The 60's II
Crowley had been on edge for months. Aziraphale had helped him get clean but he was still struggling to stay clean. It was on one of these nights when Crowley seriously considered using again.
The demon was sitting up in bed with his knees to his chest and was taking some deep breaths trying to block out the temptation. Crowley thought to himself that this was ridiculous, he, a demon, was trying to resist temptation talk about irony.
The next thing Crowley knew he was walking into his bathroom to the secret stash he had hidden. He took it out from behind the mirror and held it in is hand, he seriously considered using it but he thought about the consequences, he decided he didn't care and so he injected the drug into his system throwing three months of sobriety down the drain.
Aziraphale was getting ready to visit his favourite demon, he had bought a box of dark chocolates for him to celebrate his three month anniversary. He locked up the bookshop and made his way to the demons apartment, he walked into the building and into the lift which went up to his floor.
The second the lift doors opened the angel knew something was wrong, the wrongness was coming out in waves from the demons front door. Aziraphale busted down the door and ran inside to find the demon. Aziraphale checked all the rooms and nothing, until he reached the bathroom.
He opened the bathroom door to see the demon lying on the floor with a needle in his arm.
"No no no Crowley!" exclaimed the angel who ran over to the demon.
Aziraphale rolled the demon onto is back and tried to wake him up. The angels attempts were in vain but he could feel that the demon was still 'alive' so to speak. Aziraphale lifted up the demon and placed him on his bed and pulled his blanket over him.
"Oh Crowley why didn't you call me?" he said wiping a hair from the demons forehead.
As the demon slept Aziraphale went through the entire apartment finding all the demons stashes, there were as many as twelve. The angel snapped his fingers and they all disappeared, never to be seen again.
It wasn't until the next morning that the demon woke up to see the angel snoozing away in an armchair next to the bed, he had fallen asleep with a book in his hand which was now lying on his chest.
Crowley sighed, he had forgotten the angel was coming around to see him when he had relapsed, he had hoped that Aziraphale wouldn't find out about it but alas, disappointment.
Crowley got out of bed and stumbled past the angel who was still snoozing away. He walked into the kitchen and made some coffee for himself, he took that coffee out onto the balcony and leant over the side sipping said coffee.
Crowley looked over the city and wondered what he did to deserve his own guardian angel, he didn't think he did deserve it, he didn't think he deserved him.
She disagreed.
"I don't get it, why me?" he asked the universe "Why? Thats all I ever asked"
Crowley was answered with a mysterious gust of wind which blew past his face and a lone nightingale which sat on the balcony railing.
A smile crept over the demons face and he looked up to the sky and whispered "Thanks"
Seconds later another nightingale joined the railing and both flew off together watched by the demon as he drank his coffee.
The demon froze and sighed, he couldn't bring himself to face the angel and so he simply hummed to acknowledge him.
"How are you feeling?"
"Fine" mumbled the demon still not daring to face the angel.
"Crowley......" began the angel but was interrupted by the demon
"I'm sorry, I tried, I just....."
"Hey its okay" said the angel who grabbed the demons hand and squeezed.
"No its not, I'm sorry I disappointed you"
"Crowley look at me"
Crowley hesitated but eventually faced the angel and to his surprise Aziraphale didn't look angry.
Aziraphale cupped the demons face with both hands and smiled a little before he said "You did not disappoint me Crowley, you never could.....why didn't you call me?"
"I didn't want you to think that I was weak"
"Crowley you are so far from weak...."
"I couldn't even last four months angel!" exclaimed the demon who crushed his coffee mug in his hand.
"Crowley" said the angel as he noticed blood coming from where the coffee mug, which was now on the floor in pieces, once was. "Come on my dear"
Aziraphale led the demon inside and they sat down on the sofa as the angel took a look at the demons hand and began to heal it.
"You know relapsing isn't an equivalent to failure Crowley"
"Isn't it?"
"No, recovery isn't a linear process you know that, this was simply a....bump in the road"
"You found me passed out on the floor, don't tell me this is a 'bump in the road'"
"I did yes and it scared me but what scared me more was that I could've lost you. Promise me that you will call me the next time you even think about it, even if its just a thought, okay?"
"Angel I...."
"Promise me Crowley" said the angel who gave Crowley his side eye.
Crowley gave in and sighed "okay.....angel can you....?"
"Stay?" Crowley nodded "I will stay as long as you need me Crowley" said the angel who finished healing Crowley's hand and gave it a kiss.
Crowley leaned against the angel and hugged his middle whilst leaning his hand on the angels shoulder.
"I promise you'll get though this Crowley and just for the record, you are the strongest person I know" said the angel who kissed the top of the demons head.
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