Chapter 41- small developments
The sound of giggles and sleepy murmurs greet me as I move towards the kitchen, wings fluttering at the sound. And when I peek around the doorway to see, I spot a wolf nosing at the back of (Y/N)'s thighs, eager buts and nudges against her legs that has her giggling, squirming away from the touch. Trying to bat away the insistent nudges with a hand but finding it hard to when she has a sleepy Jiminie latched onto one side, arms around her waist and head settling on her shoulder as he trudges alongside her. Slowing her down.
"Minnie, you need to get off me for me to make breakfast...and Joon stop, that tickles!" she says, voice full of laughter as she wriggles when he gives a happy yap, tail swishing happily as he gives a lick to her skin. Pleased with himself.
"But I don't want to. I had to stay away a whole day because I was horrible, I don't want to let go now in case it's a dream and you never did forgive me." Jiminie mumbles, voice tinged with sadness and petulance.
It makes (Y/N) stop, twisting to face him and his head lifts off her shoulder. Their noses brush and her hand goes to rub soothing at the back of his ears, it has his tail drooping with contentment; a lazy swish to it.
"I forgave you. And I guess...I can't visit SJ but nothing can be done." She says softly.
"I'm sorry. I don't want to compromise your safety and SJ might get connected to you, we don't know how many eyes are on you." he says softly. Looking contrite and apologetic as he gives her a quick peck on the cheek.
"It's will you let me get started on pancakes!" she says, voice petering off into a squeal because at the moment Joon decides it's the best time to nip, tail thumping as he peers up at her with wide beguiling eyes.
I stifle a laugh at how deceptively innocent he's trying to play himself off as, when the quick swish of his tail and the tall proud posture suggests that he's anything but.
Deciding to step in when it's clear Jiminie is an accomplice, holding her to him and preventing her from wriggling away as Joon continues his playful attack, a loud happy rumbly growl as he watches her writhe against Jiminie, face creased with laughter and radiant with happiness.
"Stop ganging up on her, two against one isn't very fair is it officers?" I say, wings flapping at the happy sight of the three of them, (Y/N)'s cheeks flushed with laughter and their scents mingling into the air- a layered mix of rich forest, mint and anise.
She straightens up, eyes alight- so much brighter and happier than the sadness I'd seen engrained in her very posture and each feature yesterday. She looks better, better now that they've made up, better now that she has Jiminie latched onto her and a playful wolf demanding attention through nuzzles and licks.
"Jinnie! Good timing... save me." she says, voice breathless from laughter and I don't hesitate to tug her forward, lips twitching at the sad keening sound Jiminie makes, pouting at her loss of warmth as I draw her behind me, wings splayed wide to cover the sight of her from them.
Both of them still.
Joon straightening as he tries to peer past them, head dipping low in a small sad growl at the loss of a fawn to playfully tease. And Jiminie huffs, leaning against the counter with a sulky pout, eyes wide and imploring.
It's hard to resist the sight, hard to not go forward and pinch cheeks still puffy with sleep and pink lips jutting out.
"Sorry, I have a duty to protect." I say with a smile.
Jiminie's hands prop him up, lounging against the counter as his eyes narrow.
The effect is a whole lot softer than he intends given how sleep rumpled he still looks, clothes askew and hair tousled.
"Who does said duty extend to?" he asks, words dripping off plump lips. Fangs sinking into his bottom lip.
I hum.
"The elderly, the vulnerable, the young and the beautiful." I state with a proud smile.
I hear a small, stifled giggle behind me, feel a hand curl at the hem of my shirt and keep herself tethered to me.
Jiminie's gaze goes soft for a moment before he straightens up, tail swishing behind him. From beside him Joon trots over to try and nudge my legs, peering wide-eyed at me when I don't move, a keening whine slipping free.
"Oh? Very noble Jin hyung. Which category are you putting (Y/N) into? To protect her from her protector?" he asks. Lips curving playfully. Eyes sparking as he looks at me, ears twitching as he waits for an answer.
"She's extremely special. She's young and beautiful and vulnerable because of two officers hounding my poor sweetheart." I say.
The scent of anise becomes sweeter, strong enough that I can detect it from behind me.
"Hmm...and how do I know you're not a threat hyung?" Jiminie asks.
Somehow I see more than just playfulness in his eyes, a competitive gleam as he eyes me. I look at him and know that this is that yearning for her, that part of him that had exploded because how much the idea of a heat partner stung. Because there was more than friendship between the two whether or not they realised it or labelled it.
"I mean...I saved her from you. But then again...that may just be me wanting to hog a sweet fawn for myself." I say.
My wings don't close, remain splayed wide to keep her tucked out of sight and I don't tear my eyes away from Jiminie's; relishing in seeing the steady pink grow across his cheeks.
Whether that was because of me and how he was beginning to fidget under our eye contact, or whether he was realising he's being caught out.
"Who's hogging my sweet dear?" a bright voice calls from behind.
I feel the hand loosen slightly and turn to see Hobi entering through the doorway, eyeing the scene with curiosity even as he tugs (Y/N) into a hug, twirling her around and giving a kiss to either cheek. Nuzzling afterwards as he scents her.
"You are now!" Jiminie says, resigned and giving up as he straightens, hand pushing his hair back and straightening the loose shoulder sleeve up, straightening it out.
Hobi laughs as he holds (Y/N), hugging her from behind as he noses at the back of her head, ears curling and twisting with satisfaction.
"Such high demand for a sweet girl...I just don't know whether it's safe to let you go (Y/N)." he muses.
But she's tugging herself free with a smile, shooting me a thankful look as she turns to look at him. Stopping with surprise.
"Heading to uni today?" as she eyes his outfit and the bag slung over his shoulder.
He nods, tail swishing behind him, the soft fur of it all groomed and glossy.
"I have an exam and we're getting back assignments today. Busy busy day." He says as he throws his bag onto the sofa and rummages through the fridge for something.
I frown, watching his harried quickness as he moves about, looking as if he's searching for a snack to grab before he's on his way.
He shouldn't leave without breakfast though. It bothers me to see I can still see some bad habits from our shared uni days in him.
See that he's pushing away needs and requirements for favour of studying.
But before I can step forward, (Y/N)'s ducking past me, side brushing against my wing that makes it flutter, shaking and rustling with sensitivity.
And she's tugging at his jacket, drawing him away from the fridge and nudging him to a chair, pinning him there with a narrowed set of eyes that tell him to stay put.
"I'll make you something and don't even think about leaving before eating. And I'm saying that as a friend and mentor...move from that seat before you've eaten and I'll...just give your share of cuddles and kisses to Tae!" she threatens, not even needing to turn as she pulls ingredients out and starts making the pancakes that the pack had been distracting her from.
