Chapter 30- thrown into hot water
The day the hybrid centre starts off the mural, Tae comes back looking determined, tail swishing with purpose behind him and hand tightly holding onto (Y/N), the sight of the familiar doe making my head rise from the assignments sprawled in front of me, pen clutched in my hand as I watch him drag her over to the sofa, hand swallowing up her wrist.
"Tae is something the matter? You look like a cub on a mission." I say, brows rising when he gently nudged (Y/N) into sitting down, hand only uncurling from around her when she sinks into the couch and doesn't fight off whatever it is he's doing.
"Tae I'm fine!" she insists. But her words make alarm spike through me, scrabbling upright from my sprawled-out position, eyes scanning over her, over Tae. But there wasn't any sort of indication that either of them were physically hurting or stiff. Rather her posture was loose and relaxed as he tugged cushions closer to her, placing on her lap with wide expectant eyes, smiling when her hands curled around it and clutched it close.
It was one of the pillows I knew the others had been clutching last night, had seen it cushioning Jin hyung's head at some point. I also knew that Yoongi hyung had been clutching it himself some time ago, napping with his body curled around it.
So there was something meaningful and intentional as to why Tae had chosen one of the heavily scented pillows to give to her, bustling off out the living room with a bright call for her to stay seated, that he'll be back.
I shuffle close, leaning against the couch and peering up at her, see the way her gaze focuses on me and she smiles. Hand uncurling to brush my hair away from my face in an almost absentminded gesture, but it's one I lean into, head resting against the side of her leg.
"What really happened? That Tae's stripey tail's in a twist." I say with a smile, gently nudging my head against her leg, lightly butting it.
"And that's got your ears all twirly too." She muses.
But there's flickering remnants of fatigue in her eyes, an exhaustion that goes beyond being physical and there's a slight tightness to her lips.
I give her a hard look.
"I've realised Ji Ah's recovery is going to be far longer. I spent the better part of three hours trying to calm her down from a nightmare. But even after waking she seemed trapped in it." She admits, fingers beginning to card through my hair lightly, fingers barely brushing across my scalp, light touches that make my head lean against her. Settle there.
My heart aches for the helplessness in her voice. The slight fear in it too. Fear that she wouldn't be able to help Ji Ah.
I knew she would, knew that (Y/N) was the best choice in getting through to Ji Ah, but she needed to cut herself some slack and give the both of them time to get there together. Ji Ah needed time but so did (Y/N).
And when Tae returns with a blanket I know was lying on our bed, folded up and approaching (Y/N) with a fierce need to cheer her up, I wriggle onto the sofa, reaching out to grab my textbook. Content to curl into her whilst Tae shuffles close from the other end, sandwiched between the two of us.
Know that none of us were going to let her overwork or get lost in her mind with fears and anxieties and worries.
That had been four days ago.
Four days and I'd seen (Y/N)'s smile at times burn in full force, dazzling and optimistic and unwavering but I'd also seen it dim when she thought I wasn't looking, had walked into her office at the beginning of my afternoon shift and had seen her cradling Min-Junie as he napped, with silent tears trickling down her cheeks and dampening his hair. Whispering with an aching shaky voice that Ji Ah had rejected taking the feeding tubes, had tugged them out with hysterical sobs and writhing away from anyone who'd come close. That she'd tried and tried but (Y/N) had been unable to even to get Ji Ah to settle, she'd needed a sedative to help keep her calm.
It's four days but it goes up and down like a seesaw. And in those four days I see these small cracks, these moments of insecurity and anguish and I also see (Y/N) build herself back up from them, see her determination shine through teary eyes as she scrubbed at her face and stepped out with the intention to head back and try again.
I saw and saw and saw. And helped whenever, wherever and however I could. Tugged her beside me for longer breaks, for a few more minutes of relaxing and uncurling beside me, whisked her away for more frequent breaks and helped out more with Min-Junie; dividing the roles that she usually took up for him between me and Tae.
I became the person who got Min-Junie ready if my shift was early and took him to breakfast, slowly beginning to integrate him more with the other children, giving small nudges of encouragement just as I'd seen (Y/N) give. And Tae became the berry hyung, the tiger that Min-Junie would wriggle free and make a dash for, smiling toothily up at him and asking sweetly if they could go to the gardens.
And though we tried to compensate for (Y/N)'s loss and increasing absence around him during the majority of the day, it was still her arms he darted to for naps and cuddles, still her who could get him to drift off.
A part of me was glad at that, glad that Min-Jun hadn't been able to dissociate (Y/N) with the entire idea of comfort and safety. Glad and felt a bit selfish and guilty, but nap times with Min-Junie were one of those moments that allowed for (Y/N) to unwind, even the tiniest bit.
And if it meant that she emerged from his nap times a bit more composed, a bit more determined and put together, a loose languidness to her shoulders, then that was a win.
A win. And I'd take those victories any day.
But it had also been four days and she seemed to be more instinctually driven. I didn't know how to pinpoint it, didn't know what exactly it was that seemed a bit off, seemed different but her arms wound just a bit more protectively around me, she seemed a bit fidgety and restless, content to plaster against my side when we were walking, tucked out of sight.
And sometimes I had to hunt her down. When she'd vanish during lunch breaks. Finding her in one of the endless nooks in the gardens, sitting on a swinging chair set, feet toeing the ground and lip worried between her teeth as she thought.
Ears flicking up as she registered my presence, purposely stepping onto twigs and leaves to make sounds to alert her, holding out a steaming takeout cup and sighing when I saw her coat open rather than closed.
"Ji Ah doesn't need a sick doe trying to help her. Neither does Min-Junie. And me and Tae don't want a sick doe, so can you please button up? I'm getting cold looking at you." I said the on the fifth day I'd caught her in the act.
Stepping forward, feet crunching the ice clinging to grass and sitting down beside her, holding her takeout cup away so she could zip up her jacket.
But where she'd complied after a huff or two, breath misting into cold air, curling around her face as her fingers had fumbled for the zip, right now her eyes were a bit exasperated as she looked at me, petulance too.
"I don't want to." A short reply as she holds a hand out for the takeout cup.
My hand tightens around the cup, drawing it away from her approaching pink chilled fingers.
"Coat first! (Y/N) you'll get sick in the winter." I insist, worried as I took in her glassy eyes and pink nose, cheeks pale and her head that had been ducked into the thick scarf around her neck.
