You had awoken refreshed and full of life (total opposite of me in the morning tbh). Noodle was still fast asleep, deciding not to wake her, you quietly and quickly tiptoed your way to your door. Slowly, you opened the door, accidentally making it emit a creaking noise. You cringed at the loud noise, hoping it didn't wake Noodle up. With a quick glance, relief flowed through you, Noodle slightly shifted but she didn't wake up.Once the door was closed you took out your phone to check the time. Deciding that 9:40 am was an appropriate time to be awake, you walked down to the kitchen cause you were hungry! Surely someone else was awake. You walked towards the kitchen to hear chatter. You walked in to see Russel and 2-D already dressed, and talking at the table. "Oh, hey guys" you awkwardly laughed, making your way to the cupboards, still thinking about what you should eat. "Hi (N/N)" cutely smiled 2-D as he turned to you. "Hey (Y/N), me and
2-D were wondering if you'd like to go shopping with us after breakfast" offered Russel. "Ya know since we have a concert coming up and you might want some new clothes" quickly added 2-D. You smiled at their offer, and turned to look at them, taking a break from your current search for food. "Sure! That sounds fun, just let me eat and get dressed first.." you trailed off,hinting that you are very hungry. "Oh! Yeah that's fine" said
2-D, going back to talking with Russel. You had been looking through the cabinets until something caught your eye. At last! You had found (breakfast food that seems as though it was crafted by a god). You quickly prepared it and began to eat, not wanting to waste any time. After that wonderful breakfast which you has longed for ever since you had woken up, you went back to your room to check on Noodle, and to get ready for the day. You opened the door slowly once again, just in case she was still asleep. To your surprise she was not their. 'She probably went to her room to get ready herself' you thought as you shut the door behind you,locking it. You walked over to your closet and choose an outfit. You decided to wear (whatever you feel comfortable in, could be a unicorn onesie if you'd like). Now all that was left was to do your hair, you quickly (put it up/tied it back/ or did whatever hairstyle you like). You have yourself one last glance in the mirror before walking back downstairs. Russel and 2-D were still talking in the same place they were when you left, the only difference was that Noodle sat at the table, dressed and ready to go. "(Y/N)! Are you ready to go?" Noodle smiled, getting up from her chair. "Yep!" You chirped, looking at everyone. Though, something didn't feel quite right. "Where's Murdoc?" You questioned. 2-D and Russel shared a worried glance. "H-he's still sleeping" answered 2-D. "Well then maybe I should wake him up, he may want to go" You proclaimed. As much as a perverted satanist Murdoc was, it wasn't right to go out somewhere and leave him here,right? "Are you sure (N/N)" asked Russel. "Yeah, I'll be right back" you put your jacket down, and ran up the stairs to Murdoc's room. You then loudly knocked on his door, which earned a loud string of curses from him. He opened the door ready to yell at someone when his eyes landed on you. A smirk appeared on his face. "Umm Murdoc were all going shopping, do you wanna come with us?" You asked, brushing off that weird smirk. "Of course love~ just let me get ready" he smirked again, closing his door. You quickly ran downstairs to the others. "What did he say?" Asked Russel, worried about what you could tell him. "He's coming!" You said. Five minutes had passed before Murdoc walked down. "Alright, lets go" he said, dangling the car keys. No one dared to question if Murdoc was qualified to drive, you all just hopped into the car. 2-D sat next to you, and constantly gave you loving glances, as the car swerved down the road. "We're here!" Announced Murdoc, as he parked the car. Russel quickly got out and helped you out the car, "Thanks Russ" you laughed, as you walked over to the mall. "So where do you want to go first?" Asked 2-D as he put his arm around you. "Hmm, (favorite clothing store)!" You smiled, "its this way!" 2-D took your hand and led you to the store, with the others following. In the end, you picked out (outfit you like) to wear at the concert, and maybe some accessories and a pair of shoes.
Hey guys! So another chapter is up! Yay! Anyways, thank you all soo much for reading my story and such :3! Also, next chapter should be up on Friday or Saturday! Have an awesome rest of the day ^^
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