And true to her word, he sinks into his chair obediently, shooting her a look, tongue sticking out at her as he grumbles but settles down, grinning at her fussiness.
"Ooh pancakes! Any for me?" Tae says, entering with a bright swish of his stripey tail and waddling with his body plastered to a captured bun. He keeps butting his head against his jaw, nuzzling and chuffing, pleased as he rubs his berry scent to layer over the cotton. Smiling at the way Kookie's ears have drooped but to do nothing to hide his pink cheeks. And it's only when they part to sit down do I see Tae's found another jumper to wear...a large black hoodie that looks oh-so-familiar piece I'd seen Kookie take when he went to do laundry just two days back.
"Sit down Tae...plenty for you too. And you too Kookie...and Jinnie. Actually we're just missing Yoongi." She remarks as she sets down two plates laden with pancakes. Smiling as she nudges the large bowl of sliced berries towards Tae's direction.
He chuffs, chest rumbling with happiness as he reaches for the bowl, the sound stilling and cut off when Jiminie swipes for it and tugs it away, fingers and lips stained red with berry juice as he stares down his tiger.
"Hey! I want some too." Tae insists, leaning over the table, torso stretching across to lean over and pouting for good measure until Kookie pushes it back, clearly torn and unable to not help. Ears perking when Tae gives him a fangy smile of thanks for it.
There was something crackling and brewing between the three, a charged air with how Jiminie pins Tae with a stare even as he reaches for Kookie's wrist- absentmindedly scenting by swiping across the glands there.
Joon had trotted over to nudge and butt at Hobi's leg and the rhythmic thumping and swishing of his tail as he let out happy keening whines was indication enough that he was beyond happy where he was. And as I sit down next to him, Yoongi stumbles in- padding over to give a sleepy backhug to (Y/N) before he nudges her away to sit instead.
A nose nudges at me instead and I see a happy wolf peering up at me, tail thumping against Hobi's chair leg when I scratch behind his ears.
"Aren't you hungry Joon? Go ahead and shift back." I say. Urging him on, knowing just how frantic and rushed he'd be if he was to run late.
His head nods, nudging at my ankle before he takes the trek around to the doorway, rushing away with a scampering of trotting paws after he gives a surprise nip to Kookie's ankle. Tail swishing and ears tall and proud as he hurries away.
And a just as pleased dimpled grin greets us when he hurries back, partly dressed for work and hair rumpled and damp, work trousers on and a t-shirt tugged over his torso, a slither of honeyed skin before it vanishes out of sight.
"Sleep well then Joonie?" Yoongi asks.
He gives a small hum as he slips in beside (Y/N) who shoots him a wary look before it melts into a smile, giving him a poke to the side as she pushes a filled plate in front of him.
"He must've. If he had all that energy to be chasing me through the apartment in the morning. He even dragged Minnie off me, all that play fighting is what woke me anyways." She says wryly.
Looking at the guilty twitch of lips on both their faces.
"He's jealous. Cos he's too big for tummy snuggles. He's the big bad wolf." Jiminie says, growling and snapping his fangs playfully across the table at him. Mimicking and exaggerating a growl loudly that peters off into infectious giggles.
What I don't expect is for him to nonchalantly answer as he digs into his food.
"So what if I am? I hear you preen and boast about it enough...we all do."
There's a small splutter of laughter, giggles muffled behind a hand as (Y/N) ears flicker, eyes closing slightly. The sound is infectious and warm and beautiful.
"You preen about sneaking under clothes? My my...Officer Park, you'd be arrested for public indecency if you said that outside." She says, leaning forward to shoot him a look but her face crumples with giggles and she's ducking her head away, caught up in the teasing.
And there's not a single face on the table that isn't grinning or smiling, drawn into her giddy happiness.
And it's a much-desired and welcome change after the tense day that passed yesterday, it's light and carefree...and exactly how it's meant to be.
And it's only when I spot Hobi's bag as he sweeps everyone into cuddles to gather luck-energy before he rushes off for his exam.
"Oh! (Y/N)...Eunwoo dropped off something for you. It's from him and SJ." But whilst it makes her perk up with curiosity it makes more than one expression shift and sour slightly.
Jiminie and Yoongi.
Looked like there were more feelings being caught and more words that needed to be said.
(Y/N) beams when she open the package Eunwoo sent, hands brushing over the hoodie dresses, marvelling at the softness and when she rakes a curious sniff, she hums happily.
"It smells like pack." She trills, happy as she rifles through the rest of them, fingers drifting over the different colours and the shirts he's sent.
I spot Jiminie's eyes snag onto the hoodies, eyeing them thoughtfully and with a pleased tilt to his lips.
And then her hands reach for the other package, tugging off the letter attached and reading through it.
Whatever it's contents it's clear there's a mixture of things said based on the series of expression that flit across her face from wry to soft to flustered.
And when she folds the note and slips it to the side, her cheeks are definitely rosy.
Her hands are excited as she opens the package on her lap and peers inside, laughing at the first thing she draws out.
Peach scented body wash and lotion.
Peaches. That's what I'd smelt on her. Sticky sweet and thick with desire.
SJ was peaches.
My brows rise. There was a claim without it directly being expressed. Because she'd use it, lather it and massage it into skin and leave the scent to remain.
She crumples the note it comes with even if she grins at the words written on them.
And then she's rustling through it once more, eyes going soft and tender at the scarf she tugs out, drenched with soft peach scent and her expression goes tender as she briefly nuzzles against it, leaving it on her lap.
And then her hand stills.
Doesn't withdraw what's inside.
But her cheeks burn. A rosy glow that draws attention to her like the blare of a siren. She pushes something down and her hand retreats empty.
If her cheeks hadn't given her away, the scent spike the others shift and perk up at, the empty hand that retreats definitely does.
"What was it?" Tae asks, stripey tail swishing and curling, peeking past Yoongi to try and somehow see through the package that her hands still hold.
"Nothing...something silly. Something SJ would do." She says.
"Silly is good. What's inside (Y/N)~" Kookie teases, ears perking up when all of a sudden he darts forward to make a playful swipe for it and it has her curving around it and clutching it tightly, leg jolting.
"Nothing...let me correct myself. Nothing you should see. Any of you." she says warningly, clutching at it as she stands. Gathering the clothes and hastily ducking away.
She rushes to move the package out of sight and the scarf flutters to the floor in her haste.
Leaving it behind as she moves with her arms full.
Tae leans forward to pick it up, chuffing happily when he catches scent of it.
