Chapter 3:Danger in the Forest
1 week later the storm ends and the two enter the forest to find Encre, dead or alive. 2 weeks pass and they have no luck. Encre and his buds enjoy themselves, completely unaware. And at the same time, Azure, Orion and Rufous are secretly planning a rebellion. Fallacy's feelings are growing for Encre.
Encre's POV
I wake up and smile. Another great few weeks of awesome times with Fallacy, Suave and Jasper. I sit up and notice some drawings on a nearby table in the room. I get up and over to it. There are drawings that I did not do sitting there. There are three papers it seems.
The top one is of me it seems. Then I see a message on it from Jasper. I -insert heart- you, Encre! -Jasper I smile.
Good kid.
He did a good job at this and I could see he learned from the lessons he asked me to give him on art. I smile at it. I lift it and examine it. I could see he put some work into it and some faint eraser marks are visible if you look hard enough to prove it. I set it aside. I see another drawing. It is a drawing of Suave, Jasper, Fallacy and I together. I check the back and see another note that says Jasper made it.
The third paper though. It was different and showed WAY more eraser marks. There were streaks from my eyes looking like their colors. There was no signature, just a heart or two. Strange...
I put them back the way I found them.
There's a knock at the door.
"Oui?"I say
Jasper pops his head in.
"Morning, Encre!"He says
"Good morning, Jasper. These are lovely drawings."I say
He comes over and smiles.
"I'm glad you like them!"He says
"Did you make the third one though?"I ask
"Which one is the third?"He asks
I show him it. He gets this sly smirk on his face.
"No. That's my father's."He says
"I never knew he draws...."I say
"That's because he only started last week."He says
I look at the drawing again, very carefully.
"He drew you since he finds you very cute. You cause a lot of emotions in my father, and isn't emotion something that inspires art or drawings? That's what you taught me."He says
I cause Fallacy emotions? What kind of emotions?
"Oui..."I say
"Do you like it?"He asks
I nod.
"I'm sure he'd like to hear that!"He says
I hear footsteps and turn to see Fallacy entering.
"Oh! Hello, Father!"Jasper says
"Hey, did I interrupt something?"He asks
"Not really, I was just explaining to Encre how this drawing is yours!"Jasper says, pointing to the drawing
Fallacy's face went a bright yellow.
"How'd you get that?"He asks me
"I found it there with Jasper's."I say, gesturing to the other drawings
"Jasper, did you put mine with yours?"He asks
"I guess so. Whoops.~"Jasper says with a shameless grin
I hand it back to him. Clearly he didn't want anyone else to have it.
"It looks good."I say
I didn't know what else TO say.
He looks at me and smiles a bit.
"Thanks....I did try to make it like you."He says, then starts to talk with Jasper
Or argue. Yes, argue is a better way to put it. He was telling Jasper not to mix their drawings and Jasper objected that if he didn't want them mixed he should put his name on his drawings. They both have good points.
I feel my cheeks warm up. He was being very sweet to me. Sweeter than anyone else has.
He glances over at me and his eyes get a spark of curiosity. He comes over and places a hand on my cheek.
"M-Monsieur?"I stutter, unsure of what he's doing
He says nothing, gazing at me curiously.
"S-S-Something wrong, Fallacy?"I ask
He does not answer. He removes his hand and leaves.
I look to Jasper for answers and he shrugs.
"He never has done that before."He says
I shrug it off. I sit on my bed and get my sketchbook out.
"Can you tell me more about your life? If that's ok...."He says
I nod as I begin a new sketch.
"What you want to know?"I ask, still figuring English out
"What's your family like? Surely they helped you in the village."He says
I try to think and remember my family.
"They were very nice. Very honest and tight-knit kind. But no....They did not."I say
"What? Why not? What kind of good family would not-?"He begins
"Ma famille est morte in a catastrophe naturelle."I say
(My family died in a natural disaster.)
"What does that mean?"He asks
"Storm killed them. I got sent to the other village since I was the only survivor of my family. So they were not around to help me with being picked on...."I say
"Oh.....I am so sorry."He says, hugging me
"It's alright. I was only a child so most of it was a blur. Only four. Besides, it's in the past."I say
"Did anyone in the village help you?"He asks
"Oui, a guard named Azure and blacksmith named Rufous."I say
"Great! Good to know that not all villagers are stupid freaks!"He says
I keep sketching.
