Heat (S)
Crowley knew how it felt to be vulnerable, utterly and completely vulnerable and it was not a feeling he particularly enjoyed. He hated it with every fibre of his being but it all came with being the only demon Omega in existence.
Every other demon was either an Alpha or a Beta, he was the only one of his kind and he took great pains to conceal that fact.
Crowley only ever allowed himself to go into heat every two years as he was a busy demon and didn't have time for it, Hell also stuck their nose in when he missed a temptation due to it. He'd hide himself away in some secluded and safe cave and ride it out and be back to work a week later. He never wanted to be around people when it hit as he was unmated and every Alpha out there could smell that. More than a few had tried to take advantage of that fact but he never let them.
Not even Crowley's closest friend knew about his orientation, Aziraphale always believed his friend was a beta as he never smelt anything different, what he didn't know was that the demon used miracles to conceal it from him.
Now that Crowley and Aziraphale were living together in their cottage in the south downs, he was going to have an even harder time concealing his nature.
He was out in the garden tending to his plants whilst the angel sat on the bench, on the porch reading a book, when it hit.
He should've realised that spending so much time around Aziraphale, an alpha, would screw up his system. Crowley felt the uncomfortable feeling down in the pit of his stomach, he'd been feeling it since he woke up. He called them 'the day before pains' as he always started feeling them the day before his heat truly started. Crowley knew that it would be a little dangerous to perform any miracles so he knew that the angel would smell him sooner or later and his secret would be out.
Aziraphale had smelled the demon the second his pain struck him, he looked at him a little confused and shocked that his friend had hidden it for so long. The angel snapped his attention towards the demon and walked over to him, kneeling down beside him.
"I think its time to go inside now love"
Crowley slightly looked over his shoulder at the angel, He didn't look him in the eye as he was embarrassed, he did however allow the angel to help him up and into the house where he collapsed to his knees from the pain
"Oh Crowley why didn't you tell me?"
Crowley still clutched his stomach in pain as he answered.
"Because its embarrassing and I hate it"
The angel sighed and helped Crowley up and over to the couch, they both sat down for a very serious talk.
"Do you wish for my help? I know you and I have never talked about it but..."
"I don't know I usually ride it out alone"
"Crowley you know I love you and I will help if you want me too, but I would like to set some things straight if thats what you want. It is you decision either way"
Crowley was about to answer when the pain got worse and he whimpered, Aziraphale wrapped his arms around the demon as he leaned his head against the angels shoulder. When the pain subsided Crowley felt that he liked being this close to the angel and so made no move to move from the hug.
Aziraphale could now smell Crowley more clearly and it was intoxicating.
"I...I want you"
"Are you sure my dear?"
"yes, I've been trying to ask for a while" said the demon into the angels shoulder.
"Have you really? Well then I should be honoured to help you. Do you want me to bond and knot you?"
"Do you want that? I know I'm not exactly easy..."
"None of that now Crowley, you are exactly who you are meant to be and I love all of you, do you understand me?"
Crowley hid his face in the angels neck as he nodded
"I want that...I want to be yours"
"I would love nothing more darling"
The alpha picked up the Omega and took him up to the bedroom.
"You need to rest, you will need all of your energy for tomorrow"
"Will you stay?"
Aziraphale couldn't help but smile at the demons request, he was hoping he would ask.
"Of course dearest"
Aziraphale miracled Crowley into his pj's which was just a pair of black shorts and then he miracled his own pj's on which was a pair of cotton tartan bottoms. He placed Crowley in the bed and got in beside him. Crowley instantly rested his head onto the angels chest with a carefully hidden whine as the angel began to run his hand through the demons hair as the other hand traced patterns on his back.
"That feels nice"
"Good...can I ask you something my dear?"
"Uh huh"
"Would you allow me to bond you now as I very much want you to remember it?"
Crowley sat up and looked the angel in the eyes for the first time. He smiled before moving to sit on his lap and kissed him.
