Chapter 25- small changes, big differences
There's the sound of footsteps padding through the apartment, the open and closing of doors as I bustle through the kitchen, hunting for where I'd sorted out the snacks. The ones I knew now that (Y/N) would like, having picked up on a few of her preferences from the times she'd eaten with us, from silent observation as I watched what foods she tended to lean towards and which ones she picked at.
And as I bend down, tugging the cupboard doors open, my eyes light up with triumph, when they fall onto the stuffed cupboards, gaze trailing over the countless packets and varieties, biting my lip as my hand hovers, wondering which ones to choose.
My eyes fall onto some of Kookie's favourite snacks, reaching out for them and pulling out some packets, slowly forming a pile in my arms, wondering whether he'd finished changing and washing up. Wondering if he'd already made his way into the living room, though the footsteps hadn't sounded like his, hadn't been his bouncy, light tread.
"Hyung have you seen Jiminie?" Joon's voice is sudden, accompanied with the thump of his tail against the doorframe. I raise my head accidentally bumping it on the underside of the cupboard with a thunk at the sudden loudness, not having heard him entering and surprised by the slightly worried tone to his voice.
I wince, rubbing the top of my head as I duck out the cupboard staring up at Joon's slightly apologetic look as he approaches from the door, tail low as it wriggles, an echo of his guilt, as if expecting a scolding.
"Sorry hyung." He approaches, helping me up as he grips my hand, eyes drifting to the snacks I clutch towards my chest, lips quirking even as his other hand rubs at my head, soothing away the sting with his endearing attempts to rub the pain away.
"You have to kiss it to make it better." another voice says from the doorway, Kookie's smiling face greeting us, nose scrunching as he teasingly looks at the two of us, light treads, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he moves towards the two of us.
Joon freezes, large fingers that had been lightly rubbing at my scalp in apology, stilling as he looks wide-eyed at Kookie, tail wagging a bit quicker; the very visible tell to his obvious excitement. Both to the idea and to Kookie's sudden but delightful presence, I didn't blame him. Just seeing Kookie made my wings all a flutter, made me want to scoop him up to kiss.
And it was sweet to see this endearing interaction, like always, pink-cheeked wolf and bunny looking at each other, all shy furtive glances that lingered when the other wasn't aware, undoubtingly instincts calling for them to lean in and nuzzle, to scent and claim but they were so shy, so tentative it both tugged at my heartstrings and made my wings bristle with the urge to just give a well-timed gentle shove to one of the other.
"Kiss it better?" Joon echoes, voice slightly strangled.
Kookie, despite the pinkening of his cheeks, eagerly nods, slightly damp brown ears bouncing with the force of his movement. Enthusiastically agreeing.
"Jinnie hyung always kisses my hurts better. It works! So why don't you try it hyung?" he prompts.
Joon looks caught between the two of us, his excitement clear with how his tail is perked up and tail wags a bit quicker, instincts raring, but his pink cheeks suggesting how bashful he is about it.
So I decide to help him out. Tilting my head forward into his touch but also to bend it towards him.
"Kiss it better Joonie." I say softly, voice teasing and gentle.
Surprised when it's only a few moments before I feel the press of soft, warm lips to my head, lingering there before he retreats. And when I raise my head his eyes are alight and he darts forward to peck my forehead, lips soft and full brushing against my skin before he moves back.
"Just in case." He justifies.
I smile, heart soft and so, so fond.
"Just in case." I echo, seeing the way Kookie restlessly fidgets beside me, eyes alight with excitement. And I know without him turning, I just know his tail is twitching, soft cotton tail quivering with his eagerness.
"Hyung are you here for movies?" Kookie asks, diverting the conversation before a silence can settle, much more verbally comfortable around our packmates.
And his look is hopeful and sweet, eyes shining as he looks at Joon. Waiting for an answer. Hoping to hear yes.
But he gives a small shake of his head. Looking equally as dejected.
"I'm looking for Jiminie. I thought he came over a while back but I can't seem to find him." he says, brows furrowed.
My hand carefully jostles the snacks to cradle them to my chest as I reach out to smoothen the frown, pad of my thumb rubbing at his skin to ease it away.
"He'll be here somewhere then..." I say at the same time that Kookie begins to speak.
"He went into the bathroom right as I was finishing up." he adds.
Joon nods, turning to head to the bathroom to hunt down our errant packmate.
And as he leaves, Kookie turns with a hopeful, wistful look.
"Aren't you the sweetest bun? Here come help with the snacks and let's see if we can rope the two of them into movies too." I say with a nudge.
Unable to bear even the slightest frown on his face and watch as it transforms into giddy exuberance, ears bouncing as he nods and sweeps a large pile from the cupboard before bumping it shut with his hip.
"Let's go then hyung!" he chirps before spinning to lead the way, feet light as he leaves the kitchen.
And with a fond smile I follow, wings settling at his happiness, at ease because he is too.
But when we're approaching the living room, Joon hurries forward, slightly worried now.
"Jiminie's shifted. He always does that when he needs a lot more tactile comfort. And I can't find him." he says in a rush, sounding harried and worried. Kookie's nose twitches as he smells the pheromonal change, as he smells Joonie's distress and worry, hands perceptibly tightening around the snacks, the crinkling of the wrappers heard as he holds them close.
"Hyung I'm sure Jiminie hyung is fine, he's probably already gotten back in to head to your room." Kookie says, trying to be comforting as we enter the living room, Joonie's frame crashing promptly into his when he suddenly stills, hands darting out to wrap around Kookie's teetering frame and yank him back, cradling him into his chest as he spews apologies, a rough tumbling of words as he grabs a hold of Kookie, arms banding protectively across his chest and stomach.
