Chapter 25: Multiverse Guests
Fallacy's POV
I gaze at Nightmare as he quivers in fear. He can't see me, but I am holding his hand to show that I am friendly. I am standing in front of him to protect him from anyone who may try to fire an attack at him. I can smell his wounds, even in his were octopus form. It seems severe. That asshole Charles did this to him? He is dead when I see him! But poor Nightmare! I will protect him. I even begin to plan some protection in my head. I am still shocked that it's him.
"Huh?"He says, taking me out of my mind
"Nightmare! What are you doing here? What happened? Are you okay?"I ask worriedly, gripping his hand
"F-Fallacy?"He stutters
"I'm here, Nightmare. It's me. Are you ok?"I assure him
"Ummm, yes? Just blind from some idiot's doing."He lies
"What are you doing here?"I ask
"The Idiot sent me here."He replies
I had a strong feeling I know the idiot. But here is not the place to discuss that.
"You sure you're ok? You don't seem it."I say
He is silent, then came lunged at me, hugging me and crying. He shook with fear and was breaking down. I comfort him and hug him right back.
"Let's get you somewhere safe. Then you can explain."I say once he stops crying
I take his hand, leading him away from the tree. We fly back and I land, guiding him. I tried to mention jokes like flying were-octopuses since jokes usually help relax others and it's like the phrase when pigs fly. He smiles. I lead him inside. Poussière approaches us.
"Woah! So this is your were-octopus bud?"He says
"Yes, this is Nightmare."I say
Nightmare holds me tighter.
"Don't worry, this is my close friend Poussière. Hey bud, where is everyone else?"I ask
"Hmmm. Encre is done with Suave and is being led by Rufous and his grandma to bed. Charlos and Fibi are delaying the council. Classique is checking around for any threats. Azure is standing guard for when Encre rests. Jasper is in the library and your sister is dealing with Horror again. He smells a lot of blood."Poussière explains
Probably Nightmare's! And oh shit the council!
"Have Classique come back inside. I am not risking anything when Charles may be nearby. Put Horror in the dungeon if we must to keep him under control. Go accompany Azure."I tell him
He nods. Then stares to my right in shock. I look and stop in my tracks. He has turned to his skeleton form and is COVERED in wounds.
"Holy shi-!"Poussière begins
"NO CURSING!"Suave shouts
"This is worse than what he did to Azure! And that was brutal!"Poussière says
"Wait...You know about Charles?"Nightmare asks
"Do we?! He caused us trouble for weeks! Just ask Encre or Azure!"Poussière says
"Awww, they don't deserve dealing with him. I am sorry they went through that."He says
"You're one to talk! What in the name of Bloody Moons happened to you?"Poussière snaps
Nightmare quivers, seeming scared.
"Poussière, stop. You've scared him."I say
"Sorry!"Poussière says
"It's okay."He says
"Go help delay the council. I'll handle Nightmare."I say
"Okay."He agrees, then runs off
"Now, what the heck happened to you?!"I ask
"That's a bit of a story."He tells me
I have him sit in a cozy chair by the fireplace.
"Well I'd like to hear it. Just one moment. SUAVE! Get the medical supplies!"I say, then shout to Suave at the top of the stairs
"How serious is i-WHAT IN THE NAME OF DIRTY DUSTERS?! Right away, M'Lord!"He says after seeing Nightmare's condition
"Now, explain what happened to you. And what's with the new body parts?"I ask, noticing his horn and wounded wings that HE DID NOT EVEN HAVE LAST TIME
"Oh, well that's a bit of a story too. E!Gaster and others were causing trouble. There was this whole misunderstanding between Killer and I that broke us up for a bit since I saw him kissing someone else......But turns out he wasn't in the right state of mind. We're okay now...But I got killed and put into a world called Reborntale. One quality is that it judges your life and decides if you get horns or wings. I have been good and bad so I got a bit of both. And I have a son now....His world was destroyed so I took him under my care. His name is Ghastly. Very smart and nice and goofy.......I just hope he is okay....Before Charles hurts him....."He explains, seeming to zone out
"Welcome to fatherhood! So I am assuming Charles is the guy your brother matched you with before you got back with Killer?"I ask
He chuckles a bit.
"Thanks....How'd ya know?"He asks
"Ink gave Encre a phone and they've talked every now and then. He did not agree with your brother's decision and tried to warn him, but your brother did not seem as concerned. He saw Killer as a worse person for you to date. Which is a load of bull. What happened to you that you ended up in this situation? Besides your bro being a stubborn naive idiot."I state
"Well, I agree. He told me very last minute, as in right before I met him. I was flying around and he just flew up, kissing me. I think he used some hack or magic to make him look like an angel because he is nothing good. I left him there and went home to find Ghastly outside, unallowed to go inside because Charles broke a toy after having a temper tantrum. That's when I learned who he was. He wouldn't leave and tried to attack my son. He only left since I called Dream and showed him his mistake! Then Killer got reborn and we met up, this guy tries again but slices one of my wings while I am flying! I managed to get away but he later beat me and Killer up. He fled. Then after Killer and I made up, things got worse with him."He explains
What was this maniac doing?! I see his wounds get worse and try to cover them.
