Chapter 28- webs untangle, things unfold
(Y/N) doesn't return at her normal time. Doesn't come entering through the apartment door with Jimin hyung in tow, no waft of sweet mint wafting in with them. There's no doe greeting us wide-eyed and smiling as she greets us, as she hurries to change and freshen up before joining us in the kitchen.
Hobi hyung returns but it's with Tae hyung, it's through the partition that they come, searching for (Y/N) themselves and eyes flashing with meaning, with a silent look of concern and worry and knowledge exchanged between them.
"She's not back yet then." Tae hyung remarks as he peeks into the kitchen, having gone a hunt through the flat, the sound of doors opening and closing, of the padding of footsteps and stripey ears twitching as narrowed eyes scan the kitchen before stepping in. Disappointed and wilting.
"Did something happen?" I ask, fingers brushing down my apron, fiddling with the pockets as I turn to look at the two of them.
See the way Hobi hyung's ears curl and twist, see the hesitance flash across his face.
There was something I'd learnt about Hobi hyung. Had seen that he seemed physically incapable of lying. There was always one tell or another. Whether it was the way his pheromones so abruptly, so blatantly changed. Whether it was the way his ears curled and his eyes flashed, turning away from meeting a gaze head-on. Hobi hyung was just a terrible liar.
And there was something he wasn't telling with the way he shook his head, so blatantly lying or withholding something.
"No...I just...thought she would be back." He mumbles.
Tae hyung's stripey tail curls, slowly and silently swishing as he steps forward into the kitchen, busies himself with peering over my shoulder, giving a greeting nuzzle to my cheek before darting off to Jin hyung, melting into his side when hyung easily lifts an arm to scoop him close.
But hyung's eyes are narrowed, alert and on edge and scrutinising in a way that I know too well. And I know it's just me picking up on it.
And even if a restlessness fills me, worms away at me from the inside with that need to know, to make sure (Y/N) is okay, that she's fine, I manage to force the questions down, silence them as I mindlessly pluck pieces of cut vegetables to nibble at. Hands unconsciously reaching for something to gnaw at, picked up on immediately by Jin hyung who's wings brush past me in a silent show of comfort, who's hand squeezes mine.
And yet (Y/N) doesn't appear.
She doesn't appear even as dinner finishes cooking, despite the fact I'd seen Jin hyung turn the flame down extremely low to let it 'simmer' and boil away. She didn't appear even as Yoongi hyung came padding down searching for everyone had vanished to.
And it was then that I learnt that neither Joon hyung nor Jiminie hyung had come home either. Past their usual timings. And there hadn't been any call, any message to say they'd be late either.
It made Yoongi hyung's tail turn slower, predatory with the way he silently stalked to the other felines, to the way he examined their telling postures.
It took one murmur of 'cub look at me' and Tae was wringing his hands, sweet berry scent sharp and taking on a bitter decaying tinge, like rotting fruit and foliage as he looked at him with wide eyes.
"(Y/N) was worried about something today. She was really stiff and fidgety and Hobi hyung said it was something to do with work. That Joon hyung and Jiminie had come to pick her up." he says in a rush, scent sharp with worry and concern, unease on his features.
The attention drifts to Hobi hyung, who's shooting an exasperated but resigned expression at Tae, standing up taller when Yoongi hyung's attention turns to him. Almost prickly and defensive.
"Hob-ah is she hurt?" Jin hyung voices carefully, wings rustling and shifting behind him even if his voice is calm. The only tell that he's worried too.
A quick shake of the head.
Vehement and quick to dispel the thought.
It makes my body sag, relaxing against the counter where my fingers had curled onto.
"It's got to do with the case. And (Y/N) is fiercely protective over the centre and Min-Jun, so she felt it best to tell the two of them." He adds.
Slowly but surely n image begins to form, growing clearer and more coherent.
So why does it feel like something's missing?
Why does it feel like that when his eyes flicker with worry, there's a deeper meaning to it? That it relates to something more?
Yoongi hyung's face softens at the mention of the young bear hybrid. If Hobi hyung wasn't enamoured enough then Tae hyung's enthusiasm about the cuddly bear certainly made up for it. Buzzing with new stories to tell even if they'd only met a few times, could count them on one hand. But he was thrilled about meeting him, spoke with such unbridled want and longing for the way Min-Jun was constantly scenting (Y/N), with the way he seemed to cling onto her, clamber on and leave possessive trails of his scent behind. Marking and claiming her as his. His caregiver. His parental figure.
It made me soften and lean in to always hear more, it made me try to wriggle out more from (Y/N), who was more than happy to oblige; talking with a proud smile on her face as she shared snippets, telling me about his nesting habits, his progress in therapy and lessons.
There was always this aura of pride and love emanating from her whenever she mentioned him. She was a caregiver and she truly adored her role, relished in fulfilling those needs for the children, for nurturing them and protecting them.
On a biological sense it seemed that she didn't care for the needs of having a scent, of carrying one. Didn't seem to matter that she was on suppressants and applied scent blockers religiously. But I'd seen the tactile side of her, had seen that pure unadulterated instinctual want for closeness, for affection both giving and receiving. I knew that as a caregiver she made sure those needs were always fulfilled for the children she looked after.
So for something to happen to unsettle her, to require both hyungs to turn up, to make Hobi hyung and Tae hyung bristling, worried felines pacing the house, I knew it was major. Knew that it unsettled her perhaps more than she let on.
And knew that I'd be feeling the same antsy unease, the same fidgetiness until she returned.
