Chapter 4:Loving Protection
Jasper's POV
I hear Encre cry out my name and for help shortly before he screams in pain.
I run to his scream and kick the door open to find my father biting Encre. Encre is stuck in his hold, crying. But then he punches my father, shoving him away. He curls up in a ball, crying and shaking, shifting away from my father.
Suave runs over and sees the situation. Encre's neck is now bleeding, which is tempting my father to try and get closer. I think of an idea.
"SHIT!"I say
Suave takes out his spray bottle but I snatch it before he could spray me. I hop in front of Encre and spray Fallacy away. I have self-control.
"Bad Dad! Bad Dad! Very Bad, Dad!"I snap, spraying him away from Encre
Fallacy looks upset at being caught.
"Son, what do you think you're doing?"He asks
"The right thing! He is crying!"I snap
"They all cry when bitten."He says
"That's not the point!"I say
"M'Lord, I feel you really messed up."Suave says
"You bet he is! You gave him a reason to be afraid of you, father! And on the worst day too! You couldn't have chosen a worst way or day to do this, Father! It was only a few months ago where another vampire bit him! Scared him horribly! So don't even pull the first bite excuse!"I snap
"What?"He snaps
"J-J-Jasper...."Encre whimpers
"I can explain later. But right now, I gotta help Encre. Great day to prove his parents right about you, Father. And that's not a good thing."I say
"Okay, M'Lord Fallacy. You really messed up!"Suave says
I turn and sit down, hugging Encre.
"Ssssh, ssssh, don't worry. Encre, I'm here. I got you. I won't hurt you."I say
He shuts his eyes.
"No more....No....stop.....He didn't mean to.....He's good. Bite....bad....You're wrong......No....."He cries in French but I translate to English
"Who is he talking to?"Suave asks
"Not me.....I think his parents.....Wait.....Oh no....."I say
I start shaking him.
"Encre! Encre! Wake up! Do not listen to them!"I say
"M'Lord, stop."Suave says
I stop shaking Encre. Suave bandages his neck.
"What were you talking about when you snapped at your father?"He asks
"Today is a bad memory for Encre. His parents were bad to him starting today when he was four. Then they talked to him on the night he kinda shut down muttering stuff. They were upset that he was spending time with us. They told him that we could hurt him, especially my father. He didn't believe them and I assured him it isn't like that. But yeah, today marks the day they hurt him as a kid and my father proved their point and gave Encre a reason to fear us, or him at least. Let's hope he was not trying to mark Encre or this will remind him of another bad memory."I explain
Suave processes this and nods. He looks at my father.
"M'Lord, you made a big mistake."He says
Encre wakes up and hugs me. He pulls Suave into the hug.
"Are you okay?"I ask
"Oui. Tant que je suis avec mes amis de confiance, vous deux."He says
(As long as I'm with my trusted friends, you two.)
Father comes closer and Encre starts to shake.
"He said two, Father. You are scaring him. You broke his trust. Now, you should go."I say, protectively hugging Encre
"I just want answers."He says
"Oh, you'll get answers! Once I hear an apology to him and an explanation on why you thought that would be okay!"I snap at him
He gazes coldly down at us. Encre hides behind us, which seemed to hurt him.
"He's really that scared?"He asks
"Yes, M'Lord. He is and has very good reasons to be. You're not helping it either. So either leave or stop with the bad behavior or cold attitude."Suave says
Encre reaches for his sketchbook. He wasn't kidding when emotions inspire art. I'm sure his emotions have driven him to make art hundreds of times. I look at the sketch and frown. It was in memory of today. It had a line down the middle. To the left was a scare and hurt little kid version of him with dark black figures behind him with a bat or knife. On the other half was his current self, smiling and he was drawing us with him but had to stop. He had drawn Father too.
I hug him tighter. Suave sees the sketch and hugs him too.
"What's wrong?"Father asks
"Many things and it isn't even noon yet."I say
"You told Jasper about this?"Suave whispers to Encre, tapping the sketch
Encre nods.
