Chapter 23:Familiar Faces
Weeks later, Encre's POV
I wake up, feeling a hand hold mine. I shift and feel an arm around me.
"Sssh, Encre. Don't make a sound. Please come wih me so we can get this done before he wakes up. You know how M'Lord gets."I hear Suave say
I nod, getting out of bed. The hand tugs me, leading me away to another room. I smile. I sit in a chair and roll up a sleeve as told. He injects something into my shoulder. I shake a bit and could hear Asgore yell in pain, Simon questioning what's happening in my head. Then their voices faded away. I no longer hear them. I take off the blindfold and look around.
"Your eyes appear normal. Not like those idiots."He says, showing me a mirror to see for myself
My eyes were back to normal. A star and blue dot. I smile. My eyes change at each blink.
There was a peaceful silence Suave gave an all clear and then my friends and family hug me, enjoying the ability of seeing my eyes again. Some did not realize the news though. On my stroll back to Fallacy, I caught Azure and Poussière coming out of a closet. Azure was trying to get away but Poussière would not let him.
"Everything okay, lovebirds?"I ask
"He's got me! I went to get some snacks from the closet and now he won't let me go!"Azure says
"Mine. I marked you. You're mine."Poussière says
"I know, it's just....Ngh!"He says, trying to escape
"Mine."Poussière says, holding him tighter
"Ngh!"Hesays, fighting his grip
"Mine."He says, refusing to let go
This continues until Poussière kisses Azure's mark on his neck. Then he hums softly, lulling Azure to sleep, where he scoops Azure up. He sends me a glare while holding my friend in his arms.
"MINE!"He barks
"I know."I say
"Just want that stupid goat ASSHOLE and his shitty scientist to know the same."He says, stomping and kicking a floorboard in my direction
It whizzes past my head and gets stuck in the wall. I had to duck to avoid it wounding my left eye.
"WOAH! Double swear jar if Suave heard that and chill! They can't see anymore! Suave cured my eyes! They can't spy!"I say
"Oh, my apologies."He says
"Did I hear something break a wall? I just fixed another from Jasper stealing my tools!"Rufous shouts
"Sorry!"Poussière says
I hear Rufous grumble. Poussière gets chased by Rufous with Azure still in his arms. I stood, watching them fade from sight. It's peaceful. It's quiet. Only for a moment.
"ENCRE!"Fallacy shouts
I see Fallacy bolt out of the room and he quickly comes over. He pins me against the wall.
"Simon, Asgore, leave my love alone. He is not your telescope or any tool."He says
"I know, Fallacy. But their tool is broken. Suave broke their connection. They cannot see."I say
He looks at me.
"Your eyes are different.........And you don't have them covered.......SUAVE! Did you cure him?"He says
"Yes, M'Lord!"Suave says
He looks at me. He smiles.
"GOOD."He says, smiling
He holds me against the wall gently. I smile. He places his hands on my cheeks and leans in. He kisses my cheek.
"Wonderful to see those magnificent eyes of yours again."He whispers
My face warms up.
"WHO STOLE MY SWORD?!?"Classique yells
Jasper comes running past us, swinging the sword Rufous made JUST for CLASSIQUE. Now, both Rufous and Classique treasured this sword. Rufous made sure it was always in the best condition. Classique took the sword everywhere, proud and happy to have it. He has used it carefully, keeping it clean and safe. He only uses it if he must, plus knows how to use it. May not be a classic gift, (word choice just noticed x3), but to them it is as precious or affectionate as Rufous giving Classique a boquet of roses. And this "boquet" is well cared for by the two of them who have experience or "green thumbs". It is treasured and protected......mostly.
Plus Classique is making Rufous a gift in return secretly.
I say mostly since then there are times like these where others take the sword or "boquet" without permission, thinking it's just a normal item in their possession. AHEM, Jasper or Charlos. And they do not have the experience or the "green thumbs" to care for it properly, making an obvious risk for serious damage to the beloved gift. But luckily, there are others who see this issue and help or undo any trouble caused, like Suave.
Suave is currently chasing Jasper for said reason.
"I'll get him, Classique!"He shouts
"No you won't!"Jasper says with a devious smirk
He starts to run faster and adjust his body to prepare to turn to a bat. You begin to notice the signs when around him enough. One arm up, eyes wide, hopping frequently, actions like that. Suave sees this and snatches Jasper by the wrist and tugs him backwards, foiling his transformation process.
"Yes, I will and did. Now hand it over, M'Lord. That sword is very important to Rufous and Classique."Suave says
"Fine."Jasper says, handing it over
Suave smiles, but Jasper quickly snatches it back. I go over while he tucks it behind his back, slipping it from his hold. He jumps and turns around in shock.
"Aww, dang it."He says, admitting defeat
Suave facepalms at his actions but high fives me. I look around, seeing Classique was already making his way over quickly. I hand him his cherished sword and he HUGGED it in his grip, like a kid does when they get a lost toy back. He smiles.
"Thank you."He says
"No problem."I say
I hear quick footsteps coming. Rufous comes over, looking different. He doesn't have his usual work or even casual clothes on. He wore a red button-up shirt with black pants and grey shoes. His goggles were gone but he came over with tools in hand.
"Is it damaged? Dented? Bent? I can fix it for you."Rufous says
"Wow, you have no faith in me keeping the sword in good condition, huh?"Jasper asks
Rufous looks at him and nods.
"You're the one who broke my last tool within 10 minutes of stealing it."He says
Suave pulls Jasper away before he starts trouble. Fallacy follows Suave to speak with his son.
"What's with the new look, Rufous?"Classique asks
"Felicia is making new designs and since I lost a bet, I have to help by trying tem on."He says as he examines the blade
Classique for a moment frowns at the mention of Felicia but then smiles hearing the rest of the sentence. Ever since that incident when Rufous and Felicia met, Classique has been A BIT uneasy with Rufous getting time with Felicia. But he and Felicia get along fine.
Classique and Rufous start to chat. Classique even teased Rufous a bit with the dress up job. But that sparked an idea with Rufous. He grabs Classique's hand.
