19. medical
Dipper tapped his fingers against the wood table as he sat down in a chair, staring ahead at the faucet that let drops of water hit the sink bottom with a 'drip-drop'. It was oddly quiet for the shack...usually it was filled with laughing, screaming, or some sort of noise, but today it was completely silent.
The kid frowned a little as he watched a droplet get bigger and bigger so that it had enough pressure to drop in the sink. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, causing the old floor to creak a little. He let out a small sigh before starting to walk out of the kitchen, to down the hall. The kid glanced at his surroundings, which oddly enough, didn't seem to ring a bell for some reason. The pictures on the wall seemed vaguely different, if that was possible.
The wallpaper seemed to grow old within seconds, bringing it to shrivel down the wall. Dipper shuddered, making a face as he slowly started to back up, near the staircase to the attic . The preteen glanced at the stairs before starting to head up them, earning creaks and small thuds as his feet hit the wood. The higher up he went, the darker it started to seem. The boy stopped at the top of the staircase and stood there, glancing at the door of the bedroom he and his sister shared.
The lump in his throat was swallowed as he slowly headed to the door, arm out in front with his hand in a position that was ready to grab the doorknob. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the doorknob then pushed the door open, earning yet again, more creaking. His eyes went wide when he saw the triangle window open, wind blowing through it, the cool air hitting Dipper's face as he stared at the gray sky from outside. The boy walked slowly into the room, glancing around to see faint red splatters on the ground and the beds left messily, not made at all.
The preteen went wide-eyed before slowly starting to walk forward, looking out the window and seeing nothing but forest up ahead. He then paused and ran out the room, wind hitting his back as he left. He raced down the stair steps quickly then skidded to a stop in front of the front door, in which he threw it open, air blasting into his face, ruffling his hair wildly as it swished back and forth. He took a deep breath and ran out, leaving the door open.
Dipper proceeded to run outside in the windy weather, the wind pushing him in denial as he started to get closer to the woods. The preteen pushed against the wind and headed into the forest, shoving his way through trees and caring less if a branch scratched his arm or not. His breathing was jagged and fast as he finally made it.
To where?
A wall of pine trees stood in front of him, high and tall. Dipper skidded to a stop in front of the trees, staring at the wall before taking a step closer and reaching out his arm and hand to touch the wooden things, glaring at it with suspicion of...something.
The kid paused before placing a hand on the tree. It fizzed up before it went staticky like as if it were some optical illusion...
Dipper paused and stared with wide eyes as he ran through the invisible tree and kept running, only to find himself back in the same place with the wall of nonexistent trees. He gasped with wide eyes before getting wide eyes that soon stung soon after. He took jagged breathes before running his hand through his hair, shaking his head no rapidly in denial.
He looked up at the dark sky with watery eyes, wanting to scream. He paused as he heard faint whispers, shaking slightly. The only sound that was heard was his breathing. The whispers grew louder.
A heartbeat was heard in the background before it started to fade out, being replaced with a loud, high pitched beep.
"DIPPER!!!" A voice screamed, easily able to tell that they had been crying with that strained of a voice.
Dipper looked at his hands which were starting to get see-through. He got wide eyes again as he screamed out names of his loved ones.
"SOMEBODY HELP!!!" He screamed, coughing and shaking as he started to disappear moments later.
He watched his hands start to turn invisible then watched everything else start to fade away. The boy screamed aloud again then tears fell down his face, sniffles following right behind. Breathing was a easy thing to do, it was necessary before...but now it seemed as if it were some task that were ranked 100 to do. He staggered to breathe and went into a coughing fit, collapsing onto his knees while shaking.
The air around him turned into a harsh cold breeze that smacked him in the face as he lay on the ground, hugging his arms so tight that he could see his flesh turn white. When he exhaled, his breath was nice and white, visible to all that were around, which was nobody.
His eyes started to droop after they felt extreme fatigue. Dipper shook his head no rapidly as he sniffled and felt extremely sick. His body was shaking all over and there was no way he was gonna survive this.
The boy laid on the ground, hugging himself as he looked up at the dark, cloudy sky once more, letting out a small hiccup from crying as his eyes hurt and stung. He let out a small, shaky smile as the clouds formed into a heart and words saying: "We Love You Dipper". The boy coughed and let a tear slide as he slowly closed his eyes and stopped shivering, completely still...then slowly faded away into nothing.
The scene of the forest was empty, as if nothing had ever happened.
October 19: 1025 Words
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