Missing Demon
Warnings: blood, torture
The second coming had come and gone, Crowley and Aziraphale were once again together but now there was tension. Neither of them had spoken about it and neither would until the other did which obviously wasn't happening.
Aziraphale was sitting in the park waiting for the demon but he was late, that in itself worried the angel as the demon was never late he was always early and so he made the decision to return to the bookshop.
It was many weeks and the angel had still not heard from his demon, he had begun to think that Crowley was avoiding him during those weeks but as much as he tried he couldn't think of any reason as to why. Aziraphale returned to the park almost daily to see if the demon had come back, he also made weekly trips to the demons flat to see if anything had been moved indicating his return but nothing ever changed.
Aziraphale was returning from the park one day, some two months after the demons disappearance, and as he walked through the door he got a burning sensation in his head, he fell to his knees as he heard a voice that seemed to boom throughout his head.
The burning stopped and the angel simply knelt there in surprise, he recognised the voice.
"Crowley?" questioned the angel who immediately got up and ran out the door following the trail from the demons voice.
It was three hours before the angel found the origin of the demons call, it was an ordinary looking house in the suburbs.
He was late and he was never late. The angel was going to be worried if he didn't turn up soon and so he got into the car and turned the key. He began driving but didn't get out of the parking garage before his whole body erupted into pain. Crowley thought he must have blacked out as he never remembered leaving his car let alone arriving in some basement.
Crowley opened his eyes but silently wished he hadn't he was hanging from the roof by a handcuffs which were attached to a chain. He was only barely able to put his feet flat on the concrete ground, feet that were now as bare as he chest, the only clothing on his body were he black skinny jeans.
The demon tried to snap his fingers to miracle himself to safety but nothing happened, he looked down and to his surprise there was a remarkably accurate summoning circle surrounding him drawn on the floor in red paint.
Once Crowley realised he was powerless he began to thrash around trying to free himself but was unsuccessful.
"I wouldn't, mother wouldn't be happy if you wore yourself out"
Crowley looked up to see a boy roughly fourteen years old, he was wearing a blue hoodie and black trousers.
"Who are you? Where am I?" asked Crowley
"We're the ones who summoned you, well my parents did, it was quite the show, you are quite powerful"
"What do you want?"
"To have a little fun" said the women who appeared behind the boy alongside her husband.
"Welcome to our home demon" said the man "I'm Richard and this is my wife Maria and our son Robert"
"Great a whole family of psycho's" Sighed Crowley
"Now now we must remember our manners" said Maria who picked up a cattle prod from the table on the other side of the room and walked up to Crowley
"No please...."
"We must remember our Manners dear, this won't hurt a bit" said Maria as she hit Crowley with as much electricity as the cattle prod could give.
Crowley screamed in pain as the electricity ran through his body. It felt like forever until it stopped, but eventually it did and Maria walked up to him and grabbed his chin making him look at her.
"There there, we don't want to hurt you but we will if we have too" said the women who electrocuted Crowley again.
"We'll dear thats not true, we do want to hurt you, but just not too much" smiled Richard
This was the routine for weeks, Crowley hadn't counted but he wasn't really in the right state of mind to do so as the Psychos tortured him everyday, he wished and begged for them to stop, the only thing that kept him going was the thought of Aziraphale coming to save him but even that hope drowned in the never ending pain.
It was time again as Maria and Richard came down the stairs and walked up to Crowley.
"Please....No more...."
"Oh no dear we'll be going away for a few days and so you be good for Robert okay?" said Maria as she patted his cheek and left the basement with Richard.
About an hour later the psycho couple left the house as did Robert and so Crowley took his chance, his one chance to save himself, well to help Aziraphale save him.
Crowley mustered all his power and broke open a whole in the summoning circle, he shouted into the ether hoping the angel was listening.
Crowley couldn't hold open the whole any longer and so as his power failed the whole closed back up. Crowley had nothing if the angel didn't hear him and so he just dangled there bleeding from many wounds that Ricard and Maria had inflicted upon him.
"Angel please.....save me" whimpered Crowley as the pain overwhelmed him and his mind all but shattered, the image of the angels face the only thing he kept a tight hold of.
Crowley barely registered a loud bang from upstairs. He did however register the basement door opening, he thought that Robert had come home from wherever he had gone but the voice that spoke crushed Crowley.
"Crowley?......Oh my dear what have they done to you?"
"Hey angel good to.......see you" asked the demon who was trying to act cool, but failing miserably.
"My dear your body, your face....." stuttered the angel as the tears threatened to fall.
"Its not as bad as it looks" said Crowley as he gave a fake smile "The circle...."
Aziraphale looked down and saw the summoning circle and used his power to remove it and the book it came from, from the face of the earth.
"Hold on my dear, just a moment"
Aziraphale reached up and untied the demon. The second he was free he fell into the angels arms as he legs hadn't been baring any weight for a while.
"Don't apologise my dear, its okay, do you think you can handle it if I miracle us to the bookshop?"
"I don't know"
Aziraphale lifted up the demon into his arms and kissed the top of his head as he miracled them away from the horrible place.
To be continued
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