"SJ's got a nice scent. All fruity. Like me! And like you Yoongi hyung!" he says.
Taking a small discreet sniff again and nodding to himself.
"I wonder if I can catch sight of him now that I know his scent...ooh!! Maybe the kids never meant Eunwoo was her prince. Maybe this entire time it was SJ. Maybe it was both to them!" he exclaims with wonder, drawing together an image based on everything he's heard from them.
His words make Jiminie's stance go slightly stiff, tail swishing angrily.
Eyes turning into narrow slits as he glares at the scarf clutched in Tae's hands.
"Ahh but cub we know that isn't true... (Y/N) said it herself, she's..." Yoongi begins.
But another voice finishes it.
"Mateless and unclaimed." But her words end softly, her gaze pausing at Yoongi, ears flicking as she gives him a small sweet shy smile.
His ears twitch and his tail curls, a dark silent sway of his tail as he looks at her. Something flickering in his eyes, something shared between them.
"I made you lunch. You and Tae." He says softly. Padding off silently to the kitchen.
Disappearing to return with packaged boxes that he cradles carefully in his hands.
When did he do that if he woke up after everyone?
"Thank you Yoongi, that's really sweet." (Y/N) says.
"Really sweet...didn't you used to do that when...ow! I stubbed my tail." Tae says, grimacing as he scoops his tail and rubs at the end of it ruefully. Eyes flickering with hurt towards his mate.
"We'll be late. Best get going." And then there's a fox ushering the two out in the hallway, a hand on each of their back's as he nudges them forward.
Tail swishing with purpose.
And I wonder whether Minnie helped Tae leave before he said something, or whether he hurried him along before he heard something he perhaps wasn't quite ready to hear.
And maybe...just the teeniest bit of curiosity lingers. And I wonder what was at the bottom of the package.
What it was that had her so flustered and pink?
And why hadn't I roused such a response out of her yet?
My eyes drift from the papers to see a preening fox mate enter through the office doors, holding a file and tail swishing happily.
"Is that because you have good news or because you made up with (Y/N) and you've spent hours rolling around in it? And because you dropped her off again." I ask with a grin.
He shrugs his shoulder at me.
"Could be both no? We finally got some sort of intel from the undercover agents we have down in the black-market networks." He says as he sets the file down, pushing it in front of me.
I open it, eyes eagerly searching for information, eyes narrowing as I focus on the details, a thread of anger coursing through me at what implications it brings for the case.
"This is good news how Jiminie?" I ask with a sigh, rubbing my temple.
This is bad news.
Does this mean no news is good news? Because news unfolded things like this.
"Calm down Joon." A hand comes to massage at my nape, expertly undoing tension and easing it from my posture.
But it doesn't change what it reveals.
"You're telling me that the traffickers have roots in Seocho and Gangnam. Two massively populated districts of Seoul. How does this help narrowing anything...if anything we'll be hunting through millions of people." I say with a groan.
"You forget. Seocho and Gangnam are business and tourist districts. A larger population also means that they have to be more discreet, more careful. And just how much of the cities are truly empty? Second thing...a business district. Lots of money, largely an electronic cash system. And money means means that they're cities bursting with CCTV cameras." Jiminie points out.
CCTV means we can trace people more easily, we can follow and map their journey across the district with access to the footage. We can see where they go and who they have with them.
Electronic cash means that if they are hiring anyone to do their dirty business, it'll be easily traced, it'll have an electronic signature, there'll be GPS, IP addresses.
So what we've hit is a gold mine.
Precarious because we didn't know if the mine would cave, but if it didn't... we could strike gold. We could get leads.
A giddy laugh slips out of my throat as I examine the case file once more, underlining the key streets and routes the officers have marked.
I'm getting lost in picking apart the file for more information, mind beginning to buzz when there's the feel of lips at my nape.
Jolting and startling with their plump warmth.
"Oh Joon... that's not even the good news. Aren't you going to ask what else?" Jiminie whispers.
"What else?" I ask, twisting in my seat to face him.
See something excited flash in his eyes.
"That tracker we couldn't trace? Coincident that a large factory on the abandoned part of town down South in Seocho secretly runs production of nifty small electronic gadgets? Deals with cash. Right price can get the tightest lips to loosen." He says, voice a low enthralling purr, brushing across my skin as he keeps eye contact.
The thrill of doing something, the thrill of actually narrowing down things.
But a thought flits across my mind.
"But won't cash transactions mean they won't have details on people they've sold trackers on?"
Jiminie hums but he's undeterred.
Leaning in close to whisper.
"Not if they're supplying a large ring. Not if it's the biggest source of income for them." Looking triumphant.
And when I flip through the pages with haste, there it is.
A note file filled with Jiminie's notes, pointing out all the clues. Highlighting them.
And under it all an address.
A warehouse in Seocho.
My eyes flit to him. Tilt as I watch the antsy energy make him impatient, shifting weight from foot to foot as he looks at me.
I know he's the best man for the job. But even so...
"Officer Park." I call.
There's a shift as he stops the fidgeting, meeting the seriousness in my gaze as he straightens, eyes turning into fiery professionalism. Not standing in front of me as my mate but as a fellow officer, as my partner.
Tilting his head as I stand.
"Yes Officer Kim?" he replies.
"An infiltration mission. You will be going to scope out the warehouse and track down information whilst undercover as a buyer for nifty concealed trackers. Gather info about any ties to a trafficking ring. No acting on the offensive and retreat if there's even the slightest thing that feels wrong." I list out.
Watch as he nods. Even if his jaw clenches at not being able to attack.
"In and out Park. No-one should know you're an officer, you have to be extremely delicate with handling this. Get in, get proof, get out." I say, fingers drumming nervously, body thrumming with adrenaline.
This was really going to be happening. We were zeroing in on a lead and I was sending Jimin in as the strongest man on my team for this job.
The perfect undercover officer.
"I want you out and safe at the end of the day. Comm me using your personal transmitter if you'll need backup, if there's something urgently wrong. Jimin I'll say this again... get out of there safe. There's less CCTV in the ghost town." I warn.
Another nod.
A part of me trembles, that part of me that always wavers and worries about sending him in, sending my mate into danger, not knowing with the radio silence between us on undercover missions whether he's okay or whether he's unable to reply and get in touch.
I know he's not going in today. Know that he'll need a few days to build up a significant cover, enough that if anyone should run searches on him, nothing but his crafted background comes up.
But still...that restlessness begins to settle.
"Understood Sir." He says with a clipped nod.
Startling when I stand and fist my hand into his shirt and yank him forward, winding my arms around him and burrowing my head against his throat.