"Okay....It will be okay, Encre. I will talk some sense into M'Lord Fallacy."Suave says
"You're gonna what now?"Father says
Suave takes the bottle back from me and starts spraying him.
"Let's go, M'Lord. You need some sense talked into you."Suave says
"And you're gonna do it?"He asks
"Would you rather Felicia or someone else, M'Lord?"Suave replies
"I would be glad to!"I say
"Nope."He says
Suave drags my dad away. Encre sets the sketchbook aside and hugs me.
"It's okay, Encre. It's okay."I say
Shino comes in and hugs him as well.
A week later Encre's POV
Shino has left through a hole in the ground she made to find her brothers. I hope she does well. Her brothers are lucky to have such a good sister and I'm glad to hear they are just as nice. Maybe I will meet them one day.
Now I am sitting in my room, sketching but facing the door so Fallacy doesn't sneak up on me again. My neck still hurts, but it didn't leave the so-called mark Jasper was worried about. Suave has taught me English again and everything seems better now. I hear a knock at my door.
"Encre, are you in here?"Jasper asks
"Yes, come on in."I say
Jasper opens the door. He shoves Fallacy inside. I hold my sketchbook tighter.
"My father has something to say, don't you, Father?"Jasper says, glaring at Fallacy
Fallacy comes over to me. He takes my hand, holding it gently.
"I'm sorry, Encre. I didn't mean to upset you or hurt you. It's just that the vampire council is coming in a few weeks and I don't want them to hurt you, so I thought if I could mark you, everything would be fine. You're just very precious to me. Can you forgive me?"He says
So that's why he did it. It was just bad timing....What is this marking thing they keep talking about? Awww, he thinks I am precious!
"You better not forgive him. He's a disgusting freak."Two voices say
I already know them. Mother and Father. I call them that since those are the only names I know besides some not so nice names that Suave may spray me for even thinking of using.
"I'll do what I want. He is not."I mutter
"Huh?"Fallacy says
I grip his hand tighter.
"Nothing. I forgive you."I say
He smiles and hugs me close.
"Guess I will have to come and prove it. You got your father's stubborness."My mom's voice says
I ignore her.
"Yes, things are back on track with you both!"Jasper says
"Good to hear!"Suave shouts
Fallacy gazes at me with a warm smile. I smile back and his face erupts in yellow. He looks over his shoulder at Jasper. Jasper leaves and shuts the door behind him. Fallacy pulls me into his lap and kisses my cheek. My face burns up.
"F-Fallacy! What was that kiss for?"I ask
He places a hand softly on my other cheek.
"Magnificent. I love seeing it....."He says
"S-Seeing what?"I stutter
He does not answer.
"I wonder...."He mutters
He kisses my cheek again. My face burns even more.
"It does.....Heh, cute."He says
My soul is pounding.
"F-Fallacy?"I say
He nudges me, making me lay down.
"M-M-Monsieur?"I stutter
He places his head on my chest.
"I like your soul's melody."He says
I couldn't say a word. My face burns and my soul is racing.
"You haven't answered my questions."I say
"Well, the kiss was to see how cute you could get. Which turned out to be very cute."He says
"Well two can play at that game."I say, placing a hand on his cheek and kissing the other cheek
His face gets brighter. A LOT brighter. Which made him cute......VERY CUTE.
Oh dear....I'm falling in love. I'm getting a crush on him!
He looks shocked at my action. He starts shaking and looking dizzy. Then he faints, landing beside me in bed. I get up and slip out of the room silently.
"Let me guess, he fainted."Jasper says, walking over to me
I nod.
"Pfft. That's my dad. He can crash from time to time when overwhelmed."He says
"What council was he talking about?"I ask
"Vampire council. It is the council that discusses issues with him and makes all these big important choices and blah blah blah."He replies
"I see you find it quite boring."I say
"We got Suave, I think that's enough logic and reason to have. More than any of them even."Jasper says
"My pleasure to talk logic and reason! Especially to keep you and your father out of trouble M'Lord!"Suave shouts from down the hall
"Sometimes I wonder if he is secretly a vampire with his bat-like hearing..."Jasper says
I hear Suave chuckle from down the hall.