"Suave! Where are those medical supplies?"I shout
"Can't find them! JASPER WHERE DID YOU HIDE THEM NOW?!"Suave answers
"Why?"Jasper asks
"WE HAVE A SERIOUS SITUATION!"Suave says in a panic
"WHY THERE?!"Suave asks
"JASPER!"I snap
"What? Tell me I am wrong! I dare you! I love you!"He shouts
"Pfft, you turned into a girl and did that?"Nightmare chuckles
"That's a talk for another time. Now what happened afterwards?"I say
"We went for a flight or stroll and got some hot chocolate. He ran ahead to race me home, but my hot chocolate was tainted and passed out. I woke up in a basement with my wings cut off so I couldn't escape. Charles came and tried to force me to love him, but I refused. He blinded me and you can see what he did. He tossed me in a lantern that fell into a river nearby before going after my son. I gotta get back and help him......I can't let that phsycopath hurt my son!"He says, starting to cry
"Ssshh, sssshhh, don't worry. It will all be okay. I'm sure your son is safe. Killer is probably protecting him."I say
He nods. Suave comes over.
"Here, sir. What do I do with the council? It's only a matter of time before one of them catches a scent of his wounds and comes after him!"He says, opening the med kits
"I'll keep them busy. You take care of him."I say
"Yes , M'Lord."He says
"Father?"Jasper says
I glance up and see Jasper at the top of the staircase.
"Hello, son."I say
He sits on the railing. He does not answer. He stares at Nightmare getting patched up by Suave.
"Mr. Nightmare! Good to see you are okay!"Jasper says
"Heh, thanks kiddo."He says
"What do I tell Encre?"Jasper asks
"Tell him our were-octopus friend has returned."I say
"WOOOO!"He cheers
He runs down the hall, whooping and cheering. I go to the meeting room, writing some plans down and putting it at their chairs. I know exactly how to keep them busy. I've seen what off-topic debates keep them busy and how they love to come up with side theories, so surely they won't mind testing their favorites for a while. I even threw in some new ones just to make it take longer. They enter and we begin the meeting.
Switch to Encre's POV
I sit up when I hear the door shut. Jasper bursts into the room and tells me the news. As glad as I am to be able to see Nightmare again and know he is okay, there are parts of me that was upset. One, the circumstances of the situation. Two, this means that Charles DID hurt him and even got oppurtunities to be near him. Three, that means his brother ALLOWED this to happen and did not listen to the warnings to stop it.
"Do you think Charles is coming after him? What if he attacks again? Or gets Suave to get to him?"He asks
"Let's focus on the good news."I say
Right when I said that, Suave comes in with Nightmare. Nightmare is bandaged up and shaking. Suave explains the condition to me and I quickly understand. I had been blind once after all. He shuts the door to keep CERTAIN COUNCIL MEMBERS *cough cough* Horror *cough cough* OUT! Jasper hugs Suave which caught him off guard. I tackled Nightmare down in a hug.
"Nightmare!" I cheer
"Who is this?"He asks
"Encre!"I exclaim
"Oh, hey buddy. Sorry, I can't see."He tells me
"Don't apologize for that! You have no control or fault in it!"I say
"Be careful, I just bandaged his wounds."Suave says
"Right. Now what happened?"I ask, helping him sit up
He explains it to me and I was not pleased. AT ALL. I hugs him protectively.
"I won't let anyone do that to you again! Congrats on the son though!"I say
"Heh, thanks."He says
He sits there, hugging his knees. He looked like a blind, wounded, sweet lil ball of pure PANIC. Gotta fix this.
Then I get an idea. FREAKING CALL THEM!
"Oh wait! Where's that device Ink gave me with the note? One second!" I say, then scramble to locate it
I dial Ink's number and call. But who picks up the phone? Nightmare's brother. Ink where are you leaving your phone?
"Hello?"He says
I turn so Nightmare can't hear.
"Hello! It's me, Encre. You were right, he did end up here WHEN YOU LOST YOUR BROTHER AGAIN. And guess what? He is wounded severely! You could've prevented it by, oh I dunno, listening to warnings and NOT letting Charles meet him! Now, don't come to my world and hand the phone over to Ink you chienne!"I say
(Chienne is French for bitch)
I'm sorry, but I am pretty pissed with the situation. Family should have more concern and try to protect each other 24/7, not at the last minute or leave it for someone else to do. Those are my morals. Loved ones are protected and those who don't are not off to a good start with me.
