First from many
"What do you mean?" Jimin looks at him in disbelief.
"Well you just agreed to help me, so I guess I'm gonna try some things with you, right?" he looked ashamed again, and Jimin started giggling.
"I mean, sure. I just thought, when you said you need to have someone to do those things, that you just wanted me to talk to you about stuff, and maybe show you somehow, with you know, bananas, or dildos, or I don't know, American Pie or whatever..." Jimin said through giggles, and Jungkook visibly relaxed.
"Well I could do those things on my own, and I still wouldn't know if I'm doing the right thing since, you know, um, dildos can't talk, and bananas too, last time I checked." they both laughed, and Jimin just slapped him playfully across his chest.
"Fine. If you're ok with it, I don't mind that at all." Jimin said confidently, and is kind of excited to do some things, but he is so late for his vlog, so they promised to talk things through tomorrow, and Jungkook is on his way out.
He took a few steps and Jimin came to the door and said: "Just so you know, we won't kiss, and no sex or some kinky stuff. I'm pretty sure you don't need help there. We'll just do other things you haven't tried before."
"Sure hyung. I need your dick, not your mouth." he joked while leaving, and Jimin blushed all the way to his neck.
"Fuck, that was pretty shameless... Cocky bastard."
And he immediately starts his vlog, and saw some comments about him being late, and that people are waiting for him... so he felt pretty sad and in trouble, cause this was what he came for in the first place. Doing an assignment, but there he is, playing some kind of sex teacher, but still looking forward to it.
He kept his vlog short, talked to his viewers about new things he did that day. They all loved his "falling into cow's poop incident". Ofcourse he didn't mention the little catch and run game with Jungkook, but he definitely had some devilish smile while talking about it. Later on he calls Hobi, just to catch upon the things he missed, but he decided not to tell him about his deal with Jungkook, since he had no idea what that would sound like. He knew it was weird to keep it from Hobi, but still... he didn't wanna tell. At least not yet.
He fall asleep after almost two hours talking to Hobi, and was happy that he could turn off his alarm, cause there is no work on Sundays.
It was such a shame he woke up at the same time that usually his alarm was set on, and he really thought he's gonna get some more sleep. Guess the new schedule got through to him more than he thought.
He decided to grab some breakfast, and watch the new anime he has on his laptop.
Perfect Sunday.
After watching the whole first season, he decided to go outside for a walk.
He didn't wanna confess to himself that he was kind of sad that he didn't have something to do today, and was missing Tae and Jungkook's company.
He took his bike and went to the opposite path than the usual that lead him to the stall.
He enjoyed riding the bicycle, and actually thought about his assignments, (how to fall in love with raw nature...) and the answer was all around him. In every green field, in every colorful flower, in every picked fruit and vegetable, in every seed and sunset..."
His thoughtful thinking was interrupted by a group of three farmers near a small pond, smoking and laughing hard.
He decided to go and introduce himself, since he was so bored, he thought he could use some company.
The minute he came closer he realized they were smoking weed, and he really really wanted to get some himself.
"Hi guys, I was just riding my bike, being bored without having to work today, and saw you. Um... Can I have a smoke with you?" he asked and scanned the three pretty good looking guys. Totally in their farmer look, overalls with boots, and hats on their heads.
"Sure thing. You're volunteering in the Geolla farm, right?" the taller guy said.
"Yes, I came here five days ago. I actually like it, kind of..." Jimin said after exhaling the smoke.
"Why are you working on Sundays? Shouldn't all workers have at least Sundays off?"
"Ofcourse they do, but the owners don't. My parents own a ranch a couple of miles south from Geolla farm. I have to take care of everything alone on Sundays and it can be pretty tough, so thank God I have these two to help me out, so we can finish earlier, and then treat ourselves. " and he pointed at the joint in their hand, which was pretty good. Jimin took only couple of smoked and felt it kicking in already.
Then the thought of Geolla ranch and the job that had to be done every day caught his mind, and he kept thinking how Jungkook had to do all of those things on his own today.
He smoked some more weed with the guys and decided to go to the trailer and make something to eat.
On his way back he kind of got lost in the beauty of the nature and kept stopping and taking some pictures of the pretty flowers, trees, fruits, all of the things that caught his attention, and then he heard a sound of a tractor nearing, coming from his right side.
The whole area was filled with some green and yellow shrubs, and a bit further down is a small hill, and under it a nice spacious coastal plain.
Finally Jimin saw the source of the loud noise, and it was a pleasant look to his eyes.
There's a guy sitting shirtless on the modern tractor plowing the spacious field.
He came closer to observe the tractor better, more like the guy sitting on the tractor, and he laid down his bike quietly, and started sneaking around, hiding behind the bushes.
He couldn't see the face clearly since the guy is facing the other way so that Jimin only see his back, but the view is more than hot. The guy is ripped, and sweaty, literary glowing in the intense sunlight, his hair pulled in some kind of a messy man bun, and he felt little bit bad for the poor guy, who has to work on a Sunday, in this killer heat.
As he was enjoying the view more, he decided to come somehow even closer, to put a head on the hot body in front of him.
He found some nice big shrub, that has some small, delicate pink flowers on it, and it was the perfect spot to hide, so his hair won't stick out ridiculously, like it usually did.
He was waiting patiently for the guy to finish plowing one, big row on the field, and to come back, where he would get a chance to see him better.
The guy finally finished the said row, but took a small pause to drink some water. He sure did drink some, but more of it landed on his perfect masculine body, and Jimin felt every single drop deep in his fingertips.
"Shit what is this? Behind the scenes for some porn intro?" his brain was going delulu, but he blamed the good weed he smoked.
His thoughts were stopped with the sound of the tractor moving again, and he waited for the guy to come closer, and drive pretty near to the shrub where he was skilfully hiding.
The closer the guy is coming, the more excited he feels.
