Things had been good since the world didn't end. Crowley and Aziraphale had been living happily and peacefully, well Aziraphale had. Crowley was a whole different story, he'd been kicked out of his flat and was living in his car, he frequented a pub almost every night and drank himself silly just to feel some sensation of relaxation.
Crowley had been getting 'popped in on' by the new demon in town, Shax, and she was not leaving him alone. She had been popping up wherever and whenever she wanted which meant that Crowley hadn't relaxed, his guard always up in fear of her just popping up again, hence the drinking.
Being the proud demon that he was he had taken pains to conceal this fact from Aziraphale because Crowley knew the angel wouldn't want a demon always on the verge of a breakdown hanging around him.
It was on one of these days that Crowley decided to pop in on said angel simply because he'd missed him, not that he'd ever tell the angel that. Things has been going downhill since the demon woke that morning, some cop had woken him up and demanded he move his car and of course he'd had a visit from Shax and, to top it all off his morning coffee (Not from Nina's) had been half cold which meant he was in quite the mood.
Crowley walked through the door of the bookshop but didn't remove his glasses as to not let the angel see the tears threatening to fall from his golden eyes.
"Hello Crowley how are you?"
The demon simply grunted at the angel and walked through to his sofa and sat down resting his elbows on his knees and scratching the back of his head with his left hand.
"Are you alright my dear?" asked the angel who was still sat in his chair but had put his book down as he was worried about his demon.
Aziraphale knew that sometimes Crowley just needed somewhere safe to think or to feel but his seemed different somehow.
Crowley just sat there and snapped his fingers which locked the door and turned the sign to 'closed'. Aziraphale knew then and there that something was wrong and so he got up and sat in his chair opposite the demon.
"Crowley? I must admit I'm worried my dear, are you alright?"
"I'm just tired angel, I'm good"
The angel then got a feeling and looked towards the door "Crowley my dear, did you bring a friend with you?"
"What? No, why?"
The angel got up and walked towards the door and opened it to reveal the demon Shax standing there, Crowley sat on the sofa and began to hyperventilate, she was here, he wasn't safe.
"Can I help you?"
"Where is he?" she asked
"Don't play with me I know he's here I can smell him"
"I'm sorry I have no idea what or who you're talking about"
"Of course you don't" she said with a sneer before she vanished into thin air.
"Rude" mumbled the angel before closing the door and making sure it was locked.
The angel had returned to the back room expecting to see his demon but he was nowhere to be seen.
Aziraphale took some steps forward and saw the vibrant red hair of the demon poking out from the side of the couch. Crowley was sitting on the floor with his knees up to his chest and hugging said knees.
Aziraphale walked up to him and knelt down as close as he could without touching him.
"Crowley it's okay now, she's gone, you're safe"
"No, no not safe... never safe, she won't... leave me alone" said Crowley through his quick and short breaths.
"Crowley may I touch you?"
Crowley nodded. Aziraphale took the demons glasses off and took his hand and placed it over his own heart.
"Match my breathing my dear, take your time"
It took several minutes but the demons breathing evened out and he seemed to calm.
"Thank you angel, I don't know what that was"
"It's called a panic attack my dear, I've had plenty in the past"
"So have I, I just didn't know what they were" said the demon who gave the angel a small smile "I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here"
Crowley stood up to leave when he lost balance and was about to keel over when the angel caught him and held him up.
"My dear I really must insist you stay, please you're in no condition to be going anywhere"
Crowley sighed and said "Okay"
Aziraphale helped the demon to sit on the couch, Aziraphale sat down next to him.
"Who was that?"
"Her name is Shax, my replacement"
"I see and is she the one who won't leave you alone?"
Crowley nodded "She keeps popping up everywhere and I never know when so..."
"You can't relax...Oh Crowley why didn't you tell me?"
"Because it's not your problem"
Aziraphale put his hand on the demons back and began to rub "It most certainly my problem, you are my friend and she's practically harassing you Crowley"
"I can deal with it Angel"
"You shouldn't have too...I take it she pops up at your flat as well?"
Crowley went silent, He supposed it was time for the truth.
"Its her flat now"
"What?" asked Aziraphale as he froze
"Hell pays for it, did you really think they'd let me stay after what I did?"
"So where have you been sleeping?"
"Wherever I can find space for the Bentley"
"Your car Crowley! Oh now, I really must insist you stay here"
"Angel I can't, I can't let her come in here"
"Crowley she can't come in, you are the only demon who can enter this shop"
"Really you are safe here, I told you as much when I first opened the place didn't I, I told you this was a safe place for us both and it always will be, why do you think I keep a room here for you?"
"You do?"
"You silly serpent of course I do, I mean I never decorated it but the room is yours nonetheless"
Crowley smiled and turned to hug the angel who reciprocated the hug. Crowley buried his face in the angel's neck and relaxed for the first time in months. He must have really needed it as he began to drift off.
"Come now Crowley, to bed with you, you need a decent night sleep" said the angel who picked up and carried the demon through the hallway.
Now half asleep the demon mumbled "Whatever you say Angel"
Aziraphale chuckled at that. Aziraphale opened the door to the demons room which was quite spacious even with a large queen sized bed, a walk in wardrobe and a nice view. The angel carried the demon and placed his in the bed making sure to remove his shoes, his phone and keys from his pockets so as not to be uncomfortable.
Aziraphale covered the demon with the duvet and was about to turn and leave when the demon mumbled something else.
"What was that my dear?"
"You're a good angel"
Aziraphale was slightly shocked but regained his composure "Thank you my dear now sleep well"
Aziraphale kissed Crowley on the forehead and left the room leaving the demon to sleep away his stress and anxiety. The angel also kept an eye out for Shax, she was going to regret harassing Crowley, because, to Aziraphale, Crowley was worth protecting.
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