"Safe...I want you to be safe Minnie. I want my mate to come back to me." I whisper, voice trembling slightly.
The realness of the situation very quickly settling in.
In and out.
It sounded easy.
But I didn't know where I was sending him in. But it was also a step that needed to be taken.
And at the end of it, I called the shots.
I issued the order.
I issued it...and when I saw the determination in his eyes as he pushed the options in front of me, I knew where this was going.
But it still terrified me.
"I'll come back to you... I'll always come back to you. And I'll get proof, I know I will." he whispers, voice hushed but confident. Assured and level.
"It feels odd that after so long we've finally got something to go on. Makes me feel restless." I admit.
His hands curl around me, keeps me anchored to him.
"I'll make a deep cover. I'll be in and out. No attacking even if I want to knock out those sickos...and no getting to rub it into their faces. Got it Joon... really know how to kill a fox's hunt. Don't you know we live for the chase and hunt?" he asks as he leans back, lips curved wide.
The genuineness and confidence in his smile and words make a bit of those nerves ease.
And I smile at the pouty look he gives me, arms slung around my neck.
"Officer you really know how to spoil my fun. But fine. No hurting people...yet." He concedes with a loud sigh.
I pinch his hip, watch as he yelps and squirms.
"No hurting people yet, but no getting hurt too. If someone hurts you, if a sicko gets their hand on you..." I begin, growl slipping past my lips, hand tightening around his hip and holding him close.
"Then? What will the big bad wolf do?" Jiminie teases.
Trying to lighten the situation. Playful and deflecting.
I lean in, voice low and rough and every word full of promise.
"Then the wolf goes to hunt. And he doesn't have mercy for those who harm his mate."
No mercy, no forgiveness.
Because a wolf protected, a wolf kept the pack together. But a wolf also attacked and defended. A wolf also showed he was worthy of leading and keeping his own safe.
And I'd tear the factory apart, rotten brick by brick to get to anyone who'd hurt him.
But for now I breathe in his mint, sweet and satisfied and thrilled by the thought of narrowing it down, of closing in on the network of people tied to supplying the traffickers with the means of hunting lives down like they were prey.
It was high time being a predator was given a better definition.
And it was high time to tear the ones down giving it a bad image.
I fight the proud smug grin and the happy growl my wolf wants to let out at Minnie's next words.
"Fiery. Just how I like you. When I'm waving the intel in your face, I want a thank you. And I want it under sheets." He whispers.
My lips curve up, scent thickening and melding with his.
"Oh pup...that's a given. You come back safe and I show you just how thankful I am for that."
"Jiminie you coming for lunch?" I ask over the phone, satisfaction curling at the sight of the ever-growing map, filled with more and more intel.
It was a relief that there hadn't been any more missing persons reports filed across Seoul.
"I might be a bit late, I'm going to finish up my session first." He says, the sound of ringing shots heard in the background, muffled but still there.
Firing practice.
"We all know you can shoot. Now come on~ let's get lunch. Hyung's treat." I offer.
I hear a huff of laughter.
"I've got to finish hyung. And I can hear your stomach growling at me from here, go grab food." He teases.
I stand up, already reaching for my jacket with a wry grin.
"Even if I was planning to grab lunch from Jin hyung and Kookie's café?" I ask.
There's a pause.
Silence from him and if it hadn't been for the ringing of shots being fired, I would've thought I'd been hung up on.
"Well seeing as you insist, I'll finish up and meet you there." he says.
I smile.
"Got it, I'll order for you. Don't keep me waiting pup." I say with a smile before I'm stepping out of my office, a routine now to lock it. Wary because I didn't know who could and would wonder in and out whilst I wasn't there. And whilst there was a circle, a network of people I'd trust with my life, I couldn't vouch for every single officer, especially ones I hadn't worked with.
Couldn't leave my office untended and open and potentially have the entirety of the case to be able to fall into the wrong hands. If the leads and clues we'd built up fell into the hands of the mole at the station, then we'd be leaving every single child vulnerable and every single person tied to the case exposed.
And then I'm stepping out, passing Jinyoung on the way out.
He stops me with a hand to my arm, gaze serious.
"The blood test results have come back." He says quietly. And then he's passing over an envelope, quiet and subtle as he passes it and leaves.
Not drawing attention to our interaction beyond what's normal, dipping his head and giving a small salute before he's walking away.
The envelope sits on my lap once I'm in the car, engine running but the car unmoving.
I open it.
Needing to know who's blood was in (Y/N)'s cubby. Remembering that feeling of anger and revulsion and fierce protectiveness when I'd seen the way her body had jittered, how she'd trembled and hidden herself in a wall of two bucks.
Remembered that bubbling need to tuck herself close and check that she was fine.
I remembered seeing her eyes clench shut to hide away the sight of blood, remembered the small shuddery breaths.
I find my jaw clenching, teeth grinding as I open the envelope, tugging the report out.
And pause.
Blood Group B positive.
But that wasn't what had caught my eyes. It was the detail that the blood was poisoned, scorpion venom in high levels, toxic deoxygenated blood.
Scorpion venom.
Blood poisoning.
But hadn't that been the case for the young eight-year-old (Y/N) was looking after? Wasn't Ji Ah recovering from venom withdrawal?
And sure enough when I search the document there it is.
Her name.
Ji Ah.
But there's no surname, no mention of biological parents.
Which makes my stomach tighten with the conclusion I draw.
Ji Ah doesn't exist on official documents, she doesn't have a national identity. The only reason her name is there now because of the documents the centre had created for her.
It had been Ji Ah's blood in (Y/N)'s cubby.
But (Y/N) had already said, very happily and proudly, that Ji Ah's body didn't have any venom left in it. So how did her poisoned blood turn up in her cubby...
My face tightens.
There wasn't just a mole at the station. But a possibility of a mole at the centre. The only people who could've gotten access to Ji Ah's blood were the people working with her. With the small group assigned to her care and protection.
And my heart sinks at telling (Y/N) that.
I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news but it seemed like I had to be. And it also meant I needed to get an officer close to the team that worked with Ji Ah, needed them to keep an eye out.
And my stomach growls.
Cutting through my thoughts and jolting me out.
Lunch first it said.
And tonight... tonight I'd tell (Y/N).
But even as a I drive, I try to see the positive, try to rationalise the growing growling carnal need to attack. It wasn't another child's. It was identifiable. It wasn't another child or adult that we were being goaded with. Whoever it was had access to her. it narrowed down our options and increased our chances of being able to find them.
Be positive Joon, narrow them down. Hunt down the mole. You can do it.
