Chapter 35- running and stumbling
"Hyung (Y/N) isn't in her room....again!" I call as I step back out, failing to have spotted her in the room, blankets folded neatly and untouched. Too sorted out and clean for her to have slipped out recently. The sheets are cold.
But my lips quirk up into a smile as I close the door to her room behind me.
Not the first time since her post-heat that she'd not been in her room. She'd taken to waking up early but had ended up drifting off in one of the two living rooms, curled around a cushion. And at times she hadn't been alone, had been kept company by a fox curled up either against her stomach, tail moving sleepily and small black nose pressed to her collarbone. And sometimes he was just a curled-up circle on the pillow beside her, head tucked behind his tail.
On that occasion I couldn't help but creeping close to lightly brush my fingers through the soft fluffy tail or the back of drooped orange ears. I'd gotten a sleepy chirp for that and a nibble to the tips of my fingers, fangs scraping ever so slightly before he'd uncurled. Tail swishing behind him energetically before he'd pounced off the bed and onto me, my hands darting to scoop him up. Giggling at the sensation of a slightly cold nose pressing to the side of my cheek and chirping as he snuffled.
It had been giggles that had awoken (Y/N), face rising off the pillow and a sleepy smile tugging at her lips.
"Morning Jungkookie." Voice laced with dredges of fatigue as she'd clambered out of bed.
The scent of sweet florals teasing at my nose as she'd brushed past with clothes gathered to her chest as she headed out.
My lips tugging up at the sudden chirp Jiminie hyung gave in my arms as he wriggled, tail swishing before hopping down and rushing out the hallway, paws pattering against the ground.
But she wasn't here right now.
"Reckon she's already up? Maybe she's with the others already." Jin hyung calls back from the open bathroom door, wings rumpled and damp, glistening with water from his shower.
"Maybe...I wouldn't be surprised. Everything settles back to normal today doesn't it? She goes back to work, we're going to the bakery, hyungs will be back at the station." I say, leaning against the doorway and ears perking up as I see his eyes meet mine in the reflection of the steamed glass, generous plump lips curved wide and eyes sparkling.
So in love with the sight of his smile, of the way his wings flapped, droplets casting onto the ground as they shake off the final dredges of water from them, some catching me across the face, nose scrunching instinctively.
"True...well in that case I can't let anyone go without a proper breakfast. (Y/N)'s been snacking more than she has sat down for proper meals these past few days." He laments, spinning around and striding out, hand darting out to tilt my chin up and press a burning kiss to my mouth.
"Come on bun. Breakfast, I'm hungry. And this time it's not you." he whispers before stepping aside, trailing tip of his wing teasing against my side before he walks away humming.
Leaving me flaming cheeked and pressed against the doorway before I shake myself out of it.
Breakfast is an interesting affair. Because (Y/N) isn't there. Not immediately anyways. And when Jiminie hyung hears Jin hyung call out for her, all bright and cheerful, expecting her to be there, he perks up.
Eyes narrowed and curious, head tilted as his tail swishes.
Mint scent going sharp as he contemplates it, fangs poking against his bottom lip as his eyes drift over the doorway and the windows.
"Where is she then?" musing aloud, fingers drumming against the table as Joon hyung clambers off his own seat as he murmurs that he'll go wake the others.
All three kitty hyungs.
That answer is quickly given by the surprised yelped whine Joon hyung lets out when he tentatively knocks and peeks in to their bedroom, has me rushing to peek over his shoulder and into the room beyond.
Nose scrunching at the sight.
Nestled quite securely and comfortably between my three kitten hyungs was (Y/N), body sandwiched between Tae hyung's and Yoongi hyung's, bodies pressed close to each other. A little cluster.
She's asleep, body curved up as much as it can be between Tae hyung's press against her and Yoongi hyung tucked against her back, his hands having dived under her top to rest against her spine, shifting slow touches, black tail draped over her waist, settled there.
I wonder how she ended up there.
But the sight is endearing and soft and tugs at my heartstrings as I press closer against the planes of Namjoon hyung's firm back, arms unconsciously snaking around his waist as I tuck myself closer to peer more intently at the sight.
"Reckon she was kidnapped?" I whisper.
See the way Joon hyung's posture stiffens and his tail thumps against my stomach, a wriggly sensation as it twitches and flicks back and forth.
I giggle, peering down the distance and settling my hand low on his back.
"Your tail is poking me hyung." I giggle, stepping aside to lean against one side instead.
See a pink warmth to his cheeks.
"Sorry Kookie...I was just surprised." He says quietly.
"Very taken with the sight too it seems." I whisper, my ears perking up as I look as Yoongi hyung's continues to knead at her back, face smoothened out with sleep.
The pink on his cheek darkens and I can't help but lean in to nuzzle against it, pressing a kiss there, feeling my own instincts tumble and roll, wanting nothing more than to bathe in that rich earthy musk that seeped off of him.
"Wake them?" I ask.
