Chapter 3
{Your Pov}
I woke up to a loud crash.
I jerked up, stumbling out of bed.
I ran into the living room, seeing Google holding a hammer.
"Google what are you doing?!" I ran over to him, stepping on a piece of glass.
I cried out in pain, falling down.
He panicked, dropping the hammer, he picked me up.
He picked me up bridal style, setting me down on the couch.
I sniffled, "ouch..." I wiped a tear away from my cheek.
"A-are you hurt?! Why is there water conning out of your eyes?"
I sniffled again, "yes Google I'm hurt. I-I'm crying."
He panicked again, "w-what do I do?!"
"Call t-the ambulance."
He nodded, a screen popping up between us.
He dialed 911, asking for an ambulance.
They said they would be here in a couple of minutes.
Google sighed, sitting down next to me.
"I'm supposed to protect you... I failed."
He looked at me with puppy eyes, looking depressed.
I winced, wrapping my arm over his shoulder.
"I-it's okay Google. C-could you grab me some paper towels? I'm bleeding a lot." He jumped up, running into the kitchen.
He ripped off the towels, giving them to me.
I smiled, "Thanks Google."
I gently wiped up the blood from the bottom of my foot, carefully going around the cut.
I winced and whimpered, "ow ow!"
I squeezed my eyes shut, pressing down on the cut slightly.
"A-are you okay!?! A-are you feeling pain!?" I nodded.
"Y-yes Google. B-but I'm fine."
They barged in, a man picking me up bridal style.
I gripped onto the mans neck, not even caring I was in my pjs.
I glanced over at Google who started to panic.
"H-hey!! What are you doing with her!? Where are you going?!" A another man calmed him down.
"Calm down. Where going to help."
He grabbed his arm, making him run with us to the ambulance.
"Where is she going!? I need to come with her!!" We ran into a room, they set me down on a table.
A man with gloves pulled up tweezers and bottles.
"Is he a prototype?" A man pointed at Google.
"Y-yes." "Do you mind if I turn him off for a while?" "No! It's fine. He can stay."
Google pushed the man away, running up next to me.
"Are you okay!? I need you to be okay!"
"Google! I'm fine! Please calm down! There going to remove the glass an clean up the cut! It's nothing that bad!"
The man with the gloves got down on one knee, gently grabbing my ankle.
"Oh but this is a huge piece of glass. And you stepped on it pretty hard, making it deep."
He grabbed the tweezers.
"This is going to hurt."
I gripped Googles arm, shutting my eyes.
He grabbed the glass, pulling.
I screamed in pain, digging my nails into Googles shirt.
Google gripped my shoulders.
"No!! Stop!! Your hurting her!!"
I shook my head, "G-Goog-AHH!! It's o-okay!!!" I cried.
He finally pulled it out, I suddenly felt less pressure and pain wash away from my foot.
I relaxed, opening my eyes.
"T-thank you." I stuttered.
He nodded, smiling.
"Your welcome, it's no biggy. Your very strong to handle it like this. Most people would scream and jerk there foot away. You didn't even flinch!"
I blushed, "thanks."
He pulled out a bottle.
"This is going to sting."
I gulped, nodding.
"Alright. Get it over with."
He grabbed a cotton ball, dipping it into the alcohol.
I breathed in deeply, as he pressed it against the cut.
At first it was cool and wet.
But after a couple of seconds.
It burned like hell.
I gritted my teeth, curling my toes.
"Alright done!" He put down the cotton ball.
He gently brushed off some pieces of glass, grabbing a wrap.
He wrapped it around my foot, securing it tightly.
He stood up, "there! Good as new! You should be able to walk in a couple of days!"
I smiled, jumping down.
I used Google as a support as we walked into the room with the crutches.
I tested out a couple before I found the right one.
I gripped it.
"Thank you."
He nodded, "yea it's no problem. Is he um," he pointed at Google, "can he take care of you?"
I nodded, "probably."
"Well. If he hasn't learned already, at the Google store, you can buy and upgrade him to learn how to act more human quicker. This means he'll be able to take care of you."
I nodded, "thank you."
He nodded and waved by as we walked out the door.
I can probably use crutches to drive right?
-after car crash-
-timskipio to Store-
Google opened up the door for me, letting me hobble inside.
The two prototypes hovered over me, telling me new things about animatronics.
Google stepped in front of me again, barking at them to back off.
We walked up to the same guy again.
"Hey your back! Another injury?"
He glanced over at me.
"Oh. So you had the injury?"
I nodded, "yea. I got hurt- but I was wondering about this thing my doctor told me about. He said I could upgrade Google into learning human characteristics quicker? Therefore helping me get around the house and stuff."
"Ah yes of course!"
He bender over, grabbing a thin chip.
He turned Google around, pressing something I his neck.
Something slid open.
"Oh before I out this in. I'm going to have to get rid of his memory. Do you want the update or keep his memory."
I heisitated.
I need him to take care of me!
B-but I already taught him some things.
I don't want him to forget about me.
"N-never mind. I won't get it."
He shrugged, sitting down.
"Alright, he'll probably learn how sooner or later anyways."
I nodded, turning to get out.
"Thanks anyways!"
We walked out, driving back to our apartment.
"Alright Google. It's a good thing that I got groceries and shit, because where going to stay home for a couple of days."
He nodded, closing the door.
I glanced over at the floor, seeing the hammer and glass on the floor.
It looked like one of my plates,
"So um. Google?" "Yes?" "Did you break my plate?"
He sighed, "I tried to clean the dishes. But I got angry with it. So I smashed it. I'm sorry."
I blinked.
"Wow. Okay. Well, it's okay Google. Just don't do it again."
He nodded, sitting down on the couch.
I sighed, sitting down next to him.
"Now what?"
AYEE WELL THAT WAS ONE MORNIN WASNT IT? I actually wanted to put that in because I re watched the video and I specifically remembered Mark saying, "did you say poo the fishes? Searching instead for poo the fishes." And Matthias is like, "what no!! I said, do the dishes." And Mark just mutters, grabbing a hammer, and smashing the plate.
And the way he blinked!! he just did a giant long blink. XD
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