Chapter 36- fluttering hearts
(A dream is a wish your heart makes...and I wanted to fulfil this dream of yours Midiiplier darling. So just like you dreamed! Here is a surprise update on MONDAY just because of you~)
Jin hyung and Kookie are the first ones back, a bright call of Kookie's voice ringing through the apartment as he bounds in, bearing boxed baked treats in his hands that he sets down on the kitchen table. Ears perking up when he spots the two of us in the living room and rushes over, playful and flitty as he whirls to Yoongi hyung, gives the lightest nuzzle at his temple and rushes away before hyung can realise what's happened, giggling at the hand that swipes out but fails to reel in an energetic bunny.
The rest return as a group at night, splitting off to get changed, a comfort in seeing them all return home, to see a completed pack, to see our scents merging and mingling, brushing against each other in greeting and intertwining as they came to settle.
I watch from the sofa as (Y/N) quietly walks in, tentative and shy as she approaches Yoongi hyung, hands curled around the boxes I'd seen him diligently prepare earlier, had seen him drag himself off the couch to pack food for Hobi hyung to take for the two of them. I'd seen him carefully entrust the same boxes to Hobi hyung with a silent swish of his tail. Remembered the words he'd said as he'd given them, not quite able to meet Hobi hyung's eyes.
"Make sure she eats." And then turning away, citrus scent a bit softer, mellow and sweet as he'd padded back to sink back onto the couch, shooting me a look when I gave him a poke.
And now when she approaches him, his gaze goes almost immediately to her, soft and curious, tail swishing slightly.
"Thank you Yoongi. You didn't have to pack me lunch too." She says softly, the highs of her cheeks tinted a light pink.
He shakes his head at her, tilting his head back to look at her.
"I...wanted to. If it made you uncomfortable then I'll..." he begins, hedging carefully. Looking slightly lost and out of his depth, fumbling with his words as his scent turns a tinge sharp. Worried.
I'm rising from my reclined position but she's already shaking his head, a quick furious shake to dispel that thought from hyung's mind.
" I liked it. It was really sweet of you to do Yoongi." She insists, voice light and so, so soft. It makes her anise turn soft too, a light floral teasing trail of scent that brushes against my nose.
Teasing at my senses when my head was still clouded with the ghost of her scent, sweet and thick and heavy with lingering vestiges of sleep. When I'd been unable to forget how appealing her scent had been, merged and layered with berries and citrus. With her scent trailing and brushing against mine, a light pulse of it that managed to settle on my clothes, I'd felt like I was in a bright, bursting field in the midst of summer. With her scent teasing at my mind, it had reminded me of home.
And now as Yoongi hyung looks up at her, scent softened, I see the light tug at his lips and the sudden flash in his eyes.
"Suga sweet?" he asks.
Part tease and mischief and part curiosity.
See her lips quirk even as the pink deepens, a light dusting that coloured her cheeks.
It was a pretty colour, like the soft pink of buds before they bloom I think absently. I was sure I'd seen the same colour in the fields growing up.
"Sweeter." She whispers, her own scent seeping out from under the scent blockers, pheromones rolling off with her flustered state. But her honesty, quiet and light as it is, has Yoongi hyung's face softening and his expression turning just as flustered too.
"I'm sweet too!" I pipe up, drawing their focused gazes on each other away, smiling when it makes the room a little lighter.
"But my scent is sweeter." Hobi hyung exclaims as he enters, directing focus to him, grinning as he towels his hair dry, scrubbing at the back of his twirly ears as he plops down beside me, pressing a kiss to my throat in greeting.
"S not!" I protest but I lean in to nuzzle against his cheek, breathing in sticky sweet caramel, humming as I nose at his gland.
But he was delicious I'd give him that.
"Oh I don't know...what do you think sweet girl?" Yoongi hyung asks.
The pink in her cheeks steadily climbs, so when the Joon hyung steps through, shirt clinging to his broad firm torso and muscled arms on display as he rubs a towel over his ears, it is a very blessed distraction that (Y/N) seizes.
Rushing away and mumbling about getting changed, boxes set down quickly before she hurries down the doorway and squeezing past Joon hyung who'd paused at the doorway. And then he's turning back, wide eyes blinking and ears drooping slightly.
"Did I do something?"
"Not at all pup..." Yoongi hyung reassures with a small smile.
Something so satisfied and warm pooling in his eyes as he watches Joon hyung move into the living room, reaching for the towel when hyung steps close to towel off Joon hyung's ears himself. Joon hyung's tail wags as he bends his head forward to but against Yoongi hyung's hands, leaning into the touch.
