Chapter 1- snippets of lives
I smile to my reflection, straightening my jumper before going to try and tame my curls. But after a while I give up, content with the way they don't cover or brush irritatingly against my ears, smiling at how fluffy and clean they look.
My bag sits on the bed waiting for me to pick it up. And once I've deemed myself ready, tail swishing excitedly behind me, I head into the living room. Ears perked up and ready, awaiting praise and compliments from my two hyungs when I enter their line of vision.
Yoongi hyung is first, shooting me a relaxed but happy smile and a thumbs up from his curled-up state on the sofa, raising his head to take in the sight of me.
I pout when I see that Hobi hyung is so immersed in his studying, only snapping his head up when Yoongi hyung hisses warningly at him.
For neglecting me. His already bright eyes seem to glow more, happily raking them over me, over the way the jeans mould my legs.
"Tae-ah, you heading out soon?" Hobi hyung asks, now abandoning his sprawled-out books and the laptop in front of him to peer at me with undivided attention, eyes wide and ears perked up as he looks at me, eyes fully alert and focused, as he always is when it comes to studying.
I nod, smiling at the way Yoongi hyung sighs but unfurls from his curled-up position on the couch, from where he had a clear view of Hobi hyung working and me where I stood in the doorway. He pads over, tail swaying lightly as he makes his way over and when he stops in front of me, I gently but my head into the side of his neck, breathing in his scent and feeling a rumble begin to grow from deep in my chest when he runs his fingers from the nape of my neck, up through my hair and scratching lightly at the base of my ears, my own tail beginning to happily sway behind me.
"Aigoo you big baby, all it takes is a little scenting and you're the happiest cub around." Hobi hyung remarks and then my ears catch on the sound of books moving and the soft careful padding of his feet as he makes his way over, pressing a small kiss to the nape of my neck before hugging me from behind.
I nod, happily leaning my head further into Yoongi hyung's touch, who for all his stoic face outside is a huge softie, and right now there's a smile playing on his lips as he pets my ears, shifting so I can nestle further into his neck and leave trails of my scent behind, smelling the overlapped scents of Yoongi hyung and me that's left behind when I lift my head.
I separate myself from hyung's hug, turning to briefly nuzzle his neck before moving into the hallway to tug on my shoes.
"Take care Taehyungie." Yoongi hyung says, having followed me out whereas the sound of Hobi hyung settling back into his working corner can be heard.
I nod.
"You always say this hyung, I don't forget you know?" I say, turning my head to smile at him but he shoots me a hard stare.
He's not joking, never joking. Not about safety, never about going out and about. I know he worries; know he has good reason to.
I shoot him an apologetic look.
"You know I worry, so take care." He says, moving close and gently curving my neck to the side so he can brush his nose across my throat, gently scenting me- leaving a burst of his pheromones on me too.
And it's when the door shuts behind me and I begin the walk that I realise that it allows him to leave his claim on me, effectively deterring others from trying to give me their unwanted attention.
It makes my heart skip a beat when hyungs leave trails of their scent on me, it reminds me of how far we've come from our early days as a trio, how stiffly we'd tiptoed around each other, all of us craving the comfort being together could bring. It had taken Hobi hyung to set his eyes on us, and suddenly snap, on a day he'd been particularly stressed under the weight of his studies, when he'd asked in a voice that was both pent-up and slightly teary if it was too much to ask for if we could scent him, to help him calm down.
Yoongi hyung, who'd taken the role as the primary caregiver- the one who made sure we ate well, took care of ourself, took our supplements had suddenly dropped the blankets he'd been folding and crossed the distance between them immediately. And he'd turned and held out a hand towards me, even as he gently nosed at Hobi hyung's throat- careful and slightly tentative.
But he'd held his hand out and he'd never let go since.
And that was how three predator feline hybrids had found and made home amongst each other, within each other.
"Bun be careful, don't touch that tray it's still hot!" Jin hyung calls, voice tinged with alarm, pitched louder in volume as he sees me reach out for the tray of brownies, hand reaching out to grab it.
My hand jerks back at the heat radiating off the tray, snatching it back and cradling it towards my chest before it could make contact.
"Did you hurt yourself? Kookie-ah!" he says admonishingly but there's no hiding the worry in his voice or the way he rushes forward, taking my hand from its protective covering and bringing it forward to inspect.
His shoulders slump with relief.
And then he brings my hand up, to brush a soft kiss against the pads of my fingers.
"You got to be careful bun." He says, letting go of my hand.
My ears droop at the slightly scolding tone but when he leans in, he pecks the tip of my nose slightly, plump lips spread in a sweet generous smile when I scrunch it at the featherlight touch, feeling it twitch happily at the small affectionate act. And then his hands brush tenderly over my ears, gently petting the fur.