"If you think it's so funny, why don't you join in?"Rufous says
"Huh?"Classique says
"I'm sure Felicia can find something for you to try on. You could join me."Rufous replies
"SURE!"Classique says
Classique takes any chance to join Rufous. The two run off, leaving me on my own. I got an idea and smile. I get some food from the kitchen and go down to the dungeons. I find the vampires locked up there and knock on their cell door. They look at me.
"What do you want?"One asks
"Mock us?"A second asks
"Laugh at us being stuck here while you're free?"A third asks
I shake my head.
"I want to chat with you guys."I say
"Huh?"They say
"But we were so rude to you."The first says
"Eh, you were just confused on the situation. I've known people who have treated me worse. You were just trying to understand the situation and do what you thought was best. It is common to make mistakes with things that are new, unknown, or not understood."I say
"Wow, that was a lot nicer view on it and different from what our king said when he visited us a few minutes ago."He says
I look around, seeing Fallacy peek around a corner. I smile and he hides behind the wall around the corner. But they don't see him.
"Here you go."I say, giving some plates of food for them
"Thank you."They each say
"No problem."I respond
I wait a few moments as they eat. One opens the cell door and pulls me inside. They shut it behind me.
"Fallacy didn't notice the broken lock. Nobody did. We've been coming and going as we please."One says
"Now, is Lord Fallacy really your only love or have there been people in the past that you've fallen for?"A second says
I look at them in a bit of surprise.
"Yes, he is my only love. I've fallen for nobody else."I say
"How come?"The third asks
I recognize him now. He was the bud that Felicia assigned to me with my whole bat transformation issue. His name is Gerald she says.
"He must have a liking for getting his blood sucked."The first says
"No, it's not like that. He's just the only one who has been nice enough to bond and get that connection. Well, beyond friends and family of course. That's the best I can explain it."I say
"But you're French, aren't you? Paris is the city of love. You should understand love."The second says
"Yes, but I grew up in a village of English speakers who were not loving or nice. I've never been to Paris. I don't plan on going there either, I've read papers saying that they are having rough times right now. And just because I am French doesn't mean I'm some kind of pro or master with knowledge. It's not like I have a PHD in love. I probably can explain it just as good as you guys can."I say
"Wait, so you don't have Cupid as an ancestor?"Gerald asks
I facepalm.
"No."I say
"Oh, yeah that makes sense. It is just an emotion. Can't really be explained....But besides that, what do you think of him?"The first says
"I think he is a smart and powerful leader, when he has to be. He is also a silly, funny, loving friend or father or brother. He is always helping his family or friends and tries to do what is right. He never gets cocky or views himself above others. Honestly, he's a great king and you're lucky to have him. I mean there are hundreds who have had to be ruled by idiots like Asgore or that Lampost guy."I explain
I smile even more after explaining.
"I see....Very nice."Gerald says
"Why is that a surprise? Nice people have nice scents and he has one of the nicest scents."The other two say
The three begin to talk. One snatches a can from Gerald that he didn't seem willing to give.
"Hey, Encre. Do you know what polygamy is?"One asks
I never heard that word, so my mind just went to words I know that are similar to it.
"Oh! You mean polygons? Yes! They are awesome to use!"I say
"Use?"They say
"Yes! They are awesome to draw!"I tell them
"Draw?"They say
"Like french girls?"One mutters
"Yeah! I mean just look at these sketches! Pentagons, hexagons, heptagons, octagons, nonagons, decagons, etc!"I say, taking out a sketchbook and showing some sketches
They all look at me, bewildered.
"Okay....He doesn't know."They say
"Interesting...."One says
One lifts me into his lap and smiles. I feel uneasy about it. Usually only Fallacy puts me in his lap. Or any of my friends that are WAY TALLER THAN ME(yes I am the shortie of the squad, I admit it. Kinda hard to deny when JASPER, a CHILD, is a few inches shorter than me.) But they usually put me there to tease and Fallacy does it out of love. I do not know this guy's reasons. He hands me the can and tells me to drink it. I refuse, silently shaking my head. He grips me tighter. I give in, just like I did with Felicia. It tasted disgusting, so I spit it right back out. I check the label. He tries to take it but my grip was tighter. It said it was a chemical and had a heart.
Best guess, love chemical.
Gerald pulls me out of that guy's lap. The second guy leans in to try and get a kiss. I shake my head and swerve my head out of the way. My neck hurts a bit, by my mark.
"Are you both crazy?! We are already charged with attempt at treason for mistreating him! We all see the mark! Don't make things worse by getting us in trouble for treason by being too affectionate!"Gerald says
"Hard to resist that scent."The two of them say
"Are you alright, Encre?"Gerald whispers
"My neck is hurting...."I reply
"Did either of you try to bite him?"He asks
The two shake their heads.
Something tells me polygamy is not a polygon or something I'd like.
"Oh dear....Then that's the mark sensing a threat. When someone marked feels uneased, scared or threatened, the mark gives of a signal to whoever marked them and adding to the marked person's scent, both as a warning and call for help. Meaning.....Oh dear....."He mutters
I frown. The other two start shaking at the realization. They scramble to their feet and fumble with the door.
"What are you idiots doing?"He asks them
"Locking us in! We are not dealing with our angry king again!"They say
Then they corner me, blocking me from seeing out.
"Idiots. I am locked in with idiots."Gerald groans with frustration
"What? It's smart."The other two say
"There are many flaws with that! He has the strongest senses so even if he can't see Encre, he can use his other senses! The mark makes it impossible to hide him in this small space! Locking us in here will just make Lord Fallacy angrier! Plus keeping Encre here doesn't look good in the first place! Come on, stupids!"He says
There is a knock at the cell door. The two back away quicker than I've seen anyone move. I see Fallacy standing there, looking pissed.
"I got the scent. I see him uneased. I am coming in or let him out. I was gonna free you 3 today but I'm extending it for 2 of you."He says
The one who tried to kiss me holds my arm tightly.
"Hah! We locked ourselves in! Good luck!"He cheers
Gerald facepalms.
