New Life (Present Day)
Last one of this mini series:) Hope you enjoyed.
Gabriel and Beelzebub had gone off together and Metatron had sent the angels and demons back to where they came from. Aziraphale was happy that ordeal was finally over and so was Crowley.
The Metatron had invited Aziraphale to go for a coffee and to talk, The angel was weary obviously he knew that Metatron might try something and he didn't want Crowley getting in the middle of anything.
About ten minutes later the angel returned and locked up the shop before looking around for Crowley.
"Yeah?" said Crowley as he came out from the back with a bottle of wine and two glasses "What'd he want?"
"Nothing important, what's this for?"
Crowley put the glasses and the bottle on the angels desk and turned to face him.
"Well we did just prevent another war"
Aziraphale placed his hand on the demons cheek and smiled "I love you Crowley"
"I...I love you too Angel"
"I've been thinking" said the angel as he took the bottle over to the sofa through the back of the shop, Crowley of course, followed with the glasses "Maybe we should get out of London, it seems everyone knows where we live"
"Are you suggesting we.....move?" asked Crowley as he sat down and began to open the wine.
"I am, maybe to some cottage near the sea, that sounds nice"
"But this bookshop....."
"Is not as important as us and besides I can take my books with us" answered Aziraphale
"And we can have a big garden for you and your plants"
"I can't believe I'm hearing this, Angel this shop is everything to you, why would you want to leave?"
"Oh my dear have you not worked it out yet? You are the only thing I need, this bookshop could disappear from the very earth and sure I would be sad but I would have you, you are the most important thing to me"
Crowley would never admit it but there were tears in his eyes. Aziraphale sat down next to Crowley and took his hand which was resting on the demons thigh.
"So my dear what do you think?"
"I think I would be happy anywhere as long as you were there"
"You love it" said Crowley with his usual mischievous smile
Aziraphale reached up and removed the demons glasses, now seeing the genuine love in his yes and smiled "Yes I very much do"
A month later and Crowley and Aziraphale had settled into their cottage by the sea and they were beyond happy. They were together as they had always wanted and now they were free from Heaven and Hell.
It was on one of these days that Crowley felt nothing but serene peace. He stood on the cliffs edge and looked out over the sea wondering how in all the universe he got so lucky. He jumped a little when he felt arms snake round his middle and a chin rest on his shoulder.
"How's the view?" asked the angel
"Never better"
The angel kissed Crowley's cheek and hummed slightly. This was the freedom and the peace he had dreamed of ever since Crowley got the mark on his arm.
"I used to think this mark was a curse that she gave me, but recently I've realised that if I had never got it we probably wouldn't be standing here right now" explained Crowley as he turned to face the angel.
"I suppose you're right, I still don't like it though"
Crowley chuckled and said "Why? Cause you have so much power over me?"
Aziraphale smiled and looked down a little, it seemed Crowley hit the nail on the head with his question.
Crowley put this finger under the angels chin and made him look at him.
"If anyone's gonna have power over me, I'd rather it be you than anyone else, I've always said that, I was happy it was you that found me in that slave house in Rome, any other angel or demon would have just left me there, but not you, you saved me"
"Thank you Crowley but..."
"But nothing, this mark has allowed me to save you many times over the years and so I wouldn't give it up for anything"
"Really, It ties me to the one person I don't want to live without"
Aziraphale smiled and leaned in to kiss Crowley.
"How about I make dinner?" asked Crowley
"Your famous pasta?"
"Anything you want angel" said the demon who smiled
"Oh I want" said the angel who kissed his demon once again.
In that cottage by the sea is where they remained for the rest of their lives. No mater what changed around them in the human world, they would remain together. The angel and his demon together forever.
Hope you liked this little series :)
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