"Did you ever have a crush on anyone growing up? Or have a lover?"He asks
"Pfft, I'd be an idiot to even begin that. Putting my feelings out in the open, in that village, would've been the stupidest thing I ever did. So, no l'amour ou l'amant."I say with a shake of my head
(love or lover.)
"Do you have a crush on anyone now?"He asks
"No. Not that I can tell."I say
I finish the sketch, so I shut the book and set it aside.
"One moment."He says
He goes out of my room and looks to the left. He doesn't look pleased.
"Really?"He says
There is silence. He comes back in.
"Everything ok?"I ask
"Yeah."He says
"Do you have any plans for today?"I ask
"I wanna show you around the forest. I have some secrets there. Might come in handy for you."He whispers
I nod.
"I'll come."I say
"Great!"He says, taking my hand and leading me outside
He leads me into the forest and shows me some stuff he has hidden in there. Games or toys to play with when he has to escape punishment, stuff like that. He even shows me a hiding place. 3 trees down from a rock with a J marked on it is a bunch of bushes that he grew and made sure had a center that could hide someone in. And the bushes disguise scents that vampires apparently smell.
"This will be good to hide in if anything ever attacks you."He says
"Cool!"I say, amazed
"Here, let me lead you to the next thing!"He says, running ahead
I try to keep up with him, but he is very fast. And he even used his wings to boost himself ahead at one point. I quickly lose sight of him and don't know where to go. I stand there, lost and confused. Then I feel a hand grab me. I turn my head but see someone I don't recognize. Their gaze was cold and they didn't have a good vibe. Unlike Jasper, Fallacy or Suave. He smiles, showing off a fang that had a dark red liquid still on its tip. He wipes it clean but tightens his grip on me.
"My my, look what we have here. A lost outsider, or a tasty meal."He says
I frown.
"W-What?"I say
He leans in, biting my neck. I freeze, feeling a surge of pain rush through me. I remember what Azure taught me about self-defense. Make noise and get away. I let out a scream of pain and kick the vampire as hard as I can. He releases me and I run as fast as I could. I go back the way I came and hide in the bush Jasper showed me. I hear wings flap.
"Where'd that stupid guy go?"He growls
The bushes naturally grew over my head so I was safe. I sit still and quiet, waiting until I couldn't hear that vampire anymore. I feel my neck and it hurt where he bit me still, but it didn't feel deep enough to make me bleed a lot. In a few moments, it stopped.
"Encre? Encre where are you?"I hear Jasper shout
I crawl out of the bushes.
"You're right, Jasper. They did come in handy."I say, getting back to my feet
He comes running over.
"You were attacked?! Oh dear, I am so sorry! I should have never ran ahead! I just got excited!"He says
"I understand. Besides, I'm fine. My neck will just be sore for a while I guess."I say
"Let's head back."He says, leading me back
We go inside and sketch or draw for the rest of the day.
A few days later, I went outside and sat outside the window that I know is one of their living rooms. I sketch the skyline, noticing all the new features in the sky. More constellations were out as the sun was going down. But I hear some distant noises. These distant noises became a scream of pain, one that I recognize. Jasper's. Jasper is in trouble. I drop my sketchbook. I look to the forest.
"Everything alright, Encre?"A voice says
I turn and there is Fallacy.
"I just heard Jasper-"I begin
"You can go play with him."He says, then goes inside
Play? Guess he didn't hear Jasper yell. But now I know I can go to him...
I go into the forest and look around. I pick up a fallen branch for defensive purposes. I hear Jasper yell again. I run and peek out from behind a tree. Jasper is getting beaten up by Externa! Oh hell nah!
I see a little girl run in front of Jasper and whack Externa away with a huge branch as if it were a bat to hit a baseball. Externa and Jasper were both surprised. I look at the little girl curiously.
"You live him the hell alone! You bad lady attacking children! I have a branch and I am not afraid to use it!"The girl snaps
Simon runs and kicks the girl down.
"Stupid little girl."He says
They're both here? Oh great.
I run over and block the two from the kids.
"Leave them alone!"I snap
"Oh! Encre! Just who we were looking for!"Externa says
"Encre, you idiot. These are bad kids. They are bad monsters. Now, come with us and return to the good monsters."Simon says
"I do not associate myself with bad monsters like you."I say
I tighten my grip on the branch.
