Aziraphale had his bookshop and Crowley... well Crowley had nothing or so the angel thought. He decided to visit the demon one day but he wasn't home and so he followed the scent of demonic energy to what the angel thought was a mistake...A tattoo parlour called Darkstar Ink.
The angel walked in and saw a man sitting on a chair getting a tattoo on his arm but that wasn't what was strange it was the man giving him the tattoo that was weird.
He looked up to see his angel standing there looking confused.
"Angel what are you doing here?" asked the demon who stood up after putting the tattoo gun down.
"I followed you scent when you weren't at your flat"
The demon smiled and said "Well welcome to Darkstar Ink, I'm a little busy at the moment, you can wait if you like?"
"I think I will"
Crowley got back to finishing the tattoo on the mans arm, when he did he wrapped up the mans arm and he left after paying of course.
"See something you like?" asked the demon over the angels shoulder. The angel was looking at tattoo designs on the wall.
"I rather like this one" said the angel pointing at one design on the wall.
"You want it?"
"Crowley, Tattoos are a sin"
"Says who? There's no mention of it in the book, is there?"
Aziraphale thought about it and realised he was correct the bible said nothing of tattoos.
"Still, I would rather not"
"Alright, tattoos aren't everyone's cup of tea"
"Since when was it yours?"
"About 10 years ago, when I opened the shop"
"You own this shop?" asked the angel
"Yeah I do, why?"
"How come you never told me?"
"I guess it never came up and well..."
"You know how the bookshop is your sanctuary from the real world?"
"I do yes"
"This place is my sanctuary, my escape"
Aziraphale wandered about a bit whilst Crowley dealt with a walk in customer. He saw all the designs on the wall all had the same three letters tucked in the corner written in cursive, A.J.C.
"Mmmm?" said the demon who began packing up for the night
"This signature, who's is it?"
"Uhh mine, why?"
"You drew these?" said the angel holding up one of the drawings.
"Yeah, it was a hobby before I decided to make it a job, why?"
"I didn't know you could draw, that's all. They are all very good"
"Thanks angel, you ready to go?"
Both Crowley and Aziraphale left the parlour and Crowley locked up, they began their walked towards their homes.
"Maybe tomorrow you could, I don't know, spend a day in my shoes, with me, you know , if you want to that is?" said Crowley
"That sound wonderful my dear"
The next day Crowley walked out of his apartment and saw the angel walking towards him.
"Morning Crowley"
"Mornin' Angel"
They began their walk towards the store and Crowley saw his employee making his way towards the store too and he began to panic, James had quite the crush on Crowley and of course Crowley loved torturing him about it, but the demon knew he had to die it down in front of the angel
"Mornin' Boss" said James
"Hey James, This is Aziraphale"
"Uhh Hi"
"He's shadowing me today" said Crowley as he go the door open and walked inside holding the door for James and Aziraphale.
"Uhh why?"
"Do we need a reason?"
"I guess not boss"
The day was going smoothly that was until James got bored and began to pester Crowley as he was tattooing a woman's back.
"You make that look so easy" said James who was looking over Crowley's shoulder quite closely.
"It is when you get the hang of it and of course if you have artistic talent" explained Crowley who was being a little vain about it.
"Which of course you do"
Aziraphale was watching from across the room and he was getting angry, he hated James fawning over Crowley like that, he was...Jealous. Aziraphale was confused as to why he was jealous, he didn't like the demon in that way, did he?
"I'm going on my lunch break, Be back in an hour" said James who opened the door for the women who had just gotten her back done by Crowley.
"Alright, don't be late!" shouted Crowley as James walked out.
Crowley looked over to the angel who was intently staring into space.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry?"
"I know that face angel somethings wrong, tell me" said Crowley who removed his gloves and put them in the bin.
"Its nothing"
"Its James, you don't like him"
"I never said that"
"You didn't have to and besides I barely like him, he's always late, most of the time he's hungover and a lot of the piercings he does come back infected, he's already on a final warning"
"I guess he's a little rough around the edges" answered the angel
"But you don't like him for a different reason"
The angel sighed and said "Very well, I don't like how he was flirting with you, I know its not my place, we are just friends but I didn't like it plain and simple"
"I am not"
"Nothing would've ever happened you know"
"Oh and why's that?" asked the angel
"You really are an idiot"
The angel turned around and looked at the demon who grabbed his coat collar and pulled him in close, the demon kissed the angel.
He pulled away and rested his forehead on the Angels and said "That's why"
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