Chapter 5:Council Support or Trouble
FIBI-Frisk of vampireverse and a maid of Fallacy's castle. Often needs someone to pick her/him up when cleaning to reach higher places.
(When typing FIBI, autocorrect was like:Did you mean FBI? FIBI:*Bangs on door* IT IS FIBI, OPEN UP I HAVE TO CLEAN!*Breaks down door or just unlocks it if ignored*)
Charlos-Chara of vampireverse, Fallacy's apprentice. Vampire. Loves causing mischief with Jasper or helping Fibi break doors open when there is time to spare.
Poussière-DUST of vampireverse(not official but I thought why not? Can't find any photos or info on him so I made him up.) Name means Dust in French. Member of Fallacy's vampire council, close friend or advisor to Fallacy and loves spending time with him or Suave. Helps catch Jasper when Suave can't(like when Jasper is a bat). Supports Fallacy and Encre.
Horror-Vampire and lowest rank in council. Fallacy rarely listens to his violent suggestions. Always looking for a fight or arguement. Very violent and will kill anyone he wishes, very rebellious to the council's choices. DOES NOT SUPPORT ENCRE AND FALLACY, does not even understand why Encre hasn't been killed yet. Has some venom in his bite that can kill skeletons that are not vampires(you can see the problem already -m-)
Months later, Later November......Encre's POV
I watch Suave help Fibi clean the upper shelves by picking them up. Charlos is playing with Jasper and keeping him busy. I sit in the living room with them, sketching little doodles out. Everything has been going well. Almost as if nothing has gone wrong. The council left in July and returned in October for the fall and winter meetings. Fallacy is stuck in one right now.
He hates the meetings. Yes, he is a king, but kings still get bored. And sitting through lectures of what is wrong in the world does get old after a while. So, every time a meeting ends, he'd try to come to me first ASAP and just spend time with me, Suave or Jasper. From talking, doodling, or even playing tricks, that puts him at ease after the meetings. Often he'd look for something or tease me to try and make me get flustered. Usually it worked and he'd feel my cheek, muttering the word magnificent and getting extra happy.
But then there are times where he has to wait, much to his dislike. There are times where the other four council members get to me before him. 2 have quick chats with me and when they hear Fallacy coming, they scurry away. The other two are a different story. They've been quite nice, well....Most of them.
Poussière is nice and hasn't ever tried to hurt me, though Suave says if I get him mad, that would be a very big mistake. He is one of the most dangerous vampires out there. But despite that, he isn't so bad. He teases me or Fallacy more than anything. Or he asks me questions. Lots and lots of questions. And he doesn't run off when Fallacy comes.
"Don't worry, Fallacy! You'll get your painter soon!"He'd say before asking me another 50 questions
But yeah, he and the other council members are good.
But then of course there's that one guy. The other guy that doesn't back down.
Horror. Also one of the most dangerous vampires around from what Suave says.
"Don't let him bite you."Suave would say
I got the idea just from those words.
Horror doesn't exactly like that he can't kill me or that Fallacy hasn't already. He will always be rude or intimidating to me, giving violent gestures or threats to me. He keeps himself from hurting me due to the consequences, but as time goes on, I've seen that he is getting closer and closer to crossing that line. So I try to never be on my own if he is around. Which is why I'm not in my room. Jasper has even gone the extra step and slept with me since October to keep me safe in case Horror tries any ideas of his. When he was here for council meetings in the spring and summer, Fallacy didn't have any trust for any of the council members with me, especially Horror. So, every night when I was about to go to sleep, Fallacy would carry me into his room and have me sleep with him. I felt safe with him, so I didn't object.
But please, never leave me alone in a room with HORROR.
I feel a hand grab me by the chin. It lifts my head from the doodle I'm working on and forces me to turn my head. I see the one and only Horror.
"My, my, how are you still alive? You better watch your back, don't know how long that will last for you rotten little meal.~"He says
I frown and begin to shake as he grabs me, pulling me closer and showing off his fangs.