"Encre!"Jasper cries
"Kids, get out of here."I say
"Which way is your home?"The girl asks
"I'll g-g-guide you...."Jasper says
The two limp away and I block Externa or Simon from attacking them. I whack them away with the branch as much as I could. I easily knocked Simon out with one whack on the head, so it just had to be Externa to fight. She fought with hastiness and was impulsive, not much of a planner. But I notice she never tried to hurt me, she was only trying to restrain me. And as a hunter, who only knows to kill, she must be having trouble. I can see how angry she is at failing.
I, on the other hand, have caused her multiple wounds by whacking her away with the branch. But then she kicked me, knocking the branch out of my grip and making me hit a tree roughly. She comes over, towering over me. She stabs one of her daggers into my arm. I scream in pain.
"Last chance, punk. Be smart or you may find yourself in worse condition. King Asgore wants ya."She says
"Leave him alone."A voice says coldly
Then in a blur, Externa is knocked away from me and I find myself in the air. I lift my head and see Fallacy holding me close.
"Are you okay?"He asks
I nod.
"Good. I heard your scream. Nobody is allowed to hurt you, love."He says
"I m-m-mean Encre. Now, what did they want with you?"He says, the yellow glow returning to his face
"I dunno. Only King Asgore does. He seems to have sent them."I say
"Alright. Well let's lose them and get ba-AAGH!"He says, then yells in pain
I see daggers cut through his wings like cats clawing holes into a lovely curtain. He drops me and then plummets to the ground. I land in a tree but couldn't see where he crashed. But I could hear him loud and clear. He is yelling in pain. He comes into sight, fighting Externa the best he could. He was getting good hits on her, but she was also hurting him pretty bad. I see Simon dizzily run over behind Externa.
"Simon, remember that thing in your hat we discussed?"Externa says to him after slashing Fallacy on the arm again
Thing in his hat.....NO! I remember hearing them discuss a chemical Simon was testing but brought in his hat for the mission. It is unstable and could do anything unknown.
"Yes. I have it too."Simon says
I climb across a tree branch and hop down.
"Give me it."She says
She is getting desperate and impulsive to end this fight. Simon hands her a chemical vial from his hat. She pours it on a dagger. I run quickly over to the fight. I slip between Externa and Fallacy right as she throws it, aimed at him while he holds a wounded arm.
"No!"I shout
The dagger pierces through my shoulder and sinks down past my waist before slipping out and sinking to the ground. She looks shocked. Simon runs over and picks the dagger up, then backs up with a horrified look on his face.
I couldn't move. I glance and see that from the wound, a grey color is spreading and my body is hardening. The ground beneath my foot turned to stone. I look at Fallacy behind me. He looks shocked and ready to cry.
"Encre....No, love."He says
"I c-couldn't let them hurt you."I whisper
I look ahead at Externa and Simon.
"Don't you dare hurt him!"I snap
Then, I couldn't speak anymore. I have completely froze.
I could see and hear everything, but I could not move. I could feel, but could not do anything. It was so strange. So interesting, new. But I wanted to be free. I wanted this experience to be over.
First thing I feel is the gentle touch of two arms wrapping around me. I glance down and see they are Fallacy's hands around my waist, shaking as he holds me. I feel him rest his head on my back. I could feel him trembling.
"Encre.....I'm so sorry......It's.....This is my fault! I couldn't fight better or protect you! I am so sorry love!"He cries
It pained me to hear this and be unable answer.
He hides from Externa and Simon's sight, crying and holding me.
"Wait a second....That vampire has feelings for Encre!"Simon says
"Yes! Finally! Something I and other hunters can use!"Externa says
Bruh you just gave it away. He can hear you.
"If you live to tell the tale. We are so dead."Simon says
"They will pay for this...."Fallacy mutters
"The question is that which king will kill us first? I don't wanna find out!"Simon says, pointing to us
I feel Fallacy release his hold on me. He rests his head on my shoulder. I gaze at him, unable to do anything. He has tears in his eyes still. Then, he kisses my cheek.
Part of me was glad that I was turned to stone because then he would see my burning face. Then the other was upset that I couldn't give him some love or comfort.