So dinner happened on this end of the apartment, with everyone crowded close for comfort, legs touching, tails swaying and reaching out for the closest person and hands brushing. Eyes constantly darting up at small sounds, randomly turning towards the doorway as if hoping to suddenly see three figures filling it.
So when I heard the barest of murmurs and the sound of a key entering the lock my ears shot up, perked up and stiff and catching onto the sound, tail twitching as I got to my feet, the suddenness prompting the others to turn their heads, ears catching onto the sound of quiet voices and feet padding in. Of shoes being toed off and of them growing closer and closer.
And then (Y/N) appears in the doorway, her back flanked by both Jimin hyung and Joon hyung, faces weary and exhausted, lined with tension and fatigue. And I'm rushing forward, instincts calling for me to rush to the other prey hybrid, to tug (Y/N) into my arms, tail twitching and ears drooping, sagging with relief when she doesn't flinch, when she doesn't jerk away and when she doesn't seem any different. Instead curling back into the embrace easily, hands clutching tightly at me as she burrows herself in close, small shuddery breaths that would escape detection had it not been for the way my senses are currently attuned to her small movements. Trying to pick up on what's wrong.
"You okay?" I mumble.
Feel her nod against my chest. Fingers loosening as she sighs, droops. Relaxes.
"I'm okay." She whispers. Smiling when my arms linger, when they slowly unwind from around her so she can lean back and shoot me a reassuring smile.
But scents tell what words don't.
And their scents, both hyungs, speak of simmering tension and worry, of forceful calm with how carefully they try to retain the sharp powerfulness to them.
Smiling at me and beyond to the table where everyone's waiting and watching.
Where I turn and see palpable relief on everyone's faces, see the way Tae hyung sags and Hobi hyung's eyes light up, scent sweet and thick.
Relieved to see our packmates and (Y/N) return.
"Come join us for dinner." I say, Jin hyung nodding and gesturing to the empty three chairs waiting to be filled.
Though their faces are weary, their eyes light up, smiling and nodding. Moving to head to wash up first. To change out of their uniforms.
But (Y/N) shakes her head. Stepping away.
A step back. After all the steps forward, after all that she'd moved towards us, seeing that one step back hurts.
"I'm not...hungry. I'm going to head to bed." She says, body turning away.
Instincts screaming to me that I couldn't watch her leave, couldn't watch as whatever was eating away at her continue to bear down on her, to see her hide and hurt alone.
It's clear I'm not alone in the thought because there's small sounds of complaint and distress from the dinner table, there's worry that flashes across Jimin hyung's face, mouth opening to say something, to stop her.
But there's already a hand circling her wrist, gently but firmly tugging her back, turning her to Joon hyung who looks at her silently, ears perked up and to attention.
"Dinner first (Y/N)." he says softly but voice full of silent, gentle authority. Concern.
He reads her face, eyes silently scanning.
And then smiles, slight indentations in his cheeks, the faint appearance of his dimples.
Hand dropping from around her wrist to turn her around, large hands coming to settle on her shoulders and propelling her forward. Staying behind her as he ushers her forward, tail swishing with satisfaction and pride when she gives a small smile and allows him to continue. To lead her to the empty chairs and nudge her to sit down, sliding down beside her with a bashful smile.
And then Jiminie hyung's squeezing my hand, drawing me with him to join the table settling down next to Yoongi hyung.
Dinner as eight.
Dinner together because none of us had wanted (Y/N) to curl away, to hide when it was clear something was on her mind.
Dinner because Joon hyung as the alpha wolf figure had decided that there wasn't even the slightest possibility of entertaining leaving someone on his watch to go without eating, without being taken care of.
And the way his tail wags, swishes and thumps against the chair leg when he pushes a plate in front of (Y/N), eyes turning soft when she fiddles but under his watchful gaze, his rumbly encouragement begins to eat.
Proud because she gives a small grumble, head ducked as she begins to eat.
"Is anyone going to say what exactly the matter is?" Jin hyung once everyone's begun eating, brows raised as his gaze narrows onto Joon hyung, drifting to examine Jiminie hyung too.
And the authority in them outweighs every predator hybrid's biology, outweighs it all because he asks as the eldest hyung, as the eldest packmate worrying about everyone seated around the table.
"There's been another child victim of the trafficking case. Same symptoms, same sort of place they were found in and the same sort of abuse." Jiminie hyung says, stabbing at his plate as he speaks, sharp clean jabs. Precise and .controlled.
Bringing the food to his mouth and chewing slowly, expression flickering, eyes drifting to (Y/N) and silently frowning when her hand stills momentarily.
My heart skips a beat, taking a sudden lurch, a sudden dip when his words make everyone's scents sharpen, instinctual needs bothered and disturbed by the thought of a child hurting.
And then (Y/N) changes the topic, steers it away.
"Are you busy tomorrow Jiminie? I need to head home for something." She asks.
It makes him stiffen, head darting up. It makes Joon hyung pause.
"But the them...we'll have to tighten the security around your home then." Joon hyung murmurs, turning the thoughts around his head. Not saying no. Not refusing.
Trying to figure out the best way.
"If it's going to make it hard on you then you can tell Eunwoo to come to the bakery instead." I offer.
She fiddles with her cutlery.
Fingers restlessly tapping against her glass as she nods.
"If it won't make things harder on you. I don't want to put anyone else in danger too." She adds.
My heart aches for her.
That if she had been able to go home, she would've been able to feel a different sort of settled, a different sort of satisfaction and instinctual relief.
Of being home, of being in her nest, her safe space.