It was that Jin hyung had given to her after dinner, mentioning that it had a certain buck's scent all over it.
And it had been wound around her neck the very next day, looking both soothed and peppy with its presence comforting her.
"I don't want to Hobi, I feel too warm." She grumbles.
My eyes widen, leaning forward to draw the glove off my hand, wincing when cold air bites at skin, hand darting under her hood to feel her forehead, frowning when there's no heat seeping out, no sign of a fever. She's only a tad bit warmer than usual.
"Please? Do it for my peace of mind kit." I say, the word slipping out before I can swallow it, sighing when her lips quirk and she complies albeit slowly, fingers lingering and drawing it out.
"Just...hold this." I say, handing her the cup and setting mine down beside me, doing the zip up for her, tucking her into the warmth of the coat and fixing the scarf, ears twirling and cheeks only the slightest pink with warmth of letting the word slip out. At calling her as I would Tae.
And then lean back into the swinging chair set, shuffling close to her as I cradle my own drink through gloved hands.
Breaths forming small clouds in front of our eyes.
"Why you insist on sitting here when it seems snow isn't far I won't know." I lament, taking a sip and blinking.
This wasn't the surprise of the day I'd ordered. Turn to see (Y/N) holding the cup out wryly.
"Winter Marshmallow Surprise doesn't seem like mine." She says, switching the cups over.
I don't miss the wince as she changes the cup, the small grimace at the overly sweet drink, the sugariness seemed to cling to my teeth and sit heavy on my tongue.
I knew this drink wasn't one I was coming back for.
"It's quiet. I can think without any sound out here. It allows me to escape for just a few moments." She says.
Answering my question.
I turn my face towards hers.
"Escape from what? Ji Ah? Min Jun? The eyes?" I ask softly.
She sighs.
"Not from the kids...escaping from myself...for myself. I just feel like I need more air to breathe these days. It hurts to see them and hurts to see that it's not easy to undo hurts and agonies that were easy for sickos to inflict." She murmurs.
Head bowed forward over the cup she cradles.
So strong.
And just the tiniest bit of vulnerability showing through, sharing that part with me. Letting me see it.
I bump my leg against hers.
"In that case I'll breathe with you. Breathe in the sharp air that makes me feel as if my lungs are going to get punctured." I say teasingly.
Hear the small sniffle and hiccup of a laugh, her worries whirled away with the biting wind, leaving behind a fighter. Leaving behind someone who just didn't know how to give up, leaving behind someone who was too determined to let things drag her down, weigh her down like this.
I wondered if despite it being a huge strength, whether it could weigh her down, whether this resolve extended to other things, to blindsiding the small but important things.
"Okay okay, we'll head back in quicker." She says with a sigh. A small sniffle that my ears catch onto, eyeing her suspiciously and wondering if she was coming down with something.
If her stubbornness was going to make her get a cold despite all my insisting.
And then she catches me glancing at her, lips parting in a sly smile.
"So....kit huh? I suppose it's an honour." She muses.
Laughing and jolting out the seat when my head whips around and I dart for her.
The sound of sweet giggles shattering the cold, leeching away the chill as she rushes back inside.
Booted feet rushing on the grass stiff with ice.
"(Y/N) really don't need to stay to help me." I say, hedging carefully.
Silently cursing myself for mentioning the assignment at dinner because true to her words from a few weeks back, (Y/N) had padded off to what we'd presumed was bed only to reappear, tugging a jumper over her pyjamas, hair tied away from her face and plopping down beside me on the carpet. Silently tugging the laptop towards her to peer at the question and going over my notes.
She gives a small sound of disagreement as she slides the notes back with a hopeful look as she watches me go over them.
"I said I would. What sort of person am I if the person assigned to me is struggling and I do nothing?" she asks as I'm reading over the tweaks she's made to the work, a bit of that anxiousness slipping away when I actually understand what the question was asking for. Actually see how to break it down based on the bullet points she's made me.
"Yes I know that...but you've been working so hard these past few days. Take the chance to get some sleep." I urge.
But she just shoots me a look.
"Can I get a caracal cuddle if it's not too much..." she begins to ask when my arm snakes around her, tugs her close and offer the blanket, lifting it up so she can wriggle closer, inching towards the heat my body seeps out.
Sighing slightly, unconsciously curving inwards and head resting lightly on my shoulder, finger tapping at my thigh.
"I won't tell you to stay up forever. Let's make a rough plan for your response and then bed for you kit." She echoes teasingly, a sleepy loose smile when it makes my ears twitch, snapping my teeth at her in a joking manner.
Her ears twitch at the sound before she continues poking.
"Come on then. Let's get to it." She encourages.
Voice soft, scent a light faint thread under all that rich woodsy nutty scent that Kookie had offered her with another wide spread of arms, ears perking up when she'd been unhesitant to move into his embrace, hugging in the hallway until it seemed as if she'd droop into him, a pile of relaxed limbs hidden within his broad frame.
And the way she'd so easily folded herself into his embrace, had so easily smiled up at him and mumbled a muffled thanks into his shoulder had made me so giddy. So happy. Wished for a moment that I could carry scent for her too. But the moments I spent with her outweighed it. I got to spend time with her constantly.
But her body is a warm, soft weight leaning into mine, legs touching from where she huddles close to me under the blanket and her encouragement turns to mumbles, quiet and gentle.
Her scent becomes heavier, fatigue clinging to the pheromones seeping out her skin, making it harder for me to focus on making a coherent plan.
"(Y/N)...we should head to bed. You're tired." I whisper.
She mumbles.
"You're not done yet Hobi." Leaning away.
It makes me ache and miss that warmth when it slips away, her cheek that had been pressed to my shoulder rosy and when her head turns she rubs at her eyes with her hands, sweater paws nuzzling at her face and stifling a yawn.
I stare at her, heart fond. Tugging the blanket away lightly and watching as she follows it slipping away, being drawn away from her.
Looking sleepy and petulant.
"Head to bed (Y/N)." I say, fiddling with the notes and sorting them out. Saving any work I'd gotten done before turning the laptop off.
Time for bed for me too.
She'd been too warm and cosy, her figure beckoning me to join her in drowsiness, to follow suit.
I stand up, shaking out any stiffness and lean down to help her up, she doesn't protest, hands curling around mine as I tug her up.