"My baby bun." He croons happily, pecking my lips before nudging me away.
"I need my baby baker taking the new batches out. And then just man the cashier." He says, already rolling up his sleeves to reveal muscled strong forearms, reaching to bring down the large sacks of flour down, eyes intently focused on the task at hand as he gets to work.
I nod, carefully arranging the freshly baked traybakes onto stands and taking them out, smiling at the part-timer who's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed; cheeks pink when I call out a thanks to him. Sweet boy. His shyness is endearing and reminds me of me when I'd first met Jin hyung.
I'd been tongue-tied and unable to speak in front of how majestically he carried himself, a sense of authority and power naturally exuding out of him, face beautifully sculpted and devastatingly handsome. It had made me slightly nervous and anxious around him, feet tapping away nervously and I'd had to consciously fight the urge to hide when he fixed that strong gaze on me. But under that handsome face and strong build was a heart of gold and incredibly soft, and he'd taken me under his wing, quite literally at times too when his protective streak flared up and I found myself propositioned by interested people, taking care of me and making me fall slowly but surely for his sweet, caring ways.
I straighten up after putting them in the display cabinet, proud to see that the many private lessons with Jin hyung were paying off, and now treats I'd baked independently could be served and sold.
I note that the door opens and with the gentle sound of the wind chimes enters a figure clad in a jumper and jeans, ears perked up with interest as their eyes rove over the interior of the café, tail swishing slowly behind them, dual-coloured stripes distinctively setting them apart, marking them as a tiger hybrid.
They take their time in walking to the counter and the moment they step out in front of me I stiffen unconsciously, bunny instincts mentally urging me to run, to flee. But I fight the urge down, carefully, and tentatively meeting their eyes, body tensing as they catch onto the perked-up ears perched on top of messy black curls, because their face is bright and friendly. And when they smile, it makes a cute box shape rather than a snarl which my instincts had been preparing me for.
"Hi! Can I have 20 brownies packed to go please?" he asks. His voice is deep, a low timbre that rumbles from the inside of his chest, sounding slightly scary and intimidating with closely it reminds me of a growl. But fighting the prickling feeling of fear, I nod- shooting a small smile back, mentally wincing when I think how much of a grimace it might've come out as.
But his smile widens and his eyes, dark and focused, brighten.
I take out the stands that I've just placed inside the glass display, carefully packing the squares of chocolatey goodness, and wrapping them in the shop's packaging paper before placing them in a box. My fingers deftly slide a ribbon around the box, bright orange, and make a neat bow at the top before taking it back. And as I turn I note the way his attention seems to have been caught on the strawberry tarts, the bright red glistening fruits cocooned in golden pastry, tail swishing at a quicker pace.
I slide the box across the counter, reading out the price and watch as the man seems to unwillingly draw his gaze from them and draws out a wallet, sliding the cash across the counter with a smile and murmur of thanks.
He picks up the box, carefully cradling it between two large hands.
And as I'm getting his change out, he begins walking away.
"Oh sir...your change." I call after him, anxiousness forgotten in that moment.
He pauses, tail slowly swaying behind him and he turns to shoot me a smile.
"It's a tip for the friendly server." He says before continuing to walk out the shop without another glance back.
I feel myself smile at his kindness, even as my eyes widen at the large tip- it was enough to buy another dozen brownies.
And place it into the tip jar that Jin hyung and I share.
Whatever we get we share. Because what's mine is his. And what's his is mine.
Because we're each other's too.
And because the café was a joint shared dream of ours.
And when he returns to the front of the café, cheeks pink and nose smeared with a dab of flower, I lean over to brush it off, happily sharing with him the small story.
He smiles and coos at me.
"My bun is just too sweet." He says, stealing another kiss the moment I follow him to the back counters, strong hands pinning me momentarily to them.
He smiles against my lips.
"My bunny tastes sweet too." He says, laughing when I splutter and feel my cheeks warm when he steps back, body craving and missing his warmth already.
"You love me anyways." He says walking away with the tray of loaves to another side of the displays. Not only did we run a café, but it served as a bakery too. And hyung prided himself on the secret recipe for the loaves and flavoured-filled buns he sold.
A secret he'd never share with anyone.
And when I'd once pouted, he'd whispered to my ears.
Except maybe to you.
"I'll have someone from social services to come over at some point tomorrow to fill the paperwork for the child." I say, speaking to the earnest matron woman who looks up from the files I've slid over, frowning, eyes turning dull as they take in the details of their case.
She nods, standing. She's smaller in height but there's something about her that both holds an air of power as well as a welcoming aura. Round maternal figure, eyes dull with empathy but still alert and focused as she gives me her attention. Dark-rimmed eyes, a mixture of both genetics and exhaustion. She genuinely invests her time and efforts into her job.