But before waiting for an answer I give him a nudge. Propelling him pass the threshold with the force of the shove, grinning unrepentantly at him and the way hyung manages to knock into the chest of drawers as he pads tentatively closer.
"'s time for breakfast." He says softly hand reaching out to nudge Yoongi hyung's shoulder, freezing when the gesture has a small rough growl rippling through the air, the tail around (Y/N)'s waist getting tighter and his hands stilling.
Joon hyung throws me an anxious uncertain look before he tries reaching over instead, deciding it's safer.
But before his hand manages to reach for any of the others, a low rough growl-laced voice speaks.
"Leave her be Joon-ah, she got to bed late. Let her rest for as long as she can." Yoongi hyung mumbles, eyes blinking open to peer upwards. Narrowed sleepy feline slits as he looks up at our packmate, gently drawing his hand away as his slips out from her shirt to draw it back.
Sighing because on the other end of the bed Hobi hyung and Tae hyung begin wriggling, attuned to a packmate's presence and their own movements has (Y/N) stirring, has her turning away from where Tae hyung's head was burrowed against her neck.
Sleepy blinks as she grows aware of the bodies pressing in on her from either side, turning with a small soft sound of comprehension to look at Yoongi hyung, eyes fluttering and ducking away with something shy in her expression.
Then there's a commotion behind me.
"Do they know where she is? Did she leave without me? It's not safe, it's....oh." Jiminie hyung rambles, nervous franticness dragged to a sudden halt as he peers into the room too.
Sharp worried mint softening. Curling around me.
"Found her." he whispers to himself.
But when my eyes tear away from the scene it's to see something petulant in his eyes as he looks at them.
"Tae time to wake up cub. You're all over (Y/N)." Hobi hyung says fondly, snaking an arm around his stomach to draw him back.
Surprised when he mumbles and wriggles, leaning in more heavily, head burrowed against her neck and humming. It makes (Y/N) still before her eyes widen, peering down at the mop of messy black curls before her lips quirk. Fond.
"Tae...I need to get up." she says softly.
Yoongi hyung looks displeased that she's been awoken, hands giving a final knead before they slip away totally.
"Sleep well?" voice soft.
Her head ducks as she brushes Tae hyung's curls away, trying to busy herself. Smiling when he raises his head with an unwilling, pouty sleepy expression.
"I didn't have to bring me here though." She says, smiling when Tae hyung lets out an audible sniff, fluffy stripey ears perking up and grinning.
"I've got (Y/N)'s scent on me! And she smells like berries!" he exclaims, wriggling happily as he sits up, all tousled and soft.
Beside me Jiminie hyung lets out a small rumbly chirp.
Feel the sharp flick of his fluffy tail against my leg and turn to see it swaying, silently swishing and cutting through the air.
Smell his mint intensify.
But Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung are looking at (Y/N), matching expressions of softness as they look at her.
"Dear girl of mine, let me tell you a secret...Yoongi hyung doesn't do things he doesn't absolutely want to do. So if he brought you's because he wanted to." Hobi hyung confides.
Unabashed when he gets shot a silent intent stare from over her shoulder, grinning when it makes hyung's black tail settle almost protectively before it flicks upwards once.
"So that means Yoongi hyung wanted to cuddle with you!" Tae hyung adds, supposedly helpfully, but it makes her cheeks pinken and she appears flustered to be still sandwiched in, meeting Joonie hyung's gaze with something silently imploring.
"So...breakfast?" Joon hyung cuts through before anything escalates, tail wagging at (Y/N)'s eager nod, leaning down to help her out, though Yoongi hyung's black tail takes time in uncurling from around her, grumbling into his pillow.
His hands are gentle around her waist as he steadies her, holds her steady, eyes soft at the smile she shoots him.
"Breakfast." And then she's hurrying forward, legs slightly wobbly as she rushes to get to the doorway.
Stopping at the blockage that hyung and I pose.
"Morning (Y/N)! Glad to see you ended up in bed." I say with a grin, arms wrapping around her when she steps close, humming as I sway with her tucked close, soothed and pleased by the scent of gentle floral tones seeping off her. Heavy and languid.
Her arms curl around my back and she reciprocates the hug, it has my ears twitching and perking up more, nose scrunching against her temple.
Feel the small nudge of her arm as she peeks up at me.
"I do end up in bed!" she complains good-naturedly as my arms fall away.
But still unable to get out because Jiminie hyung stands beside me, staring intently at her.
A few beats of silence and then
"I thought you'd headed out early alone." He mutters, voice part relieved, part a mixture of other emotions.
It makes her snort as she nudges past him, hip gently moving him aside.
"I'm not suicidal Jiminie..." as she frees herself from the cluster of most of the pack congregated around the room.
He gives an approving nod to himself, eyes tracking her as she walks away.
"And I meant that by having a fox berating and chirping at me if I did." She calls, laughter ringing out as she rushes away out of sight when it makes him let out an indignant growl.
"She got you there hyung. All chirps and bite you are." I tease, poking him.
Backing away, hands held out placatingly when he snaps his fangs at me.
