2:00 PM
Scene I
JANG MI FLOWER SHOP IS SITUATED AT A CORNER STREET IN CRANE. It faces the thunderous seas and if you turn left and hike the hill, the town's cemetery resides on top of it with its white spruce, hickories, and a couple of peepal trees. The branches and leaves shrouds the skies like hands trying to reach each other, and the trunks cluster around like soldiers scattered across a frozen battlefield.
When you're inside it, time seems meaningless.
Although Kit doesn't have a relative resting there, whenever he had free time or needed to clear his head, he'd hike up and wander around, checking trees and clearing forgotten paths. He'd read people's names and their length of years; he'd wonder who they were, how often they were visited, and rest a few flowers for those who weren't as polished and looked abandoned. Whose family are either dead or have forgotten them or have chosen not to come.
Kit likes his dad's flower shop, and it's not just because he named it after his mother and that there's something funny in saying 'Rose Flower Shop'. It's also because it's nestled at a quiet spot near a bus stop, the music of the sea, and a peaceful cemetery.
To Kit, it's the most perfect place where time and space didn't exist; just a space of endlessness. Of a never ending forever. A book with no epilogue.
As he cleans up all the brittled branches and dead leaves he had freshly cut up, he checks his phone, notes the time and calculates it quickly. Kit sets his tools down and walks out, whistling a random tune from a random commercial.
The sky is darkened into greys and silvers of light with the wind whipping like lashes; each strike crosses with a heavy, thunderous sound that strikes lightning inside the dark, bulbous clouds.
He tests the strength of the wind and decides to put the signpost inside early. Just as he comes back outside, he hears it.
The unmistakable.
Sunny has this personal sound of tearing through the streets on her Vespa. It's a sharp whiiiiiiiiiiishwwwiiiiiiiiik ripping sound that is the Vespa zooming down the little hill from the left at a speed much faster than normally applied against gravity and roads that are used by humans and what you would think a Vespa is capable of.
Not to mention the sudden stop that screeches at your ears.
This time however, when the dust settles, it's not just Sunny who is pulling out her helmet in a flower yellow dress and a white shirt with a cat on it, waving as she hauled her tote bag to her shoulder; there's also Lorcan Delos Reyes.
One second, Crane Street is empty with its thunder and rolling grey clouds. The next is the sound of a rip and Sunny waiting for Lorcan to step down from her Vespa while looking green with a pinched expression, lolling his head against his shoulders as if he's ready to release everything he ever ate since the day his mother ejected him into the world.
Kit smirks, clearing his phone's apps with one thumb as he approaches. "You okay there Mr. Funny Guy?"
Lorcan raises his head and glares, pulling his glasses from his pockets and stuffing them to his face.
"It's not... funny."
"It is a little funny," Kit says.
Sunny fails at fighting her smile. "It is."
Lorcan turns to her as he hands her the extra pink helmet. Sunny tucks both helmets under her arms. "You shouldn't be allowed on the streets. That was too reckless for a Vespa. For any vehicle you think should speed cutely down the streets. Especially down a goddamn hill."
Sunny laughs, brushing her long, wavy her hair off her face. "I was careful."
"You were nearly driving on the sidewalk," Lorcan deadpans. "And I'm not sure you didn't run over the old man crossing the street."
"That's not true." Sunny frowns, pouting a little bit. Then she turns to Kit, as if to reassure herself and him. "That's not true..."
"You're fine, you're fine," Kit assures. "It's probably just Mr. Garibaldi on his late afternoon walk, and he knows enough to tuck and roll when he hears you." He turns to Lorcan with a wicked smile. "The old man may look weak and frail, but he survived the war and paranoid as hell. To him, Sunny's Vespa is just another problem for daily life."
Lorcan frowns. "What war?"
Kit shrugs. "Have no fricken idea. But he likes to repeat, '-guts flew, boy! FLEW!'" He tosses his arms around like a magician.
"You look like the tall, dancing things in car shops," Lorcan says.
Sunny surprises herself, and them, by snorting loudly.
Kit rolls his eyes. "Sure, fine. Now come in, ya crazy kids, 'cos I think that's the rain."
Lorcan snorts. "What? Do you triple under the rain?"
"Like a fucking gremlin, Delos Reyes. Come on in."
"Wouldn't that be cool though?" Sunny whispers to Lorcan.
"No, Sunny," Lorcan says seriously that it makes Kit laugh under his breath. "No, it isn't cool. That would be fucking terrifying. Numerous, gigantic Kit Pouliots wouldn't be cool at all."
"But they'd be like cute giants," she counters.
"We need to revaluate your idea of cute, Finch," Lorcan says.
Kit, hearing all of this through a little straining, smiles.
Scene II
When Lorcan enters, it feels like a Studio Ghibli movie reinvented. For a town, Phryne Touk is already a cocktail mixture of whimsy and gothic. From the outside, Jang Mi Flower Shop looks small, but on the inside is an expanse of overwhelm; the leafy plants are tall and towering and in various crazy shapes. Fanned around or stretching to the ceilings. Flowers of every other color in every other shade in full, pretty blooms.