"Kookie I'm so sorry!" Joon apologies once he's sure that our bunny isn't in danger of falling over, head tucked close to him.
My own heart which had accelerated at the cry of alarm slowly begins to settle, wings no longer flapping as I shift to defend, to protect.
"Bun why did you stop?" I ask.
And his voice is slightly breathless, from the sudden jolt to his body, from being tucked close to his wolf hyung, a mixture of both I think.
But his gaze doesn't veer away from inside the living room.
"Am I the only one seeing this? Joonie hyung I found Jiminie hyung for you." he says, voice faint and light.
And then Joon is leaning over his shoulder, sucking in a harsh, sudden breath, scent spiking sharp enough that even I catch a whiff of it. Of rich earthy musk, rolling off him with its heaviness. And when I nudge the two of them in so I can enter behind them, so I can see what it is that's caught their eyes, I find my breath catching. Heart turning with giddiness and soft tenderness as the three of us take in the sight of (Y/N) stretched out across one of the sofas, posture loose and languid. Relaxed and droopy. But if the sight of her all content and settled wasn't already enough, then this definitely was.
A small lump under her loose shirt, her hands cupping it tenderly, lovingly and brushing over it, above the fabric, and from the hem of her shirt, from under is the sight of a very familiar orange tail, white tipped, swaying gently, brushing back and forth in a slow, hypnotic motion, drawing sleepy giggles out of (Y/N) as her hand continued to move.
We'd found Jiminie then.
Joonie could be at ease now that we'd found our missing packmate. Perfectly at home and satisfied from his huddle under her shirt, the small chirps indicating just how much he was enjoying snuggling close to her.
My eyes drift to Joonie and Kookie, both of them just as fascinated and drawn to the sight as I am, Kookie's lips parted in a silent oh.
Joonie makes a small sound in the back oh his throat, keening, a surprised whine, scent thickening further, a richness to that musk that made my head pleasantly buzz with it.
And it has (Y/N)'s head turning, lolling on the cushion under her as she peers with dazed, fluttering eyes, slow, lazy blinks as she takes in the sight of the three of us. And it's a testament to just how thorough and intense that earlier scenting had been if she was still slightly hazy on pheromones, that she wasn't jerking upright or stiffening but remained loosely stretched onto the couch and a testament to how comfortable and safe she felt right now as her lips stretched into a sleepy smile at us.
There's no other balm quite like this to my instincts. To see her looking so safe and at ease. Not a single shred of tension in her, no worries, no concerns, just a happy doe sleepily cuddling with a just as snuggly Jiminie who had plastered himself to her skin, wormed under her shirt and made his home there.
And the low whine that Joonie had made, had caused the lump under the shirt to wriggle, tail momentarily stopping in its content swishing motion as a black snout pushed out from the neckline of her shirt, a face peeking out in greeting as two fluffy ears appeared to.
A happy bright chirp of greeting as Jiminie's head turns to see the three of us.
"They look so cute." I enthuse, stepping out from behind the other two, no longer able to bear the distance as I move forward, dropping to my knees beside the couch, arms carelessly setting the snacks aside to free my hands as I peer, marvelling over Jiminie in shifted form, marvelling over how easily (Y/N)'s hand goes to brush and lightly scratch behind his ears, his head tilting into the touch as if it's a familiarity, an ease that the two have unconsciously, instinctually perfected.
"Who knew foxes could be so tactile?" (Y/N) says softly to me, eyes lit with fondness and wonder.
There's noise from behind us, the padding of two distinctly different types of footsteps. One light and buoyant- easily identified as Kookie. The other is an almost clumsy, scampering haste- the fumbling quickness identifying it as Joon's without turning.
"Jiminie's always tactile, but it seems to amplify in shifted form. Though whether it was restlessness or just an extra need for touch and cuddles..." he muses aloud from behind me, bumping into the table when he crouches, a muttered 'ow', rubbing it as he kneels down.
But though his hand stretches out, he doesn't pet Jiminie immediately, silently seeing if (Y/N) minds. The consideration he shows to her, to her own relaxed state makes my heart ache with pride and fondness. That he holds back from touching Jiminie even if his own instincts must've been raring to find Jiminie, to make sure he was safe, spiking up higher when he'd realised that he'd shifted.
But Jiminie does the decision making for him, the chirp sounding far too resigned and amused as he buts his head affectionately towards Joonie's fingers, brushing his ears across his palm in a greeting before wriggling back down.
"Ahh you can tell hyung is too comfortable. (Y/N) too. I want to get comfortable too...Jin hyung lie down." Kookie says, voice both soft and demanding as he looks at me, bottom lip jutted out.
But it makes (Y/N) smile more deeply, a small giggle as she squirms a bit and nods encouragingly.
"Go for it!" she urges.
And then looks almost longingly and wistfully at Joon, eyes unconsciously widening with a silent plea and request in them.
Looking at her doe eyes from so close, I feel that tug to give in to them, to whatever they're about to ask for, simply because I didn't want a sad look in them. Wanted them to shine brightly with happiness.
"Do you...are you here to take Jiminie away?" she asks tentatively, hedging carefully, face beginning to look resigned and dismayed at the thought.
And Joon's quick to shake his head, an almost frantic need to dislodge the idea from her head.
"I was worried about where he was. But he's safe and very comfortable so I wouldn't dare thinking of disturbing the two of you." he adds wryly, a dimpled smile as he looks at her.
She smiles back, eyes lit with happiness.