Fallacy loses his eye-lights, just becoming red glowing eyes. The blue around his eyes spread and danced off his face into the air like flames. He is NOT happy.
"You both will burn in hell for what you've done."Fallacy growls
"Run?"Simon says
"Run!"Externa agrees
They run but had Fallacy chasing them not too far behind. I lose sight of them. I wait, wondering and wanting to know what happened. But none of them return. I watch the sun rise and fall 3 times. Then another 11 times it rise and fell. By the time that happened, a few days passed and not a sign of any of them had been seen. Night comes and I look at the wonderful stars above. If I could smile, I would.
"E-Encre...."A voice says
I look and see Jasper right in front of me, bandaged for his wounds.
What is he doing here by himself? It's dangerous!
"I snook out when it became 2 weeks without you. Father and Suave have not told me anything about what happened. That nice girl has stayed with us. Her name is Shino and she has just been sleeping or asking questions while she recovers."He says
I could not speak.
"Your position says a lot about what happened. But I wish you could do what they haven't and tell me what happened."He says
I feel my limbs and joints start to loosen like rusty parts getting oiled. I start slowly moving. What is going on?
"J-J-Jasper......"I say
He looks at me and seems to light back up to life.
"Encre!"He cheers
He runs forward, hugging me. I hug him right back.
"So good to see you're okay, Jasper."I say
"Same to you! I don't know how this is possible! Wait..."He says, looking up
He squints, then his eyes widen and he smiles even more.
"Ooh! You're under the full moon's light! That makes anything happen!"He says
So I get free when there is a full moon? Noted.
"You got some explaining to do now!"He says, crossing his arms with a pouty expression
"Okay, okay. After I sent you and Shino off, I fought those two. But Externa pinned me to a tree after a while. Your father came and saved me, but they attacked him. They tried to hit him with a chemical that is unstable but I took the hit instead. That's all I know. But I regret nothing. You'll have to ask your father about the rest."I say
"Can you come home with me?"He asks
"A full moon doesn't last forever, Jasper."I say
"Well then I'll find a way to free you! I will read every science book in the library if I have to!"He says, hugging me
I hug him back but feel everything begin to harden again. It becomes harder to move. I look up, seeing clouds starting to cover the moon.
"Jasper, you should go now before I freeze and trap you here."I say, releasing my hold
"I promise I will find a way to get you out!"He says
I smile and form a heart with my hands.
"Tell them I love them!"I say
"Will do!"He says, running off
Then, I froze like that. Smiling. Happy. Heart made of hands. Just like that.
Weeks pass and I entertain myself by playing games with myself. I started with I Spy, but that soon got boring. I started to find shapes or art out of what I see. But soon, night came. A night that should be a full moon.
"M'Lord, where are you taking me?"I hear Suave ask
"To Encre! Tonight's a special night!"I hear Jasper reply
"What's so special about a full moon? They happen 12 or 13 times a year!"Suave says
"You'll see! And don't be so statistical!"Jasper says
Jasper runs over, dragging Suave by the arm.
"Hello, Encre! I am back!"He says
"M'Lord, he is stuck as a statue. He won't answer."Suave says
"That's what you think."Jasper says, winking at me
I winked back.
"Did he just wink at you?"Suave says in disbelief
My body starts to loosen again.
"And the full moon is out!"Jasper exclaims
I smile and drop my arms from the position. I stretch to properly loosen my body.
"Monsieur!"Suave exclaims in shock
"Bonjour, Suave."I say
"See! It is a special night! The full moon frees him!"Jasper says
Suave is speechless.
I step off of the stone ground and walk over to him.
"He is right?"Suave asks
I nod.
"Monsieur!"He says, then hugs me close
I could feel him shaking, crying happily.
"It is so good to see you. At least you are okay in some way."He says
"Have you all been okay?"I ask
"Yes, thank you for protecting M'Lords."Suave says
Jasper jabs his elbow into Suave.
"Don't lie to him."Jasper says
I look at them confusedly.
"M'Lord Fallacy has been......quite miserable without you."Suave says
My soul sank hearing that.
But then I hear noises from the trees. Not wanting any troubles, I step back onto the stone that I was stuck to for weeks. I stay completely still, my arms at my sides.