"Or I am just very loud."Jasper says
"That you are M'Lord!"Suave comments
I chuckle as Jasper went off to most likely cause Suave trouble.
A week and a half later.....
There is a knock at the door. I was sitting near the door, drawing in one of the living rooms. I glance up and hear the person knock again. I see Suave is busy stopping Jasper from doing something silly again. Fallacy is in the library again. I didn't know who it was or could be. My mind went to Shino. Maybe she failed to find her brothers and returned for safety. She did say she was facing some troubles.
"I'll get it!"I say
I go to the door. Unfortunately, since they were so big and grand, no peephole was carved to look through and see who it was on the other side. There were no windows nearby that would give an angle to see who it is either. I open the door and instantly regret it.
"Hello, son."They say
"Yeah, no!"I say, trying to shut the door
I don't even want to know how they revived themselves! Another bad thing, the doors are so heavy that I can't shut them quickly or easily. A hand reaches in and yanks me out. They shut the door and I struggle to get free of their hold. They drag me by the arms deep into the forest.
"Let me go! Let me go now! Get your hands off of me! Agh! You'll regret this!"I snap, dragging my feet and trying to get free
I fight as much as I could but they would not let go.
"We are just doing what is best for you."She says
"Sorry, son."He says
"And since when have you cared about what is best for me?"I ask as they lift me up to keep me from making drag marks in the dirt
"One word. My future grandbabies."She says
"Pfft. You're never getting those since you stopped being my mother and father when I was four. Not my fault you made the mistake of beating me into the basement floor just for sparing a bunny's life."I say
"You never learn do you?"She says
I start swinging my legs in sync, gaining momentum.
"Oh I learn. Observe!"I say, swinging my legs and kicking them both roughly
I get freed and quickly run as they fall to the ground.
I see the stone Jasper showed me and start counting trees again. I see the bushes and hop in.
"Where'd he go?"He says
"That pile of crap ditched us!"She says
Then they continue running past my hiding place. I wait until I feel that they are gone. I crawl back out and look around. I hear footsteps running to me from where they went and feel chills go down my spine. I run but feel something pierce my skull. I pull it out and find a wooden stake was thrown. It looks unlike normal stakes, carved into an actual knife. Yep, my so-called mother made this. I toss it aside.
I get cornered by a boulder and a bunch of trees.
"You'll regret learning to fight back."She says, knocking me down
I raise my arms defensively and my arm gets cut, starting to bleed.
"Speaking of grandbabies! Stop hurting our only grandbaby!"I voice shouts
Oh thank goodness!
A spirit appears in front of me.
"You talk about being disappointed, but I am disappointed and dishonored by you! Hurting the precious child! I thought I raised YOU better! Back in mah day, we didn't take crappy people like you! Thank the heavens you were sent to hell! And that's right where you'll return when your deal ends! Ooo just wait until your mother gets here with our precious Encre's companion or friends! She brought her special cane!"Grandpa says
Their faces go grim. Grandpa turns to me and smiles.
"Don't listen to these idiots, Encre. We are so proud of you. Do what you feel is right. And just know that no matter what they say, you and your vampire buds are garunteed a ticket to heaven, not hell."Grandpa says
I smile a bit.
"We would be so much better without you, son! We wouldn't be having these problems!"She says
My smile fades and face goes grim.
"I got my whacking cane! Who is gonna get whacked for hurting ma grandbaby? And WHO IN TARNATION SAID THAT?!"Grandma exclaims, waving a cane
"Where's his vampire bud? And the ones to be whacked are right there. Our daughter in law said that."Grandpa says
"He's coming."She says, then starts whacking my former parents on the heads
Since she is a spirit, only those she choses to haunt can feel it and only family can see her. Same with Grandpa.
Grandma stops and kisses me on the head. I smile. Then she and Grandpa stay on both sides of me. They just look like floating shapes to those who aren't family. I know from past experiences. I try to sit up. Instead, I get lifted from the ground by two arms.
