Chapter 6
{Your Pov}
I slowly raised my head up, wiping my eyes.
Birds chipped as cars drove down the road from outside.
I scratched my head, slowly propping myself up on my elbows.
I looked over, seeing Google on his stomach, drooling onto his pillow.
I giggled.
The only time he actually drools is when he doesn't get enough sleep, it's when he's in a deep sleep.
I sighed, softly scratching the top of his head.
"Hey. Google." I whispered, barely even audible for me to hear.
He groaned, barely shifting, he tilted his head, facing it in my direction.
"Yyeesss...?" He mumbled very slowly, in a deep tiredness voice.
"You need to get up." I whispered.
He groaned again, keeping his eyes closed.
"But... I don't want to..." He breathed out, shoving his face into the pillow.
"Aww. Come on Google! I'll make breakfast!" I whispered shouted, nudging him again.
He groaned again, but he lifted his face from the pillow, slowly opening his eyes.
"Okay. Fine. As you wish." He grumbled, sitting up.
As I got up, he grabbed my hips, pulling me back onto bed again.
I yelped, "ah! Google?! What are you doing?" I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me, letting me sit down on his lap.
"I don't know why. But I just wanted to grab you and pull you close... Is this hugging?"
He hugged me tighter, burying his face into my neck.
I blushed and laughed, feeling his warmth spread around my body.
"Yes Google. This is hugging."
I hugged him tight, instantly wanting to jump back into bed with him and snuggle.
But we both knew we couldn't, well I don't know if he knew, but I did. We had to go to some more places today, (YFN) said that she was going to be hosting a party late at night and she invited us to go, which we kinda hesitated on. I wasn't sure if Google was ready to go along with other robots and humans, he's still kinda over protective. Also, the doctor said that he needed to check up on my foot again- even though I don't see why. It's perfectly healed, but I guess he wants to check just in case.
I sighed, letting go of him.
I stood back up quickly before he could protest.
"Alright. I'll go make breakfast, why don't you get some clothes on?"
I went to the door, looking back at him.
He already fell back onto the bed, face planted on his slobbery pillow.
I rolled my eyes, walking out.
'Robot physically and mentally becomes human!!'
I scrolled my eyes down the paper, reading on.
'Robot prototype "Google 1.6". Owner of the prototype, (YFN) (YFL)
My eyes widened,
I continued reading,
'has made technology move even further. After having the prototype for over 32 days, and with enough "experience" with, emotions, characteristics, and human contact at all times- she has successfully made it physically human. Scientist are still searching for the answer to this. They say it has something to do with the way the prototype works. It updates regularly, meaning it updates 24/7. They say it might be the cause of having so many human characteristics being pushed further and further into the prototypes brain, the brain can mentally change the metal endoskeleton into a real bones. Scientists say that it's still physically impossible to mentally change a physical object, but they checked. The prototype is no longer a robot. It is now a human, named Sean.'
The toast jumped up from the toaster, resting in between the slots.
I quickly rushed over, grabbing both of them carefully- I placed them down on the plates.
I flipped the pancakes and the eggs, checking up on the bacon.
Google still wasn't out here.
He's probably just really tired.
Why is he acting up now?
Is he becoming more human at the minute?
Is it because we made out?!
I don't know any more...
Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me.
I turned around, seeing Google dressed in a regular grey hoodie with Jeans and a pair of vans I bought him.
He rubbed his eyes, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder.
"What are you making?"
I giggled, flipping another pancake.
"I'm making breakfast Google." I patted his hand on my waist gently, "now go sit down. It'll be done shortly."
He kissed my cheek, walking to the table.
I scooped up the eggs, evenly putting them on our two plates.
I flipped the last pancake, putting it on the plate.
I turned of the stove, walking back to Google with our plates.
"Here you go Google."
"Thanks babe."
I jumped, "babe? Where did you hear that?"
He shrugged, "Don't couples normally say that?"
My heart leaped in my chest.
Where a couple?
I shrugged, "oh uh. Okay." I sat down, pouring syrup onto my pancakes.
Suddenly a screen appeared in front of Google, ringing.
Did I also mention that you can put a phone on him?
He can get calls, FaceTime, and you can text.
Neat huh?
My doctor was face timing me, Edwards I believe?
Why would he be face timing me?
I tapped accept on the screen.