A genuine concern for the hybrids that come through this large shelter.
"How bad was it?" the woman asks, breathing the question out, voice holding a slight tremor to it that my ears pick up immediately.
She's shocked and horrified.
And I know that when the poor child does wake up in the infirmary, they'll be disoriented and confused. Hurt and angry.
That they've got a long way to go to be settled into a loving home. They need to learn how it feels to receive love that's unconditional.
But I know that this shelter will give it to them, that this shelter is exactly what they need to learn how it feels to be themselves.
It was with that reason that this hybrid shelter was listed at the top for rehousing and giving abandoned hybrids a home, a new lease of life.
And my lack of answer seems to be answer enough for her.
And as I'm leaving my eyes catch onto the sight of an open room, scattered with bright colours and materials, a small crowd of children gathered around a tall tiger hybrid who's offering them all brownies. And I watch as he notes the shy figure at the back, fiddling with their tail as they look wistfully to the crowd, a look of longing in their eyes. The tall tiger hybrid steps away, detaching himself with clinging limbs with fond smiles before heading to them, crouching down. He offers his hand out to the child who stares hesitantly at it. And I catch sight of him sliding his hand onto the larger palm and looking uncertainly at the tall man. I see a flicker of hope in the child's eyes as I finally decide to move past, smiling at the scene I've watched unfold.
There's really good people working here.
And when I return to the office, it's so I can go home together with Joon hyung, after asking for the files from the crime scene to be ready on my desk the next morning.
Joon hyung strides out of his office when he spots me through the open blinds, grabbing his jacket before walking out, tall muscular gait drawing respectful admiring glances and bowed heads by the officers walking past, pausing to greet him.
"Jimin-ah, you're back early." He says, once he's close enough, smiling at me, dimpled grin that's reserved only for his cherished ones making an appearance.
"I didn't have the files, so I told them a social worker would be there. And you know I don't like visiting the centre that much. It makes me feel too sad." I say, feeling my tail sag at the thought of all those sad faces, of all the lives abandoned and discarded.
"Hey none of that pup, I'm a sucker for those eyes and you know it." He says warningly, voice laced with deep command and that softness reserved for me.
I smile, knowing just what he means. What he claims are my infamous puppy eyes gets me cuddles on demand, as well as working wonders to sort the small scuffles or arguments we have.
Because though his ears stand tall and proud, they droop and look like the saddest thing when we're arguing, or when I cry. And the high keening whine and rush to smother me in affection that follows, makes a teary giggling mess, trying to roll away from where he's pinned me and scents me with his apologies and love.
We can butt heads, but at the end of the day he's someone I trust with my life and he does with me.
And when we get home, washing up- he appears not as the man he is at work but just simply Namjoon. My Joon hyung. Who despite his large stature likes drowning himself in soft, well-worn comfy clothes, baggy on him too, swallowing his muscular frame and looking him look all adorable and soft with his wet rumpled hair.
He's already ordering dinner, knowing very well that for all his authority and well-versed intelligence, those abilities don't extend to the kitchen. And shoots me a small smile, patting the space next to him.
I immediately sink next to him, curling into his side, my tail draped over my waist and I absent-mindedly begin grooming it, trying to make it look clean and fluffy and smooth.
"It looks pretty Jiminie." Joon hyung says, voice rumbly and deep. A natural growling timbre to it.
I lean up to press a kiss to his neck, tongue flicking gently against his neck. A small scent claim.
"Work was hard huh?" I ask, fingers beginning to knead into the tight muscles of his thigh, feeling how stiff and coiled he feels.
He groans, the sound of relief as I work out the tightness in his thighs, a deep rumbly growl slipping out as he relaxes, hand gently petting my hair, running his fingers through them, through the slightly damp strands.
"You could get a cold." He says.
"And you could end up with stiff legs if you keep taking so much stress." I chide, rubbing circles onto his skin through the fabric of the loose pants.
"That's why I have you pup. To stop me from that." He says. His voice is low and soft and full of affection.
That's what we're there for. To be each other's support, to help each other up.
That's how we'd found each other years ago and we were still carrying on the weight of the promises we'd made to each other.
To be family for one another. To be someone familiar and safe. To be each other's shelter.
And neither of us were complaining.
Not when there was something so primally satisfying about scenting and being scented. When there was fun and challenge in riling each other up. Not when I found immense satisfaction in the way he was home for me and I was home for him. Because with each other we belonged.
Mine eldest brother had this really annoying habit of waking me at the oddest, earliest hours for help. He'd often wake me up around 5am just to make him breakfast because he's a failure in the kitchen. And stupid me used to do it. I don't know why but I just did. Now I'm proud to say I've built up resistance!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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