"Here he is!"Grandma says
I look up, seeing Fallacy.
"So, you're the so-called parents that were stupid enough to hurt the custest and most precious child you could've had? Who has become one of the greatest artists and friends to know?"Fallacy says
My face burns up.
"F-Fallacy...."I say
He holds me in his arms firmly.
"You are the disgusting vampire that bit my son and brainwashed him to fight us!"My former mother says
"I did it for his safety, something you've never done. And I did no brainwashing, that was just him fed up with your crap. He tasted nice though. Last time I was told, you stopped being his mother when you hurt him on March 17th when he was four. And if you want to talk about disgusting, I can stay here as long as you need listing all the reasons you two are the most disgusting and horrible parents I have ever known."Fallacy says
"But he is-"She begins
"Don't even try it with the insults. Don't test me."He says
I look up at him.
"You alright, Encre?"He asks
I nod.
He leans and kisses me on the head.
My face burns even more.
"Aww, how sweet."Grandma says
"Perfect."Grandpa says
Fallacy looks at the two floating shapes.
"They keep getting brighter, are they saying something? The only way I got the message to come here was when that triangle knocked over a stack of books before going through the window."He whispers to me
I nod.
"No regrets."Grandma says, waving her cane in the air proudly
"So, where is the child Encre we made a deal for?"A new voice says
I look and see a dark spirit appear.
"Oh, so you're selling or dealing him to dark spirits now, huh?"Fallacy growls
"For new lives, yes."They say
"They say we all have pieces of crazy in us, some bigger than others. You two have the biggest pieces I've seen."Grandma says
"Ya, the stupid kind of crazy."Grandpa says
"Where is he?"The dark spirit says
"Right there."Mother says, pointing to me
"People also say to never miss a good chance to shut up, but you are missing all of them!"Grandma says
The spirit grabs me.
"You are coming with me now, lil Encre."It says
"Oh hell nah! Get your hands off him! He is staying with me! He is my cute lil Encre!"Fallacy says
My face burns again. But it was also scary for me. I kept trying to tear my arm free but it doesn't let go.
"Come on, vampire. It wont be so bad for him."It says
"I HIGHLY doubt that."He says, stepping back
I pull myself free and grip onto Fallacy.
"I got you."He assures me
"O-Okay, mon amour."I say, nuzzling my head against him
(My love.)
My face burns more when I realize what I just said. I could hear my grandparents cooing. Fallacy's face looks at me.
"What did you call me?"He asks
"I mean mon amie! My friend."I say
(my friend!)
"Ah, okay."He says with a smile
"What could you possibly do to stop me?"The spirit asks
"I know exactly what."He says
He sets me down and the spirit leaps at me. But then Fallacy wraps me in his cape/cloak. The spirit gets knocked back.
"Dark repels dark spirits. Every vampire knows that."He says
"What the fuck?!"It snaps
"Told you that you're not going near him."He says
"But maybe, you will."It says, then charges at Fallacy, disappearing into him
My grandparents hang near me, holding my parents away. Fallacy comes over and towers over me.
"F-F-Fallacy?"I stutter
"You are coming with me."He says
But when he touches his cloak on me, he hisses and steps back, as if it burned him.
"Let Fallacy go!"I snap
"And why would I do that?"It asks
"Becuase it would be a shame for you to get hurt the hard way."I say
Then, I charge at him, hugging him and making sure the cloak wrapped around him.He falls back, yelling and saying that it is burning.
"Come on, Fallacy, you got this. Come back, please."I say
"You're burning me, but he is not fighting hard enough to get back!"He says
"Well, maybe it's time for round two of the game. You know what I'm talking about, Fallacy."I say with a smile and wink
"E-E-Encre? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!"He and the spirit say, his face getting a yellow glow
I reach up with the cloak around us, gently cupping his cheeks in my hands. I lean in, kissing him.
Come on, Fallacy. I love you. Don't let this spirit boss you around or hold you back.
My face burns up.
