Chapter 22- misunderstandings
Yoongi hyung's words ring in my ears.
Mated. (Y/N)'s...mated? Somehow the words don't seem to sink in, my hand moving on autopilot to hand Hobi water, unblinking and unstaring at a point on the wall, beyond Yoongi hyung's nervously twitching black fluffy ears.
Mated. But surely not. Surely she would've told us if she was. But at the same time my mind remembers her insistence to leave, remembers the sickening fear we'd walked into the station to witness, remembered the way she'd sobbed and pleaded for us to keep not her safe but to keep her pack safe. The food in my stomach turns to sawdust, mouth drying when I think of the possibility that had somehow overlooked such a major factor, such a major part of her life. My head throbs when I think of the implications of her being mated, of the knowledge that nearly makes me sick to think that I've torn her away from who her biology calls her to, I've torn her away from someone who she feels the loss of like a loss of herself.
She can't be mated. I can't have messed up to this extent have I? I haven't just unwillingly torn apart a pack for her protection, but away from her mate too? Someone who's presence couldn't be compensated, someone who she needed, craved that closeness to. And someone I'd...taken her away from?
I feel a weight come to settle in my heart, heavy and suffocating. Feel that weight seep out to make my lungs leaden, to wrap around my chest like a vice.
I kept messing up. It seemed like nothing I did to protect (Y/N), to help her seemed to go well. It felt like I was failing so horribly when it came to her. Every decision I had poured hours over, had spent thinking over for so long, turning over to examine at each angle, to carefully scrutinise and question before putting forward seemed to be falling apart in front of my own eyes. I didn't feel as failed as both an officer and as a wolf as I did right now, feeling so let down in the very instincts and gut feelings that drove me to be a protector, to be a better officer and better person.
But when I turn my head to look at the others I see the same shock and surprise on their faces, see the way Hobi rubs at his chest absentmindedly with a frown on his face, watch as he seems to sense my gaze and turns, frown deepening as his nose scrunches. It's only then that I realise that my scent has soured, has become steeped with the same fears I'm currently thinking of, running through my head.
I watch as Hobi tries to smile reassuringly, but there's disbelief and shock in his eyes, ears curling and twisting as he fiddles with the glass, fingers rubbing at the condensation on it, his other hand falling away from his chest. Yoongi hyung watches with a nervousness, a frown on his lips and when his eyes meet mine I know he's thinking of the needs that (Y/N) has and she's been repressing or trying to ignore, know that he's thinking of just how hard it must be on her, ears twitching as his eyes go to Tae, his hand moves to settle on his knee as Tae's wide eyes turn to him.
"She's without her mate?" he echoes, voice sad and plaintively hurting.
Eyes flashing as he leans towards Yoongi hyung's touch, his own stripey tail curling to loosely intertwine with Yoongi hyung's; shifting closer to be near him, unsettled by the prospect.
And Jimin. Jiminie is a stiff statue, face neutrally blank, wiped of any expression, and if I didn't know him as well as I knew myself, I would've missed the dark brewing look in his eyes, would've missed the way his tail seemed to bristle and his fingers curled around the chopsticks, tight and knuckles whitened.
And his scent that didn't turn overwhelmingly strong, but the slight sharpness to the mint that made my nose prickle, had my instincts raring to soothe him and to get rid of that heavy tone to his pheromones. Instincts that had been whining with dissatisfaction and failure at protecting (Y/N), at doing what was best for her, pitifully whining that Jiminie was hurting, that even if he remained stiff and so poised at the table, one of the calmest looking ones, he was the one with the storm brewing under his skin.
And he was the one to push his chair away, a burst of movement as the legs of the chair scraped against the floor, as metal clanged against the side of his plate and he stood up, ears bent back a bit, the bare slightest that it could go by unnoticeable. But not to me.
Jiminie's silent as he takes his plate and sorts away his dishes, a silent bustling movement that is accompanied with the harsh sounds of the water spraying from the tap, the fierce scrubbing at the dishes and the clanking as he sets it out to dry.
