Chapter 12- the night peace is torn away
I tug Jiminie into my arms, happily curling around him and winding my arms around his chest, nose briefly brushing across the top of his head to take in a small whiff of his natural, unadulterated scent- something distinctly Jimin, and I smile when he just tilts his head to the side, exposing the soft slender curve of his throat in a clear invitation to scent, my nose and cheek rubbing against the soft skin, brushing against the glands and smiling when it releases a burst of happy pheromones, a small happy relaxed sigh slipping out his lips, relaxing further into me. On my other side, Hobi has no qualms in watching with fascination, hand reaching to brush through Jiminie's hair- the sudden sight of a hand brushing over Jiminie having me stiffen for all but one moment before my instincts recognise him as pack and relax as he gently runs his fingers through his strands of hair, his head slightly tilting into the touch.
"Does that feel good pup?" Hobi asks, voice careful and eyes attentively observing the two of us for any sort of resistance, hostility- ready to pull back at any moment, the interaction watched with unveiled curiosity and excitement by the others, though Yoongi hyung looks half a beat away from tugging him back or stepping in.
But for some odd reason the low soft tenderness that Hobi says the word 'pup' with has my inner wolf softening and a soft keening whine trying to build up inside, tail trying to wriggle and swish against the soft cushioning of the couch, restless but I know that my ears perk up slightly- feeling so happy and giddy to hear that endearment directed to me. And I also know I've been caught red-handed when Jiminie turns with a knowing smile and hides it by gently scenting my throat, tongue flicking out teasingly and I feel his lips curve as they press against my skin in a quick peck.
"Feels good Hobi hyung." Jiminie replies, scent going soft as Hobi smiles, ears curling and twisting as his face lights up with elation.
"Thanks for letting me...I think Taehyungie and Yoongi hyung are tired of being cuddled and scented." He says wryly, even as if his eyes flicker to the two, to be reassured that it isn't the case, Yoongi hyung's lips curving into a sweet smile that seems to be reserved uninhibitedly for his two younger ones, I couldn't wait until he smiled at me like that, when that ease between our initial small packs and groups occurred and those barriers vanished. I for one couldn't wait for a group cuddle pile and to scent them all, to leave traces of me behind and carry a little of them with me.
And I watch as Jin hyung almost absentmindedly pets and grooms Jungkook's fluffy ears, running fingers through the extremely soft fur and scratching at the base, not even consciously focusing on it as he did so- eyes watching the documentary that was currently playing on TV, Jungkook's eyes fluttering shut and jerking open as he tried to fight sleep, the little scrunch of his nose when he was determined to remain awake was so, so unbelievably cute.
But then there's the trilling persistent sound of a phone ringing, buzzing as it vibrates against the coffee table, shattering through that comfy haze that wrapped around us all like a warm hug, eyes blinking as the noise drew them out of their sleepy states, heads tilting and ears curving up to shelter themselves from the sound- a jarring shock to a sleepy mind. I see Jungkookie's ears droop and flop down- curving down and trying to cover themselves from the sound, Jin hyung's eyes snapping away to fuss, glaring at the offending phone.
The offending phone which turns out to be mine once Tae leans over to pluck it, one of the less entangled ones and hands it to Hobi- his hand holding it out to me.
And I sheepishly take it, murmuring an apology as I try to disentangle from the content weight of Jiminie sprawled over me and Hobi curved slightly close- a jolt of surprise and apprehension beginning to make my veins thrum when I see it's from the police station.
Please don't let it be another victim. Please not another victim I beg silently, thumb hovering over the icon to answer before another trill has Yoongi hyung making a discontented noise, thumb pressing onto the icon and bringing the phone to my ear, bracing myself for the worst.
That there had been another child hybrid victim found, that there was something horrifically wrong. Another case or late-night emergency.
Finding my body stiffening at the curt voice demanding I get to the station as soon as possible with Jimin, that despite the strict authority in his voice- I could hear and detect the slight trails of anger and fear rolled up in one.
Something was drastically wrong if details couldn't be shared over the phone.
And I'm already moving, rising from the couch and a hand around Jiminie's arm to guide him up because the two of us needed to get going now.
"We'll be there." I reply, finger already disconnecting the phone and hurrying to my feet, tugging at Jiminie who despite being out of the loop follows the urging movements.
"What is it?" Jiminie asks, even as his feet stumble to move in pace with me as I step away from the couches, noting how the others straighten and turn to attention.