But she wasn't willing to put them in danger, looking as if she was silently berating herself for even considering it, easily agreeing because when it came to Eunwoo and Binnie, when it came to her pack, she wasn't taking any chances.
"Of course it won't. Eunwoo's visited the bakery often, Binnie works there and it can be pure coincidence that you happen to visit too." Jin hyung reassures.
And both hyungs look settled at the thought. Of not heightening the risk around her. Of bringing two more into the constant threat that surrounded her.
But it seems all too soon that dinner ends, a listlessness in the way (Y/N) helps, distracted and lost in thought, declining the offer to join us, spend time with us.
A hurriedness that propels her feet to move to the bedroom, hand busy with her phone that she's already bringing to her ear, door clicking shut quietly.
Shutting herself away.
Shutting us out.
Closing herself in with the problems.
With the worry and concern over a new victim, with a new child to be under her care.
Though it felt as if this one would take a lot out of her, looked as if this case was beginning to wear away at her, chipping away at the edges, at that strong fierceness.
And I'm not the only one that watches her go with a frown.
The first time it happens, I ignore it. The second time I pretend to have not noticed. But the fifth time that Joon hyung's scent suddenly twists, that fresh earthiness turning damp and cloying, fresh leafiness turning bitter and heavy, I turn to face him.
Reaching out to poke his arm, suddenly flustered when my finger meets firm muscled definition, ungiving strength, cheeks warm slightly when he turns, ears twitching as he looks at me. Eyes briefly scanning me, lips loosely frowning before he relaxes, assures himself nothing's wrong.
"What's wrong Jungkook-ah?" he asks, voice soft and deep. Warm and gentle.
I shake my head, tilting my chin at him.
"You tell me that. You keep sighing and your scent keeps flickering on and off. Are you really that concerned with (Y/N) meeting her packmates tomorrow?" I ask, voice soft, trying to remain low to avoid disturbing the others.
Even though rationally I know that their ears will have picked up the slight sound, that it wouldn't escape their heightened biology.
A few beats of silence.
Undeterred, I poke him again.
Watch as his lips twitch as he looks at my finger. Eyes meeting mine. Silent concern still brewing away in them.
"It's not about that. We're thinking of taking her to the crime scene with us, trying to retrace our steps tomorrow. But I already know she's going to be in upto her neck with Ji Ah. It feels...selfish." He mumbles.
I sigh, so fond and yet so exasperated with my wolf hyung.
"She wants to go yes?" I ask.
See him nod.
"She wants to see if she can pick up anything that could help her with treating them?" I ask.
Another nod.
"You and Jiminie hyung think that an untrained eye might be better too." I state.
Another nod.
"Then if everyone's in agreement what's the fuss for Joonie hyung?"
He blinks, once, twice. Falling silent and making me giggle, a burst of motivation and enthusiasm to settle and soothe him driving me to lean forward to nuzzle into his cheek, ear brushing against his skin as it flops, lightly scenting.
It's no little amount of satisfaction to realise he's tilting into the touch, curving close to encourage the scenting slightly, hand moving to slide around my waist, splayed on my back as he tugs me close.
Rich forest scent bursting out in a wave of strong pheromones as his chest rumbles.
Distantly the thought flashes in my head, wondering what it would feel like to feel his rumbles or growls with my head pressed against his chest or tucked close to his throat.
I feel his face turn, feel the brush of lips to my nose and cheek, feel them linger as he leans in closer, hand splaying further, thumb rubbing up and down over my t-shirt, the warmth of his body seeping through the fabric.
"You're a wise one Kookie." He mumbles, leaning back only the slightest, his other hand rising to brush his fingers over the ear that flopped against his cheek, trailing over the back and down to the base of it, fingers strong and gentle.
His touch is so careful, but also so protective.
Fills me with a sense of comfort.
Happiness that his scent doesn't randomly flux anymore.
Cheeks pink when he tugs me close, all shy but hands firm as he twists to face me, drawing me to rest against his chest, arms slung low on my waist.
"I get it from Jin hyung." I say lightly, going for a smile as I peer back at him, head tilting back, seeing him smile, just as pretty upside down.
He smiles, dimples appearing as he shakes his head.
"No that's all you." he insists.
And he laughs when my ears perk up, accidentally flicking onto his face, under his chin as my instincts go all fluttery and soft, perking up at the compliment.
I turn to hide my face in his arm, ducking out of sight at his fond laughter, fingers trailing to brush lightly across my ears once more.
It feels nice.
To help dispel his worries.
To be there for him.
To be in his arms, resting against his chest and feeling his fingers careful as they rub at my ears.
And it's burrowed against his solid, muscled arm, willing for the pinkness to fade that I know with sharp, certain clarity.
That Namjoon hyung is pretty.
Very, very pretty.
And that I was very deeply falling for my strong protective wolf hyung.
A thought that made my instincts feel fully at ease. Predator hybrid or not.
He was my Joon hyung first and foremost.
And it made me restless with the thrill of tilting up to press my lips to his, of hearing a growl and of being caged in. Of being protected and trapped at the same time.
A bunny cornered by a wolf.
And a shiver danced up my spine at the thought.
Made my cheeks burn when I heard the fond deep mumble of 'bun' as he continued to hold me.
I liked being bun, liked the safety and warmth and love I felt with him.
It was a feeling I'd only ever associated with Jin hyung.
But slowly that had been changing. Slowly it became something I found in my packmates.
And I was being lost in it, tugged helplessly into it.