This feels so good. So sweet. So amazing. But I pull back, sitting up. I smile.
He sits up, looking at me.
"Fallacy?"I say
"Encre.....T-That was....."He stutters
"Are you okay?"I ask
His face is burning.
"Y-Yes....The spirit is gone. B-B-B-But, I-"He says
"But what?"I ask
"I think I've fallen in love with you."He says
My face burns up.
"R-Really, Fallacy?"I say
"Noooo.........."He says
Tears fill my eyes.
"Then why'd you say that?"I ask
"Because I made him. Now I have an oppurtunity."He says
The spirit leaves him and enters me. I lose control of myself. I am forced to stand and take his cloak off of me. Tears roll down my face, my soul sinking. But before I could do anything, I feel something get stabbed through my back and out my chest. It slips back out, releasing the spirit. I look at Fallacy, shaking.
"Fallacy........I..........."I say, but could not finish
My feet give out and I drop to the ground, bleeding. The last thing I saw was Fallacy lunging towards me.
"His blood smells good."A voice says
"Can I drink it?"A second asks
"Why aren't you drinking it?"A third says
"Come on, Fallacy, he's gonna die and then his blood won't be fresh. Take the chance."A fourth says
"No! You are not drinking his blood! None of you are! Neither am I!"Fallacy snaps
"Aww come on."The first says
"No, so get your hands off of him! That's an order!"Fallacy snaps
"So what can we do?"The second asks
"And what the fuck makes this guy special enough for you to let him live?"The third asks
"You can go look for a healer in the forest! Or get Suave to bandage him up! And to answer the other question, we could be here all night if I had to explain why!"Fallacy snaps
There is silence.
"GO!"He orders
I hear footsteps and wings flapping, growing distant and faint.
I slowly try to open my eyes. Everything is blurry but I blink a few times and everything comes into focus. I feel two arms wrapped around me. I look up, seeing Fallacy sitting and holding me in his lap. He looks angry but at the same time ready to cry.
"F-F-Fallacy?"I stutter weakly
He looks at me and smiles.
"Encre!"He cheers
I try to sit up. It hurt too much so I don't.
"Don't move. You're bleeding pretty badly."He says
I nod.
"Y-You okay? Free?"I ask
"Encre, worry about yourself first. But, yes I am ok and free.......About that kiss....."He says
"M'Lord! I am here!"I hear Suave shout
"Over here, Suave!"Fallacy says
Suave comes running over.
"I'll explain later."Fallacy says
"Alright. Your son could smell his wounds from his room and sent me. You're gonna be okay Encre."Suave says, starting to bandage me up
Suave sets me against a tree once he finished bandaging me. Fallacy explains what happened and then 3 other vampires come back. They demand Suave and Fallacy to explain themselves. Suave refused to go near any of them. He wants to guard me so they don't try anything with me. Fallacy reluctantly goes to them to explain.
"How do you feel, Encre?"Suave asks
"Better.....Thank you, Suave."I say
He smiles.
"What were the floating shapes M'Lord mentioned?"He asks
"Those would be the spirits of my family. My grandparents. They usually come to visit me this month every year, but never to this extreme. To others they are just floating shapes but I see them as who they were when they lived."I explain
"That sounds amazing."He says
I nod.
"I'm sorry I was busy and you had to answer the door. If I wasn't busy, I would have answered the door and tell those parents of yours to please, return to hell because they won't go near you. But I couldn't and look where that went."He sighs
"Suave, it's not your fault that you were busy. Nobody expected someone to come. Or for this to happen."I say
"Your reassurance and kindness knows no limits, Encre."He says
I smile.
"Always better to be positive!"I say
He smiles. I sit there against the tree with Suave standing beside me. We watch as Fallacy speaks with the other vampires, which are apparantly only a few of the vampire council. Suave tells me that hardly anyone can survive those vampires unless Fallacy orders them otherwise.
Which he did.
Suave falls quiet after a while. What happened before I passed out replays repeatedly in my mind. I shake my head. That's the past. It's over. Stop dwelling on it! But.....What he said.....Can that really be ignored?