Laughing when he decides to set chase instead.
(Y/N)'s smile is infectious.
Bright and enthusiastic as she slips into the chaos that is breakfast as Jin hyung bustles about, a man on a mission, slipping in to help.
Nudging him away from the stove to finish plating up and slicing fruit.
Unlike Jin hyung she just accepts it when Tae leans over her shoulder to swipe a few berries before everyone's at the table, subtly sneaking him some more with a soft conspirator's smile.
And unlike Jin hyung, her presence is quiet and almost hidden, flitting about with slight uncertainty that came with unfamiliarity, that came with a space that wasn't hers, wasn't her own kitchen. But she wanted to help.
And so Jin hyung had to concede.
Had to lean back with fluttering wings and soft eyes and concede as she insisted on halving the bustle at least. Sliding into the chair beside him when the table was full.
"Eat've got a full day sweet girl." Yoongi hyung says, lips quirked and eyes so incredibly tender as he nudges a mug of hot chocolate forward.
Eyes crinkling when she visibly lights up and gummy smile on full display at the way she seems to soften and melt at his words.
Ears flicking at the top of her head as her fingers curl around her mug.
Slightly bewildered when simultaneously three pair of hands move to fill her plate, topping it up before nudging it forward, Jiminie hyung's eyes crinkled and lips stretched wide at the way Tae hyung eagerly sits back to watch her expression.
"Eat up. I know I'm not the only one unwilling to have you off at work without a full stomach." He says.
And it's not only a full stomach he'll let her leave without.
Because (Y/N) appears bundled up and beaming over her scarf as she pokes her head around the hallway corner to smile at us.
"I'll be going now. Have a nice day at the bakery!" she calls.
Eyes dancing with mischief and amusement. Something so alive and bright in those wide doe eyes as she ducks out of sight and begins to tug her shoes on, slightly noisier, as she moves about and tugs the front door open.
"Bye Jungkook-ah, bye Jinnie!" she calls.
A trail of her scent, slightly clouded and muffled under the layers she wears, under the scents of her customary body wash.
And then there's the sound of thudding and a door being hastily tugged open, a slightly panicked rushed voice calling out.
"(Y/N) wait! Don't let her know you're meant to be going with me!" Jiminie hyung calls, rushing footsteps as he appears in our line of sight, hastily tugging on his coat and shoes clutched in one hand, eyes wide and tail swishing with urgency as he hurries out of sight.
I laugh at the sight of his franticness, at the sudden comprehension that dawns at her slight noisiness, her blatantly loud call of goodbye, the way her hand dragged the door open slowly.
Eyes sparkling with amusement when I realise that (Y/N) was playing on the very words she'd claimed earlier.
Not suicidal.
I snort as I tug on my jumper, hand rubbing to smoothen our the rumpled fur of my ears.
"Not suicidal she says. And then sets a fox on a chase to stop her from rushing away." I muse aloud.
Catch sight of Jin hyung's amused expression as he peers at me from where he's sitting at the dressing table, twisting around to look at me. Cream still clutched in his hand.
"Better a frustrated huffy fox than a whining sad one." he surmises.
Face lit with fondness.
That I could agree with.
Better a huffy fox over a hurt one any day.
(Y/N) POV:
It's part tease and part mischief that nudges me to start the day with a burst of action, that has me loudly declaring my leaving as I tug on my shoes and rush out towards the door, lips stretched wide at the sound of the consequent crashing and tumbling sounds that filter through to the apartment, ears perking up at the familiar footsteps harried and frantic.
Hear the urgency and panic as Jiminie stumbles through the partition to rush after me as I'm stepping out the door, drawing it shut behind me with laughter bubbling in my throat as I hear his voice ring out through the apartment and seeping out from under the doorway.
I begin walking, finding my body buzzing and rushing with adrenaline as I hurry down, stepping into the lifts and lips stretching wide triumphantly when he rushes into my line of sight but the doors close on him, on the sight of frantic wide eyes and ears twitching. Of lips parted breathlessly and coat sliding off one shoulder.
Giggles surrounding me as the doors close and the lift begins to ascend.
Worth it. Worth seeing that lock of franticness and bewilderment when the doors closed.
Worth it because he'd been so fretting, so attentive and observant these past few days, body coiled up and ready to spring up to help at moments when he wasn't curled around with me. And because I knew he needed a poke or a nudge to get him back to being his bubbly self.
If that had to be done by rushing away and having him chase after me. Then so be it.
But that triumphant feeling is short lived.
Because the doors are sliding open with a chime and I raise my head to come face to face with an unimpressed flushed face staring at me, brows raised and eyes narrowed. See the silent swish of a fluffy tail behind him, back and forth, back and forth and see his lips part.
"Fun is it?" Jiminie asks.
But despite the harried look on his face I can't help the twitch of my lips.
"Very." As I move to step out, surprised when a hand wraps around my wrist and tugs me towards him instead, eyes close and body propelled forward against his.
"Don't play games with me (Y/N). Your protection isn't funny!" he insists.