"I...I'm finished eating." He says, voice coming out in a rush of breath, a slightly shaky exhale and when he leaves I don't miss the downwards curve of his lips as he turns away, moving to enter the living room, the barest droop to his shoulders.
It hurts to see him trying so hard to hide any reaction to the revelation.
Hurts and makes my appetite vanish.
"Me too." I echo, fingers pushing away the plate, an apology in my eyes as I meet Yoongi hyung's eyes, failing to muster a smile, feeling my lips tremble when I try.
He just nods, eyes filled with understanding as his grip tightens on Tae's knee.
"We can help her get through this." Yoongi hyung murmurs as I'm standing up to join Jiminie.
I look at him with weak hope and optimism, that flare up at the solid silent strength of his steady scent. He genuinely believed we could do something about this, that we could move past this and help (Y/N). Better that we found out now than later when her separation from her mate began to manifest itself physically and mentally.
I find resolve in that steady gaze, find comfort and promise in the soothing scent of citrus and the way his eyes slowly release their hold only when they find what they're looking for.
"Head in to Jiminie. We'll join you in a bit." He encourages.
Time he's giving us. Time and space not just for me and Jiminie, but for the three of them too- for Yoongi hyung to get Tae and Hobi settled and soothed, to tend to their hurting, to their own reactions before they joined us.
I nod.
Taking the invitation as I get up to move to the living room, find Jiminie curled in the corner of a couch, fiercely squeezing a cushion towards his chest, hooked over it and stared at seemingly nothing. Saw the way his tail swayed and shifted restlessly.
And silently join him, lean my head to rest against his shoulder, fingers going to squeeze lightly at his clenched hands.
"Jiminie..." I say plaintively, nosing gently against his jaw, heart aching when his head easily falls to the side without fuss, without that usual teasing tilt or fiery challenge. Just his head falling to the side, drooping as he lets me lean in towards his scent gland, lips pressing directly to it in a more intimate scenting.
Lips that gently kiss and apply pressure to his scent gland, slow pecks turning to lingering lips that remain, try to ease away the sharpness to his scent, heart aching alongside him.
"It'll be alright Minnie. We'll talk to her." I say softly. Trying to find reassurance in my own words.
"Hyung, it doesn't feel right though." Jiminie confesses, voice slightly pained.
His eyes turn to me, an ache in them before it vanishes.
"I know it doesn't Minnie. We separated her from her mate." I say dejectedly.
But he shakes his head, a quick shake that has my face leaning away as he turns to face me.
"It doesn't feel right that she has a mate and we couldn't tell or sense it. Mates always carry the claiming scent, always have fresh marks. But I've never seen any. Never smelt it either." he insists, eyes alight.
And I realise that in all the time we've known her, never have I seen any marks on her, never has she come bearing a mated claim or scent on her. That Jiminie's insistence isn't to lessen that guilty feeling but that observation he'd made over the time we knew her.
But then a flash of memory brushes across my mind.
Eyes remembering a fierce, rumbling growl and snapping of teeth. Remember the angry, protective possessive claim.
She's mine.
Surely not. Surely Jinyoung wouldn't have let her leave as the fiercely protective male he was, as his instincts demanded. As an officer capable of looking after her too.
Things just weren't adding up. Weren't making sense.
And even if my instincts were feeling as if they'd failed, they just wouldn't come to agree with that rational part of my mind that told me it wasn't that easy to overlook something this big. That I couldn't have missed this no matter how harried the circumstances had been.
And I knew that spiralling off from our own thoughts wouldn't be wise, the only way to get clarity on this was to talk to (Y/N) and directly ask her.
So I pushed away the feelings of guilt, pushed them away and focused on drawing Jiminie out from his distress, from his silent picking apart of Yoongi hyung's words.
And lean to scent away his hurt, coaxing his head to the side to nose against the scent gland, rubbing pressure onto his skin and coaxing out sweet fresh mint to tide away over the sharpness.