"I have the f-ing keys you imbecile."Fallacy says, twirling a ring of keys on a finger
Within moments, Fallacy unlocked the door and came in. He sends Gerald out to freedom. He scoops me up in his arms. I grip onto him, nuzzling my head against his chest. He smiles at me, leaving the cell. He locks the door, reinforcing it so they can't go as they please. Gerald went to rejoin the vampire village. Fallacy begins to kiss my neck softly on the mark. My face burns.
"There, the signal is gone. I got you, Encre."He says
I smile at him.
He kisses me and I kiss right back. He carries me up the stairs and plops down in a chair with me in his lap. I smile at him and we cuddle together.
A few months pass, including a blizzard. My friends worried that certain foes may take advantage of the weather for an attack. Poussière never let Azure out of his sight. Suave kept Charlos and Jasper from causing less trouble than normally allowed. Rufous did nothing but worry about Classique, who left to complete a task right before the blizzard started. But when it ended, he wanted to get right to work, yet was not willing to get yelled at by the protective bunch- Suave, Azula, Azure, my gramma, Fibi, Classique when he comes back-for breaking the buddy system. Jasper and I agreed to join him. Jasper wanted to help, knowing there must be damages from the blizzard in the village that Rufous would be requested to help fix. Jasper was also curious to see what his forge looked like.
Fallacy was uneasy about this though, yet couldn't come since the COUNCIL demanded to speak with him about everything going on. And then there were the wolves wanting to speak with him. Apparently Fallacy can't leave until he does this of course or as Suave said:"Answer his spellmails from the council." Spellmails are basically spells that can call like phones or leave voicemails.
"Oh relax, Fallacy! They are just going to help Rufous! Plus it's long enough that they've been cooped up in here! They gotta get some air! What's the worst that can happen? They are each very reliable. Especially Encre and Rufous."Felicia insisted
"HEY!"Jasper says, upset he wasn't included
"Nephew, you have a history."She says
She smiles at Rufousand I.
"You are so lucky Classique isn't around to hear that. He may have gotten protective with his crush being mentioned."Fallacy says
"Huh?"Felicia says
"I've noticed that ever since you fell on Rufous, he has been a bit on edge with you two spending too much time together."He says
"Wait...Are you saying that Classique has a crush on me?"Rufous asks
"If he asks, you heard it from my sis, not me."He says
"Why am I the one blamed?!"Felicia asks
"You stole my chocolate."Fallacy says
"Let's go! A house could've collapsed for all we know!"Jasper says, excited to help others
Rufous was so happy and excited with CLASSIQUE'S crush on him being brought to the light, or possibly there. We go to his forge and get right to work. It was a lot bigger than my last visit. He expanded it in the TWO YEARS I was gone apparently. We spend days helping Rufous smelt and mend things because as soon as he arrived, the village ambushed him with work due mostly to the blizzard. Nobody seemed to really fear Jasper or have bad attitudes toward him. They were friendly and even curious to see him. Jasper LOVED it. He loved meeting the nice folks or helping them without "being chased out of it like in stories Father warned me about", according to him.
After five days of this, something set Rufous at unease. He was by the front window of the forge, hammering on an anvil while Jasper and I were smelting some ores in a furnace. A bell dings, alerting us that someone came in.
"Hello, sir. I haven't seen you around here before...Anything I can help you with?"I hear
Silence. Just pure silence.
"Sir?"Rufous says
I peek out and freeze. THAT STUPID LAMPOST GUY IS HERE! What was his name? Doesn't matter. Still same guy. THE SAME BITCH that tried to use or kill me to kill Fallacy and all of the vampires. He is looking around like someone in a clothes store looking for a piece of clothing, NOT someone looking for help fixing something from a blacksmith. Jasper tries to peek but I hold him back. I hide from that guy's sight and we hide behind the wall.
"Sorry sir, I do not know anyone by that description. Even if I did, we do not allow those services or actions here in this village and I DO NOT ALLOW IT HERE. SO please leave the property before I make you."Rufous says
Jasper slips from my grip and peeks as the door slams.
"That's the idiot that tried to steal you from Father, right? The one who tried to marry you against your will?"He asks
"Yes and also the one who tried to use me to kill all vampires, starting with you and your family so don't try anything."I say
Rufous comes over. I grab a bracelet-like item and put it on.
"Get downstairs. NOW. He did not come alone."He tells us
I drag Jasper downstairs while Rufous goes outside with a sword in hand. We lock the door and hide under a desk like a school in lockdown. A few moments pass and we hear Rufous yell all kinds of nasty words, but then shout in pain. Then he goes quiet, very unusual. It is dead quiet. Jasper sniffs the air and gasps. Then he yells so high pitched I couldn't hear. He looks at me and smiles nervously.
"Father and Auntie are coming. Auntie taught me echolocation for emergencies.....What's that smell?"He whispers
I sniff the air and panic in my head, not wanting to scare him with seeing my fear. I grab a cloth and cover his mouth or nose.
It's poisonous gas for vampires! I need to protect him!
I order him to keep it on and he complies. But then I smell smoke. The door is busted down. Jasper runs to hide in another spot but gets blocked by flames that started by a torch thrown. Two figures grab him and knock him out. That bitch grabs me by the arm and yanks me out.
"If you don't want him to get killed, you are coming with me."He says
I look at Jasper. The figures had knives at his neck. I am not risking anything with Jasper's life. But then I get dropped. Mr. Lampost got stabbed in the back.
That is, before he is thrown into the flames.
"RUFOUS!"I shout
A hand grips my hand.
"Sweetie, do not worry about him."Lampost says
"GET HIM OUT OF THERE NOW!"I snap, sparks of magic coming from my hands
One of the figures jumped when they saw this and pulled Rufous out of the fire as I wanted. Lampost drags me away. I yank myself free and grab Jasper, hugging him close. I quickly cast a protection spell on him, using my magic. To prove it is there, a white ink mark like my black one appears on his cheek. Then I feel an electric shock knock me out.
