Chapter 20- restart
It's the sudden spike of hurting, distressed pheromones that greets us when the loud sound of a crash has my ears perking upright, stiff and alert, has me bolting down the hallway, has my return to the living room diverted instead towards the door that acts as a partition between the two apartments. It has me rushing forward, feet silent treads even as I rush, distantly hearing Jin hyung's alarmed call of my name, ears catching his footsteps that hastily follow me. I follow the trail towards the front of the apartment, towards the front door and find my feet suddenly forced to a stop at the sight. The sudden stiffness in my ears vanish, drooping and sagging at the sight before my eyes, at the petrified stiff figure of (Y/N) curled up, pressed tightly against the wall opposite the door and body made impossibly small, curled together tightly and hunched over. Find that my nose scrunches at the sheer hurt rolling off of her, seeping through in a dull but present wave- underlying the air and making it heavy. I feel my tail twitch as I step closer to her, small silent treads as I move towards her hurting, defensive figure and drop down to my knees beside her.
"(Y/N)." I say softly, not touching her, unsure whether she would even accept physical touch when she's in such a vulnerable position, but close enough.
She stiffens, processing my voice, body curling up even tighter, even smaller, hunching into herself, the unconscious immediate gesture yanking at my heartstrings, heart aching for her.
"(Y/N)... (Y/N) are you okay? Can you look at me?" I ask quietly, imploring and softly spoken. The last thing she needed was any sort of harsh stimulation to her senses, I could still see the way the brown ears on her head curved and twitched, trying to shield themselves, trying to curve away defensively.
But she moves. Ever so slowly her head begins to rise, stiffly and the movement is stilted, jerky as if her limbs aren't complying, as if she cannot get herself to physically uncurl, body still locked up with tension, with whatever was coursing through her body and making her smell so distressed, so vulnerable that it made my ears wilt, curve forward and my nose twitch, leaning forward slightly despite myself, feeling the urge to want to protect her, to look after a fellow prey hybrid.
Though even then I don't approach, force my body to remain still and not lunge for her to hide her, to press her close and keep her safe. No sudden movements. No sudden stimulation I remind myself, biting my lip tightly and watching as her scrunched eyes slowly loosen, slowly ease out and flutter open, peer at me.
And when her eyes meet mine, she doesn't flinch away, she doesn't show a lack of recognition. It's the most subtle and tiniest of shifts but her eyes fill with relief and her body ever so slightly loosens.
I smile at her. Gentle and encouraging.
"That's right. Take your time." I say, easing her slowly into it, watching as the stiffness to her body eases away bit by bit, melting away as she peers at me, as she settles with the sight of someone familiar.
But when she tries to uncurl, when she tries to unwind her arms from around her drawn up legs, when she tries to move, it seems forced and stilted, it seems as if her body doesn't cooperate, still buzzing with that instinctual rush to hide, to defend.
A small noise comes out from the back of her throat, distressed and alarmed, has my body jerking forward towards her and has the sound of footsteps approaching.
Light, careful treads. Hastened but the soft tread of them mark them immediately as Jin hyung's, Jin hyung who'd ushered me towards (Y/N) and had rushed to clear up the broken glass and spilled water, had moved to clear up the space so no-one would be hurt.
And Jin hyung who know hurried back, now that nothing needed to be fixed and moved towards us, crouched down and looked at the two of us, eyes concerned and soft, flickering between us as he takes in all the small details.
"It was the neighbour. They've left the ingredients parcel and order slip envelope." Jin hyung says softly, an interjection of normalcy, mundane words even as his wings rustle and shift restlessly behind him, even as his hands fidget, he too fighting the urge to move close and help.
But it seems like his words sink in to (Y/N) because the strings holding her stiffly are cut, an abrupt loss of control but this time her body sags, arms falling away to the side.
And then so suddenly, so abruptly her scent changes. Distress bleeding away to bring in frustration and anger and hurt. So sudden, so startling.
And when she bursts into tears, it too is a sudden thing, tears welling up and spilling over paled cheeks, thick hot tears that she tries to keep at bay, tries to hide as her eyes flutter shut but only squeezing out more tears that course down. She makes a small sniffle, the sound so defeated, so done with everything as she raises her hand, scrubs furiously at her face.
The vicious franticness she scrubs her tears at has Jin hyung's hand darting out, the movement sudden but the gesture so gentle as he stills her wrist and draws it down, draws her hand away, eyes pained as he looks at her.
