Warnings: blood, guns, alcohol
This will be long but great.....I hope :). 2348 words
Aziraphale hadn't seen Crowley in years, centuries even. You see they had a big fight and they hadn't made up.
Aziraphale was sitting in the coffee shop with Maggie and Nina telling them stories about his past and basically just hanging out.
Suddenly there was a loud explosion which blasted in the shop windows and knocked out Nina, Maggie and Aziraphale.
Unknown to them six men walked into the shop and took all three of them. The men put them into a van and drove away.
Hours later Aziraphale was the first to awaken. He was lying in the middle of what looked like an occult circle. His first thought was that the men thought that he was a demon, but if they thought that, then why did they take the ladies?
After a few minutes both Maggie and Nina woke up, they were tied to chairs which sat next to the circle.
"Mr Fell are you alright?" Asked Maggie
"I believe I am quite well, how are you two?"
"Bloody hell these ropes are tight!" Exclaimed Nina as she tried to free herself.
"I think we're fine, what happened?"
"We caught ourselves some fighters!"
Aziraphale looked towards the door to see three of the men who kidnapped them. Then men entered the room and stood before Aziraphale who was now standing inside the circle.
"So we finally caught an angel"
"And here I thought the circle wouldn't work, so what's your name?" Said the second man
"Why on earth would I tell you?"
"Cause you won't have a choice"
The man reached in to the back of his jeans and brought out a gun, he aimed it at Aziraphale and pulled the trigger.
"Mr Fell!!" Shouted Maggie
Aziraphale fell to his knees and clutched his shoulder in pain, the bullet had lodged itself inside his body.
"So angels do bleed, interesting"
The men left the room and left the ladies and the angel alone. Aziraphale was slowly loosing blood, which was soaking into his shirt and jacket. He didn't know what to do, the circle was blocking his powers so he couldn't escape or heal himself. Both Nina and Maggie had renewed energy to try and escape after seeing their friend get shot.
"Crowley I don't know if you can hear me but please, I need you" said the angel before he passed out from the pain.
"Who's Crowley?" Asked Nina
Crowley was in his bar, in his office through the back. He was having a particularly good night, lots of patrons visited his bar which was situated not too far from the angels bookshop. (Although he had never visited it)
He was looking through the alcohol orders when he felt the call of his friend.
"Crowley, I don't know if you can hear me but please, I need you"
'Angel' mumbled the demon as he grabbed his leather jacket from the back of his chair and ran out of his office and into the bar heading towards the door.
"Boss? Everything okay?" Asked Natalie, the bartender.
"Emergency, lock up for me"
Crowley put his jacket on and rushed out the front door getting on his motorbike and racing off towards the origin of his friend's call.
Crowley didn't know what he would find when he arrived, they hadn't spoken to each other in seven centuries, he was pretty sure the angel was still mad at him but he couldn't let him down, not again and so he drove as fast as he could possibly could, his friend needed him and he was dammed if he wasn't going to show up for him.
Crowley pulled up outside the abandoned warehouse (why does shady stuff always happen in abandoned warehouses?) and got off his bike. The demon broke open a side door, looked around and then entered the building, following his angels power.
Crowley followed the angelic power and found a heavy duty door was blocking his way. He snapped his fingers and it opened as if by itself, Crowley walked in and saw two ladies struggling to free themselves from a chair and in the corner of the room, a mystical circle which held a familiar being.
"Angel!!?" Shouted Crowley as he ran over to him and rolled him onto his back.
"Angel wake up! Please angel!? Please don't leave me again" Crowley was now crying as he tried to wake the angel.
"Who the hell are you?"
Crowley stood up and turned around to face the three men who were standing in the doorway.
"You did this!?" Said Crowley through gritted teeth, he was angry.
"Boys, kill him" said the main man who moved out of the way and the other two pulled out their guns and began to fire at the demon.
Crowley held up his hand and stopped the bullets inches away from his palm. Seconds later the gunfire stopped and he began to walk towards the men and beat the shit out of them.
Crowley had beaten the two lackeys unconscious (almost to death) and was holding up the leader by his throat as he was gasping for breath.
"You dared to hold and torture an angel? And you think you'll get off Scott free? I don't think so" Crowley began to squeeze his hand which was around the man's neck.
"Crowley...." Mumbled the angel
Crowley looked over his shoulder and saw the angel looking at him.
Crowley growled and threw the man away In the corner of the room. Crowley stood there a second and calmed down as much as he could before rushing over to the angel.
"I'm sorry angel" he said kneeling down beside him.
"It's...okay..." the angel began to cough up his blood as he reached for Crowley "They know about us, don't....leave them here"
"I won't, I'll take them to the bookshop too okay?"
"You know shop?"
"Did you really think I wouldn't check in on you in seven hundred years?" Chuckled Crowley
The angel smiled and began coughing again.
Aziraphale passed out and Crowley was beside himself but he gathered enough power to do a few things, first he released Maggie and Nina, then he turned off the circle entrapping the angel and then lifted him up and out. Crowley stood there holding the angel whilst looking at two human ladies.
"Hold on ladies, this might be bumpy"
Maggie and Nina both placed a hand on the demons shoulders just before he snapped his fingers and miracled them to the flat above the bookshop.
"How did you do that?" Asked Nina
"I'm a demon, I can do a lot of stuff" said Crowley as he walked down the hallway and into the angels bedroom.
Crowley placed the angel on the bed and miracled off his coat and shirt, showing the small hole in his shoulder.
"Is he going to be alright?" Asked Maggie
"I'll make sure of it, can you two get me a few things?"