Rufous' POV hours later
I wake up to a cold bucket of water getting poured on me. I look up and see Felicia there. She gasps when she sees I woke up. She ties a bandanna around me, covering my mouth.
"Classique would kill us if he found out you were hurt this bad while he was gone."She says
That gave me a warm feeling inside. I thank her. Then I look around. Encre and Jasper are nowhere in sight. Fallacy is pacing, searching through rubble that used to be my workplace.
I could care less about that place right now.
I begin to worry about Encre and Jasper....But then I sniff the air and a stench filled it. One that Encre told me about from his camp experiences. Poisonous gas for vampires. I quickly take the bandanna off and tie it on her.
"They threw some gernade of gas that's poisonous to vampires."I say
She nods, thanking me.
"Fallacy, cover your mouth. There's poison lingering."She says
He nods and ties a cloth over his mouth.
"What happened here?"She asks
"That stupid king won't give up on Encre. He came into my workshop, looking around and then asked me if anyone matching Encre's description has come in here. Or any vampires. I asked him why he wanted to know, already having a bad feeling. He simply said it would be fun to use them. I lied and said that I haven't seen anyone. I ordered him to leave, disgusted at his implied intentions. But then he met with a group of people outside, all of them did not leave and kept peeking at the entrance. I got a bad feeling and sent Encre and Jasper downstairs. Once I heard them lock themselves downstairs, I went outside and tried to get them to leave. Those fucking jerks beat me and tried to poison gas or burn them out. They got Encre and Jasper. I tried to stop them again but then got knocked out. Where are they? Are they okay?"I explain
They both look at me. They come close and hug me. Fallacy starts crying.
"They are nowhere to be found."Felicia tells me
I frown, but then hear beeping.
"What's that noise?"They ask
I stare at the ground in shock. No....He didn't!
I take a device out of my pocket and see on the tiny screen some messages. Subject:Encre Condition:Unstable and in experiments Status:Alive Feeling:Scared, worried, angry Location:Processing Connection:Jasper-condition:stable Status:Alive and protected by Encre's protection spell Feeling:Scared and worried about Encre Location:Dark chamber CHECK THOUGHTS OR LOAD LOCATION?
"HOLY ANVILS! Encre you are a genius! Thank the stars!"I exclaim
"What are you talking about?"Fallacy asks
"Okay, so I got inspired by his phone and made this tracker device. It is like a bracelet that keeps track of the condition of whoever wears it OR whoever is connected to them with spells or holding hands. And Encre must've put it on because I can see his condition! And he put a spell on Jasper to protect him so I get to see his condition as well."I explain
"How are they?!"The two of them ask worriedly
"They are alive. Their location is unknown besides Jasper being in a dark chamber. Let me check the update."I say
I read it and shake my head.
"Those assholes are dead! AND WHO THE FUCK IS AVERY?!"I growl
"What's happening?"Fallacy asks sharply, angry at my anger
"Encre was getting experimented on. Now Jasper is as well. Both their conditions are getting unstable. But on top of that, it says that some AVERY girl and Lampadaire dude are messing with him to get his love. It says they are trying to remove your mark on him and.....OH FUCKING HELL! HE IS NOT AN F-ING DOG! They put a collar on him and it electrocutes him every time he misbeheaves according to this. They are trying to quote train him to be a good boy and forget Fallacy. Let me see what I can do with this device...."I say
I glance at Fallacy and he is clenching his teeth, his eyes dark red and fists clenched.
"Wait...Avery is this snobby rich girl in another village. Rumors say that she paid a lady named Ms. B to find her a husband but the guy rejected her, nearly attacking her and she cried that things didn't go her way. Welcome to life. Maybe Encre became plan B....."Felicia says
"SO THAT IS WHY THAT BITCH HAD HIM! Ugh, that girl is as good as dead when I find them! Felicia, Encre was the guy that turned her down. Remember when Jasper gave Encre to a stranger who claimed to be family? Yeah, that was Ms. B or who Encre calls Ms. Bitch. He didn't know the girl but now it's clear that it's Avery. And now I am gonna fucking kill that girl OR Lampadaire! Whoever is found first!"Fallacy explains
"Who the hell is Lampadaire?"I ask
"A king that wanted to marry Encre and use him to kill all of our kind. Abusive motherfucker."Fallacy says
I check it again.
"Encre's mood changed to a killer one and he is done with this shit."I warn them
"He better not do anything stupid."Fallacy whines
"Oh come on, he is smarter than that."I say
They nod and carry me away.
I look around after being shocked again by a collar again. All because I rejected a kiss from Lampadaire. I am done with this. I am gonna get out of here. I WILL FIND Jasper. I will help him. And we will get home! I'll make sure of it, no matter what. And that starts now. I hug my pillow. I watch a goon enter.
"Time for more tests."The goon says
"I'm not going to any tests. I AM GOING TO JASPER AS I WAS PROMISED 15 hours ago!"I say
"Well, we lied. Jasper is unavailable."He says
Please forgive me Suave. ;m;
(Suave:It is okay, I would have said that too.)
"He is being tested on. Master Lampadaire wants to see what makes them so special. Now please come with me."He says
"Make me."I say, quietly zipping the pillow open
The goon, a human, starts coming over. I take out the knife Fallacy gave me and hid in the pillow. Right as he grabs me by the neck, I slash him on the face and stab him in the chest. He drops me and falls backwards, bleeding out. Part of me felt bad, I never want to hurt others unless I must. He was lead down the wrong path and this is where he ended up. But then again, the other part of me believed that it's only fair. He put me AND LET ME go through some much pain without the slightest hint of guilt. He even smiled, laughing at my pain from all those tests. I frown, this is still not the best.
I wipe the knife clean of blood.
I leave the room, but then my collar goes off. I start crying in pain until I get lifted off my feet.
"Now now now, can't be letting your escape attempt work. How will you be mine then?"Avery says
"Simple. I won't. Ms. Bitch may have sold me to you but that doesn't mean-"I begin
"WHO SAYS HE IS YOURS?"Lampadaire says, tearing me away
"The 500 G I gave a peasant does."She says
They remove the bandages from me.