I feel a moment of contriteness.
A moment and then it vanishes.
"I was purposely slow for you Officer Park, seems like the past few days have made you unsteady on your feet." I tease.
Heart flipping and skipping a beat when it makes his mint seep out, startled, and the flash of challenge in his eyes, ears slightly pinned back as he examines me.
This close I can see the way the corners of his full lips curve up, spreading into a dangerous look, deceptively calm and still.
"Don't play dangerous games (Y/N)...." He whispers, voice low and smooth.
It sends a shiver to dance over the back of my spine.
But I meet his gaze head on.
Push down that instinctual need that rises up and whispers to bare my throat, to duck under the way the mint demands, pushing down that want that begins to bubble.
And then his face creases.
A beaming smile that softens the narrowed slit of his eyes into curved crescents, cheeks bunched up.
"You just gave me a surprise is all! I'll be quicker the next time." he promises as he steps back, fingers still curled around my wrist as he gently tugs me beside him, out of the apartment complex.
I ignore the way his scent is seeping off him, heavy with satisfaction, ignore the slight smirk I see tugging at his lips before he turns away, drawing me out with him.
Ignore it and focus on his words instead.
Next time.
Whether that was him insisting he'd be quicker if it ever happened again or whether that meant he was expecting a next time.
What I took from it was... game on.
Challenge accepted.
I smile at his back, feet halting a few steps before matching stride with him, stepping to stand beside him and noting that his fingers don't uncurl from around my wrist as we walk.
Until I note the haphazardly thrown on coat. Tugging my hand free.
"Your coat'll get cold." I say to the look of slight confusion I get.
Stepping in front of him to tug it over his shoulder, smiling at the thick scarf wound around his throat.
It's not one of his usual ones.
And it smells strongly of berries.
"Tae's scarf....or did he scent it that heavily?" I ask curiously, smiling.
Tae from what I'd gathered was a heavy scenter, loved indulging and satiating those instinctual needs. And it seemed as if Yoongi was the same in his own way.
This morning when I'd managed to get out of bed, cheeks heating again at the thought of having woken up sandwiched between two firm bodies, to waking up with Yoongi's citrusy scent settled over me, tail a warm soft weight and hands having massaged away the ache that had prickled and settled in my hips.
And as I'd gotten ready, the scent of citrus and strawberries, ripe and fresh had clung to my skin, settled around my throat, felt as if it had sunk into skin, absorbed into it with how it lingered even as I dried myself off and got dressed.
I watch as Jiminie becomes flustered, cheeks pinkening further as he burrows his head down, ducking it into the scarf as he closes his coat properly.
"It's Kookie's actually, but Tae liked it so much that he borrowed it....and then he gave it to me this morning." He admits.
My eyes soften at the way clear adoration shines in his eyes, at the way he unconsciously softens as he talks about them, at the way he seems to be lost in the thought of them.
The sparkle in his eyes was different too.
It was pack dynamics shifting and altering, developing into something new, starting off as something sweet and turning into something more.
It was the same of tender affection I'd seen building between Eunwoo and Binnie in the very beginning.
"A claim then. From both of them." I say as we continue to walk, smiling at the sudden falter in his step, at the way he stops and then hurries to catch up to me, fingers catching at the edge of my coat sleeve.
"What do you mean?" voice slightly breathless.
I turn to glance at him.
"Surely you know it's a claim...Jungkookie gave a scarf of his to Tae, Tae wore it, used it and then gave it drenched in his scent to you. It's Tae claiming something of Jungkookie's and then claiming you by scenting it." I say.
And as I explain it, more and more of Tae's instinctual behaviour shines through, so utterly endearing and soft.
"A claim." Jiminie whispers to himself, echoing my words.
And his scent gives it away. Just how much the words affect him, pheromones curling out from around him, strong and sweet.
It remains that way as we walk, his body hovering closer and his voice tinged with softness, a part of him lost to the realisation, that acknowledgement that Tae wanted them. Wanted both of them.
And was laying claims however he knew how to.
Knew that it was also a part of Tae's instincts that were warning off others who could be potentially interested. Was broadcasting with his scent wrapped around Jiminie's throat that he had a tiger laying claim, a tiger who was chasing after him.
It made my heart twist and ache.
The beginnings of pack courting.
One day I wanted that. One day I wanted that sweetness that came with being courted.
And despite not having wanted it much before, not having been swallowed whole by that need before, I found that it took root and had begun to bloom.
A sapling, a tiny sprout that yearned for the love to help it grow.
I'm stepping through to the nursery, scent-blockers applied thicker than ever, when a figure comes barrelling at me, a loud cry tearing through the silence before a figure clutches at my legs, pressed close against me.
I smile down at the slightly teary figure that stares up at me.
"Hello baby bear." I say softly, leaning down to scoop him up, lips stretched wide at finally seeing him after so long.
Feeling guilt at the small sniffles he lets out when I hoist him up and burrows close, ducking down to press against my throat.