"We've been called in to the station." I say curtly sensing the moment there's a shift in the room, Jimin's scent spiking with simmering worry.
"Is everything okay Namjoon-ah?" Jin hyung asks, Jungkook straightening up from his reclined position to watch us with wide soft eyes, teeth gnawing at his bottom lip. Yoongi hyung straightens, Taehyungie rising with him as they watch with careful eyes- scent rolling off as slightly worried and panicked.
"I don't...I don't know. The commanding officer wouldn't say. But it's bad, I can feel it." I say, feeling helpless and useless standing around.
I watch as my packmates' faces shift with resolve before Jin hyung steps forward and is gently pushing against the base of our backs to hurry us along, Yoongi hyung holding out two jackets and Hobi dithering behind but shooting me a reassuring smile when our eyes meet.
"Go and don't worry. We'll be here when you get back." Jin hyung reassures, a small squeeze to our shoulders and the barest touch of fingers brushing across the nape of our necks, face showing a promise that they were fine.
That the pack was fine and we should hurry.
Because somewhere, someone wasn't, something wasn't fine. It was terribly wrong.
The scent of sharp anger and pungent fear rolls off a small hunched up figure. Seeping through the station and cutting through every other layer of scent. It's terrifying to realise that the person is in such an extreme level of distress and panic that it stands out from the moment we hurry to our department, hearts in our throats and come face to face with the sight of (Y/N) hunched over herself, the curve of her back extremely vulnerable and ears twitching, legs jittering as they moved restlessly and arms wrapped around herself as if trying to keep a hold of herself, that and to shield out the cold because she's dressed in a pair of fluffy pyjamas- but they're nowhere near protection enough for how mercilessly freezing the streets could get as the cold seasons settled over Seoul.
And my eyes immediately rove over her trying to scan her for any physical harm, instincts growling with anger and rage that she was distressed, she was hurting and that she was alone. And the usual scent she ever bore was that from the fruity floral products she favoured, but now seeping out from under it in thick heavy waves was her scent, unadulterated and strong and drowning with panic, with hurt- soured and dizzyingly pushing at my instincts, the wolf part of my brain screeching with agreement with my mind that I needed to protect.
The waves of her scent are thick and strong enough that the other hybrid officers on night duty physically seem to be having difficulty in holding back and responding to her hurting pheromones- faces pained because her vulnerable curled up position is yanking and drawing out every protective instinct in them, even the human officers watching with sympathy and yet when anyone approaches, she flinches harshly- a small sound escaping her throat when in particular the commanding officer tries to move close- matured face lined with experience and looks down at her with flickering eyes, feeling helpless in this situation.
"What on earth happened?" Jiminie screeches as he rushes past me, tugging off his jacket and drawing it over her shivering frame, kneeling beside her and staring wide-eyed and determined at the huddle of officers- as if daring the one who's put her in such a situation to show themselves, scent sharp with protective rage.
I hurry forward, snapped out by the authority in Jimin's voice as he eyes everyone, ears stiff and straight, pulled to act, to get things under control and move to stand near them- eyes going to the commanding officer.
"She entered the station all panicked and rushed, she won't answer any of us but said she needed to see you. That she wasn't going anywhere until she had." The officer says curtly, before turning to dismiss the officers, dispelling the small crowd- air clearing from the cluster of scents, but it only served to make her own much more poignant and demanding on my senses.
It has me stiffening even as I try keep my posture loose, unthreatening- instincts trying to respond to the unseen threat, to protect her from it.
"(Y/N)... (Y/N) can you look at me?" Jiminie is softly asking, hand hovering before it rests on her knee, peering up at her bent head, at the way she continues to shake and tremble.
"You're safe (Y/N), we'll help you whatever it is." I add softly, suppressing the growl trying to build up in my chest, to burst out but when she slowly unfurls from her position, her jittery shakiness of her legs only slightly stilled under Jimin's touch.
And when my eyes fall to her face, to the grief on them- to the red eyes brimming with unshed tears, to her cheeks ruddy from cold and lips trembling as she takes in shuddery breaths, ears drooped I can't prevent the growl that slips out, low and deep that has Jimin's back stiffening and shoulders loosening, that has (Y/N) ducking away from the sound, curving back and away from me. It stings that I've scared her, but I try to keep my scent soft and gentle as I bring my hand to her elbow.