There he was, sitting in his chair in his office.
"Hey doc!" I waved at the camera.
"Hey (y/n)! I just wanted to check up on you, too see if your doing okay!"
He smiled at the camera- yet. His eyes seemed to be lost, filled with something - loneliness? ... Lust...?
"Yea! I-I'm doing fine! Why did you FaceTime me?"
He scratched the back of his neck, "because, talking to a person face to face helps communicate with each other." "Oh okay."
Google turned his head, making the screen go sideways.
"Google! Please don't move your head!" He nodded, making the screen go up and down.
Edwards chuckled, "I see that you have no pants on."
I blushed a deep red, scooting close to the table to hide my bottom half.
"U-Uh. S-So- what time am I supposed to meet you again?"
"You can come by in a couple minutes if you like!"
I nodded, "okay! See you in a bit!"
I waved, hanging up.
Google dropped his head down to his food, scooping up some scrambled eggs.
"So where going to Edwards after where done eating?"
"And when I get into proper clothes."
"Okay. Babe."
I blushed a deep red, smiling.
"Hey! Edwards!" I waved my hand, smiling.
He pulled me in for a hug, making Google flinch.
"It's fine Google."
Edwards turned around, seeing Google glare at him.
"What's wrong with him?"
"He's just over protective of me, that's all."
He nodded slowly, "right. Would you mind if you keep him out here? I don't want him interfering with me."
I nodded, "Google-" "no. I want to stay with you."
I sighed, rubbing his arm gently.
"Google, it's fine. I'm only going to be gone for a couple of minutes."
He hugged me tightly.
"Fine. If you say so."
I smiled, "alright. Stay right here."
I followed Edwards to his office, taking a seat as he closed the door.
I turned around, seeing that he locked the door.
"Um. Uh."
He walked over to his laptop, casually sitting down in front of me.
"Like I said. I don't want anybody interfering with us. Are you okay with that?"
I nodded slowly, "uh- y-yea."
"Good. Now. Your foot." He pointed at my foot with his pen.
"Has it been hurting lately? Sharp pains around the heel, anything?"
I shook my head, "no not really. It only hurts in certain spots when I walk."
He got up, bending down, taking off my shoe.
He rubbed my foot, applying pressure to it.
"Does it hurt right here?"
"Here?" He moved his hand up a bit, reaching my ankle.
"Um. No."
"Well then."
He grabbed my ankle roughly, yanking me to the ground.
I yelped, falling over on my back.
"Let go of me!!" I yelled at him, kicking the air.
He pinned me down, putting his hand over my mouth.
He began unbuttoning my jeans, fumbling with the zipper.
I screamed through his hand, moving around so much, I pushed over the chair.
Somebody!! Please help me!!
He undid my pants, ripping them off along with my underwear.
{Googles Pov}
I sat and waited patiently for (y/n).
I don't like Edwards.
His emotions seem fake.
I tapped my fingers against the chair, wondering if she's okay.
Suddenly there was a loud thump, coming from the room (y/n) and Edward walked in.
"(Y/n)?" I muttered under my breath.
I slowly stood up, hearing closely for any signs of harm.
Somebody screamed, very distant but still audible.
I ran towards the door, pressing my ear against the door.
I heard grunts and yelling.
But (y/n) was screaming.
"(Y/n)?!" I yelled.
"(Y/n)!?!" I yelled louder, making a man walk towards me.
"Sir, back away from the door, calm down."
I twisted the knob.
It was locked.
I pounded on the door with my hand, beating and yelling.
I turned to the frightened and confused man.
"Call the police!!"
The man nodded, running off.
"G-Google!! P-Please!! Help m-Me!!" (Y/n) cried out from the other side of the door.
I backed up kicking the door.
Something snapped.
I kicked the door again, the door busting open.
Every human around me panicked, running or watching what was happening.
(Y/n) was on her back, her head arched back.
Her eyes where shut with tears streaming down from them.
Edwards was hovered over her, gripping her hips.
He was moving back and forth, something was moving in and out of (y/n)s lower half, and it seemed to be connected to Edwards.
He moaned, moving faster.
I ran in, tackling him.
He fell, with me ontop.
I pinned his shoulders down, "DONT YOU EVER HURT HER AGAIN!!"
I yelled in his face, hearing footsteps behind me.
A couple of men pulled me off of him, handcuffing him.