The ceiling goes further upward than you think with a need to arch your neck. On one corner wall is filled with shelves full of pots of width and height; underneath it are bags of soils and fertilizers of different sizes.
At the end of the left side, you'll see a rustic chandelier with different shaped bulbs surrounded by the four walls at the top that have pieces of broken glass in different colors pasted against them. Once the various colors of warm light hits it, it explodes. Growing roses and ivies and other flowers Lorcan can't name also crawl just at the ends it, seemingly wanting to touch the glass and the light.
The main foyer has the wooden counter with the cash register on top and a glass case hollowed out that shows various seeds. The flower shop diverts into a sideways L, where the left side is the one with the big plants and the bouncing rainbow chandelier exhibit, but once you go forward, there are smaller plants in planters over shelves with a copper bathtub in the middle with a few water lilies and duckweed dancing on top and algae crawling at the edges.
The place is full and beautiful and Lorcan's fingers twitch to grab a scrap of paper and start sketching. Instead, he takes a mental image of every new view his eyes see, promising to sketch as soon as he comes home. And maybe making a few tapestries.
Lorcan feels like he can dedicate two whole sketchbooks for the place.
Sunny grins, beaming with pride as she watch Lorcan's face slacken in awe.
"It's beautiful, isn't it? Kit helped decorate it."
Kit pulls chairs from behind the counter, giving them a good dust up. "The only thing I did is give my expert opinion on how big plants should be with big plants and small plants should be placed higher and alternate with the colorful ones and the leafy ones. And the tub. Everyone likes the tub. My greatest pride."
"トトロがここに住んでいます," Sunny mutters as she sits on one of the stools, resting her tote bag and helmets on the floor. Once all of that is done, she pulls one of the baskets on the counter toward her, rummaging.
"What'd she say?" Lorcan whispers to Kit.
"Totoro ga koko ni sunde imasu," Kit repeats easily. "It means 'Totoro-san lives here'. She says that all the time. She's the one who said we should put colorful, broken glass on the ceiling. She's also the one who painted the shelves for the babies."
Kit points with his top lip over the shelf full of baby plants with sprouts. The shelves are painted baby pinks and yellows and mints and pastel blues. Some are tied with ribbons. Some are painted over with wonky frogs and flowers.
Sunny Finch may be a lot of things, but artist who knows the lines isn't one of them.
"Alright, Delos Reyes, let's hear it. I'm sure you didn't come here just to devour my dad's shop with your eyes, but if you want, I can sell you some later. If you want inspiration, you're free to stay as long as you buy something. We also sell some handmade bracelets and necklaces if you don't think you can care for plants... but I mean that's why cacti and succulents exist. And aloe. Holy shit are aloe easy to take care of."
Sunny raises the basket she was raiding where she had already taken two necklaces and a couple of the bracelets, with the money, neatly folded beside the cash register. It matches the few that are already on her wrist and neck. A frequent and dedicated customer.
"The necklaces are made with flowers suspended in resin, small ones you know, like daisies, allium roseum, aubrietas, the works," Kit continues and then shrugs. "My mom and I make them. Well, she makes the pleather while she's on her trips so the tags have the places and time where and when she made them. On her expeditions." At Lorcan's questioning look. "She's an archeologist. An adventurer, really. She braids them herself and then I put the resined flowers and stuff."
Sunny smiles in a way that if Lorcan doesn't buy some, she'd leave him to walk in the rain. Or run him over with the Vespa and not a single expression on her face as she does it.
Lorcan can clearly see it in his head.
"I'll take a few," Lorcan promises, his eyes to her. Then he pulls out his phone. "Ready to listen to this now?"
"I have my notebook," Sunny says, raising her pen and her flipped journal full of notes.
"I have my phone," Kit seconds, fixing his recording app at the ready.
Lorcan sits at the empty stool beside Sunny, places the phone on the counter, and with one swipe, presses play.
There is a crackle; numerous voices float on the background with a loud, metal sound going off on the same beat. A continuous, steady grating sound. Like a train passing. The world behind it does not echo, appearing large and open. Once the lowered, peppy tone comes on, it's in broken static barely able to hear the vowels.
"Haiii guys! It-it's... me! I... I'm in... 'murica! For a few- few... days-s! Ku-Kuya Lyss, take care... of m-my cacti for... me-e! & Kuya P-Pol... give Atla-as my... kisses! A-and Lory, ba-baby bro-oh... w-watch the TAOs... o-okay? K-Kita ka. I-Ingat... l-lang. L-love ya'll!"
And then it's over. Kit clicks off his recording and Sunny furiously finishes off as she mouths the words in concentration.
Sunny looks up. "I don't understand the last parts, can you translate?"
"Yeah, what's taw?" Kit asks. "Like taoists? Watch the taoists?"
"She said it like that, but it's actually pronounced ta-oh. In tagalog it means people. Kita ka means 'They see you' or 'You're seen'." Lorcan bites the inside of his cheek, gnawing on his flesh with piercing anxiety at hearing the voicemail all over again. "Ingat ka lang is 'Just keep safe'. And she has never said that. Ever. And 'you're seen'? That doesn't sound right."