My eyes search for Jiminie, laughing when Joon hyung bounds over and scoops me close in an enthusiastic greeting hug, nosing at my jaw and temple as he winds his arms around me.
My hands flit to his biceps squeezing experimentally.
"I really like these. Strong alpha wolf hyung." I whisper into his ear as I lean close to nuzzle back, feel his arms tighten fractionally in surprise.
And then a rich burst of foresty scent.
"I love that too. Your scent." I add.
He lets out a low sound, a mixture of a whine and a growl and when I lean back his eyes are warm and sparkling and wide, leaning forward to brush his nose against mine, head tipped close.
"As much as you love Min-ah's?" he asks with a knowing look.
My tail swishes and curls behind me, ears perking up at the mention of my fox packmate.
"I love them both in their own ways..." I grouse.
He laughs, dimples forming as his grin widens.
"Mhm...he's just getting changed cub, he'll be out soon." He confides as he leans back.
My eyes widen.
Maybe I hadn't been as subtle as I thought.
And that thought is written as clear as day on my features because his dimples deepen.
Caught out.
But when it brings a warm body pressing behind mine in a hug, smelling like soft gentle mint and a murmur of 'I need to say something later' I know that maybe sometimes subtle wasn't the way to go about it at all.
Sometimes you needed to charge in full-steam ahead.
My hand squeezes his wrist as I lean back against him.
"After dinner?" I ask.
Hear him murmur, body close that I can feel his lips brush slightly across my nape.
"After dinner." He echoes.
The light tingling of his touch feeling like a soft, sweet promise.
But despite all that I had envisioned, I didn't expect that after dinner brings a light hand curled around wrist and tugging me away, down the hallway and away from where everyone else is gathered in the living room.
Hear his vague obscure excuse as he tugs me away, not really bothered to disguise the intent in his voice. Follow the hypnotic calm swish of his fluffy tail as it moves behind him, full and puffy and gleaming.
Don't expect for him to suddenly stop, body leaning against his bedroom door as he peers at me, ears perked up and twitching.
"You lay a claim on me." Jiminie breathes.
I blink.
"I did." I answer. Assured and certain.
There was nothing I wanted more.
"You want me." he states but the look in his eyes is questioning and gauging.
"I want you." I answer, body leaning against his, pressing it to the door.
"You like me?" he asks, face shadowed in the lighting of the hallway.
I shake my head, leaning in close, fingers brushing across his cheeks as I cup them, nose brushing against his as I peer at him, eyes intently trained on him.
"I adore you." I correct, closing the distance to press my lips to his, soft and warm fullness meeting my mouth, a soft exhale when he presses back into the light touch, firmer and grounding.
"And I adore you too Tae. My stripey tiger." He murmurs against my lips before he winds his arms around me, tugging me closer against him, mint sweet, pressing back harder, mouth unhurriedly moving against mine but burning where his lips settle against mine, scorching as it sets sparks to race across.
A small rumble builds and reverberates against his mouth, tugging him closer as my tongue brushes across the seam of his lips, running across it and sliding in when he parts for me. Desperate to know if he tastes like mint too, whether his scent will come to settle against me, wanting it to sink into skin.
And when we lean away, lips swollen and slick and breaths ragged, I can't tear my eyes away. I still can't stop that constant roaring in my ears, that constant burning need that my instincts have for him, that deep longing for him.
"I wanted you to kiss me in the nest." I confess.
Eyes settling on his.
See his lips curve.
"When I had you all under me?" he asks, voice full of tease.
"When I let you be on top." I answer.
Pressing a kiss again to his lips.
Humming, tongue swiping against them before I move back once more.
Addicted to the shape and feel of his lips melding with mine.
His tail swishes, puffy and bristling.
Leaning back to nip at my lip with his fangs, scraping warningly.
"As if cub." He retorts, part challenge, part playfulness.
His eyes have a gleam I know too well.
"Next time...I'll be on top." I whisper.
Instincts rolling around with satisfaction at the thought of curling over him in a nest drenched with everyone's scents.
"Next time can wait. Right now I want more kisses." He says plaintively, hand twisting to push the door open.
And I know there's something that has been bothering him, know and can see it with the way he's chased this distraction, has decided to pursue me for answers when I'd just begun, barely scraping the tip of just how many claims I wanted to lay.
But if he wanted a distraction, I was more than glad to oblige.
If he wanted to lose himself in a cloud of mint and berries, I was very eager to follow suit and lose myself with him.
My tail swishes and curls as I follow him in, a deep rumble building with contentment at the richness of his and Joon hyung's scent that clings to everything.
I'd love to nest in here.
And Jiminie's eyes are fond and soft as he looks at me and clambers onto the bed, tugging me beside him.
But before I go down, before I follow and curl beside him, I look at him intently.
