Back in the game
Aziraphale was sitting in the coffee shop across the street from the bookshop drinking his oat milk latte waiting for Crowley. He looked up out the window many times waiting for the demon, he was used to him being late.
Crowley was just leaving his apartment on his way to the coffee shop to meet his angel when he got a rather weird text.
We need to talk - L
Crowley knew exactly who it was from but ultimately chose to ignore it and walked out of his apartment building and walked up to his garage and opened it revealing the Bentley and a rather awesome motorbike, a black Yamaha R6.
Crowley decided that he would take the bike as he hadn't ridden it in almost two months and so he took his helmet off the hook on the wall and grabbed his keys. Crowley started the engine and got on the bike whilst putting his helmet on before he took off closing his garage door with a click of his fingers.
It was roughly ten minutes later when the Angel looked up at the sound of a loud motorbike which was being parked outside of the coffeeshop. The rider took off his helmet and the angel was shocked, he had no idea Crowley even owned a motorcycle let alone that he could ride one.
Crowley put his bike on the stand and put on his sunglasses which he had put in his jacket pocket before he left. He walked into the coffee shop with his helmet in hand and walked up to the angels table and sat down.
"Hi" he said
"Hello, I didn't know you had a motorbike?"
"Yeah been in the garage for a while, figured it was time to ride again. So what's up?"
Suddenly the entirety of the coffee shop and those outside began to slow down, but only Crowley seemed to notice.
"Well I..."
"Crowley? What is it?"
"Look" said Crowley nodding to the people behind the angel who had all but froze.
"What's happening? This isn't you, is it?"
"No...But I know who" said Crowley standing up and looking out the window at the angel standing in the middle of the street with his wings stretched out.
"Who is that?"
"Amenadiel, Archangel....Come on"
Crowley and Aziraphale walked out of the coffee shop and stood before Amenadiel.
"What do you want?" asked Crowley
"You don't answer your texts" he said with a smug face
"I told him I was out, not my fault he doesn't listen"
"Who are you talking about?"
"Lucifer" said Crowley after sighing.
Crowley and Aziraphale looked at each other with worried eyes. Crowley was worried because what if Lucifer hurt him? His angel. What if Lucifer pulled him back to hell? Or worse what if he finally decided to get rid of a thorn in his side?
However Aziraphale was worried for a whole new set of reasons. What if he never got to tell him? What if Lucifer hurt him? What if he never saw him again?
"He wants to see you, both of you"
"No, hell no!" exclaimed Crowley
"I'm not asking" said Amenadiel who snapped his fingers.
Suddenly both Aziraphale and Crowley were in a nice penthouse in L.A. They looked around and saw a pretty blonde and the man himself, Lucifer Morningstar.
"Ah Crowley, Aziraphale, welcome to L.A...Drink?"
"No" said Crowley keeping his responses short as not to piss him off.
Crowley also made sure Aziraphale was as far away from Lucifer as possible, he didn't want him getting hurt.
"So how have you been?" he asked sitting down on his sofa next to the blonde
"I was fine until about five minutes ago, what do you want Lucifer?"
"Ooh why the hostility?"
"I told you I was out, you said you would leave me alone and yet here I am and bringing him along wasn't exactly a great plan"
"I know, I know, but this is important and I need your...unique set of skills"
"And what skills are those?"
"Your tracking skills of course" answered Lucifer
"I need to you find Hastur and bring him here"
Crowley smirked and said "Hell no, not after what he did to me in the 1800's!"
"What did he do to you?" asked Aziraphale
Crowley went silent, he never did tell Aziraphale about his punishment for saving Elspeth in Edinburgh and he was dammed if he ever would find out, but it seemed that his secret was about to come out.
"He has my daughter" said the blonde
Crowley sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "I can't help you"
"You mean you won't" she said
"I'm sorry"
Lucifer got up and walked up to Crowley, he pushed the demon against the nearest wall, with his hand around his neck, revealing his devil face.
"I didn't want to have to do this brother but if needs must...You will find them and bring them both here...Alive!" said Lucifer using his ability to control his demons as their king.
Crowley's eyes glowed red as Lucifer let him go and Crowley walked over to the balcony and jumped off opening his wings halfway down and flying over the city looking for Trixie and Hastur.
"What did you do to him?" asked Aziraphale.
"He'll be fine, He's one of my demons, I can control them if I have to"
"What did Hastur do to him?"
"When Crowley decided to save that Girl from suicide he was punished for it and Hastur was the one punishing him"
"He tortured him?"
"For 35 years yes"
"No wonder Crowley walked away from you, you're a bastard!"
Aziraphale walked over the the balcony and leaned on it, looking out over the city of L.A when The blonde women, Chloe, decided to join him.
"He will find them, he's very good at finding things, she'll be okay" said the angel
"Thank you"
"So you're Chloe Dekker?"
"Yeah and you are...?"
"Aziraphale, its a pleasure to meet you...what's her name? Your child"
"Trixie, she's my world" said Chloe looking over the city.
"I know the feeling well"
"You love him, its quite obvious, except maybe to him"
"I don't know how to tell him"
"Its best to just get it out"
Aziraphale was looking over the city when he saw a black spot getting closer to them. He realised that it was Crowley returning and so he walked back inside followed by Chloe. He had just gotten inside when Crowley smashed through the window and into the bar.
Crowley had wrapped himself in his wings to protect a most special package and so when he unfurled them the girl was revealed.
"Trixie!" exclaimed Chloe who ran over to them
"Mom!" shouted the girl who got up and ran up to her mother engulfing her in a hug.
"Crowley!" exclaimed the angel as he moved the black wings to reveal the red haired demon.
Aziraphale woke the demon who's eyes were still glowing red which startled him a little.
"Where is Hastur?" asked Lucifer
The group looked up at the demon who had just landed on the balcony.
"Ah Hastur welcome, its been a long time" said Lucifer who stood between Crowley and Hastur.
"Lord Lucifer, what....?"
"You and I have a lot to discuss it seems"
Lucifer had no intention of talking to Hastur due to the fact he launched an angel killing blade at him which hit him square in the chest and he practically exploded.
Aziraphale helped Crowley up as Lucifer walked up to him and touched him on the forehead removing the red eyes and the control he had over him.
"And you wonder why your own demons hate you" he said has he rubbed his eyes a little.
"I'm sorry I couldn't take chances with her"
"Goodbye Lucifer, for good this time" Said Crowley who took the angels hand and snapped his fingers.
Just like that they were back in the coffee shop as if nothing had happened.
"Why didn't you tell me about what Hastur did to you?"
"He told you huh?"
"He did before I called him a bastard"
Crowley looked mortified before he burst out laughing "I would've paid good money to see that"
Aziraphale smiled before he asked again "So why didn't you tell me?"
"Nothing you could've done about it and besides Hastur was always predictable with his torturing, I knew what was coming"
Aziraphale reached across the table and grabbed Crowley's hand, they looked at each other and smiled.
This was the beginning of something that would last eternity, through every war, every apocalypse. No being in Heaven, Hell nor any on earth would ever be able to break them up, they were the definition of FOREVER.
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