Chapter 4
{Your Pov}
"I don't know! My foot is all jacked up and I can't do anything really."
I glanced over at the clock, it was only in the afternoon.
He sighed, looking down.
He glanced up at me, then quickly looking back down.
What is he thinking...?
He laid back down again, slowly wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
He yanked his arm back quickly, "y-yes?"
I looked at him, his cheeks where turning slightly pink.
"Google! Your blushing!" I smiled.
He blushed even harder, giving me a small smile.
"Is this- embarrassment?" I giggled, "I think it's that mixed in with a little bit of flirting."
He blushed again, suddenly snapping his fingers.
"(Y/n)! Why don't you teach me human emotions?"
I stared at him.
His eyes beamed, his smile showing off some amazing canines.
His hair was really floofy and his cheeks popped up slightly, making his eyes squint a little bit.
Your so cute!!
"I don't know. I could try."
He clapped his hands quickly, giggling.
I think you already learned some!
Your fucking adorable.
"Okay! What's the first one!"
He turned facing me, he crossed his legs so they wouldn't touch me.
I turned slightly, "d-do you mind if I stretch out my legs across you?"
He shook his head, "I don't mind!"
I gently pulled my legs up into his lap, stretching it sideways so it hung over his lap and the couch.
He gently rested his hand on my leg.
"Okay okay! Now! Teach me an emotion!"
Your such a kid Google.
I thought for a moment.
"Alright. How do I teach this...?" I mumbled.
"Teach me anger!" He asked.
"Alright. Anger is a feeling where... Where you just feel... Angry..."
This is hard to explain.
"What do you mean?"
I huffed, "um..."
I pinched my self.
"This. This makes me angry. Its and action thy causes you to become mad."
I nodded slowly, "oohhh... So if I where to slap somebody, would they feel angry?"
I giggled, "yes they would Google. So don't try to slap anybody."
He nodded, "okay!! Teach me another one!"
"Umm... Sadness?" "Yes! Do that one!"
"Let's see... Sadness is a feeling you get when you don't feel happy, something bad might happen and makes you feel bad. Or if something does something to you, you will also feel bad."
He nodded, "Cool.. What's next?"
What would be next?
"I don't know Google. What's another emotion you want to know?"
"Hmmm..." He put his finger to his lips, "what about love?"
I blushed, "um. Okay Google. Love is something that people share. It's when one person finds another person and gets emotionally attached to them. Love is something that is hard to find, you know? You have to find that special someone that you can trust and depend on. Love is..." I paused, thinking.
I sighed, "Love is something I will never have..."
He slowly nodded, "That's love? I think I have love."
I sighed, looking down at my hands.
"No Google. I don't think y-" "it's you. Your my love."
He smiled, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I blushed, shrugging his hand off.
"No Google. I-I'm not your love. You just met me- your a r-robot."
I choked, sobbing into my hands.
He cocked his head to the side, "are you okay?"
I sniffled, "I'm o-okay G-Google."
He blinked, "no your not (y/n). You're 'crying'. Is that sadness?"
I nodded, "yes Google. This is sadness."
He suddenly hugged me.
(A/N) imagine the hug looking like baymax hugging Hero from the movie big hero six. Because that's how I see them hugging right now :P)
I wiped my eyes, hugging him back.
"G-Google?" I looked up at him.
He looked down, his nose almost touched mine.
"Yes?" "Did you learn how to comfort people?"
He nodded, smiling.
"Yep! I figured out hugs where the best way to cheer somebody up!"
I giggled, burying my face into his metal chest.
I looked up again, "yes Google?"
"Is this love? Because I can feel something."
I blinked, "um. I don't know Google. What do you feel?"
He hugged me tighter, "I-I don't know. I-I just feel like. I.l." He stopped, gazing into my eyes.
"I just feel like I need to stay with you forever and. I want to be with you."
I blushed a deep red.
"I uh." I stuttered.
He grinned, "so is this love? I'm feeling?"
I nodded, giving him a kiss.
He flinched, his eyes wide open.
I giggled, pulling back.
He stared into space, his mouth open.
"W-why did you make sexual contact with me?"
I burst out laughing.
"Google! I didn't do that- well maybe I did- but that wasn't the point! It was just a kiss."
He nodded slowly,
"So... That wasn't sex?"
I laughed again, "No Google!! A kiss is just something that you do to show your love for somebody else."
He nodded slowly, leaning closer.
"So do I have to kiss you to show my love?"
I laughed, "sure Google. But I don't think you know h-" he puckered up his lips, pressing them onto mine.
He stared at me the whole time, just sitting there, our lips just touching.
I giggled, grabbing his hands.
"No silly. If you want to kiss, do it right!" I put his hands on my waist, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Okay. Now. Close your eyes."
He glanced at my arms, "why did you wrap your arms around me?"
I giggled again, "I said close your eyes!"
He nodded, shutting them.
I kissed him again, bitting his bottom lip.
His eyes widened, he gripped my waist, pulling away.
"Why did you bite me?"
I laughed, "Google! You need to keep your eyes shut!"
I sighed, letting go of him.
"You know what. If you don't know how to kiss then I'm not going to kiss you."
He tilted his head, letting go of me.
"Can you teach me how?"
I laughed.
"No Google! Just look up how!"
He nodded, "okay."
I got up, grabbing my crutches.
Something beeped, I glanced back over seeing Google on some site.
I giggled, hobbling over to the kitchen.
"Want some lunch?"
So there ya go.
You guys kissed but Google had no god damn idea what was happening. But at least he knows what love is and he loves you!!
Cutesy patosie shit!!
*throws up*
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