4.2 Youtube
I set up my camera to do a new video.
"Hey guys welcome back to my channel if your new around here and have zero ideas who I am I'm Jamie Grealish. And today I' m here with my fiancé Jack Whitehall. Which could mean a million and one ideas. But today we will be opening gifts that we have been so grateful given by family and friends on our gender reveal. We didn't get time to go through any of this as we had some of the Harry Potter cast over. And then we've both had to get back to work." I started.
"Very boring admin work." Jack added on making me laugh.
"Well I've had to go through a ton of emails. It was very boring. But anyway here we and we will be storing everything here and now because if we don't we won't do it till after she's born." I went on making Jack laugh.
"And we don't want that." Jack stated.
"So we've been so lucky to have such an amazing turn out of guests at the party on Friday. And we didn't expect any of them to get us gifts. But we are so grateful for everything that everyone has done for us over the course of me being pregnant." I explained.
"We in no way shape or form asked to get given such gifts. We just told them to turn up for a time and they did. Everyone had a great time as you can see from clips. Yes normally there would be a baby shower but we didn't want to do that not because we wouldn't think it would be any fun. We just don't have the time to be able to plan enough event like this." Jack explained.
"I have a ton of filming to do before she is actually born before I eventually go on maternity leave. I'm not gonna work myself till she is born. But I will be working till about 2 weeks before her due date. And I will then go back into work when she is 6 months old. When she is old enough to then be able to go to grandparents and to spend time with family before we enrol her in school. That's a discussion for a different day. And we'll be explaining everything in a different video where we have a ton of your questions." I went on.
"So let's get on with the video." Jack stated making me laugh.
"So of course it was the Phelp twins ideas to get her cute Harry Potter stuff. Just to be cheeky and funny. And as you can see the stuff is in the Harry Potter gift bags. I think it is a recurring thing that our baby will more then likely have Harry Potter stuff." I said laughing which set Jack off.
"Which is totally fine as Harry Potter is an amazing series. So where are we starting then Jamie?" Jack asked.
"Well clearly somewhere. I'm kind of hoping that there are cards and stuff inside so I know who is from what." I stated.
"Well yeah same." Jack stated.
"Right god knows where we are beginning it feels like Christmas. Which I am so thankful for. No one had to get us anything at all." I state picking up a random bag.
"Right is there a card or note inside?" Jack asked. I looked through the bag and found an envelope.
"Found it after looking for what feels like 5 minutes. Here." I state handing him the card he opens the envelope to show the card.
"Aww look." Jack stated showing me.
"What does it say." I state as he opened it.
"To the Whitehall's well done on your baby... there's more love Maggie Smith." Jack read.
"Oh Maggie I love Maggie. Let me read. I won't read it allowed." I state. I love Maggie she's so sweet. I felt like I could cry.
"Don't cry babe." Jack stated hugging me.
"She's the sweetest. She said if we ever need a nan she's there." I state hugging Jack.
"This is why Mcgonagall is one of the best characters in the movies." Jack stated. I took the content of thr bag out. And it was a Harry Potter build a bare.
"Don't you have to press somewhere?" I asked.
"Is there a note saying where?" Jack asked I looked in the card.
"Yeah the left paw." I answered as I pressed the paw. Then came through was Alan Rickman's voice telling stories. It made me start crying as I hugged the bear.
"Come here babe." Jack stated as he took me into a hug.
"I miss him so much." I whisper.
"I know you do baby. It's normal to miss someone." He whispers back.
"I hate death sometimes." I whisper.
"Me too but at least you have his voice." Jack stated pointing to the teddy.
"I'm gonna text her after this to say how much I loved it." I stated as I calmed down.
"I don't think that teddy's going to our baby is it?" Jack asked.
"No it's the last physical thing I have left of Alan." I muttered into the teddy.
"Right next one." Jack stated as he picks up a wrapped present with a card on top.
"What does it say?" I asked as he opened the card.
"It's from Bonnie." Jack said as he showed me the card.
"Aww. I love the card." I state showing him the front. The I showed the camera. It was pictures of me and Bonnie.
"Right I love that card." Jack states as he puts the card next to where he stood the card from Maggie.
"Right who's doing the honours?" I asked him.
"You can." Jack stated as I opened the gift. It was a box filled with Harry Potter baby clothes.
"Awww. It's a bunch of baby clothes but it's Harry Potter themed." I stated showing Jack.
"That's quite good." Jack stated.
"She'll have loads of different clothes." I told Jack laughing.
"She'll never run out of clothes yet." Jack stated joining in.
"I know Bonnie watches my videos. So thank you Bonnie. I will do a full clothes haul in a different video. So stay tuned." I stated.
"Hand me that bag next to the fire place please baby." Jack stated. I handed him the bag.
"Hand me the card please." I stated as he took a card out. I opened it and read it. It's from Robbie.
"Who's it from?" Jack asked.
"Robbie Coltrane." I answer showing him the card.
"Ahh okay." He stated as he took out a few baby toys.
"Ahh I've been needing to order baby toys." I stated laughing.
"Well not anymore." Jack answered laughing.
"Yeah. I'll put him on the list of people I need to text." I state laughing.
"Yours will be huge. Because you know more people then me." Jack stated. There was a knock at the door.
"Did you order anything?" I asked him.
"Yes but that isn't coming till Friday." Jack answered. I went to get the door it was a parcel from Robert Pattinson.
"It's a gift from your enemy." I stated showing the return address.
"Oh good old Robert." Jack stated making me laugh.
"I worked with him if you forgot." I told him laughing.
"Oh yeah, you did Harry Potter together." Jack stated.
"He said he couldn't make it so he'd send a gift in the mail." I stated.
"That's nice of him." Jack told me.
"I know." I stated.
"Let's see what's inside." Jack stated as I handed it him to open.
"It's a bunch of kids books we can read her." I state looking through all the books.
"There's even Harry Potter." Jack said pointing to the one Harry Potter book. Which was the one he was in.
"It's the goblet of fire the one movie he was in." I told him.
"Do you reckon he signed it?" Jack asked as I got it out.
"Yeah he did." I answer showing him the inside of the book. We open all the rest of gifts we had left before putting them to one side till her room was done completely.
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