It's with a bit of optimism and giddiness as I step through the door, hearing the warm jingles of the chimes as I enter. Eyes searching for both my packmates, for the familiar sight of flappy black wings and perked up brown ears, wolf growling happily at the thought of seeing my pink-cheeked bun and hyung.
I spot Kookie behind the counter, rosy-cheeked and flushed as he talks to a squirrel hybrid; Moonbin, (Y/N)'s packmate I immediately place. And make my way to the front. His attention goes to me and I watch with no little amount of satisfaction as the pink deepens.
"Joon hyungie! What brings you here?" he asks, ears perking up and standing tall and proud.
"I wanted to have lunch here. Jiminie and Tae always say the food is great and I get to see you and hyung." I say with a smile.
His fingers drum against the counter as he meets my gaze. Wide brown meeting my own.
"You came to see me?" he echoes with surprise.
I lean over the counter, fingers tilting his chin up, eyes drinking in the sight of flushed, flustered bunny. It satisfies my instincts in a way that's new and thrilling. Warmth pooling in my body and fanning out, so delighted at the sight of him.
"Of course bun. I need boasting rights to! That the pretty café worker got me food too." I say, echoing Tae's words when he'd recounted how he first met Kookie.
"Well...I'll get you some food, Jin hyung's gone out- he'll be back in a bit." He says, eyes beginning to scan the filled glass cabinets.
"For Jiminie too, he's on his way too." I say, watching his fingers slip on where he'd been drawing the cabinet door open, cotton scent turning richer and softer.
"Okay hyungie. Sit down and I'll bring you lunch." He says, eyes flitting to meet mine before he's ushering me away with a shy shooing motion, busying himself with making lunch.
But he returns empty handed and Moonbin nudges him to sit as he sets a tray down, grin knowing and disarming. A charming smile as he puts the laden tray down and murmurs 'enjoy' before he ducks away.
"Have you eaten?" I ask.
"Not yet. I wasn't going to take lunch with Jin hyungie when he came back." Kookie answers, blinking confusedly at the food I put in front of him.
"Well~ eat with me and then eat with hyung? Bunnies burn energy off super quickly no?" I say.
He hums as he takes a bit, eyes wide as he catches me looking at him, cheeks full and pausing mid-chew. The sight is so endearing and I laugh as I give one full cheek a poke.
"Super crazy that why you're practically all muscle?" I murmur, wondering to myself as I eye the bulging biceps outlined in his white shirt, distracted by the sight of collarbones peeking out from the open buttons at his throat.
"I'm not all muscle...but I do get hungry a lot." He admits, happily digging in to the half I'd handed him and he watches me with wide eyes until I bite into my own, giving him a thumbs up as I chew.
"Is this a date and am I the third-wheel?" Jin hyung's voice cuts through a few moments later, having silently approached.
It's a testament to how much my instincts calm and switch off around Kookie that my ears hadn't detected the approaching footsteps as something dangerous. Or maybe because my instincts had unconsciously registered them and known they were pack, known they were anything but threat.
"Not third-wheeling hyung, not if I got lunch for you and Jiminie hyung too. Not if there's four people!" Kookie says with a smile, tugging down hyung to sit next to him.
There's an instinctual, unconscious ease as his body tilts to hyung. Puffy full cheeks getting a smooch in greeting and a quick lean to rub my ears.
"If you insist! Where is Minnie then?" Jin hyung asks as he reaches for a tall glass, divvying up the rest and setting one down opposite him. for Jiminie when he enters.
"Here! One fox reporting for lunch Seokjinnie hyung!" and a flushed, slightly heavy breathing mate drops down beside me and nuzzles in quick greeting.
But his words are drowned out by the sound of the door roughly being pushed open and the gentle tinkling of chimes becoming harsh and forcefully jangled.
"Reckon we'll see that slutty bun dressed up again as a maid?" is the first sentence I pick up from the chaotic sound of voices bouncing off each other.
I see Kookie flinch and wince, ears curving and folding to shield them against the cacophony of noise.
But the table jolts as his leg slams upwards, something fearful and painfully horrified in his expression. I watch Jin hyung's wings flap and splay wide, blocking Kookie out of sight and face set into a grim hard look as he shoots a glance over his shoulder.
"Them. Koo bun just give me a..." Jin hyung says soft, moving to stand.
But Kookie's hand darts out to grip at hyung's wrist, anchoring him towards himself and eyes pleading and imploring. Silently begging him to stay.
"They've been here before?" I ask.
Jin hyung's face is uncharacteristically hardened, cut from stone with how his face tightens.
"They've harassed Kookie before." He says at the same time that a snarl rips out of Minnie's throat.
"Aren't they the ones from that...they have the nerve to come back?" he asks, hissing as his eyes narrow into threatening slits, tail swishing and ears pinned back, rising off his chair to stalk over when I tug him down.
"Let me deal with this thing." and I step out from the table to approach the counter where they're asking Moonbin something, leaning forward with leers.
"Where's the bunny? Not at work today?" one of them asks, my ears catching the suggestive tone in his word.
Another male next to him laughs, nudging him.
"Probably in heat and needing to be bred. Dumb bun just needs to be filled no?" he says.
Moonbin's jaw clenches, hands tightening on the counter as his tail stiffens and straightens.
"I've told you, I'm not at all obliged to tell you. Nor do I want you here, so leave the premises. We have the right to refuse serving you." he says through gritted teeth.
The scent of hazelnuts is decaying and rotting, pouring off him thick aggressive waves.
"Even if I can buy out the café and you?" the male at the front claims.
He's the most aggressive. This sort of sense of horribly misguided entitlement.
I growl.
A loud snarl that rips through his words and has him turning, something flickering in his eyes. Disdain curling his lips.
"Bad dog. Let me talk." Before he turns.
My hand darts out, blood boiling as I wrench him back and twist his arm behind his back, hand gripping the nape of his neck.
"Rich of you to call me a dog when you're the inhumane one degrading hybrids. Never learnt manners in your rich boy school?" I ask.
I glare down the others that twist to get their friend free, ears pinned back and teeth bared.
"Don't you dare take another step." I warn.
One of them fumbles for his phone.
Raising it threateningly.
"I'll call the police on you. Rabid dog likes you need to be in a cage." He says, false bravado. But my ears don't miss the tremor, the waver to his warbled impassioned cry.
I grin.
"Oh by all means do. Call the police...I have several complaints to file too." I say.
The man in my hold shifts, trying to tug himself free. My hands around his nape and wrist tighten, grit as I tug him straight.