"What if the guy is really, really hot? Could I kind of jump out and try my luck?" his mind is playing with him again.
"But what if he's just a hot body on boring and unattractive face? What even am I thinking...."
And the closer and closer the guy on the tractor is coming, he could see him better and better, and he was confused to say the least when the face look way too familiar to the one and only Jeon Jungkook, aka his farmer boss.
"This is some kind of a joke, right? This can't be Jungkook? He doesn't have body like that? He doesn't even have this long hair to tie it up... Or does he?" he tried to comprehend what was going on, but as soon as the tractor came close enough for him to look at the face clearly, it was more than obvious that the hot guy was indeed Jungkook.
"Is this what he looks like without his clothes???? Why am I suddenly interested in how his other hidden parts look like? For fucks sake, he's supposed to suck my dick!!! Oh my God. What am I going to do???" he was panicking on the inside, waiting for Jungkook to drove away a bit further so that he could sneak again and leave this hell he is in.
"I'm sure he has a big dick. I just know it." his mind went crazy again, and he slapped his face with his palm few times, just to try to stop these insane thoughts.
As soon as he got a chance, he runs away, and he came home without stopping even once.
His face super red, hands and legs shaky. He is tired, hungry and unfortunately turned on.
It was even worse that he had some dirty thoughts even without knowing what Jungkook looked like underneath all that baggy clothes, but now. This was too much.
He decided to ignore what he just saw, and go to grab some long shower, and relax his tensed body, hunger long forgotten.
He went inside the trailer and got some towel and prepared clean clothes, and his phone rang.
He was happy to see Hobi's name on the screen and decided to tell him about his little field trip.
"Hyung, I'm so happy to hear your voice!"
"Sure you are, why don't you than call me, like ever!"
"Hyungieeeee, you know I was busy. Farm life is like super hard. I would love if you could come with me and see it. "
"Thank you, but no. I'm pretty happy and spoiled with how the city is treating me."
"Hyung I have to tell you something, ok? But don't judge me! Promise." he started with serious voice.
"Oh for fucks sake what happened? Did you finally let that hot boss fuck you?" Hobi said with excitement.
"No, no, what the hell hyung? Umm... it's just... I saw him without a shirt, like about half an hour ago, and hyung you should see his body... that's like the body you only see in movies... six pack and a buffed, big chest with arms that could carry you for days if it was needed..." Jimin said and let his body flop on the floor.
"Oh come on, so he's hot. What's new? You could see that much just from how he's built." Hobi deadpanned.
"No hyung, you don't get it, he's perfect. Like he's so good looking and hot, I would let him do whatever he wants with me. I'm screwed hyung..." he said and let out a deep sigh.
"Wait a second, are you drunk? You usually don't get like this unless you're drunk. What have you been drinking?"
"I'm not drunk hyung. I just want his cock anywhere near my body or face..." Jimin said desperately.
"Oh then you must be high. Where did you get the weed from anyways?" Hobi said like Jimin just didn't say he wants Jungkook's dick badly.
"I am high. And you're right. I feel like this only cause I had some weed with some guys near the farm and It'll all pass in no time, right hyung?" Jimin got up and tried to keep himself together.
"Sure, just don't get near him today, and you're fine. Is he nice or just good looking?"
"Well, He's kind of nice too. Cocky, but nice. And he has a crush hyung. He likes this guy from Seoul, and he wants to do things with him, and he's inexperienced so I said I'm gonna help him, you know..." Jimin burst out, and immediately put both of his hands on his mouth.
"What??? How exactly are you going to help him Park Jimin? And why is this the first time I'm hearing about this?" Hobi's voice was serious and Jimin knew he screwed up.
"It's just no big deal. He wants to know more about sexual things with guys, cause he doesn't want to disappoint the guy, and I said that I'll help." Jimin tried to sound calm, but Hobi could always see right through him.
"And how exactly are you going to help?" He asked once more.
"I don't know yet. I have some ideas, he has some of his too, so we have to talk and decide what we should do, and he said that I can skip weeding, so it's a win - win situation, right?"
"Sure thing. Just don't let him kiss you ok? You know how you get all emotional if the kiss is good. Remember once you wanted to marry a guy who kissed you and you had butterflies in your stomach. Well don't do that."
"Hyung... this is dumb, right? I shouldn't have said yes in the first place. I don't know what's gotten into me..."
"Hey, it's not a big deal. You said he looks hot, right?"
"And you're not in love with him. Right?"
"Of course not."
"So what's the problem? Live a little, have fun with him. Let him know that in order to learn something, he has to do it at least three times. Practice makes everything perfect. So you'll get everything you want, but three times at least. How's that sound?" Hobi was always slutty. He had his own opinion, and is not afraid to show it.
"I guess you're right. It can turn out to be fun. Or a disaster. Everything is fine." He took a deep breath, said bye to Hobi, and went to take his shower.
The warm water running through his sweaty body, felt like a heaven, and he kept thinking about the sight he saw a couple of hours ago. He just palmed his dick softly, not trying to make it even more aroused, since he could never jerk off here, in the outdoor shower, surrounded with only nature, cause it would feel weird. He shampooed his hair, and enjoyed the nice coconut smell, but the sudden voice, calling for him, made his head snap back towards his trailer.
"Jimin hyung?" he heard the familiar voice again, and knew immediately who it belongs too.
"Hyung, are you taking a shower?" Jungkook asked while coming near the shower curtain, and Jimin felt like he's going to drawn in the warm water around him.
"I am. What are you doing here?"
"Shit I hope he didn't come all the way here looking like the way he looked on that tractor! Oh for fucks sake, don't think about that, don't think about that..."
"Well it's Sunday, and you usually eat lunch on the farm, and since I know you don't have a lot of food, I brought you some kimchi with meat." Jungkook said, now sounding like he came even closer to the shower.