"Anything! Mr fell's done a lot for us"
Crowley smiled at his angel and said "I need a first aid kit, some towels and the strongest vodka you can find plus a glass"
Both Nina and Maggie left the room, leaving Crowley alone with his unconscious angel.
"They seem like good friends of yours, I'm glad you've not been alone...I'm sorry I stayed away so long, I didn't know how to be your friend was hard enough even getting you to admit we were friends at all, I'm just...sorry"
"We got it"
Maggie and Nina came rushing in with the things Crowley asked for and gave them to the demon.
"If you're not good with blood I suggest you both leave now"
"We're not leaving, besides you might need help" explained Maggie
Crowley smiled slightly and began to prepare. He poured some vodka in a glass and downed it, he then poured another glass and poured it over his hands, he then poured a third and was about to pour it over the angels wound but he hesitated.
"Forgive me angel" he said before pouring it over the wound.
The angel woke up and started screaming.
"Hold him both of you!"
"Angel listen to me, there's a bullet in your shoulder and it needs to come out, I need you to stay calm and be as still as you can okay?" Explained the demon
Aziraphale nodded and began to take some deep breaths as Crowley poured a fourth glass of vodka and placed the tweezers into the liquid. Seconds later and Crowley was taking off his jacket before he took the tweezers and started moving towards the angels wound.
"Angel I'm not gonna lie, this will hurt like a bitch"
"I trust you Crowley, please just get it out" pleaded the angel
Crowley took the tweezers and guided them into the angels wound as he screamed in pain. Crowley tried his absolute hardest to keep focused but it was hard when his only friend was screaming due to pain that he himself was causing.
"I can feel the bullet, hold on a little longer angel"
Crowley grabbed the bullet with the tweezers and attempted to gradually pull it out but it was stuck.
"Deep breath angel"
Aziraphale did as he was instructed as the demon yanked the bullet out. Aziraphale screamed for a second before he passed out once again. Crowley put the bullet in the glass and then checked the angel for a pulse.
"He's alive, thank you, both of you"
"Of course, Mr Fell's like family to us" said Maggie
"How do you two know each other? Aren't angels and demons meant to be enemies?" Asked Nina
Crowley chuckled and said "They are but Aziraphale and I have known each other for six thousand years and well we sorta became friends"
"He's never mentioned you"
"I'm not surprised we had a big fight the last time we saw each other" said Crowley as he threaded a needle and began to stitch up the angel's wound.
It was about fifteen minutes before the demon was finally finished stitching up the angel. He cleaned up and removed the bloodied towels and the infamous bullet.
"I should go, you two stay with him, he shouldn't wake up alone"
Crowley grabbed his jacket and left the room.
Maggie stopped him from leaving the flat.
"Don't you want to be here when he wakes up?"
Crowley sighed and said "He doesn't need me, he never did, I was stupid to think he did"
"I haven't known him very long but I've noticed that sometimes he seems so lost and alone, I think it's you he's missing"
Crowley sighed again and said "Take care of him, call if you need anything" Crowley handed her one of his bars business cards and left the bookshop.
Almost a week later and Crowley was helping Natalie to tend the bar, he was serving some drinks to a table of ladies who were obviously interested in him and so of course he flirted with them.
He returned to the bar and was about to serve some other ladies when he looked at them and went pale.
"Maggie, Nina what brings you two fine ladies in here?"
"I do" said a voice from behind them
Crowley looked up to see the angel. ""
Aziraphale smiled and said "Hello Crowley"
"Boss!?" Shouted a voice from the back
Crowley's attention was diverted "Natalie show these three to my office while I deal with this"
Crowley felt with the problem that was the stupid delivery driver had broken a box of expensive wine. Crowley entered his office and saw the three waiting patiently.
"So how'd you find me?"
"You gave me one of your business cards" said Maggie
Crowley sighed as he remembered "Why are you here?"
"I need to talk to you, they insisted on coming"
"You were shot six days ago" said Nina
"I know...I need to talk to Crowley alone"
"We'll be outside"
Maggie and Nina left the room and an awkward silence settled in the room.
"So....hows the shoulder?"
"Little stiff but okay, which you would know if you had stayed"
Crowley rubbed the back of his neck and sighed "Look I know it was a dick move but I....I guess I wasn't ready for this conversation"
"I wanted to thank you for everything, saving us, stitching me up"
"You called for help, I simply answered"
"I didn't know you would, after all this time, I didn't know if you would hear me"
"Angel we may not be on good terms but I'll always be there if you need me"
"I'm sorry"
"Angel what are you sorry for?"
"The way we left things, I...."
"Angel you don't have to explain, I get it, you don't feel that way about me, it's okay" said Crowley as he leaned on the edge of his desk and crossed his arms.
"That's just it Crowley, I do, I have...for a long time, I was just a little confused and scared by what I was feeling, I mean it's all so terribly..." explained the angel as he fiddled with his hands
"Exactly and we are not human, I guess I just needed time to figure everything out and then when I had, I had no way of finding you"
"You could've called me like you did today?"
"I didn't want to do things like that, I...."
"Angel I'm teasing, I wouldn't want to do it like that either" smiled Crowley "So have you figured it out yet?"
Aziraphale looked at Crowley and then walked up to him with a mission in his eyes. The angel pulled the demon close by the lapels of his shirt and kissed him passionately. "Does that answer your question darling?" He said leaning his forehead against the demon.
Crowley smiled and nodded
"I love you you silly serpent"
"I love you too"
I hope you enjoyed this very long story I enjoyed writing it :):):)
I have written two parts to my dom/sub mini series, I'm just fine tuning them at the moment. :)
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