Apologies for the long wait. Life gets in the way a lot. I hope you like this story, I've been playing around with it for a while.
"I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" shouted Crowley
"You can't even move, snake, so I'd like to see you try" cackled the demon who walked out of the cell where Crowley was being held.
"Find me angel....please"
Crowley had been missing for a while and Aziraphale, Nina and Maggie had been searching everywhere for him, that was until one day when the bookshop got an unexpected visitor.
"Hello there" said the man who was standing there in a white suit but was very obviously not an angel.
"Can we help you?" asked Aziraphale who stood in front of Maggie and Nina as to protect them.
"You must be Aziraphale, Angel of the Eastern Gate. I am Asmodeus and I have to ask for your help"
"Asmodeus, As in the demon prince?" asked Maggie
"That is correct"
"What help could we give you?" asked Aziraphale.
"You are searching for the demon Crowley, are you not?"
"What do you know of it...of him?"
"I know he is being held in Hell by Lucian, a demon who claims Crowley belongs to him, Lucian is brutal and cruel. I do not wish my brother to remain held prisoner by him"
"Your brother?" questioned Nina
"Yes, Crowley is actually the demon prince Leviathan. I cannot save him myself, I tried and failed, he told me to come here to ask you for help"
"He's....no, Crowley would've told me" said Aziraphale who was having trouble wrapping his head around the fact that Crowley was a prince of Hell.
"We don't have time to waste, I can get you to him but the cell is protected against demonic power, you'll need to get Crowley out fast, Lucian won't hold his punches if he catches you"
Aziraphale turned to Maggie and Nina and said "I won't ask you to come with me"
"Tough, we're coming, Crowley's our friend too" said Maggie who crossed her arms.
"Are we going or not?" asked Nina
"I'm glad my brother has such good friends" smiled Asmodeus "Alright brace yourselves"
Asmodeus snapped his fingers and sent the three of them to Crowley's cell. They were a bit disorientated when they arrived, as they got settled they looked around and saw the cold and dark space they now stood in.
"Well that was interesting" said Maggie who brushed dirt off her knees.
Aziraphale snapped his fingers and a small ball of light appeared in his hand, he looked around, he gasped when he laid eyes of Crowley.
Crowley was hanging from the ceiling by chains in nothing but his black jeans, he had shackles around the wrists and ankles which left him suspended in the air and on the floor was a runic circle which was glowing a deep red.
"Oh my God!" gasped Maggie when she saw what Aziraphale was looking at.
"Crowley? Can you hear me?" asked Aziraphale as he walked up to the edge of the circle.
Crowley did not stir. Aziraphale now saw the damage this Lucian had inflicted on him. He was covered in bruises and cuts, there was a small puddle of blood on the floor.
"We need to get him out of here" said Nina which snapped Aziraphale out of his daze
"Yes....Um I need to get this circle deactivated first" said Aziraphale who knelt down to inspect it.
The second that the angel interacted with the circle a red lighting bolt struck Crowley who screamed out in pain.
"Oh Crowley i'm sorry"
Crowley cracked open an eye and looked at the angel, he tried to speak but no sound came out.
"Don't there's a bad burn on your throat, talking will make it worse" explained Maggie
"He's done enough talking"
The three turned to see a scruffy looking demon.
"Lucien I take it"
"A pleasure, you must be Aziraphale, he prayed for you, you know. Prayed you'd come to save him, well I guess you got here a little late...oops" laughed Lucien
Suddenly there was a power which flowed through the room, a power that was not of Aziraphale's knowledge, he turned to look at Crowley who's eyes were now glowing a deep red and he was not letting out some lighting bolts in all directions. He made sure none of them hit his friends though.
"Getting angry are we snake?"
The power flowed through the room and kept ramping up, Crowley was getting more powerful and more angry.
"Now now, that's enough of that" said Lucien who actually looked scared.
Suddenly the wall behind Lucien crumbled to show a huge red snake like creature (more like a cross between a snake and a dragon)
"Impossible...the great snake"
The snake/dragon charged forward and swallowed Lucien whole, he was no more and Crowley was exhausted. The snake's head entered the room and stopped before Aziraphale, it then just froze looking at him.
"Thank you my dear" said the angel who placed his head on the serpents nose as said serpent closed his eyes.
The serpent leaned back and roared at the top of its lungs and then became a mist of red which went floating towards Crowley who absorbed it. The serpent then became, to the naked eye, a tattoo that coiled around the demon's body and down his arm where the serpents head rested on the back of his hand.
"That was him?" asked Nina
"That was Leviathan, the great serpent....yes that was him"
"We should go" said Nina
Aziraphale walked towards the circle surrounding Crowley which he saw to be deactivated, he thought that Crowley must have done in his powerful state. The angel miracled away the shackles on both the demons wrists and ankles. Aziraphale caught Crowley as he fell and gently lifted him into his arms.
"Hang on ladies this might be a tad bumpy"
Both Maggie and Nina held on to Aziraphale and he miracled them to the bookshop.