"Hyung if she's mated...if she is then we..."' he murmurs with an aching soft voice. Guilt and hurt. Broken out of silence and focusing on that possibility that she could be mated. Voice telling me how much he needed reassurance right now.
I press my lips there, letting them gently suck at the gland, smiling when he sighs and droops with relief, a head tilt of submission as he lets me draw out a stronger pheromone burst.
"We will talk to her. And we will do whatever we can for her." I promise.
He nods, hands lessening their pressure on the cushion, leaning his head forward to brush our noses together, his minty freshness coming to mingle and caress against my own earthy scent, intertwining in an invisible caress.
And the gentle soft padding of footsteps entering the living room has the two of us turning, my body turning to recline into Jiminie's side. We watch as the three pad in, hovering close to each other. Has Yoongi hyung in the centre with a hand wrapped around each of their wrists, slender long fingers that look both possessive and protective around them, holding them close as he comes towards the long couch we're on.
"Mind company Joon? Jiminie?" Yoongi hyung asks softly.
We shake our heads.
When Hobi moves to nestle against me, a slight tentativeness, I'm quick to uncurl an arm for him to busy himself against, feel the slight curling and turning of his ears as he presses his head to my shoulder, small tuft of fur tickling the side of my jaw as he moves to be near me.
It's a four people couch but we easily fit five with the way we tuck ourselves close, this time needing and actively seeking out the physical closeness.
Seeking out that comfort of pack, of each other's scents and for tactile touch to soothe unsettled instincts and feelings of guilty hurt. As we sit close, silently curving in towards each other, the warmth of each other's bodies seeps into skin, Hobi and Jiminie become a blanket of heat that chase away the cold numbness that my instincts had been feeling and my mind was trying to keep at bay.
And though it's silence that falls over the living room, though there's no volume above the occasional murmur of voices, it's one of the most content moments I can recall with the pack. It's a comfort I feel from the others, a part of me longing to find Jin hyung and Jungkookie and have them close to, to feel the pack complete and whole and safe.
But then I remember that they're on the other side of the apartment, that they're where (Y/N) is, unknowing of this new change.
A hand reaches over to squeeze my knee, firm and soft, grounding and soothing.
I raise my head from against Jiminie's neck to look at the hand, to look at Yoongi hyung who leans forward from where he'd been curved against Hobi and Tae.
"Your scent's going off again pup." He murmurs, voice low and slightly gravelly, close to a deep purr.
I shift between Hobi and Jiminie, cheeks warm at how much I like the look of his hand on my knee, at the way his eyes are so understanding and so knowing.
"Trust Yoongi hyung. When he says things work out, they always do. No matter what." Tae says, chasing after Yoongi hyung's warmth by slotting himself over his shoulder and nudging his head softly against his.
I smile at the sight.
That inner exhaustion and tiredness towards myself, towards the situation ebbing away as I look at them, lips curving up.
My eyes drift over Yoongi hyung, over the anchor he's proven himself to be for our pack, look at him and remember the strong, passionate voice that had spoken to me across the radio and bolstered me, had reminded me time and time again just why I was an officer.
If he'd said it then I knew things would work out.
We'd make them work.
As a pack.
Seeing her smile as she plays with Min-Jun for some reason hurts, hurts as if a shard is being driven into my chest. Because how long had she been suffering behind that smile? How much was she enduring and continuing to endure behind that smile?
And at the same time I felt deep respect and admiration. That despite it all she refused to buckle, refused to bend and break under this burden that constantly kept bearing down on her shoulders, kept forcing more and more pressure onto them. I admired the strength in that smile and easy love and affection she gave to not only Min-Jun but the other children too. I admired the strength and feared for her, feared because of the pain she was hiding under it.
And yet I can't bring myself to ask, to ask just how she was bearing without her mate and why she didn't tell us. Why she didn't tell me?
I felt ridiculous because for all that I had boasted to Yoongi hyung and Tae of getting close to (Y/N), of slowly being accepted and trusted by her, of being seen as a friend in her eyes, for all that I'd felt my instincts purr at that and my smile widen, it felt like hollow boasting, hollow compliments I'd received with pleased nuzzles. Because it seemed like I didn't know anything.