"Well I was given him TWICE so your money has no power!"He snaps
"Yes it does! At least I give him a chance! What does an idiot like you do besides dress up and experiments?"She snarls
The two bicker back and forth. I sit and frown, the power from the shock collar too strong for me to get up or move. I hold my knife tightly in hand. Maybe I should go with the second option Fallacy told me to use this for.......NO! That will put him in a trap if he comes! Jasper is already being hurt beyond what I know or could think of, not him too!
"Who says I have an interest in either of you? Not me. I am not gonna be either of yours. And I am not."I say
"Are we not your type?"Lampadaire asks
"Not in the slightest. People who have to pay or trade and kidnap someone to love is just desperate and weird. Plus I do not like the misery you have put Jasper and I through. BOTH OF YOU."I say
"Then what is your type?"He asks
I think to word it carefully. Can't say the obvious:Fallacy! Or I will be tortured for 4 hours by the two of them.
"Hmmm, people who don't do that or treat their lover like a dog to be trained with a collar. AHEM! But my type would be hmmm, oh, I know. Tall, kind, honest, protective, open-minded, smart, friendly, someone I feel safe around, loving in a non-creepy way, humble and handsome. And by handsome I mean a handsomely good personality as well. Qualities NEITHER OF YOU HAVE!"I explain
"And what makes you not belong to me?"Avery asks
"Or me?"Lampadaire asks
"Multiple things. You fit the description of the type of person I'd never love, I HATE BOTH OF YOU, YOU TORTURE ME AND TREAT ME TERRIBLY, YOU TREAT ME LIKE A DOG OR PRISONER INSTEAD OF SOMEONE YOU ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT, ya know, being insane creeps? Oh, then of course there's the mark on my neck that you know about! You know who left it and what it means! I am HIS, not yours, DUH!"I snap
Avery comes closer, lowering my arm. I instantly feel uneased as she rests a hand on my shoulder. I feel her other hand slip down under my clothes, touching my rib cage and she giggles. She turns the collar off. But now my mark is hurting again in the way it did giving that signal like in the dungeon cell.
Fallacy must be pissed!
(He is.)
"I've always wanted to steal something from a vampire. And you will do just fine fitting the requirements for the something."She says, then giggles again
Her hand on my shoulder shifted to my neck as she leans in to kiss me. But that was when the mark hurt the worst. Then before my very own eyes, Avery got knocked away and cut marks appeared all over her the moment her fingers touched my mark and nearly kissed me.
Is that part of being marked too? Someone tries to take what is marked and this happens to them? Or was it just from the tests?
I smile.
"Holy shit, what was that?"Avery says
"I dunno, but it's freaky."Lampadaire says
"You both thought it would be that easy? Oh dear, you are really stupid. Now, get this stupid collar off of me and bring me to Jasper before I make you, what do people say? Make jack o lanterns with this knife? Whatever that means."I say, lifting my knife
"SINCE WHEN DID HE HAVE A KNIFE?!"Lampadaire exclaims
I had it this entire conversation. -_-
"I really thought that would work."Avery says
I rise to my feet, cutting the collar off of me with the knife.
"So, what are you gonna choose?"I ask, twirling the knife in hand
"He is really angry."Lampadaire says
"And stubborn."He says
"Thank you Captain Obvious!"She snaps
A scientist-looking skeleton comes over.
"Sir, the machine is ready. We just need a test subject."He says
Lampadaire and Avery look at me.
"If it works, he won't be stubborn anymore and ours to control."Avery mutters
"Plus with his new form we will be able to use him to take those pesky vampires down."Lampadaire says, grabbing me by the arm
I stab his arm. He shouts in pain and handcuffs me, though couldn't get the knife from me. He drags me down the hall.
"What the hell? What are you doing? Where are you taking me? Let me go!"I snap
"We have completed tests on the child of vampires that you call Jasper. Now we made a machine that will make whoever is put in it a mindless vampire. And you are gonna test it for us."He says
"Are we sure that is smart? He is unstable and not happy with us, sir. If it fails, it will be like giving a warrior a flaming sword. He will easily take us down. And statistics say this machine has a 89% chance of failing."The scientist says
"You worry too much."He says
1.The scientist is not worrying, just stating facts. 2.They are right about my condition. 3.That's interesting to know about the chances. 4.They are idiots 5.VAMPIRES ARE NOT MINDLESS. These two idiots maybe, but not them. 6.JASPER! What did they do to Jasper to make this? Is he okay? What did it cost him?
They put me in the machine, which just looked like a butterfly cocoon. Blinding lights turned on, signaling that the machine is turning on. Needles and all kinds of wires injected into me. I screamed in pain, but would not let this work. I break out of the handcuffs, tearing the stuff out of me. I claw and use the knife to break my way out. I leap out, landing right in front of Lampadaire.
"It worked! He is a vampire! Hah! He could pass as a member of that stupid family of Fallacy's!"He cheers
I look and my hands and see that my bones have turned to a dark grey, only my fingertips remaining white. I look at him and narrow my eyes. Avery steps in front of him.
"Aww, who's a good vampire hybrid? You are. Now be a good boy and let's have fun, my dea-"She says
I cut her off with a stab in the spine with the knife and kicked her down. She cried in pain, her other wounds not healed.
"How do you still have your stubborn mind?"Lampadaire asks
"1.Like you said, I am stubborn. That means my mind is hard to change. A test or even a dozen can't change that. And two, vampires are not mindless. Hell, they are probably a hundred times smarter than you idiots. Now, unless you want to deal with me while I am already in a terrible mood, let me go."I growl
I chuckle.
"Make that 150 times smarter than you in that case."I say, summoning some magic
"Since when did you know magic?"He asks
"I have my ways."I say
"Shoot, I fucked up."He mutters
"You sure did."I say
My magic balls up to a ball of flames. He runs toward me as if he could stop me without any weapons. I toss the flames at him and he gets knocked into the wall unconscious.
Harsh, but fair after everything he did. What they did. Plus, he DID have Rufous' workshop BURNED down. Like karma for him to get some fire back.