But a part of me is relieved that he hasn't held my absence against me, that it hasn't led to any sort of detachment. Smiling when his arms wound around my neck and clutches at me as he scents, nuzzling.
Despite the scent blockers I knew that if he continued scenting this heavily than my own scent would seep out and his insistent enthusiastic nuzzling has my still sensitive gland throbbing slightly.
I rub my fingers through his hair and the back of his ears.
"Did you miss me then Min-Junie?" I ask softly, getting him to raise his head.
His lips wobble.
"Lots! Berry hyung an' curly hyung not you!" he insists.
I lean forward to peck the tip of his nose and smile when he scrunches it and lets out a wobbly giggle, squirming back a bit.
"Well I'm back now." I promise.
And then he wriggles in my arms.
"Wan' lots of cuddles! And lots of walks!" he bargains seriously, eyes narrowed.
I nod along, matching his serious expression.
"Lots of them! You want to see the flowers again don't you? Maybe we could go to a bigger park." I say and watch the sparkle in his eyes.
See his eager nod.
"Well if you do your lessons, eat all your fruits and play lots and lots and lots then we'll go soon." I say.
Smiling at his small scrunch at lessons.
Even if they happened usually all curled up against me as he poked at words and enunciated them slowly. Even if he spun at every new word to find approval, eyes wide and hopeful.
Even if his lessons ended up happening from my lap most of the time.
Mine or Hobi's.
But he nods.
Sealing the promise with an enthusiastic kiss to my cheek.
"Now baby bear...let's get you showered and dressed." I say as I carry him out.
Instincts beginning to be soothed and settled by being close to him, by having him in my arms and from being able to take care of him.
But a part of me remained restless and fidgety, would stay that way until I got to see Ji Ah too, until I got to make sure she was fine.
But that ends up waiting. Because Min-Jun refuses to part from me after I've towelled him dry and dressed him, refuses to part as he wriggles, resolutely setting himself onto my lap as he reads his book to me and decides to nap curled against me too rather than clambering into the small nest he habitually makes in my office.
And then Hobi comes.
Peeking through the door with a wide smile, ears twisting and curling from between auburn strands of hair as he takes in the now familiar scene.
Accustomed to it.
"I come bearing lunch this time and...Yugyeom?" he says questioningly.
But the door is pushed open and the tall familiar frame fills it, tail wagging as he looks at me with perked up ears.
Knowing not to step in but that doesn't stop him from energetically waving and bumping at Hobi to get slightly closer.
"(Y/N)! You're gave the pack a scare." He laments, wriggling boisterously in that constant energetic rush he always had.
Hobi smiles at his enthusiastic behaviour.
But there's confusion on his face.
"Pack?" he echoes.
"Pseudo-pack. The Im pack have...taken Eunwoo, Binnie and me under their wing." I explain as I carefully shift to place Min-Junie down onto the mattress, carefully making slow work of extracting my clothes from his curled-up fists.
And when I turn there's some sort of intent staring happening between the two, Hobi's ears twisting as he takes in Yugyeom, who stares back with a grin- completely unaffected.
And then Hobi turns to shoot me a disarming smile, dazzling and bright and so consuming.
"So does that mean we count as a pseudo pack too?" he asks, rushing forward and shooting a look over his shoulder, something triumphant flashing in his eyes as he turns back and moves forward.
I pause.
Hear a slightly wounded whine from Yugyeomie as he dithers at the door, rushing forward at my encouraging nod, scampering past Hobi to plaster close to me.
"We're your second pack...we miss you." he mumbles as he wraps his arms around me, going still all of a sudden as he nosed against my cheek.
His own scent softens and pulses weakly under the scent blockers.
"Oh (Y/N)....that bad?" he whispers.
Smelling from my scent that was still rolling off of me that it meant the heat was harsh.
That my scent had been broadcasting that burning need and want for someone, had become stronger because it had gone untended to, had been so richly sweet and heavy because it had been my biology trying to get me help, to get me to be looked after.
I push away the thought that maybe just maybe I could've had someone to help me through this heat, push it away even as I nudge at Yugyeom's shoulder, catching sight of the way Hobi's looking thoughtfully at the two of us.
"Just as bad as a sudden heat can be." I answer.
"And I miss the pack too...miss the dinners." I say lamentingly, distracting him and drawing his attention away.
And it works because he groans and laments about Jinyoung oppa's food not quite tasting the same anymore when Hobi politely waves the bundled, packed food.
"I'm sorry Yugyeom. But I've received clear orders from Yoongi hyung to make sure (Y/N) eats and he made this especially for her to eat whilst it's fresh so..." he says.
Slightly pointed gaze.
My heart clenches and twists, sudden warmth pooling in my body, a flush beginning to build on my cheeks at his words.
Eyes snagging and lingering at his hands now, wondering why Yoongi had gone to that extra effort for me, unable to deny that it meant so much more, felt so much more to me. For it to come from someone I admired, someone who's words and thoughts and beliefs I respected, someone who's voice grazed against my skin with its low soothing timbre.