(Y/N) POV:
There's a silence between me and Jiminie as we walk today. A damper on the usual ease and familiarity with each other, none of the teasing and joking, none of the questions and for the first time since we'd started walking together, no habitual stop at a café.
It's not stifling or uncomfortable between us, just silent. Lost in our own minds, in our own thoughts as we walk side by side, navigating the streets with a habitual familiarity, my body easily curving close when he tugs me beside him, out of instinctual need, hand lingering on my arm, keeping me tethered to him.
And when the centre approaches, so does that sense of urgency, feet beginning to move quicker than their slow tread. But a hand tugs me back, turns me away from the centre and towards a bundled-up chest.
My eyes rise to meet his.
See the unspoken thoughts and emotions flicker in them.
"You're sure you'll be able to leave at 5?" Jiminie asks.
I nod.
"I'll be done for the day just about. Ji Ah...I can't do much for her in these stages. She needs to become physically able without machines supporting her." I say, distress mounting inside me at the thought.
At the knowledge that these next few days were crucial, that her ability to accept people near her, to accept food without IV drips were paramount to her path to recovery.
If she rejected the help, if her body rejected the medication and rejected any caregiver getting close to her, then it would be a setback, it would be harder to help her.
But I would try.
I'd try everything I could.
"I'll call when I reach then. Take care." He murmurs, leaning in for a hug, arms holding on, clutching tightly at me. Head resting on my shoulder and tail swishing behind him, a constant soothing sight of it moving side to side as he hugs me, arms looped around my waist as he holds me.
I huff into his jacket.
"I should be saying that. You're the one with the dangerous job." I mumble, inexplicably soothed by his scent, by the constant sweet scent of mint, fresh and light, brushing against my nose, teasing along my senses.
He shakes his head as he leans back.
"Still. I worry. I care." And then he steps away, hands pushed into the depths of his pockets as he watches me head in, smiling at me when I turn over my shoulder.
And when I enter, it feels as if his gaze, soft and warm and protective, carries over with me. Remains with me as I undo my coat and liberally apply scent blockers to my glands, disguising my dulled scent, hiding away any traces of my scent.
And when I step in to pick Min-Jun up from breakfast, see the way his round cheeks bunch when he smiles and wriggles in his seat, it stays.
When I leave Min-Jun for his therapy and counselling, moving towards the end of the private wards in the infirmary, the gaze stays- a gentle reminder that I'm not alone in this.
I'm not alone.
And with that in mind, I step through to Ji-Ah's room once more.
Step through and carefully tiptoe in, light silent treads as I head to check the machines, staying at a safe enough distance that I don't disturb her, that I don't set her off, don't send her calm, regular heartbeat to accelerate.
Carefully move around, silently adjusting the fluids going into her, adjust the concentration of medication and nutrients. I didn't want her to become dependent on them, didn't want her body to become immune to them. But kept it so that she didn't feel the throbs of pain as the venom was carefully extracted, carefully drained out of each mark.
I move close, slowly gravitating nearer step by step. The tiniest fraction of an inch and then another. Carefully moving closer in the smallest amounts so Ji-Ah can see me, so she can silently watch me move and come to realise I'm not a threat.
The first time my hand rises to check the details on the board at the foot of the bed, she flinches. Flinches when my head ducks down out of her sight, a small tremor that wracks her malnourished, thin body.
Flinches because she can't see me I realise, quickly straightening in silent reassurance to move into her line of sight. And though she doesn't respond, though she doesn't do anything, her eyes silently follow as I move, gently straighten her blankets, legs jerking before they still.
Lets me touch and smoothen the blankets, light touches that aren't on her, aren't directly in contact with her. She watches as my eyes drift over her bandages, see the ones where blood is beginning to spot.
"Ji it okay if I come close? You're bleeding and I want to change your bandages." I ask.
Her eyes, hollowed and rimmed with dark circles, bruises that seem to engulf her silent and expressionless gaze that peers back at me.
I don't move.
Come to still beside her bed, slightly away from her, keeping eye contact with her.
"If it's a no then that's fine too Ji Ah. We can do it later. If it's a yes give me two blinks. Can you do that for me sweetheart?" I say, voice soft and gentle. A bare whisper of my voice as I ask her, keep eye contact her. Let her watch me. Let her reach her own decisions.
If she truly didn't want it then I'd come back when she was sleeping, when she was deeply asleep from her medication. When she wouldn't be triggered by a sudden closeness, with hands on her.
She doesn't blink.
Silently watches.
And watches.
But doesn't let her eyes flutter shut twice.
Just continues to watch.
It makes my heart twist even if I know it's a logical response. Even if I know it's rational given everything she's been through.
It'll be hard for her to accept touches. Considering that all the touches she had to become forcefully accustomed to were ones that had only ever brought pain. Had only ever brought one trauma after the other.
I smile even as I sink down into a chair, hands curling around the clipboard.
"Take time Ji Ah. There's no rush." I say softly.
Note down everything, note down that she needed to see whoever was close. That she stiffened and jerked away from sudden movements and touches. That she needed to be eased into it ever so slowly.
I curl into the chair as I jot, eyes flitting back to her to make sure she's okay, trying to ease her with my presence, just there, just silent and constant.
Watch as she sinks into the bed, fingers uncurling from the blankets, uncurling from the coloured softness as she peers at me, propped up against pillows.
"Ji Ah...can I ask you something?" I ask.
She doesn't move, just watches me, empty eyes meeting mine, unwavering.
And then.
One blink.
A slow flutter as her eyelids shut and then open.
And then another.
The sight makes my heart leap with hope.
She was listening. She was responding.