Sleepy and slightly wobbly on her legs.
Her sweet floral tickles at my nose, still not strong enough to break through the heavy scenting of her packmates but enough that it's there, it's noticeable.
"'m sorry, I'll be a better help tomorrow." She promises, blinking at me.
"You're already a help. Now bed sleepy dear." I say.
She turns around, fatigue making her body slump as she begins to pad out towards the doorway, turning to look and see if I'm following, continuing to walk out down the hallway towards the other end.
But the sound of a door softly opening has her turning, smiling as Yoongi hyung steps out of our room, tail swishing and his face softens at the sight of sleep so visibly clinging to her, eyes drifting down to me and fondness in his gaze.
"Coming to bed kit?"
And the endearment sounds so soft and sweet on his tongue, low and gentle.
But my eyes drift to (Y/N) and see the way her gaze flits amused back to me before she silently walks away, a soft murmured goodnight to hyung too.
And his head cocks at me, having silently observed the tiny interaction.
"Is it something I said?" he asks.
I shake my head.
"It's something I said." I sigh.
Walking over to loop my hands around his waist and curl into his embrace to nuzzle, nosing at his throat and humming happily when the sweet citrusy scent seeps off him, fingers carding through my hair.
So similar to another hand. And yet different.
A touch that was solely his own.
But even as I slipped into bed, curled around Tae, his hands seeking me out sleepily and shuffling close, I remembered a lighter touch carding through my hair, ghosting along my ears, I remembered a different warmth leaning into me.
And when my eyes begin to flutter shut, it wasn't only sweet berries that I could smell.
But a phantom scent that lingered, despite how weak it had been.
It shouldn't matter so much but it does.
It shouldn't make my tail swish and my scent to burst out as Hobi had leant over my shoulder to peer at the screen but it did.
A garbled stream of comments that I couldn't even begin to decipher but still made my heart soar, straighten up because they were back.
And it makes me smile. Smile even as I peer at the screen to try and figure out what it is has been written. Able to make out some words but still struggling to string together a comment.
But the sight of their ID was enough. Enough to know that they were there.
I didn't know when or why their comments had begun to matter so much to me, didn't know when I'd begun to actively search for their name in the comments, when my eyes had begun to drift and look for them, fingers scrolling to find what they'd thought, to find what they'd wondered about what I had to say.
And their comments began to reach out to me, began to matter. Became words across a screen that I cherished and held close to me.
Somehow across the distance, however far they were, their words reached out, offered a bridge for me to cross over, became a hand held out, became words that gave me comfort, gave me reassurance that what I was doing was good, what I was doing would soon reach others too.
And there'd been habit that I'd been able to spot in their comments, had been able to learn details about them by the mannerisms that shone through their words. If they had a hard time then they were a listener tuning in live, listening to my show on nights when they couldn't sleep, when they were going through something. And my replays in podcasts when they were doing well, when they'd been able to sleep through the night.
So when they reappeared it was both something that made me concerned but also made me sink into my chair, tail curling and swaying low. Settled by their presence on the comments board.
Laughing when I first saw what seemed to be a keyboard smash. Had roused Hobi's attention from gnawing at the tip of his pen to peer at me, his own worry and thoughts pushed aside as he'd bounded up, curled around me and peeked at what exactly it was I was laughing at.
"Isn't that your fan crush?" Hobi teases.
I dig my elbow into his side, tail flicking against his thigh in a light swat.
"Is not! I'm not crushing on them." I insist. More out of habit than anything. Not as if he or Tae would listen. Would stop poking fun.
"Uh huh~ is that why you always search for their comments? Why you always light up and smile when you find them? Why you go all soft and rumbly when you read them?" he teases, fingers poking at my cheek with each question.
I turn my head, catching his finger before it pokes again, nipping at it with my teeth, fangs bared.
But he smiles, eyes flashing with challenge and tease as he leans in.
"You can't even deny it properly. Our citrusy hyung gone all pink. Tae will start thinking your one of the berries he loves so much. He'll be tempted to take a bite." He teases, snapping his own fangs playfully near my cheek, my head turning and catching the graze of them at my jaw, breath hot and curling over my skin.
"I'm not crushing Hobi! It just...means a lot." I say.
Fingers curled around the laptop, eyeing him with scepticism from the corner of my eyes, wondering what his next sudden action was going to be.
Despite having spent years with the two, I still couldn't fully predict when they'd next pounce, next make a dive.
He drops the topic, oddly enough, and that should've been warning enough. To not let my guard down.
Because just as I'm scrolling past their comments, eyes lingering on the jumble of words for far longer than I should when a sudden jab has me yelping, a caracal suddenly crowding my space and blocking my sight of the screen, hands franticly trying to push him aside but he leans his weight into me, hand moving along the touchpad even as he wriggles away from my jabs.
And then dives away, triumphant and coy, batting his lashes as he plops onto the carpet, leaning back on his hands and waiting for me to see what damage he's wrought.
My eyes bulge at the screen, blinking and trying to process before shooting him a glare over the laptop screen, eyes narrowing onto how demure he tries to appear though the mischievous quirk of his lips leave little space for looking beguilingly innocent.
"Hoseok..." I growl out.
Watch as his eyes spark, thrilled to push such a response..
"Yes hyung~" he asks.
"You liked the comments, even when I didn't know what they said? Why?" I bite out.
Alarmed and worried at what they'd think, whether it would make them feel conscious, whether they even were aware they'd left the messages behind.
And he'd just gone and spotlighted them. Made them aware that I had.
"Why not? Nothing wrong with showing appreciation for your listeners. Especially ones who battle sleep to be there." He says, ankles crossing and tilting his throat, teasing challenge in the low lidded hood of his eyes, peering up at me.
Tae might be a tease. Might be a living breathing surprise, turning sweet and soft one moment and hungry, needy tiger the next but Hobi wasn't any better.
Ears curling and twisting from where they peeked out of auburn strands.
And when I set the laptop aside and pounce, the look on his face is delighted.
Legs uncrossing to allow for me to crowd into him, to slot myself between the parting thighs and lean over him. Hands settling over his on the carpet and pinning them there, growling as my head moves close.
Snapping my fangs with frustration but also to that challenge he was so clearly issuing.
"Something the matter hyung?" he breathes.