"Harassing someone in their workplace. Derogatory slurs for hybrids. Open discrimination of hybrids. I can think of at least ten treaties and laws you're breaking entitled brat." I growl.
"And you are? A do-gooder? A well-wisher?" the male in my hold demands as he twists to try and yank himself free.
I growl, teeth snapping.
"I'm the police. So go on... try file a complaint against me. Try buy me out too." I hiss.
His leg jerks back, smashing against my shin and the small bubble of pain is swallowed when I twist him, instinctively moving to restrain him. Pinning him down, torso bent over the table.
My hand grips his wrist as the other fishes handcuffs out.
"And you've not only broken several laws. But you've ruined my time with my pack. And that... is something I have no patience for." As I snap the cuffs around his hands, tightening them and viciously pleased at the bark of pain, a curse slipping free of his lips.
I tug him back up.
"And whatever you had to say about my bun...I'd love to hear what other filth you thought. And slam another offence on you." I say.
The two he'd been with retreat slightly, cowardice shining through now. Bravado gone and dissipating, vanishing under the scent of freshly baked bread.
"You're just as guilty as accomplices. Unless you want to add fleeing to your list, I suggest you stay put."
And when they still, metal biting into the male's wrist and the two standing, fidgeting, and waiting for the paged patrol car to arrive, I feel my eyes flicker to the table, glad that Kookie's still out of sight.
Black fluttery barrier covering him from sight.
Nothing hides the sharp mint merging with my own even if Jiminie doesn't get up, staying with them.
Nothing hides the anger crackling in Moonbin's eyes as he shoots a viciously pleased smile at the pinned male.
The sound of sirens and the sight of the officers entering makes me smile, a grim stretch of lips.
Escort them to the car, uncaring if I'm particularly rough with shoving them in the back.
My head bends, tilting down to peer inwards.
Teeth bared and fangs snapping.
Their silence and fear is a feeling I relish.
"My my you're quiet now... good boys." I croon, echoing his own words.
And they're humans, no tails or ears.
But right now, they're being escorted away with their tails hanging low and tucked between their legs.
The slam I give the door as I straighten is loud and satisfying.
Eyeing the three with disdain.
"I'll deal with those three when I get to the station, put them in a holding cell. Preferably one that has more bars. Let them feel caged."
And a part of me howls with satisfaction, watching as they're taken away. That simmering rage cooling only slightly.
Another part of me wants to hurry back, it pushes me into motion, to get to Kookie, heart aching at the teary eyes and the way his hands fretfully tug at his drooped ears, burrowing into a small ball against Jin hyung's side, flanked by Minnie at his back- tucking him close.
"They're gone bun. Gone. I'm sorry, so sorry you had to deal with that." I whisper, fingers rubbing circles at the base of his ears.
His scent's faded, cotton drowned out by spiky heavy angry pheromones that swallow the softness whole.
Jin hyung's eyes are flinty and sharp when they drift to me, softening around the edges.
Tightness around his lips softening slightly.
"Thank you Joon. For protecting." He says softly.
"Always." I whisper.
And the alpha part of me that longs to protect and nurture and look after, howls with agony but also satisfaction.
At protecting.
At looking after.
But hurting for him too.
(Y/N) POV:
"Noona look!" Min-Junie exclaims, waving his hands and wriggling about once I've dressed him up, clothes protected by small paint overalls.
"Pretty baby bear." I coo, brushing my fingers through his hair and watch as his ears twitch as he giggles.
"Your pretty bear." He insists, wriggling before he suddenly pounces, diving for my lap. The sudden force has me knocked off balance, not expecting the sudden tackle even as my hands wrap around him, tilting back onto the mattress with a happy bear sprawled over me.
"My pretty bear." I confirm, kissing the tip of his nose.
He giggles and squirms, splaying wide and settling onto me.
I laugh and try to poke him off, watching him wriggle but refuse to budge.
"Min-Junie we're meant to be painting remember? With your tiger hyung." I prompt.
He peeks up.
"Tiger hyung here?" he asks, eyes beginning to search the inside of my office. Mouth dropped into a little oh as he searches, peering at corners as if expecting him to spring from there.
"He's on his way. Besides don't you want to go play with the others? Hye-Minie will be excited to see you." I say.
His cheeks pinken as his ears twitch.
"Hye-Minie? Play with her?" he asks. A bit wrigglier and more excited.
I nod.
"She's always so happy to see you." I say softly.
He gives a small sound of surprise, head ducking down to burrow against me.
I silently gush over the two. Endearing babies.
The sweet shy panda hybrid had really come out of her shell, growing more confident and assured; and a lot of that had stemmed from her wish to help Min-Junie feel at ease.
She'd grown into herself, soft round cheeks rosy with giggles and laughter and chubby arms ready to throw themselves around the baby bear and drag him alongside her.
They were helping each other, whether or not they realised it. They were helping each other heal and grow. And I knew with the glow that lit up Hye-Min's face that she was slowly overcoming that trauma of abandonment.
And I knew bit by bit Min-Junie was adjusting and adapting. Was learning to trust once more and was learning to form connections with others.
"And cheetah hyung too!" Min-Junie suddenly says.
Looking at me with bright hazel eyes.
"Yes! But you need to get up for that sweetheart." I urge.
"Are you playing at being mattress sweet fawn?" a voice calls and I turn my head to see a tiger standing at the door, stripey tail swishing and curling happily behind him as he shoots a bright fangy boxy smile at me.
"No! Min-Junie just decided to tackle and become a bear blanket instead." I say with a laugh, trying to nudge him off.
He bounds in, thrilled and delighted as he looks at me, peering over at me.
His fluffy ears twitch and flicker, crouching down to hover over me, legs on either side of mine as he kneels. His head hovers above mine, arms bracketing Min-Junie in against me, stripey tail curling behind him.
"Good boy cub." Tae praises, leaning down to nuzzle and scent him and the soft weight on me goes laxer, sprawling over me as he relishes in his tiger hyung scenting him, nosing at the back of his head even if it doesn't transfer any sweet berry across. The gesture instinctually calming him more.
And then he beams at me.
"It's a wonderful idea. I'd love to be a tiger blanket on you." he murmurs, voice low and soft, eyeing me and hands going to hold my waist.
The gesture though innocent, the position of being pinned in by him has my cheeks heating, remembering the not so innocent feelings and sensations that had arose a few days back when I'd been woken to his weight pinning and holding me, firmly flush and grounding against me.
"A tiger blanket?" I ask, voice hitching.
He nods.
"And then like Min-Junie I can snuggle and scent too! Good going cub." He praises, nosing again and laughing as he scoops up Min-Junie and plucks him away, twirling him around in his arms and spinning him away from me.