"You read my mind angel"
Aziraphale chuckled "I take it you didn't want to ask?"
Crowley looked a little embarrassed
"Crowley you know you can ask me anything, right?"
"I know its just embarrassing, I hate being the only demon omega"
"I know its hard to be vulnerable but I want you to know that you will always be safe with me" said the angel as he put his hand on the back of the demons neck.
"I love you angel"
"I love you too dear"
"Are you sure love?"
Crowley wrapped his hands around the angels neck and kissed him. Their lips moved in sync with each other as the angels hands roamed the demon back. Aziraphale began to kiss along Crowley's jaw and down his neck just passing the scent glad where he lingered.
"Are you ready darling?"
Aziraphale smiled and began to nibble on the sensitive skin, teasing the demon
"Angel...Alpha please"
Aziraphale smiled once again and then bit down hard piercing the omega's skin. Crowley tightened his grip on the angels shoulders. He expected pain but there was none, he felt like he was on cloud 9. The alpha pulled away and began licking the wound to soothe any pain, he also lingered to scent the omega.
"My omega"
"My alpha"
"Rest my dear, you'll need it "
Crowley slumped against the Alpha's chest and cuddled as close as he could as he got comfortable enough to fall asleep. "My alpha" he mumbled once again before dosing off.
The next morning the sun was shinning, the birds were chirping and a certain demon omega had gone into a full blown heat. Of course he hadn't noticed as he and his Alpha were still sleeping. Aziraphale woke first as he smelt the powerful scent of his omega in heat, he immediately noticed that he himself was getting hard in his bottoms. The omega woke moments later with a pair of wet shorts.
"I have you love" Aziraphale moved Crowley to sit on his lap.
He kissed him as he ran his hands up both the demons thighs. Crowley once again put both hands around the angels neck.
"I'm going to miracle your shorts off, alright?"
The alpha snapped his fingers and the black shorts vanished to reveal a swollen and wet clit.
"So wet for me already darling"
"Alpha please..."
Aziraphale ran his fingers through the demons folds as he moaned at the much needed attention. He inserted one finger into the omega and began to stretch his hole to prepare it.
"Angel" moaned the demon who leaned his head on the angels shoulder.
"Shh its alright, I don't want to hurt you darling, you're being so being so good for my love"
Aziraphale eased in a second finger, again accompanied by a moan from the demon. Crowley leaned in to kiss the angel, asking for entrance which was granted. Crowley explored the angels mouth with his tongue as he explored his insides, now with three fingers.
"Angel...please I need..."
Aziraphale understood what his omega wanted and so he miracled his own bottoms away, his effort was glad to be released from its silk cage.
"Ready darling?"
Aziraphale lifted the omega's hips and lowered him onto his own effort. Crowley had gotten what he had been craving but it wasn't nearly enough. He still craved that sweet release that only his alpha could give him.
Aziraphale kissed him along his jaw and down his neck lingering on the new mate mark from the other night.
"Angel please I..."
Aziraphale lifted Crowley and lay him down on his back as he hovered above him.
"Alpha please" begged Crowley as the need was getting stronger with each touch.
"You're taking me so well love"
Aziraphale began to move, thrusting in and out of his Omega. Crowley gripped the sheets either side of his thighs as he chased the relief he was craving. With his heat it didn't take long to push both himself and his scent drunk alpha over the edge.
Crowley could feel the angels knot growing inside him, the alpha maneuvered them so that the omega was lying on top of him, both stull attached via the knot.
"Better my love?" asked the angel as he began to run his fingers through the demon red hair that was currently draped across his own chest.
"Good, I'm glad I could help, now get some rest before it flares again"
"I love you angel" said Crowley as he drew patterns on the angels chest whilst trying to keep his eyes open.
"I love you so much my darling omega, always and forever"
Crowley didn't like being an omega, especially the only demon omega but he loved being Aziraphale's omega, he never felt alone again, not for one moment.
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