Suave turns around with Fibi still in his hold. Fibi points to me and Suave comes over. Fibi slaps Horror's hands off of me.
"No touchin' da child! No touchin' the precious child!"Fibi says
"Ow, what the hell?!"Horror says
A shadow casts over Horror.
"What have I told you about treating Encre, Horror?"Fallacy growls
Horror turns around.
Fallacy glares at him, crossing his arms.
"Uh......To do as I wish duh!"Horror says
Fibi whacks him on the skull.
"WRONG!"Charlos says, hugging me with Jasper and pulling me back from Horror
"Leave."Fallacy says
Horror shakes his head and stomps off. Now Charlos and Jasper shove me forward. Fallacy sits down and hugs me.
"Sorry about him, Encre."He says
"It's okay."I say with a shrug
"So, how are you doing, love?"He asks
"G-Good."I say
He smiles. He pulls me into his lap and holds me close, listening to my soul beat. He calls it a beautiful melody that he wants to listen to forever, one that he never wants to hear end. Jasper teases Fallacy that if it ever got to that, Fallacy might become the replay button or loop button to make it go longer. Charlos translated that to:IF ENCRE NEARLY DIES, FALLACY WILL NOT LET HIM.
"You're not wrong...."Fallacy says
Some hours pass and Fallacy was chatting with Poussière. I started to get tired so Jasper leads me to my room.
"Want me to stay with you again?"He asks
"M'Lord, I think you should rest in your room. Give Encre some space. Besides, he is fine and Horror should know to back off by now."Suave says
"Okay....Fine."Jasper says, then heads to stay up with Charlos
I lay in bed, quickly able to fall asleep. But little did I know about the monster under my bed. I hear movement from under it and I open my eyes to find a hand slapping onto my mouth to keep me quiet before I feel someone bite the side of my skull. I feel weak and drop my head.
When I woke up, I realize I am somewhere completely different. I also could not move. Nothing was restraining me, I just felt numb. I couldn't move or feel any of my body parts.
"I don't get it. Why does Fallacy keep you around? You provide no benefits to us being alive. You're no vampire, just a blood source. A meal. You should not even be alive now! You're worthless! So why can't Fallacy see that? What makes you so special?"A voice growls
I look up and see Horror there. I try to move but couldn't. I get this sickening feeling in me. Why can't I move?!
He puts a hand to my chin.
"Tell me. Or I will bite you again and you will be sicker. Closer to dying thanks to my venom."He demands
"I d-don't know! Honest!"I say
"Liar! You have to know!"He says, swiping his hand at me, tearing the top of my shirt.
He leans close, scratching my neck in two spots to make it bleed. I cry in pain.
"I won't bite you there since I don't want to accidentally mark a meal. Fallacy would kill me for stealing his."He says
It doesn't help that he likes to wear bloody clothes. I keep crying.
"So, tell me. What makes you deserve to live to Fallacy?"He says
"I saved his son once a-and stopped a hunter from hurting him."I recall
"Tch, now you're making up stories. Tell me something more believeable."He says, then bites my arm what felt like twice
I cry.
"I don't know! Please!"I cry
I feel weaker and weaker, especially when he bit deeper into my arm.
He kicks me down and beats me up, tearing my clothes in a rage.
"Quit your wimpy excuses!"He snaps
I keep crying, unable to do anything.
He bites my head again, only making it worse.
"Look, neither of us know why, okay? So how about you stop wasting time with me and ask Fallacy! He should know!"I whimper
"Wow, you really trust him don't you?"He says
I nod.
"You do realize he will never love you right? No vampire falls for their food."He says
I look away from him.
"Encre.....I love you.....More than you'll ever know."Fallacy had told me.
Surely that meant somethin' right? Horror is wrong....