"O-Ok! Sorry!"He says
"Sorry ain't gonna work buddy. He if blind because of a simple thing you failed to do."I tell him
There is silence. I turn back around and kneel beside Nightmare.
"Hello? Encre?"A voice says
I am still new to technology so the fact you can transfer calls over such a distance intrigues me still.
"Interesting....Bonjour? Ink?"I say
"Oh hey! What's up, buddy? Everything good?"Ink says
"Oui! It worked! Okay, Ink. Where is monsieur Killer and Ghastly? I can explain. But it's important."I say
"How do you know Ghastly?"He asks
"I know Ghastly because Nightmare told me about him!"I say
"He's with you? How is he?"He asks
"Oui! He is with me! He is okay. Just blind and wounded but Suave handled it....Which shouldn't have happened in the first place."I say
"Define okay when there's a council of vampires that can find you and kill you at any moment. Plus you're already blind and wounded. Sorry, Nightmare, but it doesn't look as ok as he says."Suave says
"Wet blanket much?"Jasper says
"It's fine."Nightmare says
"Huh?"Ink says
"Word of advice Ink, don't let Dream come here. I tried to warn him NOT to let Nightmare come in contact with Charles. But NOOOO, Dream claimed was right and thought CHarles was much better for him than Killer. He didn't seem to care what risks there were, and look where that got Nightmare. Yeah, people here don't exactly like those who don't try to protect their family when in danger, or show little concern for it. And they know that he set off this domino effect. Soo, it's best he doesn't come or he will most likely get torn apart or at least sprayed by Suave if he is lucky."I whisper so Nightmare can't hear
He doesn't know that Dream had knowledge from me ahead of time that he ignored after all. Don't want to put more stress on him.
"Alright...Got it. I am having a stern talk with him later."He says
"Question, how is his son? Nightmare says that Ghastly was running in to fight Charles before he was sent off."I say
"Oh, he's fine. Killer noticed he stole a knife and teleported him back before Charles could even see the kid. Speaking of Killer. HEY KILLER! GET OVER HERE NOW!"Ink says, then shouts to someone in the distance on the other end
"Why? I need to make sure this kid doesn't run off like a flying Icarus getting too close to the sun!"Killer is heard saying
"Nightmare has been found! That asshole did not manage to kill him!"Ink answers
"InKy! WhAt The hElL? YoU gEt On My cAsE fOr sAyIng HeLl nEar KidS anD tHey hEar yOu saYinG tHat!"Error is heard shouting
"What does hell mean? And Father was found? Where is he? Is he okay?"I hear a child's voice say
"Seems like they only use language you use. Ghastly, don't say those words. Yes, he was. He is with some friends of his."Ink says
I hear Error's angry grumbles in the background.
"Well when we leave, I'm coming to see him and that's final."Ghastly says
"Okay, now Killer get yourself over here."Ink says
There is silence.
"Hello?"Killer says
"Hey, Killer!"I say
"Oh, hiya Encre. Thank you all for finding and keeping my Nighty safe."He says with honest gratitude with relief dripping from his voice
"Killer is very grateful that we found and protected Nightmare."I alert them
"Our pleasure. We wouldn't have done anything different."Suave says
Nightmare then gets tackle hugged by Jasper.
"I'm sure you heard that."I say
"Mhm. How is he?"He asks
"He has been wounded, lost a wing, and is blind. But Suave bandaged his wounds. I can help him with his vision until he regains it. But he was more focused on you all being safe. And least to say, Ghastly is in big trouble for blindly running into battle, no matter what motivated him."I say
"But he is okay, right? Like awake and not unconscious? C-Can I talk to him? We've all been so worried. Even his brother, real shocker there....I really want to come, but here that takes a while."He asks
"Oh, really? Him? Worried? After he started it? Wow. Uh-huh, he is. Yep. Okay. Nightmare, Killer wants to talk to you......."I say, glancing over at Nightmare
He looked dizzy sitting there and ready to puke if he said anything. Jasper was now reading a book from the ceiling on how to learn healing magic for emergencies.
"Em, Killer, nevermind. He isn't looking so good."I tell him
"WHAT? What do you mean? Is he okay? What happened? Are you serious?"He asks
"Yes I am serious. Just trust me."I say
"That Killer guy should be happy. Nightmare is okay. We, and him, won against a jerk trying to hurt him. We win!"Jasper cheers
I look at Nightmare and see him freeze up. His eye-lights shake. He starts trembling. He backs up, then shuts his eyes, looking ready to cry. He raises his hands up defensively, covering his face.
"No....Please no....Nonono! Not again! Not again! No more!"He cries
"What the hell?"Jasper says
Suave sprays him.