When his gaze drifts to me, the words in them are clear, the communication is easy and fluid as it's always been.
And between the two of us, we talk to (Y/N), slowly guiding her into relaxing, into slowly standing up, carefully drawing (Y/N) up slowly and away from the door, away from the place she'd become so distressed, drawing her between us, an unconscious protective flanking, as we take her to the living room.
Jin hyung's wings continue to shuffle and rustle restlessly, eyes intently fixed on her, reading her for any more distress, for any thing that could suddenly upset her, eyes darting around the living room almost suspiciously, accusingly.
If it had been any other situation, anything nonserious, I would've teased those fussing tendencies, would've ruffled his feathers more just to make him huffy but right now I was grateful, grateful because it clearly meant he wasn't willing to have her hurt, he wanted her to feel safe and at ease. Not on edge.
Neither of us wanted that.
My eyes dart around the living room for any throw, any blanket that I could drape over her still jittery, shuddery frame, tears still silently coursing down, head bent as she fiddles with the hem of her jumper.
I shoot Jin hyung a silent look. He nods as he steps close, wings flaring out slightly, defensively, protectively even as his eyes and face remain soft and gentle but before I can rush away to grab something for her, maybe a hot drink too I find that as I take a step back I can't move away.
My ears flop as I peer downwards, blinking at the sight, at the small hand furled into my own t-shirt, fisted into it as it keeps me from moving away. See that (Y/N)'s hand stops me from stepping away, has me stilling, hand stiff and unrelenting.
There's a brush of a hand at the base of my back as Jin hyung passes from behind me, moving to get the things instead. A rustle of black wings and he's gone, soft hurried tread of feet moving through the apartment.
I watch as (Y/N)'s bent head rises, brown ears twitching slightly as she meets my eyes. Eyes soft, glassy with a sheen of tears and so, so vulnerable.
"Can I...please." She asks, voice a wet shuddered gasp leaning forwards at the same time that I move forwards, her head coming to hide against my stomach, my hands going to her shoulders, to carefully cradle her close. I can feel the soft puffs of breaths as she exhales, tears soaking through my shirt as she presses her face inwards to hide the sight of her pain, hands going instead to clutch at the sides of my t-shirt, to keep me close to her. My heart aches and yearns, instincts screaming to protect, to soothe and I let them guide me forward, hands brushing over her hair, cradling the back of her head as she silently sobs.
"Let it all out (Y/N), there's no need to bottle it up anymore." I say softly, gently holding her close, allowing her hands to grip tighter, feeling the brush of her knuckles across my side through the fabric as she remains leaned in close.
And it's still with her face pressed to my stomach that Jin hyung returns, with blankets in one hand and a tray in the other, setting it down carefully on the side table.
"Sit down bun. I'm pretty sure (Y/N) could get a better hug than that." Jin hyung says softly, lips curved up in the slightest but eyes still silently contemplative and hurting, flashing with an equally roused protective instinct.
It takes a little bit of manoeuvring but I manage to get (Y/N) to let go so I can settle against the sofa, her body curving exhaustedly and drained against mine, a tentative slow movement until my arm winds around her shoulders to slowly draw her to lean against me.
"It's okay to need people to lean on (Y/N)." I say as I draw the blanket over her curled-up figure, ears perking in the slightest when she shoots me a watery wobbly smile.
"I'm sorry..." she begins.
"Not a single apology (Y/N). Neither are you inconveniencing anyone, neither are you considered any less for needing help, needing comfort." Jin hyung says firmly, voice in equal measures chiding and equally soft care.
She falls silent, nodding as she ducks her head, but the smile she gives him in return is more unguarded, more genuinely her than the bare glimpses we've gotten of her.
It's a smile that silently thanks and apologises regardless, it's a smile that shows that under the tough strong personality, was someone who liked company, who'd wanted it but hadn't mustered up the words to ask for it. Because she looked like she was becoming slowly at ease pressed against me, she looked more relaxed now as she was coming down from her distressed high, cheeks tearstained and pink, eyes glassy but clear and something strong even in her relaxed posture.
It was as if she had needed that emotional outlet, as if she'd been bottling it all up and it had all finally exploded. As if the time she'd been here had been her living behind a wall, suppressing those hurts and pains. And now that they were out, she seemed to slowly accept the light tactile comfort, accepted that she'd needed it. Needed this.
