A Plan is Formed
Hey guys! Today is my birthday so I'm posting a longer chapter, I'm finally going to be 14 (which is scary and exciting). Anyways, I'm posting this as I sit alone in class, RIP. I tried changing it up a bit, so it may seem different. P.S. there's lots of drama in this chapter....
"So, how was everything while we were gone?" I innocently asked the boys, noticing the tension that lay thick in the air.
When I was met with silence, I turned to look at the boys who had all stopped putting things away only to look at the ground. 2-D met my gaze and was about to speak before Murdoc cut him off.
"Nothing much love, we just watched some TV. I was bored out of my mind without you" He grabbed the items in the grocery bag and did that tongue thing at me. I shuddered, in all honesty it was kinda creepy when he did that.
Something was definitely up. I looked at Russel to confirm Murdoc's statement. Russel looked between Me,Murdoc, and 2-D.
"Yeah, that's what happened alright." said Russel as he crossed his arms, turning towards the driver's seat. Without another word, he started the car.
Yep. Something is wrong.
I was not in the mood for a whole life changing talk with everyone telling their feelings right now, so I just nodded and started putting things away again. I really got a lot...
"2-D, before I forget.." I reached into my pockets and pulled out my change.
" I saved $15! I know it isn't a lot compared to what you gave me, but here"
His eyes widened as he looked at the money, I smiled at his reaction as I pushed the money closer to him.
"Y-You didn't have to save any.." He smiled, a blush rising on his porcelain cheeks.
"Nonsense! Here take it" He reached out to take the money, and your hands brushed as he did so. His touch lingered on my hand even as I went to pack away more things.
When I got to the milk, I grabbed your silver sharpie and wrote 'Murdoc' in fancy lettering on one, and left the other alone. Hopefully this would stop his habit of drinking from the carton.
Once done, I marveled at my hard work and went to my charging laptop. I wanted to email the producer, since I was interested in appearing for an interview with that Karen lady. I got comfy in one of the seats and opened up my email.
Hello, this is (Y/N) (L/N), The new member of Gorillaz. I am emailing you because I was informed by Karen (???) that you would like to have me appear on your show.
I guess that was good enough. My cursor hovered over the send button as I double checked the email address, not wanting to accidentally send this email to some weirdo.
"So.. what are you doing love?" An arm was placed around my shoulders as the said
person crashed onto the couch beside me.Of course it was none other than Murdoc Niccals.
"Umm uhh nothing much, just checking my emails.." I turned the computer screen a little closer towards me, which was stupid cause it only made him even more curious. Not that what I was trying to hide was terrible, I just didn't want them to know I was going to be interviewed. That's all.
"Is that so?" he hummed, eyes searching what little he could see of the screen.
"Yep!" I quickly and nervously clicked send, and closed out of my emails. It would have to be checked again later when no one was watching.
"Anyways, I saw what you did with the milk, that was.. that was.. Sweet.. I guess" he murmured the last part almost as if he was scared of my reaction when he called me that.
"Aww thanks Mudz. Just please NEVER drink right from the carton everyone else uses." I gave a small laugh, as I closed my computer.
"Heh yeah, I promise not to anymore" he whispered as his face went in a little too close for comfort.
"Uhh what are you doing?" I laughed a little bit to make it less awkward as the pickle still leaned in. You see, I haven't had my first kiss yet, and in all honesty...I was not ready.
"What are you getting all riled up for? It's not like you have a boyfriend" Scoffed Murdoc slightly annoyed. This was supposed to be his moment to proclaim his undying love for you.
My nerves took over as I glanced down at my hands, the burning question of what to do swirled through my mind a million times before I got it.
His eyes widened in both realization and anger, I looked all around the room praying that he doesn't see through my lie. I don't really have a boyfriend, i'm just not ready for all that, as Murdoc would say, and I didn't want to decline him.
Even though Murdoc acts so vulgar and at times a little eccentric, he still has feelings and doesn't deserve to be let down right now, plus I kinda like him...
"You...have a boyfriend?" He said in a low whisper, I could tell he was trying his best to hold in his anger. I simply nodded, not finding the courage to speak up.
"Well then, i'm feeling tired love, i'm going to go..nap" And with that Murdoc got up, his fists were clenched and he was slouchier than normal.
He was most definitely pissed.
I couldn't help but reflect on the way he told me he was leaving, he sounded broken, not at all like himself.
I heard a big crash coming from the room area, then a defeated 'I'm alright.'
Could it be that the creator of a band that I adored so much growing up, the music that had inspired me to go into signing period, have a thing for me? No it's probably just Murdoc being Murdoc, searching for another fling to fill the void that his childhood had left in him.
Yeah, he probably doesn't see me as a long-term thing.
Third person POV
Murdoc stormed into the sleeping area, pure anger seemed to radiate off of him as he closed the curtain and gave (Y/N) one last glance.
He turned to the closest thing to him, which happened to be a drawer, and kicked it in a fit of anger, creating a loud 'boom' which had echoed through the RV.
Nervous that someone would come to check on what he did he muttered an 'I'm alright' and walked over to his bed. Uncontrollable tears began to stream down his face as his anger turned into a deep sadness. Murdoc loved (Y/N). Originally he had thought of her as a potential fling, but then he got to know her and well.. The pickle fell in love. Which was odd, since love was a rare feeling of his. That doesn't matter now though. Since he was too late.
....Maybe he could prove he's better than (Y/N)'s current boyfriend....
And with that, Murdoc began to calm down, he still wasn't calm enough to go and face (Y/N) though.
"Don't Worry (N/N), that's normal Murdoc behavior" said Russel without taking his eyes off the road.
Said girl sat nervously in the same spot, staring at where Murdoc had left to just five minutes before. Russel probably thought it was just Murdoc being Murdoc, but (Y/N) knew the real reason why he stormed off, all because of some lie.
"FACEACHE!" Yelled the angry pickle as a nervous 2-D slowly go up.
"...yes?" Answered 2-D as a pacing Murdoc came into view.
"She has a boyfriend!" Claimed Murdoc harshly as he stopped to glare at 2-D.
"Who? What?" 2-D already knew he was talking about (Y/N) but he hoped it wasn't true.
"(Y/N)!" Murdoc whisper yelled as he motioned to the door.
"If she's happy then we should leave her alone." Concluded 2-D. He was not about cheating, but Murdoc surely was open to it, Look what he did with Paula Cracker...
"But I love her! Please, just help me prove her boyfriend is an asshole!"
"You never met the guy..."
"I Know! But he probably is one. Come one, this will benefit both of us" reasoned Murdoc as he once again sat down.
"Okay, fine! As long as no cheating is involved"
So I tried to make the story a little more dramatic...... yeah hope that was okay
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