"I'll be right out, just give me a second." Jimin washed out the remaining shampoo, and looked over to the side, where he put the small, white towel, that he usually use to dry his hair, but since he didn't expect anyone near his trailer, he just grabbed the first one he saw, and now has to figure out how to come out and hide everything with that small piece of fabric.
He decided to just wrap it around his hips, covering his dick and ass, but not reaching low enough to cover his thick thighs. His upper body bare, definitely not buff like Jungkook's, but still good looking with all the muscles in right places, and the curvy ass behind. He was never shy, or uncomfortable with himself, but seeing Jungkook's naked torso, made him just slightly insecure.
He came out, and Jungkook is not outside. For a split second, he thought that maybe he left the food and went home, but as soon as he got in the trailer, he sees the younger sitting casually on the little couch.
When Jimin came in, Jungkook immediately got up, looked at him up and down, his eyes wandering all around his body pretty fast, and then he turned around, and acted as if he didn't just stare at him shamelessly.
"Don't you have a bigger towel hyung?" he said with a smile.
"I sure do, but I had no idea someone will come here, so it's a good thing I'm having one at all." Jimin is always fast to tease, and he came all the way through the trailer, past Jungkook, to take a shirt and shorts from his suitcase.
He turned around and looked at the younger who was staring again. He put his shirt on, then grab the towel, and cocked his eyebrows at Jungkook, signaling him that he's about to put his underwear on, and Jungkook turned around with a hot pink blush on his face.
He got dressed and immediately sat on the couch to eat.
"I'm so hungry, you have no idea. Thank you." he said while opening up the plastic container.
"I figured you'll be. Um, Tae hyung said that he had called you couple of times and you haven't answered. Have you seen his missed calls?"
"No, I was on the phone with my friend and then went to take a shower. I'll check now. Is everything alright?" Jimin asked while looking up at younger's face.
"I don't know. He said something about a fight with Yoongi hyung, but I don't know exactly what happened." Jungkook continued, and Jimin looked at his phone, and saw four missed calls, and one unread message.
Tae cutie
Hyung, I had a huge fight with Yoongi hyung last night. I need to talk to you, and I need a distraction. Can we go to a party in the village near ours, and just get drunk? I really need that. Please.
"Shit. He had fight with Yoongi. He wants to go out. Are you going with him? Should we all go? And is that a party that the "panicked guy" from last night was talking about?" Jimin read the message and asked.
"Yeah. Here we usually have one party at a time, and all of us go together. We should go. Maybe it'll cheer Tae up. What do you think?"
"Sure. I'm always up for partying, and I can stay a bit longer since Sunday is the day I don't have to do my work or vlog. When should we go?" Jimin asked while munching.
"Usually these parties start around nine, and since it's an hour drive until we arrive at Kai's house, I'll say we'll pick you up at eight. Is that ok?"
"Sure. And what do you wear to these parties? I don't wanna stick out like a sour thumb you know." Jimin asked cause every time he chose something to wear, he was either overdressed or underdressed, so he'll skip his chances this time with guessing.
"Hyung, don't get me wrong, but you'll always stick out. Wear something casual and comfortable."
"It's the fucking hair. I'm dying it as soon as I come back to Seoul. So something casual? Ok. I can do that. Too bad the new sexy overall I bought will go to waste." Jimin said, and mentally scolded himself, cause that was definitely the weed talking.
"What kind of overall is that?" Jungkook asked, lips pursed, trying to suppress the smile.
"No overall, it was a joke. Ha ha, I'm joking." Jimin said with fake smile, and Jungkook didn't buy it at all. If anything he looked even more curious.
"Sure thing hyung. So if I look through your suitcase I won't find some nice overall you say?" and he came near the suitcase, making Jimin jump immediately since he knew if Jungkook opens up his suitcase, the first thing he'll see is a bottle of lube, and a box of condoms, Hobi left for him.
"Ok, ok, alright. Just don't go through my stuff. It's rude. And it's a leather overall, but it has some straps and it looks kind of hot, whatever. It's not like I have some place to wear it here. It'll get it's debut first thing when I come back to Seoul. "
"So you're kinky like that, I see. Leather and strips, it's a turn on for you? And just so you know, I would never go through your stuff. I'm not that ignorant. And who knows what else you have there." Jungkook teased, and Jimin blushed, and started looking around the room, not being able to say something back. The weed was slowing his mind obviously.
"I'm gonna go now. I've been working today so I need some rest before we go. I'm happy you're full now."
"I would be happier if your dick made me full instead of that kimchi..." Jimin shook his head, like his thoughts would just fall out or something.
"Yeah. Thank you. It was good. Um... See you soon." he pulled himself together as much as he can, and realized that he is indeed screwed.
After Jungkook had left, he just couldn't help but feel way too tensed in his underwear. Way to aroused from just the thought of Jungkook's naked body, and before he knows it, he flopped into couch and started stroking his hard dick. He's been hard for so long, that it felt almost painful to neglect it anymore.
Maybe this is exactly what he needs to stop having these obscene thoughts, and so he can start functioning normally again.
He refuses to jerk off to the thought of his hot farmer boss, so he took his laptop and put some porn on. He grabbed a bottle of lube from his suitcase, and starts to play with himself.
"This would ease my mind, and dick..."
He thought that if he finally let go of this whole intense feeling burning deep inside him, that everything will be better, and he could just be less horny.
He didn't wanna enjoy himself too much. Just quick moves, up and down, squeezing his shaft just the right way, until he felt his orgasm coming near. He really wanted to watch the God damn porn, but it was nothing too interesting to look at. Nothing like he saw this morning. Not the same hot and sweaty muscles... nor the messy man bun with some strands sticking on the forehead. Water spilling all around that God like body... and fuck, the closer he is, the more he could see Jungkook's face and ripped body. He closed his eyes, totally giving in, and coming all around his hand and his stomach.