"Thank you Namjoon." Her voice heavy yet sounding so grateful, sounding as if it's dropping with the onslaught of sleep, as if now that she knows Jiminie isn't going anywhere she has no problem in letting herself get more and more comfortable, in sinking into the couch with a smile curving at her lips.
"You up for a light movie (Y/N)?" I whisper, voice exaggeratedly hushed and laugh when one of her eyes blink open at me, face scrunched at the obvious tease.
"Of course. It'll just have to be lying down I guess." She says fondly.
I smile, hands hovering over the snacks.
"Which one will it be then (Y/N)?" I ask but Kookie's already bustling close, a bright chirp of 'I've got it hyung' as he bustles close, hovering over her as he gestures to the countless array in his hold.
"I got your favourites! Actually...ones that I think you'll like because of the foods you tend to favour and I may have asked Hobi hyung and Jiminie hyung too..." he says, voice a mixture of excitement and hopefulness, nose twitching as his ears perk up, looking at her with shining soft brown pools.
"They're all perfect." She says simply, slowly rising up to choose one when a fierce wriggle from under her shirt has her stilling, peering with wide eyes as she freezes, a chirp that sounds admonishing and chiding. The fluffy orange tail swishes a bit more quickly.
And Joonie laughs.
"Don't be greedy baby. And hog poor (Y/N). Let her breathe." Joonie says voice fond and humoured, brows raised with amusement, tease clear in his eyes.
The wriggle becomes less pronounced.
But Kookie's leant forward, hovering over (Y/N) in a curve so she can reach up more easily to choose a snack, eyes soft and warm as she mumbles a thank you, his eyes crinkling with response, toothy grin as he rises back up.
Two cuties.
I get up, moving to sink into one of the other sofas, sighing to myself as I take in the sight of Joonie curling up in an armchair, long limbs folding and bending as he makes himself fit, leaning his head onto his arms as he watches the movie with us, though his eyes are constantly flitting about, lingering on the sight of (Y/N) curled up with Jiminie, to Kookie splayed across my body, head tucked under mine, absently trailing his fingers over my torso as we watch. For all that his posture is calm and loose, Joonie's eyes drift as they're unable to settle.
And it's a comforting haze over the living room, the soft almost white noise of the film a lulling buzz of constant sound as I take in everyone's relaxed postures, so soothed and calmed by the sight alone.
But quietness is rare. A stolen moment in the folded pockets of time, an instance where silence seeps out and comes to settle like a blanket drawn over a curled-up figure.
But again. It's rare, has high chances of being disturbed.
And when the enthusiastic slamming of a door has me raising my head, ears catching onto the almost hushed, berating whispers, I know that this moment of silence has come to an end.
And that maybe it's not too bad that it does.
Not when it brings the sight of a bright bubbly tiger packmate to be leading the fray, tail swishing and fluffy ears perked up and twitching with unrestrained happiness as his eyes alight on all his packmates in one room, eyes brightening further when he spots (Y/N) too.
"A movie night, snacks and cuddles? And you started without me?" he asks, sounding wounded, deep voice rumbly and sad.
And then Yoongi's fondly rolling his eyes, giving a small dig of his elbow to Tae's ribs.
"As if we can't already tell you're not diving right in." he says with a faux-sigh.
And when three more join the cluster of people dotted around the living room, it feels complete, our pack is complete. All six of them where I can see them, where I can see their happy, easy smiles as they settle down.
And this is it. This is what I relished as a pack. This haven, this safety, this soothing of instincts.
And this was all I needed.
I stare at the empty living room. It's empty. Far too empty. The sight was something I was unused to as well as unfamiliar with. I didn't like it.
Didn't like how silent it was at the moment, didn't like that I didn't have a packmate to latch onto or cuddle against. That the others seem to have vanished into thin air
Where were the others?
I'd heard Joonie hyung somewhere around the apartment, had heard him mumbling in a low tone to himself, the opening and closing of doors and his rich enticing earthy musk that had seemed to deepen and become heavier, clinging to the air even as he walked around. A trail of his discontentment left behind.
A feeling that didn't sit well with me. Made me restless with the need to know whether hyung's fine.
"Hyung..." I call, lips quirking slightly when the two of them turn in unison, ears twitching as they focus on me.
"Yes cub?" Hobi hyung answers with a wry knowing grin, eyes having caught onto my smile immediately.
"Where are the others?" I ask.
Ears straining for sound but there's no sound of footsteps, no sound of voices from this side of the apartment.
"Joonie was moving around a while ago. And Jiminie...I haven't heard from him since dinner." Yoongi hyung answers.
And then his brows rise, eyes narrowed as he takes in my fidgetiness.
"Feeling fidgety cub?" he asks.
I nod.
"Joonie hyung's scent was all heavy. Is he okay?" I ask tail beginning to curl and swish nervously.
Hobi hyung frowns as he rounds the counter and walks to me, cookies and milk forgotten. Fridge door shut with a soft click as Yoongi hyung follows.
"His scent's off? Maybe we should go check on him. Make sure he's okay. And if he's stressing about work again then." He sighs, head dropping forward slightly.
"Then?" Yoongi hyung prompts.
"Then I'll sit on him and nuzzle his worry away." he says with a tone of finality, eyes bright and lips fond with amusement,
I smile.
"I'll join you." I pipe up, wriggling close.
My fidgetiness begins to show as my hand fiddles with hyung's shirt, now that there's someone close enough to turn that restlessness onto, tugging him closer and closer. Not even realising consciously that it's me trying to keep him close, trying to ease away the slight unease by being close to another packmate.