Because what sort of friend was I? What sort of friend did it make me if time and time again all I was becoming more and more consciously aware of was how little I seemed to be aware of her, how little I seemed to know how much she was dealing with.
And as I watch her smile with Min-Jun, easily allowing the baby bear hybrid to nuzzle at her throat, I watch as her arms curve protectively around him, see as her gaze turns distant and lost as she cradles him close. A look that goes beyond whatever is happening the moment and thinks and sees beyond it.
And I remember just what she had been doing. Either busying herself with Min-Jun and the other children she flitted to, or trying to find the best replacement caregiver for him. Someone she could entrust him to.
But I knew no matter how efficient and perfect of a replacement she found, they wouldn't be able to replace this heart wrenching attachment Min-Jun had formed with her. Couldn't replace or become the reason why the sweet boy's face lit up when she entered to pick him up from the communal nursery the children were put to sleep in, or become the person to who he'd felt comfortable and safe enough in making soft contended growls near.
No-one could become (Y/N) for Min-Jun.
And I feared for the day when it would arrive, impeding with its dismal dark cloud that always seemed to hover over her, chase after her smile and try to make it fade.
I knew (Y/N) didn't need to say it. But she too would be heartbroken when she needed to let Min-Jun go.
"(Y/N)... (Y/N)." I say approaching close, smiling softly as I see her just continue to hug Min-Jun, see the way she seems unaware that he's drifted off in a doze against her shoulder, tucked close. See the way she unconsciously continues to cradle him.
She blinks, head turning to face me, a flash of longing and hurt in her eyes before they vanish.
Her lips curving up.
"Did you say something Hobi?" she asks, voice sweet and contrite.
I tilt my chin up towards Min-Jun, see the way her head turns lightly and softens, so incredibly tender as she sees him sleeping, head close to her neck, and realises that he's sleeping now.
"Baby bear's drifted off. Now can you please have lunch? I've been waiting so we can take our break together. I even asked one of the other caregivers to stay with him before his session with the doctor." I say.
Her eyes flare with warmth, sincere warmth and happiness.
"You waited for me? To have lunch together? Why's that?" she asks, a mixture of soft quiet voice and slight teasing lilt.
I smile at her.
"That's just what a great friend I am. Can't be sitting her with a full tummy and see my hardworking supervisor friend starving." I say lightly.
She smiles.
"That you are." She says, gently shifting and giving me a grateful smile when I reach to stabilise Min-Jun against her shoulder and help her rise up without stumbling, hand drawing her up carefully.
And when she's set Min-Jun down into one of the beds at the nursery, has softly given instructions to the caregiver in charge and parted with one last lingering look, it's to turn to me with a soft expectant look.
"Lunch then, can't have my favourite assistant keeling over because I starved him." she teases.
She leads the way, but I watch as some of that lightness that had been there this morning as we'd walked with Jiminie, that lightness that had remained within her office and around Min-Jun, lessens somehow.
Almost unnoticeable. Had it not been for the way I seemed to be so carefully observant of her slightest tells, eyes and instincts ready to spot any sort of discomfort, any stress and step in to alleviate it.
I step to her side, catching upto her with a quicker stride.
"Something the matter?" I ask quietly, arm brushing against hers.
She doesn't break pace or falter as she speaks.
"Just...odd. I don't know...I think I'm not used to having eyes in the centre. It makes me constantly feel...watched. Under observation. I don't like that feeling." She admits, voice soft enough it evades notice of anyone nearby, anyone who could hear- something very likely and easily done in a hybrid centre. Soft enough it evades interest, but also enough that my ears easily pick up on it.
Out of habit my eyes sweep around the open halls, trying to scan the emptiness for something, anything and move to settle on ahead once more when they find nothing.
"I know it's odd but hopefully you won't have to experience it for longer. Hopefully, you won't have to become used to it." I say, optimism and confidence in my voice.
Joon and Jimin were perfectly capable officers. Officers that came with a fierce protective streak and officers I proudly called pack.
