to break, weak thin streams of sunlight trying to push through drawn curtains.
It was clear from the soft anise that clung to his clothes and began to slowly filter through our room and settle that he was with (Y/N), that he'd been with her; a just as sleepy scent curling around us.
Tiptoeing around each other and spending time after his shows together. It seemed as if their connection that the show had brought about went beyond that now, meeting afterwards and curling together; stolen moments shared between just them.
Their bond was slowly building and forming.
And already the thought of her being drawn and intertwined with our cluster was an appealing, sweetly entrancing idea. I already saw and knew just how much Tae trailed after her, saw how much he chuffed in her presence. Knew already he was slowly but surely becoming just as smitten. Knew that those feelings had begun to take root and bloom inside me too.
But when I approach the bench I'd left them on they're not there, my head turns, eyes narrowing to scan the park for them.
My ears perk and tail swishes when I spot them, (Y/N) chasing after a once more energetic Min-Junie rushing around the far entrance of the park.
Her frame trails after him, rushing and chasing him with arms outstretched, hair tumbling free behind her as she reaches for him.
But as I move close her voice sounds harried now, chiding now.
"Min-Junie don't get too close to the edge." Voice tinged with a bit of alarm as he giggles and rushes away, still thinking it's part of the game and chase.
My heart lurches when he rushes past the entrance, (Y/N)'s body speeding up to catch him now; urgency in the way she rushes and pushes forward to get to him, ducking close and arms stretching out for him.
My own pace quickens, rushing to get to them.
"Min-Junie wait! Don't go near the road!" (Y/N) says, voice coloured with panic and alarm.
And everything happens in slow motion and yet not. Simultaneously fast and slow.
The car speeding across the road honks, a blaring jarring sound that makes Min-Junie freeze, body stilting and going ramrod, eyes widening as he sees the approaching car, ears going stiff and smile frozen on his face. And (Y/N) doesn't hesitate, rushing across the road at the same time that a growl rips through the air, reaches my ears and makes my body push quicker, eyes catching the sight of Joon, all bundled up, letter fisted into his hold. But he's too slow even as he rushes forward, (Y/N)'s body curving protectively around Min-Jun to shield him, body tensing and bracing itself for the inevitable impact the car will make. Curving around him as a wall and arms wound tight around him.
It's with the glaring honk of the car that everything goes tumbling and crashing down. Drinks tumbling onto grass, scalding against my fingers as my body pushes to go, go go.
To defend and protect even if every part of me knows its too late.
Still I rush with the foolish wish that I could rewind time and somehow tug them free.
It's with the glaring honk that the day suddenly plunges into chaos.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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