3.16 real life
We were doing the gender reveal party. We were also filming the YouTube video for it.
"Hey Jamie." Rupert stated walking into my garden.
"OMG. Rupert I didn't think you could make it." I stated hugging him.
"No I'm not busy for your gender reveal." Rupert stated as I lead him towards the drinks.
"Want a drink?" I asked him.
"I'll have a coke please." Rupert answered as I got him a drink.
"Here." I told him handing him a coke.
"I'll switch. I'll give you your gift and you'll hand me the coke." Rupert stated I laughed as he handed me the gift bag as I gave him the coke.
"Rupert you didn't have to get me anything just being here's fine." I to.d him.
"Then why aren't you two looking for me." Dan stated I ran up and hugged him
"Danny." I stated hugging him.
"The golden trips back." Dan stated as he bro hugged Rupert.
"It's about time." I told the boys.
"Here. I thought the baby could do with clothes from her awesome uncles house." Dan stated as he handed me a Harry Potter gift bag making me laugh.
"Why didn't I think of that." Rupert stated laughing. I lead the boys to the kitchen as I dropped the bag onto the table.
"Want a drink Dan?" I asked.
"I'll have a coke please Jamie." Dan answered. I handed him the drink.
"Where's Jack?" Rupert asked looking round.
"He's picking up his parents. You two are twenty minutes early." I stated laughing.
"What can we say." Rupert stated laughing.
"Well it's grate for us three to be together." Dan stated.
"I know it's been too long." Rupert stated. There was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." I stated getting up.
"Hey." James stated.
"Omg Oliver and James." I stated hugging them both.
"Hey Jamie." Oliver stated as he hugged me.
"Come in Rupert and Dan are in the kitchen." I stated as I closed the door.
"Who is it Jamie?" Rupert yelled through.
"Don't you know the voices of your on screen brothers." Oliver yelled making me laugh.
"It's the twins." I yelled as I got to the kitchen as the boys were greeting each other.
"Wow Jamie your house is awesome." James stated looking around.
"I know. It's the best house we liked." I told them.
"I can tell." Rupert stated laughing.
"Want a drink boys?" I asked the twins.
"What you offering?" James asked laughing.
"Well we have booze soft drinks tea coffee water." I explained laughing pointing to places.
"I'm tempted to look at your soft drinks." James stated laughing.
"Help yourself you're basically family" I told them.
"Where do you want us to put these?" Oliver asked talking about the gifts.
"Thank you both. There's a table over there where we putting things." I told them.
"Babe I'm home." Jack yelled through the house.
"I forgot how big it is." I heard Hillary stated.
"Well it's too large for my liking." Micheal stated.
"Daddy calm down." Jack stated.
"Hey babe." I stated as Jack kissed my head.
"Hey boys." Jack stated. Jack was used to seeing the Harry Potter cast.
"Hey Jack." The twins answered.
"That's Hillary and Micheal my in laws." I told the boys.
"Hey you must be part of the Harry Potter cast. Jamie talks about you all the time." Hillary stated.
"That's Dan. Rupert. And the twins James and Oliver." I told them pointing to everyone.
"What times Jack coming babe? He has the cake." Jack asked looking at me.
"He phoned like 10 minutes ago saying he'll be 15 minutes. So he'll be here in at least 5 minutes." I told him.
"Jamie. Where do you want these?" Hillary asked pointing to the gifts that they got for our baby.
"Mom there's a table over there Molly set up for stuff." Jack asserted pointing to the table. I heard the doorbell go.
"It's not Jack he just walks right in. Same with Molly and Barnaby." Jack said as I went towards the door.
"On its Bonnie and Matt." I yelled.
"Oh our sisters here." Oliver yelled.
"Hey you two. Come in everyone's in the kitchen. Well I mean Dan, Rupert, James and Oliver." I told them as I let them in hugging them.
"Wow Jamie. It's been ages." Matt stated.
"It has, it's been way too long." Bonnie said as I lead them into the kitchen.
"Hey Jack." Matt stated giving Jack a high five.
"Omg it's Ginny." Oliver stated making me laugh.