If there was anything I was sure about it was that they'd close this case as quickly as they could with brutal effectiveness and efficiency.
They'd make sure (Y/N)'s life went back to normal as soon as it could.
And until then, we were all here to help her, take care of her and become that support system.
That support system that I'm reminded with a guilty pang as she eats, from the opposite end of the table, that should be her pack, her mate.
And it's a mixture of guilt and that niggling need to know that makes the words blurt out as she's chewing. That need to know how she's faring, how she's dealing with it all.
"(Y/N)...can I ask something as a friend?" my question greeted with wide doe-eyes, mouth stopping mid-chew.
She gives a small head tilt, questioning and uncertain but nods, finishing chewing and swallowing before looking at me. Hands fiddling with the glass and bringing it to her mouth to take small sips.
"I know everything in your life is hectic, know that it's all a rush of constant change and adaptation. But how are you dealing with it? Are you okay? You know I'm always here for you right?" I ask, nervousness creeping into my tone. Nervousness for her, nervous because I don't know the depth of what she's feeling and don't know whether she'll tell me.
She blinks, a slow fluttering of lashes as she looks at me, really looks at me. Wide doe eyes that peer at me. And then blink rapidly, fingers curving away from the glass to quickly rub at her eyes.
The faintest, slightest glossy sheen to her eyes that she quickly wipes away, scrubs the evidence of her hurt away.
I see the faintest trace of tears and pain in her eyes and I'm already standing, moving to get to her, to the other side of the table.
As I peer up at her, crouching before her, my eyes catch onto the sight of trembling lips bitten tightly and her head bowing forward.
"I'm here (Y/N), you can say you're hurting." I say softly, hands going to her knees to squeeze lightly.
Her eyes tentatively meet mine, as if ashamed to show that weakness.
She looks at me and her face crumples.
"I just miss home." She whispers with such longing, such pain and agony that I feel my heart tear, hear it crack and splinter with the force and intensity of her emotions.
And it's then that I see the first crack in her smile, see that unguarded rawness to her emotions.
And it's then that I don't hesitate to reach upwards to wrap my arms around her, to fold her close.
And it's lightly shaking, the smallest of trembles as she's in my arms that she confesses to my shoulder.
"I just miss that part of me so, so much." And with her words my fears, my guilt and my shame is driven in.
At being in the dark, in the unknown whilst she was suffering from being separated from pack, from her mate.
And know I can't even begin to imagine the physical and emotional want she's feeling.
Know that despite her tears and her confession, she's still the strongest person I know. Because it takes strength to accept our weaknesses and our vulnerabilities. And an even bigger strength to keep going despite being at our weakest.
And as I held her close, I felt my instincts stir up and rise with the need to protect and keep safe.
That building need to take her away from the danger, to eliminate the threat to her safety.
I didn't know what her scent was, hadn't ever been able to detect it under the layers of scent blockers and the suppressants she took.
And in that moment I hated that more than anything.
Hated that I couldn't tell even now the extent of her pain, couldn't tell because it was hidden away and hated the way my instincts felt like they'd failed me in helping her.
But this time I would follow through on those instincts more, follow through with that fierce need to protect.
(Y/N) was one of my own.
And I'd do everything for her.
My arms tighten around her at the resolve, at the promise I make to myself.
(Y/N) POV:
I slowly lean away from Hobi's embrace, feeling much more settled, both instinctually and otherwise, by the protectiveness I'd felt in his hold, by the comforting reassurance as he'd told me it was okay to hurt.
As his arms fall away my hand goes to rub away the tears that had slipped out when he'd hugged me, had made me feel that sweet fulfilment of being held close, of being encased in an embrace and simply nestled close, hidden away from the world even if it was briefly, a momentary reprieve.
And when I peer down at him, I see nothing but soft understanding in his eyes flickering alongside something dark and fierce. See his lips tightly pressed and ease out when he sees me looking at him.
"Feeling better?" he asks.
I give a small nod, slightly ashamed of falling apart at his kindness, at the genuine concern and consideration in his words, asking me if I was alright.