"Well in that case. Off to lunch. I'll stay until you're done, but no rush." Yugyeom says, giving me a small nudge as he moves me closer to Hobi, who reaches out a hand to draw me up, gently tugging me beside him.
"Thank you Yugyeom...I'll take advantage of that." Hobi says as he leads me away from the office, my eyes meeting Yugyeom's over my shoulder as I peer back.
Seeing something spark in his eyes as he waves, settling down to sprawl on the mattress beside Min-Junie. As he watches us go.
As if seeing something that I couldn't.
"Promise you'll take it easy." Hobi asks before I step through to Ji Ah's room.
Hovering fretfully by my side. I turn to shoot him a smile, slightly incredulous.
"How can I take caring...easy?" I ask.
He shoots me a look.
"You know exactly what I mean. If you need to take a breather...take that breather." He says firmly.
Looking at me intently, searching for any hesitance or worry that he'd been hunting for since we finished eating. Since he'd packed away the empty boxes with a pleased smile, with a bright exclamation that Yoongi would be happy.
I nod.
"If I need a breather, I'll take it. But honestly...I can't wait to see her, I hope she's okay." I say eyes flitting to the door again.
Nervously, as if worried that the door was going to vanish it if my eyes strayed away, and if it did, then it would whisk away Ji Ah from me too.
He gives a sigh and then leans in.
Presses a kiss to my cheek, lips soft and warm and lingering, the ghost of them remaining even as he leans back, eyes searching mine before he gives me an encouraging look.
Stepping in with the soft warmth of his peck bolstering me in, door shutting behind me.
I turn with a smile to see Ji Ah...and my gut twists when I see her turn to look at me.
And burst into silent tears.
No matter how many angles I turn my head at, the map doesn't make anything clearer, doesn't reveal any hidden secrets. No matter how many times I try to make sense of the seemingly random yet evenly distributed marks
And slowly case files had accumulated on my desk with the days both Minnie and I had to schedule off because of his sudden rut.
I rub my eyes at the headache that threatens to burst at the mere sight of files cluttering up the desk, the usually organised space seeming haphazard and messy.
I tug off my coat and suit jacket, hanging them up before approaching the desk, sighing as I begin to organise them, categorising them by date, by incident type before moving to my chair.
Drawing the first stack of many towards me.
It was going to be a long hard day and though it had just begun, I was ready for it to be over already.
I pour over details of a missing female case, young and newly appointed at a nursery. She hadn't made it home to her mate. There was nothing in her background that hinted to a reason for her sudden disappearance, no criminal record, nothing.
I frown at her photo, full cheeked and beaming.
Her mate had called it in when she hadn't made it home, when the official period of 24 hours had passed and she hadn't returned to work the next day either.
She was expecting.
Second case. Male student. Tabby hybrid. Soft spoken and small circle of friends. Vanished and no-one had realised until he'd never made it to lessons after a long weekend break. He looked young.
He'd moved away from home to live in the uni dorms.
Third case. Hit and run. Elderly man. But it had been on a quiet intersection. Not many CCTV cameras.
But his injuries seemed too severe for a hit and run, the wounds didn't match up a car accident.
I tug at the strands of my hair, already beginning to feel frustrated.
Three cases.
Something about each and every one of them not making sense. Something about them that didn't quite sit right.
And I remembered the few cases I'd looked at the past few days, there had been a missing male. Young too.
There's the sound of a soft exhale and then quiet steps after the door is shut. When had it opened?
And then fingers settling at my wrists and drawing my hands away.
"None of that hyung." Voice soft and when I lift my head up from the case files spread out in front of me, staring obstinately at the pages, it's to see Jiminie's face- tender and open.
But also knowing.
Frowning as he takes in the files, grimace deepening when he looks over my shoulder, fingers rubbing at my nape and easing the tension away.
"More cases. Why does it feel like crime has suddenly spiked in the city?" he asks.
More to himself than anything but I feel my shoulders droop, melting under his touch and sagging at his words.
"I don't know. The trafficking case is already so out of hand and getting clues and leads is taking forever...and now this. An injured elderly man and two missing adults. One's a young student and the other is an expecting woman. A mother to be." I bite out, grinding my teeth furiously.
"I saw a case about two teenage girls going missing. They never made it back from the study rooms." Jiminie adds, voice soft.
My head drops forward further.
So many missing children.
If it hadn't been bad enough that toddlers were going missing and now...
My head snaps up all of a sudden.
Young adults.
"What if the traffickers aren't just targeting young children like we've been thinking this entire time? What if this is much bigger than that?" I ask, voice a quiet soft realisation.
I feel his hands stiffen.
"What do you mean hyung?" he asks carefully.
I jab at the papers in front of me.
"A missing pregnant woman, a young soft spoken tabby hybrid male student...and a few days back I was looking at a case of another early twenties male. And just said two teenage girls went missing right?" I breathe, words rushing out of me.
A sudden pour of them.
Case after case.
Missing persons reports.
