Oscar wilde
Ok so I have seen many things about Aziraphale and Oscar Wilde but I decided to do this because I'm VERY sad because of alicerovi on Instagram ( check them out) cause they did this comic and it's v sad. It's set in Victorian and if you didn't know oscar Wilde is and Irish poet and play righter. I'm going to do s similar thing to the smol Crowley one I did and write about the images up to the latest update. :) Note: I have missed a lot of parts because I don't wanna put in the whole thing so I showed key events :)
Crowley, after a rather brutal argument that had ended in tears, had decided to buy his angel some flowers- he had told him that he had other people to 'fraternise' with and had told the angel to leave. He felt awful. He nervously approached the ancient looking door of his humble book shop. He panicked- come on Crowley, on the count of three. One, two, three. He concluded mentally as he opened the door.
He was greeted by a sight that made him loose every ounce of hope, and faith left inside of his human vessel, and his black soul. He saw Aziraphale standing with a man in a dapper purple suit, his hair long, and dark. He elegantly kissed Aziraphale, just like Crowley had dreamt- his dream was now seemingly impossible to achieve. If only he handle been such an ass earlier, maybe Aziraphale wouldn't have done this. Well, that's what he thought anyway.
He stood in the door way, followers clutched close to his heart. His face dropped and his eyes threatened to tear up. His mind went blank and the only thing he could think of was Aziraphale, his angel. No. Now someone else's. He had failed. The only reason that he had wanted to stay on earth had slipped away just like that. "Oscar, stop I think there's someone there." Whispered the blonde playfully to his lover. Crowley's flowers dropped to the floor, a look of intense sadness and emptiness spread across his face- he was broken.
"Do you know this man?" Whispered Oscar Wilde, still close to Aziraphale. "No," said Aziraphale quietly and coldly. "No, I don't." He finished. "Sorry, wrong place." Crowley began to walk away, "sir, excuse me- you dropped the flowers?" Oscar called, holding Crowley's angel. "No, you can keep them..." he said, his voice cracks as he speaks. Oscar raised an eyebrow at Aziraphale, who still insisted that he didn't know him. "You should go after him." He concluded. "I don't know him!" The angel exclaimed, but Oscar, could tell that he was lying.
This is the last part they posted, from now it's free style😎
(Ok I'm sorry but you do not get how much this triggers me AHHHHH ok I'm pissed Aziraphale how dare you, you bad angel. I hate you oscar how dare you call him angel only Crowley can BACK OFF HAHAJA. OK IM SORRY BUT I HAVE TO DO THIS NOW IMMA ADD FREDDIE MERCURY LATER CAUSE I WANT CROWLEY TO GET HIM BACK MWAHAHAHA THE POWER>:). )
*cough* sorry about that umm back to the story...
"Crowley!" He cried, rushing down the street, the rain pattered heavily against the pavement- Crowley ignored him. A single tear rolled down his face as he carried on walking in a strong stride. The angel finally caught up with him and tugged on his sleeve. "Please Crowley, please stay- I'm so sorry- I-" he stuttered, salty tears stung his eyes- as did Crowley's, but they where concealed behind the glasses. Crowley carried on walking, but Aziraphale stopped him and held him still. "Crowley," He said reaching up for his glasses. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. Crowley was in some sort of trance and did not notice him removing the glasses. He gasped and snatched them back as he now realised his tear soaked eyes had been revealed. He forced them back on, so forcibly, he knocked off his hat (I'm sorry I hate the hat, had to get rid) it sat sadly at Aziraphale feet as Crowley strides away, dignified. Oscar tapped Aziraphale on the shoulder, clearly out of breath from trying to catch up. "So?" He asked confused. "Nothing." Sniffled Aziraphale, turning way from the man dressed in black, now in the distance. He noticed how puffy and red his eyes where, "my angel, what did this man say to you!" Oscar growled angrily. "Please," Aziraphale Cut him off, "don't call me angel." He whispered, a sob catching his throat. "What?" Asked Oscar concerned. "Why ever not, my dear?" He asked. "You know what, never mind, ignore me." He dismissed sadly, as he walked back to the shop...
Crowley cried, cried, and cried some more. He was prepared to go into hibernation- as he was part snake, he would simply slip into that form, find somewhere warm, and sleep. However, he planned on sleeping for at least a thousand years...
Aziraphale has tried to knock for Crowley many times, yet he couldn't sense his presence anywhere- even if he was a snake he usually could. Right now, Crowley was so sad, that it masked all of the usual feelings Aziraphale could sense- for example an overwhelming sense of love. He never did get why there was so much love around Crowley- why he was feeling so much love, seemingly all the time? He guessed it was for his car or something- but sometimes, he wondered what else it could be for. He searched around the apartment, yet he could not find him. Crowley was tucked nice and warm in a small warm cocoon of blankets under his bed, in his snake form. Aziraphale was worried sick- had he went back to hell? Why did he have to do that to poor Crowley? After many years of this routine, he went back after a few years. Crowley had woken up a few times, enough to meet and become incredible friends with Freddy Mercury- well, a bit more than friends. He could never love anyone as much as he loved Aziraphale, but he had to accept the fact that he didn't like him back. The angel walked up his drive, to see that the Bentley had been moved- "Crowley!" He cried overjoyed. He miracles himself inside to find- Crowley. Sat on his piano bench- Freddy Mercury just ending the song "somebody to love". Crowley was leaning against his shoulder. Aziraphale could sense a lot of love. Not as much as when he was around him. But he could sense that Crowley was happy. Well, not entirely at all. "That was beautiful." Crowley Whispered. Freddy pulled him in for a kiss, but his eyes widened when he saw Aziraphale behind them. "Um, Crowley darling, the angel you always talk about- is here." He said, with a smile on his face. "Oh." Said Crowley, in a flat, monotone voice. Aziraphale began to walk away, but when he heard Freddy whispering, he hid around the door way, intrigued. Freddy Whispered into Crowley's ear. "No." Crowley said. "Oh go on, dear. Just talk to him." He said loudly, with a huge smile. "But- what about-" he began before Freddy cut him off. "Darling, I'm fine- I know that you love me but I want you to be truly happy. And I love you too, you know that but you have loved that angel since you met him- don't miss your chance!" He exclaimed. Crowley nodded and slipped away. Little did he know, Aziraphale was listening. Crowley turned the corner into the corridor, now out of earshot of Freddie, who was now playing "good old fashion lover boy". He almost had a heart attack when he noticed that Aziraphale was standing in the corner, looking at Crowley sadly. "Oh! Um. Y-you weren't spose to hear that." He whispered his voice breaking at the end of his sentence.
Aziraphale ran towards him. "Crowley, I'm so sorry- this last century- it's been well, hell!" He cried. "I missed you so much! Please don't go!" He pleaded. "I thought that you where- in love with Oscar." He said, his voice hoarse. "Oh Crowley, I never loved him- not as much as I love you." He whispered. They kissed suddenly, and passionately. They broke apart to the sound of Freddy cheering from the doorway. "Finally, now you can stop moaning at me about him- 'ooh Freddy, I love him so much'" he said with a laugh. Crowley glowed bright red as Aziraphale laughed- "you will have to tell me the other things that he said some time." Smiled Aziraphale. "I'm sure he can tell you them him self now, can't you Crowley." He pushed, raising his eyebrows. Crowley sighed "I love you so much." He whispered. "I love you too." Replied he angel.
( I'm jokingggg chill no offence I'm sure he was cool I spose lol peace out)
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