"Quit crying."He says, tying a cloth around my mouth
Hours pass and I lay there, muffled and unable to move. He just stands there, staring at me and thinking. I feel weak and numb, but scared of what may be going through his head. I could hear my soul losing its rythym as it pounds.
More hours pass and he nods at nothing. I regain to ability to move a bit, but I do not dare move. He grabs me and yanks me to my feet. He pulls me outside.
"Listen here. I'm gonna let you go. You can try and go wherever you wish, but if you make a noise and I hear, I will bite you until my venom kills you. And don't even think of telling Fallacy or anyone. If you do, I will kill you. If you're not dead already, that is."He says
I look at him in fear.
"So you got the point, right? Don't speak or else, alright?"He says
I nod.
"Good luck. We are far from Fallacy and his forest."He says, shoving me forward
I do not make a sound. I walk as much as I could through the fallen snow. It's freezing out and my condition does not help. I look around at the thick forest and towering mountains around me. I have no clue where to go. His venom is eating away at me, making me feel weaker. Then, it begins to snow. I push through it, but then it starts getting tougher with howling winds. I remember Suave was worried about a blizzard earlier. I might have just gotten stuck in it!
I keep pushing through it, weakly getting knocked to the snow by the winds. I get back up and keep moving. It got so bad that I could hardly see where I am going.
I look around and spot an empty cave. I can't last out here for long. I grab a few sticks in the snow and carry them to the cave, falling onto the hard rocky inside of it. It shelters me from the winds and hailing snow. But nothing could shelter me from the sick, weakening feeling inside me. And the wounds from his bites are stinging still.
I rub the sticks together, starting up a fire. I sit close to it to stay warm. I try to think and figure my way out of here, but could hardly think with the overwhelming emotions in me and part of me just wanting to give in. I look outside, trying to see if there was a sign of this blizzard passing.
It clears up for a moment to show a new constellation. A heart with an arrow pointing to the left. I look at it with hope and smile. Then the blizzard comes back at full force. The spirit of my grandmother appears beside me.
"Don't worry sweetie! Granny's got this! That jerk won't get rid of you so easily like that! Nope! Not my grandson! Now, you just stay here and your Gramma handle get back to her old tricks! Hehe!"She says, stretching and cracking her knuckles
Then she disappears. I lay down to my side, curled up by the fire.
I struggle to keep my eyes open, so I shut them.
B-bump b-bmp......B-bump.....B-bump.........
Fallacy's POV
I see a soul in front of me, looking absolutely beautiful. Strange....I've never had a dream like this before.
Whose soul is this? Why am I dreaming of this?
B-bump...B-bump B-bump.....B-bump B-bump B-bump......B-bump.............................
It keeps beating slower and slower. Until....
It stops beating. It cracks, breaking and falling apart. It lost its beautiful rythym.
Wait.....Was that Encre's soul? And it stopped....So....
Encre appears in front of me. He looks at me, then around in shock.
"F-Fallacy?"He says, his voice sounding weaker than usual
"Love!"I cheer, so glad that he looks okay
I run to him to hug him but he fades away.
"Love?"I say
Now a lady appears in his place. A much shorter and.....elder lady. She has a cane to lean on.
"You want my grandson, eh? Well, go get him before you lose him!"She says, then whacks me on the head with her cane
I wake up, shooting up from my chair armrest. My soul pounds.
What the hell was that? That was scary.
(Granny:I still got it in me! Hah!)
Encre....In trouble?
I get out of bed quickly and leave my library(yes I fell asleep there, I just wanted some peace and quiet while Encre slept). Poussière was chilling in the hallway. He looks at me and smiles.
"Hiya, Fallacy."He says
"Hey...."I say
"What's wrong? You seem uneased."He asks
"I got a bad feeling for Encre."I reply
"Aww, but I thought you were gonna confess! It's obvious that you have a crush on him!"He says
"N-No I don't!"I snap
"Dude, come on. You can't lie to me."He says
"You're not upset?"I say
Don't vampires find that forbidden or something?