"Let's talk in my office." I say, seeing her small jerky nod and when she unfurls, standing up- I see the stark white envelope clutched towards her chest, unmarked and blank just like the other letter she'd shown us. The sight of it causing seething rage to rear its ugly head, vicious and snarling because it means the traffickers have struck again, because with each piece of information she told us I could see how she was slowly unravelling, crumbling behind her strong level-headed personality and trying so desperately not to fall weak.
And when we're in my office, door shut behind us and Jimin looks at the envelope, asks in a deceptively soft voice if he can see it- because his scent is sharp and spiky, prickling with anger. She holds it out with trembling fingers, nails tinged blue from the cold before she tucks her hand in close once more, head bowed as she holds herself, body shaking.
Jimin tears the envelope open, tugging out a piece of paper and reads aloud two names from it, the ink blood-red as the last one had been.
And the moment the names are uttered, (Y/N) makes a wounded noise- as if the air has been punched out of her lungs, a broken cry as she shivers- her scent thickening until it fills the air with the strong and a full body shudder wracks her- breathing getting deeper and unstable. And on shaky legs she moves forward, legs buckling- the two of us jerking towards her with alarm as her knees hit the ground.
My hands go to stabilise her swaying body, Jimin's voice a buzz of sound as he sinks to crouch in front of her, surprised when she pushes him away, when her hands scrabble for the empty bin at the corner of my desk.
And then the sounds of her being sick, mixed with heart-breaking sobs tears at my heart even as Jimin and I move to get closer, hand rubbing up and down her back and she clutches at the bin, scent almost suffocating with how cloying her pain and distress is, my own wolf whining with dissatisfaction and hurt at not being able to help, Jiminie's tail a wilted puff of orange where it rests on the floor and my own restlessly twitching and fidgeting.
And when she speaks through her sobs, I find my heart shattering.
"Please...please help me...please." She gasps out, voice broken and hurting. So different to the assertive caregiver we'd slightly gotten to know.
And I know that somewhere along the lines this all happened because we couldn't close the case up. And now she was paying for it.
But I also knew that I would help her in every way that I could and in way that I could.
But what I did know for certain was that she needed protecting and I was going to make sure she was safe and remained unharmed.
There was no other way about it.
The two of them don't return in a few hours, they don't return even as the others linger and hover in the living room- not wanting to leave to depart for bed until we'd caught sight of our two packmates returning home safe.
But Yoongi hyung was already speaking low and soft as he drew up a sleepy Tae who swayed and leaned into him, tail drooped and swaying slowly with the onset of fatigue and exhaustion, clinging onto hyung with his arms around his waist and nuzzling close. Jin hyung was trying to sway a sleepy Jungkookie to cuddle in bed, the poor bun had been fighting sleep before the two had left and now he seemed to be unsettled- sensitive to the absence of two packmates, fidgety and restless. It was making hyung's wings flap with restlessness that was an instinctual response to the sleepy droopy bun in his arms who just wouldn't agree, trying to cling onto consciousness even as his ears wilted and drooped heavily- wanting to help him in any way he could but feeling failed at it.
"I think he needs settling. Maybe taking him to your nest would help hyung." I say softly, suddenly realising that the unease from Jungkookie was because he was responding to the lingering pheromones in the air, the agitation and trails of spiked scent left behind before Jiminie and Namjoon left. That as a prey hybrid, Jungkookie's instincts were torn between a sort of fight and flight response-to both hide away from the scents that were unsettling but also to remain because he recognised it as pack, because it was bothering him and he couldn't bring himself to leave.
Jin hyung shoots me a grateful look, rising to his feet and drawing up Jungkookie with him, pushing the hair away from his face with a look of utter tenderness and loving doting eyes- as if Jungkookie was everything, as if he was the only one he could see. A look of sheer love as he murmurs low to him, presses a kiss to the petulant drooping lips before slowly ushering him forward, cooing all the while and shooting a smile and tender look over his shoulder.
"Go to bed, when we wake everything will look a bit brighter. And the boys will be home too." He says, with a voice that is both gentle and reassuring, promising with how he looks at us but also eyes showing he won't brook any contradiction, silently seeing if we argue with the authority underlining his words.
He may not be a predator hybrid, but when it comes to dynamics- he effortlessly holds a power of his own as the eldest, the sweet gentle tone to his voice greeted with three nods- one sleepy, one serious and my own, an eager nod.
His lips curve up.
"Night boys." He says softly, his low murmur still caught on by our ears as they walk further away and the sound of the door closing before the voices fade out slightly.
"Bed it is then." Yoongi hyung states as he walks forward with a clinging Tae, hand going to wrap around my wrist- a band of warmth and gentleness as he tugs us into our bedroom.