I hastily get to my feet, tugging at my own overalls and brushing my hair back, quickly tying it up.
"Ready to paint then fawn fairy? I've got a room full of kids clamouring for you." he says as he scoops up Min Junie properly, absently rubbing a hand up and down his back as he cradles him.
I nod, hurrying past him to avoid the flush on my cheeks being noticed, instinctively listening out for the click of my office door before I rush to the playroom, smiling and letting myself be tugged away by eager arms and giddy smiles. Losing myself to the happy cloud of scents and trying to remain consciously unaffected by the tiger that follows through.
This was just painting.
But an hour later...I find myself standing side by side with Tae as we line up the kids, crouching down to outline their wriggly bodies onto the dried walls behind them.
There's a sly nudge to my arm to purposely jog me as I trace one of the kids; a sweet quiet jaguar boy that has my hand slipping, faltering in my careful trace.
A deep chuffy giggle draws my eyes away from the wall to glare at the grinning tiger beside me, watching him deftly outline the little fluffy chick in front of him and give her a small tap to the nose. Happily scurrying away to flit back into the crowd of laughter and to play with the others.
"Careful fawn fairy, don't slip and make his tail big!" Tae chides, mischief in his tone.
I huff, twisting back to trace, careful and steady as I finish the outline.
"All done sweetheart." I say with a smile, watching as he shakes himself free of the stillness, bouncing as he twists to peer at his outline etched onto the wall.
"Will we be painting ourselves soon?" he asks, leaning in to whisper, hands cupped over his mouth as he steps between my slightly parted legs.
"Of course! So think of what colours you want to paint yourself with okay! What cool outfit you'll be wearing." I whisper back.
Sweetly surprised when he shuffles a bit closer and wraps his arms around me, folding himself in for a small hug, a content rumble building in his chest as he shyly buts his head against my cheek, nuzzling and scenting.
"Thank you for drawing me fawn fairy." He whispers.
I smile, brushing my fingers over wavy locks and the back of his ears.
"You're always welcome." Touched and surprised by his sudden rush for affection but always welcoming it. Always welcoming when instinct or need or pure want shone through in any one of the children.
Because it meant they were slowly breaking through whatever had been engrained in them and learning and teaching themselves that it was okay to love and be loved.
He ducks away after a final but against my cheek and nuzzle, a soft shy look as he meets my gaze and rushes away, hiding in the bustle of children and filtering through them.
I'll probably find him curled up, tail draped over himself and reading. Find small ears peeking out from the top of a book once I'm done.
I don't expect to feel a gaze trained on me and that when I turn I find mischief gone and soft tenderness replacing the look in Tae's eyes.
Or for his gaze to remain there, unflinchingly holding my own as he looks at me. Leans forward to correct the slight wobble that his own teasing nudge had caused. Fixing it.
"You're good with the kits. You're good with the kids full stop." He observes.
Eyes roving over me with a careful slow unhurried intensity.
Something warm pooling in them.
"I wasn't always...I struggled so much when I first started. I was at the age where I looked too young to be an adult and too old to be a child, I had to work to be accepted as a caregiver in both the children's eyes and the other more experienced workers here." I say.
He nods.
"I get that. Except I was a little tiger rushing through fields and not quite realising why not everyone wanted to play and snuggle and scent and chase. And then as a grown tiger realising that the world sees my stripes first and me second." He says, a bit of stiffness in the casual shrug he gives.
His attention turns back to defining the outline of the small three-year-old he'd been tracing, making it bold and apparent on the wall. Starkly outlined and ready to be filled.
And my heart aches for the little tiger cub him that could fit the outline I've drawn, for the small excited chuffy tiger baby he'd been just wanting to snuggle and not knowing why others didn't feel the same way.
And this time it's my turn to give a nudge.
"Well I see the stripes and Tae at the same time. Can't have one without the other." I say.
His face lightens, smile stretching wider.
"So...what did cub Tae do? Did he go hug trees instead?" I ask with a curious hum.
A small splutter of laughter escapes him, childish and sweet. But his voice is a low drawl that has a contained rumble in it.
"Oh sweet're assuming that I didn't just dive and take the cuddles. I'm very pro action as a tiger. I see something I like, I take it. I want cuddles, I take them. I want to scent, I rub my berry-ness everywhere. And I want to be a blanket...I'll be it." he whispers, lips brushing against the shell of my ear, a ghost of a kiss.
And then he's spinning away.
"Next cutie up please!" calling out for someone else to take a vacant space on the wall. To make the next link in the chain of hybrid kids we were outlining in a ring around the room.
A slither of warmth curls around me at the mental image of a tiger cub Tae pouncing with chuffs and giggles to lather someone with affection and bonk his head against them before scenting.
And yet also, he spins away as if his words haven't left a tingle to brush across skin, sparks where his lips had brushed my ear, his lilting teasing drawl winding around my mind. The image of the fully grown tiger in front of me snagging my attention.
And it shouldn't be possible, not with the customary scent blockers but I feel the ghost of sweet berry brush against my skin even as he turns to the next child, attention on them.
I shake my head, ears flicking when another child steps up, voice soft and curious.
"Are you okay fawn fairy?" and I nod quickly at the ten-year-old peering at me.
"I'm fine lovely. Perfect." I assure.
But as I get to tracing her, so consciously aware of the stripey predator beside me.
It was just that clinging need for intimacy. It was just that unsatisfied feeling that clawed at me.
Nothing more. Nothing more.
And yet when he called out as I was making my way out of the room a while later had my heart clenching.
"Don't go vanishing, we're having lunch together! I'll hunt you down if I have to!" he calls after me. Voice floating above the mingling voices of the others playing.
And when I step out of the room, there's a smile stretched across my face.
"I'll see you later Ji-Ah honey. Be a menace to Gyeomie for me." I say with a laugh, turning to spot the tall ambling puppy hybrid move towards the room.
She gives me an okay gesture, nodding happily. Hand still holding the teddy, cradling it to her tummy.
"If you want to have some fun, just use him as a climbing post. Use his height to explore the room." I say, smiling at her.
She nods.
And then there's a nose bumping my cheek and hands grabbing at me, laughing when I screech, not expecting him to have snuck up the last stretch really quickly and stealthily.
"Ahh...Jackson hyung misses this. And I see why. It's always fun to scare a skittish fawn." He teases, nuzzling in apology and pressing a quick kiss to my cheek.
"I shall have my revenge." I say easily, nudging him off me and ushering him into the room, shooting a wink to Ji Ah and a finger pressed to my lips as the unsuspecting pup enters the room.