"Nah, bud. I am fine with it! I like it even! He makes you happy and I support whoever or whatever makes you happy! Plus, your interactions with him are very adorable. You're the damn king, Fallacy, you do as you wish and if others have a problem with it, then too bad!"He says
"Heh, and this is why I find you such a good friend and member of my council. But I have a feeling he may be in trouble."I say
"Oooh! Well, have you checked on him? And by the way, how'd you get Horror to be okay with Encre?"He says
"No. And I never managed that."I say
"Well about 8 hours after you went into the library, I saw Horror go into Encre's room and neither have left it since. I just assumed they were talking and he may have gotten some common sense to treat him nicely like you tell him to."He explains
"Father! Charlos and I are going on a rescue mission!"Jasper shouts from downstairs
"Which I highly vote against! M'Lord Jasper, there is a blizzard and Encre is fine!"Suave says
"No he is not! He is not in his room or anywhere in this place! Plus, the clouds parted to show three constellations together! An E, a rainbow below it and an arrow below that, pointing in a direction! Horror can't be found either and after his last threat, it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots!"Charlos objects
"We'll be back soon, Father! We gotta check on these clues!"Jasper says
Suave comes upstairs.
"They turned to bats and left."He tells me
I rise to my feet quickly and charge towards Encre's room, not saying a word. I try to open the door, but it is stuck. I kick it, forcing it open to find a chair propped up to it, making the knob unable to turn. I look inside and see that the window is open, making the curtains flap. The blankets for the bed were thrown sloppily to the bottom of the bed. There is blood on the pillow. My soul sank.
"You want my grandson, eh? Well go get him before you lose him!"
That was his grandmother....warning me.....Encre! No!
Suave peeks in and gasps. He does a deeper search and indeed, Encre and Horror were nowhere to be found. My love and that savage killer are gone. Poussière frowns, looking at us from down the hall. He glances over the banister by the stairs.
"Would you look at who just walked in!"He snaps
I stomp over and glance to see. Horror just walked in with a grin on his face. He looks up at us and his grin widens.
"Thank you for the introduction. I'm guessing you're glad to see me, huh?"Horror says proudly
"Quite the opposite!"Suave and Poussière say
The two slide down the railing and land on their feet. Suave slaps him across the face, then sprays him. Then he steps aside, bowing to Poussière and gesturing go ahead to him. Poussière proceeds to beat the crap out of Horror.
"Woah woah woah! What did I do?"Horror says
"Don't play dumb!"Poussière says
"Where is Monsieur Encre?"Suave growls
"Probably dying in the snow. By the way, Fallacy, why did you keep that stale and rotten meal around? The only perk with him was how good his blood was at each bite. All 3 of them...Or more, I lost count."He says, as if taunting us
I look at him, anger boiling in me. I grip the railing tightly. Suave notices how unhinged I am getting. But I have very good reasons to. Horror's bites are venomous. Even one of his bites is critical. But three or more?! To MY ENCRE?!
"M'Lord! Let's be reasonable!"He says
"Encre was my son's hero. He is my son's hero! He is the one who protected me from Externa! He is one of the best things that has ever come into my life! And for you to hurt him-!"I snap
"Never said I did. That was just my sweet fantasy and dream. I dunno where the hell he is. Good riddance in my opinion."He says with a smug look on his face
Ugh. I want answers from him. I gotta find a way to get him to talk.
Encre....Please be okay.
Back to Encre's Point of View
"Encre! Encre! Please! Wake up!"A voice cries
"Don't die on us!"A second says
I slowly open an eye. I see Jasper sitting in front of me on his knees with Charlos as a bat flying beside him.