"Suave, why are you talking to his statue? I thought you'd be smarter than that."A familiar voice says
A figure swoops down from behind Suave and Jasper, but lands in front of them. He keeps his head down, not wanting to look at me and turns his back to me to speak to them. I could see bandages on his wings.
Yep. Fallacy came.
"M'Lord! I-"Suave begins
"Father! What are you doing here?"Jasper asks
"My son drags my best friend and servant out in the middle of the night for the first time in months. Of course I am gonna come out and see what trouble you're up to."Fallacy says
"I just wanted to prove that Encre really told me what I told you both."Jasper says
I step off of the stone again, finding that I am safe to do so.
"But he didn't! He can't! He-"Fallacy snaps
"Is standing right behind you."Jasper says
"Of course he is! He is frozen in place!"Fallacy says
"That's not what he meant, M'Lord."Suave calmly tells him
I reach up as Fallacy crosses his arm. I lower my hand, hesitant. Instead, I wrap my arms around him like he did with me.
"Fallacy....."I mutter
His wings reopen, knocking me back. I get knocked down too, hitting my skull on the stone.
"Aie! Ça fait mal...."I say
(Ouch! That hurt....)
He hears this.
"Full moon power!"Jasper says
"Are you okay, Encre?"Suave asks
I nod.
Fallacy turns around. He breaks into tears as I get back up.
"E-E-E-Encre...?"He says
"Hello, Fallacy."I say
"You are f-f-free?"He asks
"As long as the full moon lasts tonight, yes. I am glad to see you're oka-ooof!"I say, but get cut off
He throws himself at me, hugging me tightly. He is trembling in tears, crying. I finally am able to give him the love and comfort I couldn't before.
"Encre.....I love you......More than you'll ever know."He whimpers quietly to me
My face warms up and my soul starts to pound.
What is this feeling? I have not felt it so strongly since....
Everything went dark.
Then everything went a bright white. Colors were changing rapidly. I had not a clue what was going on. Then it all freezes at a dark red.
"Encre....."My mother's voice says
"Son...."My father's voice says
I turn and see them.
Did I die....? Oh, why do I have to see them when I do? Why not Granny?
They both approach me.
"So good to see you! Just want to know why you're dishonoring us by associating yourself with stupid vampires."My mother says
"Not just that but the king of those disgusting creatures!"My father snaps
"They are not disgusting! They are amazing! Vampires are not what people say!"I snap
"Do not talk back to us. You know what happens when you do."My father says
"Son, you do realize he could bite you and kill you, right? I thought we raised someone smarter than this."My mother says
"He wouldn't! He's good! He's nice! He has helped me! Made me safe!"I say
"He's manipulating you!"They say
"Says the experts of manipulation."I snap
"And is your head messed up? We died when you were 15, not four."My mother says
"You're wrong, my parents died when I was four. You stopped being my parents when I was a child. My manipulative guardians died when I was 15. You guys stopped being my parents 4PM on March 17th, XXXX!"I snap
My mother frowns.
"Tch."She says, turning her back to me
"Son...."My father says in shock
"I'm not your son anymore. Now can I go now? I don't want to be around bad monsters much longer. Let me return to the good monsters. They are good and you'll never convince me otherwise."I say
"You should have never been born, worthless piece of shit."My so-called mother says
"Sure you can."Father says
"Oh, and enjoy hell, ma'am!"I say, gesturing to the dark red environment around us
I black out again. When I open my eyes again, Suave, Jasper and Fallacy are standing around me. I look up at them.
"What?"I ask confusedly
"Are you okay?"Suave asks
"What the heck happened to you?"Jasper asks
Fallacy kneels down and hugs me again, making me realize I am on the ground.
"Y-Yes.....I just had a talk with some bad monsters is all."I sorta lie
"You kept muttering family, parents, mother, father, and March 17th."Suave says
"Oh, that's odd."I say, playing dumb and clueless
"I thought something went wrong. I am so glad you are okay."Fallacy says
"Yep! Perfectly okay! Nothing to worry about."I say
Jasper narrows his eyes at me.
"Guys, we should go. The full moon is nearly over."Jasper says
Then the three leave.