Jutting his head out defiantly.
A brat about it to the very end.
My fangs scrape along his jaw, trailing down to his gland and nipping, smiling at the startled yelp even as sweet rich caramel seeps out, a light nuttiness threaded through it, fangs trailing to his pulse point. Feeling the pulse throb under my tongue that flicks out against it.
Fear. Attraction.
Maybe both.
The thrill of fighting, of challenging.
"Yes. You really, really shouldn't have." I murmur.
Voice low and soft.
And even as I nose relentlessly at his scent gland, drawing out a strangled groan as I stimulate it, coax out more of his scent, rich and heavy with arousal and longing, he breathes, a shuddered jibe.
"So what are you going to do about it?"
And this time when my fangs brush across the puffy scent gland, I don't hesitate in biting down, clamping my mouth over it and sucking, pushing down even as he bucks up, a whimper slipping out.
Sucking until he's sagging back down, teeth unclamping as I give a few small licks to the gland, body thrumming with deeply rooted pride and satisfaction at seeing it puffier, visibly swollen and red.
My tongue swipes across my lips, his scent so thick I can taste it, can taste it as it clings to my mouth, eyes drinking in the sight of his fluttering lashes, see the way his arms cave and he falls back to the carpet with a groan, hand flung over his eyes.
Shirt riding up as he does so.
The sight of him so undone makes heat curl in my stomach, snake around and tug.
"Nothing...I'm going to do nothing cub." I breathe out, trying to get rid of the way his scent clings to my body, calls me forward. Ignore the heat beginning to stir and pulse through my body.
A ragged breath tearing out of me as I clamber back onto the sofa, tugging the laptop back even if my eyes remain glued to him. Unable to wrench my eyes away, unable to stop the way my instincts buzz, the primal urge to answer to the challenge, to pin him down satiated. Eyes trailing over what a sight he made as his throat bobbed, fingers carefully trailing to his scent gland and whimpering when they grazed it.
Needy, hungry eyes meeting mine when his hand falls away.
"Well hyung. I don't quite like that answer. I could think of several things you can do." Voice a low purr. Dulcet and rich.
And when he doesn't move to get up but splays out, it's clear what he's offering now.
First a challenge.
And now this.
A peace offering to my panther instincts, the baring of his throat in submission, puffy gland on show, my mark stark on him.
It makes my tail curl and a rumbly growl to build.
And the laptop is forgotten when I hastily set it aside and pounce.
Our laughs and breaths merging when our heads bump impatiently, mouths trying to meet each other's, chasing after each other's touch, his hands snaking under my top.
Large hands tugging me down.
"And all those things include you conveniently. Doing things to me." breath brushing against the lobe of my ear.
And when his fangs scrape across my ear, I lose myself to that instinct, lose myself to the man holding me.
Lose myself to my mate.
It's too late to do damage control.
From each other for one. And that message board for the other.
So I hide it away and pretend that if it's out of sight, it's also out of mind. Banishing it to my studio and pushing it aside. The same can't be said for the way Hobi's throat is coloured with marks or the way my back stings slightly, knowing come tomorrow there'll be red lines resting on skin.
Dinner isn't as a group tonight. It's stolen moments between packmates across both ends. It's Hobi and Joon who join me on this end and Jin hyung and Kookie on the other.
No sight nor sound of Tae, Jiminie and (Y/N).
But during mouthfuls Joon had told us that Jiminie was taking them out for dinner, a drive-thru, somewhere where (Y/N) could also get some air to breathe.
Air that wasn't of the centre's and wasn't of the apartment.
Air from outside. Air that allowed her to breathe away from constant reminders that she was here by compulsion, that the trafficker case hung over both sets of roofs.
And he must've decided to take as long as he can, to stretch out the outing because we all knew (Y/N) needed it. Saw it with the way this bone-deep weariness had settled onto her, the way she still smiled but her words were heavy and dripping with fatigue.
A change of air and scenery would both do her good.
So when Kookie and Jin hyung pad over, eyes searching and realising they're not back, they join us on the couch. Jin hyung settling beside me and Kookie flopping down beside Hobi hyung after a brief sweet nuzzle to both my cheek and Joon's before nestling into Hobi's side.
An arm reaching out to curl around Kookie's waist.
Maybe my eyes linger too long on the realisation that his waist in fact is really narrow, swallowed up by Hobi's arm splayed across it, fingers tickling teasingly across the slither of skin. Maybe my eyes can't stray away from the way when Kookie giggles, his face scrunches up and his ears flop around his face.
Or that despite being a giggly mess, he's quick to playfully roll around with Hobi' his strength allowing him to easily end up on top, eyes alight with excitement and thrill.
It makes me wonder just how much playful tussling he and Jin hyung get upto.
And then a hand gives my knee a small squeeze, draws my gaze away to realise that both of them had also been staring, Joon with a giddy smile and waggy tail, thumping against the side of the sofa.
My eyes turn to Jin hyung who watches with a fond smile.
Watching at the two of them with a tenderness.
"They're a cute sight aren't they? Hobi's always been a very physically driven one. Especially whilst studying." Jin hyung remarks.
It makes me curious.
Wonder how they both were in uni together.
"How did you two even meet? You had different degrees." I ask.
I feel Joon lean in, tugged away from the sight with his own eagerness to know.
"I found him in my study space, it was the corner I always liked sitting in because it had windows and the breeze felt nice on my wings. And he was there, face smushed against a book and asleep." He confides.
The image it draws up makes my heart soften, enamoured by it. It was a common sight to see him curled up, ears twitching as he slept, hand still curled around a pen and asleep.
It made me without fail so entranced by the sight, so as first meetings went it was quite the impression he must've left behind.
"And then? Did you leave him be hyung?" Joon asks, nosing at my ear, my hand reaches back to ruffle his hair, coaxing him closer. Rewarded with a snuffle as he nuzzles.
Jin hyung's eyes flash. Wings shifting.
"Of course not. I demanded my space back. That if he wanted to stay he had to let me sit there. And he ended up face planting into my lap later on." lips curved in a nostalgic smile. Gentle and sweet.
Hobi looks up from the screen he and Kookie were bent over.
An indignant look on his face.
"Jin hyung! You swore never to mention that incident again." He says betrayed.
Jin hyung laughs. Wings rustling as his shoulders move. Leaning forward to peer at him with a focused gaze.