Even if she seemed exhausted and mentally drained, she was content as she sipped at the tea Jin hyung had made her. Even if a while ago we had found her curled up and stiff, it seemed as if she was dealing with whatever was bubbling away inside. Or perhaps beginning to try to.
But I knew left alone those thoughts could fester, could bubble over, could hurt her mentally. Knew that what damage we had inadvertently caused, had had a hand in causing had to be dealt with, had to be taken care of to stop her from continuing to stifle herself.
And knew that Jin hyung and my attempts and measures to make her feel less uncomfortable, less forced into a shared living space was to give her space to breathe, was to give her the apartment to be free and at ease in. But the lack of scent in the apartment, the untouched foods, the almost staleness to the apartment were all indicators that she'd never relaxed, never felt free or comfortable enough to. Knew as I saw (Y/N) today that what we'd done had just made her feel more alone, more isolated and alienated from everyone, from us, from normalcy.
Not anymore. Not again.
So even if I can feel the slight stiffness, the forced nature of her trying to relax, I know it's the barest of starts, I know it's something different to the way she'd been living since she'd arrived. And I know that where she had made the first step from her end, to move towards us, towards normalcy and friendship, we needed to take the steps too.
It had taken her courage to ask for a hug. It wouldn't take courage to keep her company, to keep her comfortable. And that was exactly what I intended to do.
And when I look at Jin hyung I can see the same resolve. Hear it whispered to me once we've helped (Y/N) to her room and we lie in our own.
We'd help her. Because even the strongest needed someone to lean on, someone for support and someone to talk to.
And it wasn't just rationality that told me that, but my soft instincts that had wanted to wrap her up tightly in the blanket and draw her closer for a cuddle. Because my instincts hadn't missed the way her ears had sagged with relief when I'd been holding her close and standing above her.
Because as I'm curling close to Jin hyung, I realise that the brief time I had been close to her, had been hugging her had made my instincts satiated, that they had felt fulfilled in the sense I'd helped and comforted a fellow prey hybrid.
And as Jin hyung's arms come to wrap around me, I can't help but think with a pang of sorrow that (Y/N) didn't have any one to hold her. (Y/N) didn't have her pack.
It struck me deeply and fiercely then just how much she'd been silently suffering.
And the resolve that I'd do my best to help.
That we both would.
(Y/N) POV:
It's a part of me that snaps, that part which craves tactile closeness to chase away that feeling of being so hopelessly alone, so helpless to the panic and blinding feeling of fear. It's that which prompts me to lean forward, hand darting out to grip at Jungkook's shirt, unwilling for that soft comforting scent to be taken away, unwilling to lose that source of gentle soothing pheromones. It was selfish, it was driven by pure need, a desperation to not be alone. And yet I couldn't find it in me to regret it, didn't feel as apologetic as I should've to find myself slowly relaxing under Jin and Jungkook's concerned, soft gazes, slowly curving close towards the warmth that Jungkook's body was giving off. It felt like a tiny bit of that burden was eased because I wasn't alone anymore, because the way their bodies had flanked mine as they'd taken me into the living room and later to my room, had brought me a warmth that was more than physical, had left those frazzled instincts slightly less panicky and a warmth that had accompanied me as I'd burrowed under the blankets, for once slipping off to sleep without much thought, without tossing and turning.
All it had been was a moment of closeness, of comfort and it felt like I was an entirely different person waking up, body curled under the blankets and mind for once not buzzing from the moment I awoke. Even so, I couldn't help but stretch my hand out across the bed, to reach for the blankets that had long since lost the scents of Eunwoo and Binnie, the jumpers that were now void of pack pheromones. Waking alone with a clear mind just made me painfully aware of the lack of closeness, of the lack of a body curled close to mine as they tried to wake me, the lack of the habitual comfort I relished and longed for.
And when I reached over for my phone, blearily opening it, that sleepiness snuck away when I see the missed calls and messages, head lifting up from the pillows with alarm. I hadn't called Binnie and Eunwoo last night and it was clear from the countless notifications that they'd been worried and had waited for me to call and when I hadn't, they had...several times.
I click onto the most recent missed call, wince at the late timestamp even as I bring it towards my ear, bracing myself for Eunwoo's voice to reach my ears.