"Oh Tae...our sweet cub. Come here." Hyung murmurs gently, his hand curling around the back of my neck in a possessive splay as he tugs me close to press a smatter of kisses to my lips. Possessive and gentle. That dizzyingly confusing mix that Hobi hyung could be at all times. Distracting and soothing all at once. Easing away that restlessness because my hand doesn't tug him closer, just remains lightly curled in his shirt. Content and settled.
But when he leans back, my lips form a pout, eyes wide until he relents and kisses me more deeply, head guiding mine towards him, all sharp nips and soft tongue laving over the sting as he kisses me, tugs me closer and closer, a rumbly purr muffled against my lips as he parts my mouth with his, brushes his tongue teasingly against mine, delving into my mouth to brush through it before retreating just as quick to shoot me a teasing look.
"Aren't you going to find Joonie with me? Who knows...maybe he needs to be in the middle of a cuddle sandwich." He says lightly, but it's enough to have me reaching out to grab Yoongi hyung too, tugging them both impatiently behind me as I lead the way to search through the apartment, to see where the trail of earthy musk leads us.
It ends up leading us to the partition, to the other end of the apartment, the trails of Joonie hyung's scent leading us through each room, as if he had been searching for something and hadn't found it.
Someone rather. Given that through our walk into each room, Jiminie is also nowhere to be seen. None of his fresh mintiness that gives away his location.
And when we step through, the wave of earthy musk is rich and strong, lighter and so it meant that whatever had Joon hyung frantic seemed to have eased up. We follow the trail of sound, my hands still clutching both Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung by their wrists and enter the living room.
And come to stop.
My eyes drifting over the way Jungkookie is splayed over Jin hyung, snuggled close and tucked into him, their figures stretched out across one couch. And in the adjacent armchair is Joon hyung, all curled up, ears loosely folded and curved down, relaxed and languid. A wolf curled up contentedly. His eyes drifting around the room lazily before going to focus on the screen once more. And then my eyes come to settle on (Y/N), on the sheer comfort and ease she imbues, looking so content and happy and cosy. Legs stretched out and hand cradling a lump under her shirt.
A lump that allows me to pinpoint where our final packmate is. Because that lump comes with the slow swaying orange tail that peeks out from her hem, that brushes low on her waist and trails onto her leg.
The sight of it makes my instincts want. A deep longing that intertwines with those instinctual needs to want to press myself close too, to feel that satiation that came with shifting and be curled up around someone. I felt a mixture of giddiness for Jiminie, for seeing him so content that his minty scent was pulsing out heavy and sweet, enticing and winding around my senses, trying to urge me closer.
The sight is so soft, so tender and gentle that it makes that want build.
And I feel my lips curl up, all that worry leaving me as I see the rest of our packmates gathered here, all relaxed and loose and comfy.
"A movie night, snacks and cuddles? And you started without me?" I ask, voice deep and low, extremely close to the depth of a chuff, instincts purring and growling with satisfaction.
With this moment that provides ample opportunities to cuddle with my packmates, to lazily scent and snuggle. Big spoon, little spoon I wasn't fussy.
This was the perfect setting to drag in one packmate or the other.
And I planned to capitalise on this moment.
But feel a pang when not too long after we had settled, (Y/N)'s phone rings, cutting through the film, cutting through her yawn, face scrunched and hand muffling her mouth. And watch as she apologetically smiles at all of us, stretching out for it, face brightening up.
"Jiminie...I..." she hedges carefully. But he'd already been moving, rustling under her shirt.
And he's already chirping, a low soothing sound as he turns and scrabbles out of her shirt, hops down onto the floor.
She's smiling at him as she straightens up, holding onto the sofa arm to hold onto as she gets the feeling back into her legs from remaining still for how long. I watch as Jiminie noses at her pyjama leg as she wobbles, blinking down at him softly.
Watch as that relaxed posture remains as she straightens, hands curled around the phone that still continues to silently flash with an incoming call.
"I'm going to go answer this. I'll see you in the morning." She says, another yawn slipping out, eyes hazy as they slowly blink open and shut. The slow, droopy flutter of her lashes as those doe eyes take in everyone, no longer afraid, no longer stiff.
And the rumbly sound Jiminie makes is discontent and disapproving, sharp fox eyes staring at her. Those same eyes that trail her when she begins to walk, making her way out and a small, quiet chirp before he follows her, tail trailing across the ground as he trots behind her, brushing against her side to walk alongside her.
The two of them vanishing from sight.
I smile at the two of them go, eyeing the sofa where they'd been curled up with longing, wishing that I could be small enough in shifted form to cuddle so closely.
Shifted or not, however, cuddles I could always do. Could always take.
And hours later Jin hyung stretched, murmuring softly that it was late and everyone should start heading to sleep.
My head rises from where it was cushioned against the couch, lips drooping at the thought of Jin hyung's hand stilling in my hair, my own still carding through Yoongi hyung's. He was already asleep, cheek pillowed against my thigh, puffy from where it was smooshed.
I didn't want to wake him.
He often didn't sleep before his shows. And now that he had, I didn't have the heart to wake him even if it was getting closer to his radio show.
But all good things come to an end and when everyone begins to blearily sit up, stumble upright he stirs at the sound of noise, tail uncurling from where it had wrapped around my ankle.
Watch as his sleepy narrowed eyes take in the living room, take in how significantly emptier it had gotten.
Not too long after Jiminie had returned, a smile that could only be described as smug on his face, he and Joonie hyung had left for the night- having an early start to the day. Soft murmured goodnights on behalf of the two of them, Jiminie nosing along cheeks in a silent echo, nuzzling briefly before he padded away.
And now as he straightens, he sleepily scent marks my throat, a small rumbly hum as he nuzzles, pressing a soft, messy kiss to my scent gland before clambering up.