"But whatever's bothering you...don't bottle that up. Talk to me." I bargain.
He nods, fingers curling around my nape to tug me down, thumb rubbing circles into my gland.
The distant sound of a rumbling growl has my head turning from where I'm scenting at Jiminie's throat, nuzzling and pressing kisses to his gland.
Blinking up to see Joon hyung looking so pleased as he approaches the bed and clambers in, wriggling close when my hand flails backwards for him, tugging at his shirt.
"Sleeping here tonight cub?" Joon hyung asks, voice low and hopeful.
His arm sprawls over my waist when I tug it to, its weight coming to settle as I tilt my head back.
"I'd love to. Smells so nice." I enthuse.
"You and Min smell so nice too. Your scents together." Hyung says, eyes drifting past me to shoot his mate a knowing look, something tender and unspoken in the moment when their gazes hold.
"We've been talking." I add, lips twitching when Jimin's hand darts out to fist into my shirt, a silent warning.
I lean back, ducking to nose at the line of his neck before pressing a kiss to his jaw, fangs scraping.
"Oh? About?" Joon hyung asks.
I tilt my head to press a kiss to the arm wound around me, tilting back to graze my lips across honeyed skin.
"You two. Being self-blamers. About the mole. About the person who followed us a while back. About me wanting to go on a date." I list.
Seeing Joon hyung nod along until he pauses, blinking.
Feel Jiminie's knuckles brush against my stomach, feel the touch even through the fabric.
"A date?" they echo.
I stretch out, toeing at Jiminie's calve.
"Well of course...I want to be dated. Unless my kisses mean nothing to you Jiminie. And you were playing this poor tiger's heart." I say, narrowing my eyes at him even if my tail curls with mischief, swaying as I wait for his response.
Jutting my lip out and staring.
See his face crinkle with happiness.
"I'd love you that is. And take you on dates." He whispers.
Hand reaching over my waist to settle on Joon hyung's forearm.
Caging me in between them.
It's a delicious feeling to be cocooned from both ends, rich earthy foresty musk and mint swirling around me.
My scent pulses out, sweet and heavy, to join theirs.
"I look forward to it my fox." I whisper.
Feeling the press of lips to the nape of my neck and another curling back to meld with mine, soft and gentle as he entangles his legs with mine.
"I look forward to us." he replies.
(Y/N) takes one look at us when she heads over for breakfast, sliding out from behind Kookie to step to the kitchen when she pauses. Ears flicking and body going suddenly still before her face softens, turning all at once pleased and happy.
Eyes glancing to Jiminie and shooting him a conspiratorial wink.
"Sleep well Tae?" she asks, leaning over the counter.
Genuinely curious and excited for us, the radiance of it clear in her face and body thrumming.
"Very! You?" I ask.
She gives a noncommittal hum as she nods, head tilting to follow Kookie when he moves behind her to get to the aprons.
"Good. I'll be heading in a bit earlier today, so I can't have our walk Tae." She says apologetically.
Beside me Jiminie perks up.
"But you still have me~ I'll just head to the station afterwards." He says.
Not sounding apologetic at all about not having me accompany them, pleased and enthusiastic.
"I'll see you at the play centre?" I ask.
She dithers.
Face flashing with uncertainty.
"If...if Ji Ah doesn't need me then I will, but Min Junie is going to be joining. He's insistent about that park trip I offered him." she says with a soft smile.
I tilt my head at that.
"Park trip?" momentarily distracted at mourning a lack of a fawn fairy keeping me company.
She nods.
"One of the local ones just near the centre. It'll let him see the world beyond the centre...and well, if he wants to see flowers, then of course I'll take him." (Y/N) says easily.
Affection and tenderness so easily given, so thoughtful and aware of others.
So easily and readily willing to do anything to help, to make Min Jun happier.
I knew I wasn't the only one that felt a deep physical pang at the thought of him one day having to slowly be weaned off (Y/N)'s attachment and support system.
"And if I wanted to see flowers? Would you take me too?" I ask.
Her lips tilt upwards.
Gaze thoughtful as she ponders, drawing it out.
My tail swishes and flicks against Jiminie's side the longer she takes to answer.
"Hmmm....fine. But that day is solely for my baby bear, you'll have to schedule another timing Tae." She says teasingly, eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Done deal." I acquiesce quickly.
I'd take any moment to spend time with the fawn fairy.
Stepping through to the bakery the second morning back is the beginning of habit settling in. The feeling so complete and satisfying as I unlock the bakery, stepping through and hearing the gentle tinkling of the chimes as I move through the doorway, hear the abrupter sharper crash of chimes when Kookie barrels in behind me, carrying a box of ingredients behind me.