And when it does, it doesn't start off as panicked, it starts off as soft and rough with sleep, slightly groggy, the sound of the kettle being switched, of light slightly unsteady footsteps.
"You awake Woo Woo?" I ask softly, hearing a mumbled grumble on the other end, a sleepy yes that's yawned through. And then the sound of a cup harshly being set down, as if that sleepiness is wiped away, processing my voice.
"(Y/N)! You never called or answered! Are you okay?" he asks, voice now panicked and loud, rough but awake and alert. I can hear the concern radiating off his voice and know that if I could see him, if I was in front of him then it would be accompanied with hands skimming over me, eyes roving over my face and nose trying to detect anything out of place.
"I'm fine Woo, I was just...tired. So I was asleep when you called." I say softly, smiling at the sound of his voice, at the thoughtful humming sound as he moves about.
And then the sound of a chair being tugged away, of him sitting down and the clunk of the mug once more.
"Tired? What tired you out so much that you couldn't even hear your phone go off so much?" he asks, voice perceptively knowing.
I could see the way his brows raise in question.
"Just tired. I freaked out over a delivery letter Woo-ah. I feel so stupid." I admit, confessing into the phone within the solitude of the room, able to somehow confess because I couldn't see that soft look of concern flash across his face, that look that always had me so easily spilling everything, so quickly.
He sighs on the other end, a slight rustling and the clink of a spoon against the mug.
Stirring in sugar to his morning tea.
"Not stupid (Y/N). It's normal to hurt because you've gone through something. I said it then and I'll keep saying it. I'm sorry you were alone though." He adds, voice morose and regretful.
I shake my head, then aware he can't see it.
"I wasn't alone...not this time Woo-ah." I say softly.
"Who then? One of the officers?" he asks.
I smile at the concern.
"Two of their packmates actually...they really helped." I say, lips curving into a small smile.
"As long as you weren't alone. Our sweet bokki doesn't deserve to hurt." he says, the rustling sounds through the phone making me aware that he's moving or rather...he's got a sleepy squirrel hybrid coming over to latch on.
I'm proven right when Eunwoo's voice soft and gentle murmurs softly to him, when the rustling becomes louder and a plaintive sleepy but slightly worried 'noona' comes through.
"I'm fine! Woo-ah tell him!" I say, not wanting to even hear my packmates distressed and worried.
Because there wasn't any need to be. Because I was fine.
Because that was last night's issue. Gone and done with.
I hear a drowsy chuckle and Binnie's griping come through, a vehement hushed yell to Eunwoo.
"Hyung why are you laughing? Noona didn't call!"
And I find myself sinking back against the pillows, soothed by the familiarity of their voices overlapping, both deeper from sleep and the way they're trying to tug the phone close to them.
"(Y/N) I'm going to turn it onto video." Eunwoo's voice comes through but just as the call is transferring, switching over, a gentle knock comes at the door.
"(Y/N)...are you awake?" Jungkook's voice comes through, soft and tentative, slightly muffled through the wood.
I turn towards the door and then to my phone.
"Woo-ah, Bin I'll call you later." I say quickly, hearing the grumbled assent and the chorus of 'love yous' which I echo back softly, lips curved up.
And then I'm sliding out of bed, from under the blankets to pad to the door, to answer Jungkook.
And peer at him, holding to the door and blinking at his bright, eager demeanour. Practically vibrating with energy, bright-eyed and ears perked up, a fluffy shiny coat that is so glossy and fluffy, so perfectly groomed. My eyes trail down to the cute apron he has on, at the cartoon carrots on them and his hands that clutch at each other.
"Morning Jungkook." I say with a small smile.
His smile is slightly tentative but spreads out wider across his lips, has his nose scrunching and when he tilts his head and it has his ears flopping slightly with the movement.
"Morning (Y/N). Did I disturb something?" he asks, eyes falling to the phone in my hand, looking apologetic.
I shake my head.
"It's fine Jungkook. Did you need something?" I ask curiously, watching as he seems to be waiting for something, a shifting of his feet and hands brushing over his white apron.
He nods, ears flopping with the eagerness of the movement.
"Are you busy?" he asks.
I shake my head.
"I'm not meant to be in at work for a few hours." I say.
He smiles at me, a small toothy scrunch that's hopeful and sweet.
"If you're free can you come with me then?" another hopeful tilt of the head. I nod, stepping out from the room.