I recognize this situation. He is traumatized. He is hallucinating or having flashbacks. I had those as well as nightmares for weeks after Azure and I were taken by Charles. And now Nightmare falls victim to that as well.
"I won't obey you! I won't let you hurt Ghastly! Or anyone!"Nightmare snaps, punching and kicking thin air
I do the only thing I could think of.
"Killer, yell for him. Now."I say
"Huh?"He says
"Nightmare is having flashbacks and needs to snap out of it! SO YELL."I say
I shove the phone to Nightmare once he curls up in a ball again.
"Nightmare!" Killer shouts from the phone
"Huh?"He says, opening his eyes
I could tell by his glassy eyes that he is snapping back to reality. But he is bawling in tears now.
"Nightmare, I'm here. Listen, hear my voice. I'm here. Breathe, calm down. It's okay."Killer says
"W-Where?"He whimpers, blindly looking around
I hand him it. He shuts an eye and struggles to grasp the phone, but manages.
"Here."Killer says
That's when I could only hear one side of the conversation. But Nightmare seems to calm down hearing Killer.
"M'Lord, maybe use different terms next time. Besides, we haven't won yet. We won a battle, but not the war."Suave says
Nightmare starts to tense up, the problem starting all over again. I notice one word kept being said before he would start having flashbacks. Win or won.
"K-Killer.."He says with a shaky voice
Suave and Jasper go silent.
"O-Ok....I'm scared though...."He says
There is a pause.
"Is Ghastly okay?"He asks
"Well tell him he's grounded. He could've gotten into serious trouble and that scares me."He says
He slowly starts to calm down again.
"What is causing those flashbacks?"Jasper whispers to me
"Whenever I hear win or won..."He says
"Whoops!"Suave and Jasper say
"Really? What?"Nightmare asks
Suave takes note of these trigger words.
"Actually I won't. I am blind."Nightmare says
His face burns up and his expression told me that his head was stuck in the clouds.
"I think I'd like that."He says
There isa pause.
"Mhm.....Killer?....Ah okay.....Love you too."He says, then hangs up
I take it and lead him to a bed to rest in. He fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. I sat there to ensure his protection. He woke up the next day with questions though.
"Morning, Nightmare."I say
"Morning."He says
"You and Fallacy seem to have knowledge about my situation or Charles. How is that? Why is that?"He asks
I hear footsteps. I peek outside and see Horror coming. I shut the door, locking it.
"Okay, so we know your situation because when I'd call Ink, I'd hear about your brother setting Charles up with you. I gave warnings to your brother but he didn't listen, having belief that I am lying or that he'd be better than Killer. And he didn't seem concerned on what may go wrong since he assumed he could just find you here like when we met. I alerted Fallacy and our friends so that if that did happen, we could help you and certain people wouldn't just kill you when ya drop in. And I know Charles from.....past experiences. Fallacy does too....And my friend Azure......Let's just say he caused trouble for my world. OH! That reminds me, can I see your soul?"I explain
I gotta check if that guy hurt Nightmare's soul.
"Ummm, why?"He asks
"I wanna make sure that Charles didn't use a trick he did on mine with yours."I say
"What?! You are explaining yourself!"He says
"Soul. Now." I say
He nods and shows me his soul. It was twisted and bent, like someone squeezed his soul too much.
"He did. Just give me a moment. I can fix it."I say
I carefully touch his soul and untwist it, fixing the bends. He whines a bit but I finish soon afterwards.
"Okay, now explain how the hell you know Charles."He says
"Remember when we met?"I ask
He nods.
"Well, I had just escaped from Charles and lost my memory. He was really a troublesome phsycopath. And like you, he had a weird obsession where he wanted me to be his. When we first met, I had gotten lost in the forest and he got me. But he took me somehwere new and hurt me like he did with you, twisting my soul. And Fallacy had bit to mark me, which proves that I am his. Least to say, Charles sliced that off me to make me his. If it weren't for two kids named Gradient and Bluescreen, I'd still be there and left to die....After that I didn't see Charles for a while....Then he came into my village. I warned my friends but he broke in, taking my friend Azure and I. He ran tests and took enjoyment in hurting us. Still have scars..."I explain
He got up, coming over and hugging me.
"He threatened to hurt the ones I love......Then that's when I lost my memory because of him and met you guys. After you left, he tried to get rid of Fallacy and had some multiheaded giant dog try to kill him. A while later he and E!Gaster took me. He tried to cut me down but some kids that I was stuck with help me escape and he was gone after that. Then I started hearing about your bro setting you up with him....Yeah he is nothing close to how good Killer is. I don't want to see Charles again, and I DO NOT want him near you. We shall protect you, Nightmare."I say
He nods. He hugs me.