I turned to see (y/n).
Her lower half was exposed, and she was crying, shaking badly.
"(Y/n)!" I ran down to her side, picking her up bridal style.
"Are you okay!?"
I pulled her close, pushing a strand of hair out of her face.
She nodded slowly, gripping the hem of my shirt.
She sobbed onto my chest, clinging onto me.
"T-Thank you."
I walked out, a woman walking up to me.
"Are you okay? Sir- I need you to come with me."
I nodded, walking out with the woman.
She guided me to a red and white truck, letting me and (y/n) sit in the back.
"Here," she gave (y/n) a blanket, "stay here. We'll talk after we get things sorted out."
And with that, the lady walked away.
I looked over at (y/n), her eyes where puffy and red.
She gripped the blanket, pulling it closer around her.
I wrapped my arm around her, scooting her closer to me.
"Are you okay?"
She wiped her eyes, "y-yea. Just... I'm still scared."
"Please don't be. I'll protect you no matter what."
She smiled, closing her eyes.
"(Y/n)." She jerked up, "yes Google?" "What was he putting inside you? I saw something go in and out of that." I pointed down between her legs,making her put her blanket on her lap.
"I-I'll tell you l-later Google....Now is not the time...." She mumbled.
I nodded slowly.
After a couple of minutes of waiting a man came up to us.
"Hi. Are you (y/n) (l/n)?"
She nodded. "Yes. Are you here to talk about the incident?"
He nodded, taking out a notebook and a pen.
It clicked, the sharp point of the pen pointed at (y/n).
Something clicked in my mind, making me grab the pen, throwing it away.
The man stared at me, but quickly chuckled.
"I-I'm so sorry- he's just over pr-" "it's fine dear, I can tell he's the body guard prototype."
She looked at me, "body guard?"
He nodded, "yes. There's a lot of different varieties of the prototypes, there's him, health prototype, loving prototype, and a whole bunch more. There all programmed that way- So if he sees something that might be threatining, he has to eliminate it immediately."
She nodded slowly, looking up at me.
"Right. Anyways. How long is Edwards going to be in prison?"
"Oh yes right." He grabbed a pencil, pointing it down away from (y/n).
"He did rape you, yes?"
She looked down, "y-yes."
"And did he hurt you in anyway?"
"H-He hurt my foot and back a bit."
He nodded, writing things down on his notebook.
"alright, since he did physically touch you and left permanent bruises. He'll defiantly be left with a charge. I'll find out more about how long he's going to be in jail."
She nodded slowly, still looking down.
He turned around, leaving.
She stood up, "let's go home."
I hugged her, "okay."
She sniffled, hugging me tightly.
I sat down on the couch, as (y/n) got dressed.
I hope she's feeling better.
She walked out, sitting down next to me.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, I could sense sadness around her.
She clicked the side of my neck, pulling up her phone.
She selected "[YFN]" as it began to ring.
[YFN] picked it up after the first couple of rings.
She was sitting next to that Jack prototype, in- what seems to be her room.
"Hey (y/n)! What's up? Ready for the party?!"
(Y/n) sniffled, "I-I'm sorry. But I can't tonight. Some things got in the way."
"What happened?"
"I'll tell you later."
[YFN] looked at her concerned, "well, I'm sorry that things got in the way, I wish you could come."
(Y/n) wiped her cheek.
"Well. If you ever need anybody- call me and I'll be on my way."
"Thanks. I'll see you later, bye."
They hung up, making my screen disappear.
She rested her head on the side of my shoulder.
We sat there in silence, hearing each other's breathing and the sounds outside.
(Y/n)s breathing slowed down, till it was at a slow steady rhythm.
I glanced down at her, seeing she was asleep.
I picked her up bridal style, as gently as I could so I wouldn't disturb her.
I laid her in bed, letting her sleep under the covers.
I sat on the edge of the bed, watching her sleep so peacefully.
Suddenly something clicked in my mind, making me suddenly think different about her.
A feeling I never experienced before, something more... Emotional.
A new word was also added to my dictionary in my memory chip.
"I love you." I whispered.
(Y/n) stirred under the covers, but she was still asleep.
I love you (y/n).
I will always love you.
AWW Google wuvs you now! Aww it's so cute! *heaves over desk*
Anyways. I'm tired. Ima go to sleep.
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