He really needed that. He needed to feel at ease, and now he can let go. Let go of the crazy idea Jungkook had last night. He probably doesn't even remember their talk nor their deal.
It's better this way.
A couple of minutes before eight, Jimin came out and saw Tae and Jungkook at the same spot as usual. He came closer and entered the car. All of them looking casual, Jungkook in some gray t-shirt and ripped jeans, Tae in black shirt and tight jeans, and Jimin rocking his usual "2cool4thisparty" look, plain white shirt and tight dark jeans.
He brought a bottle of soju with some plastic cups with himself, and asked Tae to tell them all about Yoongi's and his fight.
They all drank soju through whole drive, but Jimin decided to take it easy since he knew one of them has to drive them back home.
"So as soon as you guys left, we started talking, goofing around, talking about how amazing blow jobs we shared last time we saw each other, and then I just touched his hand and he stooped back like I threw a hot water at him or something. You should see his face. He was terrified, cause God forbid what if someone sees us like that. Cause it's so shameful to be gay, or bi, or whatever. I'm just sick of him and the way he acts in front of other people than when we're alone. It's like he's two different people. Anyways, I just want to forget about him tonight. I don't need to make out with someone or anything, but I want to get drunk as hell. I know me, that will help." he spoke pretty fast, and both, Jimin and Jungkook have listen to him carefully and now was the time to give him some advice.
"I think you should just talk to him, and try to figure things out. He maybe is like that, but he also likes you. Don't be immature and do something you'll regret later." Jungkook said, and Jimin looked at him with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Look who's talking all deep and shit, the guy who doesn't want to tell his crush that he is inexperienced, and would rather learn things with someone he barely knows." Wow, the amount of sarcastic things he could say about that, but nevermind.
They arrived at the party, and Jimin is pleasantly surprised to see how many hot farmers knew how to enjoy their free time. First of all, the party is huge. There were people all around the big house, outside at the porch, and all the way until the stall at the end of the gates. Everyone has a beer in their hands, and a loud music could be heard even from the outside.
"Damn, this party looks good." Jimin said with satisfied grin.
"Yeah, hot farmers all around." Jungkook teased.
"I'm gonna get laid tonight." Tae blurred, and both, Jimin and Jungkook shook their heads.
As soon as they walked in the house, a tall, good looking guy approached them, and greeted them kindly.
"You made it. I'm so glad. How are you? Haven't seen you around." he said while looking at Jungkook, and then realized Jimin was standing with them, he squeezed his eyes, and he tried to figure out whether he knows him from somewhere, and then Jimin introduced himself.
"Hi, I'm Jimin. I'm currently working at the Geolla farm."
"Oh, that's right, Jimin, as in Park Jimin. I know who you are. I live in Seoul, and only visit here from time to time. I read a lot of your work for "The Edge". You're pretty cool. I like how your writing is honest and direct. It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Kai." the hot guy said, and Jimin felt shy. He would never imagine someone would recognize him here, in the middle of nowhere, but then this guy said he lives in Seoul, so it's highly unlikely that he wouldn't know him.
"Thank you for your kind words. The pleasure is mine." he said politely, and felt Jungkook's gaze all around them.
"Make yourselves at home and enjoy." Kai said with a cute smile, and went out.
"Oh. My. God. Did you just flirt with the one and only Kai! OMG. I'm so jealous, I'm not even gonna lie. He had never given any of us his attention, but here you are." Tae said with a whiny voice.
"Truth to be told... he's totally my type. Just the kind of guy I would go for." Jimin said while looking back, giving the hot Kai one more look.
"Really?" Jungkook blurted out, looking kind of shocked.
"I mean yeah. Have you seen that face, and his body looks pretty tight." Jimin explained and Tae nodded.
"I don't know. I guess we all have different types."
"Oh shit, look Kookie. There's Wonho." Tae said with some disgust.
"Who is he?" Jimin asked since he had no idea. To him it was just some short but very muscly guy.
"Kai's cousin. The biggest dickhead I have ever met. I hate him so much. I try to avoid this parties, just so that I don't have to see that smug fucking face."
"Ok. Noted. We don't like the buffed shorty." Jimin said, and they all laughed.
They entered the living room, which is super spacious, and Tae and Jimin started dancing as soon as they found a nice spot in the middle of the room. Jungkook is not that much of a public dancer, so he stayed chatting with some guys, and drinking beer. Jimin would glance at him from time to time, but not obviously, just in the heat of his movement, he would slightly turn his head around, his hair already pretty messy, falling on his eyes, and through the thick pink strands, he could see Jungkook staring at their direction. He noticed a group of girls already sitting around his table, and of course throwing themselves at him, but he doesn't seem interested.
Jimin decided to dance a bit sexier, swaying his hips sexy and slowly, and Tae looked at him in awe.
"You move your body so well hyung. What the hell?"
"Years of practice my dear Taehyungie."
"Do you notice how everybody is looking at you. Even the girls. Hyung you dance better than them. Seriously how do you do that body roll so smoothly?" Tae was still admiring his dance moves, and then Jimin felt a hand on his shoulder.
"I see you made it to the party." said the cute "panicked" guy from the bar.
"Oh hey, I did. My friends really wanted to come, so we came. This is Taehyung." Jimin introduce them more so that he could hear the guy's name since he totally forgot it.
"Hi, I know you from the bar. I'm Sung Wo." he introduced himself and came near them, putting one hand on Jimin's waist.
"Well that's bold."
They stayed like that for a while, and Jimin let his hand linger a little bit longer since he noticed Jungkook looking at them with some undefined expression. Lips pursed, eyebrows furrowed, trying to concentrate on what the girls were saying, but obviously failing.
"You don't have a drink. Can I get you both one?" the cutie said and both of them nodded.