"I'll protect you as well."He says
The next few days we spent hanging out, me guiding him around and avoiding Horror, letting him meet our friends and talk on the phone with his. He told us tales of his experiences. We told him ours. He was amazed at what he heard of our experiences. My gramma loved him. Felicia was a big fan of him as well. We often had to keep them from testing his "were-octopus" skills. Jasper liked hearing about Ghastly. Jasper REALLY wants to meet Ghastly so they can be friends. Suave has a bet that they will be like having 2 Lokis.
"You're not wrong."Nightmare said
After an incident with Horror, Fallacy thought it would be best for us to go elsewhere outside. I led Nightmare around while Nightmare was still blind. Though his senses are still good, he could sense and guess that I kissed Fallacy. We were walking for a bit. I felt uneasy. As if we were being watched.
"Everything ok?"He asks
"Uh, yeah.......Yeah. Everything is fine."I say
I sigh. Gotta be honest.
"Honestly, I feel like we're being watched. What do we do?"I ask
"Let's keep moving. And not in a straight line like you've been leading me. Mix it up a bit."He say
"O-Okay. I'm just getting a bit worried. What if that jerk is spying?"I ask
"I don't see that possible, or try not to. There are so many hunters or vampires or other threats around here that I like to think he wouldn't last. Plus how would he know to come here of all places?"He says
"Right."I say
We keep going and he mixes it up. We go quiet. It is tense. I don't like it.
"Did you bring your art stuff? Never know when you can find something interesting."He says
"Mhm. I see your point."I say
Then, I hear a phone ring.
"Oh! That's mine."I say
"I was hoping that."He says
It's not Ink but I answer it.
"Hello?"I say
"Heya Encre! It's Killer."Killer says
"Oh! Hey! Huh, Ink gave my number huh? I can see why!"I say
"How's Nighty? Can I talk with him?"He asks
"Mhm, he's okay. Had a close call. He's right with me. Oh sure, you can talk with him."I say
We keep walking.
"Hey, Nightmare. Talk with Killer!"I say
I smile. I hand him the phone. He blushes
"H-Hey Killer."He says
I look around, seeing a figure watching us. Too far away to recognize.
"I-I'm alright."He says
I glance at him.
"Em....U-uh....Just another hallucination."He lies nervously
"You're getting like Fallacy..And you are lying."I say
"Shut up...I'm not."He mutters
I smirk.
"Nothing! Nothing, Killer."I say
I nudge him gently.
"Ah, I see. Very secretive."Encre says softly
He leans against a tree chatting on the phone. I look around but the figure disappeared. But then I heard it.
"Encre! Run!"Nightmare shouts, blindly running to me
I look behind him and see the jerk Charles I know coming over quickly. I grab his hand.
"I got you! Was that the jerk?"I ask him
He nods.
I knew it!
We run as fast as we can away. He was too panicked to calm down and talk to the confused Killer on the phone, so he left that job to me.
"Killer, you there?"I ask
"Encre, what's going on?"He asks
"Well, let's just say that it would be best that you get to my world if you haven't already. Charles is here."I say
"Are you and Nighty okay?"He asks
"I'm fine. We're just running from him. Nightmare is scared and that's why you're talking to me and not him."I say
"Where are you both?"He asks
"In the forest behind the castle. I'm taking him to some emergency hiding spots. Jasper knows where that is."I say
"We are coming and I am gonna KILL that asshole. NOBODY hurts my Nighty and I'm sure your Fallacy can say that about you."He says
"Okay. Where are you?"I ask
"We just entered your world. We are in the village."He says
"Okay-"I say
I take us up a tree. He runs right past us. I alert Nightmare of this.
"Ok, what now?"He asks
"We should head back to Fallacy. Charles knows from experience not to mess with him anymore."I say
We climb down and I hear wings flapping. I get my hopes up and shout for Fallacy. We run but then I feel the ground slip like a carpet. It was one of those pit traps with the fake grass over it. I fall in and see spikes at the bottom. But my wrist and ankle get caught by roots sticking out.
"Merde! Merde Merde Merde!"I shout
(Shit! Shit Shit Shit!)
I hear footsteps and look up. Charles stood at the edge of the trap, smiling down at me.
"I'll come and get you later.~"He says
Chills run down my spine.
"But first I have a blind Nightmare to catch."He says
"You leave him alone!"I snap
"And what can you do to stop me? Ha, nothing. Be careful not to fall before I return."He cackles
I focus some magic and shoot it at him.
"It's not me you have to worry about. I'm sure you know who I mean."I say
He looks at me in shock. I could see bits of fear in his eyelights. He runs off. Then I hear him give Nightmare trouble, which pissed me off. But I know that surely someone will come.
