Warning: self harm, depression, ptsd
Discretion advised
Crowley was in a bad place. He had been lying in his bed for days, he wasn't sleeping he was just lying there thinking and over thinking about stuff.
The angel had knocked on his door many times over those days, he had become very worried about the demon and he missed him terribly.
Crowley had no intention of letting the angel in and he didn't miracle himself inside which Crowley was thankful for but also annoyed at, he wanted to see Aziraphale, but at the same time he didn't want him to see him like that.
This made Crowley even more disconnected. He got out of bed for the first time in days still listening to the horrible thoughts running loose throughout his brain, and into his bathroom. Crowley looked at himself in the mirror and ran one hand through his hair. He loosed like crap and he knew it, he had to get himself right before going to see Aziraphale but it was hard, every time he thought he would get up the bad thoughts came back.
He was listening to the things other demons had said to him over the years, demons like Hastur, Ligur and Beelzebub all of which were the most horrible to Crowley.
Crowley used to have a method of getting rid of the voices but he had quit a while back because he was sick and tied of having sore thighs and forearms. Now he was thinking of picking up the razor blade on his bathroom counter and making the smallest of cuts just to make the voices stop. Crowley reached for it but he hesitated, his hand shook but of course he brushed it aside and picked up the blade. He slid down the wall and sat on the floor with his legs laid out before him. Crowley took the blade down to his thighs but then he stopped dead and threw the blade across the room, he brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his hands around them and begun to sob.
As if by miracle there was a knock at the front door. Crowley raised his head and looked towards the bathroom door.
"Angel??" he whispered before he snapped his fingers and opened his front door letting him in, He didn't even think about it, he just wanted to see him.
Aziraphale wandered through the apartment, he stopped when he heard the demons breathing, he followed the noise when he came across the bedroom he stepped inside and looked around, it wasn't until he looked though the bathroom door that he saw the demon sitting on the ground hugging his knees.
"Oh my dear" he said as he walked up to the demon and dropped to his knees.
Aziraphale looked around the room and saw the blade on the floor. He made the connection when he saw the marks on the demons arms.
"My dear do you need fixing up?" he asked softly
The demon shook his head "wanted to but..."
"I...didn't want you seein"
"Oh my dear" said the angel as he moved to sit next to Crowley.
Crowley's eyes began to water and his hands began to shake.
"m' sorry ang'l"
"It's alright...You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but...why? what happened?"
"The voices"
"Beelzebub, Hastur..."
"Were they saying bad things about you?"
The demon nodded. Aziraphale wrapped his arms around the demon and pulled him in close as the damm broke and the sobs of the demon flowed freely, Crowley clung to the angel as if for dear life.
They sat like that for a long time before the angel heard soft snore from the demon and so he lifted him up and brought him over to the bed, he lay him down and covered him up pretending not to notice the many scars on the demons thighs and arms. Aziraphale went to walk away but was stopped when the demon grabbed his wrist in his sleep.
And so the angel made the decision to stay, he walked round to the other side of the bed and sat on top, he miracled up a book and began to read as he watched over the demon who was sleeping peacefully.
Later the next day the demon woke up, his head was resting on something that was quite soft. He looked up to see Aziraphale and saw that his head was resting on the angels leg, Crowley shot up embarrassed.
"Sorry Angel"
"Its alright, you must have been quite tired"
"Haven't slept in a few days" he mumbled
"I see"
"What are you doing here?"
"You don't remember what happened yesterday?"
"The bathroom" realised Crowley
"I thought that was a dream" said the demon who sat up on the edge of his bed "Sorry angel"
Aziraphale sat next to the demon and placed his hand on his thigh on top of the demons hand.
"You don't have to apologise my dear, I'm glad you let me in"
"You're not mad at me?"
"Why would I be?" asked the angel who looked genuinely confused
"I do't kno'"
"My dear working through bad emotions and thoughts on your own is never a good idea because they just get filed away, they never get delt with and I...I want to help you through them"
"No, you shouldn't have to deal with my crap"
"Crowley you are my friend and I want to help, especially if its got so bad that you considered hurting yourself"
Crowley sighed, he could continue to fight the angel but he didn't have the mental energy to do so and so he gave in.
"Alright fine"
"Thank you my dear and please do tell me if things get that bad again, any time"
Crowley finally looked Aziraphale in the eyes and said "I don't wanna bother you"
"You are not a bother my dear, you are the one person that I would go to hell and back for"
"Please don't" smiled Crowley
Aziraphale chuckled then hugged his friend and Crowley also wrapped his arms around his angel
"I will always be there for you my dear, always, no matter what" said Aziraphale into the demons hair
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