"Encre!"He whimpers, hugging me and tearing the cloth off
"J-Jasper....."I say, my soul still beating but going slower
"Are you okay?"He asks
"I can hardly move......"I say
"Oh dear....And you must be freezing! You don't deserve these wounds! Charlos, go back and tell my Father we found Encre! He is in need of help! If he asks where, lead him here!"He says
"Yes, Jasper!"Charlos says, flying off
"You're gonna be okay, Encre."He says, pulling me closer to the fire and snuggling me to share his warmth
I nod, holding him gently. I keep my eye open, but my soul was slowing down. It gets slower, slower, and slower.......Until it stopped.
"Encre!"He cries as I drop my head
He gets up and leaves my sight after a few minutes. He comes back a few minutes later to shut my eye. There is silence. Nothing but fire crackling and winds howling. Then, I hear Jasper shout.
"He's in here!"Jasper shouts, his voice shaking
I hear wings flap and footsteps coming closer. I could feel my soul cracking. I feel a hand hold my soul. Then the grip tightens on it, making it seal right back up. But my soul is very sensitive, so of course it hurt.
"Aaah!"I cry out, my soul starting to beat again
The hand caresses my soul using a thumb. My soul races.
"Mmmh.~ St-stop."I mumble
"Open your eyes."A voice says
I only had the strength to open one eye. I see Fallacy pinning me down in a plank position above me. My face burns up.
"F-Fallacy?"I stutter
"Encre! Thank the stars!"He exclaims, hugging me
His grip hurts my arm.
"O-Ow....My arm...."I say
He helps me sit up.
"Come on."He says
He helps me to my feet. I follow him out as the storm gests worse. Strangely enough, the snow parted in a circle around us.
He takes his cloak off as I shiver from the cold. He wraps it onto me.
"Love! What happened to you? How'd you get these wounds? Who gave you them?"He asks worriedly
I open my mouth, thinking Horror is nowhere around and I can tell Fallacy. But then I see him swoop down a good distance from Fallacy, signaling me to keep quiet or else. I shake my head, covering my mouth with a hand.
"I....can't tell you."I say
"Why not?"He asks
I cough and gag, choking into my hand. I look at it and see blood. I look up at Fallacy.
"He will kill me if I do....."I say
He picks me up.
"Not if I got something to say about it."He says, then turns to see Horror nearby
"Horror, what are you doing here?"He asks
"I wanted to help."Horror says
Fallacy narrows his eyes at Horror, not believing him.
Horror reaches to me, but I cling to Fallacy tighter. Also the blizzard curtain slapped Horror away. I look at Fallacy.
"He won't hurt you, love."He says
His wings unfold. He takes off, flying. The snow continues to part as he goes. He soars in through my open window and lands. He glances at me. He smiles. He kisses my cheek.
"I hope I wasn't too rough with your precious soul."He says
My face burns up.
"N-No...It's fine. You were quite gentle."I say
Jasper lands beside me.
"I was right earlier. You wouldn't let him die."He says, then goes and calls for Suave
Fallacy sits on my bed, holding me in his lap. He slaps the pillow I was laying on when Horror took me, now covered in blood, away from me. He puts it aside like a piece of evidence. I feel even worse again, the poison restarting its process. I cover my mouth, gagging again and choking out blood. He grabs my wrist, gently lowering it. He sees the blood in my hand and looks horrified. He frowns. Then he leans in, licking my hand to clean the blood off.
"Sweet as before."He mumbles
My face burns up.
"Your magnificent rainbow is back."He says
"W-What rainbow?"I ask
He smiles, feeling my cheek gently.
"The one that is spreading across your cheeks right now."He says
"O-Oh.."I say, feeling my soul pound
"What is it?"He asks
"So disgusting and weird!"My mother had said when I had it when I was six
"Get that stupid thing off of your face."My father said
I bow my head.
"I-It's nothing."I say
Suave comes in with some q tips and uses one one the pillow, placing it in a vial. Then he rubs it on my arm and does the same. He does it for each wound I got.