I just sit there with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company. Occassionally, Fallacy would return before the full moon came and would talk to me, but it seems my inability to answer hurt him, so he didn't come that often. Other times, two spirits would come and try to talk me out of liking vampires, mainly Fallacy, but they fail. One was always apologetic and trying to make up 11 years to me, but still stood by the other with their point on me being wrong for seeing him as good. The other was always pissed when they would lose the argument. They could read my thoughts due to the circumstances and knew that they failed. But by the full moon they had stopped coming.
This time, Jasper brought the little girl Shino with him. He splashes a liquid on me, which didn't seem to do anything. He sighs. I guess he was trying to make his own chemicals.
"Is this the Encre everyone at your home talks about? Your father's crush turned to stone?"Shino asks
"Yes. He can only come to life on full moons."Jasper says
"Not for long, stand back."She says
Jasper steps behind her as told. She summons some squares in the air and taps them a few times. The squares disappear and she sits beside Jasper.
"Did you just do magic?"He asks
"Erm...Yes! Magic, riiight."She says
"What spell did you use?"He asks
"The Freedom Spell. Now we just wait."She says
He hugs her.
"Thank you, Shino..."He says
"My pleasure!"She says
I start to feel loose again. But then a crumbling feeling. I check myself and see the stone is crumbling off of me to reveal my living self underneath. But then it was like the chemical from Jasper just hit me because I feel a cold splash all over me. Memories and a skill gets wiped.
"Bonjour, Shino. Bonjour, Jasper."I say, stepping onto the natural ground.
"Encre!"Jasper cheers
I smile.
The two kids hug me.
"Merci de m'avoir libéré, Shino."I say
(Thanks for freeing me)
"Why don't you speak English anymore?"Jasper asks
"Your chemical erased it from him."Shino says
"Welp, there goes weeks of Suave's lessons."Jasper says
"Oooooo! You're in trouble!"Shino teases
"Et tu es un bon enfant."I say
(And you are a good child.)
"It was for a good cause!"He says
"Oui!"Shino says
"Ah, tu parles français?"I say
(Ah, you speak french?)
"Oui."She says
"Apprenez-moi vos façons d'être bilingue s'il vous plaît."I say
(Teach me your ways of being bilingual please.)
"Oui!"She says
"If you're wondering why we still have bandages after a few months....Well...."Jasper says
"We cause trouble!"Shino says
I chuckle. I can see these two being good friends.(He was right.)
"Come on!"Jasper and Shino say, dragging me through the forest.
They yank and pull me forward by the arms. We go inside.
"Suave should be with my father. We find Suave in this place, we find him! Double surprise!"Jasper says
"Okay!"Shino says, running off
Jasper runs off another way, telling me to stay here. So I do.
A few minutes of searching pass. Shino runs back to report no luck. Jasper returns with the same news.
"Wait. I got an idea. SUAVE!"Jasper shouts
"What is it M'Lord? I am helping your father with another bad dream!"Suave yells in response
"Found them!"Jasper says
Instead of going up the stairways, Jasper grabs us and flies us up the stairs.
"Weeee!"Shino cheers
Jasper releases us and leads us down a hallway. He goes into a room, labeled Fallacy's. I peek into the room with Shino through the thin opening that Jasper left the door with when he nearly shut the door. I see Fallacy sitting on his bed in tears with Suave there, comforting him.
"Another one about Encre, huh?"Jasper says
"Yes, M'Lord."Suave says
"Well he won't have to worry anymore."Jasper says
"What do you mean?"Suave asks
Fallacy is silent, not even a word.
"If it's another drawing-"Suave begins
"It isn't."Jasper says, then gestures for me to come in
I come in and smile.
"O-Oh my stars..."He says
I wave.
"Shino used magic to help him. But my chemical removed the English he learned."Jasper says
Suave looks at Fallacy.
"M'Lord, wipe your tears and get up right now."Suave says, almost like an order
Fallacy looks at him and sees he is serious. Fallacy wipes his tears and stands.
"Now say hello to Encre."He says
"W-What? Suave? Encre is-"Fallacy says
"Bonjour, Fallacy. Bonjour Suave."I say
Fallacy looks at me, but does not waste a second.
"Encre!"He exclaims, then tackles me to the floor
He hugs me tightly and talks a mile a minute, in Eglish and French. I smile and hold him gently, listening to all that he has to say. And he just so happened to fall asleep once he was done.