"It sounds creepy," Sunny admits, running her eyes over her notes again and fixing a few things.
"It sounds wrong," Lorcan corrects. "No one in my family thinks it's wrong though. My mom's going around saying since she sounds sweet, that this just might be the last time she'll be going around and disappearing because she sounds like she misses us and home and that this is just her last hurrah."
Kit leans over the counter, elbows on the counter. "And you don't think it is?"
"Did you listen to it? If you know Isla, then you know her tone is wrong. That there is something wrong and I just can't pinpoint it."
"Mmh." Kit licks lips, tapping the counter. He turns his head slightly, meeting Sunny's eye. Sunny nods ever so slightly. He looks up at Lorcan and smiles gently. "I'll see what I can do."
"What you can do?"
"See if there is something wrong."
Lorcan raises a doubtful eyebrow. "How would you go on about doing that?"
Kit smiles. This time, secretive and mysterious. "I'll message you when I get something."
"Okay," Sunny echoes, pulling the basket of trinkets again. "Wanna pick a color now?"
Lorcan nods, checking the price and pulling his wallet out. "Get me five necklaces and seven bracelets."
Kit whistles. And in a Scottish accent, "That's mighty fine of you, good sir!"
"Please don't," Sunny mutters, making a face.
"I'm just a wee lad!" he whines. Sunny knocks her head against the counter. "Alright, alright, damn. The support is horrendous."
"I'm getting some for my niece too," Lorcan interjects. "And my mom."
"I'll get nice colors then," Sunny hums.
"Want some indoor plants too?" Kit asks. "Easy, indoor stuff are succulents. But if you want something more flower type, there's lavenders, African violets, begonias, and peace lilies. Or kaffir lilies. Or, again, easies shit to deal with, aloe. Or..."
Scene III
After five spider plants, one baby African Violet in a yellow pot, and multi-colored necklaces and bracelets- and the bustle of the storm finally passing - Lorcan is carefully balancing the paper bags in his hands while Sunny bends down to pick up worms from the road and carefully tossing them back on the soil. Some, she even tucks into the pots outside the shop.
Kit watches Lorcan's stare at her. Sunny is also holding one hand over the edge of her dress, trying to keep it away from mud and puddles.
"She feels bad for them," Kit explains, his arms crossed. "So she tries to get them home."
Lorcan smiles slightly. "That's sweet... but still disgusting."
Kit laughs. "It's not bad. Helps my plants."
Sunny stands up and smiles. "Bye, Pouliot."
Kit hugs her without bending down; which really just means surrounding his arms over her head and saying, "좋은 꿈,사니-아ᄒ."
"甘い夢、キットさん," she retorts. Then Sunny headbutts him off her.
"'Panaginipan niyo rin ako, mga beshies'," Lorcan inserts. Both turn. He shrugs. "I felt lonely and I studied Japanese in middle school, and I had a Korean girlfriend. Ya'll cheesy as fuck."
The two fall into peels of laughter while Lorcan smirks slightly. His problem is not totally forgotten, it is still pressing against the back of his head in small but sure pressures. But these two are making it easier to deal with.
As Sunny settles on her Vespa and Lorcan sitting as steadily behind her with his bags in between the two of them, Lorcan asks the question that's been bugging him since he met the two.
"Are you two dating?" he asks quietly.
There had been rumors, of course. Because you can't have Sunny without Kit. And Kit without Sunny. They were a packaged deal before you even knew them. Before they even really knew each other. Everyone knew the story of Kit's mom, high spirited and adventurous- magnificent Miss Jang Mi Kim, making immediate friends with Sunny's mom, quiet and serene Mrs. Yuko Finch.
Sunny pauses. Then shakes her head. "People ask us that a lot. But we grew up together and I'm just very comfortable with him. I'm... I'm not really comfortable with other people. It's hard for me to make friends, since I'm too quiet and I... I just don't like, well, being out there and-"
"Hey, hey, this isn't an interrogation, it's okay." Lorcan clears his throat, awkward at the sudden onslaught. "You know. If you want, I'm okay being added as a new friend. I... don't have a lot either."
Sunny smiles even if Lorcan can't see it. "Okay."
As they speed off again, the same sharp weeeeeeiiiisshhhkkkkkeee sound, Kit smiles slightly. He could only guess by reading Sunny's pause and how she rambled on at Lorcan's question, he guessed he must've finally asked 'if they were dating'. People ask at one point or another. And after that goodbye, even though it's familiar and normal to them as breathing, it really makes you question the platonic degree if you weren't used to seeing physical affection.
Kit lets out a big sigh, looking up at the dark sky. "It's not that easy."
3:18 PM
"좋은 꿈,사니-아ᄒ." - "Sweet dreams, Sunny-ah."
"甘い夢、キットさん." - "Sweet dreams, Kitto-san."
"Panaginapan niyo rin ako, mga beshies." - "Dream of me too, my friends."
↳ but 'beshies' is not directly a trans. of the word 'friends'. This is a more playful, slang version.
This is just something sweet after the creepiness of the last two chapters.
Also, yes, hello I'm back !
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