"I am having Jasper and Poussière do the same with Horror."He says
"What are you gonna do with that?"Fallacy asks
"Use the power of forensics to see how bad it is and evidence of who did it, which I'm sure won't be a lucky guess."He says, then leaves, taking the pillow with him
Fallacy looks at me.
"You are sleeping with me from now on. No excuses. This will be your art room from now on."He says
I lean into the hand on my cheek.
"Okay."I say
He pins me to my bed now.
"But right now, I gotta check on your melody of life."He says
He puts his head on my chest.
"It's slowing down...."He says
He reaches up my shirt and I feel his hand hold my soul.
"M-Monsieur!"I stutter
He starts to caress it gently again.
"Haaaaa.....Mmmh.......F-Fallacy......"I huff, feeling my soul pound and face burn
"Am I hurting you?"He asks
"N-No.....I just have never...ah.....F-F-Felt this before...."I say softly
"I just want to keep the melody going."He says
There is a knock at the door.
"Yes?"Fallacy says as I calm down and get my soul back in its normal beat
"Suave got the results from both Horror and Encre's swabs."Poussière says
"We'll come!"Fallacy says, releasing my soul to scoop me up
He kisses me on the head.
My face burns.
He carries me out and Poussière smiles at us.
"I-Is Horror there to see the results as well?"I ask
Poussière nods.
"He was the first one there with Suave and Jasper."He says
I start shaking.
"I d-don't wanna go there...You guys can go to see the results."I say
"But who will stay with you?"Poussière asks
"We will!"Charlos and Fibi say
"Suave already told us. It's best to keep Horror away from Encre."Charlos says
Fallacy looks at me, seeing how scared I am. He sets me down.
"Protect him."He orders
"Yes, Fallacy!"They say
Fallacy goes up another stair flight with Poussière while I am taken to Fallacy's room. Fibi shuts the door and starts dusting like everything was normal. Charlos pulls me over to Fallacy's bed, having me sit on it. He searches for bandages and finds it in a cabinet labeled SUAVE'S FORGOTTEN STUFF. Charlos comes back over and bandages my wounds. He marches back and forth, wanting to follow Fallacy's orders. A few moments pass and then there are loud footsteps come booming down the hall. The door is knocked open by Horror.
"No calling the child bad words! I thought Suave would have taught you by now!"Fibi snaps after dumping a water bucket on him from Suave's lost stuff cabinet that was accompanied with a mop
Horror stomps toward me, ignoring Fibi. Fibi blocks him but he shoves the maid aside. Then he hops over Charlos and bites the first thing he could:my leg. I cover my mouth and cough some blood out. Charlos kicks him back.
"Sure, but I think the king would like to get a turn first."Charlos says
Horror's anger melts away to show the fear underneath. Fallacy looms behind him, then over him by using his wings to silently hover slightly above Horror.
"I warned you, Horror. Never. Hurt. MY. ENCRE! But no, you just HAD to try and kill him! So now, you're. Gonna. PAY!"Fallacy snaps
"Agreed."Jasper, Suave and Poussière say, circling around him
"Let's take this out of the room. Encre doesn't have to see this."Poussière says
They nod and shove Horror into the hall. Jasper shuts the door with a grin. I could hear what they were doing though. And it was brutal. But this was their form of giving karma.
Your friends really know how to put on a good karma show.
I glance and see Granny beside me.
That Fallacy guy really cares for you. I approve of you both if you ever get together. I like how he has a tough don't mess with me style but is also a real softie.
"Suave? May I do what you ban me from doing with the empty laundry baskets but with him?"Jasper asks
"Sure thing, M'Lord."Suave says
I hear Horror shout in pain and grunt as what sounds to be him falling down the stairs.
(And yes, Suave has banned Jasper from shoving empty laundry baskets down the stairs.)
That Jasper is a nice, sweet, troublesome kid. Good.
I nod. Then my soul starts slowing down again.
I got this.
She disappears. A few moments pass, I hear Fallacy gasp and then come into the room quickly. He hops onto the bed, pulling me close and kissing my cheek.