"Awww! He is snuggling you like a teddy bear! He must really love you!"Shino says
"We'll leave you two be. But Encre, we are SO gonna talk later."Jasper says
They leave me with Fallacy still on me. And the soreness in my neck came back after weeks of being stuck in stone.
Hours pass and he is still asleep. Suave gets worried and nudges him gently. That just made him tighten his grip on me. He mumbles something, sounding sleepy. Suave sighs and leaves.
"Is he gone?"He asks, opening an eye
"Alors tu es réveillé!"I say
(So you're awake!)
"I'll take that as a yes. What does my son have to speak to you about?"He asks
I shrug.
"Je ne sais pas encore."I say
(Dunno yet.)
"I will let you go find out, then."He says, getting off of me
I nod, getting up and coming out. Jasper spots me and grabs me, pulling me to his room.
"Tell me the truth about your parents."He says, shutting the door
I look at him surprised.
"You were crying while muttering about your parents. What happened today years ago?"He asks
"Le 17 mars, c'est aujourd'hui?"I ask
(March 17th is today?)
He nods. He points to a clock, ticking and says 2 AM.
A chill goes down my spine.
"J'aurais peut-être menti sur mes parents d'une manière.....Ils n'étaient pas toujours aussi bons. Je n'en ai pas parlé depuis que j'ai grandi pour penser que dire de mauvaises choses sur les morts est mauvais."I say
(I might have lied about my parents in a way ..... They weren't always as good. I haven't talked about it since I grew up thinking that saying bad things about the dead is bad.)
"Not if it's the truth! It's their fault for being bad if they didn't want a bad memory talked about them! What did they do?"He asks
"Jusqu'à mes quatre ans, mes parents étaient bons. Mais le 17 mars, ils sont morts et sont devenus de parfaits étrangers. Ils ..... étaient ..... de mauvais monstres ...."I say
(Until I was four, my parents were good. But on March 17th, they died and became complete strangers. They.....were.....bad monsters....)
"What about the disaster?"He asks
"C'est arrivé. Ils m'ont enfermé dans une boîte au sous-sol quand j'avais 15 ans pour ce que ma mère a dit trop gentil et que je devrais mourir. C'est ainsi que j'ai survécu à la catastrophe naturelle."
(It happened. They locked me in a box in the basement when I was 15 for what my mom said was too nice and that I should die. That is how I survived the natural disaster.)
"What happened when you broke down?"He asks
"Ils m'ont parlé. Ils étaient bouleversés par le fait que j'étais avec vous et vous ont insulté ou ont essayé de prétendre que vous représentiez une menace sérieuse qui me ferait du mal. Ou Fallacy."I explain
(They talked to me. They were upset that I was with you and insulted you or tried to pretend that you were a serious threat that would hurt me. Or)
"So basically a bunch of hypocrites?"He says
I nod.
"Ils ont dit que Fallacy pourrait essayer de me mordre ou de me tuer."I say
(They said Fallacy could try to bite or kill me.)
"They can burn in hell because that will never happen!"He says
I hug him.
"We love you and want to protect you!"He says
"Merci."I say
(Thank you.)
He allows me to leave, so I do. The next morning comes and it feels so good to be here when the sun rises. No longer alone in the forest. I go to my room and sketch the ideas that I've kept in my head. I even made one in memory of today, like I always do. To prove to myself that I've gotten past that day and that I'm alright, but to not fall for those tricks again by forgetting that day years ago.
They are wrong. Jasper is right.
A hand slithers under my arm and holds my head still. I stiffen a bit, feeling someone breathe on my neck. I recognize the hand on my chin and holding me in place.
"F-Fallacy?"I stutter nervously
"Hold still, Encre."He says
"My my, look what we have here. A lost outsider, or a tasty meal."The other vampire had said
"Son, you do realize he could bite you and kill you, right?"My mother had said
"He wouldn't! He's good! He's nice! He has helped me! Made me safe!"I said
"They can burn in hell because that will never happen! We love you and want to protect you!"Jasper said only hours ago.
So why is this happening?
"Please stay still, Encre."Fallacy says
"F-Fallacy....Non....JASPER! Aidez-moi!"I stutter, then shout for Jasper
I feel Fallacy dig his teeth into my neck, biting me. His fangs dig in the most. It was way more painful than the other bite.
I let out a scream of pain.
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