Armageddon was hours away and Crowley had been found out, Hell knew he was a traitor and he was most certainly screwed. Holy Water does wonders to protect ones self but not others and so Crowley grabbed his keys and ran out of his apartment and into his car.
Crowley turned on to Whickerby street and saw that the bookshop was on fire, he parked the Bentley and ran inside.
"Aziraphale!" he shouted as he looked around, the smoke beginning to get to him.
"Aziraphale where the heaven are you you idiot?!"
Crowley tried to look through the shelves of burning books but he couldn't see very much.
"Aziraphale for Go....for Satan's....ah for somebody's sake where are you?!"
Suddenly Crowley heard the angel moaning, he walked around the burning bookshelves and saw Aziraphale lying on his side, on the floor, by the phone.
Crowley rolled him onto his back and checked if he was breathing, luckily he was and so he snapped his fingers freezing time and lifted up the angel, he walked out and put the angel in the back seat. Crowley snapped his fingers once again and time started once again, he got in the front seat and drove away.
"....Tadfield....go there"
"What? Why?"
"Arma....gddeon" mumbled the angel as he fell unconscious once again
"Alright angel Tadfield it is"
Crowley did everything he could but when he reached a huge wall of fire he began to have doubts.
Crowley looked over his shoulder and saw the angel was stirring.
"Angel we'll discorporate"
"....Trust me Crowley please" said Aziraphale as he sat up and climbed into the front seat.
Crowley sighed and began to drive forwards, he looked at the angel as they got closer to the wall of fire.
Aziraphale put one hand on Crowley's shoulder and the other on the dashboard of the car as they drove through the wall.
When the car came out the other side it was in perfect condition and both he and Crowley still had corporations.
"How the heaven did you do that?" asked Crowley
"Celestial protection shield, haven't done it in centuries"
"Nice trick"
Armageddon had been avoided and so Crowley and Aziraphale were driving back to London.
"The bad was it?"
"I doubt there's anything left angel....I'm...I'm sorry"
Aziraphale sighed and said "It was a demon"
"Yeah, It was Hastur's hellfire, I'd know it anywhere"
"Thank you Crowley, for saving me"
"Anytime Angel" said Crowley as he parked the car outside his apartment building
"Where are we?"
"My place, you can stay here if you like, I mean its not like we have sides anymore, no ones gonna care"
"I....Thank you Crowley, its very kind of you"
Crowley glared at Aziraphale but sighed and said "Yeah yeah"
It seemed Crowley and Aziraphale were going to be okay, they had each other just like always and nothing or no one was ever going to tear them apart, not heaven, not hell, not God or even Satan, they were an 'US' always.
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