"Got you.~"Charles coos
"Charles! L-Let me go!"Nightmare snaps
"No. As fun as this game of hide and seek or hard to get is, I want it over. Now, do you love me?"He asks
"What? No! Never! You'll never get me to love a maniac like you!"Nightmare snaps
"Never say never.~ Guess we have to start where we left off."He says
"Charles! Please! You won't break me! You can't break me! Not to love you! It just makes me hate you!"Nightmare tells him
"We'll see about that. Now quit fighting back before I make you regret it. And to ensure you don't escape again.~"He says
I hear Nightmare cry out loudly in pain. Then it goes quiet. I hear footsteps and glance up again. I see Killer there.
"Encre! Oh shoot! Letme help you get outta there!"Killer says
I shake my head.
"Don't waste your time, I'll be fine. Nightmare needs you, Killer. Charles is hurting him again."I say
I hear another yell of pain.
"Where is he?"Killer growls
"I dunno!"I say
"Killer! Encre! Jasper! Fallacy! Someone! Please! H-H-Help! Help! Please!"Nightmare shouts, fear and pain filling his voice
"Nightmare?"Killer yells, running off
"Killer! Help! Agh! Charles attacked!"Nightmare cries out in pain
"I'm coming! Come to the sound of my voice! I will protect you!"Killer says
I hear a click. One that sent me flashbacks, it's too recognizable. I listen closely.
"Ah, Killer, you've arrived. Have you found your Nighty yet?"I hear Fallacy say
"Where is the jerk?"I hear Jasper ask
"And do you have a clue where Encre is?"Suave asks
"Still locating Nightmare. But Encre took a fall into a trap."Killer replies
"M'Lord, you go with Killer. I will locate Encre."Suave says
"Okay, let's go show this guy what happens when he attacks our loved ones."Fallacy says
"May I join?"Jasper asks
"Of course."Fallacy says
Then, I hear voices from the opposite direction. I see Nightmare run right past the hole, wounds bleeding out. Charles grabs him and clicks a collar onto his neck. Then he looks down at me and snaps his fingers. I feel something on my neck.
Oh no. Not again.
Charles leaves my view and their footsteps become distant.
"Not so fast.~"Charles growls
"Killer!"Nightmare shouts, pleaing for help
"Quit calling for help or you'll really regret it."Charles says
I hear Nightmare cry from fear and pain, muffled by something.
"Why ruin a good moment?"Charles asks
"Because that moment was dreadful, not good. And I need you to stay away! Please! Nothing you do will change me! Or how I feel! Killer! Killer please! He has me! Help!"Nightmare shouts
"I told you not to call for help! Time to change that shock collar from green to orange."He says, clicking something
I hear Nightmare scream in pain. I hear a thud, followed by him crying in pain. I know exactly what Charles is doing and I don't even have to look. I hear footsteps and look up. I see Suave there.
"Oh dear! Encre! Let me get you out!"He says
He pulls the root holding my ankle up as I slip my wrist out from the other. I grab his hand and he pulls me out. He hugs me tight.
"Thank you, Suave."I say
"Thank heavens you are okay! Wait, what's this around your neck?"He asks, tapping the metal collar
"The same thing that is hurting Nightmare right now. Charles likes to use it to electrocute people."I say, tearing it off
He frowns, snatching it and breaking it to bits.
"Which way did Killer head with Fallacy and Jasper?"I ask
Suave points west.
"He took Nightmare southeast."I say, pointing
"Stop! No! Make it stop! Please! I-It hurts! Aaaggh! Owww!"Nightmare cries in pain, pleaing for it to stop
"Hmm, doesn't feel nice now does it? That's how you made me feel when you disobeyed me, and left me. Now this is how you make me feel every time you deny me your love. RED."He says
"Oh dear....You hear that too, right?"I whisper
Suave nods.
"M'Lords! You are going the wrong way!"He shouts
In an instant, the three of them were beside us.
"What?"Jasper asks
"We can hear them. You were going the wrong way. They are that way. Charles is not being good to Nightmare at all. It sounds brutal.....What if he plans to kill Nightmare instead?"Suave says worriedly, pointing to where we heard it
"We won't let that happen. Love, are you alright?"Fallacy asks
I nod, hugging him. Jasper looks curiously at the torn collar on the ground, then turns to a bat and takes to the sky. Fallacy goes with him, a plan forming among the three.
"Nightmare! I'm coming! Hey! Charles! Get away from my Nightmare!"Killer shouts
"Shoot, it's him!"I hear Charles exclaim
"Are we gonna head back?"I ask
"Hell no. Let's go help Nightmare. He just got shoved after who knows what."Suave says, pointing to Nightmare hitting a tree as if he was thrown
We scramble over to him. He tries to get up but falls a few times. Some were from how weak he was and others were from the electric collar. I reach out and tap a button on the back of it, turning it off it seems. He got up and starts limping. He shouts Killer's name. We hang back but follow him.