"Mhmm...are you hungry?" I ask.
A blink and then another. Two in quick succession.
That much was obvious given how starved and gaunt she was. How, she just like Min-Jun, were undernourished, starved.
Anger made my stomach tighten, threatened to make me stiffen.
I cock my head, leaning in slightly.
Voice lowering to a whisper.
"I'll let you in on a little secret. The quicker you fight for yourself, fight to get better. I'll get you everything you want to eat." I confide.
I see a flicker in her eyes. See a flash of hunger, see the way it had been gnawing at her, wearing away at her flesh and bones.
Poor love.
"They taste better than the nutrients drip. Much better." I add encouragingly.
I see the way her lips spasm and then wobble, the barest movement before she presses them together tightly.
I had a niggling fear in my mind that her trauma tied in with food or the lack of. That it was a twisted form of negative reinforcement.
That to erase it, to undo that damage we'd have to help her by reversing it.
"When you're a bit better we'll get you a nice room, get you set up somewhere more comfortable. This side can be quite boring." I add.
Voice light as I keep a stream of conversation going.
Talk about what it's like outside, how with the colder weather it means the heating's always on, talk about Min-Jun, talk about how he loved nesting, loved scenting. Talked about the different things the other children got upto, shared some stories about their playfulness, their mischief, lips unconsciously curved wide.
And I see the way she relaxes, see that she sinks into the mattress, calming down as I talk. I see the way Ji Ah's eyes lose a bit of their numbness, see the way they thaw and melt.
And see the way her lips for the first time, relax, uncurl from their tight press and quirk ever so slightly in the corner.
It seemed as if she'd enjoy spending time with the other children.
Seemed as if she'd love it.
"Ji Ah do you like playing?"
A small, stilted nod. Posture shy and scent seeping out as something warm and purely giddy even if her eyes showed a hesitance.
Her instincts couldn't lie, couldn't withhold just how much the idea appealed to her. But her gaze showed a fear, a hesitance as if she couldn't truly believe it.
And not for the first time did I feel the pure primal need for violence uncurl, felt it make my blood turn hot. Even if I was constantly surrounded by the proofs of it, I couldn't believe there was such filth in the world. Monsters disguised as people.
But my voice is calm, soothing as I speak.
"We'll get you lots of things to play with. I'm sure you'll love the other kids too." I say lightly.
Her eyes light up.
Nothing hidden in this time with the way sheer exuberance makes her eyes glow, shine with a sudden sheen of tears, scent thick and heavy and bursting out unhindered. Something so deeply inside of her exulting over the offer of playing, of being with the other kids.
It makes me wonder just how much she was denied comfort, denied companionship. Just how much she must've ached, yearned for someone to be with, someone to ease away just a tiny bit of that loneliness.
"You've been so brave Ji Ah, you're such a fighter. But you have others to take care of you now. You have me." I say, voice trembling, aching with the need to hold her close, fighting it because I couldn't make her stiff, couldn't push her into something she might reject so strongly.
Her body that had been relaxing, had tiredly been sinking into the bed, still being medicated, still drowsy curved to face me, a slight tilt towards me.
Eyes searching. Hunting for truth in my words. Eyes fluttering shut and blinking sleepily at me.
"You won't have to be afraid anymore. You'll heal and get better. You'll play and be with other kids. You'll be happy Ji Ah...I'll make sure of it." I promise.
Uncurling when I saw the time, when I saw that the majority of the day had passed by, that it ticked closer to my final duties. To check Min-Jun, make sure he'd eaten, to submit her care plan and to head out soon.
But I wanted to remain.
Wanted to stay.
Instead I walked closer, careful light steps that her fluttering eyes monitored silently, watched me grow closer to her.
Standing by her side and looking down at her, at the exhaustion that clung to her thin frame, at the figure swallowed whole by a pair of pyjamas.
Everything in me ached. Pained at the sight.
"I'll be back tomorrow Ji Ah." I say.
But as I turn, something stops me.
Something tugs at me to turn back.
That something is a hand.
A hand curled into the corner of my cardigan, keeping me anchored.
Tugging at me, silent small tugs that pull me closer and closer, until my head is curved over her body.
Protectively arched over her.
I smile at her, eyes stinging when she tries to smile back.
Lips moving and quirking but trembling, the smile falling away.
How long had it been since she'd smiled?
"Do you want me to stay Ji Ah?" I ask.
Two blinks.
Two quick blinks.
I nod.
"I'll stay." I whisper.
Stay curved over her because her hand doesn't uncurl from my cardigan, because she doesn't want me to move away. I stay even as my back stiffens and aches at the curved angle. I stay as her eyes still focused on me become hazy, become full of sleep. Stay as her eyes flutter shut and her grip turns slack, closed around the fabric.
And carefully extract myself away, leaning down to press my lips lightly to her temple, tears slipping free and falling into her hair.
Lean away, surprised when unconsciously she registers the absence, hand tightening momentarily, falling away with a button curled in her fingers as she sleeps.
Keeping a bit of me with her.
And with the sight of her looking as if she was finally resting and not only sleeping is a reassurance.
Allows me to leave without guilt.
I laugh as I chase Min-Jun, laughing as he tries to wriggle away to freedom, worming himself in a small space to get away from my outstretched hands.
"Min-Junie you're always tired after dinner. How are you running now?" I ask as I laugh, rushing after him and dropping to my knees, arm flailing as I try to worm it closer to him, trying to clutch at him.
"No! Not tired! Don't wanna sleep!" he insists, giggling when my fingers curl into the hem of his t-shirt, lightly tugging him closer to me even as he flails and struggles.