"Sure. Where to?"
What I don't expect is for him to be waiting for me in the kitchen, where I step through after washing up, his casual leaned posture against the counter talking to Jin straightening up when he sees me. I spot with a small smile that where Jungkook's apron has the cute orange carrots, Jin's has smiling mini desserts all over his, the aprons are cute.
"Good morning (Y/N)." Jin says softly, wings rustling and shifting behind him as he turns to face me properly.
I smile at him, trying to focus not too much on the wings, because it's not him, he's not one of the traffickers. But the sight of their rustling reminds me of Min-Jun's shrieks and sobs, reminds me of his frantic clawing as he tried to get away and the way his body curled up desperately to shield himself. I swallow past the wobbliness in my throat and step forward a bit.
"Good morning Jin. Did you two sleep well?" I ask, tugging down the sleeves of my turtleneck down as I peer at him.
His eyes move to my sleeves, catching onto the sight before turning back to my face, smiling at me as he nods.
"A good night's sleep is the first thing you need to start off the day well," he adds, but it feels like his gaze and words hold more meaning, as if his eyes see more than his words let on. And his smile seems to widen in the slightest, as if pleased by what he sees.
"I hope you slept well (Y/N)! Because we need to do the second thing to make sure your day continues to go well." Jungkook says, voice turning more natural, more at ease as he speaks, eyes shy but smile sweet and genuine. It's as if some of that shyness slowly eases away with the familiarity of his packmate close by.
I tilt my head.
"That is?" I ask.
"Breakfast." Jin answers for him.
My cheeks warm slightly under their knowing looks, under the way Jin's wings rustle and Jungkook's ears seem to wilt, drooping slightly.
"We haven't been the best at making you feel comfortable. So...let's restart! Have breakfast with us today." Jungkook says, downcast and disappointed but hopeful as he glances at me once he's finished speaking.
Though his words aren't a question, his eyes show that he's waiting for my answer. That it's just as new and uncertain for him to take a step forward as it had been for me to last night.
But already Jungkook is showing more strength, more courage and kindness on his behalf than I'd been able to muster since I'd been here. It made me feel equally parts horrible and equally as guilty.
So I nod and move forward to help make breakfast, finding that even if I didn't speak as much, their natural energy was contagious- flitting about the kitchen and around each other with fluidness, a constant hum of chatter and sound so painfully familiar, so normal that it has my body relaxing despite myself, find that I'm smiling as I hear them playfully bicker.
It's both soothing to hear and yet prickles at my senses too, reminds me of that same atmosphere that I longed for, that I adored being in the midst of with Binnie and Eunwoo. It hits me with a deep pang of longing that I want it back, I want back the sleepy mornings, I want the same bickering playfulness, I want my pack back.
"(Y/N) okay?" Jin asks from beside me suddenly, voice soft and low as he peers at me.
I get drawn out of my reverie and blink at him.
Dredge my lips up.
"I'm fine..." I begin but then his wings flap slightly, almost a small burst of energy that has them fanning out. I startle, hand slipping on the knife handle.
And when I look at Jin, his face is worried and concerned, remorse flashing across his features once more.
But I can't let the same incident repeat itself, can't have the same guilt bubbling and spilling between us.
Restart Jungkook had said. That meant wiping the slate clean. That meant making sure Jin knew he wasn't the reason I was scared.
"Jin-ssi I'm sorry." I say, watching as confusion fills his eyes.
"What for?" a careful, guarded response.
"I...I'm not scared of you even if it might seem that way. It's just...the wings." I say softly, hating the tinge of fear that enters my voice, at the feelings and thoughts they bring up.
His lips press tightly as he shakes his head, wings rustling slightly.
"It's fine." He says, voice slightly dull.
I shake my head quickly, setting the knife down.
"It's not fine. It's of the traffickers after Min-Jun, the child I'm taking care of, has wings of some sort. And I know it's not you, it's just my mind keeps making these connections between wings and how terrified Min-Jun is of them and I just...panic." I explain in a rush, ears drooping and nervously flicking, eyes on the fruits I'd been slicing for pancakes.
There's the sound of a gentle rustle and then a hand lightly squeezing my shoulder.
"You can't help it, your instincts are probably telling you to move away, that the wings are a threat. But I promise you're safe here." Jin says, my eyes moving to meet his.