"Where is he? Where'd you put him? What did you do to him? He better be okay or I swear I will do much worse to you!"Killer yells
"Don't know and won't tell you even if I did."Charles says
"Ya, keep talking like that, see what happens!"He snaps
Nightmare limps over to Killer blindly. He shouts again.
"Nightmare?"Killer says
"I'm coming....Agh!"Nightmare says
"No you're not!"Charles growls
A knife whizzed past his head and I catch it. Killer and Charles argue. I then witness Killer kick Charles to the ground, causing a loud thud noise. Nightmare runs and hugs Killer from behind.
"Please....Killer? Who is this? Please be Killer. I really need you right now Killer."Nightmare cries
"Nightmare? T-That you?"Killer says
They hold hands.
"Y-Yes, Killer. It's me. I missed you so much. I am so glad to be back with you."Nightmare tells him
"Do you recall what I said then?"He asks
"You say a lot of things, Killer. You will have to be specific."Nightmare whimpers
"About how I'll make ya feel?"He suggests
"You already make me feel safe and happy. What more could you do?"Nightmare says, blushing
"I know exactly what. As long as you're okay with it."He says
"Anything from you is fine by me, Killer."Nightmare tells him
I see him twitch from the collar sending shocks again. He cries quietly.
Suave and I duck behind a tree.
"Can I have that knife?"He whispers
I nod. He takes it and tosses it. It stabs Charles in the arm.
"Hah! That must be the karma knife because it bounced back to get you!"Killer says to Charles
Killer turns around and froze at the sight of Nightmare with all his wounds.
"Killer?"Nightmare says, unaware Killer is staring at him
"What did he do to you?"He asks
"He....Tried to cut me down, break me....Until I loved him. Every time I said no....h-he'd cut me."Nightmare explains
"Your wings!"He says
"Cut those off too. So I wouldn't escape."Nightmare says
"I really want to help but if we are found here, M'Lords won't be happy with us."Suave whispers
I nod.
"And what the hell did he put around your neck?"He asks
He puts a hand on the collar, ready to tear it.
"P-Please...N-No..."Nightmare mutters
"Hm?"Killer says
"Oh! It's just to show that he has me, I guess."He lies
"Well he is a liar. You are not his. He does not have you. You have yourself. You are yours."Killer says
"I have you too. And everyone."He says
"Mhm, so don't worry. It's gonna be ok."Killer says
"I-I'm scared though..."He admits
"Sssh, shh, ssssshh, it's okay. Dry those tears. It's okay. You have nothing to be afraid of. I will protect you."Killer tells him
"Now, shall I show you what I meant?"Killer asks
"You already have permission, Killer."He tells him
"Well then..."Killer says, pulling him closer
He grips Killer tighter.
"Relax, it's just me."He assures Nightmare
He picks Nightmare up, trying to comfort him. He kisses Nightmare. I see the collar turn red.
Nightmare struggles to tear the collar off.
"Nightmare, you're crying again. What's wrong?"He asks
"Nothing! I'm just very happy!"Nightmare says
"Aw, well that's nice. How about I get you away from here?"He asks
"I-I'd like that."Nightmare says
He pulls Nightmare in, hugging him.
"I love you, Nightmare."He says
"I love you too, Killer."Nightmare says softly
He kisses the top of his head. Nightmare looks up at him in shock.
"Everything okay, Night?"He asks
"I can see you! Slightly, but I can see! I can see you, Killer!"Nightmare tells him happily
"Oh wow! You're getting your sight back! That rocks! Well then, I have a message for you."He says
Killer releases him. I see his hands make a heart.
"Do you see it?"He asks
"Are you making a heart with your hands?"Nightmare asks
"Yep. And this heart belongs to you. You took it from me."He says
Nightmare's face burns.
"Seems fair since you took mine."Nightmare tells him
I see his face redden.
"Oh really?"He asks with a sly tone
"Mhm."Nightmare says nodding
"Well then, I'll give you something special."He says, leaning close
He leans closer and closer, but then stops.
"Wait....That's a shock collar. And it's at a high level. He put this on you?! When were you gonna tell me?"He asks
Nightmare is silent.
"Were you gonna tell me?"He asks
"N-No....He m-may do worse then."Nightmare says
He picks him up and Nightmare begin shaking from the pain.
"He's right. You weren't supposed to find out or even get him. He's mine! And he will break until he learns that!"Charles says
Nightmar hold Killer tighter.
