Protective Demon
Homophobia, violence
It was a nice day.
Most days had been nice ever since Adam restarted the universe. Crowley and Aziraphale had finally realised they loved each other and they had heard hide nor hare from Heaven or Hell which was what they wanted after all.
Aziraphale and Crowley were taking a walk through the park, hand in hand and as they walked Crowley noticed a few people that past them were staring at them. The demon couldn't understand why, were they jealous?
They past a group of teenage boys when Crowley heard one of them whisper "Fags"
Crowley stopped dead in his tracks and began to smoke as his grip on the angel's hand tightened.
"Dear are you alright?" asked the angel
"Stay here" said the demon through gritted teeth
Crowley walked right up to the boy who had said it and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket whilst the other boys ran off.
"How dare you!"
"I....I'm sorry" whimpered the boy
"Are you?"
"Don't ever use that word or any words like it again, do you understand me?"
"Yes sir, I swear"
"Don't lie to me boy, I'll know if you do, now GET LOST!" exclaimed the demon as he released the boy and he ran off.
Crowley stood there breathing quite heavily before the angel walked up to the demon placed his hand on the demons chest.
"Calm yourself dear" he said taking the demons hand with his other hand.
Crowley took some deep breath and he calmed down enough to look his angel in the eye, he never did when he got angry, he didn't want him to see his anger.
"Sorry angel"
"Its quite alright my dear, lets go home"
Both the angel and the demon walked back to the bookshop hand in hand. They walked inside and the demon was quite startled when the angel pushed him against one of the pillars in the shop and began to kiss him.
"Not that I'm complaining but what brought this on?" asked the demon as the angel moved to kissing his neck.
"Nothing in particular"
"Liar, was it me threatening that lad in the park?"
The demon maneuvered the angel round so he was the one against the pillar.
"Did you...Did you like it?"
The angel blushed.
"You did" said the demon with slight shock
The demon kissed the angel which turned into a make-out session.
"Maybe I should threaten more people" said Crowley who leaned his head on the angels.
"Don't make a habit of it dear, I don't think I could handle it"
The demon chuckled and went back to kissing his angel.
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