"Bed for you two cubs. I should start getting ready. Jin hyung...looks like Jungkookie's already asleep. Do you need help?" his voice rough and hoarse with sleep, a deeper timbre than his usual voice but even more so powerful. Even more so affecting.
Sleepy as he blinks at us, but already instinctually feeling out where he's needed, tugging Hobi hyung's frame up too, as he latches onto me and cuddles me from behind.
And Jin hyung's smiling, endeared as he looks at the three of us, gaze still fond as he looks down at Kookie's sleeping figure. At the way his ears twitch in his sleep, leaning in silently to nuzzle against hyung's throat, clutch getting tighter.
"I've become a master at wrangling a sleepy bunny into bed." He says with a fond sigh, shifting to secure Jungkookie in his hold, slowly and carefully straightening, Yoongi hyung's hand hovering to help them should he need to.
And I watch with no little amount of fascination and awe as he gently manoeuvres Jungkookie, his head resting against Jin hyung's shoulder before he's hoisting him up in his arms, cradling him towards his chest as he stands, wings flapping and rustling as they straighten themselves, unfurl to move and shift.
There's an ease in hyung as he hoists up Kookie, as if he weighs nothing, as if all that muscle on that lithe form holds no impact, no power in front of hyung's capability to cradle him close, to start walking towards the door with his ears flopping and curving over his shoulder.
"Sleep well cubs." He says softly. And then he turns back to the doorway, wings flapping and splayed out impressively, wide black beautiful wings that curve protectively around his frame, shielding Jungkookie from view.
An instinct to hide and protect his vulnerable mate. It's adorable.
And now that everyone's gone, there's none of that heady appeal to the living room anymore. Even if it carries the irresistible mixture of everyone's scents. Heavy and drowsy, clinging to the air particles with that weight of sleep and fatigue. Heavy and thick and unblocked. Pure pack scent.
I could roll around in the scent forever, want it rubbed into every inch of skin so that at the end of it I smell like pack, I smell claimed and I smell like I belong.
Even as we leave the living room, the mixture of scents seem to follow.
And I know...that there is nothing more that would satiate me then to have that scent to cling to me, to remain on my skin, remain as an imprint.
When I wake it's to sound. Quiet muffled sounds of the world slowly beginning once more. Of the day beginning and of the pack beginning to rouse and move about.
Sounds of doors softly being opened and closed, of the low hum of chatter and of the others getting ready. A glance at the clock tells me that it's time for me to get up too.
Time for me to begin to get ready too. I had an art class today with the children.
And the thought of heading in with Jiminie and (Y/N) has me smiling up at the ceiling, carefully clambering out of the middle to make my way out of the room and begin to get ready.
So when I hear Joonie hyung and Jiminie talking in low murmurs in the kitchen, I change track, heading from the bathroom to the kitchen rather than getting dressed straight away.
Pad in, clothes rumpled, and head towards them, still slightly droopy from sleep as I lean onto the first figure I find, ducking down to nose against their throat.
But rather than be greeted with mint as I'd expected, I'm surprised with the heavy calmed scent of earthiness that Joon hyung emits, spiking with surprise before it softens. Before a hand comes to cradle the back of my head, scratching lightly at my scalp, a huff of amused soft laughter.
"Morning Tae-ah. Still sleepy?" Joon hyung asks, voice low and smooth, inviting and gentle, like the soft lull of waves against a boat, a blanket drawn over me. His voice and scent is a dangerous mixture, coaxing me to lean further into him to scent, nose rubbing lazily at his scent gland to be rewarded with a rich burst of his pheromones. A low content growl as he guides my head close.
"Mmmm...your voice is nice. Smell nice too hyung." I mumble against his neck, slowly straightening up to stumble over to Jiminie too. Hearing his fond giggle before I drape myself over his back, his hands coming to clutch at mine as my arms wind around him.
"Morning sleepy cub. Sleep well?" he asks.
I grumble, shifting so I can rest my head against his shoulder for a bit.
"You must've slept better. All tucked up and be a small predator." I grouse.
His laughter is bright and delighted, satisfied and smug and I don't even need to glance at his face to know his eyes must be bright and shining, that his plump lips are curved up generously, fangs peeking out.
I can just tell.
"Being small in shifted form does have its advantages." He concedes.
And when I move to nuzzle sleepily at his scent gland, his head falls to the side, allowing me better, unrestrained access, Joonie hyung speaks.
"He was unbelievably smug Tae." Joon hyung adds.
I sigh as I drag my nose against his skin, seeking out his minty scent, head turning so I can rub my cheek against his neck, stimulating his scent gland with the low lazy drags of my cheek against his throat.
And pause.
Turn my head to sniff at the scent on his skin. Curling very faintly, very lightly around his sweet mintiness. The faintest, barest trail of another scent, new and foreign. Unfamiliar yet soft. Gentle. The very brief hint of something floral.
I lean back.
"You smell like (Y/N)." I realise. It must be her. There's no-one else that the scent could belong to. It explains the weak trail of it too. Explains why despite all that cuddling, only the smallest among clings to Jiminie.
She was on suppressants. It naturally dulled her scent, made it barely noticeable.
But the fact that he was able to manage to capture the slightest bit of her natural scent, of that essence that made (Y/N) identifiable instinctually, has that longing rising up once more.
Has me wishing and wanting.