But for all that hyung seems to be calm, reassured by Jin hyung's words, he still makes sure that Tae and I clamber into bed first, Tae spooning me as he latched on from behind and sandwiched between me and hyung who settles behind him. There's the feeling of a tail curling and sprawling over our waists, curling to rest against my skin as hyung shifts close- trying to feel us safe and protected and there. And when he draws blankets over the three of us, I can't help but notice that one of them seem to slightly carry Namjoon's scent- faint trails of it anyways.
But I don't comment, not when it brings reassurance- the scent of a happy warm wolf pup that curls slightly around our own shared scents. Not when it's helping hyung.
And not when it eases us to sleep just a tad bit quicker, lulling and calming our senses and instincts to settle with the belief when day comes all will be alright.
Besides as officers emergencies can happen at any given time.
I'm sure the day will bring back the new normalcy we were creating.
That we'd wake to the sound of low bickering or sounds in the kitchen and sleepy scents as everyone trudged around half-awake, making their way to the kitchen for breakfast.
And with the thought fresh and vivid in my mind, I drift off asleep- the slightest feeling of Tae nuzzling at my nape in an unconscious scenting giving that final push to close my eyes and drift away.
Morning does dawn with the sounds of soft chatter, of voices murmuring and of the others moving around the house, the sound of water rushing as one of them showers.
I wriggle out of Tae's hold and go to substitute myself with a pillow but his eyes are already blinking open, sleepily peering at me before his lips curl into a loose smile.
"Morning hyung." He says before yawning, flash of the sharp point to his incisors as his face scrunches- the sight so endearing. I don't even realise Yoongi hyung is awake too, looking at Tae with fond sleepy narrowed eyes, a deep proud purring building in hyung's chest when Tae's hand goes to his tail splayed across his waist only now, ever so carefully brushes a hand over it and turns to press a smacking kiss to hyung's throat.
"Morning to you too hyung." He murmurs not getting far when he leans back because hyung's hold tightens as he wraps him up in a cuddle- Tae's face delighted as the vestiges of sleep leave but is clinging on just as happily.
"Are the boys back?" Yoongi hyung asks, voice slightly gravelly and deep and rough with sleep- and I fight the urge to bare my throat, that needy mewl for him to scent me, to hold me.
"I don't know, but it sounds like everyone else is waking up." I say, walking towards the bedroom door, opening it and bringing with it the trails of scents of the others and the bustle of the kitchen.
And just then the sound of a door further down opening makes my ears perk up, coming from the direction of Jimin and Namjoon's bedroom, quiet almost inaudible steps and the sight of bare feet padding on the carpet and his usually happy swish of his tail isn't there, limp and dragging slightly as he walks into my line of sight.
"Jiminie..." I say, his name slipping off my tongue and he pauses, curved drooping fox ears remaining that way as he meets my eyes- none of that playfulness flickering in his eyes, lips drooped downwards.
"Is everything okay pup?" I ask stepping out of the bedroom to turn towards him, hand going to brush against his neck ever so lightly, testing, and being rewarded with a slight tilt- inviting for a scent mark as I brush my fingers up and down the line of his throat. He leans forward, a shuddery exhale that sounds far too exhausted and drained and emotional for my liking and he presses his head against my shoulder for a few moments before pushing away- the exhaustion and weariness in his eyes striking me. Tugging at me to do something, anything to comfort him, to lessen that burden I can physically see boring down at him.
He gives a small nod.
"Nothing's okay hyung. And I don't know how to fix it either." He murmurs, sounding defeated, lost...vulnerable.
"We'll help you Jiminie, however we can." Tae's voice comes from behind me, soft and plaintive and the bathroom door swings open to reveal a damp haired, droopy-eared and low tail Joon who fidgets with the towel he'd been scrubbing at his hair with.
"About that. We need your help more than you can imagine." He says, hands clutching tightly at the towel, voice a deep growl of words.
"Let's talk over breakfast." Yoongi hyung says, ushering all of us out into the hallway, eyes scanning the two in front of us for their physical tells, lips twisted into a concerned frown.
"Breakfast is ready when you are boys." Jin hyung head pokes out, hair rumpled and peering at us with wide alert eyes- as if he's been awake for longer, wings slightly fluttering behind him and from over his shoulder, Jungkook's wide-eyed nervous and apprehensive face peeks out, nose twitching as the fearful apprehension that was filling the hallway begins to filter through the air, pheromones which alert him and make him restless once more.
