[ one ]
You sat there, on your two seater couch. In your tiny little apartment. With your laptop on your thighs, staring at the screen that read; successfully purchased and ordered!
What have you done.
Typically, your not one to give into rumors and peer pressure.
But apparently today was the day to make that change.
You slightly felt regretful about the money you spent but your friends said otherwise. "Buy one!" They said, "you won't regret it!"
They said it would make your life better, your dreams become a reality! Money would rain from the sky-
You exaggerated slightly but that's how you saw your friends telling you it.
All it was, was a program.
That's it. Just a simple little program. The prototype Google released that was safe to the public.
Although it was hard to believe you ordered a program that cost so much and had to be shipped in to your house.
If it was just a program, couldn't they just download it straight to your computer? Maybe it was just Google being extra and was just pullin' your leg.
Or maybe it wasn't a program. Maybe it was some sophisticated type of machine that could do your work?
No, that's impossible.
But. Speak of the devil.
There was a knock at the door. You gently closed your laptop and made your way to the door- leaning up onto your tippy toes to the peep hole. You closed one eye and looked into the small hole- seeing nobody there.
Except a small white box.
You unlocked the door and swung it open, staring at the suspicious box. You looked around to see if there was a man to confirm the order with his clipboard- but there was nobody around. You carefully lifted up the, surprisingly light box, kicking your door shut with the heel of your foot. You locked the door back and made your way into the living room. You shook the box slightly, holding it up to your ear-you heard something metallic clang against the box.
You studied the box, seeing that it was just a small rectangular box, like a shoe box. It was completely white but on the front it had a small black G with a small text that read. Please place on the ground after activation.
You automatically placed it on the ground, not knowing what else to do. You stared at it, waiting for something to happen.
Okay, well-
The box began to beep very faintly, growing up to a loud beep before a ding was heard. You stood there, frozen. Completely fazed as to what was happening.
Suddenly, something burst out of the box. You nearly screamed and fell over, landing on your butt. It wasn't a explosion. You were still alive luckily. And nothing seemed to attack you.
Although you did have a asian man stare at you.
You sat on the ground, staring right back up at him with your jaw hanging open. He smiled, blinking a couple times. He appeared with a dark blue shirt with a white G placed on the chest along with a pair of blue jeans. Although he didn't wear shoes, only white socks.
"D-Did you just come out from that box!?"
"Hello. I am Google, version 1.7. We are pleased to have you purchase our prototype. Now, please input the name you want to your prototype."
You stared at the man in the most weirdest way you have ever done.
You slowly approached him, seeing that he was still smiling and staring at you. His chest move slightly, to indicate he was breathing. You raised an eyebrow, looking at the man up and down- noticing he looked exactly like any other human being.
As you stepped closer, a glowing keyboard appeared along with a blank window with the blinking underscore.
You flinched, staring at it.
Holy moly.
You hesitantly pressed the letter M. You could feel a slight pressure along with the sound of a click- like the click on an iPhone keyboard.
The letter M appeared on the blank window.
You gasped exaggeratedly, giggling and jumping up and down. "This is so cool!" You squeaked, slowly calming yourself down.
"Okay okay, what do I want to name you?"
You stared at him for a couple moments before realizing you have seen his face before- or more of just he reminds you of someone.
"Holy shit. You look like-! um," you snapped your fingers, looking around- trying to remember the name. "Markiplier! That YouTuber I used to watch as a kid!" You laughed as you realized he looked exactly like him.
You continued to laugh as you type in the letters:
"Perfect!" You grinned as you clicked enter. The window and keyboard disappeared. The prototype blinked a couple of times before saying.
"Name set to, Googleplier."
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