"Hyung, he's so cute, right? You should totally go for that." Tae said, but Jimin had a better idea.
"He is cute, but not my type anyways, so how about you try to talk to him, flirt a little, just to see how you would feel when someone else is giving you attention instead of Yoongi hyung."
"But... Would you mind? I mean, I really think he's cute, but he seems into you...." Tae was unsure, but Jimin gave him a fond smile and patted his back.
"You've got this."
As soon as the guy came back, bringing two beers with him, Jimin said he needs something stronger to drink, and he left them alone to talk.
He found the kitchen pretty easy, and saw all the drinks on the counter. He poured a glass of soju, and saw the hottie Kai, coming his way.
"Have you tried mixing soju and beer? I was surprised with the unique taste." he casually asked, coming closer, leaning on the counter top.
"Um... I can't say I did. I tried a lot of drinks, but I always have my soju plain."
"Well I insist you try it." Kai said, and started mixing the drink.
"So, how do, you like it here?"
"Um, actually it's so much better than what I thought it would be. And I get to know Tae, Yoongi and Jungkook, and they are such a sweetheart." Jimin said and put his both hands on his heart..
"And now you met me, so it's getting even better, right?" Kai said with smirk, and Jimin could sense the flirting as soon as it starts.
"Should I flirt back? Maybe this would help not to think about Jungkook that much..."
And before he could answer, he heard a small cough behind him, and he see Jungkook standing there.
"Jungkookie, Kai is making some drink with soju and beer, wanna try it with me?" Jimin immediately include him in their conversation, and Kai gave him his drink.
"I've drank somaek before. That's something we do here a lot. Can you take it with you, I wanted to talk to you about something." Jungkook said, and Kai looked at them, eyes pinballing from one to another, and he excused himself, and said he has to go somewhere.
"What do you wanna talk about Jungkookie?" Jimin asked, and then took a big sip of his drink, trying to busy himself with anything so that his thoughts are focused on their conversation instead of the big biceps poking underneath that grey shirt.
"Fuck, it's too hard to stay concentrated when I know what's under that loose shirt..."
"Can we go outside since the music is too loud here?" he said, Jimin nodded and followed him outside.
They came to the patio, and Jungkook lead them to nice little tree house near the stall, and he climbed up skilfully, gave Jimin a hand, and helped him to get inside.
It was a cute little house, made of wood, and it had a bunch of cushions all around the floor so they sat down, and Jungkook took the drink out of Jimin's hand and drank it all in one go.
"So, about the thing we talked about last night..."
"Oh shit!" Jimin panicked on the inside.
"Um, do you still want to help?" he asked kind of shyly, like he was afraid Jimin had forgotten about what they talked about in the first place.
Jimin had second thoughts now. He doesn't wanna make things uncomfortable between them, and since he has to work here for another week, maybe it would be better to not do something reckless. But Jungkook is looking so damn good right now, and all he wanted to do is wrap his hands in his hair, and just push him down onto his throbbing cock, and..."
"And just so you know, tomorrow is weeding day, so I guess you could sleep a bit longer if the deal is still on." Jungkook said shamelessly, and Jimin only then remembered what would be his prize for helping him.
"Well isn't that convenient?" Jimin said with smirk, and Jungkook's face lit up.
"I really hate weeding." he stated again.
"I know." Jungkook said and came closer to where Jimin was casually sitting.
"So..." Jimin tried to say something, but Jungkook stopped his mind from working, the second he traced his fingers over Jimin's stomach.
"Can I see your tattoo again?" he asked without looking at his eyes, but as soon as Jimin nodded he pushed the shirt up, exposing his soft skin and petite figure. He traced the letters with his fingers, and since his "nevermind" tattoo was high on his right rib, Jimin felt every single touch deep inside.
"Do you like tattoos?" he menage to say, and looked at the younger still in daze.
"Yes. Very much. Want one so badly. Always wanted to do it, and I think I'm gonna get one next month actually." as he was talking, his hand was still tracing the letters, but thn he kept kneading the flash under tattoo, not too hard, but definitely with a more firm squeeze.
Jimin had no idea what to do, what to think. Images of younger's hot body came again in his head, unannounced, and he felt his dick twitching in his way too tight jeans.
Jungkook kept caressing his skin, and came down, under his belly button, and slowly brushed across his lower abs.
Jimin got goosebumps all over his body, and inhaled deeply. Jungkook seemed to notice his reaction, and caressed the same spot again, only now he's looking at Jimin's face, and after seeing the older biting on his lower lip, he traced his index finger just underneath the waistband of his jeans, and Jimin gulped heavy.
"Can I try something now?" he asked while looking at the older with low voice, and Jimin just nodded.
Jungkook put his hand delicately on the bulge that was just growing there, and started to squeeze it with a bit of pressure. Jimin lolled his head back, which exposed the soft skin on his neck, and Jungkook came closer and licked one stripe up from the collar bone, to his earlobe.
"Oh my God!" Jimin felt like this is not supposed to happen, but Jungkook whispered into his ear: "It's fine if we don't kiss, but we should at least do something with our mouth, right? Is this ok?" and he continue with the light nibbling all around his neck.
"Yeah, sure. I-It's good. I m-mean it's fine..." Jimin is short of breath since Jungkook is now unzipping his jeans, and stroking his already hard dick in his underwear.
"You're hard already." he noticed, and Jimin felt like he is the one who should be talking, and explaining things, and guide him through it all, but he was so damn turned on, he just wanted to come. Just wanted Jungkook's hands all around his dick, and to feel relieve.
"Yeah. Um... Well if you touch the guy and lick his neck, that's what's supposed to happen."
"Ok. Noted. Touching and licking is desirable." Jungkook said and looked at Jimin right before he was about to take his dick out of his underwear, like he was waiting for approval, and Jimin again, just nodded.
