Best Dad Ever!
School was such a bore, considering you'd only just started a few months ago, but it still felt like years. This was the most important year ever. Not only did you have all these exams to study hard for, but you also had to make the difficult choice as to what career you wanted to do when you were older. Immediately you'd been heavily pressurised by your parents to think financially, a job in IT or a bank perhaps, essentially an office job. Ugh, paperwork.
Slamming your book shut, you planted your head firmly on the table in surrender at your desk. You'd been coped up in your room for hours now, trying to get through the massively expanding pile of homework but to no avail. All the letters and numbers made no sense, regardless of the amount of times you'd tried.
"How's it going?", your mother said rather loudly as she pushed herself into your room, the door flying open. You groaned in annoyance as she tutted, picking up the half eaten dinner you'd left on the side and the empty tub of ice cream. "Go away", you mumbled, covering your ears with your hands, refusing to hear her rabbit on again about how important your studies were. Huffing in annoyance, she stormed out of the room as quickly as she'd entered, her loud footsteps descending back downstairs as her moaning voice whined again. "Good grades means no excuse for a messy room", you managed to hear her say as you heard the loud thud of the bin getting abused, the lid sharply being slammed down on it.
Refusing to listen any more, you slammed your bedroom door shut, sinking down it to the floor where you sighed, burying your head in your hands. Your room wasn't messy, just a little dis fictional, but not out of the ordinary. With books and clothes scattered around the floor it was a little untidy, but you knew exactly where everything was, until your mother would come in and start tidying up, putting things in odd places, and some items never seeing the light of day ever again.
Already rubbing your tired eyes, you dared to glance at the pile of work on your desk. There was just too much of it, some of which you didn't even understand. It wasn't like you weren't trying; you were. Every day during school hours you'd frantically be rushing back and to from teachers and classmates, asking them for help. You were managing to pass in your classes, but only just. Now lay ahead the most difficult part; deciding what subjects to pursue for a career?
A gentle knock on the door made you groan in defeat. Not wanting to have your brain think any more, you crawled along the floor and buried your head straight into the bed. "I thought I recognised that noise. Maths homework again?". The cheerful chuckle of the deep voice made a little smile creep on your lips as your dad carefully stepped into your room. Out of the corner of your eye you observed him leaning over your books, carefully turning over the page with his grubby hands, frowning in thought.
Your dad was a mechanic, and a really good one at that you liked to remind everyone. All the town came to your dad for help when their cars went faulty, and within the next day, they'd be fixed and running even better than what they were when they first came out of the factory. Naturally, his hands always had some oily residue on which he was always careful not to get on the walls or doors, not wanting the fireworks off mum for making more mess. He'd recently gotten promoted at the garage where he used to worked, meaning that now he got to work on the brand new cars from all the different manufactures. As much as your mother hated it for the long and sometimes odd hours he worked, secretly you loved it, as sometimes he would sneak you a picture of the latest sports cars being released which you couldn't help but smile at.
It only seemed like last week when he'd sent you a picture of an Aston Martin, the new one for the latest James Bond movie and of course you'd swooned over it. It was beautiful, not to mention the sound of the engine! A beast of a noise. You loved it when he'd called you and let it rev in the background. In that moment you were more than happy.
"I just don't know what to do dad", you sighed to him as you crawled up onto your bed, grabbing your laptop which was perched on the edge, dragging it closer. Closing all the web pages and revision tabs you had open, you let out another sigh of defeat as you noticed the time. 11:30pm. Damn. There was no way that you'd have time to watch a film now.
"Well, it looks like you've got the right idea from the equations and your workings out. Maybe your brain has just had enough for tonight?", he suggested, coming over and perching beside you. He was right. Even if you'd sat there till dawn, your brain would still feel like sawdust. "Yeah, I guess. Looks like I'm not going to have much of a weekend", you groaned, scratching the back of your neck as you tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Not that you had much planned. It would probably just consist of re watching all your movies from your special shelf of DVDs. Not that there was anything wrong with that. You weren't the only person in the country who watched all the Marvel movies back to back as a marathon. That was your switch off time, from school, friends and family. It was just you, your laptop, some sweets or chocolate, and your imagination left to run wild watching cute middle age men run around in lycra pretending to be superheroes. Not that it was the good guys who caught your fancy.