I look to the scientist. He jumps and trembles at my gaze, letting out a squeak of fright.
"I think you know what to do."I say
He nods. I leap up to his ledge where the control panel was. He turns the machine off and I smash it just to ensure nobody ever uses it again for such cruel or evil intentions. He leads me down a hall to another room. In the room was a cage and in that cage was a box. I break the cage open and tear the box open. In the box, curled up in a blanket, was a small baby.
"Jasper?"I say
"The tests costed him parts of his life, if we continued or if it wasn't for the protection spell on him, he'd be dead."The scientist says
Good thing I put that on him then.
The baby rolls over to face me. I see the mark on his cheek, the one placed by the spell which proves it is him.
"N-No mo tests pwease."He whimpers, trembling
"Don't worry Jasper. I am here. Nobody will do any more tests on you. It's me, Encre."I say
"Weally?"He asks
I nod.
"They did a few tests so you may not recognize me. But look, I have my ink spots still like the ones on you from my protection spell. Plus, I have your father's mark still."I say, pointing each out
He smiles a bit.
"Ask me a question to prove it if you don't believe me."I say
"You have da same scent, no need to pwove it wit words. But can we get outta here? I wanna go home to Dada and famiwe."He says
I scoop him up. He smiles at me. Then he frowns.
"Wook ow!"He shouts
Before I could react, I get cut across an eye. I look over and see the scientist flee, setting an alarm off.
"Welp, time to go."I say
I run as fast as I can through the halls, clutching Jasper close to my chest. Arrows, knives, blades and spikes shot from the walls. An alarm siren kept howling loudly. I block Jasper from any of these attacks, trying to find an exit. Then a wall of fire was set up to block us. I curl Jasper up and hop through.
I will get him out. He will be kept safe. We will get home.
On the other side of the fire was a door with a sign reading EMERGENCY EXIT. I kick it open and run out. I run until I couldn't run anymore. I take the daggers and weapons that stabbed me and toss them aside with one hand, cradling Jasper in the other. I shift him to be able to see again.
"You okay, Jasper?"I ask
He nods.
"But ah you? Your cwodes ah shwedded and you're bweedin."He asks
"Don't worry about me. Now let's find a place to hide. Surely they'll come after us because of their stupidity."I say
I wander around, limping. I find a cave away from anything. Jasper uses some echolocation before telling me that we're good. I enter it and cradle him in my arms protectively. I sit behind a rock, setting him in my lap.
"Do you have wings?"He asks
I test it and shake my head.
"That experiment was not completed. I'm not a complete vampire."I tell him
He nods, understanding. He dozes off a few moments later. I look at the bracelet I had grabbed at Rufous' place. It was glowing a small light. I tap it curiously. A screen opens up. One word appears:Communicate? I tap it twice. Then it says Calling...........
"Hello? Who is this?"I hear Suave say
"Hey, Suave!"I say
I hear a gasp.
"My friend! Encre! Are you alright?"He asks
"Em, yes I am. I escaped with Jasper. He is asleep right now. Is Rufous okay?"I reply
"Yes, he is resting. M'Lord is in a council meeting, but he can't stop worrying about you. Nobody can stop. Felicia had him go so he could get his mind off of it and stop feeling helpless. Classique still does not know you are gone."He says
"That's good. I'll find a way back soon. Just gotta make sure I wasn't followed. And please forgive me Suave but I cursed at those jerks while I was trapped."I say
"It is alright, Encre. I can understand your reasons, especially since those idiots must have put you both through so much. Plus your friend Rufous has quite the vocabulary. I will inform M'Lord as soon as he is done with the meeting."He says
"I'd say give him 5 minutes. He usually tries to skip out on meetings midway. And if I had to guess, the council will probably get off topic questioning colors or have silly debates. Fallacy takes those times as chances to sneak out. Last one was a debate about trees falling and nobody being around to hear it, would it make a sound or not. So he should be out sooner than expected."I say
"Good point, this is M'Lord in the meeting."He says
I hear footsteps.
"I gotta go, Suave."I say
"Stay safe! And thank you for protecting Jasper!"He says
"Of course! I'll never let those jerks hurt Jasper! Or anyone! You have my word!"I say
He hangs up. I look around and see nothing so I relax. I look at Jasper, but then a jacket is placed on me. I look around and see Cruzar beside me.
"Hello, sir. I noticed your condition so here's a jacket to warm you up. I'm Cruzar. What's your name?"He asks
"I am Encre. Nice to see you again. It's good to see a friendly face again."I say
"What happened to you?"He asks
"It's a long story."I say
"Ah, well your son looks adorable."He says
"He isn't my-"I begin
"Dada!"Jasper cheers, looking at me and wide awake
He giggles.
"Is he your child or not?"He asks
I look at Jasper. He smirks.
"Yeah! Dada! Dada!"Jasper cheers, hugging me
You sneaky little boy!
"Aww! How old is he?"He asks
"Wuhn!"Jasper answers
"Aww! It's been too long since Dream and I have visited you then!"He says
"What's that supposed to mean?"I ask
"Bout time you and Fallacy tied the knot. Dreamy is sure your grandma would be happy about the great grandchildren."He says
My face burns up.
Jasper laughs.
"So, who gave birth to him? I'm assuming you were the submissive and Fallacy was the dominant one."He asks
My face burns even more.
"Don't you DARE-"I whisper
Jasper points to me.
"Ah, so you and Geno have something in common. Pfft, be ready to be called Mama Encre like he is called Mama Geno."He chuckles
"How do you know those names?"I ask
"There was this child named Shino. She told me that her parents fell in love and with that love as well as the power of the fandom, she and her brothers were born! And they've been calling Geno as a joke or nickname Mama Geno ever since. I have no clue what a fandom is."He says
Jasper bursts out laughing.
How in the world can two guys....? I thought only girls.....Don't question things at this point. But JASPER sure is having fun EMBARRASSING ME!
"Cruzar!"I hear a voice shout
A hand grabs my wrist. I glance over and see Macabre has come over and is holding my wrist. I scoop Jasper up in my other arm.
