The book of Raphael
The angel was sitting in his bookshop when he heard the bell ring indicating a customer, but what he felt were angels, archangels. Aziraphale stood up from his desk and turned to see Michael, Uriel and Metatron
Even the demon who was napping upon the top of a bookshelf in snake form had looked to see the three angels walk in, he kept his eyes on them to protect his angel
"Well this is a surprise, to what do I owe the pleasure?" said the angel who stood across the table from the three visitors.
Uriel placed a book on the table before Aziraphale, a book that peaked Crowley's interest, it was a book he had seen when he was an angel.
"A book?"
"The book of Raphael, were hoping you would be able to translate it, you knew him best after all"
Aziraphale put his glasses on his nose and took a closer look at the book, he opened it to the first page and saw something written.
Property of
Archangel Raphael
"Its his handwriting defiantly" said Aziraphale as he turned to the next page.
The writing on the pages confused him.
"I can't read it"
"That's a first" said Crowley who appeared from behind a bookshelf back in his demon form.
"What's a first?" asked Aziraphale
"Finally found a book you can't read, even if it is about the stars" said Crowley who looked down at the book.
"Well I don't know everything dear"
"How did you know it was about the stars demon?" asked Metatron
"Uhhh well he helped create them didn't he?" said the demon trying to throw them off, he didn't want them poking around.
"He was also a healer and a protector..." said Uriel
"He also disappeared millennia ago" interrupted Michael
"You really believe that?" asked the demon
"Its the truth" said Michael
"Don't you think its more plausible that he fell?"
"How would you know demon?" asked Metatron
"Well he was tight with Lucifer back then"
"You knew him my dear?" asked Aziraphale
"Course I did, I was him"
The archangels looked at each other confused.
"You were....Prove it" said Michael
"Read the book" demanded Uriel
"I don't need to I wrote it, what are you trying to find anyway?"
"Where you hid your staff" said Uriel
"Oh well I....I don't actually remember where I put it" said the demon who dropped down into the angel's armchair.
"Why do you want to know?" asked Aziraphale
"It is a heavenly weapon, it belongs in heaven" answered Metatron "It was made by god after all"
"It belongs to me, I'll return it if and when the almighty herself asks for it" said the demon who stood up and got right up in Metatron's face "Now I suggest you leave before I get the sudden urge to raise a little hellfire in here"
The archangels eyes went wide and all three of them left, Crowley turned to Aziraphale and said "Relax I wouldn't actually do that, not in here anyway"
A flash of relief was seen on the angels face.
"I can't believe I didn't know it was you, I used to be friends with you"
"You still are"
"I know but back then, I envied you, I thought the world of you, I had no idea you fell, everyone thought you were still up there creating"
The angel nodded
"Huh well if I had to go back I wouldn't change a thing"
"Why not?"
"I wouldn't have met you" said Crowley who took the angels hands in his.
"Oh Crowley" said the angel who placed his hand on the demons cheek and leaned in for a kiss.
"Where did you leave your staff?" asked the angel
"Its safe"
"You do remember?"
"Of course I do, it reminds me of the day I met you"
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