I'm not on the receiving end of it and I feel pinned. Feel the weight of it settle, authority of age overpowering instincts and hybrid biology.
"Whoops! What's such secrets between pack J-Hope?" words dripping off his tongue with teasing, purposely slow intent.
And his eyes sparkle, laughing even as Hobi lobs a cushion at his face for that, yelling out as he pushes himself off the carpet.
"Especially the dancer name!" mouth dropping open as he stares at Jin hyung.
But the way it draws laughter at his huffy response, bright and exuberant from everyone else, the way it makes the room lighten, even as the absence of three people remain, has Hobi sighing and growing as he curves away, muttering under his breath. About how he kept secrets still. How he had enough cards to play as well.
And as he pointedly turns away from Jin hyung, he mumbles low under his breath.
"At least I didn't mention WWH."
I watch as Kookie's eyes light up, eyes trailing subtly to Jin hyung, head tilted in silent question and observation, zeroing in on Jin hyung in a way that felt both mischievous and predatory. Something thrilled flickering about in his eyes.
It makes the air crackle with the sweet anticipation of unfolding secrets, of learning each other more intimately. It made that thrill settle in my veins. Something that made my skin buzz as it did with the thought of a hunt. But this time the hunt was between us and what it was...was actually a chase for one another.
Mounting higher and higher. Growing more and more steadily.
It was just a matter of who got caught first.
Ensnared in this growing, closer bond between pack.
I hear murmurs in the hallway, hear Tae's deep voice, sweet and gentle accompanied with a softer lighter voice as they walk down towards the living room. My hands that had been tugging at the strands of my hair loosening when my body unconsciously relaxes.
Knowing that everyone was home now. That Jiminie was wandering about if the light sounds of doors opening and lights being switched on was something to go by. Probably washing up before bed.
A part of me relaxes but the laptop screen catches my eyes again.
And I muffle a groan into the pillow.
Of all the ways to go about ever directly communicating with them, this is the way it had to go. This is how it started. By liking all their sleepy comments.
I wasn't even sure whether or not they'd seen them, whether they knew that I had responded to them.
Didn't want to make them conscious even if it was endearing to see that someone had fought sleep to listen to my show.
Not a crush. But the boys never saw that.
But for all their teasing, all their poking, I'd never admit it. Never would give it that label.
Because names gave power.
And labelling this commentor as someone I was supposedly crushing on would reduce that, would somehow minimise and lessen just how much they meant to me.
They weren't a crush, because they'd done so much more. They weren't a crush because by calling them that it suggested that years of support could be dismissed as a feeling of something that was a floundering feeling of affection.
A crush was often something brief, a moment of infatuation.
But what we had was built over years, was a strong bridge between the two of us, our words reaching out to each other.
A crush wasn't the right word.
Not when they did so much. Not when they meant so much.
And I stay curled up on the bed even as I close the screen, trying to busy myself with preparing for tonight's show instead, busying myself with getting the content ready.
And at some point Tae enters, sluggishly moving towards the wardrobe, rustling about for pyjamas, sleepily tugging off his clothes and nestling next to me.
"Hi hyung." Mumbled against my jaw, a sleepy weight settled beside me.
"Hi cub." Turning my face to brush my nose against his.
Smiling when he leans in to kiss me, lips almost lazy and slow.
A messy sleepy kiss laced with fatigue so that when I gently nudge him down, he easily curls beside me, tugging at the blankets to draw them over him.
"Long day at work cub?" I ask, fingers brushing his curls back.
He hums.
A sleepy tug at his lips.
"I painted lots with (Y/N)." he mumbles.
I smile.
"What did you paint?" I murmur, leaning to press a kiss to his temple.
"Walls all white. (Y/N) taught me something really important too." He says. Voice all hazy, body drooping and relaxing more and more.
"What's that cub?" I ask softly, fingers still carding through his hair.
"That we add layers to history, that we don't erase the past as we live, as we move forward." He slurs out, cheek smushed against the pillow.
The words float about in my head even as Tae's breaths begin to even, even as he comes to still, leaning towards me.
There's something so striking about the words. Something meaningful about the way the words settle, warm and comforting. The past mattered just as much as tomorrow did.
I turn the words around over and over in my mind.
They stay with me even as I get up, wondering whether Hobi was coming to bed soon.
Tae didn't like sleeping alone, didn't like waking up alone.
And just as I'm opening the door I realise that the two were heading to bed.
(Y/N) pads down the hallway, stopping to turn to me. A smile on her lips, eyes foggy and hazed with sleep, blinking at me.
See Hobi walking quietly a small distance behind her, following her out.
"Coming to bed kit?" I ask quietly.
Sense a shift in (Y/N), eyes flicking to her to see amusement pulse in them, push away the sleepiness a bit, head curving over her shoulder to peer back at Hobi, something wry in the quirk of her lips.
"Goodnight Yoongi, sleep well." (Y/N) says.
And moves away.
The heaviness of her scent beginning to filter out. Stronger than it had ever been. A floral quality I couldn't ignore, sweet and fully bloomed, bursting out of her, seeping out from the woodsy scent that clung to the jumper.
Silently slipping away.
"Is it something I said?" I ask.
Confused. Unsure what had just had transpired.
What that flicker of amusement in her eyes had been for.
He sighs, a lamenting sigh.
As if he keeps digging himself a grave and it keeps getting bigger.
"It's something I said." He sighs.
Looking exasperated and resigned with his own undoing, his own self-sabotage.
And when he clings to me it's to nuzzle, scenting along my throat. But it's not only his usual nutty caramel sweetness that seeps off him, but there's also a hint of (Y/N) too merging with it, transferring across.
Something that tickling at my senses with the way it was subtle but strong enough to seep off him and cling to me.
Teasing at me even as I went towards the studio, choosing to work one of the beanbags instead.
And remaining when hours later I started the show, tickling at my nose.
Staying even as I begun the show, Tae's words coming to mind.
The idea that our lives were a collage. We always added layers. But the foundations, what was underneath remained.
And when I was finished, when I stretched out and got up I noticed that during the earlier half of the show they'd left comments, that this time they were more awake and alert.
It made me smile as I turned off the equipment, slipping the headphones off from around my neck and padding out, door shutting quietly behind me.
From over the partition, the door was ajar, a mixture of scents seeping out. Merging.
