6.1 Interview
I was doing another QNA on my Instagram.
Hey guys. I decided to come on. As it's very rear people see me on Instagram live. So I decided to come on and check in and answer some of your questions." I started.
"Where's Jack and Isabella? (I check outside) In the back garden playing."
"Do you have a nanny to help you raise Isabella? No we do it by ourselves with the help of family and friends. We like being hands on."
"How was you're gender reveal party? It was good. Loads of friends and family turned up which was nice that they got to see us announce that we have a baby boy coming."
"Do you have plans to bring out music? I am in talks with a production studio as we speak. I'm waiting to hear if I will be signing with them to make my first album. Of course IDGAF will feature on the album."
"How many songs do you have written? I have loads enough to fit in about 10 albums and I'm always writing new songs. They are all different. Well some fall in the same category. I have a lot of music saved that I wrote when I was going through difficult brake ups."
"Will you have a brake up album? I'm thinking about it. I will just have to see which songs I want to record first. I have about 170 songs I could do."
"You have 170 songs written? Yes I have been writing music since I was little. So I have music in the list that I write when I was 12 about liking someone. I saved every song just in case I ever signed with a record deal."
"Do you wanna do them all? Yes I wanna hopefully have released every song by the time I'm 70. I have 40 years to do 170 songs. But knowing me I will write more and more songs."
"I have songs in the list of songs written about exs. From when I was like early to late teens. It was crazy to think I dated a lot. By the time I was 20 I swear I kissed more then 30 people. But in my late 20s I got with Jack and never did anything with anyone since."
"How old are you? I'm 28 going on 29."
"How old is Isabella? She's 6 months going on 7. It's weird to think how fast time goes now. Like I never realised it till I had Isabella. One minute we're driving her home from the hospital the next she's leaning the crawl."
"How far along are you? I found out June July time when I was 3 moths. We're now in August I'm about 4-5 months pregnant. Meaning I've reach half way through. I've been told I'm due March time. If he's anything like Isabella he's gonna be late."
"Why don't you give her a nickname? Because I want her to pick that for herself. She can't speak so who know if she is going to like the nickname she is given."
"Is she spoilt? Very spoilt and I mean very spoilt. We don't mean to spoil her. We just have the money to get her things. We will teach her that some people have to work for money and others are born into money. I am hoping in the future she wants to help me grow my business as much as we can."
"I'm hoping he will as well. Jack helps so much with the business. I love him for the fact that he don't mind helping me with the business. He don't mind the long hours we have. We have to worry about all sorts of things. So he's helpful with that as well."
"Yes he helps in that way as well guys. Get your head out of the gutter." I laughed.
"Hey baby." Jack says bringing Isabella in both dogs came running in.
"Speak of the devil himself." I say laughing.
"All good things I hope." He says putting Isabella onto the play matt.
"We were just discussing all the ways you help me." I stated looking at him. He realised some of the things I was talking about.
"I hope our sex life hasn't been spread all over the internet." He says laughing.
"No it hasn't. I'm just saying you help with stress. And they were being dirty minded. So their fault." I say laughing.
"All right. I'm gonna start tea what you fancying?" He asked as I got off live.
"I mean I can't have what I want as I'm pregnant." I answered.
"Jamie Poppy Whitehall. Bloody hell." He jokingly says laughing.
"Go on I'll have pizza please babe." I say laughing. He nods his head kissing my head before leaving for the kitchen.
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