His words had been the snap, that final nudge that had my emotions spilling out, had those tears trickling down. Because I wasn't okay, I missed home, I missed my pack. I missed normalcy. Craved it.
Every day the thing I most looked forward to was getting out of the apartment, of getting that fresh air to brush across my face, of feeling that freedom of stepping out beyond four walls and finally feeling as if my lungs weren't being crushed, weren't caving in and constricting. Part of it, a very small part of it, attributed to that biological need for that freedom the air and the outside brought but the majority of it came from being cooped up, from being confined in a place I wasn't fully comfortable with, wasn't at home in.
So stepping out everyday for that walk with Jimin had been the highlight and even if I knew that now I had company waiting, I had Jin and Jungkook so sweetly spending time with me, with keeping me from being bored and shut away, there was still this hesitance in entering.
Hesitance because I knew that no matter how friendly the atmosphere was, the apartment reminded me that this was a protective measure, that it was just like a safehouse. A safehouse that prevented me from seeing my pack. And surrounded with the very actively present reminder of another pack, with the mixture of scents and voices. I was kept so painfully aware of the very thing I longed for.
But the tears and hug had lessened some of that emotional strain I constantly seemed to be feeling.
So I was feeling better. Feeling...okay.
His hand comes to move my hand away, a much gentler touch that wipes away my tears, leaving behind the heat of his fingers when they move away.
"A good cry can be very lightening for the heart. So any time you want to unburden your heart, find me. And any time you want a friend, for anything, just...just come to me." Hobi says, voice earnest and soft.
I smile at his words.
"I will. I really will." I say.
His smile appears now, the curve of his lips widening.
"I'll hold you to that. Now can you manage to finish eating please? I'll reheat it for you." he says, rising up from his crouch and picking up my food to heat up before waiting for an answer, a telling look in his eyes that clearly told me he wasn't going anywhere until I was done eating and neither was he taking an answer other than yes.
And it's only when I've finished the final mouthful under his watchful gaze that a sunny smile appears, ears curling and twisting and tail swishing.
"We should go somewhere after work! I'm sure Jiminie won't mind." He adds as we're walking towards the door to leave the breakroom.
I nod.
That'd be nice. A change of scenery even if it was very short.
"That'd be nice." I say.
And his responding giddy look is enough to chase away that feeling of being watched, of the officers' eyes silently trailing and hovering.
And it's Hobi who steps close to my side as we walk, becoming a barrier that keeps that unsettling feeling from fully manifesting. Keeping my side warm as we walk back.
When I step into the apartment, it's with Hobi and Jimin following close behind, stepping into to the warmth and to the sounds of cooking and bustling, the low murmur of voices making my ears perk up at the sound.
Jin and Jungkook were already back.
Jimin had been uncharacteristically silent, a silence that hadn't made his usual greeting questions about my day fade, but more of a thoughtful, contemplative silence- as if his mind took him away from the present. A silence that came with being lost in thought and for all that Hobi and I had chatted to fill the lack of conversation on his behalf, it was clear there was something I wasn't aware of. Because Hobi had glanced far too often at Jimin with knowing flits of his eyes for it to be something else, because every time Hobi's eyes had drifted to his packmate, his attempt to keep the conversation going become doubly noticeable.
And even as Jimin steps in behind the two of us, he takes his shoes off in silence, a brief brush of shoulders, the orange tail grazing the side of my leg in passing.
"Hyung we're home~" he calls with a brightness that had been missing in the car, had been missing for all that he'd acted the same today.
I wondered if there was something bothering him. Hoped there wasn't.
He deserved nothing but happiness. And he'd been such a breath of fresh air, such a comfort and such a good friend that it bothered me now to see him feign that level of enthusiasm into his voice.
"Hobi is there something bothering Jimin? He seems a today." I hedge carefully, turning to face the caracal hybrid.
His eyes drift to the corner around which Jimin had turned, ears curling slowly, his eyes meet mine and try to inject enthusiasm into them, a flicker that fades.