I draw him closer until my arm can curl around his stomach and tug him onto my lap, fingers tickling and darting over his tummy, prodding and poking.
Smiling when he wriggles, legs kicking as he tries to escape.
For all that he'd been rushing to get away when he peers at me upside down, breathless from laughter, it's clear he'd been tired, pushing himself to run and hide and duck.
Surprising me by suddenly darting out of my grip and leading me on a chase after him.
Tired and burnt out now.
All that energy dispelled.
"Honey if you're tired why don't you sleep? My baby bear is clearly tired." I say, fingers brushing over his cheeks and over his fluttering eyes.
He shakes his head, a small pout on his face.
"I've got superpowers. I don't get tired." He insists even as a yawn makes his mouth stretch, hand muffling it, moving out of its superman pose.
"Heroes need their rest too. And the sooner the sleep and nap, the sooner you can get up and do all this again." I say.
He ponders over this, humming.
And then nodding, sighing. Drooping with tiredness and resignation.
I lean to peck the tip of his nose.
"Best boy. Now come on, let's get you into bed." I say, scooping him up.
He gives up all pretence and latches on, clings onto me as I walk him to his bed, lead him to where the other children are already getting ready to sleep, the younger ones just like him.
He eyes them with curiosity, with new growing interest more and more day by day.
"Want to play with them soon?" I whisper.
And get an enthusiastic nod in response.
I smile even if he can't see it.
"Soon then Min-Junie." I promise.
Finally setting him down and tucking him in, leaving with a final nuzzle of his nose against my throat.
And when I leave, without any duty remaining behind, it's to walk back to my office and see a familiar figure leaning against it.
Orange tail swishing lazily, eyes alert as they lazily drift over people and come to settle on me.
A smile that's fangy and sweet as his eyes come to settle on me. Moving to push himself off my door as I approach.
"Ready?" he asks.
I nod.
"As I'll ever be."
I smile when (Y/N) gets into the passenger seat behind me, smile when our eyes meet in the rear-view mirror, her hand curled around my seat as she clambers in.
"Hi Namjoon." Voice soft as she settles into the seat and reaches for the seatbelt.
"Hi (Y/N), how was work?" I ask, turning to face her, head twisting to reach back and meet her gaze.
She seems settled.
Seems calmer.
"...good I guess. Ji Ah began some communication, but she's very naturally still withdrawn and painfully hesitant." She shares.
Sounding both despairing and yet aware.
As if she was accustomed to the beginning of cases being hard and difficult but even so, it still got to her.
I give her a sympathetic look.
"And Min-Jun?" I prompt.
Trying to get her to be more at ease.
It works because her expression lightens, turns bright as she twists in her seat.
"Much better! He's the sweetest but a sly one. Led me on a chase right before I was going to put him to bed."
That explained the slight rosiness to her cheeks.
And when Jiminie clambers into a seat beside her, forgoing the front, it's to shoot an amused look, wry as he absently straightens her scarf, tugging it down so her face is uncovered.
"Hmm...might be why the scent blockers are wearing off. Need some wipes to clean them off?" he asks.
But she's already reaching into her bag, reaching for a pack of them.
I distantly recognise the brand as one that had been advertised not too long ago, peering at the hybrid-specialised brand as she tugs a wipe out and scrubs at her neck, cleaning away the heavy layer of scent-blockers. I couldn't imagine how she wasn't aggravated by wearing them, wondered whether it irritated her glands.
They seemed just the slightest bit prominent. Maybe it was the force she was scrubbing at her skin with. My hand reaching out to still her movements.
She blinks, large doe eyes resting on me.
"You're scrubbing too harshly. Even if the wipes are gentle on your glands, you've still got to be careful." I say softly.
Fingers uncurling and watching as she slows down her movement to carefully wipe the scent blocker off, until the barest, dullest pulse of pheromones emanate off her.
And it's only when she's done, noting both of our gazes focused on her do I turn. Turn when she smiles, hands busying with putting the wipes away.
"Let's go then. It should be getting a bit dark soon. But that's what we need, to try and match the scene as much as we can." I explain as I start driving, driving back to where it all began.
And as I drive, my eyes dart to the rear-view mirror, see the way (Y/N) and Jiminie, despite a constant conversation flowing between the three of us are content to sit close, comfortable with each other.
See the way occasionally her eyes drift to peer out the window, see her taking in the way the roads become less populated, how the bustling hive of the city is left behind as we get to the suburbs, get to the slightly quieter outskirts of the city.
"It was dark when you found Min-Junie?" voice soft and breaking the silence, gentle and low.
Still peering out the window, peering out to the sight of the darkening sky.
Of the sun fading away.
"It was..." Jiminie answers.
I see him subtly shuffle closer, try to get his body closer to hers.
"And it was cold too wasn't it? When you brought Min-Junie to the shelter the seasons were turning." She states.
Voice soft, light.
"It was...the weather was cold." I remember. Remember how cold our ears and tails had been, how we'd shivered despite being bundled up in the heavy duty jackets. Remember small pained, distraught whimpers and a chattering body curled into a circle. Muddy and bruised.
My hands tighten on the steering wheel.
A small shuddery sigh.
But when her gaze meets mine in the rear-view mirror, it's heavy and angry. It's eyes that burn with rage and hurt.
"I don't consider myself violent. But whenever I think of what they've been through, when I see the state they left Ji Ah in, it makes me want to be." She confesses.
Eyes unwavering from where they meet me.