"Not again.....Stay with me, Love. Not a third time."He says
"Oh dear! Suave, when you took those venomous swabs, did you find a way to make an anti-venom or something?"Jasper asks
"I'll get to work on it! How many bites does he have, M'Lord?"Suave says, running down the hall and stairs
Fallacy counts the bites on my head and arm. I point out the new one by my leg.
"Four!"He shouts
"Dear heavens! Horror were you trying to sign a death wish for yourself?!"Suave snaps
"Ugggh....."Horror groans
Fallacy hugs me closer to him.
"You're mine, Encre."He whispers
"SHIP IT!"Jasper says
My face burns up. Clearly Shino influenced him.
Poussière drags Horror in.
"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"Poussière asks
"Not my fault he didn't have a mark to show his worth or purpose and I tried to take the trash out."Horror says, spitting on the ground in spite
Fallacy looks at me.
"Right...."He says
Mark? Marking? What?
I nuzzle my head in his chest.
"W-What are you doing?"He asks
"Trying to......"I whisper
I find his soul-beat. I listen to it. Lovely melody.
"Listen.....melody."I whisper
His face burns but he rests his head on my shoulder.
"I can hear yours."He whispers
I listen to both souls beat.
"Harmony...."I say
"Ya, harmony."He says
I begin to shut my eyes. He holds my arms around him as he wraps his around me.
"I hope you understand that I am doing this for your safety."He says
"W-What?"I stutter
"You got this, Fallacy!"Poussière says
I grip onto him tighter. What's he gonna do? I feel his teeth and fangs sink into my neck. I hold him tightly, muffling my cries into his shoulder.
Trust him...Must trust him. If he thinks this is best, deal with it. It's okay, it's okay. Just hold tight and breathe.
He takes his teeth out, but the tips of his fangs stay in a bit longer. He places a hand where he bit me.
"There....That should do it."He says
"What did you do?"I ask
"Marked you."He says
"And what does that mean?"I ask
"Now nobody else could take you. That mark on your neck is basically a STAY AWAY sign, or they have to answer to me."He says
I stare at him in surprise.
"You are my Encre."He says
My face burns up.
He smiles.
"Hate to break up the moment but I have to take him upstairs for Suave."Jasper says, lifting me away
"What should I do with Horror?"Poussière asks
"What we did last time he rebelled."Fallacy says
"Awesome!"Poussière says, running off
Jasper brings me upstairs and Suave got 4 vials of a strange liquid.
"Forensic science don't fail me now!"He says
"Em....Suave, that has to be one of the worst times to say that."Jasper says
Suave glances over, seeing us.
"Shoot. Don't worry! I have done tests with forensics and science in the attic!"He says
"So that's why it grows flowers up there."Jasper says
"Indoor garden as you requested!"Suave says
Jasper nods, putting me in a chair.
Suave has each vial injected into me. He smiles and I smile back. But then I get sleepy and shut my eyes.
Hours pass and I wake up in a bed. I look around and see nothing but darkness. I try to shift but couldn't. Two arms are around me. I feel a head nuzzle mine from behind. Then I feel someone start kissing the back of my neck. I feel my face burn up.
"Aah....Mmm."I mutter, feeling my soul race
I look behind me. It's Fallacy. He is snuggling me while we are in bed. And he was kissing me in his sleep. I reach up, feeling my neck. I feel two small dots where his fangs were when he marked me. He.....marked me. He....loves me.
The door creaks open. Poussière peeks in.
"You both look cute together."He says
I smile. I like the sound of that.
"Now if only he could be direct and tell you exactly how he feels for you! Wait, I got a plan! Hehehehe....Support....."He says
I feel a bit uneased as he shuts the door.
I turn to my other side and face Fallacy. He opens his eyes a bit.
"I love you, mon amour."I say
He smiles a bit. He holds me close and I doze back off.
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