"Let's talk outside."Macabre says
I get dragged out with them.
"How'd you know I-?"Cruzar begins
"Your boyfriend and I find you are not in the house in the middle of the night, what do you expect? Now where have you been and who are these two?"Macabre snaps
"Mama Encwe!"Jasper cheers
I look at Cruzar.
"You see what you taught him?"I say
He chuckles.
"This is Encre and his son. I had a bad feeling so I went to see why I may get this feeling. I found them here and from what it seems, they went through hell and someone was causing them trouble."Cruzar explains
Macabre says nothing. Then he lifts me over his shoulder and runs.
"Hey! Wait up!"Cruzar shouts
I hold Jasper tight and he just giggles, repeatedly saying Dada or Mama Encwe. Good to know that after all that he is put through that he is still mischievious and trying to be silly.
I see a house appear on the horizon and in a blink I'm inside the house, placed on a couch beside Dream with Jasper still calling me Mama Encwe. Dream gives me a confused look.
"Don't ask. This is Jasper and your boyfriend influenced him. It's a long story."I say, then rock Jasper in my arms to sleep
Macabre goes back to bed while I explain to Dream and Cruzar what REALLY happened. Dream hugs me sweetly, comforting me and assuring that I am safe now. I didn't even realize I was shaking. I fell asleep and woke up to a loud pounding at the door. I get up, answering the door with Jasper sleepily clinging to me as I hold him in my arm. There stands Classique.
"Hey, Encre! I heard about it all from Rufous and Dream! I'm here to-woah! Encre!"He says
I suddenly felt weaker and fell backwards. Jasper woke up and hugs me as everything starts to spin.
"Encre! Stay with me! It's alright! Just don't close your eyes!"Classique says
Jasper nuzzles his skull against mine.
"No. West, Encwe. It will help you betta then stayin up."Jasper tells me
I feel so dizzy and numb. I shut my eyes.
I slowly open my eyes again. I find Jasper still in my arms, clinging to me. I find myself in someone's arms. I couldn't hear anything but a loud ringing. I glance up, seeing Felicia carrying me. I smile a bit but pass out again before anything could progress.
When I woke back up, I am now lying in a bed. I felt strange, split even. I sit up and look around. There are these red curtains around the bed in the sort of way a hospital bed may be surrounded. I notice Jasper is not with me. Part of me panicks. I check my condition and find that I'm covered with bandages and a night gown. One hand is back to my normal white bone while the other is still grey. My body is split between those two colors. I even felt a fang on one side of my mouth while the other did not have a fang.
Where the hell am I? A hospital or was I caught? I could have sworn I was with Classique....Then I think Felicia.....But was that real? I swear if those fools caught me again....
You can bet that I didn't say anything. I am not gonna be one of those idiots in a horror book where the person calls out as if the killer or threat is gonna answer saying:"Hey I'm in the kitchen! Want a sandwhich?"
I try to get up but my feet wouldn't move. I try a bit more and manage to stand beside the bed. Then I see a silhouette on the other side of the curtain. It keeps getting bigger, meaning they are getting closer. I slip back into the bed and find my knife under the pillow. I grab it and keep it in hand tucked under the blanket. The curtains start shifting. I grip the knife tightly. In comes Fallacy, shutting the curtains behind him. I sigh with relief, loosening my grip on the knife.
"Hello."He says
"Hey. Is Jasper okay?"I ask
He nods. I hear a loud shout for help. I recognize it.
"Suave!"I exclaim, trying to get back out of bed
"He's fine. Jasper probably took him flying again. How are you feeling?"He asks
"I am feeling alright. How did I get here?"I ask, knowing I must be somewhere in the castle
"I got some questions for you. Can you please answer them? It's important."He says
"Of course."I say
He leans close.
"Who are you? What happened to you? How'd you get my son and why does he call you Mama? Why is Encre's scent so strong with you? Have you seen him? And thank you for protecting my son."He asks
"Anytime. I'm guessing based on your questions Classique didn't explain anything."I say
"No, he just shouted for us to help you and Jasper before leaving to meet with Toriel."He says
"Well, he calls me that as a joke influenced by Cruzar. I broke him out of a trap. We both got tests ran on us, that's why he is a baby. The scent is strong since I am Encre. And I'm so glad to be back here with you, Fallacy."I tell him
He looks at me in shock. Tears start falling from his eyes.
"Don't cry, Fallacy. It's okay. Everything is okay......"I say, caressing his cheek
I wipe his tears.
"What did they do to you?"He asks
I chuckle nervously.
"You don't wanna know."I say
"Yes I do!"He insists
"They....did a lot. But they made many mistakes. And I don't think anyone will be able to remove your mark again, Avery tried and the mark knocked her away the second she touched it. The last test they did was to drain Jasper's life or genetics I guess in order to make people into vampires that obey them. And I got to be the first one to test it....It failed and they paid for it. The machine is too damaged to fix now. I got Jasper and got out of there."I explain
He leans in, kissing me. He climbs into bed and sleeps beside me.
"Are you sure you are alright?"He asks
"Yeah.."I say
"Do you know what Jasper went through?"He asks
I nod.
"They kept trying to find ways to kill him...A freaking CHILD.....They kept saying that the world would be better without vermin like him.....Then they got the idea of draining the life from him to make others obey them and take down all of the real vampires. A scientist that worked for them said that he would have died from the tests if there wasn't a protection spell on him. It reduced him to a baby. But hey, he still is a lil troublemaker. Cruzar found us and didn't recognize him, so he made Cruzar think we had a baby. Cruzar told about Shino's family and a nickname Mama Geno, so he got Jasper to tease me by calling me Mama Encwe without knowing it was Jasper."I explain
He kisses me again.
"He does see you as a parent figure. Plus his mother does seem to like you anyway."He says
I smile. He gently wraps his arms around me and holds me close. He smiles.
"Everything is okay now."He says
"I know."I say
"No need to worry."He says
"Says the one who was crying."I say
"I didn't know what they would do to you! All I knew was that I wanted them dead for hurting you or Jasper!"He snaps
"Aww, it's okay Mon Amour."I tell him
He smiles.