"He's fine, I think he's just busy turning something around in his mind." He says, his words sounding like the truth and yet I feel as if he's omitting something.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask, following him down the hallway, towards the source of sound rather than away from it.
Small steps. Small easy steps I could do.
When I'd helped clear up after breakfast, Jin had asked if I'd join them for dinner, looking at me with hopeful optimism and shifting wings.
How could I say no to such sweet eagerness? How could I say no when Jin and Jungkook seemed so intent on making me feel included?
How could I say no when they were offering me they very thing I wanted? The very thing that was chasing away the cold loneliness.
"It's nothing you can do (Y/N). You've already done so much, given up so much." Hobi says, voice aching and raw for a moment as we turn to enter the kitchen, his voice trailing off at the sight of Jimin moving to wrap his arms around Jungkook in a hug, eyes softening at the sight.
My heart melts at the sight of Jimin just hugging Jungkook. He doesn't make a move to scent or press himself close to leave his claim behind, just content to watch him help Jin in cooking.
"Where are the other two?" Jin asks at the same time as Jungkook and Jimin chime in unison.
"Doorway." Causing Jin to turn, wings shifting and settling as his eyes rove over us, always so carefully observant.
His eyes linger on me for a few moments.
"Go ahead and wash up first. Get into warm layers." He says.
And then turns to face Jimin who still clings to Jungkook.
"I need my bunny baby fully able to move cub. Everything okay?" he asks, brows furrowed as he takes in whatever expression is on Jimin's face, eyes drifting to Hobi and head tilted questioningly.
Hobi nods beside me.
A quick nod.
"Everything's fine hyung. Jungkookie just smells really good." He says with a sigh, leaning in to hook his head over Jungkook's shoulder, arms tightening.
Jin laughs, fond and easy.
"That he does. But aren't you hungry? Wash up and head over to eat, I heard Tae helping Yoongi-ah around." He says, smile encouraging and prompting.
Jimin lingers, hands tight for a few beats more before they fall away.
"It's not fair you get to smell so good Jungkookie. Makes me want to cuddle more." Jimin confesses.
Jungkook laughs, putting the pan on the stove aside as he turns, twisting the dial low.
His soft glossy ears bounce as he spins, coming to flop to the side of his face as he grins at him.
"Is my scent popular today? You're not the first one." he says with twinkling wide eyes.
Jin laughs and nudges him.
"My sweet scent baby. You're just irresistible." He says, proud and smug.
I watch as Jungkook gets flustered, ears drooping as he tugs lightly at the end of them, hands hiding the slight pink to his cheeks before they fall away to lightly shove Jin.
"Stop it hyung. You'll make me burn the food." He says hastily, turning around to hide and duck away from all the eyes, even if the food was safely in the corner, the pan on an unlit hob.
It's endearing to see how flustered Jungkook gets around his packmates. And how much they seem to relish in both coddling and teasing him.
Jungkook being coddled reminds me of Binnie, reminds me of how gladly he accepted all the affection and love that Eunwoo and I couldn't help but shower him with. Except Binnie very eagerly took all the affection, demanded it as easily and preened under his packmates' attention.
I wished that just as Jimin had wrapped himself close to his packmate, I could do the same with Binnie, wrap myself around his taller frame and cuddle him as he baked, pottering around the kitchen with me attached to him, cuddling and scenting and swiping some of the cake mix or whatever it was he was making.
I turn to leave, to get washed up and into warm clothes, preferably one of Eunwoo or Binnie's jumpers, turning away from the show of pack closeness, to leave it to exist and remain amongst themselves.
"Hurry back (Y/N)." Jin calls as I leave, somehow sensing my departure, my footsteps silently padding out of the kitchen.
I don't turn to answer but his words bring a smile to my face.
That despite being surrounded and immersed by his packmates, his eyes hadn't missed me, he was still showing the same consideration.