Has me diving back in without waiting for an answer to brush my cheek more insistently against his scent gland, nose pressing down more firmly, twitching as I try to sniff out some of (Y/N)'s scent, try to chase after that teasing glimpse of her, scenting more thoroughly, more carefully, clutching tighter and drawing him back into me as I curve close, head buried into the crook of his neck. Leisurely taking my time to make his pheromones bloom out strongly, becoming more and more sweeter and strong, the cooling mintiness appealing and enticing, curling around me.
Jiminie laughs, shoulders shaking slightly as he stays still as I scent, hands tightening around my own as he clutches me close, head arched further.
"You get so happy just scenting Tae. Smell so sweet. Doesn't he Joon hyung?" he breathes, voice light and airy, teasing and slightly breathless.
Joon hyung's rumbling, pleased growl is answer enough. Answer enough even if his fingers card through my hair to cup my head and guide it closer, urging me to scent more and more.
And when I eventually raise my head, my head swims pleasantly. Full of mint curling around my scent. Full of sweet happy pheromones.
Wider awake but dazed too.
Buzzing with the thorough scenting.
"Sit down and have breakfast. You're going with Jiminie and (Y/N) aren't you?" a hand tugging me to sit down between them, into the stool that allows me to be sandwiched on both ends.
I nod as I easily follow.
Smiling at the sight of Joonie hyung getting up to get a bowl out, reaching inside the fridge for the fresh fruit Jin hyung always made sure we had in stock.
Smiling because of how such a small gesture can mean so much.
Smiling because when he sets down a bowl of fresh berries alongside a bowl for cereal for me, it's small but it's a gesture that shows he cares, he notices.
And buzzing with scenting and being taken care of in this subtle, yet not so subtle, way has me leaning in to peck his cheek in thanks, lips lingering before I'm moving back.
Smiling even more because Joon hyung's cheeks colour so prettily.
And the soft pink of them remind me of baby pink flowers, budding and blooming.
Blooming much like something fond and sweet and wanting that curls around my heart, makes it thud just a bit quicker.
(Y/N) POV:
Jiminie curling close, remain pressed against my skin as he snuggled was something so inexplicably soothing, calming that it has me sinking into the couch, mind blissfully blank save for the feeling of soft fur pressing against me, of the small occasional wriggle and the ticklish feeling of a cold black nose pressing to my collarbone.
There was something so grounding and calming about his soft weight draped over me, effectively keeping me pinned in the most relaxing of ways, that had that fog that had begun to build in my mind from earlier, that sweet numbing haze of pheromones from all that scenting to begin to build up once more, to become thicker and heavier, inducing drowsiness, coaxing me to let my eyes flutter, remain shut for longer, hand almost absently cupping the lump that was Jiminie's shifted form.
And so when I hear the murmur of voices, my ears don't flick with surprise, far too relaxed and content, instincts so thoroughly being satiated with that tactile need that it doesn't cause me to stiffen, smiling up at Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook as they enter and move close, taking in the scene in front of them with soft gazes.
Hands curling around Jiminie when Namjoon looks down at the lump with fondness, heart aching at the thought of losing the warm, furry body curled up on my stomach. At the thought of having to relinquish that warmth because his packmate had clearly been searching for him, given the way his face relaxes and his scent mellows out, smiling at him in gratitude.
And as they move about, settling down too, the waves of sleep come back, gentle lulling waves that try to urge me to sink into the couch and fall asleep there. To let my eyes shut and not open, consumed by that satisfaction that my doe was feeling, perfectly safe, perfectly content.
But the small constant sound of the tv has me trying to focus on the film, trying to follow along to the plot when three more presences make themselves feel known. A mixture of fruity strong notes mingling alongside caramel nutty sweetness. The three cat hybrids.
And though I feel comfortable enough that I don't stiffen, that I don't straighten at the room getting heavier with their pack scent, something else intent on disturbing my chances of sleeping makes itself known. The buzzing vibration of my phone, the small constant sound of the phone ringing, hand sluggishly reaching out for it, eyes squinting at the harsh brightness that suddenly lights up.
But smile widening when I see it's an incoming call from Binnie and Eunwoo, head jerking up automatically before I'm reminded of the soft weight on me. The same soft furry body that had been shifting and moving about for the past few minutes.
"Jiminie...I..." I hedge but he's already wriggling out, fur slightly rumpled from the sudden reappearance as he hops down onto the carpet, a small soft chirp that feels and sounds soothing and reassuring.
And when I stand, my legs wobble, stiff after remaining immobile for so long and I reach out to clutch at the sofa, lips smiling when I feel a nose brush the back of my calf over my pyjama leg. My eyes drift down to see him peering up at me, eyes wide and unblinking, the dark depths of them so knowing and full of unspoken words.
And it's the constant flashing of my phone that makes me break eye contact, has me turning to smile at the others.
"I'm going to go answer this. I'll see you all in the morning." I say, face rumpling when a yawn bubbles out, head ducking down to muffle it against the side of my arm, lips pressing to fabric as my eyes scrunch and water.
There's a low rumbly sound from downwards, disapproving and almost chiding in its tone and as I leave, I don't expect to hear the almost silent padding of paws behind me, a chirp as he announces his departure, side brushing against my calf as he keeps pace with my slow, droopy steps towards the bedroom. A constant presence by my side until I reach my door, until he comes to settle beside it, peering up at me until I'm meeting his gaze.
And I ignore the urgency to answer my phone, to talk to my packmates, to crouch down so I'm looking at Jiminie in the eyes on a more even level, smiling at him. He'd helped more than he'd know, he's done and does so much for me. And he's trusted me today. He'd shown me just how much he trusted me by showing his most vulnerable form to me and remaining beside me in his shifted form.