But how many were tied to the trafficking ring.
How many could we tie to the case?
"It could be. But what grounds...what grounds are we drawing this on?" he asks.
We. It's always us. Always a team.
He believed me.
But he knew and I knew that the law went beyond instinct.
Even if the dots I was connecting was setting off sirens in my head, a blaring burst of noise that told me that I was right, gut instinct was telling me, pushing me with that thought.
That maybe it wasn't a circle, a ring of traffickers but a nasty filthy web we were horribly entangled in. That it had so many layers, so many more incidents than we were ever aware of.
"Digital, I need access to the digital maps." I mumble as I straighten.
Hands fumbling to push the case files aside, hastily tugging at the ones I'd been looking at and drawing them to my chest, watching as Jiminie stepped forward to get the map we'd been working on, rolling it up deftly and striding to the door.
Swinging it open and waiting for me to step forward, eyes glinting with fierce concentration. An officer staring back at me.
"I'll get the surveillance team to clear out a room for us." he says.
I nod.
Calling out after him.
"Get me the head of surveillance, I need a report on the officers we've placed undercover." I call after him.
See his nod as he vanishes out of sight, hurrying away. Urgency and purpose making his stride quick, other officers moving away for him.
And then I'm following, files drawn up as I step out, drawing the door behind me shut, habit more than anything. Hearing the soft click before I'm moving forward, following the trail of mint, picking it apart from the cloud of scents that fill the station.
Nodding at the officer that stands beside Jimin.
Head dipping in response to his normal stoic expression that greets me.
"Have you any news from the officers we put into the scene?" I ask.
He frowns.
"There's talk of drug runners, there's been murders in the back streets. There's prostitution happening in seedy street's exactly what sort of lowlife seediness happens in the dingy hidden corners of Seoul." He admits.
A small crack to his usually composed face because it wasn't easy. Hearing these things wasn't easy no matter how long you were in the force.
Min Da.
Spent his entire life dedicated to the field until an undercover mission took him out.
And now even with so many years of experience under his belt, he looked like the strong fierceness was cracking.
Prostitution. Drugs. Murders.
"Any sort of chatter at all about any trafficking?" I ask.
"There's been some intel from one of the chameleons we put in that there's mention of redirecting focus to the countryside. Less populated." He adds.
Jiminie sucks in a harsh breath, fangs pricking his bottom lip, implications clear.
"Less populated also means less chances of being seen. Less people who'll note the disappearances." Jiminie remarks.
Tail silently swishing, bristling.
"Have you dispatched officers to crack down on the murders and large brothels and drug runners?" I ask, foot tapping.
Tail thumping with irritation and rage behind me.
Scent rolling and heavy. I see as his head ducks, nodding.
A broad-shouldered tall imposing figure and the slight stoop of his back just made him more imposing. But right now he was ducking down to a scent he couldn't identify as a hybrid would've been able to.
But basic gut instinct telling him to.
I wince, trying to reign in my pheromones pulsing out heavily.
"Naturally. We've got officers testifying as witnesses, they won't be getting out of those cases." He says, lip curled with disgust.
I nod.
"Thank you Min Da-nim. I trust you to keep me updated." I say with a small nod.
He returns it.
"Anything else Officer Kim?" standing tall and waiting.
I shake my head.
"That'll be all. Officer Park and I have need for this room for a while." I say.
Min Da gives a small dip to show he's acknowledged the words before he's stepping away, shutting the door behind him.
A growl slipping out.
"Calm down Namjoon." Jimin says as he straightens from his slouch.
I nod.
" much filthier can the waters of the backstreets run? They're tainted with drugs and blood and pleasure sold in corners." I say.
Striding forward to toss the files down as he gets the map up.
Clicking at the keyboard before a large digital one appears.
I stare at it.
"Min-ah, can you add the locations we've already mapped onto ours? Where we found the children." I ask.
Red dots appear on the map, pulsing circles of colour.
A pattern that was yet to be determined.
"And now add a layer. Plot the points of where these recent missing cases have come in." I say, reciting the locations off the files in front of me.
Blue dots appear, scattered around the same map. Layered over them.
I hear him curse.
"The points form a circle. The traffickers are picking up people...and it's equidistant from the heart of Seoul." He surmises, voice tight.
I get up, striding closer and zooming in, drawing the map into more focus as I expand it.
Staring at the streets, the exact coordinates and locations.
"Not the heart of Seoul. Look closer. What's right at the centre and the exact same distance from each of these locations?" I ask.
A few beats of silence.
"Us. The police station." He breathes.
"All the crimes are purposely happening where they fall into our jurisdiction. Whoever's behind this wants us to be the ones to be processing these cases." I say.
It's too coincidental. Too precise.
Too measured.
Why commit crimes especially for this station to have to process?
"They know we're dealing with the cases Joon." Jiminie says.
Voice unbearably sharp.
Mint overwhelming, making my eyes sting and nose burn with the intensity of it.
But I know my scent isn't any better.
