Crowley had been sleeping soundly every night for over a milenia but for the past few weeks he had been having strange dreams. He would fall asleep then instantly be blinded by this white light and he could feel his skin burning, for what reason he did not know. Obviously he had hid this from his husband, he thought Aziraphale would make a big deal out of nothing because thats what is was, nothing, at least thats what Crowley believed.
One night Azirapale was sitting in bed reading a book whilst Crowley lay next to him fast asleep, well at least thats what the angel thought.
Crowley's dream
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Asked Crowley into the nothingness that surrounded him.
A figure appeared as if from no where, as the figure approached him he saw it was a women, she had long dark brown hair and was dawned in a white robe.
"You have made me proud"
"Who are you?" Asked Crowley
"Do you not remember my son?"
"My star maker. You and the principality have made me proud, in more ways than one"
Suddenly Crowley could feel a hand on his shoulder, he began shaking. Aziraphale was trying to wake him up. The white light and the women had dissapeared and Crowley saw his familiar bedroom and the face of his angel.
"Are you alright Crowley? It seemed like some dream"
"Im fine"
"Are you certain?"
"Yes go back to your reading" said Crowley who shifted in his bed to get more comfortable.
Over the next few days Aziraphale was becoming worried about Crowley. The demon had been distancing himself and the angel caught him staring into space on more than one occasion and he had enough, he decided to confront Crowley about his behaviour.
"Crowley, can you come here a second?"
Crowley walked into the room and saw that Aziraphle wasnt happy, he sat down next to him and waited for the endless questions coming his way.
"You have been behaving strangely lately, i'm worried about you dear"
"Im fine, just some wierd dreams thats all"
"Dreams about what?"
"Yeah I've been dreaming about her and I dont know why"
"I could look into it, if you want?"
"Of course"
Over the next few days Crowley had more dreams and the angel could do noting to stop them, sometimes Crowley would just fall asleep in the middle of a conversation and then wake up hours later.
"I know what your dreams are about" said aziraphale who was sitting on top of their bed with countless books around him.
"Shes either trying to communicate with you or shes trying to make you remember something"
"Remember what?"
"I havent the faintest idea"
"Why dont I come with you?"
"A dream merge?"
"Are you sure?"
Aziraphale cleaned up his books and lay down with Crowley, he took the demons hand and fell asleep with him while also entering his mind.
Shared dream
The white light surrounded them as they opened their eyes, they stood in the nothingness, alone. The women was yet to show herself.
"Welcome to my dream Angel" said Crowley looking at him, he look a little worried.
"This is no dream child"
Crowley and Aziraphale turned around to see the dark haired women.
"Then what is it?"
"Think of it as a phone call, I was waiting for you to join the dream Aziraphale"
"You wanted him here, why didnt you just say that?"
"Come now Raphael, wheres the fun?" She said with sly smile
"I am in no mood for humour"
"My apologises, I must say something to you both...Gabriel, he has strayed from the path and I am in need of some advice"
"Yes, he was once one if my most trusted Angels but I must know if he is too far gone to save"
"He's a prick I'll give you that" said Crowley
"But he is still an Angel dear" said Aziraphale
"That is my problem, he is an angel and my son and I have already lost you and Lucifer, I do not wish to lose another son" said God placing her hand on Crowleys shoulder.
"He wanted us dead, he went too far"
God sighed, she knew Crowley was right.
"You are right, he must fall"
"No Archangel has fallen since..."
"You my son" interuppted God "but he has broken the rules of the angel and he has lost my trust and my faith"
The next thing Crowley and Aziraphale knew that were waking up back in their bedroom shocked at what just happened.
"That was...intense"
"Why did you never tell me you were Raphael?" Asked the angel
"There was never a right time and besides thats not who I am anymore"
"We used to be friends before you fell, I remember"
"So do I, best times of my life is the time I got to spend with you"
Aziraphale looked at Crowley and leaned in and kissed him and Gabriel was going to get what he deserved.
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