And find my pace quickening, find myself washing up and returning to my room. Hands lingering on jumpers, trying to choose and find one that still carried traces of scent, still had the barest remnants of pack. My hands go to a large navy sweater, draw it close to my nose and find my body relaxing when Eunwoo's strong scent radiates off in slight trails, having been buried between other pack scented clothes. That pure pheromonal claim still clings to the fibre of the fabric and the mental image of Eunwoo steadfastly and thoroughly scenting his jumper, carefully rubbing his scent into every inch of the fabric has my heart aching and my eyes staring at the soft knitted fabric for far too long before I draw it over my body, hands covered by the larger sleeves.
The scent still clung strong enough to the fabric that it felt like I was being enveloped in Eunwoo's arms, hugged by him, felt the weight of his shoulders slung around me, the phantom touch lingering as I step out of the room and make my way back to the kitchen.
The kitchen that's now void of a cuddly Jimin and smiling Hobi. Just Jin and Jungkook setting food down onto the table, bodies curved close naturally.
Jungkook who'd been setting the plates down turns, third plate still clutched tightly to him, glossy dark brown ears perking up as he turns to face me.
"(Y/N)! Just in time, I was going to come find you before dinner started getting cold." He says, eyes shy and soft brown, tentatively sweet and voice both gentle and animated.
A mixture of his personality and instincts.
It made such a kind heart .
I enter into the kitchen.
"Is there anything I can help with? I should've helped with making dinner." I say, feeling apologetic. They worked too and yet came back and made dinner without a fuss or complaint.
Jin shakes his head easily, wings rustling with the movement.
"Maybe next time. Is that one of your packmate's jumpers?" he asks curiously, eyes drifting from my face to the jumper I'm very happily cocooned in, hands hidden away as I approach the table.
My eyes drift down to the soft knitted navy jumper, nose briefly ducking down to get a trail of Eunwoo's scent, an unconscious smile coming to my face and posture loosening.
"It is." I reply softly, head rising to see both their attention on me, eyes flickering with sadness and understanding.
"I wish there was a way you could see them." Jungkook says empathetically, drawing out the chair beside him for me, setting down the plate in front and looking expectantly at me.
I slide into the seat, touched by his small gesture and his words.
"I do too, but Jimin and Namjoon said this was for the best. If I keep physical contact with them then it might put them in danger." I say, hand reaching over to put food on my plate once I see Jin and Jungkook begin to dig in.
It was hard to accept but it had to be done.
I couldn't bear to see Binnie or Eunwoo's smiles ever fade, or for them to ever feel even a shred of that threat I felt. If it took everything away from me to preserve their happiness, then it would be a price I'd pay without hesitation.
I don't realise my hand has stilled around the fork, eyes focused on the plate but distracted.
There's a gentle nudge to my elbow with another and my head rises to see Jungkook staring at me, face raw and open.
"Maybe we'll find you a way. Don't give up hope (Y/N)." he whispers leaning in slightly.
His words come with promise.
But above that they come with the barest, slightest phantom trail of scent.
Something that smells so irrevocably like home, like pack that I lean in despite myself, see the slight way he startles, body jolting before stilling just as quickly.
And yet when I lean in all my nose gets is the soft cottony scent, the gentle lightness of his scent layered with the smell of the food he'd been cooking.
I lean back, disappointed and wilted.
My thoughts for one single instant had fooled me. Had beguilingly drawn me close only to torture me, tease me with a scent I'd thought was familiar but wasn't even there.
And pretend that it doesn't hurt.
That I don't long.
And try to push down that ache once more, hand lifting the fork and lips turning into a thankful smile, mingled with apology for startling Jungkook.
"Sorry...I thought...never mind." I say shaking my head.
"You thought?" Jin asks with inquisitive eyes.
I shake my head.
"It's nothing."
I really wish it was. Nothing.
And not longing.
Mine is...I do have a rather (massive) guilty spot for the fancy Asian clothes, just love dressing up, love the Asian jewellery, can't wait for everything to open up again so I can buy some more! I really want to be wearing my anklets around the house- but is the soft chime noisy?? Don't know...but otherwise I'd be wearing them...maybe I just SHOULD anyways.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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