"Huh...what do you mean?" he asks, ears flopping as he looks at me.
I shake my head, leaning against the door.
"Nothing Gyeomie. Nothing at all. Give JB oppa and the pack my love." I say, stepping away with a final wave.
Moving away with my heart feeling warm and soft, fluttering when I remembered what going back would bring. The small note that had been slipped on top of the box Yoongi had packed for me.
Remembered Tae opening it with a grin before his expression shuttered and turned coy, promptly switching the boxes with a quick swipe to my hand as he swapped them around.
"That one's yours." As he dug into the now swapped boxes.
I had eyed it confused.
Was there something in the one I'd been holding that was specifically Tae's favourite or something?
But when I'd lifted the box, I'd spotted a note stuck inside.
Thanks for the tea and for being a new cuddle buddy. Enjoy my sweet girl~
And Tae's eyes were knowing as he grinned at me with full cheeks, ears flickering and eyes lit with happiness.
Chewing happily. And I knew without a doubt he saw the note and that's why he switched it around.
Knew that his mate shares something with me, something new and tentative and sweet building between us. And showed his support unconditionally.
And maybe...maybe I had something in return to say.
Something to say to respond to the sweet words he'd left me with before Joon had come to my room.
Maybe I had an answer.
One that I'd always had, finally finding the time to word it, to say it back. To verbally acknowledge those feelings I'd felt.
And when we'd finished, he'd packed up the boxes and whisked them away, stripey tail swishing happily as he plucked the now noteless box back, eyeing the small slip of paper with a happy smile.
"Hyung's really going all out for you...I'll let you into something. I never got such a charming start to my courting." And with a quick nuzzle at my temple he scampered off.
But there's no tiger when I finish work, smelling faintly of peaches after SJ had snuck up and grabbed me, closing the door of the empty cloakroom and pinning me against in. Mouth hot and feverish against my own, trailing to my gland as his hands delved under fabric to tug me close.
And as I step out, the cold wind brushes against heated skin, lips tingling still and I tug the scarf he'd sent me tighter around my neck, remembering how his eyes had flashed when he'd spotted it, tugging it away from my throat to mark skin.
I spot Minnie's car, hurrying forward towards it with a smile, tugging the car door open as I duck in.
"Hi Minnie. Good day at work?" I ask, twisting as I do my belt, head rising to look at him and seeing a smile still on his face.
He takes a small subtle sniff, nose wrinkling and ears twitching.
"Good...been more productive today. Could've been better. You? Good day?" he asks, hands curling around the steering, body twisting back to face the front.
I hum.
"I did some stuff with Tae for the mural, had lunch with him too...oh! I took Ji Ah to be checked up and she's healthy and stable enough to be prescribed vitamins to help regulate the new balance. And she's slowly getting better! She's been able to eat more too recently." I say happily.
And his expression softens, lips curving up and that small subtle change to his mint as it softens and sweetens.
Cool refreshing mint.
"I'm glad to hear that. Ji Ah seems like a really sweet girl." He says softly.
I nod.
"I hope Hobi did good on his exam, he's been stressed so much. But he did so much prep, I know he can ace it- just hope he didn't fret as he sat it." I wonder aloud.
"You care a lot for the others. it makes it hard to hog you for myself when everyone wants some fawn time." Minnie muses from beside me, a smile in his words.
I shrug.
"He's worked so hard as an intern, gone above and beyond than what most employees would at times. He deserves nothing but the best." I insist.
Lips unconsciously curving up when he pulls into the car park behind the apartment block, fingers moving to undo the belt.
But his other hand captures my wrist.
Mint sweet as he leans in, eyes glinting in the amber glow of streetlights.
"You work hard, you go above and beyond and give at the cost of yourself. You deserve nothing less than the entire world." he whispers.
And then he's leaning away, fingers uncurling as he opens his car door.
"Late night run? I need to blow off some steam." He asks.
I nod, eyeing the stretch of green.
"Sounds good? Let's see if you manage to catch me before I slip away this time." I say with a laugh, stepping out and walking towards the block.
Hear his hurrying footsteps as he steps behind me, a line of heat that seeps off him and brushes against me.
"Oh I have no intention of letting you slip away. That's a promise."
"Do you know where Kookie is? He vanished after dinner...he barely even picked at his food." I ask Yoongi, hours later, as he curls beside me on the sofa, handing over a mug of tea.
My fingers latch automatically onto the slightly scalding heat.
His tail swishes before it settles.
"I heard from the others that there was an incident at work today. He's unsettled, wanted to stay and nest. Poor bun." He says softly, words tinged with sympathy and hurt for him.
My eyes flicker up, ears twitching.
"Incident? Is he okay?" I straighten up, alarmed and ashamed I hadn't pushed slightly when he'd sat all jittery next to me and vanished down the hallway when I'd turned around to help an extra clumsy Joon clean up. Had dropped it when his ears had wilted and foot had thumped anxiously, plates clattering in his hold until I'd taken them from him.
"Self-entitled humans sharing unwanted opinions." He says bitterly, and his eyes flicker with phantom pain, with lingering haunting snippets of memory.
I curve close, instinctively seeking out comfort and wanting to give it.
"But it's been handled. He just wants some time to overcome it." Yoongi reassures.
And I stifle the giggle when his tail flickers and uncurls from his own lap to wind around my waist silently, tucking me in against him.
"Poor Koo. I should give them a whack for making him sad." I say furiously, drawing the mug to my lips, ignoring the slight sting as it burns my lips and scalds as it goes down.
"Oh? Fawn fairy is a fighter too?" Yoongi asks curiously. Lips twitching when I turn to look at him.
"Enough to throw a punch if needs be. And if someone's hurt Koo, they deserve that punch." I say fiercely.
His ears perk, standing tall and to attention as he looks at me.
"I'll remember that. Fawn fighter. Has a nice ring to it." he muses.
So does being 'his'. It has a lovely enticing ring to it. Sweetly alluring when he gives a light nuzzle to my temple as he scents goodnight, hand curled around his door handle.
"Sleep well my sweet girl."
It curls around me, a giddiness that makes my stomach flutter with an onslaught of butterflies. But before I get to my own room, door not pushed open, a small surprise sensation has me stilling. Freezing.
And my mouth parts in shock.
A sudden jolt that banishes the sleepiness away. Tail flicking and ears twitching. Eyes wide and the warm tug of bed vanishing.
Wide awake whilst the world inside the apartment slumbers.
QUESTION... Is the plot balancing well? Like is there a flow between the chapters or not? Do they read well as connected or do they seem separate?? And am I showing the animal side well?
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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