And I find comfort and the promise of safety in them.
This time when we smile at each other, it's genuine and unforced.
And when Jungkook brightly declares the pancakes done, there's just that tad bit more comfort and ease when I join them for breakfast.
Maybe things wouldn't be too bad.
Just like the sweetness of the berries and pancakes, I'd found sweetness in two more of Hobi's packmates.
I hadn't given them quite the chance to let me see what sort of people they were and now as I see Jin's hand automatically dart out to steal fruits from Jungkook's plate, I know that they're just as sweet as Binnie and Eunwoo are towards each other. That I'd been surrounded by that same playful comfort once more.
And the thought makes me smile.
"Hyung how do I look?" I ask, spinning happily in front of Namjoon hyung, Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung. Jimin was off getting ready and both Jungkookie and Jin hyung hadn't come over for breakfast today.
So I was three packmates short of approving the outfit I was planning to wear to the centre today. And though the sight of two packmates less at the table hadn't been the best start to the day I intended to go over and see if they were fine.
After I'd gotten the thumbs up from the others.
All three of them turn to the call of hyung, stopping in their own respective tasks to peer at me. Yoongi hyung lifting his head up to peer at me over the mug of coffee, sleepy eyes opening to take me in, ears perking up slightly, Hobi hyung turning away from his notes and books, so soft and cosy in his large sweater to peer at me through messy auburn locks, ears curling as he beams at me. And Namjoon hyung, putting away the final of the dry dishes and then almost abruptly dropping them, a sudden shift as his ears stand to full attention and tail wags quickly.
"You look gorgeous Tae!" Hobi hyung pipes up first, blowing a kiss from over the distance as I stand in the doorway, eyes appreciative as they run over me, the mixture of heat and love in his eyes has my tail curling and swaying giddily, has me shifting on my feet as I fight the beam on my lips.
"Our pretty cub." Yoongi hyung's low, sleep-laced voice calls out and when I look at him there's something so pleased and content as he peers at me over the mug, a flash of gums and fangs as he smiles at me.
Their words of open blatant appreciation has a content rumble growing in my chest, tail curling and beginning to move quicker, smile tugging more at my lips.
"Are they my overalls?" Namjoon hyung asks with a wide smile, dimples appearing as he peers at me with observational eyes.
I pluck at the blue denim, at the colourful patches on them.
Huh. Must've gotten mixed with the washing. But that didn't mean I had to return them necessarily. Not if I'd been on laundry duty and had found the delightfully endearing Joon stitched on the breast pocket and the lightest of his scent, barely there at all still lightly clinging to the well-worn and well-cherished overalls.
Oh well. Accidents happen.
I tug at the strap of the overalls, fiddling with the metal flower clasp.
"And if it is?" I ask.
He beams, dimples deepening, tail wagging and energetically moving.
"If it is...then keep it on? It suits you!" he adds eagerly as he voices his opinion.
His words make me beam, ears perked up with the sight of his very visible happiness, tail curling even quicker.
"Thank you hyung! I like the flowers." I confide, prodding the buttons with a happy smile and when I meet his eyes they seem to flash with satisfaction, tail still moving eagerly-giving away just how pleased it was. It comes with a burst of rich earthiness that has my ears twitching, has my body fidgeting with the urge to want to roll in that scent, to nuzzle against the source of it and coax it out, eyeing his unbuttoned shirt with deep longing, with the urge to bound over and press a farewell kiss and scent there too.
I watch as Yoongi hyung's fond gaze turns to take in Namjoon hyung, eyes crinkling as he takes in the sight. Something like pride flashing in his eyes as he takes a small sip of the coffee.
"Can I get my cuddles and kisses before I leave?" I ask with my head cocked, looking wide-eyed at my packmates, not expecting but oh-so-pleased when Namjoon hyung is the first one to rush over and scoop me into a hug, arms careful as they wind around me to hug me, the barest feel of his nose brushing across my temple, taking in my scent, and those same soft lips telling me to have a good day once I let him go, having tightened my arms around his torso to hug him back, rumble growing louder.
Hobi hyung bounds over next, an enthusiastic smattering of kisses to my face and a delightful intense nuzzle to my throat to leave a burst of smooth caramel-nutty scent behind. I loved Hobi hyung's scenting, it was always so possessive as he left his claim on me, had my instincts purring and feeling so deeply satiated by it. And then Yoongi hyung perks up as I approach him, winding my arms around him from behind to nuzzle at his throat and turning happily for him to nose against my jaw, for his ears to brush against the side of my throat as he presses a kiss to where he's scented, small kitten licks to the scent glands to leave a stronger claim.