But before I can speak, he just rises up from his seated position, front legs propelling him up and his small black nose comes to brush against mine, tips touching each other. I feel my eyes widen before they soften, hand reaching to brush through his fur, lightly scratching and massaging as I tilt his head up, seeing the way his head falls back trustingly. And I lean forward to press a peck to his nose, silently thanking him for everything.
But before he can move away, my fingers still lightly brushing through his fur, I hold his eye contact.
"Thank you Jiminie...for trusting, for sharing. For giving me amazing cuddles." I say with quirked lips, watching as his mouth parts in a fangy toothy smile, a bright chirp.
And I slowly begin to unwind to my feet, uncurling and straightening up, leaning against the door as I watch him straighten up too.
"Goodnight Jiminie...sleep well." I say softly.
Phone once again beginning to ring. Once again. My hand tightens around it.
I should answer that.
And his eyes drift to the phone, eyes seeming to almost glower at it, a rumbly discontent sound.
And he nudges me towards the door, head lightly butting me to tell me to go inside.
My other hand curls around the door handle, eyes lingering on him.
And there's no more words that need to be exchanged as I watch him give a final nuzzle before he turns to trot back to the living room, puffy orange trailing behind him, steps light and even.
And when he vanishes from sight, I step in. Door shutting behind me. The room doesn't look as empty and isolating and confining today. Today it doesn't feel like I'm shutting myself away, cut off from the world.
Today when I curl up under the blankets and answer the video call, it's with a smile for once. Not waiting for my spirits to be raised by them, heart bursting and spilling over already from earlier and from now, emotions floating about in a hazy swirl around me. And while away the night talking to them, hand clutching the phone close, feeling as if the distance between us is lessened that way.
And when I drift off, it's to the sound of their voices, waking up still connected, phone clutched close to my chest.
I don't know when it is that I stir awake, feeling far more refreshed and alert than I had been since I'd arrived. Feeling as if for the first time I'd slept evenly through the night without rising, without tossing and turning. One of the first nights where I hadn't needed the company of the radio to help that final wave of sleep wash over me. I stretch out, phone still clutched in my grip, and see the two of them curled up together, cheeks smushed together, tucked close into each other's arms, breathing deep and even.
I fiddle for the charger, plugging in the phone and eyes lingering on the sight before ending the call, before slowly making my way out of bed.
Slow, lazy drags of my feet as I circle around, fixing up any mess, taking out a change of clothes before making my way out to get ready for work.
And it's when I step out that I bump into Jin, his wings flaring out in surprise as his hand darts out to steady me, firm and strong and gentle on my arm, keeping a hold until I straighten up.
"All that scenting making you wobbly?" he teases as a way of greeting.
My cheeks warm as I smile back at him, see the way his eyes flash with amusement and wings flutter.
Glorious wide black wings that splay wide and close, coming to settle, tucked close to his back.
"Maybe. Or maybe I'll blame hybrid biology. Doe legs are equally as wobbly as they are stable at other times." I say wryly.
He smiles, eyes crinkling as he smiles.
"Well Miss Doe, care to join us for breakfast? Kookie's been experimenting with new smoothie blends and he claims I'm biased." He says with an affronted sigh, looking at me with brows raised, clearly wanting me to side with him.
I shake my head.
"How could he think so? What I know of you is that you're a professional when it comes to food." I say, filling in the gap and watch as he flashes me a pearly smile, lips parting as he nods eagerly.
"That's what I keep telling him that. But Binnie tends to side with him too." He adds.
Watches as my face perks up at the mention of my packmate.
"Binnie is a tease." I say bluntly.
He laughs. A loud sound, slightly squeaky, innocent and bright, at a harsh contrast to his large, broad powerful imposing presence. It's new and refreshing.
Endearing too. Somehow fitting.
And when he walks with me to the kitchen, he leans in to whisper conspiratorially.
"And here I was...wishing that Tae's fairy-tale was true. I'm a romantic...I really was rooting for your prince mate." He says, sounding genuinely put out.
I pat his arm in commiseration.
"You and me both Jin. But one day I'll find him. Whoever they are, wherever they are." I say, feeling confident in the knowledge.
I didn't have a mate now. But one day I would. And I knew that day would come, you didn't need to hurry these things. It was an instant where you'd just know. Where your biology would call for theirs.
And when that happened. I'd know.
That I'd feel it in my very veins, in my blood. Would feel that call, that tug. And would know that I'd have found the one fated for me.
When I step outside, bundled up and excited for my walk with Jiminie to work, it's a sweet surprise that I find Taehyung waiting too. That rather than a familiar puffy orange tail brushing slowly against the wall as he waits, it's a stripey tail instead. The frame taller than Jiminie's and Taehyung's face peeking out from under the hood of his padded coat and snug scarf, ears twitching under his hood as he beams at me.
"Morning (Y/N)!" voice an energetic bright call, that low depth of his voice shattering through the cold air with its warmth.
His eyes are wide and trail over me, as if searching for something, intent on trying to find something, lips drooping when he spots the thick scarf around my neck. Wilting almost before Jiminie digs his arm into his side, Taehyung squirming and folding as he moves away from the touch.
"Morning Taehyung. Starting the mural project today?" I ask with a wide smile.
See the way he very visibly brightens, tail curling and swaying behind him, see the perked up fluffy tiger ears from under his hood as he nods.
"How did you know?" he asks.
I laugh.
"Just a wild guess! If you're free today for a bit, I want to ask for a favour." I add softly.
He leans in, a rich burst of sweet berries, ripe and juicy, wound around with sweet mint come to greet me with his looming face, seeping out through his scarf, but there's no disguising how heavy and thorough the scenting had been. It clings to him in such a sweet mixture, strawberries and mint, fresh and crisp.
