Coming Home
Crowley had been quite depressed lately ever since his angel had left him for heaven. He was still pissed at him, asking him to be an Angel again, was he crazy? Crowley had no desire to be Raphael again.
He, of course had his reasons. Nobody liked Raphael. In the beginning the other archangels used to bully him and ignore him for the only reason that he was the youngest of them and they had no desire to give their younger brother any attention and so he became very distant from his brothers and sisters.
And that's not what he wanted to feel again.
But of course nothing ever went his way.
Crowley was parking the Bentley outside the bookshop when he felt a weird sensation but shrugged it off as he walked in expecting to see Muriel as her usual perky self but he found her sitting at the desk hyperventilating.
"Hey kid what's wrong?" he asked sensing her distress.
"Oh Mr Crowley, I heard their plan on the radio, they are hurting him"
(angel radio, a network connecting all angel together, in their heads)
"Hurting who?" he asked kneeling down in front of the young angel
Muriel would never admit it but she could swear she could see fear in the demons eyes, before he stormed outside and summoned the elevator.
"Where are you going?" asked Muriel who had followed him
" 'We' are going to heaven to rescue him, get in"
Muriel reluctantly got into the white elevator and pressed the button for heaven. The doors closed and the elevator rose for about three minutes before the doors opened to the expanse of heaven.
"Right where are they holding him?"
"The Heavenly cells, this way" said Muriel who began to walk off followed by the demon.
They saw a group of four angels heading their way and so they hid behind a wall which vanished and they fell back.
"What in the heaven just happened?" asked Crowley
"I could ask you the very same thing"
Crowley and Muriel turned around to see the almighty God herself.
"Why did you come back here Crowley?"
"You know why"
God smiled and said "I do and I also know you rejected Metatron's offer to re-join us"
"Yeah well, its not like I didn't have a good reason"
"What if I could offer you something else? Not to be an Archangel again but to be both Archangel and demon, is that something you would want?"
"You would regain all of your celestial powers but at the same time you would keep all of your demonic ones, plus your old form would meld with this one" she said clearly getting through to Crowley
"I would be an angel and a demon?"
"With all the powers that come with both and you would be welcome in heaven or you could stay on earth with Aziraphale"
"You know about that?"
"I know everything, I have no issues with it as long as you are happy" she said placing her hand on his shoulder
God guided him to the centre of the room and clicked her fingers and a heavenly light appeared from the, well the heavens. Crowley began to float as his angelic powers were restored to him and of course his appearance was changed. (Pic above)
A few minutes in and the light vanished leaving Crowley standing in the middle of the room his eyes had changed back to their round, bright golden colour and his snake companions wrapped around his arms now glowed a bright gold, they looked more like tattoos than anything else. His wings however were now a light grey, not the black they had previously been nor the white they were when he was an angel. And of course his red hair remained the same, that was one of the things God loved about her son.
"Woah" he said turning to face his mother and Muriel who was in shock at what she had just witnessed.
God walked up to him and smiled and Crowley noticed a small tear threatening to fall from her eye.
"Go and save him and be happy" she said placing her hand on his cheek
"I have so many questions...."
"I know, that's the way I created you, now go"
Crowley smiled and left the room with Muriel, they walked though Heaven and down the stairs to the cells, where they could hear someone pleading.
They reached a cell with someone in it, someone getting tortured but Sandalphon and Uriel.
"So this is angelic punishment now huh?"
They both turned to see who had interrupted them.
"Raphael, what are you doing here?" asked Uriel
"Well for one being embarrassed that you're my sister and for another I am following the almighty's will, now let him go"
"He is a traitor"
"Are you questioning Mothers will Uriel? Its not like you"
Uriel looked at Sandalphon before letting Aziraphale down
"Get him back to the shop Muriel, I'll meet you there"
Muriel walked into the cell and helped Aziraphale out and walked away with him. She did not want to know what he was going to do, all she wanted to do was keep her friend safe and so she helped him to the elevator and pressed the Earth button.
When the lift arrived it was night time and the streets were empty and so she helped the fellow angel across the street and into the bookshop.
It was two days until Aziraphale felt the appearance of the the celestial lift and so he looked at the door when he heard the door chime. Muriel had returned to heaven when Aziraphale had returned.
Aziraphale's heart leaped when he saw him, his friend was back.
"Crowley?" he asked a she stood up "You look..."
"Archangel and demon curtesy of God" he said spinning around slowly a little.
"I thought that's not what you wanted"
"Actually I feel more me like this than I did as just a demon or just an angel, I think this is who I was always meant to be"
He walked up to Aziraphale to make sure he was okay.
"Are you okay?"
"I am...are you?"
"I am now" said Crowley a with a small smile
"Oh Crowley I am so sorry" said Aziraphale with tears in his eyes
"No no, angel it's okay, don't cry, please don't cry" he said hugging the angel
"I was so awful to you, I should've realised, You must hate me"
"Oh Angel I could never hate you"
"I should have stayed...with you" admitted the angel
Crowley was quite surprised when the angel admitted that, they were just standing there in the middle of the store hugging each other.
"Come on lets sit down" said Crowley as he guided the angel over to the sofa
"Can you forgive me Crowley?"
"Of course I forgive you and its Anthony now, Crowley or Raphael don't feel right anymore"
"Okay, Are you sure you wanted this? Not that I'm complaining or anything" he said with a slight smile
Anthony chuckled "Angel I've never felt more me"
"I'm glad to hear it...what happens now?"
"Well I don't know, what do you want to happen?"
"I was rather hopping we could try that kiss again?"
Anthony smiled and said "I would love nothing more"
Both leaned in and their lips pressed against each other in a moment of love, acceptance, passion and a tad bit of lust.
No matter how many times they would tell the story of their first kiss, they would always say this was their first kiss, just as it should've been. A moment of pure love and passion and of course forgiveness, a moment intruded upon as God watched on from above and smiled as her son finally had the love he deserved, the love he never got from his siblings or from anyone.
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