He pushed his pants further down, and then his underwear, and Jimin's slick dick popped out, and stood straight up, leaning towards his abs. It's a good size. Not too big, but definitely not small, and it was thick, and pink, and there was no sign of hair. Smooth and soft skin all around it. Jungkook's eyes turned dark and needy, and he couldn't stop looking at it with some admiration.
"You can touch it. Or you do need a pen and paper to make some notes? Why are you looking at it so much, it's just a dick. You have one too." Jimin said cause he really needed Jungkook to just grab him already, and stop with the staring. It started to creep him out now.
"It's just... Looks nice, pretty." Jungkook said while licking his lips, and finally took it in his hands.
Jimin sighed and said shy little thank you.
"So, how do I do this. Is there a way you like to be touched?" Jungkook asked while slowly stroking his shaft up and down.
"Well first of all, we don't have lube, which is always pleasant to use, but there are other things you can use to make the slide better."
"Oh, like what?" Jungkook slowed down his movement while listening.
"Well spit. You can either spit on the head and then smear it all around, or just lick your hand and then continue." Jimin explains and waited to see what younger choose to do.
"My mouth is pretty dry. I guess I'm nervous." Jungkook said shyly, and Jimin took his hand and tugged it in front of his face, and licked his palm and his fingers one by one starting from the index finger, then middle one, then the ring finger, and finally the little one. Then he came back and put his whole thumb in his mouth, and coated it with his wet tongue while swirling all around it. He thought about getting it out with some pop sound, but Jungkook's face was already so fucked up, he doesn't wanna make him faint completely.
"There you go. Now you can make a better slide." Jimin said while licking his own lips clean, and used his middle finger to collect the spit just under his mouth.
"That was h-hot." Jungkook said while stuttering, and Jimin just smirked at him.
The strokes were so much better now, and Jungkook put just the right amount of pressure while sliding up and down, and then Jimin guided him to start pumping faster. He did as the older told him, and started pumping with a nice persistent pace. Jimin knew he won't last long, but still wanted to tell him some tips, but whenever he opened his mouth to speak, only sweet moans came out, unable to put the words out.
"Jungkook, squeeze the h-head... I'm close." he somehow managed to say just seconds before coming all around his stomach and Jungkook's hand. His thighs still shaking, panting hard, and enjoying every single drop milked out of him.
"Oh shit. Thank you. It was good. For a first timer, you really had an amazing sense of how much pressure to put into strokes." Jimin praised him, and Jungkook smiled like he just got an A from some important math test.
"Really? It wasn't too plain or boring for you?" he wanted to know everything, and as Jimin was cleaning himself up with some tissues, he shook his head.
"No. Definitely not boring. I came pretty quick, so... That's always an important indication that you did good." Jimin explained, and Jungkook stood up, adjusted his jeans, and put his long shirt in front of what Jimin could only imagine was a hard and big dick, and he thought how badly he wanted to do the same for him, but that's not part of their deal, and he should just be happy cause he just had a pretty good handjob from the guy he was thinking about only hours ago while jerking off. He came twice because of him. The second time was definitely better.
They came down, and started walking towards the patio, and decided to grab some beer inside, and check up on Tae.
In the kitchen, there was a group of people standing on the doorway, watching something in the living room, and as they were pouring some beer in red plastic cups they heard a voice talking: "Look at that little faggot. I bet he'll get fucked in the ass as soon as he leaves this place..." and all the others laugh hysterically.
Jimin frowned his eyebrows and looked at Jungkook, who also looked pissed, and they turn around just to see what the guy was talking about.
As they feared, they were looking at Tae and the guy Jimin was supposed to be hanging out with, and they looked cute, while dancing and giggling together.
"I swear to God he's gonna get his ass railed..." the guy continued and Jimin was furious, couldn't take his nasty talk no more, and started walking towards the rude guy.
Jungkook stopped him right before he was about to poke his shoulder to say something to him, and turned him around.
"What are you doing hyung?" he whispered yelled into his ear.
"Well someone has to tell him that he's being rude and that he's an asshole." Jimin said, tilted his head like he's waiting for Jungkook's approval.
"We shouldn't make a scene, and Tae could get hurt... I don't think that's smart.." and there was the smug voice again.
"Look how pathetic the tall one looks. Greedy little twink. Cock slut at it's finest." and Jimin's eyes widen, he pursed his lips, but what Jungkook did surprised him more than his agenda, cause the next thing he knows, Jungkook pushed Jimin to the side, and took the guy by his collar, and pulled him up the door frame while saying: "Don't you ever say that about my friend again. Do you hear me dumbass?" and only then Jimin recognize the guy.
Short, muscly annoying guy that Jungkook mentioned before.
"Or what are you going to do? Ha little farmer spoiled kid... Bet you've already fucked his ass, haven't you?" the guy said under his teeth, and Jimin's eyes widen cause Jungook's fist goes straight to Wonho's face with full force, and the other guys standing around, started separating them immediately, but Wonho came across and took Jungkook by his shirt so Jimin run there and jump on Wonho's back, and bit him on the shoulder.
"What the fuck!" the rude guy yelled while tugging Jimin off his shoulder and throwing him down on the floor.
Jungkook jumped, pushed him with some force so he falls down too, and picked Jimin up.
Next thing they know, Tae was right behind them, people keeping Wonho from coming near them, and then they heard a loud voice from behind.
"That's enough! You guys should leave, and you, go upstairs and wait for me." Jimin recognized the voice. It was Kai, and he looked upset.
Jimin and Tae both said they're sorry, and Jungkook just walked outside.
"What the actual fuck!?" Tae yelled as soon as they came near the car.
"You were gone for almost half an hour, and when I finally found you, you were fighting with Wonho. Jungkook you know better not to go there. He's an ass, and you know it." Tae said, sounding pissed.