"You got him out, good"
Asmodeus was standing in the shop waiting for their return, his eyes widened when he saw the damaged body of his brother.
"Holy Hell, what did that fucker do to him?"
Crowley's eyes opened when he heard the voice of his brother. Crowley looked at him and smiled a little.
"Hello little brother, I'm glad you are safe" said the prince as he walked towards Crowley who was still in the angels arms.
Aziraphale took Crowley through the back room to a spare bedroom he kept in case Crowley ever wanted it, he laid the demon on the bed and began to leave when the demon grabbed his hand.
"Crowley it's okay, i'm just going to get the first aid kit, okay, i'll be right back" smiled the angel.
Crowley let him go and nodded a little, Crowley looked up at the ceiling remembering all that Lucien had done to him.
Aziraphale came back and began to tend to the demons wounds, Crowley couldn't feel anything as he had turned off his pain receptors, something Lucien didn't let him do,
"I take it you turned off your pain?" asked the angel
Crowley nodded
"Probably best, I'd hate to hurt you more" said the angel with tears in his eyes.
"Do you need any help?" asked Maggie who stood in the doorway with Nina.
"Where is Asmodeus?"
"He left, something about his kingdom" explained Maggie
"Mmm Maggie you were a nurse yes? Can You take a look at his throat?"
"Of course" Maggie walked towards the bed and tied up her hair.
Crowley was lying there watching the angel work on his wounds when he saw a tear run down his face, Crowley reached up and wiped it away. Aziraphale looked a little shocked but smiled.
"Please don't cry" said Crowley to Aziraphale telepathically.
"I forgot you could do that" chuckled Aziraphale
"Do what?"
"Talk telepathically"
Nina walked in a little to stand at the end of the bed "You can hear him in your head?"
"Yes, we haven't done it in centuries" explained Aziraphale who cupped the demons cheek.
"I'll be okay angel, promise. I've been through worse"
"I know you are, now let Maggie see your throat"
Crowley looked at Maggie who smiled at him. Crowley bared his throat to the former nurse. Maggie took a look and knew immediately that his throat had some severe damage. Maggie frowned and sighed which made the demon a little concerned.
"This burn goes right through to your vocal cords, I'm not sure how long it will be before you can talk"
"Perhaps I can try to heal you, if you'll allow me?" asked Aziraphale
Crowley looked up at the angel and thought about it before nodding a little.
Aziraphale placed his hand on top of the burn and closed his eyes, a white light came from his hand and began to heal the skin.
"There we are all healed" smiled Aziraphale
Crowley opened his mouth and tried to speak but he found he couldn't. He looked at the angel confused.
"Maybe the healing just repaired the skin and not the vocal cords, they are very intricate"
"I....I'm sorry Crowley I...."
"It's okay angel, we can still talk"
Aziraphale smiled and said "I suppose we can" The angel turned to the former nurse and asked "Will his voice ever come back?"
"Honestly I...don't know, I'm sorry"
Crowley reached out his hand and took Maggie's hand and squeezed with a smile on his face.
"Anyway, we'll leave you two to it" said Nina
"Thank you, both of you"
"Of course, that's what friends are for"
Maggie and Nina left and Crowley sat up a little and looked down at his body but only noticed one thing, the huge snake coiled around his body.
The appearance of the snake seemed to surprise Crowley a little as he sat right up with wide eyes.
"You could've told me who you were Crowley"
Crowley's eyes snapped to the angel
"I was afraid you would be afraid of me, everyone always is, I just wanted a friend and when we were on the wall you had no idea who I was ,so I hid who I was so you wouldn't be afraid"
"Oh Crowley, I'm sorry" said the angel who cupped his cheek
"Then after every year that lied to you it just seemed awkward to tell you, I didn't know how to bring up the fact that I am a prince of Hell"
"You'll always just be Crowley to me, my love" said the angel as he kissed the demons other cheek.
"You really don't mind?"
"Crowley I just saw the great serpent bow before me so no, I don't mind, I love you exactly as you are, whether you are the great serpent or simply the serpent of Eden, you are Crowley and I love you"
"Wait...you love me?"
Aziraphale chuckled and said "Oh you are a silly serpent" before kissing the demon right on the lips.
Crowley melted into the kiss and loved every second. After what felt like an eternity the angel pulled away and smiled.
"I love you too angel, always"
"I know you do, I can sense as much remember"
Aziraphale laughed a little whilst Crowley just smiled.
Crowley may have been the great serpent, Leviathan, but in the end he was still just Crowley and he was weak to the thing we are all weak to, Love. Love is what we strive for, what we live for, whether that is the love of another or love of family and friends. It shows that even the most powerful of us can fall victim to the power of love. Love, those who know it cherish it and those who don't live to find it but in the end love doesn't have to make you weak, love makes us strong, strong enough to get through anything.
So if there's someone in your life you love, tell them, you never know how much they might need to hear it.
I hope you enjoyed this story.
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