"Found out a way to kidnap him yet then?", your dad laughed from beside you. Immediately you snapped out of your thoughts realising what he meant. You'd been staring at your laptop wallpaper for what must have been a solid 5 minutes without doing anything. Just looking at it. At his eyes. Those beautiful green eyes. Dammit Loki.
"No", you mumbled sheepishly, awkwardly closing your laptop so to hide that picture of Loki you'd had as the wallpaper in some attempt to appear normal to your dad. Considering your vocabulary consisted mostly of quotes and other fandom references, he'd given up on you being normal at all. "I can see that", he grinned, his eyes scanning the room, only to be met by more posters. More pictures. Of him. Dammit Thomas.
"It's not my fault! Okay?! He needs to stop being so goddamn hot and sexy. I mean seriously, just look at that!", you bursted out suddenly, before snapped your mouth shut, internally cursing yourself. Yes, you'd immediately fallen for Loki the first time you'd watched Thor, and of course you'd fallen into the trap. The trap which consisted of typing the words 'Who plays Loki in Thor?' The rest, they say, is history.
"Well I can't make any comment. But I swear your mother still has a picture of Take That lying around somewhere from the days when I was courting her, so this little ... 'Phase', I can understand".
"Anyway, enough of that. I came to offer some help, or advise. Whatever you want to call it". Finally changing the topic after the awkward silence, you pulled yourself closer to your dad, curious to hear more.
"Still don't know what career you want to do?", he asked, raising an eyebrow. You shook your head slowly, wondering where this was all going. You hoped you didn't end up down at the vets again. There are some things that you never want to see, and animals suffering was one of them.
"Remember Geff, that guy who owned that old Jag E type I fixed a week ago? Well, turns out he does a bit of TV work, for commercials and stuff". Already you could feel yourself tensing a little in excitement.
"He's after a runner. Someone who can lend a hand on set and stuff, running errands, getting coffee and stuff. Nothing major. Asked me if I knew anyone ...". The grin on his face as he tailed off his sentence matched yours as his eyes settled on you.
"I thought you might want to try it. See if that's the type of job you wanna do. Give it a try and then see where it goes from there". You practically squealed in delight as you threw your arms around him in a hug, regardless of the dirt. "Okay Y/N. Let me breathe. Haven't even told you what it is yet", he chuckled
"Well there are three actors in it as far as I know. It's for Jaguar. You know, the similar one to Aston. So it'll be filming at night this weekend so you'll need to have done all your schoolwork as I doubt you'll be sleeping much". All you could do was nod your head, your stomach doing backflips. This weekend! OMG! You couldn't wait to tell everyone about this in school
"So they've got that guy off the Thunderbirds remake. Kingsley I think"
"Sir Ben Kingsley!? THE Mandarin off Iron Man 3?! OMG he's amazing!"
Already your dad was rolling his eyes as you practically jumped up and down on the bed beside him squealing in excitement.
"Yeah, him. Then they managed to get that guy who did the film, Green thing... lighty stuff everywhere. Think his name was Mark? Was in that Sherlock one you dragged me to see"
"Mark Strong!?! Seriously! Lord Blackwood! OMG OMG OMG!"
Not only were you shaking and jumping up and down in excitement, your voice had become very high pitch. No way on earth were you going to be able to repay your dad this favour.
"So?! Who's last?!", you squealed excitedly. He chuckled amusingly at you before his smile faltered. His brow frowned a little in thought as his eyes seemed to glaze over. After a few seconds he just shrugged his shoulders. "Mmm. Can't remember. Oh well, you'll know them when you see then anyway", he chuckled before giving you a kiss on your forehead.
That was all you needed. Not long after that you'd dad left you to it, and you lay in bed running through everything in your mind, pulling your Loki blanket tight around you. You just couldn't wait for the weekend now. You gave the Loki poster at the foot of your bed a wink, before curling up and falling asleep, your mind now fast at work.
Lord Blackwood. The Mandarin. And someone else ... in a Jaguar commercial? Something this cool has got to be evil. You just wondered who this other person could be ...
[Feel free to leave comments. Hope you enjoy this. More to come soon] x
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