A cloud of pheromones, an intoxicating mix of sweetness, earthiness and mint.
It wound around my instincts in the most enticing of ways, knowing it'd be stronger if I was shifted.
Knowing that if I was shifted, everything would be so much sharper, the fog of pheromones coaxing, inviting me to roll in it, drown in the mix.
It was barely anything to contemplate, didn't require much thought. So when I tugged off my clothes within our bedroom, it was to give in to the urge to shift.
Giving in to that tug, giving in to the urge to shift into my larger form.
Eyeing Hobi and Tae on the bed, the thought of being draped across them appealing and strong.
And when my instincts pushed at the thin veil, the barrier between human and panther, I let it crumple, let it be pushed aside, torn.
The need to protect the only thing left behind when I leapt onto the bed and settled across them.
Eyes blinking at the door, alert as if waiting for something. As if searching for something.
And they remained there until I fell asleep.
(Y/N) POV:
I silently berate myself as I walk back to my room, I wasn't meant to fall asleep, wasn't meant to get groggy.
I was meant to help Hobi.
I was meant to stay awake through the night to work through the cases that resembled Ji Ah's the most. I was meant to sort through her first assessments when she'd arrived at the centre and see what exactly it was which kept setting her off.
Needed to know what it was that kept pushing her back whenever it seemed that she was making just the tiniest bit of improvement. Not curl into the warmth that seeped out from Hobi, that came from being huddled under the blanket. I shouldn't have asked if I could wriggle under it, shouldn't have chased after the sheer comfort he radiated. Should've stayed away and therefore stayed more alert and awake, moving to the room with sleep clinging to me, trying to tug me back.
Even if I knew there were files waiting for me. There was work to be done.
But when I push the door open, it's already a bit ajar, the bedside lamp switched on.
And a familiar orange circle curled up on the pillows.
Seemingly asleep.
My heart both aches at the sight and twists with fondness, clenching tightly. My steps become quieter as I move close, not wanting to stir him if he was asleep, to let him be and work in the corner of the room instead.
But for all that I was trying to be quiet, his ears twitch, picking up sounds far more astutely in his shifted form and there's a rumbly, quiet chirp before his tail swishes, moving away from his face which had been hidden under it. Uncurling from the circle and black eyes blinking at me.
Becoming awake as he chirps more loudly. Happy.
And rolls around my pillow, small chirps of contentment as he nuzzles into the pillow before coming to still, belly up as he sprawls across it, head rising to chirp at me, tail swishing and looking expectantly at me.
Eyes unblinkingly focused on me as I move towards the bed, carefully moving to sit on the edge, fingers trailing down his tummy and giving a small rub, fur soft under my touch, a small whine as he wriggles. Asking for more.
"You're soft today Jiminie. Need more pets?" I ask, hearing a bright chirp in response.
I smile, fingers rubbing at his fur, moving to brush across his ears and feeling the way his face turns, chasing after my hand playfully, fangs scraping at my palm and wrist, nose brushing against the bottom of my fingers.
Paws moving to try and clutch at me, wriggling around impatiently, chirping at me when I move away from the bed for a moment.
"Just give me a minute Jiminie." I call, rustling around for the specific file, fingers curling around it, walking over to grab my earbuds too.
I still intended to hold through with my intention to work, I'd just have a chirpy orange fox keeping me company.
I settle down on top of the bed, not making the mistake of reaching for the blankets, tugging one beside me for Jiminie to curl into.
He settles into it even as he continues to nose at my arm and wrist, nuzzling against my side and chirping, one hand continuing to run my fingers through his fur, lightly scratching, moving to his ears in a constant cycle as I read, one bud in. The classical music that Suga had recommended for relaxing helping me sink into the pillows, leaning against the headboard, absently petting Jiminie as I worked.
But as I get lost in work, Jiminie seems to get restless. Chirping and nosing at my hand, dislodging the papers from my lap and sending them to flutter around me, a huffy rumbly cluck when I gathered them up and continued to read.
And then he begins to move.
Subtly at first. Wriggling closer so I can feel his curled-up form against my leg.
But then his nose moves to move the papers away from him, a discontented sound rumbling low in his throat, tail swishing and flicking at them.
At first I think he's playing.
But when a fluffy tail comes to settle across the file, covering it from sight and swishes with satisfaction, it makes me wonder whether he's trying to distract me from working.
"Jiminie...I need to get this done, I've got to read up on this properly." I say with a sift sigh, fingers brushing through his tail and gently nudging it aside, drawing it slightly out of reach so I can keep reading.
But he lets out a sharp chirp, a sound that's different to his usual soft happy nuzzling chirps, uncurling from his place beside me and trotting close, hopping onto my lap, head curving to rest against my thigh, close to my stomach. A small rumble builds as he curls closer and closer, shuffling closer to me.
So my hand comes to settle on my lap, soothing whatever was making Jiminie distressed and antsy, fingers trailing over his back, sinking into orange fur. Trying to get him to settle.
A small notification goes off, alerting me that Yoongi's show has started, fingers tapping to switch over and tune in. Smiling as his voice brushes against my ear, a low deep timbre that without fail soothed and calmed. Gave me that sense that I wasn't alone, that someone was there to keep me company in the dead of night.
But today my company came in the form of Yoongi's voice and Jiminie's shifted form. He's fidgety still, nipping at my fingers more when they brush over his face, fangs lightly catching at me and tugging, drawing my eyes down to look at black ones that stare back at me. Silently chasing for something.
When he begins to paw at my jumper I realise what it is he wanted.
Trying to get underneath to snuggle against my stomach.
"Oh want to snuggle." I breathe, setting the file aside and lifting my jumper in invitation but he just perches on my lap, staring obstinately at me, chirping as his tail swishes, head constantly turning towards the pillows, reaching over to drag the blanket forward with his mouth. Tugging it onto my lap.
I stare at him with an aching heart and tired, exhausted mind.
There was nothing I'd love more than to curl up and sleep with him settled across my stomach. But my eyes drift to the file, wilting when I see just how much of it I've got to get through.
"Jiminie I...." I begin but he chirps.
Loud and abrasive.
Hopping off to nose the files away, pawing at them with a look of disdain, something sharp glinting in his dark eyes.