"It is I." Bonnie joked.
"Hey guys." Matt stated hugging the boys.
"It feels like it has been ages." Dan stated.
"It has been ages." Rupert stated.
"We haven't all been in a room together for about 5 odd years." I told them.
"Exactly it's been crazy." James stated. Jack sorted out his parents as we went outside.
"Where do you want us to put these gifts?" Matt asked.
"Oh there's a table inside." I told them.
"I'll take them in. Do you two want a drink?" Jack asked as he got outside.
"I'll have a coke please." Bonnie answered.
"I'll have lemonade please Jack." Matt answered as Jack got the two gifts.
"Do you four want a drink?" Jack asked the others. They all said no and Jack went inside to sort things out.
"Jamie come here. There's someone for you." Jack yelled.
"I have no clue who it is." I told them as I got up.
"It's Tom and Ralph." Tom Felton yelled from the kitchen.
"Oh my god. It's some of the slytherins." Dan yelled making me laugh.
"Come on out boys." I told them as I got to them. I hugged them both.
"Do you two want a drink?" Jack asked.
"No thanks Jack." The boys answered.
"Jack let me do this your the dad go mingle. Don't make me push you out." Molly told him as she got to the kitchen.
"Welcome to the crew." I told the boys as we got to the others.
"I'm the oldest one here." Ralph joked making us all laugh.
"Not yet. There's others coming." I stated laughing.
"Where do you want these Jamie?" Tom asked.
"Give them here. I'll take them inside." Jack stated. He took the gifts and went inside.
"You've for a good lad on your hands Jamie." Ralph stated.
"I know. I mean I did say yes to him." I stated laughing.
"Who'd you say yes too?" Jack asked joining us again he sat next to me and put his arm around me.
"You babe." I stated looking at him.
"Can we know what the baby gender is early?" Dan asked making me laugh.
"What are your predictions?" Jack asked them.
"Im hoping boy." Tom stated.
"Im hoping a girl." Bonnie stated.
"Boy I'm guessing." James told us.
"Boy." Matt stated.
"Girl." Oliver stated.
"Girl." Dan stated.
"Girl." Rupert told us.
"I'm hoping a boy." Ralph stated. It was about two hours later and all the guests had turned up. It was about time that we were doing the reveal. The DJ handed me a microphone.
"All right people." I stated into the mic getting everyone's attention.
"Thanks for coming." Jack stated into the mic he had.
"It's crazy how many of you had made time to come to this. We are so thankful that you all came." I told them.
"We're family." Dan yelled to me.
"It's so sad that my role model Alan Rickman couldn't make it. He would of loved it today to see so many of the Harry Potter cast back together." I choked out. Dan and Rupert came up to hug me.
"He's here in spirit." Tom Felton told me.
"He wouldn't want you to be upset." Dan whispered.
"Thanks boys." I told the two boys as they sat down.
"It's crazy to think that I'm actually a dad." Jack stated making me laugh.
"That makes me a uncle." Jack yelled from the crowd making me laugh.
"And me." Kevin yelled making me laugh as I wiped the tears.
"This kid don't know how lucky they are. Because they have such amazing family waiting. So thank you to their aunt Molly who planned the whole event and my brother Jack for getting the cake and the party poppers." I stated.
"And to everyone else for just turning up. Jamie do you wanna cut the cake? Or are you doing poppers?" Jack asked.
"I don't trust you with a knife. So please give it here." I told him laughing as he handed me the knife.
"Okay. Three two one." Me and Jack yelled as we did the poppers to reveal pink confetti. And everyone cheered.
"A little Jamie." Kevin stated coming up to hug me.
"Well at least it isn't a little Jack." I joked laughing. Our photographer had been taking photos as well as everyone else. I cried when they wanted a group Harry Potter cast photo.
"Don't cry." Helen stated hugging me.
"I wanted everyone here." I muttered to her,
"I know you do baby. So do I." Helen whispered.
"Thanks Helen." I told her. The event ended and Dan, Rupert, Bonnie, Matt and the twins stayed behind as they would be spending a few days with us.
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