"N-No....P-P-Please. Don't let go. Killer...Please."Nightmare plea
"Don't worry, I got you. He won't come near you."Killer tells him
"Hmmm, are you sure about that?"Charles asks
"Yes, now fuck off. Leave him alone."He snaps
"But who will he go with?"Charles asks
"Bruh, I think it's obvious."He says
"Alright, then let him come."Charles says
"No, I'm staying with him."Nightmare say, gripping Killer tightly
"Guess you haven't learned."Charles says
I hear another beep. Nightmare cry in pain.
"Stop! Make it stop! I can't take it!"Nightmare cries
He places a hand behind his head.
"I got you. You heard him, make it stop."Killer says
"Not until he agrees to my conditions."Charles says
"I will kill you!"Killer says
"Try me bitch!"Charles says
"Nightmare, I got you! Don't worry!"Killer tells me
"O-Okay, Killer!"Nightmare whimpers
"Would now be a bad time to kiss you again, my cute Night?"He asks
"Do whatever you want! Just don't let me go!"Nightmare tells him
"Anything for you, Night~"Killer says, kissing him and holding him bridal style
Killer's wings wrap around him.
"I l-l-love you, Killer. I-AAAGH!"Nightmare cries, feeling the final shock
"Night! Stay with me! Nononono! Not again! Not again!"Killer cries
"Huh? N-Not again?"Nightmare asks
Then he turns to dust, the collar now coming off.
"No!"He cries
"Yes!"Charles cheers
Killer holds Nightmare's soul in his hands. Charles steals it and talks proudly, his grip hurting the soul. He tries to hack the soul but Killer punches him, making the soul go flying. Killer catches it and the poor soul trembles. He comforts it, making it stop shaking. He punches Charles away. Charles taunts him.
"Who ever said I was alone?"He asks Charles then whistles
Fallacy and Jasper come down.
"OH CRAP!"Charles says
Jasper hugs the soul, with warnings from Killer. Fallacy glances at the situation.
"That the douchebag jerk?"He asks
"Yep."Killer replies
"Long time no see, asshole! Alright son, let's get him"He says
"You messed with the wrong were-octopus, idiot! Nobody hurts Nightmare and gets away with it!"Jasper snaps
They start to take Charles down.
"Let's go get things ready to help Nightmare."Suave says
I nod and we head back. We reach the castle and get medical supplies ready. We warn our friends that Killer is coming with Nightmare since they haven't met him first-hand, only saw him once or twice. They were getting to know Geno, Ink and Error who have arrived. I greet them and soon, they arrived as well. Killer holds Nightmare's soul protectively, showering it with kisses. Classique comes over. He scans across all the faces in the room.
"That brother of his isn't here, is he?"Classique asks
I shake my head.
"He better not ever come."He says
My phone rings. I answer.
"Hello?"I say
"Hello, Mister Encre. This is Ghastly. I am using my uncle's phone. Is my Papa okay? And is Mister Killer there?"A sweet child's voice asks
"Yes, he is okay. And Mister Killer is here."He says
"SO HE DID BREAK HIS PROMISE! MISTER DUST YOU LIED TO ME! HOW DARE YOU! *Deep breaths* Mister Encre, I cannot wait to meet you! Papa has told me amazing things about you!"He says, then hangs up
"Who was that?"Fallacy asks while Suave takes Nightmare's soul for healing methods
Killer glances over.
"A sweet little child that Killer broke a promise with. Nightmare's son Ghastly."I reply
Fallacy glances at Killer. He has a realization and facepalms.
"Dang it! I forgot! I promised to take him with me."He says
"Welp, now you have an angry were-octopus child coming here that is ticked off with you.Good luck."I say
"What kind of promise? And how old is he?"Fallacy asks
"A pinkie promise. I dunno, four perhaps?"Killer says
Fallacy shakes his head.
"You never break a promise with a four year old. That's a death wish."Fallacy says
Jasper comes over and grabs Killer by the hand.
"I shall now escort you to the Naughty corner."He says
Killer gets dragged away. I couldn't help but laugh a bit.
"Ah, another non-vampire coming here? Great. New blood to taste."Horror says, peeking in
In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by Azula, Gramma, Suave, Poussière and Fallacy.
"Lay a hand or fang on that child and we kill you."They growl
"Okay! Okay!"He snaps
Meanwhile, my buds were excited to meet the precious son Nightmare loves so much. And getting to know his friends. Least to say, they made Error crash, a LOT! Only Azure managed to hug him. Maybe it's because the other version of him is Blue, Error's close friend? And oh boy, when Geno's lover Reaper came, almost everyone got spooked. Except those who knew our world's Geno and Reaper. Felicia smiles, not really surprised due to meeting Shino or Goth. And our world's versions of them were pretty chill. The Reapers fist bumped and the Genos talked casually.
Everything seemed okay now. Everyone is safe.
The next morning, I get tackled to the ground.
"MISTER ENCRE!"A voice cheers
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