"It feels like ages since we've been here!" Kookie exclaims, voice bright and warm, seeping into the empty corners and curves of the bakery, washing over it with the familiarity of his voice.
I hum in agreement, wings flaring and splaying wide as I run my eyes over everything, taking in the tables and chairs, mentally noting to wipe them all down before I got started on anything else. Noting the completely empty glass shelves and the walls from yesterday now filled, everything had to be restocked and made fresh.
It had been a day of knuckling down and baking constantly.
Cycling through batches of breads and loaves and refilling the coffee machines with the fresh batch of beans that had arrived. It was filling the cash register, it was spent stocking up on fresh fruits and receiving orders for fresh produce. It had been cracking down, matching aprons dusted with flour and cheeks smeared with batters or mix, eyes intently focused on the tasks we'd all divvied up yesterday.
"At least we can open today." I muse, habitually running my fingers across the counters as I walk, checking the tips of them for dust.
"I'll start by cleaning and polishing all the tables and the floor. You good to head in the back and get the ovens warm and heated?" I ask, watching as Kookie reaches the counter, glint in his eyes showed me he was debating whether hopping over it was worth its repercussions like last time.
Gives me a toothy scrunch when he feels my gaze on him.
I stride over, lifting the hatch to let him pass through and following him to open the doors for him, wings rustling when he gives me a small smile of thanks.
"I'm good to. I'll get them all preheated at their different temperatures. I'll also start measuring out the ingredients, the others aren't due to start for a while." He calls over his shoulder, ears perked up and standing proudly to attention as he strides in.
I watch him tug off his thick jacket and scarf, hanging it up and taking mine before he appears apron-clad in the doorway separating the shop from the large kitchen behind it.
See him waving mine, dangling on crooked inked fingers that beckon.
I step up in front of him, smiling when he tugs my coat off, slowly drawing off my hat and scarf, setting it aside before he loops the apron around my neck, arms sliding around my waist to tie it up.
Focused on his task, the small scrunch of concentration appearing on his face as he does so.
He's endearing.
"Don't leave me to do the heavy lifting alone though." He warns playfully as he steps away, swiping up my outer layers to hang up.
I nod.
"I'll be in the back soon bun. Let me get everything fixed and cleaned here." I call after him.
Already moving to get the mop out, beginning to clean the front part of the shop.
It's between a blur of spray, wipe, admire as I clean the tables that the sound of clanging chimes disrupts me, head tilting up to see a bushy-tailed, bright-eyed squirrel barrel in in, eyes wide as he lands on me and rushes forward with a loud call of 'hyung' falling off his lips.
My hand darts out to steady his rushing figure before he tumbles into me, body teetering before I still it, head cocked questioningly even if my lips tug and twitch at how habitual his rushing is.
"What caught fire Binnie?" I ask.
Surprised by the sudden way he throws his arms around me and wriggles close, mumbling over and over.
"Thank you. Thank you hyung." He says.
"What for?" slightly confused.
"For taking care of noona! She's never had to go through a heat alone." He adds dejectedly, eyes sparking with hurt at the very thought as he contemplates just how brutal her heat must've been.
My heart sinks and plummets at that.
"Never? But does she get through her heats?" I ask carefully.
"She has a heat partner! Suppressed heats or not...she always gets tended to through them." He explains easily.
My frown deepens.
Heat partners weren't unordinary. Weren't out of place.
They were normal. They made it easier to get through ruts or heats if someone was unmated.
But if she had a heat partner then why did she suffer so much? Why was she alone?
The thought clangs in my head, a loud ringing sound that echoes.
"She didn't say. We would've gotten her partner to help her if we knew! She suffered so much." I exclaim, feathers ruffled and wings flapping restlessly.
But Moonbin doesn't seem surprised.
Far from it.
There's a look of resignation and acceptance on his face.
"Noona wouldn't say. Wouldn't want to be a burden." The last word drops off his lips scathing and bitter, as if he knows exactly why she wouldn't say, hating the word.
I hate it too.
(Y/N) wasn't a burden. Far from it.
"But what about her next heat? I'm presuming that it's not safe or as easy to settle the cycle now that the suppressants are out of her system. I don't want her to suffer like that alone...I couldn't bear hearing her cries. I felt so failed." I admit, face scrunching with displeasure, recollecting that bitter horrid feeling of helplessness clawing at my chest, gaping and raw. At that feeling of hearing her cries prick at my skin, tugging and pleading at my instincts to protect, to look after her when she was so vulnerable.
But not able to. Not able to do anything beyond getting her to try and eat.
And I'd failed at that too.
I feel my wings sag. Feel the weight of them drag as they droop.