He never said it but Yoongi hyung relished in leaving strong claims behind, in marking his own.
And it's thoroughly scented and happy that I make way to the connected apartment, happily peeking into the kitchen to see if they're there and trailing over to the living room when no sight of them greets me.
"Jungkookie, Jin hyungie where are you two? Has (Y/N) left already?" I ask calling out into the hallway.
And one door immediately opens. Jungkookie's head peeking out of his, a flash of a bare shoulder and fluffy brown ears that perk up as he sees me, my brain whirring as I take in the sharp contrast of broad muscled shoulder and soft fluffiness, blinking at the sight.
"Hi hyung! (Y/N) went to get ready for work. She's not gone yet." He pipes up.
I nod, eyes seemingly glued to the sight.
And when he cocks his head at me, his ear flops down the side of his face, endearingly sweet, causing my eyes to drift to watch them with wonder.
I wondered how the soft glossy fur would feel under my fingertips, Jungkookie's ears and tail were always so well groomed and kept, permanently shiny it seemed. I longed to pet his ears, fingers clenching into the denim of my legs.
And then his eyes light up with recognition, staring at my outfit.
"Is that my jumper?" he asks.
I fiddle with the neck of it, suddenly slightly apprehensive. Namjoon hyung had easily said yes, but there's something contemplative about his gaze.
And the last thing I wanted was to upset my youngest packmate, so even if the soft detergent reminded me of him if he didn't like it I'd change.
I nod.
And he beams. The most adorable scrunch of his nose and toothy grin.
"The yellow suits you!" he pipes up and I fiddle with the yellow sleeves happily, a smile on my lips.
"Tell Jin hyung I said bye then! I'll go wait for (Y/N)." I mumble.
He nods but a hand comes to settle on his bare shoulder, door opening more so Jin hyung can peek over his shoulder, his peck to the back of Jungkookie's ear so soft and natural even as he beams at me, eyes soft.
He's more dressed, staring out at me.
"You look cute cub." He remarks, eyes trailing over me.
The attention of my packmates have me feeling content and bubbly, surging with energy, tail curling happily with their focus.
"Hi hyung..." I say, cheeks warming as I feel the weight of his gaze.
He smiles back.
"Hi cub. All ready for work? You going to head over to pick up anything today?" he asks.
I shake my head.
They must be starting work an hour or so later today. It doesn't feel quite the same heading to the bakery if I didn't have any packmates to see me, to give smiles and words sweeter than the treats I picked up for the kids.
"Maybe lunch break though!" I say.
They nod, Jin hyung's hand tugging Jungkookie around, murmuring something before that bare shoulder vanishes, ducks out of sight.
"We'll be waiting if you do." Jin hyung says with a smile before stepping out, fully dressed as he carefully closes the door behind him. It's ever so subtle but the gentle cottony scent clings lightly to his neck, a brief light scent.
And just as that door closes the other opens, (Y/N) steps out with a coat in her hand, smiling down at her phone.
And then she seems to register our presence, the way we turn to look at her and raises her head.
"Taehyung ssi..." she begins tentatively and uncertain, stopping when I quickly shake my head.
"Just Taehyung will do." I correct with a smile.
She nods.
"I thought we could go to work together!" I pipe up.
She smiles.
"Is Jimin ready?" she asks.
Over the other end of the apartment I hear the low murmurs of Jiminie saying goodbye to the others and then the sound of the door opening at the end of the hallway.
Register the mixture of cool sweet mintiness and the products he's used in the shower.
"Ready?" he says by way of greeting, smiling at the three of us.
He gets two nods in response. One lighter and gentler. And my own.
Eager and giddy.
Alone time with my packmate and new friend.
I couldn't wait.
Maybe this way I could get to know her bit by bit.
After all, friends needed to spend time together right?
Mine is...I cut ties with a girl who was just a super toxic friend, she made me and a lot of my other friends feel bad about themselves but these days I do find myself wondering if she's okay, because she didn't HAVE anyone else and just...the thought of her comes to mind a lot. That even if we left things on a civil friendly note- I hope she's doing okay.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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