And then pawing at my legs and stomach, pushing himself onto me even if his weight isn't enough to make me fall back, isn't enough to make me move back.
But then his scent hits me, sharp and tinged with bitterness, with something cloying and heavy.
It's clear it's bothering him that I'm not lying down so I resign myself to working earlier in the morning then, to take advantage of the rare day off to catch up and contact the therapists that had assessed her.
"Fine...let me just put them aside." I bargain, hearing the small huff of breath as he hops off, standing on guard, tail swishing behind him as his eyes follow me, watch me form a neat pile and set them onto the bedside table.
There's something soothed and satisfied about the look on his face, a foxy grin and fangs snapping happily when I lean back and hold my jumper up this time, paws delving under the pyjama top underneath to shuffle across skin. Fluffy warmth tickling as he wriggles around, trying to get comfortable before he drapes onto my stomach, tail swishing happily.
There's a small, muffled chirp, rustling and his head moving around the neck of my pyjama top before a very rumpled fluffy face appears from my neckline. Looking slightly miffed, fur all tousled and ears twitching as he gives an indignant chirp, nosing at my throat once my hand has straightened out his fur, brushing it back down. Nosing along my jaw and neck in thanks, snuffling softly.
Rubbing at my neck with slow unhurried drags of his face against my throat, ticklish and light, small light sounds escaping, vibrations felt against my skin.
"You're a sneaky one Jiminie." I mumble, still listening to Suga's show, his words another heavy weight urging me to lie down, sink properly against the mattress. Jiminie's soft fox form a warmth that makes me forget about the stiffness my body had been feeling these past few days. A better remedy than all those pain relief patches had been, taken like clockwork after each day this past workweek. Applied to the base of my back that felt like it kept locking up, kept cramping. For my hips that ached.
But his warmth was better.
Was both a distracting weight but also made me feel soothed, made me feel like my limbs were loosening and unwinding. Were becoming lead, heavy and pinned down.
And with Yoongi's voice curling around my mind with it's soft tenderness, with Jiminie coming to settle against my stomach, nosing every now and then at skin, fangs lightly scraping before he'd go still.
It was such a gentle cycle, a constant repeated motion of a light wriggle, a nose peeking out to snuffle against my collarbone, a hypnotic lazy swish of his tail that my eyes focused on, fluttered as they tried to stay open. The constant swish of an orange tail, the white tip dragging back and forth across my thigh, becoming slower and slower, eyes drooping, head falling back against the pillow.
Distantly hearing a deep voice as if from afar, brain telling me that I should reach to drag the blanket over the two of us. But the weight boring down on my eyelids becomes too heavy and my hands that had been curled around the lump under my clothes, come to settle.
Drifting away with the feeling of being warm and safe. Of being surrounded by that reassurance.
It's pain, prickling at the base of my spine that has me stirring awake. A stabbing pain that makes it feel like knives are being driven into my skin, piercing my body relentlessly. Pain that has me whimpering, biting down on the sound when I feel the lump under my hand shift ever so slightly.
My teeth clamp down on my lip when the prickling sensation worsens, a throbbing deep pain that settles at the base of my spine, hips sore and stiff.
The air feels like smog, heat that radiates off me, a heavy cloud that's cloying, feeling as if each particle of air sticks to my skin, cocooning me with a heat that makes me desperate to peel the layers away from my skin.
My hand moves to tug at the neck of the jumper, feeling as if I was sweltering, layered up. A blanket that I didn't remember was over me now, covered me, and combined with Jiminie's warmth and the layers of clothes I was wearing it felt as if my body was heating up. A furnace that prickled uncomfortably, a clamminess to my skin when my fingers brushed across my throat.
Wincing when the tips of my fingers grazed my scent gland, the bare touch making it pulse. So sensitive and raw and though my fingers had barely brushed it, it makes pheromones burst out. Thick, syrupy sweetness that clung to my tongue as it fell open, shallowly breathing, panting as the pain spiked a bit, mounting higher across my spine. An overpowering potency to the floral scent that only ever trailed out weakly. Clinging to my body and floating in the air of the shut room. Door shut, windows closed. The heating of the apartment wasn't helping either. I felt sweat bead at my temples, felt the consuming urge to dampen my skin, to cool it down.
Hands ever so slightly reaching under my shirt to carefully scoop up Jiminie's sleeping form, painstakingly slow as I draw him out, set him down onto the bed. Not daring to make a sound in case it made him stir, in case it made him wake up. Watching with bated breath as he shuffled around in his sleep, tail flicking and settling.
It was a few hours before it was time to get up. But it was a lifetime to wait. An eternity to go without staggering out of bed to find some sort of relief, some sort of medicine to dull the pain beginning to flow through my body.
And when I curled away, moved to get out of bed, my legs wobbled. A shakiness that made it hard for me to stay upright, fingers curling into the wood of the table, breathing lightly, fingers trembling as they balled up, kneaded at the stiffness in my thighs. All locked up and throbbing.
It takes a few minutes to gather enough strength to straighten up, back twinging with pain as I stand up, protesting at having been curled up for so long. Slow steps.
One wobbly foot before the other. Fingers leeching the coolness from the metal of the door handle, sighing with the minute relief it brings before I'm opening the door, silently stepping out.
Head swimming when it's assaulted with a cloud of scents. With the sharp downpour of earthy, foresty musk, soft cotton, light trails of vanilla, citrus, berry and mint and sweet caramel assault my nose. A cocktail of scents that makes my head reel, instincts restless at the way it makes my body simultaneously loosen and turn taut. Torn between fleeing at the predatoriness my instincts detect the scents to be, but also so primally longing.
And their scents alone coax mine to burst out. Cloying floral notes that seep and merge with theirs. And as I take small steps to the kitchen, it's with the feeling as if every limb was lead, dragging down. Body a loose puddle of limbs that struggled to cooperate, struggled to function normally.
Desperation mounts when I search through the first-aid kit and come up empty handed, no pain relief patches left, none of the pain reducer medicine I was looking for.
My fingers brush against a rattling bottle of pills, a strangled whimper slipping out when my eyes focus on what they are.
Daily suppressants. Jungkook's if the bunny drawn onto them was an indication.
Head slumping forward as a shaky tremble of air is exhaled through my mouth, suppressing the scream building in my throat.
I was on suppressants.
But I couldn't remember taking any of them recently. Couldn't remember reaching for the bottle daily and slipping one past my lips, washing it down with water.