"(Y/N) noona won't ever say it first. She needs to be given a push in the right direction. I doubt that if any of you don't bring it up, then she'll try suffer through it when the next heat will hit in over a few weeks." Binnie explains.
But his words are clear.
So is the pleading imploring look in his eyes.
Bring it up. Ask her. Please don't let her suffer.
I nod, hand reaching to squeeze his arm lightly.
"I'll talk to her. And the others. I know for a fact no-one wants to see her so weak and drained again." I say.
Feel guilt when his face scrunches with distress, a small sad sound slipping past his lips, tail stiffening.
"Is she okay? She keeps saying she is but truly? Is she still getting aches, are her legs still wobbly, is she eating enough?" he rambles.
Concerned and worried.
I smile at him.
"Leave the worrying and fussing to me Binnie. She's fine...we weren't going to let a weak, vulnerable (Y/N) back to work. She's fine. Truly." I insist.
See the worry dissipate slightly from his eyes.
Shifting his weight from foot to foot.
But then he nods.
"And if noona is being stubborn...just call me? Let me know?" softer, quieter.
My heart aches for their torn apart pack.
"Of course." Hand rubbing the final table clean.
Straightening up and nudging him slightly.
"Now...into the back we go. Kookie will want to see his favourite dongsaeng back."
And that's all the encouragement it takes to make the final dredges of worry fade as he nods, bounding over to get to the back, leading the way with a bristling puffy tail.
"Kookie hyung!" is the loud bright call as he pushes through the doors and bounds over to my mate, his ears perking up as he registers his voice, face alight with happiness as he sees the squirrel hybrid scampering over.
"Binnie! I was waiting for you to come! I had an important question to ask you....what sort of stuff does (Y/N) like most?" serious and focused as he sets the large sack of flour down, giving all his focus to Binnie.
The squirrel hybrid looks startled for all but one moment before he softens and beams, delighted. Tail going soft and ears perked up.
"Where do I begin?"
"What are you going to call them this time? Batch rejects?" I ask with my brows raised as Kookie brings forward a large box, filled with treats and some more flapjacks and bars he'd been fiddling around making as everyone had been winding down to close shop.
He beams at me.
"Of course not hyung! They're too neat and identical for that...these are tasters! For new recipes." He says proudly, ears perked up and eyes looking expectantly at me. Shiny brown eyes that sparkle with excitement.
"Well that'll work...but bun why don't you just say to (Y/N) that you made them for her?" I ask, confused and slightly teasy, especially when his cheeks warm and his ears flop a bit, caught out.
"Because she wouldn't like it. She doesn't like people directly doing something for she's more likely to enjoy them if I say we're just testing things out!" he surmises.
I smile at him. So sweet and considerate. Even if it meant hiding the truth that he'd poured all his efforts into the box he clutched at now.
But he was right too.
"My smart bun. Now are you ready to head back?" I ask.
He nods.
"All freshly scented to pass cuddles on!" Kookie says proudly.
As if he didn't enjoy those hugs just as much. Or as if he didn't continue to hold her long after she'd finished chasing the scent of her packmate on him.
And with that he follows me out of the shop, standing beside me as I lock the doors and draw the shutters, stepping away from the door.
I rush to get the car door open for Kookie, holding it open and helping him sit down, box still carefully cradled in his hands, fingers trailing across the soft brown of his ears before he sits. Leaning in to draw the belt across him and quickly pressing my lips to his cheek before leaning away. Heart aching and fond for the look of surprise I catch gracing his features, wide eyes at the sudden touch.
"Baby." I whisper as I close the door and move around to the other side, turning the ignition on. My own eyes widening at the reciprocated peck I get on my cheek, lips curving into a smile against my cheek.
"Your baby."
One hand splitting away from its protective hold on the box to rest on my thigh, idly drawing random squiggles and shapes and lines, fingers darting back and forth, squeezing sporadically.
My leg jogs at a sudden squeeze, fingers pressing to the inside of my thigh, hitched high up on my lap.
"Your bratty baby." He amends.
Laughing at the breathless curse that slips free of my lips as a car honks behind us and I remember to keep driving.
And I can only tear my eyes away from the road to shoot a quick incredulous glare at him before he grins and nudges my gaze back to the road.
Brat indeed.
But that brattiness melts away in the warmth of the apartment when we step through, all giddy excited bunny as he bounds through, eyes searching in every room he passes by, hunting down the others. I follow suit, toeing off my shoes and putting them away, smiling at the bright sound of voices as the door opens, a loud happy call of 'hyung we're home', drawing the attention of undoubtedly every packmate.
They were smitten and I knew his call of 'hyung' was drawing the eyes of them all as the baby of the pack.