"Of course! Tell me fawn fairy, how can this tiger assist you?" he asks. Eyes bright and wide and fixed on me.
Having a predator so close, seeing his fangs, his stripey ears and tail- all things that should set off warning bells but don't.
The fact that I don't balk, that my legs don't stiffen with the settling in need of fight or flight has me smiling.
Because it meant that the unease I'd been feeling was slowly wearing away.
I was slowly making my way back to the old me.
Who saw the people and not their animal biology.
Who saw them, predator or prey and held my ground.
"I want to introduce you to someone. A baby bear who I think will adore you." I reply.
Watch as his expression becomes excited and curious.
"Is this the famous baby you're looking after at the moment? The children are quite chatty. Adorably jealous of a bear hybrid that's taking up most of your attention." He adds, lips curved wide.
I nod though my lips twitch at the mental image of the hybrid children chatting about Min-Junie.
"That must be the one. I have this very strong gut feeling he'll like you." I say.
He nods as he leans away.
"My honour to meet the mini celebrity of the centre as well." He says, arm sweeping out in a curve for me to step forward. The gesture exaggeratedly chivalrous and teasing.
And when I step pass him, I see that Jiminie's been watching the two of us interact, eyes soft and smiling.
When I move close towards him his eyes crinkle.
Silently satisfied and observing.
The same strawberry minty combo clings to him when I'm close enough.
The same mixture that flanks me, curved around me when Taehyung steps to my other side, sandwiching me between their fruity, sweet mingling scents, warmth of their bodies seeping out.
But despite their mellow scents and easy conversation, there's a subtle shift in Jiminie's behaviour.
He presses closer against my side today, doesn't veer away from me for the entirety of the journey, crowding my space, arm occasionally moving to tug me back if I step out ahead, or to tug me forward between the two of them if my feet linger incidentally.
Today there's a difference. Today he seems almost...clingy. Seems to shift close to me everytime there's a distance between us, hand occasionally reaching to tug Taehyung closer too, our sides jostling against each other, his eyes apologetic even as he glances at Jiminie with confusion, a frown on his face.
I put it down to post-shifting clinginess, chalking up his behaviour as that instinctual need to be close and to have both of us within his line of sight and reach.
But it doesn't seem right.
Doesn't sit well with me. The explanation, though whilst making logical sense, doesn't explain the way his scent goes sharp, heavy and rolling off him, permeating through the berry sweetness.
It doesn't explain the ways his eyes subtly flash, a blur of emotion passing through before it smoothens out.
Doesn't explain why his smile remains, his voice remains light but his tail bristles slightly.
Doesn't make sense at all.
And when we finally reach the centre, he imperceptibly sags. A tiniest unfurl of stiffness bleeding out of his posture.
As if whatever had been bothering him eases away.
And after folding me into a hug, that lasts for longer than usual, that I willingly curl into, hand rubbing soothing circles into his back we part. Silent, whatever was going on remaining unspoken between us.
And then he's tugging Taehyung close, a bit rougher, a bit more urgently, murmuring softly as their heads curve close. Something I forcefully tune out, not wanting to invade on their privacy.
But when Taehyung turns, that soft gentle ease has ebbed away somehow.
Face turning sharper, fangs seeming almost threatening with how they bare in a smile. All teeth and no warmth.
And his touch, though friendly and casual seems slightly stiff when he tugs me forward with him.
"Have a good day Jiminie." He calls over his shoulder, tugging the two of us into the warmth of the centre.
"Taehyung is something...wrong?" I ask.
Suddenly there's been a slight shift in him too, more visible and blatant, less disguised.
Tail curling dangerously, ears twitching when he pushes his hood down hastily, hands pushing his curls away impatiently as he tugs at one end of his stripey ears.
" wrong. Let's just go inside! I'm excited!" he says, turning around to face the inside, walking over with his hand still tugging me, towards the sign in desk.
But my eyes catch onto the stiffness.
This new rigidness.
Taehyung might be a predator. Might be a tiger, one of the strongest of the boys in shifted form, but there was one thing he was not.
And that was a good liar.
I could see the lie in the tightness to his posture, could smell it with how his sweet berry scent had taken a thick, decaying tinge. Had heard it in the waver of his voice.
I didn't like being lied to. Even if it seemed like it was for my sake.
And as I eye Taehyung shrewdly, I'm wondering how it is I should worm it out of him.
If it involved me I had every right to know.
And when he turns to face me, slightly stiff and forcing a more genuine smile to his face, I let my own curve up.
Pretend that I hadn't noticed.
And let things hover unsolved, unspoken.
Pretend that I don't feel my own instincts jolt at the sudden heaviness the two of them had unconsciously displayed.
And know that if my scent wasn't dull, if it wasn't subdued and repressed.
Then it would've been restless and fidgety.
Antsy until I knew.
Sometimes it was a blessing in disguise that my biology was repressed.
Because biology couldn't give me away like it had for the two of them. And as we walk in, I know it's only a matter of time until his tell is covered away by scent blockers.
But also knew that the memory of the decaying tinge to his sweet scent wasn't going to leave my mind any time soon.
It would linger. An imprint left behind.
Remain until I knew.
And hoped that it was soon. Because if there was one thing I didn't like, it was being left in the dark.
The dark was full of demons, of monsters under beds, of shadows waiting to pounce, slithering out hidden and unknown. Darkness silently preyed.
And I hated that feeling more than anything.
QUESTION....something happy to share?
Mine is...England is FINALLY going to begin moving out of its complete national lockdown status! It'll be a few months but the light at the end of the tunnel is finally visible!!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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