"MMph! MMm mm!"Suave says, sounding muffled
I look to see hands covering his mouth with a cloth until he passes out. Then he is dragged behind the tree. I get up unsteadily!
"Fallacy! Suave was-MMph!"I exclaim, but then get my mouth covered
I get pulled behind the tree and the cloth is held there until I stopped fighting and passed out.
I wake up in a bed. I sit up and look around. I realize I am in my house. So I am back in the village. A chill goes down my spine. But first, before I even start wondering about why I'm here or worry, I need to think of someone else. Where is Suave? Is he okay? Where was he taken?
I climb out of bed and hear some muffled yells in the closet. I open the closet and out falls Suave, tied and gagged. He is gagged with a cloth and he is tied by the wrists and ankles with metals.
"Suave!"I exclaim, taking the gag out
"Greetings, Encre......The blacksmith found me odd so put me in there so I don't spread the weirdness to you according to him. The guard just left with a kid they called Orion."He explains
Orion, Azure and Rufous took us? Why? Why now? How? And why so secretly and without warning? Why'd they do that like kidnappers? I got questions.
I take the metals off of him and he smiles, thanking me.
"Is this your home? It's quite nice!"He says, looking around
"Thanks....Yes it is."I say
He gets up and looks at the paintings I had left to dry months ago. He smiles. He loved them. I smile, he is very nice. I hear the door creak open.
"Encre? Are you in here? Are you home yet?"A voice says
That didn't sound like my friends. I told Suave this.
"Yeah, and it may not be the scientist or monster hunter, they transferred to another village apparently to avoid facing the King's or village's wrath."Suave whispers
"I. Just. Wanna. Talk. To. You."The voice says from the kitchen
"Slow talker, yep. Mean person in the village."I mutter
I hear the sound of two blades sliding together, like when you swipe two knives together.
"We should get out of here."I say
Suave nods.
"I'll protect you."He says, taking out a duster
How is that gonna help?
I don't question it. He takes my hand and we sneak towards the back door. I see a paper drop to the floor. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE FOR BIG REWARD! It shows me. Oh great. The whole village may be after me for this. I hear footsteps come running towards me. Suave turns and changes his duster into a knife. He stabs it into the person behind me. I hear knives clatter to the ground.
"No hurting my friend."He snaps
"Yes sir!"Thevillager cries
"Good, now go see a medic."He says, removing the knife
We keep running and Suave makes it a duster again. He holds my hand as we run through town towards the forest. Rufous runs in front of us with a newly smelted sword. I could tell by the steam coming off of it.
"Pardon me, sir. We must be going."Suave says politely
"You are going nowhere with my friend."Rufous says
"He stays here, he dies."Suave says
"Says who? If he leaves, he dies in that forest!"Rufous snaps
"The sign on that wall."He says, pointing to a nearby wanted sign hanging up
"Fucking Asgore.....And what makes me trust you? He probably doesn't have a clue what's going on!"Rufous snaps
"I do."I say
"Since when did you speak English?"He says
"Since Suave here taught me. He's my friend."I say
"You're not really gonna go with him, are you?"Rufous asks
"I am, Rufous. I am not safe here, like Suave said. Maybe we could meet once in a while, but I am not staying here."I say
He drops the sword. Azure comes over and Rufous explains this to him. They both hug me.
"We're gonna miss ya."Rufous says
"We meet the half moon of every two months, alright?"Azure says
I nod.
I link arms with Suave.
"You better protect him, heart eye."Rufous says
"Rufous, be nice."Azure says
"Will do. Pleasure to meet Encre's village friends."He says
We leave the village and enter the forest. We walk through it quietly and then Suave stops. On a rock lays Fallacy's cloak.
"He's close."He says, tossing it into the air
It came back down, but with Fallacy wearing it.
"Suave! You're alright!"He cheers, hugging Suave
"What the hell?"A voice shouts
Fallacy hears this and pulls us behind him.