"But Tae, he was so rude and mean, and the things he said..." Jimin tried to speak, but Jungkook cut him off.
"He said that I'm spoiled boring farmer, and some other things I can't remember..." and he glanced at Jimin, shook his head slightly, to give him a sign not to talk about it anymore.
"Well what's new there. He'll always bug you. It's just the way he is. You shouldn't have fall for it, and why were you on the floor?" he turned to Jimin, who had no idea what to say now.
"I bit him. Um... He was attacking Jungkookie. Was I supposed to just stand and watch? That's lame." he tried to defend himself, and Jungkook just pushed him on the side, making him go further away from them.
"You're as light as a feather. What could you do to him anyways?" Jungkook teased him.
"Well I bit him. Didn't you hear how high pitched his squealing was. I bet he'll have a full imprint of my teeth for weeks." and they all laughed at him, but he heard a shy little "So cute." coming from Jungkook's mouth, and his heart skipped a beat.
They dropped Tae off first, and then drove to Jimin's trailer. He looked at Jungkook's hand which was bleeding slightly on his knuckles, which he had wiped all around his grey shirt. Jimin said that he should change his shirt, and not go home like that.
"You're probably right. My cousin could see me like this, and I don't want to explain anything to anyone." he said, and they entered his trailer, and Jimin took some tissues, put a couple drops of soju on it, and started cleaning Jungkook's knuckles. He let a quiet hissing sound, and looked away so Jimin just dabbed at it more softly.
"Hyung, you have a little cut over here." Jungkook said surprised, when he looked at Jimin's face, high on his cheek bone to be exact.
"Yeah, I hit the table when he threw me. Guess it's from that." Jimin tried to find the scar, and Jungkook took his hand and showed him where to touch. Then he looked at his white shirt, and noticed a couple of red stains, probably from small bloody drops that had fallen from the wound.
"You should change too hyung." Jungkook said while pointing at little spots of blood, and Jimin nodded.
He went to his suitcase, and took two shirts. Both of them black, and looked at them, trying to compare which one is bigger so that he can give it to Jungkook.
When he turned around, Jungkook was standing there, in the middle of the trailer, shirtless.
Nothing he haven't seen before, but God he looked even better up close, and under the dim lighting in the trailer.
He came closer, and looked at him some more. The shirt still in his hand, not giving it away.
There was silence in the small space, only their breaths could be heard.
"You look good." Jimin said while finally making eye contact with him. His eyes dark and serious again, just like in that tree house.
"Thank you. So do you." the younger said, and took the hem of his shirt, signaling for him to take off his dirty shirt too.
Jimin just put his arms in the air, and let Jungkook to take it off of him.
Jimin slowly gave Jungkook one of the shirts, and right before he tried to put it over his head, he stopped him while grabbing youngers hands.
"Wait." he said and stopped him.
"What the actual fuck Jimin...Don't do something stupid. Just let him leave..." he was struggling with what his mind wanted and with he desires, but when Jungkook licked his lips, all he wanted to do was catch that tongue and suck on it, but he knew all of it was a bad idea, so he decided to play safe.
"Um, I thought, since I wasn't able to tell you all the tricks and things you could do while you're giving hand jobs, I thought I could show you... Um... I've been told I'm good at it. If you want to, of course." Jimin said, and saw the little smirk on the younger's face.
"Sure. I'd like that." he said while nodding, and Jimin took the shirt out of his hand, and threw it on the suitcase.
"Stay like that, it's less messy." Jimin said, and when he tried to put his shirt on, Jungkook took it out of his hands, and threw it on the suitcase too.
"You should stay clean too." and Jimin nodded.
He pulled the bed down and guides Jungkook to sit in the middle, and put some cushions behind his back. He went and grabbed a bottle of lube from his suitcase, and Jungkook smirked again.
"What else have you got there hyung?" he asked teasingly.
"You don't want to know. Trust me." Jimin said with smirk, cocking an eyebrow at him.
He sat right beside him, his legs folded and his ass on top of his heels.
"Ok, now I'll talk to you throughout the whole thing. I was distracted today cause, you know, you kept me busy with your hands, but now I'll tell you everything, and I'll ask you some things so you should answer cause that's how you'll learn the most." Jungkook gulped, and Jimin positioned himself now on top of Jungkook's thighs, rubbing them slightly through his jeans.
"Ok. So you know that before you go down and start giving a hand job, your partner should be aroused. There are many things you can do, and it all just depends on what the other person likes. You can always play it safe and start with the neck." and he leaned down, and started kissing his neck slowly. He kissed one side, and then went to the other, and licked all the way up till earlobe, and sucked it in, while licking on the flesh, playing with his earrings. While Jungkook's breath's getting shorter.
"Ok, you can then come down, and just play with the abs, and chest." and he caressed his buffed chest slowly, and when he came to the nipples, he brushed them lightly, which made Jungkook shiver.
"Ok, so you've got sensitive nipples. Nice. You can play with them too." and he leaned down again, and licked one with the tip of his tongue and Jungkook inhaled deeply.
"Do you like this?" he asked while licking little kitten swirls on top of one nipple, and pinching lightly the other with his thumb and index finger.
"Yes. A lot." he said and Jimin stopped with the movement, coming down to his abs.
"Ok, so, you can play a little harder if you want and just position yourself on top of your partners dick, and grind slightly. Just to get them aroused, not too desperate." and he came up, his round ass on top of Jungkook's crotch, feeling his dick hard and pulsing underneath him. He didn't have to show him that, words could just be enough, but the already fucked up face Jungkook had, made him so horny and needy, so he started grinding slowly on top of him. Moving just his hips in a slow and sensual way. Looking just like he was riding him slowly, while his hands wander all over his perfect abs.