An admission of truth. Of her feelings. A hint of just how much agony and rage is bubbling away inside.
"Does that make me bad? Make me an animal?" she asks.
A growl rips out my throat. Sudden and loud.
Even if her tone had been lightly questioning, contemplative more than anything, it bothers me that she could even think of herself that way, that she could even make such a comparison to herself.
"No. That wouldn't make you an animal." I bite out.
It always hurt, always stung whenever people saw hybrids as nothing more than animals, nothing more than the animal counterpart their biology was fused with.
Saw the ears, the tails, the 'abnormalities' and nothing else.
And beside her Jiminie also stiffens, tail stopping it's slow constant swish to stare at her, narrowed set of eyes and then he's tugging the belt to loosen it, to wriggle closer to her.
Gives her hand a small squeeze when he takes it.
"Makes you normal. You think I'm calm when I head out on these things? I always feel like it'd be so easy to give in to the impulses. To protect whatever way I can, whichever means necessary. It doesn't make you an animal, it makes you the same. As me. As Joon hyung." He says assuredly.
"Same." She echoes, squeezing back.
And their hands don't unfurl from around each other until the car comes to a stop. Until I twist to tell them we're here and see their fingers slip away.
Slowly. Almost unwillingly it felt.
And he steps close when we get out of the car, moving to trail close to her. Habit it seemed.
Engrained in the way she didn't even notice the ease of it, didn't even turn to glance, but silently and unconsciously registers his closeness, body relaxing.
Her feet are silent, noiseless treads as she follows me, close behind me, sandwiched because her body is behind mine and behind her Jiminie brings up the rear, all swishy tailed and alert.
Then we're stepping through, near to the quieter street Min-Jun had been found, right near where the forest path began.
Surrounded by a cluster of trees and greenery.
A painful mockery that a poor, hurting baby bear had stumbled away, had escaped and collapsed right on the edge between city and nature. Had gone to where his instincts had felt soothed, had given up after wandering barely into it.
And still. Still there's a white chalky outline for where he'd been found. A small circle around the spot he'd been curled up at.
I was surprised it was undisturbed.
Surprised that it hadn't been worn away.
Untouched. Left there.
As if to mark the place he'd been found.
But if I'm surprised, (Y/N)'s sceptical and frowning.
Stepping out from behind me as she peeks at the circle, lips twisted and eyes alert. Head tilted.
"Something wrong?" I ask.
She makes a noncommittal gesture.
"Why's there a circle there?" she asks.
"It was where Min-Jun was found. He was curled up, the circle was there for us to mark it so we could try track what path he'd taken to get here." Jiminie speaks.
She steps out, head tilted and staring intently at it.
"What did you use? That it'd settle on the grass?" she asks, carefully walking forward, crouching down to focus her gaze on it.
"It's the usual that we use at the station. We use chalks for hard surfaces but a similar substitute for the grass this time." I answer.
Walking closer to stand behind her, peering at the same circle.
Trying to see what she made of it.
"Is it waterproof?" she asks.
"No." I answer.
Slightly apprehensive.
"It looks completely untouched. Undisturbed too. But it's odd because it's rained on and off a bit some of the nights since. There's no way it should be this intact unless..." she muses.
Fingers about to tentatively poke the white circle, before she hesitates. And when she turns to face us do I see the way her nose is scrunched, face frowning and body recoiling.
"Do you have gloves?"
The question answered silently when I wordlessly pull out a pair.
Always knew to keep them with me.
And her face is grimace as she leans to tentatively touch it, rubbing it between her gloved fingers and constantly peering down.
Moves back and tears off the glove, balling it and sealing as she steps away.
Moves away from the scent clinging to the white powder.
"It reeks. Doesn't smell like a marking substance. It smells like a marked territory." She states firmly.
It's clear what her words suggest.
That someone's come back time and time again to mark the spot.
Someone who I never issued an order to do.
Someone who's been using the marked circle as a way of leaving behind a territorial claim.
Someone's been staking a claim and we wouldn't have known if we hadn't decided to revisit.
Wouldn't have known.
I feel Jiminie move forward, eyes intent as they scan it, tugging out an evidence bag and another pair of gloves before he's carefully taking something off the ground, a look of disgust on his face that he doesn't quite get to smooth over.
"Animal droppings. It's too coincidentially near the circle for it not to be a hint, an outright claim." He explains.
I watch as (Y/N)'s posture becomes alert, ears perk up.
See the way her tail flicks.
"What is it (Y/N)? Does it ring a bell?"
She shakes her head. My heart sinks.
"Not ringing a bell quite. But...Min-Jun identified one of the traffickers, or someone we assume is in the inner circle, as a dog type of some sort right?" she voices.
Both of us voice our agreement.
I wasn't going to forget the look of sheer seething rage and worry from her face from that night.
"'s quite a rare hybrid so it might make things easier for you. But the territory marking sounds like a hyena's. Especially since there's animal droppings." She remarks, turning to face us.
"Your second trafficker is a hyena. I'm sure of it."
Another piece slipping into place. Another thing made easier because of (Y/N).
And there's this unwavering confidence in her answer, in the way her eyes shine when she faces us. Her head tilts towards the evidence bag.
"Once you get that tested, it'll open more doors. Should confirm it's a hyena." (Y/N) says.
A breathless huff of laughter escapes me.
Disbelieving and incredulous.
Her head tilts.
But I'm already tugging her forward, ignoring her sudden yelp of surprise as her head comes to rest against my chest, body stumbling forward as she collides lightly with me.