It's as I'm hanging up my coat that there's the sound of the door opening and I turn my head to see (Y/N) stepping through, a bustling swishy orange tail right behind her before Jiminie pops into view, smiling at me.
"Hi hyung, we caught up to you today." he says, stepping past (Y/N) to lean in for a hug, going still when I turn my head to press a kiss to the tip of his nose. Tapping it.
"Guess it's not only bun that does that." I murmur when it scrunches.
Smiling at the way he blinks at me, ears flickering and twitching.
"Go change pup." I encourage, watching him step pass me and turn my gaze to (Y/N) as she smiles, moving to head by before my hand darts out and captures her wrist.
Lightly tugging her back and winding my arms around her to scoop her close into a hug. And it's an automatic response that my wings flare out, itching with the urge to curve around her and cocoon her within them, smiling at her bent head, ears flicking and tickling the side of my jaw. And when she raises her head, soft doe eyes peering up at me I don't stop myself from leaning in and pressing a kiss to both cheeks and then to her nose, watch as her eyes widen more. Startled before I see her eyes flicker.
Touched and pleased.
"Weren't you going to say hi to me? Is it Kookie who gets the special hugs only because I'll have you know we come together, a package deal. You hug one, you hug the other." I ramble, stopping when her arms wind around me and she presses into the embrace, leaning in for a hug.
"I'll remember to keep it equal then Jinnie." She promises softly.
"Is it a balance thing? Got to keep things equal?" she asks as she leans back.
I nod without hesitation.
Of course.
And then she's leaning in, pressing her lips to my cheek, a light soft touch.
It's my turn to stare. Wide eyed. Wings rustling, pleased.
"I had to keep it equal." She says in response to my staring, fidgeting as she steps away.
But I tug her back, smiling widely at her.
"Not equal missed two." I insist.
Laughing when she tugs her hand free, surprised and slightly flustered.
Before her eyes flash with amusement and her own lips twitch.
"Gotta earn that then." And then she's hurrying away, legs rushing her to get to her room, door closing with a soft click but not before I see the smile, see it on her side profile before she vanishes from sight.
I'd earn them alright.
And it seemed to me as if I'd just discovered a streak of playfulness and tease, mischief dancing in her soft wide eyes.
And yet even as she rushed off, I didn't forget the matter that remained clearly in my mind, didn't forget that that when she re-emerged that we had to sit down and talk.
Had to make it clear to her that for her sake, she didn't need to make needless sacrifices.
For her own sake she should have her heat partner help her when the time arose in a few weeks.
And I knew everyone would be on board because of what it meant for her health if she didn't, but I couldn't guarantee that the reactions would be smooth sailing.
(Y/N) POV:
It's okay to tell us these things.
We just want to help.
We want to do what's best for you.
Noona I'm sorry but sometimes you're stubborn....need a nudge from us at times.
It's okay to be vulnerable.
We'll prepare for the next time, I don't want you to get hurt.
Bokki you're perfectly fine just how you are, being a hybrid doesn't make you weak. Having instincts doesn't make you into an animal.
And pulsing through these words that spin around are streams of images and snippets of memories, recent and old all merging together, cording through the images of countless children flashing by. The same look of bleakness in pained, haunted eyes. Bodies that curved away, conditioned to be afraid to want normalcy, to want happiness.
See hybrid child after child, see flickers of pain and memories in shadowed eyes, see lips that forgot how to stretch into a smile. See young and old, see a hardened strength in them, see crumbling souls and weeping hearts. See minds too afraid to let themselves be free. See tears slipping down silently, soundlessly shaking because they were scared of noise and of making it. Of being heard when it had been engrained that their presence should never be felt.
I see eyes wide and large, brimming with unshed tears and see lips pressed tight, hands balled into fabric and curled up. Hear whispers and broken pleas muttered in the dead of night, stifled against blankets and sobbed into pillows.
Please. Please make it stop.
Please make it end.
Please let me live.
Hear countless streams of words in endless voices, hear them crack and tremble, hear them scream and tear at my ears, hear them soulless and monotonous. Hear them and can't get free of them, can't escape the flood of words that rain down and batter my ears, make them twitch with sensitivity.
And yet for all that their words yank at me, beg me to help them, I can't move. Can't move to get to them, to help them, to soothe the distress and agony and pain in wide imploring eyes. Body stiff and uncooperating. Frozen. Stuck.
Please help.
Please make it stop.
Please let me live.
Words begging and pleading, voice shaking and tears too afraid to spill over down round cheeks.
The words I want to say bubble up in my throat, trying to push past lips that are clamped shut and unable to part.
I'm sorry.
Let me help.