"Do you like this? Is the friction too much?" Jimin said while grinding a little harder, and Jungkook closed his eyes, hardly saying words: "Mmm s'good..." and Jimin kept going, his pace fasten a little bit, and his own cock enjoying the dry friction.
"Hyung... I-I.. Don't think y-you should c-continue with that..." Jungkook stuttered, his head falling back, leaning on the wall.
"Oh, ok. I'll stop." Jimin said and stopped moving, missing the friction already.
"I think I could've come just like that. If you kept going... I wouldn't last..." Jungkook said shyly, and Jimin felt proud and decided to kept going with what he additionally wanted to do.
He was so curious to finally see his dick, to just feel it in his hand, so he lowers himself down, and sat on his thighs again, and unzipped his jeans.
He put his hand inside, to feel him over his underwear, and just like he imagined, it was big. He couldn't help it, and a soft little "Mmmm" escaped his mouth, and Jungkook exhaled the air that seemed he had held in for a long time.
Jimin tugged his jeans lower, and his boxers in one go, and finally looked at the pretty sight in front of him.
"That's what I call a good fucking cock. Mmmmm Jungkookie, it looks so good." Jimin said while licking his mouth, and Jungkook covered his eyes with both of his hands.
"Hyung..." he whines.
"What Jungkookie, tell me how you feel, and what do you want now? It's always good to talk. If you can talk dirty, even better. That's usually a turn on, you know." Jimin said while still caressing his dick, observing his nice longer than average length, and thickness that would make Jimin beg for more...
"I just feel like I'm going to explode. I need something, anything... And I'm curious um... What kind of dirty things are desirable to say in this situation?" he talked shyly, but needy.
"Well... You can always praise the person you're with...." Jimin continued talking while opening a bottle of lube, and pouring some on his palms, warming it up while rubbing his hands together.
"You could say something like... You sound so good, I wonder how you would moan while I ride you..." Jungkook gulped.
"Or... Can't wait for you to fill me up until I cry and beg for more." Now he started stroking his dick slowly, smearing the lube all over the shaft and the head.
"Or you know... Just the usual things that make guys lose their mind..." he said casually, and looked at Jungkook, all blushed and horny, waiting in anticipation...
"Say it. I want to hear those things hyung..." Jimin knew he'd ask. It was written all over his face. He was the vocal type. He got aroused just from the dirty talk.
"Well I guess the usual would be... Do whatever you want to me... Touch me right there, just like that... I want your cum all over my face..." and while talking Jimin seamlessly brought his hand from the base of his shaft up and over his head, squeezing gently on his head, and then working his way back down.
He paid attention to his panting and the way he moaned every time he paid some extra care to the tip of his dick.
"It's also hot to just whisper things that you want to do, cause it feels more intimate... like this..." so he leaned closer to his ear, licked the earlobe couple of times and started whispering: " I want to suck your big hot cock." Jungkook's cock twitched, and he shivered from arousal.
"Come in my mouth, I wanna feel how good you taste..." he whispered and knew he wanted all of those things, fuck, he wants it so badly. He nuzzled into his neck and felt Jungkook turning his face closer to respond to his touch.
Jungkook's dick is so hard now that Jimin felt like his one hand wasn't enough to satisfied him, so he started using both of his hands on him.
He stack both of his hands on his shaft, one on top of other, and started twisting slowly in opposite directions, taking time to vary the pressure so he's also gently stroking and squeezing. Jungkook looked so close to coming. Trembling and panting, dick flushed red.
"Eye contact is also important. It's good if you could say things while looking at your partner like you mean it." and he looked him right into his eyes and started talking:
"I'm going to drain every single ounce of cum out of you..." and Jungkook let a silent little "Fuck." skip his mouth.
"Tell me how much you love it when I play with your slit like that..." and he came over the slit teasingly, and then started rubbing his palm right at the underside of his dick, just under the head. Faster and faster...
"I want you to fuck me hard, fuck my mouth, while making a mess out of me... Does that sound good?" Jimin teased more, and see Jungkook getting closer to the edge.
"H-Hyung... shit.. I'm g-gonna come..." he said while grabbing the sheets under his hands, and Jimin used one hand to stroke him from the base of his dick to his head, and then using the other hand, gently squeezing and playing with the head. He pumped his dick faster, and kept focusing on the head of his stone hard dick, using long "milking strokes" once he comes all over his stomach and Jimin's hand.
He really did milk every single drop inside him, and Jungkook just stayed there for a moment, and looked at the ceiling, not able to move or talk.
Jimin got up, washed his hands, put on the shirt, and came with a wet towel to clean Jungkook's stomach. He started cleaning at the bottom, and then go all the way up where the cum has landed almost on his chin.
"Jimin hyung..." he finally spoke, but made a pause just to look at Jimin's pretty face. He opened his mouth, and closed them again, and tried to say something, but failed again, and then Jimin gives him his shirt and asked: "What do you think? Did you like it?"
"I did hyung. It was so good. I thought I did a good job on that tree house today, but hyung this was... just wow. I have no words." he explained and Jimin smirked.
Jungkook took the shirt, got dressed, and said that it's time to go home. Jimin walked him over to the door, and Jungkook went outside, happy.
Before Jimin closed the door, Jungkook turned around and called him.
"Um... can we do some of the things you mentioned while you were talking dirty?" Jungkook asked shyly.
"What do you have in mind?" Jimin asked teasingly.
"Um I don't know. whatever you want." he sounded so unsure and panicked.
"Blow jobs? Fucking my mouth? Coming on my face... what is it?" Jimin asked with confidence and Jungkook whines.
"Oh my God hyung... you're killing me." Jungkook said a little too loud, and Jimin scolded him for being a mess.
"Don't fucking yell. Our neighbours could hear you..." Jimin teased since there wasn't anyone around them to hear their conversation.
Jungkook giggled playfully, and waved Jimin goodbye.
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