"Namjoon what?" she asks, voice muffled against my chest, hands hovering, gloves falling away as she curls her hands automatically around me, hugging back even if she's unaware of the reason.
"You're brilliant. (Y/N) if you hadn't come with us, who knows if we'd have even clicked that... that there's a hyena hybrid involved. And because they're so rare in Seoul, so rare in general, it'll narrow down so, so much." I say, arms unconsciously tightening and drawing her closer, tail swishing quickly.
"No you'd have figured it out. You're a smart wolf Namjoonie." She mumbles, voice still muffled.
I lean back.
Eyes shining as I look at her.
"Thank you. Thank you." I say.
Her eyes soften, face scrunched as she smiles.
"No problem. But can we move away from the circle...the smell..." she mumbles.
Wriggling closer to get away.
Ends up sandwiched more firmly against me.
And I let go to gently twist her away, drawing her back away from it.
"Want to head in a bit?" Jiminie asks.
"Into the woods? When it's dark...?" (Y/N) asks.
Voice tentative.
"I'll look after you! Just...I have a gut feeling you could help more. My instincts are nearly always right." He wheedles.
Holding his hand out, wriggling his fingers and looking both imploringly and protectively towards her, words promising and tone soothing and gentle.
No mischief. No tease.
And her fingers slide onto his palm. Look at him warningly.
"You better." she warns.
And stays curved behind him as he leads the way further into the forest, feet dragging and slow as he enters the growing darkness.
My instincts flaring and thrumming as I follow behind, flanking and covering her back.
Entering the woods. One fox, one doe and one wolf.
This time it's Jiminie who I nudge towards the driving seat this time, grinning when he shoots me a betrayed, wounded look.
"Drive to the bakery. It's close to closing time and Jin hyung said that Eunwoo would be there." I say, nudging him forward with my hand, unrepentant when he glowers.
"This time I get to sit with (Y/N)." I say easily.
Sliding in to take his place this time, heading back towards home after the café.
It's clear (Y/N)'s excited. Perked up as we head back to the city, head back to the bustle, evening sky settled now, a myriad of pink and orange and yellow, streaks of darkness beginning to take over.
Darkness cloaking the nightlife.
Still bustling, still moving.
And by the time Jimmie's pulled up to park, she's restlessly wriggling around, hurriedly undoing the seatbelt and clambering out, ignoring Jiminie's alarmed call for her to wait before he's scrabbling out too.
I smile at his fussiness when he steps close immediately, mumbling something that she doesn't take in because she's exuberant as she rushes towards the bakery, pushing the door open and heading inside. I smile as I head in too, hearing the small beep as Jiminie shuts the car.
Stepping in to warmth and rich homeyness, to the scent of baking, still rich and heavy.
I watch as her eyes scan the bakery, see the way excitement fizzles out when she doesn't spot a certain packmate.
There's no sight of the buck that Jiminie had mentioned.
And Jin hyung and Kookie are stepping out, gazes knowing and hurt on her behalf as she droops, comes to realise there's no packmate.
"Did Binnie already go?" she asks.
Jin hyung's gaze is sympathetic as he steps close, rubbing her shoulder and giving a small squeeze, wings flapping.
"He was waiting for you but he was called away. He really did want to stay (Y/N)." he says softly.
So restless with seeing her so down, so upset.
It makes me want to whine, growl low in my throat because of how she wilts, body curling in. Because she shouldn't be sad, shouldn't be all droopy and hurt.
"He left the things you asked for. And some." He adds.
Trying to bolster her, cheer her up.
She nods.
"It's fine...I just...really wanted to see them. Really wanted their hugs too." Mumbled quietly. Not intended to be heard but it is.
Heard by all of us in the silence.
Heard and seen with her curved in posture.
And she doesn't cheer up for all that she musters a tired smile.
Doesn't cheer up even as Jinnie brings out a box that he said her packmate had left behind, had spent today making for her, fingers curling around it dejectedly.
Doesn't cheer up even as Jin hyung and Kookie clamber into the car with us, with her pressed small in the corner and trying to make herself...invisible almost.
Doesn't cheer up even as Kookie tries to draw her into conversation, leaning to peer past Jiminie.
Doesn't cheer up at all.
Her scent isn't strong because of the suppressants.
But undoubtedly if we could smell it, it would be steeped with hurt. With sadness.
And when she moves inside the apartment, moves to get to the room she's staying in, Kookie cuts in.
Stands in her way and blocks her way off.
"Jungkook I just want to..." she begins.
"Head in? Sleep? Get some work done? That all can wait." He says firmly.
None of that endearing shyness when he peers at her, large eyes shining with determination and resolve.
She looks up from the bag that her packmate had left her, crammed full of folders and files and notes. The one curved over her shoulder looking as if it was filled with something soft and large.
Her eyes don't quite light up when she smiles.
She seems so, so weary.
So let down because she didn't get to see her pack.
I can't imagine what she's going through, admiring and respecting her strong resolve. Just how much will she had to push through hurdle after hurdle.
"Why's that?" (Y/N) asks.
And I watch as he tilts his neck, head falling to the side, ears gently flopping about his face as he peers at her with a twinkle in his eyes, smile quirking up.
Watch as confusion and hope mingles in hers.
"Binnie really was sad he couldn't make it. But he left after an extremely long scenting. Wanted to make sure his noona got it." He says softly.
Her posture loosens. Caves.
Unconsciously curves forward.
"Want a cuddle?" he offers.
Arms open.
Mine is.... Morning bird! I really really don't have the stamina to stay awake during the night. I could once. I can no more.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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