You'll be okay.
And the cries get louder, the tears spill over and her head dips with shame, hiding from view as she trembles and shakes, curling up.
And I can't do anything.
Can't move to soothe her even as I jerk and struggle against whatever's keeping me from getting to her, to helping.
I jerk upright, body struggling against binds, flailing and gasping to get free, hands drawing away the blankets that had gotten entangled around me, freeing myself from them. Body feeling warm as I sit up, tugging at the hem of my shirt and draw it away from my heated body.
A dream. It was just a bad dream.
A dream that had merged the voices from everyone at dinner, from the phone call to Binnie and Eunwoo afterwards, to countless snippets of children I'd met at the centre, had worked with. But the restlessness under my skin remains, the vestiges of the dream still clinging at my mind, still making it fret with worry.
The dream drew my mind to Ji Ah and Min-Jun, hoping that they were sleeping deeply and properly. Hoping they were resting and settled.
But my own hands fidget, tugging and pushing the blankets away from me. Too unsettled to go back to sleep. Especially when it still weighed down on me.
An aching feeling of guilt.
I hadn't helped every child I'd looked after. I hadn't been able to fulfil promises.
I hadn't been able to make some of the sounds and voices stop.
I clamber out of bed, silently padding towards the door, stepping out into the hallway. Wanting to get away from the bed, away from where the dream still threatened to come settle over me once more.
It was still too early for anyone to be up, too late for anyone to still be awake so I quietly slip through to the balcony, picking my way carefully through Yoongi's studio to step out into the pre-dawn, still dark but the sky was beginning to lighten.
And find myself sitting on the floor of the balcony, peering downwards and legs swinging through the bars of the railing.
Fingers curled around the cold metal and leaning to press my forehead to it, chasing that cold bite to my heated skin.
I sit there, slowly calming down, bringing myself away the dream, breathing in deep gulps of cool air, fingers clenching and unclenching.
And it's as I'm staring intently at the large green space behind the apartment complex, staring at it and wishing, longing to walk or run around, to dispel this nervous energy bubbling up inside somehow, that the voice takes me by surprise.
"Planning on hopping down from the balcony to escape? I will say's quite a distance." A voice muses, a teasing low drawl that has my head turning to look for the owner of the voice, finding the doors out to the balcony were still closed.
But standing in front of it, tail swishing slowly behind him and pyjamas rumpled, hair tousled is a familiar figure. I watch his ears twitch from the wind.
"No...What are you doing up Minnie?" I ask softly, taking in the way his hair is ruffled by the wind, strands blowing in front of his eyes. Watch as he pushes it away impatiently, gaze still holding mine.
"Could ask you the same thing. Can I join you?" he asks, tilting his head to the space beside me.
I give a small shrug.
"If you want. And I couldn't go back to sleep. Not tired." I say, turning back to peer down and watch as he slips onto the floor beside me, legs joining mine as they thread through the railing and give a small slow wriggle.
"If you say so..." he says quietly.
Staring down with me, the side of his arm brushing mine as he leans forward to look at the green space. Silent for who knows how long until his foot nudges mine.
"Sure you're not plotting are you? It's too early to be all alert." He says.
I drag up a small smile.
This was safe. This was a welcomed distraction. It helped push the dream away from my mind a bit more.
"Hmmm....maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. I won't give any head starts you know...surely you're meant to be faster." I tease.
Sighing with relief when another whisper of wind curls around my face.
I feel his tail brush against me from behind, curling across my back in a swishing motion before it moves away.
"Tease. But you know...if you really want to go down you can. You're not on house arrest or something." He clarifies.
I turn my head to look at him.
"I can? What if it's really early or late?" I say, brow furrowed slightly.
He gives a small sigh.
"We're friends, right?" he asks.
I give an immediate nod. See the way it makes his eyes crinkle.
"Well, you don't need to be so cautious you know? Sometimes friends drag each other out of bed at unreasonable, ungodly hours. And that is fine." He stresses.
"So, if I was to say I wanted to go for a run?" I ask.
He gives a small smile.
"As insane as it is...I'd say let's go." He says.
Hand stretched out for mine.
I slide my hand into his, smiling when he wraps his fingers around mine and squeezes.
And then there's another nudge at my calf.
"I'm glad I woke up early."
I watch him stand up, uncurling to feet that are solid and steady. Follow suit and squeeze his hand in thanks when his other hand slides around my waist to steady me.
I stare at him.
Fingers drifting up to push the strands away from his eyes, drawn to the warmth in them.
"I'm glad you did too." I confess.
Because though I'd escaped outside to get fresh air, to get rid of that heat seeping off of me, the warmth that his body and presence brought was gladly welcomed and accepted. Came to settle beside me and sank through my skin.