I couldn't remember when I'd last reached for my own bottle. When I'd taken them at breakfast.
Realising as streams of memories flooded my mind that I had been taking breakfast with Jiminie outside. That I hadn't had my packmates habitually passing mine over with theirs. That at some point after coming here, I had forgotten to take them.
And now they were out of my system and my body was gearing up for a heat.
That was the only explanation for it. Why my body felt raw, why it felt like I was trapped inside it, pushing to get free. It explained why the ache had begun to settle, why it had started off with pains for the past five days.
My fingers let go of the bottle, watching it fall back into the box, frustrated tears of anger prickling the corner of my eyes as I backed away, head still clogged up with scents. I tugged the jumper higher over my mouth, trying to avoid breathing in their scents.
I didn't need to be propelled right into heat, didn't need to be suddenly pushed into the very depths of it and set off by all the predator scents seeping in the air.
Thighs trembling as I moved away from the box, tried to rush to the other end, praying there was medicine in the other one. Praying that no-one was awake, that no-one was going to stir at the frantic padding of my feet.
Hands jittering with nerves and anxiety as I bent down to tug the first-aid box out, crouching down in front of it. Searching with a frantic, manic energy for pain-relief patches, for fever-reducers.
I needed to get it under control.
I wasn't ready, mentally or physically, to get pushed into heat in someone else's apartment. Wasn't ready for the pain that steadily brushed against each knob of my spine and began to seep through my body.
I was so lost in my head, so lost in my panicking that the sound of a quiet patter of paws has my head jerking up too late, medicine clattering onto the floor and out of my hands.
Heart skipping a beat as I watch the sleek form of a panther silently prowl forward, a rumbly purr interrupting the sounds of my light, uneven breathing.
See the way his ears twitch, tail curling behind him and unblinking wide eyes taking me in, nose twitching.
Panic courses through my body.
I couldn't be near them. Near any of them.
I couldn't be near Yoongi, knowing that my scent was undoubtedly thicker and clearer to his nose, knowing that in shifted form he was likely to pick up on the pheromonal changes.
I needed to get away before it got heavier, fingers curling into my side when my scent continues to seep out. Staggering to my feet, gripping on the cupboard door for stability. Feeling the weight of his eyes follow me, track every movement.
Something so intense in his gaze that it made my body stiffen, trying to curve away from him, trying to get him away from my scent.
"I'm sorry, 'm so, so sorry. I shouldn't have...I should..." I gasp out, a small bubble of sound slipping out. A pained whimper when my stomach begins to tighten, knotting up.
Hear the small snort of air, see him pad forward a step before I'm shaking my head vehemently.
"Yoongi please...please stay away." I plead, seeing something flash across his eyes, something so gentle and careful as he moves back, eyes unwavering from my own as he retreats into the living room, tail curling and swaying as he watches me leave, watch me head towards the doorway, still facing him. I register the sound of a soft click, body stiffening and coiling up.
So hypersensitive to my surroundings. So aware of every small movement, every small sound.
Staggered steps as I move back, ears flicking up and catching onto the sound of a low rumbly voice and the scent of mint sharp from where it seeps out from under a room's door.
Seemed as if Jiminie was back in his room then.
That was good.
Turning around when I can no longer feel the weight of Yoongi's stare on me, head ducked down and managing to get back to my room without consequence. Shutting the door a bit too loudly before my hands are scrabbling, clawing at the jumper to get it off me, to get a layer off. Moving to open the window, shivering at the bite of early morning wind. The cold is a welcomed distraction, dizzyingly delicious with how it cards through my hair, with how it chills my skin, making the clamminess abate. I lean towards the window, drawing in large gulps, trying to cleanse my lungs of the fog of scents, trying to clear my mind.
My body shudders as I lean towards the cold, simultaneously rejecting it, skin pebbling with goosebumps as sweat cools against my skin and at the same time craving it, begging for relief from the heat that was making my body protest, cry out with the pain beginning to settle.
I don't realise I'm crying until I feel the tears chill against my cheeks, the dampness against my cheek drying. I scrub at my face with the pyjama sleeve, an endless outpour of questions rushing around my mind.
I didn't know how I was going to get through this.
Didn't know how I was going to tell them.
I felt so out of my depth with how suddenly it had crept up on me, frustrated and annoyed that I had forgotten my suppressants, that I'd blindsided them and the way my body was reacting was the consequence of it. The horrid aftermath.
I felt so sick and tired.
Felt exhausted.
Felt a weariness tug at me.
Felt my body shake with fear because I didn't know what was going to happen now.
And the sound of a light pawing at the door has my head turning around.
Has me apprehensively drawing closer to the door, wondering who it was.
Wondering whether I should even open the door, knowing my pre-heat pheromones were still pulsing out, were still breaking through the weak barriers left behind by suppressants and filling the air.
There's a soft rumbly growl from behind the door. A deep timbre so painfully familiar to Yoongi's actual voice.
A small snuffle before there's the sound of paws padding away.
And I wait a minute before I crank open the door a fraction, holding my breath as I draw it open a bit more.
Carefully glancing out when my eyes fall to the ground.
Heart twisting as I leant down to pick up what was left behind. Breath weak and shuddery, eyes stinging as I pick up the pain relief patches and medicine, curling my hand around the cold bottle of water. All of them bearing the indentations of fangs.
And clutch them close to me when I sink down on the edge of the bed, uncapping it slowly.
Tears spilling over as I took the medicine and twisted to apply the heat patches to my back, even twisting around made my body protest, breathing shallowly through the pain as I pressed them to skin.
My hands make no move to brush against the hot tears that course down my cheeks, thick and heavy.
Shoulders slumping down and caving in as I cry, trying to muffle the sound against my hand, sniffling because I could feel my body trying to catch up, trying to suddenly prepare for a heat, struggling to pull coherent thoughts from my bustling mind, everything blurring together and turning into a horrifying entangled mess.
The only thing I knew for certain was that I'd been thrown headfirst into hot water.
And now I was submerged in it, drowning in it.
And there was no-one and nothing to help me out of it.
QUESTION....AGE? I'm curious as to how old you all are! Leave a boop if you're under 19 and a beep if you're 19 and over! Wonder how many baby readers I have!
Mine is....19 so a BEEP!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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