Hyung's words hold depth and promise to Namjoon and Jimin, that breakfast is ready- that we're ready to listen when they're prepared, that around that table we'll try help and support as a pack, as each other's packmates. That this is what we meant when we decided to live together- not to share a space for convenience, but to be each other's support systems. And this was the first true test and show of that.
I just hoped whatever it was, we could ease the burden in the slightest.
"You want to bring home someone essential to the case?" Yoongi hyung asks, voice calm and gentle- eyes flitting back and forth between the two as if trying to solve a case, trying to make sense of the emotional, hurting outburst from the two, even as his tail curls behind him; restlessly, slow and deliberate, as if preparing to shift into a defensive stance. To protect.
"...hyung she's being targeted, she's been suffering so much and all one blow after the other. I've never seen her so broken, so shattered." Namjoon whispers, voice low and rough- thick with distress and laced with a growling timbre- both sides of him unifying with the situation he's just laid out.
The details which makes my stomach curdle. That for one of their cases, the caregiver in charge of the victim was being targeted, that she was being hurt and tormented for helping the victim- been left blatant warnings and threats and promises of pain. And that this entire time our packmates had been suffocating under the guilt, because the case was theirs to handle, because they felt responsibility to help her, to protect her. And we hadn't even met her, seen her and yet I feel my protective instincts stir at hearing their words alone, restless at the image it conjures.
"We wouldn't ever make a decision without discussing it first, not when it means bringing a stranger home to our home. We're a pack." Namjoon says, his hands cupping the mug he holds tightly onto, staring miserably at the black coffee inside.
But his words are warm and considerate.
They could've made a decision but they hadn't, they'd waited for us to give our input, for what we thought.
And I could see the emotions flicker across their faces.
Could see that despite Jungkookie's scent being corded through with anxiousness, with uncertainty- his face expressed only sympathy and concern, taking Jin hyung's hand in his own and fiddling with it, tracing over his hand before he ends up lacing their fingers together.
Could see that Tae was already nodding enthusiastically, our sweet empathetic baby already looking as if he wanted to go along with them and bring her back, ears wilted after having heard everything, his body leaning into me for support and his tail loosely intertwined with Yoongi hyung- seeking comfort and tactile affection as his scent grows distressed and hurts.
And I knew that despite Yoongi hyung's calm face and gentle eyes, that he was troubled inside, fretting even as he tries to keep the peace. Because there was one weak point Yoongi hyung had. One reason that had pushed and inspired him to start his own radio show.
Because if there was one thing that made his blood boil and his instincts push to the surface, clawing away at any restraint it was hybrids getting mistreated, hybrids getting hurt.
And even now I watch as anger makes the browns of his eyes darken and flicker, as his hands clutch tightly at the utensils before he forces himself to let go, to soften his stiff posture and to give the maknaes a small reassuring smile, that it would be okay. That he wouldn't have it any other way.
And Jin hyung looks disturbed. A furrow between his brows and his wings keep fluttering restlessly, flapping behind him as he fiddles with his food, barely touched. And it may have been a while before we'd met again but there was one thing that hadn't changed. Jin hyung and his passion and love for food. And to see him barely touch it, to just play with it...if that wasn't an indication something was wrong then I didn't know what was.
And it was definitely clear that she meant something to them, enough that Jiminie's ears were in a constant droop and whenever he had interjected with Namjoon's recounting of it all it had been in such a sombre, downcast defeated voice- so much hurt in it that it made me restless.
Everything was making me fidget, every silently thoughtful expression, each flash of hurt and each spike of scent as they spoke- the air now thick with a cloud of heavy rage, directed towards the people who were hurting the caregiver. Simply for helping the victim, in helping and aiding their recovery.
People could be so vile.
"For what's it worth, I'm in agreement. If helping her means you bring her home then I'm supporting you two." I speak up, unable to bite the words back anymore.
"Where would she stay?" Jungkook speaks up and not with resentment or any sort of possessive anger of our pack home being broached by a stranger but a sort of curiosity and concern. Nose scrunching as our eyes all turn to him, understanding dawning on faces.
"We were thinking of the second bedroom in the other apartment- I think it's for the best to have her stay there anyways. She'll feel more comfortable around prey hybrids being one herself." Jiminie says, head turned up to peer at our youngest packmate, giving him a soft sad smile.
"Is that fine Jungkookie? Are you fine with that?" he asks softly, making sure that he's not scared or distressed at the idea of his safe space, that the apartment was, would have someone else staying there. Someone we didn't know.