"Protect him! Ya right! More like sending him to die from a vampire!"Rufous shouts
I turn to see him throw the newly smelted weapon towards Suave who was holding me close. Fallacy steps in front of us, getting the sword thrown into his chest.
"Who the hell are you? Another hunter? Someone else trying to hurt Encre?"Fallacy growls as if he wasn't wounded
"Rufous. I'm the village blacksmith and his friend. Now hand him back over."Rufous says, stepping forward
"I don't want to hurt his friends, so I don't want to hurt you. But that is not happening."Fallacy says
"That's a shame cause I really wanna hurt you now!"Rufous says, throwing his smelted daggers at Fallacy
They pierce his arms and shoulders. He frowns and deflects the rest with his wings. Rufous doesn't have daggers that are made for vampires like Externa does luckily. But I must end this. Rufous won't stop, he never does when he makes a decision. One of the most stubborn people I know, besides Azure, but he is more determined than stubborn unlike Rufous. I slip out of Suave's hold and step in front of Fallacy.
"Rufous, no! Stop!"I snap as he takes another dagger out
"What?"He says in shock
"Don't hurt them!"I say
"Are you crazy? These are bad monsters! These are vampires, the bad monsters the village talks about!"He says
"The village is wrong!"I snap
"Then what are they?"He asks
I look at Fallacy. He steps closer, wrapping his arms around me while his arms looked like a porcupine's back. I smile.
"My friends. They are good monsters."I say
Suave starts trying to pick the weapons out of Fallacy. Fallacy grips me tighter at each one.
"How the hell did you become friends with them?"Rufous asks
"You never know what a little kindness can lead to, sir."Suave says
"And Encre is one of the nicest people I have met."Fallacy says
Rufous sighs.
"So, you're really friends? You're really gonna protect him and have him trust you to do so? Encre, are you sure about this?"Rufous says
Suave and Fallacy nod.
"Yes, yes I am."I say
"Fine."He says
I smile. I wave goodbye to him and Fallacy leads me away. Suave walks ahead, carrying all the daggers and weapons that he pulled out of Fallacy. It is silent, peaceful, and a dark night. But the sun will be rising soon. I hear a pain-filled grunt come from Fallacy. I look at him and stop in my tracks. He got a spike to the chest and is shaking, all his other wounds combining with this being too much for him. He falls backwards, which only had the ground push the spike deeper. I drop to my knees and try to bandage him the best I could. He sits up a bit, smiling. He puts his cloak on me and was about to drop down again but I pull the stake out of him. Then I hug him close to me.
"Stay up, Fallacy. Stay with me. You're gonna be okay."I say, but it sounds more like a whimper
"E-Encre...."He says, his eyes starting to shut
I pick him up and carry him, quickly catching up to Suave. Suave looks over and his face goes grim. As if he said OH CRAP! He leads me to Fallacy's room and I place him in his bed. Suave bandages him and wakes him up.
"How the heck did you manage to carry him?"Jasper asks, having witnessed this entire thing
Fallacy's face turns yellow.
"H-He carried me?"He mutters
Suave nods.
"Do not test him with someone he cares about."Suave says
I smile.
Jasper hugs his father. He hugs me too, then he shoves me onto Fallacy. I could feel my face burn up. I feel him wrap his arms around me. I look up at him and he smiles.
Jasper and Suave leave us alone in the room.
"You should rest."He says
"O-Okay..."I say, trying to sit up
"But could you stay with me?"He asks, preventing me from moving
"Sure."I say
"Now....About the kiss and what I said....."He says
"It's in the past."I say, unable to think of an excuse for what I did
"Okay...."He says
I shut my eyes and try to sleep.
"The only thing I lied about was the no to your question....."He says quietly
My face burns up. I open my eyes and look at him.
"What?"I say
"Nothing."He says
I shrug doze back off. I listen to his soul beat quietly.
"Your soul has a nice melody too...."I say sleepily
The soul melody starts going faster.
Then a slows to a beat for someone sleeping. I guess he fell asleep.
The last thing I heard was a door creaking open.
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