I step through to the room, smiling when Ji Ah turns from the bed to look at me, something sparking in her eyes as she pushes the blankets away and sits up.
"Did you have breakfast Ji Ah?" I ask as I close the door behind me, watching how she instinctively loosens, posture relaxing.
See the way her fingers fiddle with the same button she'd taken off my cardigan a little while back, thumb rubbing over the surface over it before she makes a small shaky motion with her hand.
"Something you didn't like? Something that didn't suit you lovely?" I ask, fiddling with the machines and checking her vitals, going through her scans and medical reports, smiling when I saw that the lingering traces of venom weren't in her bloodstream any longer.
Didn't know whether she'd have any sort of withdrawal because of how frequently she'd been administered it. Didn't know if her body had adapted to it.
Her face is scrunched in thought when I glance up at her, see her eyes flicker to mine. Silently imploring.
I sink beside her on the bed, perched on the edge and looking at her.
Handing over a notebook and pen.
Tapping it lightly.
"Any time you want to say something to me, just put it onto here. Words or pictures. Anything okay sweetheart?" I ask gently.
She stares at the pen, experimentally squeezing it before slowly bringing it to the open notebook. Pressing down but not moving it.
Before her hand slowly moves. Shaky and uncoordinated grip as she moves her fingers.
Slowly writes something down.
One word.
And a question mark after it that makes my heart ache.
And stares at me with wide eyes, flickering with the smallest amount of hope in them, tentative and shy.
And I crumble.
"Oh sweetheart of course. You can have more, until you're all full." I say, twisting to face her fully, hands hovering around her face, wanting to draw her cheeks into them but hesitating. Holding back because I didn't want to initiate contact if she was uncomfortable.
She looks slightly startled, fingers dropping the pen before she's slowly leaning forward, warmth in her eyes before she carefully raises her hands and presses them on the outside of mine, drawing them shut around her face.
Smiling lightly at me.
My heart aches, proud and overjoyed at the light touch, feel her fingers small and light press to mine, feel the button she holds press against skin.
"All the food for you baby." I promise, leaning in to press a featherlight kiss to the tip of her nose, see the way her eyes flutter and her head dips forward into the touch. The shadows under her eyes not as pronounced, complexion getting a bit of colour and warmth in them.
"I can sneak you extra sausage rolls." I whisper conspiratorially, only leaning back to grab my phone, texting Yugyeom.
She nods, smile brightening a bit.
Her stomach gives a weak little gurgle of hunger.
And it makes my own smile widen. Because having an appetite was good, if she wanted to eat it meant she didn't need that dependency on IV drips, could regain nutrition that her weak undernourished body had been denied of.
"Anything else?" I ask.
She hesitates before leaning back a bit, moving to point to the wrapper of an empty snack packet.
I smile.
Tapping the tip of her nose.
"Perfect Ji Ah." I say.
She leans back in, hovering hesitantly until I give my fingers a wriggle, encouraging her to set her face back between them.
"You can ask for more you know. If that's food, if that's touch, if it's anything you want or need." I encourage.
She doesn't respond. Goes still.
"Ji Ah love I mean it. If you want something, tell me." I tell her.
She leans away.
And the sudden loss, the sudden distance she puts between us has my breath stilling, suddenly frozen and uncertain. Worried I've crossed a line or made her uncomfortable.
But she's taking the pen and writing something on the notebook.
Turning it around carefully, warily.
Eyes full of doubt.
Not bad?
I shake my head quickly.
"Asking for what you need makes you very good Ji Ah. A very good, strong girl." I promise.
"And you asking just now. That was good too sweetheart." I praise.
She gives a light smile, lips quirking at the corners.
Nodding to herself.
I see her lips move even if there's nothing that comes out of them. See her silently mouth the word to herself.
Good. Good. Good. Good.
And she points at herself, looking at me quizzically as she mouths the word.
It makes that simmering rage burn in my veins, seething at another childhood damaged. At her sense of self and worth all brutally torn at.
I ignore the way the sight of her blurs slightly, misted under a layer of tears as I nod.
"My good girl."
And if that makes her smile and wriggle closer as she eats the sausage rolls, back to me as I press kisses to the back of her head and murmur quietly to her, tears silently slipping down my cheeks, hands itching to wound around her and hold her, then only I know.
And that secret remains with only me.
And as I sit with her, I know I'll do absolutely everything for her. So I never have to see her eyes, haunted and plagued, join the ones I see in nightmares.
I'll do anything to make them shine unrestrainedly.
Mine is...fruit! I don't think I've quite gotten to eat so much fruit as I am these days but I love fruits so it's all good!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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