Look at him and see the snarl on his face. Fangs bared and ears pinned back, tail dangerously still.
"We have a mole." I whisper.
Crushed. Angry. Furious.
"And that mole is giving away information, which is why we're running around in circles." Jimin adds.
A mole.
We had a mole.
We had a traitor.
The tension hasn't quite left my body by the time the work day comes to its end. And it stays even as Jiminie steps out to get (Y/N) and Hobi, my leg jogging up and down, growling with frustration when it hits against the dashboard.
Going still when the back passenger doors open, stilling myself.
"Hi Joon-ah, good day at work?" Hobi asks, leaning to peck my cheek, going still at whatever he detects in my scent.
But he leans back after a nuzzle, face calm and blank as he grins and leans against (Y/N).
" could say that. How was Ji Ah and Min Jun (Y/N)?" I ask, twisting slightly in my chair.
She looks slightly startled, wide doe eyes blinking at me.
I see the small scowl Hobi sends me, chastising and fretting all at once, wriggling closer to her. as if I've worded something I shouldn't have. Watch as her fingers curl around the seat belt.
"Min Junie was fine. A bit fussy and clingy. And Ji Ah...there's something wrong. She didn't want me to leave...she had to be sedated." She confesses the last bit in a hushed whisper.
Ashamed and guilty.
The suppressants had worked their way out of her system and now I can smell the feelings seeping off her, pheromones clouded with hurt.
I wince.
"Maybe she's establishing that bond with leaving made her feel a loss of that security." I offer quietly.
Apologetic at the way her scent thickens with regret.
"You're probably right. I'll just come before my shift starts to give her more time." she concludes, looking slightly bolstered by the thought.
I smile encouragingly at her.
But then her eyes settle on me, narrow slightly in contemplation, ears flicking from where they're perked up.
"But something's wrong. You and Jiminie...your scents...did something happen?" she asks.
Voice tinged with alarm but so straightforward.
The door slams shut as Jiminie slides into the driver seat, loud and abrasive to the ears.
Watch as (Y/N)'s ears curve and her leg jolts in panic.
A slight tremor before it's gone.
"We have a mole." He answers tersely before starting the ignition, reversing out of the car park.
But rather than sending the car into silence, I see the way the gears begin to shift and turn inside (Y/N)'s head, see her eyes drop as she focuses, fiddling with her bag.
Leaning against Hobi's affectionate hold, curling beside him and murmuring softly when he asks something.
"An officer? It has to be someone directly involved with the trafficking case." (Y/N) says into the tense silence at the front of the car.
My hand rests on Jiminie's thigh and he doesn't shake it off, legs parting slightly to accommodate for my fingers curl against the in seam. Squeezing reassuringly.
I meet her gaze, turning to look at her.
See the way that just looking at her gives away that she's been in a heat. Glands swollen, cheeks thinner and face still slightly shadowed. See the way the streetlights cast soft rays on her face, glowing a golden yellow from where the light hits her cheek.
See the shadows curling around the curve of her lip.
"It is. It has to's just...disgusting. Every officer on this case swore to be a protector, swore to be there to help those who become victims. And yet...someone has been doing the very opposite. Someone has been hiding behind a mask, a second skin." I grit.
There's something in the tender and sympathetic in her expression that makes me feel safe, makes me feel like I can and should take refuge in it.
Something so gentle about it.
"It is disgusting. But a mole in the station isn't a reflection on either of you. You know that right?" she asks intently.
Her hand is captured between Hobi's hands, his fingers tracing circles and despite the loose posture as he curls beside her, I know he's just as focused and intently listening.
That in the shine of his eyes there's concentration and thought too.
My gaze flits away and then there's a sudden pinch at my cheek.
My head whips back to see that (Y/N) has tugged herself forward to lean towards the front, staring attentively at me.
"Not you. If I can't be blamed for my heat then you can't be blaming yourself for this." She insists.
"Your heat was unexpected, it was because everything was too much!" I insist, still feeling a pang of guilt at that.
Her stare is hard and unwavering.
Unimpressed with me.
"And this is a lot too! You weren't expecting a mole were you?" she asks.
And at my small shake, she nods, appeased.
"So no self-blame. Not you and not Jiminie." She insists.
And then Hobi's eyes flash as they meet mine, lips quirked wide.
"I've learnt it's best to listen and accept your losses Joon-ah. Not that I don't agree with every word she said." He trills.
I nod.
Crack a smile when (Y/N) waits until Jiminie's echoing it, his eyes softened as they look at her through the rear-view mirror.
Laughing at the sudden comment (Y/N) sends Jiminie's way. Teasing and playful.
"Well done Officer Park!"
Eyes catching sight of fingers curling around the steering wheel and ears twitching.
See the clench of his jaw even as his lips stretch into a smile.
Intrigued by his response.
This was certainly new.
Whatever this was...hovering between them, it was new.
And I didn't mind the sight of a riled-up mate.
Far from it.
Mine is.... I'm not too sure. Leaning towards a NAY cos I don't think I'm doing it properly...
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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