He dithers, squeezing Jin hyung's hand that sits intertwined with his. Eyes focused on it. No-one says anything, not even Jin hyung and then he raises his head, droopy ears perking slightly- straightening with the determination and courage he speaks with.
"If she'll feel safe, if she'll be safe then she can stay." He says.
My heart warms at his words. I know it's not easy to let someone in so close to your nest. I know it because I feel the possessiveness flare up slightly, at having someone who's not pack enter our home, our sanctuary.
But I'd push aside instincts if it meant we'd be able to help someone, protect them from being targeted for being someone trying to help.
"Namjoon-ah trust your instincts. Trust them, trust us, trust pack and bring her here." Jin hyung speaks, a tone of finality in it as well as the gentle tenderness he speaks with, leaning forward to carefully brush through his hair, moving it away from his face and softly brushing fingers over his drooped ear. I watch as he unconsciously leans into the touch, sighing as if a great burden has been lifted off his shoulders, posture loosening slightly.
"Is everyone truly fine with this? If any of you aren't comfortable then we'll find another way, try to find another way to keep her safe." He says, looking at each of us in the eyes, sharp and alert and trying to see if a hint of discrepancy lies in our words and our body language, or dissent.
But when he finds none, when everyone verbalises their agreement, he sighs, head bowed forward- vulnerable and exposed, so different to the way everyone expected a wolf to carry himself, especially one with such dominant pheromones.
It shows how much we exist as separate to our hybrid species, to our instinctual biological needs that they don't dominate us, don't dictate us as turn us into the mindless animals many still believe today.
"Bring her here Namjoonie." I say, leaning forward to cup his hands that have fallen away from his mug, draw them into mine and squeeze reassuringly, eyes meeting his in a silent promise to try our best to help, to protect, to keep her safe.
He nods. I see the gratitude in his eyes.
But when the two leave to get her, to bring her here- the pack fidgets restlessly, uncertainly dithering and trying to occupy the short time window is filled with hovering and mindless actions of moving around, straightening cushions, airing the hallways to make the thick layer of scent slightly less demanding on the senses.
And when I hear the murmur of their voices in the hallway, I see as the others straighten, as Jin hyung takes note of the others' postures and turns to attention too.
"We know this isn't what you want, to be forced out of your own home, but this is the best way we can protect you." Namjoon's voice comes through, uncertain and hesitant and yet trying to calm and soothe.
"It's okay...none of them bite. And besides, you have us." Jimin's voice comes through much more softly, gentle and filled with concern, with the need to settle- their scents softened in response to her. There's the sound of rustling, of bags being set down.
Of the door to the connecting flat being opened from the outside as they take her inside, where their voices turn into a low buzz before being muted out as they head in further.
She's here.
And I can't help but notice how the boys made a smart logical and thoughtful choice to not throw her in the midst of all of us, but took her to the apartment to settle, to slowly familiarise herself.
And it's as if the strings holding us are cut and we slump, trying to relax and calm down as we try to go about doing what we usually do at home, trying to be normal, highly conscious that on the other side of the wall someone who is not pack is setting their things down.
The two of them return sometime afterwards, exchanging hopeful looks as they come into the living room where the rest of us are scattered but still too tightly coiled to unwind- wondering how she must be, wondering whether her scent will pierce through our newly forming pack one.
"Is she okay?" Tae asks, peering up from where he looked to be slowly edging towards Jungkookie to either pounce into a hug or slowly shuffle and lean against him until he could wound around him.
Jiminie gives a soft grateful smile. For trying. For asking.
"I hope so. It'll take her time to feel comfortable. Her instincts are quite unsettled too." He adds, a small frown on his lips.
"Don't worry hyung...we'll help. As much as we can." Jungkookie says, surprising all of us by being the one to have spoken. To have been the one to speak so maturely, so soft yet strong and promising all the same. Jin hyung nods immediately, proud eyes flickering to him, to his side profile from where he'd turned to face us all.
And if he can be so accepting, so kind and hopeful and encouraging then why couldn't we? His words bolstering us and giving me encouragement.
I would do whatever I could too. To help her.
I'd learnt quite a few things from (Y/N) after all. Now was the time to put them into practice.
Mine is...when I'm cold I tug my sleeves over my hands to hide them, when I'm in pain or hurting for an unknown reason I ignore it and don't get it checked out (which is bad I know!) until it reaches a point where it can't be avoided anymore. These are just some of many!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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