"Now let's rest before you find another reason to cry. You can tell me what I missed later."I say
"What? I'm no crybaby."He says
I see you took over comforting the crying bean that I call my husband. That statement is a lie and he knows it.
"Your wife disagrees."I say
"She visits you as well?"He asks
I nod.
"Hmph, well I am not a crybaby."He states
"No, but you are an emotional, sensitive and protective being, which can cause you to cry."I say
He smiles.
I look at him.
"My wife just loves messing with me, even as a spirit."He sighs
Then he dozes off into a peaceful slumber. I snuggle up to him in his grip and doze off as well, placing the hidden knife on the nightstand.
Jasper snook into the room and used Encre's phone to take a picture. Then he crawls away before anyone noticed.
The two wounded skeletons look at each other. They did get off track.
"Guess to do something right, you do it YOURSELF."Charles says, then stabs them both in the chest
He watches them turn to dust.
"Now, where is that remote from ENcre's 18th experiment?"He says
TThe scientist hands him one.
"Perfect.~"He says
He starts to scheme.
"I'll wait a while, can't let anyone get suspicious. This will be fun.~"He says
Also I discovered something called a moral chart or something and decided to make one with some of these characters. NOT ALL. I can explain each one.
Lawful Good-Suave:
1.Believes in the commandments of the lawful good's beliefs! "You shall not lie. You shall not betray others.You shall bring criminals and evil-doers to justice. You shall not steal.You shall not harm the innocent."
2.And the actions~"Will never betray a friend and enjoys having close friends.Will take actions to aid others during times of crisis, even if unprofitable to do so.Believes everyone should be treated fairly and kindly.Feels guilt when he commits a wrongdoing and will seek to right his wrong." HE IS AN INNOCENT BEAN AFTER ALL!
Neutral Good:Rufous and Jasper:
1.They don't completely follow the law and do what they think is right more than what is fact. Jasper breaks rules to be troublesome. Rufous went against a KING and caused riots for his friend.
2.Rules:You shall lie only to evil-doers.You shall not harm the innocent.You shall follow the law unless breaking the law results in more good.You shall not betray others. You shall bring evil-doers to justice.
3.Actions:Will never betray a friend and enjoys having close friends.
Chaotic Good-Encre and his family:
1.You shall lie in the pursuit of goodness. You shall not harm the innocent.You shall break the law in pursuit of goodness.You shall not betray others.
2.Not all of the actions match but these do:Will not want to disappoint his family.Will support their family even if it means personal discomfort.Will never betray a friend and enjoys having close friends.Considers the needs of the community in personal life.Will give his life in defense of his community.Will take actions to aid others during times of crisis, even if unprofitable to do so.Believes everyone should be treated fairly and kindly.Feels guilt when he commits a wrongdoing and will seek to right his wrong.
3.They can get very violent or chaotic when angry or others are in danger.
Lawful Neutral-Classique and Cruzar and partly Macabre:
1.Both of them don't COMPLETELY follow the law. Classique is a messenger that is working for Toriel, who works against Asgore and therefore is treason. Cruzar doesn't always follow the monster hunter rules and doesn't go rogue either. Macabre is the same.
2.They believe in these rules:You shall not kill the innocent.You shall not betray others. You shall not aid criminals(unless morally right).
3.Actions:Respects the authority figures in his family and obeys their mandates.(Classique:Toriel is like is fam and the same is Macabre for Cruzar or vice versa.)
4.Ex:Cruzar won't kill anyone unless it's a threat and his boyfriend is a vampire, one of the most popular creatures to be hunted. Classique does not agree with Asgore's actions and will do anything to help Toriel or those Asgore labels criminals.
True Neutral-Dream, Azure, Azula:
1.None of them are completely good or evil. They are in the middle. None of them are innocent. Dream killed a village, Azure assaulted a guard to save Encre/started riots against the king when he was a guard meant to serve the king. Azula killed anyone that tried hurting Encre's grandparents while on duty and died protecting his grandma.
2.Rules:You shall avoid lies.You shall not kill the innocent.
3.Actions:Will take risks if the benefits are great.Is generally well liked by his community,Has few close friends and would never betray those he has
Chaotic Neutral-Fallacy and Felicia
1.Both can get chaotic or violent when upset and their beloved ones are attacked(Just look at the Blood Moon or when Encre, Suave, Jasper or anyone they love are hurt)
2.Rules:You shall not kill the innocent.You shall break the law whenever convenient.(Like loving a skeleton that isn't a vampire and avoiding meetings-AHEM FALLACY!)
3.Though they don't see themselves above the law, their actions with society are:Finds most people narrow-minded and inflexible(MOST VAMPIRES WITH FALLACY AND ENCRE'S RELATIONSHIP) Finds legal procedures of his nation corrupt(LOOKING AT ASGORE's RULES)
Lawful Evil-Asgore:
2.CODE:You shall not lie. You shall harm the innocent to advance yourself or promote order.(Encre for example)You shall kill to advance yourself or promote order.(Orders others to kill Encre and his friends) You shall not aid the weak.You shall use the law to advance yourself and your comrades.You shall seek unlimited power over others.
3.Actions:Is not trusted by the community and may have enemies.Will kill others to get ahead.Uses any legal means necessary to evade justice.Will use wealth to destroy others.
Neutral Evil-Macabre and Poussière:
1.CODE:They stick to it but also make exceptions.(poussière for Azure and Macabre for whoever Cruzar is fond of.)
2.Actions or Beliefs:Values his family, but will not heed their requests necessarily.Will provide for friends, and expects to be repaid in some manner.(Fallacy owes Poussière)Is not concerned with politics, most likely.Will take risks if the benefits are great.Will kill others to get ahead.(Macabre is monster hunter and with Poussière in the blood moon).
Chaotic Evil-Horror:
1.I think it's obvious
Link to website I found this info and definitions of the chart is here if you want to check the positions I chose for them:
The alignment system
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